English Comp Review 2019 10th Grade

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where does the quote "singing with open mouths their strong melodious songs come from

I hear America singing

in a general history of Virginia, who brings the soldiers food during the harsh winter for which they were unprepared

Native American savages

where does the quote "we hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal" come from

declaration of independence

-------- is a form of government in which people choose leaders by voting and in which everyone has equal rights


according to Patrick Henry in speech in the Virginia convention, which of the following is true

diplomatic discussion with Britain has utterly failed, the war with Britain has already begun, and the only two options remaining are liberty and death

which literary term is the process by which the personality of a character is explicit described, usually by the narrator or by another character

direct characterization

which lessons does Mary rowlandson take from her experience in captivity

don't be jealous of the suffering of others, just in gods guidance, and be grateful for gods mercy

in I taste a liquor never brewed, to what does the speaker compare immersion in nature


which literary term is clues in a text that suggest future events in the plot


identify the sentence structure. underneath the utterly damaged black umbrella


cavalry crossing a ford, by Walt Whitman is written in which rhythm and meter

free verse

according to the declaration of independence what is the source of human rights

god himself

according to Frederick Douglas in "the meaning of July 4th for the negro, with regard to slavery, America is -----

guilty of more barbarous crimes than any other country

in the autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, Franklin finds that great thinkers have given broad definitions to certain virtues. what does he do to remedy this for himself

he appends a short saying to each virtue, he uses more virtues with fewer ideas attached to each, and he gives each virtue a precise name

in the adventures of huck Finn, widow Douglas and miss Watson try to civilize huck in religion and manners. why is hucks reaction to their attempts important

his reaction establishes him as somewhat independent from society, its habits, and its norms

what force dominates the life of rip van winkle in the beginning of the story

his wife

in hope is the thing with feathers, what claim does the person make

hope is most cherished during dark periods

in the adventure of luck Finn, Tom Sawyer tries to create adventures for his gang early in the novel. the corresponding scenes are fairly ridiculous, as the group eventually plans to raid a Sunday school picnic. what important character trait should the reader have learned from these events

huch questions things that others generally accept

in huck finn, Nhuck seems to believe his fathers justification for lifting a chicken, which implies what to the reader

huck has been negatively influenced by southern culture in some ways

in huck finn, huck insists on exploring the floating house on the river. Jim protests, but huck insists further, and they board the house. what should the reader have learned about huck from this scene

huck has yet to empathize with aims situation

which literary term is a figure of speech that involves an exaggeration of some sort for the sake of emphasis , it is often humorous


according to Ralph Waldo Emerson in. nature because language comes from nature, it will always be ---


when does Anne brad streets house burn down

in the middle of the night

which literary term is the technique in which the traits of the character are revealed by observing hi thoughts process, behavior, appearance, and way of communication with others characters, and also by discerning the responses of other characters

indirect characterization

in huck finn, paps outrage over the mulatto msn from Ohio being allowed to vote is an example of---


in a general history of Virginia, which of the following did John smith help to found


in Nhuck finn, hacks relationship with Jim and his view of Jim develops throughout the novel. what does huck see in Jim that helps change the way he views jim

jims fortitude

benjamin Franklin does not attain moral perfection, however he

knows he is better off for having pursued, recommends that others strive for it as he did, and tells his descendants that he owes much of his success to pursuing it

in civil disobedience, the author argues that the best government is the one which governs ----


which literary term is a technique that attempts to portray accurate dialect patters, speech, mannerisms, customs etc, of a particular group of people

local color

what is an example of internal conflict

man vs self

throughout most of the storyline in masque of the red death, what type of event is taking place

masquerade ball

literary device- an implied comparison between two things based on one or more qualities they share ex. harry is an animal on the football field


literary device- denotes the number of times a rhythmic pattern is repeated in a line of poetry


which literary movement suggests that uncontrollable forces such as heredity and environment determine a persons fate


in the ministers veil, does the narrator intend for the reader to see mr hooper as a hero

no, because mr hooper lets his sinfulness alienate him from others

thomas Paine advocated "transnational" human rights. what does transnational mean in this context

not limited by national boundaries

in what way does the author of a parable of sauntering apply the lesson of sauntering to life outside of the mountains

one ought not to hike through life, one should saunter through life and enjoy it, and one ought to measure life in terms of beauty, love, and friendship

Anne Bradstreet concludes her poem to my dear and loving husband with the words "that when we live no more we may live ever." this is an example of which literary device


literary device-a seemingly absurd assertion violating commonsense usually in pursuit of an uncommon insight


in this poem, the persona addresses science as if it were a man or woman. this is an example of which literary device


literary device- metaphorically giving human qualities to something nonhuman


literary device-written language in its ordinary form, without metrical structure (the opposite of poetry)


who is the author of A parable of sauntering

albert W palmer

britons blazed and freedoms fabric are examples of which literary device


literary device-a reference to a piece of information assumed to be known-often a detail from other literature, classical myth, or the bible


the quote "we shall be as a city upon a hill" is a manifestation of which theme

american exceptionalism

in the masque of the red death, how is the final room(the most westward room) in the castle colored

black with red stained glass

which literary term is the struggle between two opposing forces


according to the author of self reliance, self reliance is the opposite of what/


when lilacs last in the dooryard bloom'd is a poem ruminating on Lincolns assassination; however the persona also ----

reflects on the universal nature of death

in poes the raven the word nevermore is an example of which literary device


literary device-a pattern of sound variation utilizing stressed and unstressed syllables


in the narrative of the captivity and restoration of mrs Mary rowlandson, what best describes rowlandsons relationship and connection with god

rowlandson feels devoted to god through the narrative, and she routinely cites scripture and attributes kindly acts of others to gods will

------ is a theory maintaining the political and economic independence of the individual and stressing individual initiative, action, and interests

self reliance

the poem icabod was written about whom

sen. daniel webster

where does the quote "there are forces in operations which must inevitably work the downfall of slavery" come from

the meaning of July 4th for the negro

in the essay walden, Thoreau openly criticizes which organization

the post office

where does the quote " once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary" come from

the raven

in huck finn, Nhuck and Jim discuss king Solomon, king Louis xvi, and language. amid all of these discussions, Jim seems ill informed. when discussing Solomons reason for cutting the baby in half, Jim reasons it has something do to with-------

the way Solomon was raised

in common sense, Thomas Paine write that because of America, something is happening that has not happened since the time of Noah. what is it

the world is being rebuilt

in I hear America singing, why does the persona make mention of so many professions

to express how all Americans, though different, are one in their American identity

in the great stone face, why does the narrator mention that the prophecy of the great stone face stretches back to the native americans

to sow the prophecies connection to the land

who is the author of the devil and tom walker

Washington irving

in the great stone face who is the person who finally fulfills the ancient prophecy of the great stone face

a local farmer

in letters from a American farmer, what image does the author use to say that, in America individuals of many nations become one new race of men

a melting pot

in because I could not stop for death, death and immortality are personified as what type of people

a suitor and a chaperone

what is the most dominant theme in a parable of sauntering?

appreciation of nature

according to the author of thanatopsis, why is ones final resting place magnificent

because one goes to rest with the great figures of past ages

in on being brought from Africa to America, why does the persons give thanks for being brought to america

because she is converted to christianity in america

in the devil and tom walker, what does the devil offer tom

captain kids treasure

according to the author of Letters from an American farmer, what are the reasons why America is so great

children in America can be healthy and playful, there is no lord in control of a man's land, and payments to churches are voluntary

in the poem, the persona makes references to various figures from greek mythology without explaining what they are. this is an amp of which literary device

classical allusion

which literary term is the point in a literary work at which the conflict or tension peaks


where does the quote "for as in absolute government the king is law, so in free countries the law ought to be king" come from

common sense

identify the sentence structure of each. during the times she felt most alone, Maria prayed for guidance


identify the sentence structure. the priest was joyful, and he loved his work


identify the sentence structure. as he stored food for the winter months, the squirrel hid acorns, and he forgot where he buried them.


------- is defined as a belief in human equality, especially with respect to social, political, and economic affairs


in the adventures of huck Finn, twain repeatedly mocks which group of people

elderly people

in the ministers black veil, who is the one person not disgusted by mr hoopers veil


whatsis the perspective (point of view) of the declaration of independence

first person

in a bird came down the walk, the persona approaches the bird that---

flies away

what is the genre of sinners in the hands of an angry god


literary device- an explicit comparison between two things that uses the words like or as


identify the sentence structure. Justine has been counting the days until summer vacation.


in walden, the author describes how he went to walden in pursuit of which virtue


literary device-a type of rhyme formed by words with similar but not identical sounds ex bridge/grudge

slant rhyme

where does the quote " give me liberty or give me death" come from

speech in the Virginia convention

literary device-a poetic unit of lines sometimes characterized by a pattern of meter and rhyme


in a hymn to the evening what does the persona pray after she is inspired by the beauty of the scenery

that all souls may be as beautiful as the evening

to whom was JFKs City upon a hill speech delivered

the Massachusetts state legislature

in rip van winkle, what transpires while rip is asleep

the colonists win the revolutionary war

according to Theodore Roosevelt In "true americanism: devotion to what is the most important/

the country

in tell all truth but tell it slant, what does the persona argue

the full truth can be overwhelming

which literary term is the appearance of being true or real; the quality of being realistic so that is is plausible


according to Ralph Waldo Emerson in nature, why don't we properly appreciate nature

we have learned to ignore it

in an American soldier, Phillip freneau seems to imply----

we quickly forget about those who fought

in the disinterred warrior, what is the final plea made by the persona

we should respect the graves of native americans

what is the primary meaning of the quotation "we shall be as a city upon a hill"

we will be a model of justice and good behavior

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