English Composition 151 Midterm Ch. Questions

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What are "Boolean Operators" and how can you use them when you are conducting your research?

"Boolean Operators" are specific keywords that may help in narrowing down research on a specific database. For example: *AND* helps narrows your search *OR* broadens search to find items containing either item *NOT* excludes items irrelevant to your search.

What is the difference between what "cause" asks and what "effect" asks?

*"Cause" asks:* Why did "X" happen? Why does "X" happen? Why will "X" happen? *"Effect" asks:* What did "Y" produce? What does "Y" produce? What will "Y" produce?

What are some things to remember when developing your causal analysis essay?

1) Present a reasonable thesis statement 2)Limit your essay to a discussion of recent, major causes or effects 3)Organize your essay clearly 4)Convince your reader that causal analysis relationship exists by showing how the relationship works

What are the three basic rules on how to write a good title?

1) The title should not be underlines, italicized, or put into quotation marks. It should be written at the top of the essay, or on a title page with no extra marks of punctuation. 2) You must always capitalize the first, last, and important words of your title. You do not capitalize words like, "an," "a," "the," or prepositions, unless they appear as the first or last words of the title, or follow a colon within the title. 3) Lastly, titles can be written based on a prominent word or phrase, followed by a colon introducing a definition, a question, or some other kind of explanatory material to interest the reader.

What does a good argumentative essay entail?

A good argumentative essay contains logical reasoning and solid evidence that will persuade your readers to accept your point of view.

What is the purpose of a good lead-in?

A good lead-in should catch the readers attention, announce the subject and tone of the essay, and sets up the presentation of your essay's thesis and essay map.

What is a memo and what is its significance?

A memo is a brief message, containing important bulletins, announcements, or reminders. A memo's significance is that it is a common form of communication within businesses or organizations, often with a more informal style and tone.

What is a nonfiction expository narrative?

A nonfiction expository narrative are stories that are used to explain or prove a point.

What is a questionnaire and how can it be useful to your essay/ research?

A questionnaire is a series of questions or statements designed to obtain people's opinions about certain ideas, products, issues, activities or even other people. This can be useful when writing a research essay because the information you acquire from the questionnaire can be used as evidence to back up your topic

How can you focus your topic for your research reports?

A research report is when you expose, explain or summarize a situation or problem for the audience. To focus on a topic for a paper like this you must do some preliminary research, preferably on a topic that interests you. Portray the essay as a learning experience for both you and the reader to be able to profit from.

What is the importance of writing an effective resume?

A resume is a document that presents a brief summary of your educational background, work experiences, professional skills, professional qualifications and honors. (Some may also contain a brief list of references and their contact information.) This is important so you can display essential information about yourself to your prospective employer and influence them to hire you.

Why is a thesis statement so crucial to an essay?

A thesis statement provides direction to your clearly stated subject for your essay. Everything in your essay should support and relate back to your thesis.

What are some potential uses for a journal?

Keeping a journal always allows you to write down ideas and impressions for future use, improves powers of observation, allows creativity, keep notes, focuses on a problem, etc.

Why is it important to know and be able to identify with your audience?

Knowing your audience helps you to discover what voice to use in your essay. This also helps you to know exactly what to talk about and/or stress about, which topics may need additional explanation, and what sort of language to adopt.

What are some ways you can avoid errors in conclusions?

Some ways you can avoid errors in conclusions is by trying to find an original, empathetic way to conclude your essay, you don't introduce new points or irrelevant material, you don't add on unnecessary words or information to your conclusion, you don't change your stance, you avoid trite expressions, and you don't insult or anger your reader.

What is your most important goal as a writer and why?

The most important goal as a writer is to communicate your ideas clearly to your readers, because your readers cannot fully understand your topic until you explain it to them.

What is the point in using transitional words in a paragraph?

This helps the reader to move smoothly from one thought to the next, so that they new ideas do not seem disconnected or choppy.

Why is it important to have a good concluding paragraph?

This is important because it is your last chance to convince your reader of your thesis and to emphasize the validity and importance of your thinking.

Why is it important to write about something that interests you?

This is important because that way you wont become bored while writing it and the essay will stay interesting and informational. This way your reader is also entertained and learning a little about what interests you and about the subject.

Why is it important to have new, clear and active information throughout your essay?

This is important because unnecessary or repetitious information is boring and too little of a discussion will leave the reader uninformed, unconvinced or confused.

What are some questions you should ask yourself before writing a business letter? Why are these questions crucial?

What is the main purpose of your letter? Who is your "audience"? What does the reader need to know, understand, or decide to do after reading this letter? What overall impression of yourself do you want your letter to present? These questions are important to make sure your letter is presented and formatted correctly based on your particular audience. This way, you express your point thoroughly and get your message across clearly

What are some things to remember when writing an effective narrative essay?

When you are are writing your narrative essay, remember to know your purpose, present you main point clearly, follow a logical time sequence, use sensory details to hold the readers interest, create authentic details, and use dialogue realistically.

What should you use to write a well-informed, persuasive essay?

You should use clear and specific supporting evidence to ensure you audience understands your point.

What are some problems to avoid when writing your causal analysis?

a) Don't oversimplify: make your analysis as complete and objective as you can. b) Avoid the "post hoc" fallacy: error in logic that results when we mistake a temporal connection for a causal relationship. c) Avoid circular logic: often causal essays can chase their own tails and become dead ends.

What are some problems you should avoid in your essay and what can you do to avoid them?

a. Don't present an incomplete definition: always narrow down your subject to a manageable size and then define it as thoroughly as possible. b. Don't begin by quoting Webster: try to find a unique way to blend a standard definition into your discussion. c. Don't define vaguely or by using generalities: use specific, vivid details to explain your subject. d. Don't offer circular definitions: explain your subject, don't just rename it.

When developing your essay, what are some important things to remember?

a. Know your purpose b. Give your readers a reason to read c. Keep your audience in mind to avoid problems of clarity d. Clarify your definition

What are three important things to remember when proofreading?

1)Always go over your drafts several times. 2)Make sure all hard copies look professional before turning them in. 3)Check to be sure you have formatted your paper exactly as your assignment has been requested.

What is an essay map?

A brief statement in the introductory paragraph introducing major points to be discussed in the essay.

What does an essay map have to do with your thesis?

An essay map allows readers to know in advance where the writer will be taking them in the essay.

What is an extended definition and why is it important?

An extended definition is a longer, more detailed explanation that thoroughly defines the subject. It is important because it provides a clear understanding of terms or ideas, which is essential to meaningful communication.

What is annotated bibliography and what is its importance?

Annotated bibliography is a description of each important source that includes the basic bibliographic facts, as well as, a brief summary of each entry's content. It is important because it will help you remember the specific data of each one so you are capable of of locating the material later in the planning or drafting stages of your writing process.

Why should you answer hypothetical objections?

Answering hypothetical objections to impress the readers by showing them you've thought through your position before asking them to consider your point of view.

Explain how causal analysis is a type of expository writing.

Causal analysis can be a powerful type of expository writing by providing your reader with information on the chosen topic whether is be on the cause, effect or both.

What is causal analysis and how can you analyze a cause?

Causal analysis explains the cause and effect relationship between 2 or more elements. To analyze a cause is when you discuss the result produced by something.

Why are critical thinking skills vital to the writers and readers of an essay?

Critical thinking is important for writers because writers must take a close examination of all evidence throughout the essay and accept it before you pass it along to your readers. Critical thinking is important for readers because readers must be able to reflect upon the writers ideas and must be able to accept them.

In what way is definition truly effective?

Definition is only effective if your explanation is clear, especially to those who are unfamiliar or confused about the term/concept under discussion.

What is drafting and why is it important?

Drafting is discovering and recollecting information and then developing ideas from your earlier plans. This is important because it allows and reminds the writer to make continuous changes throughout your essay and provides ideas on how to go about doing so.

What are some ways to argue your ideas logically?

Evidence provides logical arguments to back up your assertions. Some ways to do this is by give examples (real or hypothetical), present a comparison or contrast, show a cause and effect relationship, and provide statistical evidence.

What is the difference between extended and brief narrative?

Extended narrative is a long episode that by itself illustrates or supports an essay's thesis. Brief narrative is a shorter incident that is often used in a body paragraph to support or illustrate a particular point in an essay.

What is a discovery draft?

It is a pre-writing exercise that extends deeper into finding you real focus for your essay.

Distinguish the difference between paraphrasing and summarizing?

Paraphrasing puts information in the researcher's own words, but it does follow the order of original text. Summarizing is generally a much shorter version of the original essay or paper.

What is the purpose of pre-writing techniques?

Pre-writing techniques help the writer to find their essays purpose and focus, and keep their topic clear.

Why is revision important to the whole structure of your essay?

Revision allows you rethink what you have written, come up with new ideas, and to look at your writing with a new perspective, and make more effective changes throughout your essay

What are some collaborative activities, and why are they useful?

Some collaborative activities include: peer revision, group work, and team projects. These are useful during the writing process because this can help writers come up with alternative ways of thinking about their topic, and may encourage them to make significant changes to their prose.

What are some problems to avoid when writing your narrative essay?

Some problems to avoid are to choose your subject carefully, limit your scope, and to not let your story lag or wander.

What are some reasons as to why we define?

Some reasons as to why we define is to clarify an abstract term or concept, to provide a personal interpretation of a term that may be too vague to the reader, to explain a new or unusual term or phrase, to help make a certain language or technical terms more understandable, to offer more information about a term or an idea, or to inform and entertain an audience by using colorful history, uses, effects, examples, expressions, or concepts.

What is the goal in trying to find an appropriate tone for your essay?

The goal is to persuade the readers, not to alternate them, and show them you are sincere to be truthful and fair.

What is the purpose of an effective cover letter?

The purpose of a cover letter is to use it to introduce yourself to your future employer and explain why you are applying and why you are the best candidate for the job. A cover letter allows you to discuss and emphasize your expertise, special talents, or relevant experience, as well as, display your excellent writing and thinking skills.

What does the traditional business letter format entail?

The traditional business letter format contains a heading (address and date), an inside address(person you are writing to, their title/position, name of company with an address), a salutation (greeting to your reader), the "body" (the message that appears in the paragraphs), a complimentary closing (a conventional farewell to the reader), a signature, and some letters may contain additional information for the reader at the end of the letter.

How do you avoid reader whiplash?

The writer needs to revise the paragraph's internal logic and flow, or perhaps even consider a new paragraph. Do not rely on transitional devices, when in reality, deep structured revision for coherence is needed.

Why do you write your working thesis statement at the top of your draft?

This helps reduce your chances from drifting away from the purpose of your essay and stick to your direction.

How can you use dialogue realistically?

Using dialogue realistically helps readers identify with the characters, and creates a sense of "you are there." The right dialogue can help make your story more realistic and interesting, provides the conversations are essential to the narrative and not merely padding the plot.

What is the importance in recognizing your opposing points?

When you acknowledge your oppositions points, it shows your readers why that reason, although valid, is not compelling enough by itself to motivate people to adopt your point of view.

How do you avoid errors in lead-ins?

You can avoid errors in lead-ins by making sure that your lead-ins introduce your thesis, keep your lead-in brief, don't assume that your audience already knows information on your subject, and staying clear of over-used lead-ins

How do you achieve paragraph coherence? What are the 5 important means?

You should have a smooth connection or transition between the sentences in your paragraphs. Natural/ easily recognized order Transitional words/ phrases Repetition of key words Substitution of pronouns for key nouns Parallelism

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