English exam study guide

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Which of the following expresses a similarity between the central ideas found in Society and Solitude and Chapter I of Nature? A. Both passages stress the importance of individual contemplation. B. Both passages explain what makes up a solid and productive society. C. Both passages discourage either too much socializing or too much solitude. D. Both passages offer time spent in nature as a substitute for human company.

A. Both passages stress the importance of individual contemplation.

Which statement describes a similarity between "That I did always love" and "'Why do I love' You, Sir?"? A. Both poems address the subject of undying passion. B. Both poems contain an unreachable object or goal. C. Both poems convey a sense of desperation. D. Both poems end on a note of optimism about receiving love.

A. Both poems address the subject of undying passion.

Read the excerpt from "To One in Paradise," by Edgar Allan Poe. And all my days are trances, And all my nightly dreams Are where thy grey eye glances, And where thy footstep gleams- In what ethereal dances, By what eternal streams. How are the ideas in the excerpt similar to Poe's ideas in the final stanza of "Annabel Lee"? A. Both suggest that love endures after death. B. Both describe the haunting power of dreams. C. Both present beautiful images of nature. D. Both claim that night is superior to day.

A. Both suggest that love endures after death.

How does Douglass use tone to effectively convey his message in "What the Black Man Wants"? A. Douglass uses a passionate tone to strengthen the logical arguments he makes about universal suffrage. B. Douglass uses an angry tone to convey the idea that the black man is bitter about the absence of universal suffrage. C. Douglass uses a sorrowful tone to elicit sympathy and guilt in hopes of achieving universal suffrage. D. Douglass uses a threatening tone to issue the inflexible demands he has prepared about universal suffrage.

A. Douglass uses a passionate tone to strengthen the logical arguments he makes about universal suffrage.

How did Thoreau's general opinion of government relate to his imprisonment, as described in "Civil Disobedience"? A. He believed that government was corrupt and that he was justified in not paying his taxes despite being put in prison. B. He believed that government was dishonest and that his imprisonment could affect major governmental decisions. C. He believed that government was a positive force and that his imprisonment could improve the relationship between the government and the people. D. He believed that government was helpful to any society and that the reasons for his own imprisonment were just.

A. He believed that government was corrupt and that he was justified in not paying his taxes despite being put in prison.

Read the excerpt from Edgar Allan Poe's "The Masque of the Red Death." W]hile the vast assembly, as if with one impulse, shrank from the centres of the rooms to the walls, he made his way uninterruptedly, but with the same solemn and measured step which had distinguished him from the first, through the blue chamber to the purple—through the purple to the green—through the green to the orange—through this again to the white—and even thence to the violet, ere a decided movement had been made to arrest him. What is the effect of parallelism in this excerpt? A. It emphasizes the frantic spiral toward confrontation. B. It emphasizes Prospero's steady, confident approach. C. It emphasizes the excessive opulence of the decor. D. It emphasizes the rapid progression of time.

A. It emphasizes the frantic spiral toward confrontation.

Read this excerpt from chapter 1 of The Scarlet Letter. The founders of a new colony, whatever Utopia of human virtue and happiness they might originally project, have invariably recognized it among their earliest practical necessities to allot a portion of the virgin soil as a cemetery, and another portion as the site of a prison. What part of the plot does this excerpt reveal? A. It is part of the exposition that describes the importance of the Puritan prison. B. It is part of the exposition that describes the happiness of the Puritan settlers. C. It is part of the rising action that reveals criminal activity. D. It is part of the rising action that reveals the Puritan work ethic.

A. It is part of the exposition that describes the importance of the Puritan prison.

How does President Wilson build his argument and persuade his listeners in "War Message to Congress"? A. He uses positive words to describe the enemy. B. He cites published works to support his view. C. He uses confident and powerful words. D. He tells a personal story that relates to the topic.

C. He uses confident and powerful words.

Read the excerpt from "What the Black Man Wants." I am for the "immediate, unconditional, and universal" enfranchisement of the black man, in every State in the Union. [Loud applause.] Without this, his liberty is a mockery; without this, you might as well almost retain the old name of slavery for his condition; for in fact, if he is not the slave of the individual master, he is the slave of society, and holds his liberty as a privilege, not as a right. He is at the mercy of the mob, and has no means of protecting himself. How does the repetition of the phrase "without this" support the paragraph's argument? A. It reinforces the idea that without equality in the US, the idea of a free society is a joke. B. It suggests that a free society is possible, with or without equal rights for all people. C. It indicates that Douglass would be content without material possessions or status. D. It proposes that slavery will not be abolished in the US without the support of all citizens.

A. It reinforces the idea that without equality in the US, the idea of a free society is a joke.

Which sentence makes the best use of a transitional word or phrase? A. Math was interesting to me in high school; likewise, it is interesting to me in college. B. Math was interesting to me in high school; otherwise, it is interesting to me in college. C. Math was interesting to me in high school; for example, it is interesting to me in college. D. Math was interesting to me in high school; in contrast, it interesting to me in college.

A. Math was interesting to me in high school; likewise, it is interesting to me in college.

Read the sentences. [1] Olaudah Equiano wrote a book. [2] It was about his experiences as a slave and, later, as a free man. Which is the best way to combine sentences 1 and 2? A. Olaudah Equiano wrote a book, which was about his experiences as a slave and, later, as a free man. B. Olaudah Equiano wrote a book, even if it was about his experiences as a slave and, later, as a free man. C. Olaudah Equiano wrote a book, until it was about his experiences as a slave and, later, as a free man. D. Olaudah Equiano wrote a book, although it was about his experiences as a slave and, later, as a free man.

A. Olaudah Equiano wrote a book, which was about his experiences as a slave and, later, as a free man.

What does the ebony clock symbolize in "The Masque of the Red Death"? A. The ebony clock symbolizes man's inability to escape death. B. The ebony clock symbolizes the wealth and prosperity of Prince Prospero. C. The ebony clock symbolizes man's obsession with achieving success. D. The ebony clock symbolizes the night of the masquerade ball.

A. The ebony clock symbolizes man's inability to escape death.

What attitude toward society is best reflected by Thoreau's actions in Walden? A. a desire to retreat from society when necessary B. a need to restructure society along more just lines C. a need to find one's highest place in society D. a dislike of the way society has developed nature

A. a desire to retreat from society when necessary

Read the sentence. Masha's birthday was yesterday, and she eated cake and ice cream. Which is the best replacement for the underlined word? A. ate B. eats C. eat D. eating

A. ate

Read the rough draft. I believe it is escential that antique dealers record all collectibles in their accounts. What word from the draft is misspelled? A. escential B. antique C. collectibles D. accounts

A. escential

Rawi is analyzing a writing prompt and decides that he must write a five-paragraph essay to fully describe his point of view. Rawi has just determined his essay's A. format. B. topic. C. audience. D. purpose.

A. format.

What does the Declaration of Independence reveal about Thomas Jefferson, its primary author? A. his opinion on the purpose of government B. his ability to bring people together C. his views on the trade of enslaved people D. his aspirations to one day run for president

A. his opinion on the purpose of government

Read the sentence. Since Americans are obsessed with the latest cell phones and gadgets, the government should tax technological purchases. Which word in the sentence best appeals to emotions and logic? A. obsessed B. gadgets C. technological D. purchases

A. obsessed

Based on the author's descriptions of the woman in chapter 1 and the woman in chapter 3 of "Violets," it can be inferred that A. their perceptions of love and romance differ dramatically. B. they have been loved by the same man. C. they have both wanted to die for the sake of love. D. they both fear they will never know the true meaning of love.

A. their perceptions of love and romance differ dramatically.

Read the excerpt from chapter 17 of The Awakening. The house was painted a dazzling white; the outside shutters, or jalousies, were green. In the yard, which was kept scrupulously neat, were flowers and plants of every description which flourishes in South Louisiana. Within doors the appointments were perfect after the conventional type. The softest carpets and rugs covered the floors; rich and tasteful draperies hung at doors and windows. Which best explains how the author establishes mood in the excerpt? A. through the use of strong adjectives B. through insight into a character's emotions C. through the use of a character's actions D. through words with connotations of happiness

A. through the use of strong adjectives

What is the purpose of the first paragraph of this section of the Iroquois Constitution? A. to describe the meaning of the shell strings B. to describe the consequences of disobeying one's tribe C. to describe the traditions of the Lords D. to describe the history of each tribe in the Five Nations

A. to describe the meaning of the shell strings

Read the excerpt from Poe's "The Masque of the Red Death." But in the western or black chamber the effect of the fire-light that streamed upon the dark hangings through the blood-tinted panes, was ghastly in the extreme, and produced so wild a look upon the countenances of those who entered, that there were few of the company bold enough to set foot within its precincts at all. What technique does Poe use to build suspense in the excerpt? A. The pace of the story quickens. B. The word choice darkens the tone. C. The outcome of events becomes certain. D. The setting moves outside.

B. The word choice darkens the tone.

Read the excerpt from "The Masque of the Red Death." It was then, however, that the Prince Prospero, maddening with rage and the shame of his own momentary cowardice, rushed hurriedly through the six chambers, while none followed him on account of a deadly terror that had seized upon all. He bore aloft a drawn dagger, and had approached, in rapid impetuosity, to within three or four feet of the retreating figure, when the latter, having attained the extremity of the velvet apartment, turned suddenly and confronted his pursuer. What effect does the tone of the excerpt have on the reader? A. It fosters a belief that the narrator is unreliable. B. It produces a contradictory urge to stop reading and to continue. C. It inspires confidence that everything will work out fine in the end. D. It encourages surprising delight in blood and gore.

B. It produces a contradictory urge to stop reading and to continue.

Read the sentence. Open his chemistry book, Trevor knew he had a long night of studying ahead of him. Which is the best replacement for the underlined word? A. To open B. Opening C. Opened D. Opens

B. Opening

Which statement best describes the main idea of John F. Kennedy's Inaugural Address? A. President Kennedy discusses the need for freedom and peace through the cooperation of the nation's bordering neighbors. B. President Kennedy vows to uphold the principles the country was founded on, while assisting the poor as well as promoting peaceful relationships with allies and enemies. C. President Kennedy explains that creating peace and helping struggling nations will take considerable time and much effort. D. President Kennedy outlines how the world is very different, and it is important for Americans to stand together and support the United Nations in its quest for peace.

B. President Kennedy vows to uphold the principles the country was founded on, while assisting the poor as well as promoting peaceful relationships with allies and enemies.

Which excerpt from The Awakening best illustrates the idea that Edna is losing control of her life? A. All these letters were pleasing to her. She answered the children in a cheerful frame of mind, promising them bonbons, and congratulating them upon their happy find of the little pigs. B. She answered her husband with friendly evasiveness,—not with any fixed design to mislead him, only because all sense of reality had gone out of her life; she had abandoned herself to Fate, and awaited the consequences with indifference. C. Each morning she awoke with hope, and each night she was a prey to despondency. She was tempted to seek him out. But far from yielding to the impulse, she avoided any occasion which might throw her in his way. D. He had detected the latent sensuality, which unfolded under his delicate sense of her nature's requirements like a torpid, torrid, sensitive blossom.

B. She answered her husband with friendly evasiveness,—not with any fixed design to mislead him, only because all sense of reality had gone out of her life; she had abandoned herself to Fate, and awaited the consequences with indifference.

Read the excerpt from "Violets." Far away in a distant city, a man, carelessly looking among some papers, turned over a faded bunch of flowers tied with a blue ribbon and a lock of hair. He paused meditatively awhile, then turning to the regal-looking woman lounging before the fire, he asked: "Wife, did you ever send me these?" Which best explains why the excerpt is an example of realism? A. The excerpt describes people and events that are exaggerations of reality. B. The excerpt describes people and events in authentic detail. C. The excerpt describes people and events in a romanticized and imaginative way. D. The excerpt describes people and events in a bleak and hopeless way.

B. The excerpt describes people and events in authentic detail.

Read the excerpt from "Violets." "Wife, did you ever send me these?" She raised her great, black eyes to his with a gesture of ineffable disdain, and replied languidly: "You know very well I can't bear flowers. How could I ever send such sentimental trash to any one? Throw them in the fire." And the Easter bells chimed a solemn requiem as the flames slowly licked up the faded violets. Was it merely fancy on the wife's part, or did the husband really sigh,—a long, quivering breath of remembrance? Which of the following predictions is most likely based on the theme of lost love in the story? A. The husband will realize his unhappiness and begin to live a more honest life. B. The husband will continue to live a dishonest life for the sake of appearances. C. The wife will ask her husband to tell her about the violets and their meaning. D. The wife will let go of her anger and profess her enduring love to her husband.

B. The husband will continue to live a dishonest life for the sake of appearances.

Read the excerpt from chapter 32 of The Awakening. The pigeon house pleased her. It at once assumed the intimate character of a home, while she herself invested it with a charm which it reflected like a warm glow. There was with her a feeling of having descended in the social scale, with a corresponding sense of having risen in the spiritual. Every step which she took toward relieving herself from obligations added to her strength and expansion as an individual. She began to look with her own eyes; to see and to apprehend the deeper undercurrents of life. No longer was she content to "feed upon opinion" when her own soul had invited her. How does Edna's move into the pigeon house reflect her changing priorities? A. The move shows that she has come to value her relationship with her husband, because she hopes he will move there with her. B. The move shows that she is becoming more concerned with growing as a person than keeping up appearances. C. The move shows that she is becoming increasingly worried about upsetting her husband with her spending habits. D. The move shows that she is learning that societal values should come before her personal values.

B. The move shows that she is becoming more concerned with growing as a person than keeping up appearances.

Read the excerpt from "Annabel Lee," by Edgar Allan Poe. It was many and many a year ago, In a kingdom by the sea, That a maiden there lived whom you may know By the name of Annabel Lee; And this maiden she lived with no other thought Than to love and be loved by me. How does the rhythm of the excerpt support the theme of the poem? A. The rhythm is consistent, and Poe celebrates the predictability of history. B. The rhythm is consistent, and Poe celebrates the simplicity of young love. C. The rhythm is unpredictable, and Poe warns readers to guard their hearts. D. The rhythm is unpredictable, and Poe warns readers of nature's strength.

B. The rhythm is consistent, and Poe celebrates the simplicity of young love.

Read the last stanza of "That I did always love." This—dost thou doubt—Sweet— Then have I Nothing to show But Calvary— What does the word "Calvary" most likely suggest? A. The speaker considers love akin to religion. B. The speaker is martyred by her love. C. The speaker finds human love unpleasant. D. The speaker is in a great deal of pain.

B. The speaker is martyred by her love.

Read each of the excerpts from The Awakening. [Robert] never assumed this series-comic tone when alone with Mrs. Pontellier. She never knew precisely what to make of it; at that moment it was impossible for her to guess how much of it was jest and what proportion was earnest. It was understood that he had often spoken words of love to Madame Ratignolle, without any thought of being take seriously. *** During his oblivious attention [Robert] once quietly rested his head against Mrs. Pontellier's arm. As gently she repulsed him. Once again he repeated the offense. She could not but believe it to be thoughtlessness on his part; yet that was no reason she should submit to it. He offered no apology. Which best explains how these two scenes from chapter 5 contribute to the novel's plot development? A. They contribute to the exposition by providing background information on Robert's previous relationships with Madame Ratignolle and Mrs. Pontellier. B. They contribute to the rising action by demonstrating the different behaviors Robert uses with Madame Ratignolle and Mrs. Pontellier. C. They contribute to the resolution by presenting a solution to the central problem taking place between Robert, Madame Ratignolle, and Mrs. Pontellier. D. They contribute to the falling action by restoring a sense of harmony to the friendship between Robert, Madame Ratignolle, and Mrs. Pontellier.

B. They contribute to the rising action by demonstrating the different behaviors Robert uses with Madame Ratignolle and Mrs. Pontellier.

According to "The World on Turtle's Back," which statement best describes the origin of man? A. A god fell from the sky and had a daughter, who eventually gave birth to two men. B. Two gods were competing to see who could create the most powerful and cunning animal, and one of them made man. C. Two gods were working together to create the Earth, and they decided to create man to provide balance in nature. D. A god fell from the sky and created man so her daughter and grandsons would have company.

B. Two gods were competing to see who could create the most powerful and cunning animal, and one of them made man.

Read the sentence from John F. Kennedy's Inaugural Address. And let every other power know that this Hemisphere intends to remain the master of its own house. Which best describes the feeling Kennedy intends to convey in this sentence? A. openness and flexibility B. dominance and unity C. hostility and aggression D. influence and vulnerability

B. dominance and unity

A reflexive pronoun is a pronoun A. formed with -self or -selves that is used for emphasis. B. formed with -self or -selves that refers to the subject. C. that is not formed with -self or -selves. D. that is not plural or possessive.

B. formed with -self or -selves that refers to the subject.

Read the excerpt from "'Why do I love' You, Sir?". The Wind does not require the Grass To answer—Wherefore when He pass She cannot keep Her place. What is being described in these lines? A. how the wind looks like a woman B. how the wind pushes the grass C. how the grass appears upright D. how the wind feels when it blows

B. how the wind pushes the grass

Read the excerpt from chapter 2 of The Awakening. They chatted incessantly: about the things around them; their amusing adventure out in the water—it had again assumed its entertaining aspect; about the wind, the trees, the people who had gone to the Chênière; about the children playing croquet under the oaks, and the Farival twins, who were now performing the overture to "The Poet and the Peasant." What is the correct meaning of the word "incessantly" based on its usage in the excerpt? A. awkwardly B. nonstop C. briefly D. once in a while

B. nonstop

Which is the most likely purpose of the dashes in "That I did always love"? A. to replace a word missing from the manuscript B. to encourage readers to note individual words C. to indicate a shift in the author's thoughts D. to denote stages in the poem's development

B. to encourage readers to note individual words

Which best explains why Melville begins Chapter 28 of Moby-Dick with a description of Ahab's physical absence above the ship's hatches for several days? A. to show that Ahab has no real command over his ship B. to make Ahab's eventual appearance on deck more dramatic C. to show that Ahab is no longer interested in the whale hunt D. to make Ahab's eventual appearance on deck predictable

B. to make Ahab's eventual appearance on deck more dramatic

Read the excerpt from "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock." And indeed there will be time To wonder, "Do I dare?" and, "Do I dare?" Time to turn back and descend the stair, With a bald spot in the middle of my hair — (They will say: "How his hair is growing thin!") My morning coat, my collar mounting firmly to the chin, My necktie rich and modest, but asserted by a simple pin — (They will say: "But how his arms and legs are thin!") Do I dare Disturb the universe? In a minute there is time For decisions and revisions which a minute will reverse. Which words best indicate that Prufrock feels uncertain? A. disturb, universe, minute B. turn back, revisions, reverse C. time, descend, asserted D. modest, simple, thin

B. turn back, revisions, reverse

In the third paragraph of John F. Kennedy's Inaugural Address, Kennedy makes a comparison between the world during his time and the time the nation was founded. What idea is Kennedy most likely attempting to explain by this comparison? A. Our country's ability to change the world with science is the way of the future. B. We must be more generous than in past times if we are to end poverty. C. Despite many major developments, the basic principles of the country's founders are still at play. D. The many changes in the world make it difficult to remember a time when life was much different.

C. Despite many major developments, the basic principles of the country's founders are still at play.

Which excerpt from "What the Black Man Wants" best summarizes the speech? A. I do not know, from what has been said, that there is any difference of opinion as to the duty of abolitionists, at the present moment. B. How can we get up any difference at this point, or at any point, where we are so united, so agreed? C. I am for the "immediate, unconditional, and universal" enfranchisement of the black man, in every State in the Union. D. Shall we at this moment justify the deprivation of the Negro of the right to vote, because some one else is deprived of that privilege?

C. I am for the "immediate, unconditional, and universal" enfranchisement of the black man, in every State in the Union.

Which statement describes an example of irony from chapters 22 and 23 of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn? A. In an unexpected twist, Huck and Jim discover the truth about the "rapscallions" after helping them. B. In an unexpected twist, Huck and Jim thwart the plans of the "rapscallions" by revealing their true identity to the townspeople. C. In an unexpected twist, the uneducated "rapscallions" are actually quite clever and successfully outwit the townspeople. D. In an unexpected twist, the townspeople discover that the "rapscallions" really are the royalty they claim to be.

C. In an unexpected twist, the uneducated "rapscallions" are actually quite clever and successfully outwit the townspeople.

Read the quotation from "That I did always love." That I did always love I bring thee Proof That till I loved I never lived—Enough— What is the effect of the use of the word "enough" in this quotation? A. It shows the speaker's insecurity about love. B. It emphasizes the speaker's desperation. C. It reveals the speaker's profound emotion toward her love. D. It creates an ironic tone that continues in the rest of the poem.

C. It reveals the speaker's profound emotion toward her love.

Read the excerpt from "Violets" by Alice Dunbar-Nelson. And the Easter bells chimed a solemn requiem as the flames slowly licked up the faded violets. Was it merely fancy on the wife's part, or did the husband really sigh,—a long, quivering breath of remembrance? Which explains the most likely purpose of placing this question at the end of the story? A. The author intends for the reader to develop sympathy for the character of the wife. B. The author intends for the reader to develop a dislike of the girl who sent the violets. C. The author intends for the reader to reflect further upon the husband's inner life and emotions. D. The author intends for the reader to reflect further on the funeral of the young girl.

C. The author intends for the reader to reflect further upon the husband's inner life and emotions.

Read the excerpt from "Violets." Some whispered that a broken heart had ceased to flutter in that still, young form, and that it was a mercy for the soul to ascend on the slender sunbeam. What larger universal idea about life do the mourners' whispers convey? A. Love will last forever, even into the grave. B. Flowers are apt for romance and for funerals. C. The heartbreak of unrequited love is akin to death. D. Gossip will continue even after someone has died.

C. The heartbreak of unrequited love is akin to death.

Which best describes the main idea of the fourth paragraph, which begins "We dare not to," in John F. Kennedy's Inaugural Address? A. United States' citizens remember the history of their country and value freedom. B. The new generation is committed to fighting only for human rights in their country. C. The new generation of United States' citizens will continue to fight for freedom. D. The United States will not rely on history in order to help bring peace to the entire world.

C. The new generation of United States' citizens will continue to fight for freedom.

Read the third stanza of "The Tide Rises, The Tide Falls." The morning breaks; the steeds in their stalls Stamp and neigh, as the hostler calls; The day returns, but nevermore Returns the traveller to the shore, And the tide rises, the tide falls. Which statement best describes the purpose of the word "nevermore"? A. The word helps create a mood of encroaching dread. B. The word gives greater meaning to everything that precedes it. C. The word helps create a more dramatic, resolute tone. D. The word emphasizes the song-like feel of the poem.

C. The word helps create a more dramatic, resolute tone.

Read the excerpt from "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock." And indeed there will be time To wonder, "Do I dare?" and, "Do I dare?" Time to turn back and descend the stair, With a bald spot in the middle of my hair— [They will say: "How his hair is growing thin!"] My morning coat, my collar mounting firmly to the chin, My necktie rich and modest, but asserted by a simple pin— [They will say: "But how his arms and legs are thin!"] Do I dare Disturb the universe? In a minute there is time For decisions and revisions which a minute will reverse. Which lines indicate that the speaker is concerned about what others think of him? A. My morning coat, my collar mounting firmly to the chin, My necktie rich and modest, but asserted by a simple pin— B. In a minute there is time For decisions and revisions which a minute will reverse. C. With a bald spot in the middle of my hair— [They will say: "How his hair is growing thin!"] D. And indeed there will be time To wonder, "Do I dare?" and, "Do I dare?"

C. With a bald spot in the middle of my hair— [They will say: "How his hair is growing thin!"]

Read the stanza from "Night." O night, you take the petals of the roses in your hand, but leave the stark core of the rose to perish on the branch. What does the word "stark" mean in this stanza? A. strong B. simple C. bare D. soft

C. bare

Read the excerpt from Poe's "The Masque of the Red Death." But in the western or black chamber the effect of the fire-light that streamed upon the dark hangings through the blood-tinted panes, was ghastly in the extreme, and produced so wild a look upon the countenances of those who entered, that there were few of the company bold enough to set foot within its precincts at all. Which words from the excerpt most convey the mood? A. black chamber B. fire-light C. blood-tinted D. bold enough

C. blood-tinted

Read the excerpt from chapter 23 of The Awakening. Madame coquetted [flirted] with him in the most captivating and naïve manner, with eyes, gestures, and a profusion of compliments, till the Colonel's old head felt thirty years younger on his padded shoulders. Edna marveled, not comprehending. She herself was almost devoid of coquetry. Which statement best describes the point of view in the excerpt? A. The first-person point of view is voiced by an omniscient observer. B. The first-person point of view is voiced by a subjective character in the story. C. The third-person point of view is the voice of a character in the story. D. The third-person point of view is the voice of an omniscient observer.

D. The third-person point of view is the voice of an omniscient observer.

Read the excerpt from "What the Black Man Wants." [W]hen any individual or combination of individuals undertakes to decide for any man when he shall work, where he shall work, at what he shall work, and for what he shall work, he or they practically reduce him to slavery. [Applause.] He is a slave. That I understand Gen. Banks to do—to determine for the so-called freedman, when, and where, and at what, and for how much he shall work, when he shall be punished, and by whom punished. It is absolute slavery. It defeats the beneficent intention of the Government, if it has beneficent intentions, in regards to the freedom of our people. How does Douglass appeal to the audience's sense of logic in the excerpt? A. by using his own personal experiences to gain their trust B. by recounting emotional events to evoke sadness C. by explaining the reasoning behind his argument D. by describing how he plans to effect change in the US

C. by explaining the reasoning behind his argument

Read the paragraph. [1] The 1992 Olympic Games took place in Barcelona, Spain. [2] This marked the first year that professional basketball players were permitted to represent their countries in the games. [3] Previously, only amateur players were allowed to participate such as college athletes. [4] The US squad was called "The Dream Team" because it consisted of some of the best players in the history of the game, including Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson, and Larry Bird. Which sentence should be revised to improve this paragraph's sentence fluency? A. sentence 1 B. sentence 2 C. sentence 3 D. sentence 4

C. sentence 3

Read the sentence from "Violets." The giddy, dancing sunbeams laugh riotously in field and street; birds carol their sweet twitterings everywhere, and the heavy perfume of flowers scents the golden atmosphere with inspiring fragrance. Which is the best evidence that "giddy" means "light-headed or dizzy"? A. the author's description of the birds' actions B. the author's description of the birds' sounds C. the author's description of the sunbeams' movements D. the author's description of the sunbeams' colors

C. the author's description of the sunbeams' movements

What does the speaker observe in "Night"? A. the coming of the dawn B. the death of a tree C. the suffering of a rose D. the corn harvest

C. the suffering of a rose

Read the excerpt from chapter 13 of The Awakening. She could speak no English, but when Robert made her understand that the lady who accompanied him was ill and desired to rest, she was all eagerness to make Edna feel at home and to dispose of her comfortably. What is the denotative meaning of the word "dispose" in this excerpt? A. to throw away B. to place in order C. to set up D. to settle a matter

C. to set up

When conducting research, all of the following are ways to find quality sources, EXCEPT A. looking through trade journals. B. searching the Internet. C. using outdated reference books. D. asking experts on the subject.

C. using outdated reference books.

Read the excerpt from Poe's "The Fall of the House of Usher." Shaking this off with a gasp and a struggle, I uplifted myself upon the pillows, and, peering earnestly within the intense darkness of the chamber, hearkened -- I know not why, except that an instinctive spirit prompted me -- to certain low and indefinite sounds which came, through the pauses of the storm, at long intervals, I knew not whence. Overpowered by an intense sentiment of horror, unaccountable yet unendurable, I threw on my clothes with haste. Which word from this excerpt could be used to argue that the narrator is unreliable? A. "Shaking" suggests the narrator's nervousness. B. "Struggle" suggests the narrator's weakness. C. "Indefinite" suggests the narrator's lack of knowledge. D. "Overpowered" suggests the narrator's lack of control.

D. "Overpowered" suggests the narrator's lack of control.

Which evidence from "The World on Turtle's Back" best supports the conclusion that the left-handed twin has evil qualities? A. He does everything backward. B. He was hurled off the earth by his brother. C. He lives and reigns in the dark world below the earth. D. He delights in the sounds of warfare and suffering.

D. He delights in the sounds of warfare and suffering.

What is the central claim of "What the Black Man Wants"? A. The history of black Americans' treatment in the US is strikingly unjust and atrocious. B. There is no logic behind the oppression of certain groups, such as black Americans and women. C. Slavery is a violation of human rights and should be abolished immediately. D. In a country that was built on the idea of freedom, everyone should have equal rights.

D. In a country that was built on the idea of freedom, everyone should have equal rights.

Which statement best describes how the author's purpose differs in Chapter I of Nature and Society and Solitude? A. Nature is an essay in praise of nature's sublimity, while Society and Solitude is an essay in praise of being alone. B. Nature wishes to convince readers that understanding the natural world is more important than human relationships, while Society and Solitude is an attempt to warn readers against too much solitude. C. Nature suggests that humans should live in nature, while Society and Solitude argues in favor of living in the city. D. Nature portrays the world of nature as superior to the social world, while Society and Solitude argues that nature can help individuals be more content within society.

D. Nature portrays the world of nature as superior to the social world, while Society and Solitude argues that nature can help individuals be more content within society.

Read the excerpt from "Violets." The violets and pinks are from a bunch I wore to-day. . . .The tube-roses and orange-blossoms I wore Friday night; you always wished for a lock of my hair, so I'll tie these flowers with them—but there, it is not stable enough; let me wrap them with a bit of ribbon, pale blue, from that little dress I wore last winter to the dance, when we had such a long, sweet talk in that forgotten nook. Which statement best summarizes the implicit message in the excerpt? A. The speaker frequently accessorizes with fresh flowers. B. The speaker is sending a lock of hair to her beloved. C. The speaker is proud of her gardening abilities. D. The speaker is offering all of herself to her beloved.

D. The speaker is offering all of herself to her beloved.

What is one feature of free-verse poetry in "Night"? A. The poem is in iambic pentameter. B. The lines use an ABAB rhyme scheme. C. The language is formal and complex. D. The stanzas are roughly the same size.

D. The stanzas are roughly the same size.

Which sentence is punctuated correctly? A. You will need the following ingredients milk, eggs, sugar, and flour. B. You will need the following ingredients, milk, eggs, sugar, and flour. C. You will need the following ingredients - milk, eggs, sugar, and flour. D. You will need the following ingredients: milk, eggs, sugar, and flour.

D. You will need the following ingredients: milk, eggs, sugar, and flour.

Read the sentence. When I told the doctor of my sinus pain and nasal pressure, she offered me a decongestant. Based on the prefix, de-, what does the word "decongestant" mean? A. a device that causes congestion B. a resource that defines congestion C. a way to measure congestion D. a substance that reduces congestion

D. a substance that reduces congestion

How does Twain's use of dialect in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn contribute to the realist nature of the novel? A. by convincing the reader that this story is nonfiction B. by creating dialogue that is difficult to understand C. by helping the reader relate to different characters D.by making the characters and the setting more convincing

D. by making the characters and the setting more convincing

Read the excerpt from "Civil Disobedience." As they could not reach me, they had resolved to punish my body; just as boys, if they cannot come at some person against whom they have a spite, will abuse his dog. Based on his transcendental beliefs, Thoreau most likely believed that the state A. was angry it could never truly imprison him. B. had the authority to force him to pay the poll tax. C. was preparing to imprison others to teach him a lesson. D. could imprison him but could never confine his soul.

D. could imprison him but could never confine his soul.

Which best describes the diction of "What the Black Man Wants"? A. informal and direct B. informal and casual C. formal and impersonal D. formal and scholarly

D. formal and scholarly

Read the beginning of Ian's personal narrative, "Una, Una!" I [WOL] up on a farm in Scotland. Every morning, I [WOL] into the pasture with a warm milk bottle to feed my favorite sheep, Una. Fill in the blanks in order. A. grow . . . . ventured B. grow . . . . venture C. grew . . . . venture D. grew . . . . ventured

D. grew . . . . ventured

Read the excerpt from Walden. Time is but the stream I go a-fishing in. I drink at it; but while I drink I see the sandy bottom and detect how shallow it is. Its thin current slides away, but eternity remains. In the excerpt, Thoreau mostly uses imagery to illustrate A. the beauty that is in the natural world. B. the idea that he is unconcerned with dying. C. his argument that everyone should move more slowly. D. his belief that the passing of hours and days is irrelevant.

D. his belief that the passing of hours and days is irrelevant.

Julia wants to be sure that she can listen effectively to the speaker at the town hall meeting. Which strategy will help her succeed? A. jumping to conclusions B. multi-tasking during the speech C. prejudging the speaker D. researching the topic in advance

D. researching the topic in advance

Read the sentences. Sentence 1: As I turned onto Bryce Road, I saw the Parkers' cat crouched under a tree, hissing at something on the ground. Sentence 2: I decided to ride my skateboard to school this morning. Sentence 3: I shooed the cat away and called my older stepbrother, a veterinarian, because he would know just how to help them. Sentence 4: Approaching the cat, I noticed that a nest full of tiny birds was on the ground; it must have fallen from a branch. What is the most logical way to sequence these sentences to create a logical narrative? A. sentence 1, sentence 4, sentence 3, sentence 2 B. sentence 1, sentence 2, sentence 4, sentence 3 C. sentence 2, sentence 1, sentence 3, sentence 4 D. sentence 2, sentence 1, sentence 4, sentence 3

D. sentence 2, sentence 1, sentence 4, sentence 3

Read the paragraph. [1] Tia and Jackie are partners in science class. [2] They have a big project to complete and are having trouble agreeing on an idea. [3] Jackie would prefer to study geology, but Tia is more interested in human biology. [4] Ultimately, they decides to study fossilization. Which sentence has a subject-verb agreement error? A. sentence 1 B. sentence 2 C. sentence 3 D. sentence 4

D. sentence 4

When formulating a research question, a researcher should write a question that A. has already been thoroughly covered. B. that is impossible to answer. C. that can be answered easily. D. that has an undetermined answer.

D. that has an undetermined answer.

Read the excerpt from "Mending Wall." We keep the wall between us as we go. To each the boulders that have fallen to each. And some are loaves and some so nearly balls We have to use a spell to make them balance: "Stay where you are until our backs are turned!" We wear our fingers rough with handling them. Oh, just another kind of out-door game, One on a side. It comes to little more: There where it is we do not need the wall: He is all pine and I am apple orchard. What does the line "And some are loaves and some so nearly balls" refer to? A. the lunch that the speaker shares B. toys that they find while working C. a game that the neighbor plays D. the rocks that make the wall

D. the rocks that make the wall

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