Ethics ch 1-8

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(also known as making excuses) is an unconscious defense mechanism in which perceived controversial behaviors or feelings are logically justified and explained in a rational or logical manner in order to avoid any true explanation, and are made consciously tolerable - or even admirable and superior - by plausible means. Rationalization encourages irrational or unacceptable behavior, motives, or feelings and often involves ad hoc hypothesizing. This process ranges from fully conscious (e.g. to present an external defense against ridicule from others) to mostly subconscious (e.g. to create a block against internal feelings of guilt)


(on what is in records of treatment) Sigmund Freud, in his book The Interpretation of Dreams, suggested what he believed was 'the most valuable of all the discoveries it has been my good fortune to make.' Dreams allow a psychic safety net to be created that lets out feelings that may or may not be against the norm. Freud defines a dream's manifest content as a censored, figurative interpretation of its latent content, which includes senseless desires that would be inappropriate if conveyed directly. Definitions Manifest content is the content of a dream as it is recalled by the dreamer in psychoanalysis

ethics of care

(or relational ethics) is based on the recognition that human beings exist in relationship and connection with one another a normative ethical theory; that is, a theory about what makes actions right or wrong. It is one of a cluster of normative ethical theories that were developed by feminists in the second half of the twentieth century. While consequentialist and deontological ethical theories emphasize universal standards and impartiality, ethics of care emphasize the importance of relationships


(professional) information that a reasonable physician would have provided to a patient in similar circumstances (materiality) the amount of information that the average patient would consider adequate in deciding whether to accept treatment


A dilemma is a problem offering two possibilities, neither of which is practically acceptable. One in this position has been traditionally described as 'being on the horns of a dilemma', neither horn being comfortable. This is sometimes more colorfully described as 'Finding oneself impaled upon the horns of a dilemma', referring to the sharp points of a bull's horns, equally uncomfortable (and dangerous)

ethical dilemma

Ethical dilemma is a complex situation that will often involve an apparent mental conflict between moral imperatives, in which to obey one would result in transgressing another. This is also called an ethical paradox since in moral philosophy, paradox often plays a central role in ethics debates. 'Love your neighbour' (Gospel of Matthew 5:43) is sometimes in contradiction to an armed rapist: if he succeeds, you will not be able to love him

concept of feminist ethics

Feminist philosophers critique traditional ethics as pre-eminently focusing on men's perspective with little regard for women's viewpoints. Caring and the moral issues of private life and family responsibilities were traditionally regarded as trivial matters


In ethics and governance, accountability is answerability, blameworthiness, liability, and the expectation of account-giving. As an aspect of governance, it has been central to discussions related to problems in the public sector, nonprofit and private (corporate) worlds. In leadership roles, accountability is the acknowledgment and assumption of responsibility for actions, products, decisions, and policies including the administration, governance, and implementation within the scope of the role or employment position and encompassing the obligation to report, explain and be answerable for resulting consequences

slippery slope

In logic and critical thinking, a slippery slope is an informal fallacy. A slippery slope argument states that a relatively small first step leads to a chain of related events culminating in some significant effect, much like an object given a small push over the edge of a slope sliding all the way to the bottom. The strength of such an argument depends on the warrant, i.e. whether or not one can demonstrate a process which leads to the significant effect

career development

In personal development, career development is:•' ... the total constellation of psychological, sociological, educational, physical, economic, and chance factors that combine to influence the nature and significance of work in the total lifespan of any given individual.' •The evolution or development of a career - informed by (1) Experience within a specific field of interest (2) Success at each stage of development - and (3), educational attainment.•'... the lifelong psychological and behavioral processes as well as contextual influences shaping one's career over the life span. As such, career development involves the person's creation of a career pattern, decision-making style, integration of life roles, values expression, and life-role self concepts.' Figures in career development•Jesse B. Davis•John L. Holland•Frank Parsons•Edgar Schein•Rino Schreuder


Interdependence is a relationship in which each member is mutually dependent on the others. This concept differs from a dependence relationship, where some members are dependent and some are not. In an interdependent relationship, participants may be emotionally, economically, ecologically and/or morally reliant on and responsible to each other


Klein considered the ability to recognise our destructive impulses towards those we love, and to make reparation for the damage we have caused them, to be an essential part of mental health

rehabilitation counseling

Rehabilitation Counseling is focused on helping people who have disabilities achieve their personal, career, and independent living goals through a counseling process. Rehabilitation Counselors can be found in private practice, in rehabilitation facilities, hospitals, universities, schools, government agencies, insurance companies and other organizations where people are being treated for congenital or acquired disabilities with the goal of going to or returning to work. Initially, rehabilitation professionals were recruited from a variety of human service disciplines, including public health nursing, social work, and school counseling

social construction

Social constructionism and social constructivism are sociological theories of knowledge that consider how social phenomena or objects of consciousness develop in social contexts. A social construction is a concept or practice that is the construct of a particular group. When we say that something is socially constructed we are focusing on its dependence on contingent variables of our social selves rather than any inherent quality that it possesses in itself


The 'business case for diversity' stem from the progression of the models of diversity within the workplace since the 1960. The original model for diversity was situated around affirmative action drawing strength from the law and a need to comply with equal employment opportunity objectives. This compliance based model gave rise to the idea that tokenism was the reason an individual was hired into a company when they differed from the dominant group. This primarily included race, ethnicity, and gender


The Counselor Idealist is one of the 16 role variants of the Keirsey Temperament Sorter, a self-assessed personality questionnaire designed to help people better understand themselves. David Keirsey originally described the Counselor role variant; however, a brief summary of the personality types described by Isabel Myers contributed to its development. Counselors correlate primarily with the Myers-Briggs type INFJ. Counselors are introspective, cooperative, directive, and attentive

beneficence in the medical field

The concept that medical professionals and researchers would always practice beneficence seems natural to most patients and research participants, but in fact, every health intervention or research intervention has potential to harm the recipient


The term intentionality was introduced by Jeremy Bentham as a principle of utility in his doctrine of consciousness for the purpose of distinguishing acts that are intentional and acts that are not. The term was later used by Edmund Husserl in his doctrine that consciousness is always intentional, a concept that he undertook in connection with theses set forth by Franz Brentano regarding the ontological and psychological status of objects of thought. It has been defined as 'aboutness', and according to the Oxford English Dictionary it is 'the distinguishing property of mental phenomena of being necessarily directed upon an object, whether real or imaginary'

when self-disclosure occurs

Typically, a self-disclosure happens when we initially meet someone and continues as we build and develop our relationships with people. As we get to know each other, we disclose information about ourselves. If one person is not willing to 'self-disclose' then the other person may stop disclosing information about themselves as well

virtue ethics

Virtue ethics describes the character of a moral agent as a driving force for ethical behavior, rather than rules (deontology), consequentialism (which derives rightness or wrongness from the outcome of the act itself rather than character), or social context (pragmatic ethics)


Virtue is moral excellence. A virtue is a trait or quality deemed to be morally excellent and thus is valued as a foundation of principle and good moral being.

Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations

a United States-based nonprofit tax-exempt 501(c) organization that accredits more than 20,000 health care organizations and programs in the United States. A majority of state governments have come to recognize Joint Commission accreditation as a condition of licensure and the receipt of Medicaid reimbursement. Surveys (inspections) typically follow a triennial cycle, with findings made available to the public in an accreditation quality report on the Quality Check Web site


a combination of knowledge, skills, and diligence (being able to perform your knowledge in skill)

American College Counseling Association

a division of the American Counseling Association (ACA) for individuals whose professional identity is in counseling, whose work setting is higher education, and whose purpose is fostering students' development. The dual focus on a professional identity and on student development as a foundation for college counseling is a distinctive characteristic of the association. From its founding, American College Counseling Association has sought to include professionals across various areas who provide services to colleges and universities, and because of its commitment to student development, has involved graduate students in significant ways including representation and leadership

Comprehensive Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation Act of 1972

a federal statute declares that records kepts by any facility that is "conducted, regulated, or directly or indirectly assisted" by the federal government are confidential


a form of dependence that involves emotional-motivational withdrawal symptoms (e.g., a state of unease or dissatisfaction, a reduced capacity to experience pleasure, or anxiety) upon cessation of drug use or engagement in certain behaviors


a function of the mind involving awareness of three dimensions: time, place and person. Problems with orientation lead to disorientation, and can be due to various conditions, from delirium to intoxication. Typically, disorientation is first in time, then in place and finally in person (how one identifies sexually)


a general term referring to therapeutic interaction or treatment contracted between a trained professional and a client, patient, family, couple, or group. The problems addressed are psychological in nature and of no specific kind or degree, but rather depend on the specialty of the practitioner. Psychotherapy aims to increase the individual's sense of his/her own well-being

Americans with Disability Act of 1990 (ADA)

a law that was enacted by the U.S. Congress in 1990. It was signed into law on July 26, 1990, by President George H. W. Bush, and later amended with changes effective January 1, 2009. The ADA is a wide-ranging civil rights law that prohibits, under certain circumstances, discrimination based on disability. It affords similar protections against discrimination to Americans with disabilities as the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which made discrimination based on race, religion, sex, national origin, and other characteristics illegal


a legal (and political) process that established minimum standards for a counselor to practice in a given state not uniform across the states

best practice

a method or technique that has consistently shown results superior to those achieved with other means, and that is used as a benchmark. In addition, a 'best' practice can evolve to become better as improvements are discovered. Best practice is considered by some as a business buzzword, used to describe the process of developing and following a standard way of doing things that multiple organizations can use


a physician who specializes. in psychiatry and is certified in treating mental disorders. All psychiatrists are trained in diagnostic evaluation and in psychotherapy

vocational rehabilitation

a process which enables persons with functional, psychological, developmental, cognitive and emotional impairments or health conditions to overcome barriers to accessing, maintaining or returning to employment or other useful occupation. Vocational Rehabilitation can require input from a range of health care professionals and other non-medical disciplines such as disability employment advisers and career counsellors. Techniques used can include: assessment, appraisal, programme evaluation and research

social worker

a professional and academic discipline that seeks to improve the quality of life and wellbeing of an individual, group, or community by intervening through research, policy, community organizing, direct practice, and teaching on behalf of those afflicted with poverty or any real or perceived social injustices and violations of their human rights. Research is often focused on areas such as human development, social policy, public administration, psychotherapy, program evaluation, and international and community development. Social workers are organized into local, national, continental and international professional bodies

American Counseling Association

a professional organization of counselors in the United States. It is the world's largest association exclusively representing professional counselors. Its stated mission is to 'enhance the quality of life in society by promoting the development of professional counselors, advancing the counseling profession, and using the profession and practice of counseling to promote respect for human dignity and diversity.' The association headquarters is located in Alexandria, Virginia


a professional who provides professional or expert advice in a particular area such as security (electronic or physical), management, accountancy, law (tax law, in particular), human resources, marketing (and public relations), finance, engineering, or any of many other specialized fields. A consultant is usually an expert or a professional in a specific field and has a wide knowledge of the subject matter. The role of consultant outside the medical sphere (where the term is used specifically for a grade of doctor) can fall under one of two general categories:•Internal Consultant - someone who operates within an organization but is available to be consulted on areas of specialism by other departments or individuals (acting as clients); or•External Consultant - someone who is employed externally (either by a firm or some other agency) whose expertise is provided on a temporary basis, usually for a fee

mental disorder

a psychological or behavioral pattern generally associated with subjective distress or disability that occurs in an individual, and which is not a part of normal development or culture. The recognition and understanding of mental health conditions has changed over time and across cultures, and there are still variations in the definition, assessment, and classification of mental disorders, although standard guideline criteria are widely accepted. A few mental disorders are diagnosed based on the harm to others, regardless of the subject's perception of distress


a psychological term for the experience of long-term exhaustion and diminished interest. Research indicates general practitioners have the highest proportion of burnout cases; according to a recent Dutch study in Psychological Reports, no less than 40% of these experienced high levels of burnout. Burnout is not a recognized disorder in the DSM although it is recognized in the ICD-10 as 'Problems related to life-management difficulty'

Graduation Record Examination

a standardized test that is an admission requirement for many graduate schools in the United States, in other English-speaking countries and for English-taught graduate and business programmes world-wide. Created and administered by Educational Testing Service (or ETS) in 1949, the exam aims to measure verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, analytical writing and critical thinking skills that have been acquired over a long period of time and that are not related to any specific field of study. The Graduate Record Examination General Test is offered as a computer-based, computer adaptive exam administered by selected qualified testing centers; however, paper-based exams are offered in areas of the world where computer-based testing is not available

Miller Analogies Test (MAT)

a standardized test used primarily for graduate school admissions in the USA. Created and still published by Harcourt Assessment, the MAT consists of 120 questions in 60 minutes (formerly 100 questions in 50 minutes). Content and use The test aims to measure an individual's logical and analytical reasoning through the use of partial analogies. A sample test question might be Bach : Composing :: Monet :•a


a term coined in the mid-20th century, is the belief or attitude that one sex is inherently superior to, more competent than, or more valuable than the other. It can also include this type of discrimination in regards to gender. Sexism primarily involves hatred of, or prejudice towards, either sex as a whole , or the application of stereotypes of masculinity in relation to men, or of femininity in relation to women


a term that can refer to a person who is exploring their gender, sexual identity and sexual orientation. People who are questioning may be unsure, still exploring, and concerned about applying a social label to themselves for various reasons. The letter 'Q' is sometimes added to the end of the acronym LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender); the 'Q' can refer to either queer or questioning


a term that has been used in various psychology theories, often in slightly different ways. The term was originally introduced by the organismic theorist Kurt Goldstein for the motive to realize one's full potential. In his view, it is the organism's master motive, the only real motive: 'the tendency to actualize itself as fully as possible is the basic drive...the drive of self-actualization.' Carl Rogers similarly wrote of 'the curative force in psychotherapy - man's tendency to actualize himself, to become his express and activate all the capacities of the organism.' The concept was brought most fully to prominence in Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory as the final level of psychological development that can be achieved when all basic and mental needs are essentially fulfilled and the 'actualization' of the full personal potential takes place, although he adapted this viewpoint later on in life, and saw it more flexibly


a term used to describe a person's conception and expression of their individuality or group affiliations (such as national identity and cultural identity). The term is used more specifically in psychology and sociology, and is given a great deal of attention in social psychology. The term is also used with respect to place identity


a term used to describe the activity of determining the value of a certain subject or event. Typically, it is used to describe the activity of going past the mere perception of something, to making detailed judgments about that thing. As a virtue, a discerning individual is considered to possess wisdom, and be of good judgement; especially so with regard to subject matter often overlooked by others

End-of-life (EOL)

a term used with respect to a product supplied to customers, indicating that the product is in the end of its useful lifetime and a vendor will no longer be marketing, selling, or sustaining a particular product and may also be limiting or ending support for the product. In the specific case of product sales, the term end-of-sale (EOS) has also been used. The term lifetime, after the last production date, depends on the product and is related to a customer's expected product lifetime


a theory of learning and an approach to education that lays emphasis on the ways that people create meaning of the world through a series of individual constructs. Constructs are the different types of filters we choose to place over our realities to change our reality from chaos to order. Von Glasersfeld describes constructivism as, 'a theory of knowledge with roots in philosophy, psychology, and cybernetics' (p 162)

White privilege

a way of conceptualizing racial inequalities that focuses as much on the advantages that white people accrue from society as on the disadvantages that people of color experience. White privilege may be defined as the 'unearned advantages of being White in a racially stratified society', and has been characterized as an expression of institutional power that is largely unacknowledged by most White individuals . Most such theories focus on American and European societal condition, since inequality between whites and non-whites is a long-standing feature of these academic areas


actions taken out of self-interest

Altruism (or selflessness)

actions taken to benefit others

family therapy

also referred to as couple and family therapy, family systems therapy, and family counseling, is a branch of psychotherapy that works with families and couples in intimate relationships to nurture change and development. It tends to view change in terms of the systems of interaction between family members. It emphasizes family relationships as an important factor in psychological health

counseling education

an academic discipline that has its roots in education, clinical supervision, counseling, human development, vocational guidance, psychology, and other human services occupations. The primary focus of Counselor Education is the training and preparation of professional counselors**; this includes recruiting and training the next generation of academic professionals who will teach the curriculum of counseling theory and practice. Counselor Education degree programs can become accredited by The Council for the Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP)

feminist ethics

an approach to ethics that builds on the belief that traditionally ethical theorising has under-valued and/or under-appreciated women's moral experience and it therefore chooses to reimagine ethics through a holistic feminist approach to transform it.


an aptitude, faculty, intuition, or judgment of the intellect that distinguishes right from wrong. Moral evaluations of this type may reference values or norms (principles and rules). In psychological terms conscience is often described as leading to feelings of remorse when a human does things that go against his/her moral values, and to feelings of rectitude or integrity when actions conform to such norms

Counselors of Social Justice

an association of counselors, counselor educators, graduate students, school and community leaders and other professionals who seek a fair distribution of common resources to all people, equitable access to power, knowledge, resources and services, equitable ability to participate and an end to oppression and injustice affecting clients, students, counselors, families, communities, schools, workplaces, governments, and other social and institutional systems. The goal in this instance is a principle of social adjustment where the self-interest of any individual or group, when allowed to function on its own, produces results that afford the best possible outcomes for the community as a whole

socioeconomic status

an economic and sociological combined total measure of a person's work experience and of an individual's or family's economic and social position relative to others, based on income, education, and occupation. When analyzing a family's Socioeconomic status, the household income earners' education and occupation are examined, as well as combined income, versus with an individual, when their own attributes are assessed

sexual orientation

an enduring personal quality that inclines people to feel romantic or sexual attraction to persons of the opposite sex or gender, the same sex or gender, or to both sexes or more than one gender These attractions are generally subsumed under heterosexuality, homosexuality, and bisexuality, while asexuality (the lack of romantic or sexual attraction to others) is sometimes identified as the fourth category. These categories are aspects of the more nuanced nature of sexual identity

sexual orientation

an enduring personal quality that inclines people to feel romantic or sexual attraction to persons of the opposite sex or gender, the same sex or gender, or to both sexes or more than one gender. These attractions are generally subsumed under heterosexuality, homosexuality, and bisexuality, while asexuality (the lack of romantic or sexual attraction to others) is sometimes identified as the fourth category. These categories are aspects of the more nuanced nature of sexual identity

vulnerable adult

any person who lacks the absolute most basic (as distinct from mid-level or typical level) human life skills by reason of not having learned them through the formative years of childhood, adolescence and young adulthood. A vulnerable adult is unable, rather than unwilling, to properly learn or properly maintain these skills, and is usually completely without, and unable to obtain, any family, friends, acquaintances or other assistive persons in their lives to offer education or assistance in these areas . In order to be classed as vulnerable, the adult's circumstances must be unable to be altered or improved by the adult's own individual actions without assistance, and the adult must be shown to be a risk to him or her self if assistance is not provided

alcohol abuse

as described in the DSM-IV, is a psychiatric diagnosis describing the recurring use of alcoholic beverages despite its negative consequences. Alcohol abuse is sometimes referred to by the less specific term alcoholism. However, many definitions of alcoholism exist, and only some are compatible with alcohol abuse


being helpful

Ethical Absolutism

believe that there are some absolute more standards that are universally applicable; that is, they must prevail in all circumstances and are not dependent on a person's beliefs or cultural values these standards exist priori and independently of whther or not one beliefs in them


both the conscious and unconscious act of revealing more about oneself to others. This may include, but is not limited to, thoughts, feelings, aspirations, goals, failures, successes, fears, dreams as well as one's likes, dislikes, and favorites


broad term for problems with alcohol, and is generally used to mean compulsive and uncontrolled consumption of alcoholic beverages, usually to the detriment of the drinker's health, personal relationships, and social standing. It is medically considered a disease, specifically an addictive illness, and in psychiatry several other terms are used, specifically 'alcohol abuse' and 'alcohol dependence,' which have slightly different definitions. In 1979 an expert World Health Organization committee discouraged the use of 'alcoholism' in medicine, preferring the category of 'alcohol dependence syndrome'


certified by NBCC in mental health, school and addictions counseling. CRCC- rehabilitation counseling specialty

personal virtues

characteristics valued as promoting individual and collective well being

mental health

describes a level of psychological well-being, or an absence of a mental disorder. From the perspective of 'positive psychology' or 'holism', mental health may include an individual's ability to enjoy life, and create a balance between life activities and efforts to achieve psychological resilience. Mental health can also be defined as an expression of emotions, and as signifying a successful adaptation to a range of demands


either (a) a meaningful declarative sentence that is either true or false, or (b) what is asserted or made by the use of a declarative sentence. In the latter case, a statement is distinct from a sentence in that a sentence is only one formulation of a statement, whereas there may be many other formulations expressing the same statement. Philosopher of language, Peter Strawson advocated the use of the term 'statement' in sense (b) in preference to proposition

Respondeat superior

employers are responsible for the acts of their employees


entity that is created under the laws of a state designed to establish the entity as a separate legal entity having its own privileges and liabilities distinct from those of its members. There are many different forms of corporations, most of which are used to conduct business. Early corporations were established by charter (i.e. by an ad hoc act passed by a parliament or legislature)


form of discrimination or social prejudice against people with disabilities. It is known by many names, including disability discrimination, physicalism, handicapism, and disability oppression. It is also sometimes known as disablism, although there is some dispute as to whether ableism and disablism are synonymous, and some people within disability rights circles find the latter term's use inaccurate

social justice

generally refers to the idea of creating a society or institution that is based on the principles of equality and solidarity, that understands and values human rights, and that recognizes the dignity of every human being. Social justice is based on the concepts of human rights and equality and involves a greater degree of economic egalitarianism through progressive taxation, income redistribution, or even property redistribution. These policies aim to achieve what developmental economists refer to as more equality of opportunity than may currently exist in some societies, and to manufacture equality of outcome in cases where incidental inequalities appear in a procedurally just system


honoring freedom of choice


in context of vision and visual perception, is the way in which objects appear to the eye based on their spatial attributes; or their dimensions and the position of the eye relative to the objects. There are two main meanings of the term: linear perspective and aerial perspective

cultural identity

is the identity of a group or culture, or of an individual as far as one is influenced by one's belonging to a group or culture. Cultural identity is similar to and has overlaps with, but is not synonymous with, identity politics

American College Personnel Association

left ACA due to disagreement and became an autonomous professional association in 1992


normally aim to influence public-policy and resource allocation decisions within political, economic, and social systems and institutions; it may be motivated from moral, ethical or faith principles or simply to protect an asset of interest. Advocacy can include many activities that a person or organization undertakes including media campaigns, public speaking, commissioning and publishing research or poll or the 'filing of friend of the court briefs'. Lobbying (often by Lobby groups) is a form of advocacy where a direct approach is made to legislators on an issue which plays a significant role in modern politics


of sensory and cognitive function typically involves methods for retraining neural pathways or training new neural pathways to regain or improve neurocognitive functioning that has been diminished by disease or trauma Three common neuropsychological problems treatable with rehabilitation are attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), concussion, and spinal cord injury. Rehabilitation research and practices are a fertile area for clinical neuropsychologists and others

informed consent

phrase often used in law to indicate that the consent a person gives meets certain minimum standards. As a literal matter, in the absence of fraud, it is redundant. An informed consent can be said to have been given based upon a clear appreciation and understanding of the facts, implications, and future consequences of an action. In order to give informed consent, the individual concerned must have adequate reasoning faculties and be in possession of all relevant facts at the time consent is given


preferred over remediation (of mental and emotional problems) by counselors. a primary tool that counselors use as prevention is education


prejudice or discrimination on the basis of social class. It includes individual attitudes and behaviors, systems of policies and practices that are set up to benefit the upper classes at the expense of the lower classes. It can also include attitudes and behavior of prejudice and discrimination by members of the lower class to members of the higher class

U.S. Rehabilitation Act of 1973

prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in programs conducted by Federal agencies, in programs receiving Federal financial assistance, in Federal employment, and in the employment practices of Federal contractors. The standards for determining employment discrimination under the Rehabilitation Act are the same as those used in title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act

substance abuse

refers to a maladaptive patterned use of a substance (drug) in which the user consumes the substance in amounts or with methods not condoned by medical professionals. Substance abuse/drug abuse is not limited to mood-altering or psycho-active drugs. Activity is also considered substance abuse when inappropriately used (as in steroids for performance enhancement in sports)


refers to increasing the spiritual, political, social, educational, gender or economic strength of individuals and communities. Definitions The term empowerment covers a vast landscape of meanings, interpretations, definitions and disciplines ranging from psychology and philosophy to the highly commercialized self-help industry and motivational sciences. Sociological empowerment often addresses members of groups that social discrimination processes have excluded from decision-making processes through - for example - discrimination based on disability, race, ethnicity, religion, or gender


refers to intermediate or atypical combinations of physical features that usually distinguish female from male. This is usually understood to be congenital, involving chromosomal, morphologic, genital and/or gonadal anomalies, such as diversion from typical XX-female or XY-male presentations, e.g., sex reversal (XY-female, XX-male), genital ambiguity, sex developmental differences. An intersex individual may have biological characteristics of both the male and the female sexes

End-of-life care

refers to medical care not only of patients in the final hours or days of their lives, but more broadly, medical care of all those with a terminal illness or terminal condition that has become advanced, progressive and incurable. Regarding cancer care the United States National Cancer Institute writes: When a patient's health care team determines that the cancer can no longer be controlled, medical testing and cancer treatment often stop. But the patient's care continues

The difference between these four approaches to morality

tends to lie more in the way moral dilemmas are approached than in the moral conclusions reached. For example, a consequentialist may argue that lying is wrong because of the negative consequences produced by lying -- though a consequentialist may allow that certain foreseeable consequences might make lying acceptable


term used by Melanie Klein (1921) to indicate a psychological process, something more than the making of amends...reparative gestures towards the damaged world'. In object relations theory, it represents a key part of the movement from the paranoid-schizoid position to the depressive position: 'depressive pain leads to reparative urges'


the capacity for introspection and the ability to reconcile oneself as an individual separate from the environment and other individuals. Self-awareness, though similar to sentience in concept, includes the experience of the self, and has been argued as implicit to the hard problem of consciousness. The basis of personal identity A philosophical view While reading Descartes, Locke began to relish the great ideas of philosophy and the scientific method


the concept that points of view have no absolute truth or validity, having only relative, subjective value according to differences in perception and consideration. The term is often used to refer to the context of moral principle, where in a relativistic mode of thought, principles and ethics are regarded as applicable in only limited context. There are many forms of relativism which vary in their degree of controversy

right to die

the ethical or institutional entitlement of the individual to commit suicide or to undergo voluntary euthanasia. Possession of this right is often understood to mean that a person with a terminal illness should be allowed to commit suicide or assisted suicide or to decline life-prolonging treatment, where a disease would otherwise prolong their suffering to an identical result. The question of who, if anyone, should be empowered to make these decisions is often central to debate

American Psychiatric Association

the main professional organization of psychiatrists and trainee psychiatrists in the United States, and the largest psychiatric organization in the world. Its some 36,000 members are mainly American but some are international. The association publishes various journals and pamphlets, as well as the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)


the observation that there are properties for a large class of systems that are independent of the dynamical details of the system. Systems display universality in a scaling limit, when a large number of interacting parts come together. The modern meaning of the term was introduced by Leo Kadanoff in the 1960s, but a simpler version of the concept was already implicit in the van der Waals equation and in the earlier Landau theory of phase transitions, which did not incorporate scaling correctly


the process by whereby attourneys have the right to ask for and receive information relevant to their case before the case is tried

cultural diversity

the quality of diverse or different cultures, as opposed to monoculture, as in the global monoculture, or a homogenization of cultures, akin to cultural decay. For example, before Hawaii was conquered by Europeans, the culturally diverse Hawaiian culture existed in the world, and contributed to the world's cultural diversity. Now Hawaii has been westernized; the vast majority of its culture has been replaced with Western or American culture


the rationale that confidentiality in counseling relationships is useful to society, because clients would be reluctant to seek help without an assurance of privacy

Duty to protect (duty to warn)

the responsibility of a mental health professional to protect patients and others from foreseeable harm. If a client makes statements that suggest suicidal or homicidal ideation, the clinician has the responsibility to take steps to warn intended victims, and if necessary, initiate involuntary commitment. The duty to protect was established by Tarasoff v. Regents of the University of California, which has been widely adopted by other states

adult development

the study of changes and transitions that occur during adulthood, and includes theories in biology, psychology and sociology. The study of later adulthood also falls under the field entitled gerontology.


the termination of a pregnancy by the removal or expulsion of a fetus or embryo from the uterus, resulting in or caused by its death. An abortion can occur spontaneously due to complications during pregnancy or can be induced, in humans and other species. In the context of human pregnancies, an abortion induced to preserve the health of the gravida (pregnant female) is termed a therapeutic abortion, while an abortion induced for any other reason is termed an elective abortion

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996

was enacted by the United States Congress and signed by President Bill Clinton in 1996. It has been known as the Kennedy-Kassebaum Act after two of its leading sponsors. Title I of Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act protects health insurance coverage for workers and their families when they change or lose their jobs. Title II of Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act, known as the Administrative Simplification (AS) provisions, requires the establishment of national standards for electronic health care transactions and national identifiers for providers, health insurance plans, and employers

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6 - (Questions) Health Insurance Underwriting

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Physiology Exam 2: Name 4 hormones involved in the hormonal control of metabolic fuel and describe what the target cell for these hormones is, the cells that produce the hormones and what function changes in the target cells.

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