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Does sacrificing your own self-interest align with ethical egoism?

Ethical egoism generally does not advocate sacrificing one's own self-interest unless doing so serves a long-term self-interested goal.

How does altruism relate to ethical egoism?

Ethical egoism prioritizes self-interest, while altruism focuses on helping others.

What is Disjunctive Syllogism?

Either P or Q. Not P. Therefore, Q.

Give examples of predicates of value.

'Good,' 'bad,' 'virtuous,' 'evil,' 'beautiful,' 'just,' 'right,' and 'wrong.'

What is ethical egoism?

A normative ethical theory that prescribes individuals to always act in their own self-interest.

What is an act in virtue ethics?

A specific action or behavior performed in a particular situation.

What is a virtue in virtue ethics?

A stable and virtuous character trait or disposition that guides one's actions consistently over time.

What is the difference between acting from virtue and acting (merely) in accordance with virtue?

Acting from virtue means actions guided by virtuous character traits. Acting in accordance with virtue lacks genuine moral commitment.

What is morally good in virtue ethics?

Actions that contribute to human flourishing (eudaimonia) and align with virtuous character traits.

What are morally good actions in virtue ethics?

Actions that promote virtues and lead to a fulfilled, balanced, and virtuous life.

What is the difference between act and virtue?

An act refers to a specific action, while virtue refers to a habitual character trait.

According to utilitarianism, what makes an action morally good?

An action is morally good if it brings about the greatest good for the greatest number of people.

What is soundness in logic?

An argument must have a valid form and all premises must be true.

What is the difference between an ethical egoist and an egotist?

An ethical egoist adheres to the moral theory of ethical egoism, while an egotist is characterized by excessive self-centeredness, arrogance, and conceit.

What does Applied Ethics do?

Applies ethical theories to real-world moral dilemmas and issues.

What is Constructive Dilemma?

Either P or Q. If P, then R. If Q, then S. Therefore, either R or S.

What are Aristotle's categories for moral action?

Aristotle categorized moral actions as Virtue, Continence, Incontinence, and Vice.

How does Classical Ethics differ from Modern Ethics?

Classical Ethics refers to theories from ancient philosophers, while Modern Ethics encompasses theories from the Enlightenment era onwards.

What is consequentialism?

Consequentialism is the view that only consequences matter when determining the moral goodness or badness of an action.

What is Continence in Aristotle's categorization?

Continence refers to actions that go against one's desires but are not virtuous due to a lack of habitual virtue.

Difference Between Cultural Moral Relativism and Individual Moral Relativism

Cultural Moral Relativism ties morality to cultural norms and beliefs, implying that what is right or wrong can vary from one culture to another. In contrast, Individual Moral Relativism suggests that moral judgments are entirely subjective and vary from person to person.

What is the focus of Descriptive Ethics?

Describing how people behave and make moral judgments in practice.

What is the difference between Descriptive and Normative ethics?

Descriptive ethics focuses on empirical observations, while Normative ethics offers ethical guidelines and principles.

Give an example of the Doctrine of the Golden Mean.

Example: Virtue - Courage, Excess - Recklessness, Deficiency - Cowardice.

Is ethical egoism a moral objectivist theory?


T/F: Ethical egoism claims that the only thing anyone is capable of pursuing is his own self-interest.

False. Ethical egoism doesn't claim that individuals are incapable of pursuing other goals or interests.

Is hedonism a moral objectivist theory?

False. Hedonism is a form of moral subjectivism.

Is utilitarianism about personal benefit?

False. Utilitarianism emphasizes promoting the greatest overall good, not just personal benefit.

Is utilitarianism a moral objectivist theory?

False. Utilitarianism is a form of moral subjectivism.

T/F: The two fundamental kinds of pleasure are physical pleasure and sensual pleasure.

False. While physical pleasure and sensual pleasure are common forms of pleasure, hedonism does not limit pleasure to only these two categories. Pleasure can take various forms, including intellectual, emotional, and sensory pleasures.

Define instrumental goods.

Goods valued as a means to something else.

What are instrumental goods?

Goods valued as a means to something else.

Define intrinsic goods.

Goods valued for their own sake.

What are intrinsic goods?

Goods valued for their own sake.

What kind of happiness should one pursue according to hedonism: physical pleasure or attitudinal pleasure (mental enjoyment)?

Hedonism is often associated with the pursuit of both physical and attitudinal pleasure. It includes the pursuit of mental enjoyment, intellectual pleasures, and emotional well-being in addition to physical pleasures.

Is hedonism committed to the selfishness that ethical egoism is? For instance, are we allowed to consider the happiness of others as well?

Hedonism primarily focuses on the pursuit of one's own pleasure and happiness. However, it does not inherently prohibit considering the happiness of others. Some forms of hedonism, like utilitarianism, do consider the happiness of others and prescribe actions that maximize overall happiness, not just individual pleasure.

How does hedonism explain the behavior of a masochistic person?

Hedonism suggests that a masochistic person derives pleasure from experiences that others might find painful or uncomfortable.

What do morally good actions in virtue ethics contribute to?

Human flourishing (eudaimonia).

What is eudaimonia?

Human flourishing, a fulfilled, balanced, and virtuous life.

What is Hypothetical Syllogism?

If P, then Q. If Q, then R. Therefore, if P, then R.

What is Denying the Antecedent?

If P, then Q. Not P. Therefore, not Q.

What is Modus Tollens?

If P, then Q. Not Q. Therefore, not P.

What is Modus Ponens?

If P, then Q. P. Therefore, Q.

What is Affirming the Consequent?

If P, then Q. Q. Therefore, P.

What are the three parts of morality according to C.S. Lewis?

The head (rationality and knowledge), the chest (emotion and values), and the belly (appetites and desires).

What is Incontinence in Aristotle's categorization?

Incontinence refers to actions that go against one's desires, even though one knows what is right (lack of self-control).

What is the value of philosophy according to Russell?

Intellectual satisfaction, expanding mental horizons, and critical thinking.

What is the difference between intrinsic goods and instrumental goods? Give an example of each.

Intrinsic goods are valuable for their own sake, meaning they are good in and of themselves. An example is the pleasure experienced from a beautiful piece of music. Instrumental goods are valuable as means to achieve something else. An example is money, which is often valued not for its own sake but for what it can buy or the opportunities it provides.

What is invalidity in logic?

Invalid arguments do not guarantee the truth of the conclusion.

What are the three main areas of ethics?

Meta-Ethics, Normative Ethics, and Applied Ethics.

What is Moral Objectivism? How is it different from Moral Absolutism?

Moral Objectivism holds that there are objective moral truths that exist independently of individual or cultural beliefs. It differs from Moral Absolutism in that it doesn't necessarily claim that certain actions are always right or wrong in all circumstances but still posits objective moral standards.

What is Moral Relativism? What are the two types?

Moral Relativism is the view that moral judgments and values are not universally objective but are instead dependent on cultural or individual perspectives. There are two main types: Cultural Moral Relativism and Individual Moral Relativism.

What is Nozick's experience machine objection against hedonism?

Nozick's experience machine objection argues that individuals would not choose a life of pleasure at the expense of other aspects of human experience.

What is the Doctrine of the Golden Mean?

The Doctrine of the Golden Mean suggests that virtue lies between two vices, one of excess and one of deficiency.

What is the only intrinsic bad according to hedonism?

Pain (the experience of pain).

What is Bertrand Russell's Defense of Philosophy?

Philosophy fosters critical thinking and addresses fundamental questions.

What is the only intrinsic good according to hedonism?

Pleasure (specifically, the experience of pleasure).

What are predicates of value?

Predicates of value are terms or qualities used to describe something in terms of its value or worth.

What is the focus of Normative Ethics?

Prescribing how people should behave morally.

What are some pros of ethical egoism? Is there anything good about it?

Pros of ethical egoism include promoting self-responsibility, individual autonomy, efficiency in decision-making, and providing a clear framework for prioritizing one's own well-being.

What is the difference between psychological egoism and ethical egoism?

Psychological egoism is a descriptive theory that claims people naturally act in their self-interest, while ethical egoism prescribes that individuals ought to act in their self-interest as a moral duty.

What is the Lobotomy objection against hedonism?

The Lobotomy objection challenges hedonism by suggesting that pure pleasure alone is not sufficient for a good life.

What is the difference between selfishness, selflessness, and unselfishness?

Selfishness prioritizes self-interest, selflessness acts in others' best interest, and unselfishness considers both self and others.

What is altruism?

Selflessly helping others without expecting anything in return.

What is an attraction of hedonism?

Simplicity in evaluating actions based on pleasure and pain.

What are some attractions of utilitarianism?

Some attractions of utilitarianism include its secular nature, scientific approach to measuring well-being, and its simplicity in providing a clear criterion for evaluating moral actions based on consequences.

Problems with Moral Relativism

Some problems with Moral Relativism include the potential for moral inconsistency, the inability to criticize other cultures' practices, and the lack of a solid foundation for moral judgments.

What does Normative Ethics evaluate?

Specific ethical theories and principles that guide moral actions.

Why study Ethics, according to Aristotle?

Studying ethics is essential for living a virtuous and fulfilled life. It helps individuals understand how to cultivate virtues, make morally sound decisions, and achieve eudaimonia.

Name an attraction of the view of hedonism.

The attraction of hedonism is the emphasis on personal pleasure and happiness as the ultimate goal in life.

What is often neglected in society when it comes to morality?

The chest, which involves emotional and moral aspects.

What does Meta-Ethics examine?

The nature and meaning of ethical language and concepts.

What is the special function of human beings, according to Aristotle? Why is this important?

The special function of human beings is to reason and exercise rationality. This is important because it distinguishes humans from other animals and defines their unique potential for moral and intellectual development.

Which of the following is not an objection to utilitarianism?

The statement 'c) consequences matter' is not an objection to utilitarianism. Utilitarianism is based on the idea that consequences matter in determining the moral value of actions.

What is Epistemology?

The study of knowledge.

What is Ethics?

The study of moral principles.

What is Metaphysics?

The study of reality.

What is Philosophy of Religion?

The study of religion from a philosophical perspective.

What is Axiology?

The study of value.

In the Trolley Problem thought experiment, which option would the utilitarian choose?

The utilitarian would generally choose to pull the lever and kill only one person, as this action minimizes harm and maximizes overall well-being by saving five lives at the expense of one.

What does it mean to act from virtue?

To have actions guided by virtuous character traits and reflect genuine moral excellence.

What does it mean to act in accordance with virtue?

To involve outwardly moral behavior but may lack the underlying virtue or genuine moral commitment.

What does ethical egoism prescribe as one's moral duty?

To maximize their own well-being, happiness, or self-interest.

What is the ultimate moral duty on ethical egoism?

To prioritize and promote one's own self-interest above all else.

According to hedonism, is happiness alone sufficient for the good life?

True. According to hedonism, happiness or pleasure is the ultimate criterion for the good life.

T/F: Ethical egoism may permit us to harm others as long as it is within our own self-interest.

True. Ethical egoism allows for actions that may harm others if doing so ultimately benefits the self.

T/F: Instrumental goods are good for the sake of something else.

True. Instrumental goods are valued as a means to achieve or obtain something else.

T/F: Intrinsic goods are good for their own sake.

True. Intrinsic goods are valued for their own sake and not as a means to something else.

What is utilitarianism?

Utilitarianism evaluates actions based on their consequences and how they affect the well-being of all individuals involved.

What is validity in logic?

Validity refers to the structure/form of an argument.

What is Vice in Aristotle's categorization?

Vice refers to actions driven by vices, which are contrary to virtues.

What is Virtue in Aristotle's categorization?

Virtue refers to actions guided by virtuous character traits.

When, if ever, should an ethical egoist help a friend?

When helping aligns with their long-term self-interest.

What are predicates of value?

Words or concepts used to describe value or worth.

Identify 3 problems with ethical egoism.

a) Violates Core Moral Beliefs, b) Cannot Allow for Existence of Moral Rights, c) Makes Self-Interest All-Important.

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