European History Midterm 2013 PLUS NEW QUESTIONS

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16 cent religious wars that plagued France ended w the


NOT a characteristic of the Italian Ren


What % of Europeans died from Black Plague

1/3, 33%

When did Christian Chuch split into 2 halves


When was Battle of Hastings?


When did emperor appeal for help?


When was Council of Nicea


Foremost Northern Ren artist

Albrecht Durer

Byzantine emporer who appealed for aid from West?

Alexios I

What town was papacy moved to


Sculpture "The Ecstasy of St. Teresa" by Gianlorenzo Bernini is most likely a work repp'ive of what style


Greatest painter at the Venetian School


Who wrote Unam Sanctum

Boniface VIII

Son of Pope Alexander VI

Cesare Borgia

Most powerful Euro ruler during Protestant Reformation

Charles V

What council issued Sacrosancta


Under what king was Model Parliament introduced

Edward I

What king of England started 100 Years War

Edward III

Country likely to be "winner" of the Hundred Years War


Where was 100 Years War fought


Main language spoken in Eastern half of Roman Empire


During Thirty Years' War, the Lutheran gov't was saved from extinction by the military intervention of who

Gustavus Adolphus

Pledged to rid Florence of corruption

Henry IV

Founder of Jesuit order (Society of Jesus)

Ignatius Loyola

Cause of fall of Rome

Imperialism, barbarian invasions

Weakened power of Medici's

Invasion of France

Protestantism did NOT spread significantly in what country during 16 cent?


NOT a new monarch

Isabella d'Este

Unified Spain w her husband

Isabella of Castille

Time period of free standing sculptures

Italian Renaissance

Turned tide for 100 Years War in favor of French

Joan of Arc

Provided a foundation upon which Puritanism was based

John Calvin

Emperor who built Haiga Sophia


Embodied Lutheran ideal of a devoted and compassionate spouse?

Katerina van Bora

Family known as red rose


Time period that used Greco-Roman lines in its architecture

Late Hellenistic

Two ancient languages studied by humanists

Latin (Roman) and Greek

Who developed sfumato

Leonardo daVinci

Medici called the Magnificent


Foremost expert on Latin language during Italian Ren

Lorenzo Valla

Author of The Prince


Doc that guaranteed rights of nobles

Magna Carta

Who developed the essay

Michel De Montaigne

Author of Oration on the Dignity of Man


Considered "Father of Humanism" and described medieval period as the "Dark Ages"


Kidnapped Boniface VIII

Philip IV

Most notorious of Ren popes

Pope Alexander VI

Who issued Treaty of Tordesillas?

Pope Alexander VI

Issued Clericos Laicos

Pope Boniface VIII

What pope has most influence in reforming church practices and reaffirming doctrine during Catholic Reformation

Pope Paul III

What pope called for the First Crusade?

Pope Urban II

Most important in early dvlpmnt of Portuguese exploration during mid-to-late 15 cent

Prince Henry the Navigator

Central religious issue in England between 1534-1689

Protestantism would remain dominant force in Church of England

Immediate cause of English Civil War

Religious persecution of Puritans by Charles I

What time period has a sexual double standard


What nationality did ppl of Byzantine Empire consider themselves


Country that dominated spice trade in modern day Indonesia during 17 cent

The Dutch Republic

Name of land Vikings settled in North America


What war caused the Defenestration of Prague

War in Bohemia

Joan of Arc convicted for


Great accomplishment of Erasmus

books and influence on humanists

Economic system started after Crusades

capitalism, still enjoyed today

What does the fox say

choff choff something

contract bt a merchant and merchant-adventurer


Elizabeth I of Eng and Henry IV of France were similar in their


Main point of Clericos Laicos

couldn't tax church land

Decision of Sacrosancta?

council over popes

Alphabet used by Slavs in E Europe


Philip VI persuaded Council of Cardinals to

elect French pope

Religious divisions w/in England in late 16 cent resulted in

execution of Mary, Queen of Scots

NOT an aspect of the Cath Reformation

faith and grace only routes to salvation

Machiavelli said rulers should act like what animals?

fox and lion

What organizations did craftsmen join?


"Price revolution" of 16 cent led directly to

increase in production of goods

Upper class women during the Renaissance

increased access to education, lost some status compared to Middle Ages, were to make themselves pleasing to men, sexual double standard

Mjr diff bt Euro society in Ren compared to society in Later Middle Ages was that Ren society experienced

increased publication of written materials

Political results of Crusades

initially pope was stronger, but kings stronger in the end, loss in papal prestige

Effect of the Edict of Milan

legalized Christianity

Where did Luther est a theocracy


Theme of Unam Sanctum

popes over kings

Papal Supremacy?

popes rule over everyone else

A significant % of Spain's Jews and Moors were removed by Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile as a result of the


Council of Trent (1545-1563) was significant because it

reformed abuses in the church

Most important cause of English civil war

religious persecution of Puritans by Charles I, and struggle between king and Parliament regarding taxation and civil liberties

The Treaty of Westphalia

renewal of Peace of Augsburg, but added Calvinism as politically accepted faith. ended Catholic reformation in Germany. Guaranteed Germany remained politically divided. Dissolution of HRE confirmed. Netherlands and Switzerland gained independence from Spanish rule. Many Germans became sovereign. Pope denied right to intervene with HRE affairs. France, Sweden, Brandenburg rec'd territorie and gained intern'l stature. Hapsburg branches weakened.

Accurate concerning doctrine of the Anglican Church under Henry VIII

salvation through "good works"

Word used in Italian Ren for a despot


Protestant Reformation

strengthened power of secular rulers

Anabaptists from the 16th cent believed in

strong voluntary association of believers w/ no connection to any state

Most profitable commodity in emerging global trade during commercial revolution


Long term consequence of Spain's conquest of the New World

the creations of a new population known as mestizos

Cause of the end of Viking raids

they learned how to farm

All of the following were Cath church abuses criticized by religious reformers prior to Reformation EXCEPT



use of dark and light colors to create depth

Elizabeth I of England and Henry IV of France were similar in their

use of practical compromise to solve problems

In feudalism what position(s) could a peasant hold


When was Sack of Rome by armies of HRE Charles V


When did city of Rome fall?


NOT an important aspect of Cath Reformation

Augsburg Confession

Statue of David created in what style


First Euro explorer to round S tip of Africa

Bartholomew Dias

What battle ended War of the Roses?

Battle of Bosworth Field

Battle that turned tide of 100 Years War

Battle of Orleans

Most profound use of baroque ideas and values


Round colonnade in front of St. Peter's Basilica at the Vatican was designed by


Created II Duoma


Frankish king crowned in 800


What civilized Vikings


In which council was First Crusade called?


In what city was Haiga Sophia built


What was William the Conqueror's title before becoming King of England

Duke of Normandy

Could be considered "politiques" for ability and willingness to compromise in order to further political goals

Elizabeth I and Henry IV

Known as "Prince of Humanists"


Immediate cause of Thirty Years' War

Failure of Peace of Augsburg

French cloth making town Edward wanted to have for English wool


Most important economic and mercantile center in Europe during last half of 16 cent


Result of Thirty Years' War

Germany devastated (1/3 of pop perished), further divided by decline of HRE, Ended wars of religion, beginning of rise of France as dominant Euro power, accelerated rise of Eng, Netherlands, and Prussia. Balance of power diplomacy emerged in Euro

Victims of St. Bartholomew's Massacre (1572)


John Calvin's Magnus Opus?

Institutes of the Catholic Religion

Was NOT significantly affected by the Calvinist mvmt in early 17 cent


Against what group were the pogroms started after Crusades?


King forced to sign doc guaranteeing rights of nobles

King John

Main language spoken in Western half of Roman Empire


First person to use term "humanism"

Leonardo Bruni

Translated Plato's works into Latin

Marsillo Ficino

Who wrote Don Quixote

Miguel De Cervantes

How did Humanism influence Protestant Reformation

New Latin and Greek translations of the Bible influenced reformers to challenge Cath authority

Immediate result of Pride's Purge (1648)

Parliament leaving a "Rump Parliament" w/ only 1/5 of members remaining, new sects emerge, and Charles I beheaded in 1649

What Protestant group took hold in Scotland?


Central religious issue in England bt 1534 and 1689 was extent to which

Protestantism should remain dominant in Church of England

Allowed women to preach in their congregations


Artist who created numerous "Madonna and Child" paintings

Raphael Santi

What institution filled the power vacuum in W Europe when Rome fell

Roman Cath Church

Where were Vikings from?


Who wrote Utopia

St. Thomas More

Important tool in helping English monarchy increase its power during late-15 cent

Star Chamber

Who was a 16 cent Cath figure who had a significant impact in promoting emotionalism and a personal relationship w God?

Teresa of Avila

Pope Alexander VI issued what to prevent military conflicts between Spain and Portugal over New Worlds claims issue

Treaty of Tordesillas

Dynasty that came after Plantagenet dynasty in England


First Euro explorer to find an all-water route to India

Vasco da Gama

Longest lasting of Italian city-states


Who won Battle of Hastings

William the Conqueror

Family known as white rose


Where did Zwingli est a theocracy


Lutheran Reformation in Germany emphasized

a "priesthood of all believers"

In guild system, what is lowest person called?


How did Joan of Arc die

burned at stake

Mercenary general AKA


NOT used to reduce power of nobility in early modern Europe


Colloquy of Marburg (1529)

debate bt Luther and Zwingli that officially split Protestantism

What was unique about the Fourth Crusade

didn't reach the holy land

Elizabethan Settlement during late-16 cent

doctrine of Anglican church that was essentially Protestant w some Cath rituals

Fundamental goal of a mercantilist country in 17 cent

favorable balance of trade w other nations

William of Orange was a significant political fig in late 16 cent bc

he led 17 province against Spanish Inquisition

English Civil War and French Revolution similar in

high taxes proposals and rebellions against kin

social class at forefront of the Commercial Revolution in 16 cent was the

middle class

Social result of Crusades

raised status of women, introduced lost knowledge, increased trade links

Council of Trent (1545-1563)

reaffirmed trad'l doctrine of RCC

According to humanists, what constitutes a good life

reason and nature

Does NOT constitute a good, liberal arts education


Major cause of "price revolution" in mid 16 cent was

rise in population

Specific abuse Luther addressed in 95 Theses

sale of indulgences

What best reflects a major cause for the increased power of the new monarchs in early modern Euro

tax supported royal armies


technique of blurring or softening sharp outlines

Why was moveable type printing press so important

translated and printed more more quickly, more Bibles printed

During 16 cent, first enclosure mvmts in England were designed to increase

wool production

How long did Crusades last?


When was Battle of Milvian Bridge


When was edict of Milan?



3D effects on a 2D surface

When did Viking raids in Europe begin


How many Crusades were there


Highly critical of the way in which Native Americans were treated by the Spanish in the New World

Alfonso d' Albuquerque

Considered politiques for their ability and willingness to compromise in order to further their political goals

Cardinal Richilieu, Elizabeth I, Henry IV

What French kings death started controversy that began 100 Years War?

Charles IV

What king chose an "Antipope"?

Charles V

Which Euro ruler posed biggest obstacle to spread of Protestantism in 16 cent

Charles V

French monarchy under Francis I gained in 1516 the right to appoint its own bishops and exercise greater control over the Catholic church in France as a result of the

Concordat of Bologna

Most powerful of Medici's


Sought to reduce further spread of Protestantism in central Europe during 16 cent

Council of Trent

What book did Henry VIII write?

Defense of the Seven Sacraments

EF-CHIP for Treaty of Westphalia

End of Wars of Religion France emerges as Europe's most powerfil country Calvinism added to Peace of Augsburg HRE effectively destroyed Independence for Netherlands and Switzerland Prussia emerges as a great power

In such works as In Praise of Folly, this man criticized the clergy and abuses that he saw in the Christian Church


What humanist influenced Calvin?


What work had biggest impact on Protestant Reformation in 1517?

Erasmus In Praise of Folly

Center of Ren during 15 cent

Florence, almost exclusive to high classes

Where did Calvin est a theocracy


What is true regarding Peace of Augsburg(1555)?

German princes allowed to choose Catholicism or Protestantism

Killed King Richard III to end War of the Roses at Bosworth Field

Henry VII (Henry Tudor)

Major figure in Scottish Reformation and instrumental in making Presbyterianism dominant in Scotland church

John Knox

14 cent English reformer whose views were embodied in Lollard mvmt

John Wyclif

What city was first Bible printed using printing press

Mainz, Germany

Unifying pope

Martin V

NOT a Calvinist group in the 16 cent


Greatest of the mannerist painters


What is the Pieta

Michelangelo painting, Mary holding limp body of Christ, in St. Mark's Cathedral

What time period was divorce non existent

Middle Ages

Rights of a German prince to choose either Catholicism or Lutheranism as official faith of state

Peace of Augsburg

Names of two halves of Christian Church

Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox

What group was harassing the Byzantine Empire that began Crusades?

Seljuk Turks

Ruled Duchy of Milan

Sforza family

Elizabeth I attempted to reduce religious conflict in England through a compromise creed of faith known as the

Thirty-Nine Articles

Compared to life in Middle Ages, typical peasant during Ren would have exp'd

few, if any changes

What brought Black Death to Europe

fleas and rats on ships

During commercial revolution in 16 cent and institution that was forerunner of the modern corporation was the

joint-stock company

In critique to RCC, Luther's 95 Theses focused mainly on

lack of biblical justification for sale of indulgences

In 14 and 15 cent, mystics like Thomas a Kempis

laid foundation for Protestants personal approach to worship

Why is Battle of Hastings significant

lands of Normandy not belonged to English kingdom

direct result of reconquista

last stronghold of Muslims was removed from Iberian Peninsula

Oliver Cromwell's rule in England

look in your notes

In feudalism, what positions could a king hold


In feudalism, what positions could a knight hold?

lord and vassal

Philip II of Spain

made Spain dominant country in Europe: "Golden Age" of Spain, Escorial: new royal palace built in shape of grill, symbolized power of Philip as well as his commitment to his Catholic crusade

Fall of Constantinople in 1453 had a significant impact on Ren humanism in Italy bc

many Greek scholars fled there w books and manuscripts

What time period was based mainly on Scripture?

middle ages

Major diff bt Italian Ren and Northern Ren was that the Italian Ren

most Italian Ren ppl stayed Catholic

Edict of Nantes

permitted Huguenots right to privately worship, access to universities, public office, and right to maintain 200 fortified towns in W and SW France for self-protection. More of a truce thanin religious wars than recognition of religious tolerance

Most important reason for success of both Renaissance culture and Protestant Reformation

printing press

What is a vassal?

someone who works their lord's land in return for letting them live there

During Protestant Reformation, French gov't maintained policy of

support for Lutheran princes

Luther's most fundamental theological idea

through faith alone, salvation can be achieved

Workers part of middle class

traders, businessmen, artisans

Kept balance bt Italian city-states

weaker states would ally w other states to prevent a single state from dominating peninsula

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