English 201 Exam 3

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The Age of Reason

Another name for the Restoration is

"The Disappointment"

Aphra Behn offers a response to Wilmot's curse to women at the end of "The Imperfect Enjoyment" in which one of her works?

the heroic couplet

As seen in the witty rhyming of "An Essay on Man" in pairs of lines like, "Know then thyself, presume not God to scan; / The proper study of mankind is man," which metrical form was Pope said to have brought to perfection?

he promises not to spy on the King in his palace

Gulliver agrees to all of the following conditions in order to be free in Lilliput EXCEPT?

commentary on the defective political, social, and economic institutions of the time

Gulliver's Travels is characterized by which of the following?

John Milton's Paradise Lost

In An Essay on Man, Pope claims that he hopes to 'vindicate' God's ways to man. What poem does this echo?

son of

In Dryden's "Mac Flecknoe," Mac means

greater emphasis on "metaphysics"

In the English Augustan Age, all of the following were stylistic changes EXCEPT

the pettiness of Protestant and Catholic controversies

In the first part of Gulliver's Travels the edict involving egg-breaking ("big-endians" vs "little-endians") alludes to:


The Exclusion Crisis had no immediate effect on the British political system nor did it have any lasting effect. True or False.

Sir Francis Bacon

The Restoration and the eighteenth century saw an enormous upsurge of interest in natural philosophy, or what we now think of as science. Empiricism and the scientific method was key to this new science. Which figure is most closely associated with empiricism of this time?

the Tories and the Whigs

The crisis over the Exclusion Bill effectively divided the country into which two political parties?

Whigs and Tories

The high heels and low heels in Gulliver's Travels are meant to represent

1660-1700 (emphasis on neoclassicism and elegant, simple prose); 1700-1744 (emphasis on satire and wit); 1744-1785 (emphasis on the novel, nature poetry)

The literature of the Restoration and the eighteenth century divides into three shorter periods of approximately 40 years each. Which of the statements below most accurately describes these three periods?

c. 1660-1700 (emphasis on neoclassicism and elegant, simple prose); 1700-1744 (emphasis on satire and wit); 1744-1785 (emphasis on the novel, nature poetry)

The literature of the Restoration and the eighteenth century divides into three shorter periods of approximately 40 years each. Which of the statements below most accurately describes these three periods?

-to ridicule -to correct human follies and vices

The object of satire is


True or false? The narrator claims his scheme will have these advantages: tavern business will increase locally; exports will profit the nation; poor tenants will have a means of making money; the number of Papists (Catholics; then viewed as a threat to the English throne) will be reduced; and it will increase domestic tenderness of men toward their wives and promote marriage.

Whigs and Tories

The two new political parties that formed in Great Britain during this period were called

the bluestockings

Which group of intellectual women established literary clubs of their own around 1750 under the leadership of Elizabeth Vesey and Elizabeth Montagu?

the heroic couplet

Which metrical form was Pope said to have brought to perfection?

Lord Squanderfield

Which name was not a member of Addison and Steele's "The Spectator's Club"?

All knowledge is derived from experience.

Which of the following best describes the doctrine of empiricism?

England, Scotland, and Wales

Which of the following countries were united as Great Britain by the 1707 Act of Union?

Marlowe's Doctor Faustus

Which of the following is not an example of Restoration comedy?

Tobias Smollett's Roderick Randsom

Which of the following is not indebted to the Gothic genre?

saying one thing, but implying something different, often the opposite

Which of the following is the best definition of irony?

the exploitation of colonial resources, labor, and the slave trade

Which of the following was a major factor in the unprecedented economic wealth of Great Britain during the eighteenth century?

simian rivalry

Which of the following was probably not a stock phrase in eighteenth-century poetry?

Aphra Behn, Delarivier Manley, and Eliza Haywood

Which of the following women exposed themselves to scandal by writing racy stories for the popular press?

Everyone dies, even the famous and glorious.

Which of these is the best paraphrase of the line "The paths of glory lead but to the grave" (line 36)?


Which philosophy locates the bases of social conduct in instinctual feeling rather than divinely sanctioned moral codes?


Which poet, critic and translator brought England a modern literature between 1660 and 1700?

-it begins in 1660 -It marks the restoration and re-opening of English theatres and the restoration of the Church of England as the established church. -the monarchy was returned to the English throne

Which statement is correct about the Restoration period being called the Restoration?


Which type of satire treats the low, mean, or absurd in the grand language, lofty style, and solemn tone of the epic tradition.


Which word did writers in this period use to express quickness of mind, inventiveness, a knack for conceiving images and metaphors and for perceiving resemblances between things apparently unlike

Pope's The Rape of the Lock

Which work exposes the frivolity of fashionable London?

a book of model letters

While compiling what sort of book did Samuel Richardson conceive of the idea for his Pamela, or Virtue Rewarded?

Robert Walpole

Who became the first "prime minister" of Great Britain in the reign of George II?

James II

Who was deposed from the English throne in the Glorious, or Bloodless, Revolution in 1688?


Who was the ancient Gaelic warrior-bard considered by Napoleon and Thomas Jefferson to have been greater than Homer?

the graveyard school

Who was the group of writers emphasizing sensibility? The subjects of their works were often the deserted village and decaying farms left vacant by the surge in industry and trade that made London and other English urban centers grow so rapidly?

Laurence Sterne

Who wrote The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, a novel that abandons clock time for psychological time?

Thomas Shadwell

Whom is the person Dryden is satirically mocking in the poem Mac Flecknoe?

Samuel Johnson

Whose great Dictionary, published in 1755, included more than 114,000 quotations?


A major sub‐theme in the memoir involves Equiano's conversion to

applies the Whig notion of commerce to many aspects of life

A product of British imperialism, Addison and Steele's The Spectator:


According to Samuel Johnson, "No man but a blockhead ever wrote except for...:

modeled an ideal intellectual life and social politeness

Addison and Steele's Tatler and Spectator

-theoretical science -metaphysics -abstract logical deductions

Against which of the following principles did Jonathan Swift inveigh?

England shifted from a republican Puritan commonwealth to an aristocratic Anglican monarchy.

At the beginning of the Restoration period, there was a seismic shift in the social, political, and religious attitudes of the English. Which of the following statements best describes that shift?

-He has no children who will be affected by the scheme, and thus cannot make money from it. -His wife is past childbearing, and thus the narrator cannot benefit by "breeding" her.

At the conclusion of the Proposal, the narrator declares that he has "not the least personal interest in endeavoring to promote this necessary work, having no other motive than the public good of my country" (2639). What evidence does the narrator give that his advice is free from other motives?


Consider the setting established in Swift's opening paragraph. In what "great town" does one see the "melancholy object" of mothers begging bread for their children?


During the Restoration, an increased importance was placed on the private literary genres, like diaries, and public genres, like periodicals. True or False.

the present emperor's grandfather

Explaining the seeming contradiction between these good laws and the rope-dancing corruptions, Gulliver says that the latter were instituted by whom?

marriage based on aristocratic scheming

Hogarth painted Marriage a la Mode series as biting social commentary. What was it in society that he thought should be changed?

Poetry ought to be a visual as well as a verbal art.

Horace's doctrine "ut pictura poesis" was interpreted to mean:


Hudibras is a famous example of the form of satire that takes a serious subject a debases it by using a low style or distorts it by grotesque exaggeration. Hudibras is a famous example of this form of satire


In "A Modest Proposal," one of the ways the narrator justifies the proposal is claiming that another nation already practices his proposal and a friend of his from that country can testify that the source of food makes rather good meals. To which nation does his friend belong?

Lord Squanderfield

In "Marriage-a-la-Mode," this man is trying to secure is family's future by marrying his son off to the daughter of a family that is rich, but of lower class than his:


In An Essay on Man, Pope claims that "whatever is, IS _________"?


In the introduction to Wilmot , page 2297 points out that the poem is really a criticism of the Age of Reason becuase it challenges notions that right reason can lead all men to noble action. Instead, like Hobbes, Wilmot points out that people are driven by what as much as they are driven by reason.

champions of ancient and modern learning

In the late seventeenth century, a "battle of the books" erupted between which two groups?

a person who imagines projects and schemes

In what sense does Swift use the word "projector" in this piece?


In which format did Swift present his satire, Gulliver's Travels?


Joseph Addison and Richard Steele were pioneers in which literary form?


Many Restoration writers sought to consolidate and popularize the social graces of the previous age. Many turned to these forms of writing that appeared at frequent intervals and characteristically in the form of essays. They were read and then discussed in coffeehouses, salons, and other segments of the public sphere. What were these forms called?

Equiano finds nothing

Olaudah Equiano sees the flaws in himself when he cares for a silversmith not out of the desire for the common good but out of a desire for wealth. When he opens the silversmith's trunk

he middle passage

Olaudah Equiano's experience contributed to the abolition of slavery because he exposed the horrors of slavery to a European audience. One of these horrors was the trip slave made from Africa. This portion of the slave trade is known as


One of the Restoration's emerging social ideas was that of politeness. True or False.

write this work

Oppression of the poor by landlords, lack of training in trades by which poor people could improve their lot, and want of food and housing for the poor all drove Swift to

can't perform sexually

Rochester's "The Imperfect Enjoyment" is ironic because it is in the voice of a libertine who when faced with sexual pleasure


Satirical writing became quite popular during the Restoration and continued well into the 1700s. Which satirical work examines the religious conflict that split Britain?

was originally intended as satire on current affairs

Swift's Gulliver's Travels


The six-inch-high people whom Gulliver meets on his first voyage are known as

break one's egg at the larger end (Blefuscu) or the smaller end (Lilliput)

The source of the hostilities between Lilliput and Blefuscu is a dispute over whether one should


This character explains to Gulliver the political tensions between the two principal parties, the High-Heels and the Low-Heels.

The Toleration Act

This law or act relaxed the strain of religious conflict by granting a limited freedom of worship to Dissenters so long as they swore allegiance to the crown.

Monsieur de la Pillule

This quack is the doctor in Hogarth's work


This word designates the belief that social conduct, or the desire to do good to your fellow man, rested in instinctual feeling rather than divinely sanctioned moral codes. It also stressed the social importance of fellow feeling and sympathy in social relations.

-tangling walks, ruined bowers -the glassy brook, now choked with sedges -long grass overtopping the moldering wall

Throughout "The Deserted Village", nature's invasion of the deserted village is not cause for celebration, as it might be in a Romantic poem; instead, nature is taking the place of the once-productive human occupants of this space. Identify below all of the images associated with this idea.

Grub Street

What London locale, where many poor writers lived, became synonymous with hacks and scandal mongers?

he was able to buy and sell goods while working on ships owned by his master

What circumstance enabled Equiano to buy his freedom?

That humanity should use reason but should understand that people cannot know everything.

What does Pope conclude after describing humanity's place in the universe?

the conviction that he was damned forever

What drove William Cowper to break down and become a recluse?

indentured servitude in the colonies, thievery, or beggary

What fate awaits the starving children of this "great town"?

the Act of Union

What happened in 1707 that would forever alter the relationship between England, Wales, and Scotland?

He is no longer afraid to die.

What important change does Equiano's new religious faith produce?


What is Lemuel Gulliver's occupation?

a poem written as a lament for someone who has died

What is an elegy?

A letter to a person, which is usually formal.

What is an epistle?

- the public venues where readers circulated and discussed matters of public interest -published commentary on matters of national interest

What is the "public sphere"?

to use the one-year-old babies of the poor as food for the rich

What is the proposal made in "A modest Proposal"?

Dryden's Absalom and Achitophel

What literary work best captures a sense of the political turmoil, particularly regarding the issue of religion, just after the Restoration?

Gustavus Vassa

What name is Equiano given by his master?


What name is given to the English literary period that emulated the Rome of Virgil, Horace, and Ovid?


What term refers to an ardent, unmitigated approach to belief that people of The Restoration considered very dangerous. In fact, the most widely shared intellectual impulse of the age was a distrust of it.

the monarchy, in the person of Charles II

What was "restored" in 1660?


What was most frequently considered a source of pleasure and an object of inquiry by Augustan poets?

people who wanted to keep current would subscribe to a manuscript newsletter

What was the origin of the modern newspaper?


What word did writers in this period use to express quickness of mind, inventiveness, a knack for conceiving images and metaphors and for perceiving resemblances between things apparently unlike?

-expensive financially -emotionally precious

When Swift writes, "I grant this food will be somewhat dear, and therefore very proper for landlords, who, as they have already devoured most of the parents, seem to have the best title to the children" (2635), the word "dear" means

the Gothic romance

With its forbidden themes of incest, murder, necrophilia, atheism, and torments of sexual desire, Horace Walpole's Castle of Otranto, created which literary genre?

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