Ethics Pre-test
Which of the following statements regarding counselor competence is false?
Licensure ensures that practitioners are competent to do what their licenses permit them to do
Regarding dual relationships between counselors and clients
There is no consensus among professionals as to which dual relationships are acceptable and which is not
A "sliding scale" in counseling refers to
a fee structure based on the amount of family income and family size
Many states have laws requiring reports of suspected abuse of all of the following EXCEPT
abused wives
Most legal issues faced by counselors involve
acting as a witness in litigation concerning other people
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), which is sometimes referred to as the "Buckley Amendment," affects
all public educational institutions
Disclosure of confidential information is acceptable when all of the following conditions exist EXCEPT
an attorney send a counselor a subpoena
Minor clients have
an ethical right to privacy and confidentiality, but no legal right in most states
Informed consent documents that clients sign before counseling sessions begin and that set forth the nature of the counseling relationship
are a good way to inform clients of their rights and responsibilties and are required by some federal rules and state laws
Ethical standards for consultants in the mental health field
are sparse in codes of ethics
If a subpoena for the counseling records of a client is received, a counselor who works in a mental health agency should
ask his or her supervisor to obtain a legal opinion as to whether the records should be copied for the attorney who has issued the subpoena.
When it comes to determining who has the right to make decisions regarding a child's life, the law favors
biological parents
The nature of the privacy concepts of confidentiality and priveleged communication is
confidentiality is primarily an ethical issue, and priveleged communication is primarily a legal issue
When you have an ethical question and you are having trouble making a decision, you should
consult with colleagues
If a formal ethics complaint is filed against you, you should NOT
contact the client who filed the complaint to see if you can work things out
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) requires that
counselors give clients a clear written explanation of how counselors use, keep, and disclose their health care information, cleints have access to their records, that a written process exists for clients to request amendments to their records, a written history of most disclosures of client information be available to clients
When clients seek counseling related to issues such as abortion, assisted suicide, interracial marriage, premarital sex, or sexual identity
counselors must examine their own values regarding these issues to ensure they can provide counseling services without allowing their own beliefs to interfere
If you believe another counselor is behaving in an unethical manner, the first thing you should do is
discuss the matter with the counselor and attempt to get him or her to change the behavior
The primary purpose of diagnosis is to
facilitate effective treatment
Generally, counselors create clinical case notes
for their own use, so that they may be effective counselors
In the event a counselor has a client with a large bill for services that is several months late, the counselor should
forget the bill and take steps in the future to prevent these bills from developing
Regarding the law of privileged communication in relation to family and group counseling
generally, privilege is waived if there is a third party present during counseling
If a counselor wants a person other than a biological parent (such as a step-parent or grandparent) to have confidential information regarding a child client, a simple solution is to
get a signed statement from one of the biological parents allowing the counselor to disclose information to the step-parent or grandparent
A family counselor who uses paradoxical directives or interventions could get into trouble because clients who follow their prescriptions for behavior may be
"Distressed counslors" or "counselors suffering from burnout" are terms used to refer to
impaired counselors
Malpractice is a type of civil lawsuit that can be filed against counseling professionals for practicing in a manner that leads to
injury to a recipient of their services
The only dual relationships that are prohibited by the ACA Code of Ethics are those
involving a sexual relationship between the client and the counselor
The typical counselor who enters into a sexual relationship with a client is
is a professional isolated male counselor who is experiencing distress or crisis in his personal life
The standard used to determine whether a particular counselor is qualified to administer and interpret a particular test
is not absolute and each counselor must make that determination for himself/herself
Pre-screening of group members
is required the ACA Code of Ethics
Proper maintenance of test security by counselors includes all of the following EXCEPT
letting clients take tests home to complete
It is impossible for counselors to understand all aspects of the law but the best advice for counselors who face legal questions is to
listen to their lawyer and do what the lawyer says
A counselor's self-disclosure in a counseling session
may be acceptable if the counselor believes the disclosure will benefit the client
Parents who object to their child's participation in counseling
may have the right to demand that services be discontinued
Regarding a client's privacy, counselors should
promise the client privacy, but explain there are exceptions and give a general overview of the exceptions
Privileged communication statutes
protect clients from having confidential communications with their counselors disclosed in a court of law without their permission
Supervision agreements between a clinical supervisor and supervisee
should be in writing so both parties understand the terms of the relationship clearly
When administrative and clinical supervisors give corrective feedback to supervisees, that feedback
should be ongoing, coupled with periodic evaluation and opportunities to correct deficiencies
If a counselor were to purposefully make false oral statements that damaged the reputation of another mental health professional, the counselor could be sued for
As a professional counselor, you are required by law in all states to report
suspected child abuse or neglect When it comes to determining who has the right to make decisions regarding a child's life, the law favors
When a counselor determines that a client may be at risk for harming self or others, the counselor always must
take the steps necessary to prevent harm
Legal principles view the contents of the counseling records about a particular client as belonging to
the client
When a client accuses a counselor of wrong doing through a complaint with the counselor's licensure board or through a malpractice law suit filed in court
the client automatically waives his or her privacy rights and the counselor can reveal private information related to providing counseling services to the client
It is ethically permissible for counselors to terminate a counseling relationship for all of the following reasons EXCEPT
the client experiences a crisis
If a supervisee is sued for negligence when a client commits suicide and a jury finds the counselor at fault
the clinical supervisor is most likely to be held accountable as well because the clinical supervisor has given consultation to the supervisee regarding his or her counseling practice on a regular basis
If a counselor is asked to disclose privileged information relative to a client who cannot be located, then the obligation to assert the privilege rests with
the counselor
Subpoenas are used
to obtain copies of records , to cause potential witnesses to testify at a deposition, hearing, or trial, to ask potential witnesses to respond in writing to written questions, to require witnesses to appear at a deposition, hearing, or trial and to bring their records with them
If you believe your supervisor at your work setting is forcing you to act in what you consider to be an unethical manner, you should
try to work with your supervisor to resolve the problem
The testimony of expert witnesses
usually supports one side in a legal controversy and damages the position of the other side
Family counselors often view the family system as their client and treat the family as one entity, as opposed to treating individual family members, and our laws
view family members as having separate and distinct rights and responsibilities that are individual in nature