Ethics Ch.11: Leadership

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ethical leadership

ability to create an ethical culture by motivating employees and enforcing organizational policies and norms involves: helping employees implement shared ethical values supporting others in incorporating an ethical culture into their daily decisions

emotional intelligence

ability to manage oneself and one's relationships with others effectively leadership styles: coercive authoritative affiliative democratic pacesetting coaching

leader follower relationships

communication is essential for leader follower congruence helps leaders avoid social isolation--> mutually beneficial relationships can be created by listening, giving respect, and providing feedback to the employees

conflict management styles

competing avoiding collaborating accommodating compromising different levels of assertiveness and cooperativeness

approaches to leadership

compliance based approach integrity based approach

transactional leader

creates employee satisfaction through negotiation for desired behavior or levels of performance

RADAR model

describes an ethical leader's duty to: 1. recognize ethical issues 2. avoid misconduct whenever possible 3. discover ethical risk areas 4. answer stakeholder concerns when an ethical issue comes to light 5. recover from a misconduct disaster by improving upon weakness in the ethics program

benefits of ethical leadership

directly impacts the corporate culture of the firm enhances ethical behavior patterns when employees are rewarded for their ethical conduct leads to employee satisfaction and commitment creates strong relationships with external stakeholders impacts the long term market evaluation of the firm

compliance based approach

emphasizes obedience to rules and regulations and sets processes in place to ensure compliance

power differences and workplace politics

employees may ignore observed misconduct at work if their concerns are not addressed appropriately ones who feel intimidated by power differences avoid communication with the leader workplace politics involves gossip, manipulation, playing favorites and taking credit for another's work may lead to lower morale, high turnover and negative behaviors among employees

employee empowerment

ethical leaders should empower employees to: make ethical decisions be responsible for their conduct employee empowerment is essential to create a values based organizational culture values based culture encourages employees to express concerns, bring up ethical issues and resolve conflicts

seven habits of strong ethical leaders

ethical leaders.... 1. have strong personal character 2. have a passion to do right 3. are proactive 4. consider all stakeholders' interests 5. are role models for the organization's values 6. are transparent and actively involved in decision making 7. take a holistic view of the firm's ethical culture

communication for becoming a better leader

have the tough conversations that you have been meaning to have stop talking and listen more pick up the phone or walk down the hall to actually talk with someone rather than relying on more impersonal emails communicate bad news in the same way, with the same zest, as good news share performance feedback with others regularly be purposeful and thoughtful in how you communicate ask for feedback so you can improve your skills work on your blind spots in your leadership abilities


high assertiveness high cooperativeness


high assertiveness low cooperativeness

categories of communication

interpersonal small group nonverbal listening


low assertiveness high cooperativeness


low assertiveness low cooperativeness


medium assertiveness medium cooperativeness

ethical business conflicts

occur when divergent views on a decision conflict with organizational goals help identify ethical issues that have to be resolved transparent communication ensures that the management is aware of ethical conflicts failures to act on employee concerns may lead to more group conflict employees can either ignore the issue, confront the other person or report the conflict


occurs through informal or formal systems employee to leader feedback is essential leaders should strike a balance in providing positive and negative feedback ways to generate employee feedback interviews, anonymous surveys, ethical audits and websites

authentic leader

practices corporate values daily and forms long term relationships with stakeholders

ethics programs and communication

programs that help communicate values to the employees codes of ethics ethical training formal and informal interpersonal communication assists in building leader follower relationships

transformational leader

strives to raise employee commitment and fosters trust and motivation

leadership styles and ethical decisions

styles that build strong organizational values among employees contribute to shared standards of conduct attributes for leadership: character, stewardship, and experience emotional intelligence

integrity based approach

views ethics as an opportunity to implement core values and empowers employees

leader follower congruence

when leaders and followers share the same vision, ethical expectations and objectives for the company

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