Exam 1
Locate Thalamus on Diagram
small structure within the brain located just above the brain stem between the cerebral cortex and the midbrain directly in the middle of brain, held by corpus callosum, looks like two maracas from the back
locate cerebellum on diagram
big sack under brain behind stem
Primary motor cortex:
(also known as M1) is critical to initiating motor movements. Areas of the motor cortex correspond precisely to specific body parts. active growth: 3-6 yrs functions: abstract cognitive functions, socioemotional integration development goal: abstract reasoning, creativity, respect, moral and spiritual foundations
Locate Temporal Lobe on Diagram
Bottom middle part of cortex, right behind the temples - big middle part of brain on brain stem
response - fight
brainstem, autonomic, reflexive cognition, terror
Locate Occipital Lobe on Diagram
located at the rear portion of the skull, behind the parietal and temporal lobes. back lobe
Cognitive Behavior Theory - What is the basic premise of the Cognitive Triad
negative triad, is an irrational and pessimistic view of the three key elements of a person's belief system present in depression. the self, the world, the future
related to long term memory formation. -the structure in the brain most closely aligned to memory formation. It is important as an early storage place for long-term memory, and it is involved in the transition of long-term memory to even more enduring permanent memory. also plays an important role in spatial navigation.
reward prediction and motivation/drive.
Locate Brain stem on diagram
the stem
Direction of Perry's Neurosequential Model of Intervention
. start first with the 'lower' areas of the brain and work your way up to the higher areas
Adaptive Response - Vigilance
Cortex, Limbic, Concrete thinking, arousal
Locate Amygdala on Diagram
Each amygdala is located close to the hippocampus, in the frontal portion of the temporal lobe. - name means almond, small bulbs on hippocampus
prefrontal cortex and limbic system relationship
Emotions originate from the limbic system but the nature of these emotions, either positive or negative, is strongly influenced by the frontal lobes which communicate with the limbic system frontal lobes interpret situations and events and then communicate that interpretation to the limbic system which then produces the appropriate emotion.
Adaptive Response - Rest
Quiet, Neocortex/Cortex, cognition - abstract
What is the relationships between automatic thoughts and feelings and behaviors?
These thoughts trigger feelings which lead to behaviors. Automatic thoughts come from core beliefs about ourselves, others, the world and the future. [CBT PPT].
a region in the brain heavily involved in relaying information between the cortex and brain stem and within different cortical structures. Because of this role in corticocortical interactions, the thalamus contributes to many processes in the brain including perception, attention, timing, and movement. It plays a central role in alertness and awareness.
Temporal lobe
a region of the brain containing a large number of substructures, whose functions include perception, face recognition, object recognition, memory acquisition, understanding language, and emotional reactions
Response - Freeze
alarm, limbic, midbrain, emotional cognition
Where do automatic thoughts emerge from
answer = core beliefs)? Situation triggers Automatic Thoughts.
Frontal Lobe
are part of the cerebral cortex and are the largest of the brain's structures. They are the main site of so-called 'higher' cognitive functions. contain a number of important substructures, including the prefrontal cortex, orbitofrontal cortex, motor and premotor cortices, and Broca's area. These substructures are involved in attention and thought, voluntary movement, decision-making, and language.
Parietal lobes
are regions in the brain that play an important role in integrating information from different senses to build a coherent picture of the world. They integrate information from the ventral visual pathways (which process what things are) and dorsal visual pathways (which process where things are). This allows us to coordinate our movements in response to the objects in our environment. They contain a number of distinct reference maps of the body, near space, and distant space, which are constantly updated as we move and interact with the world. The parietal cortex processes attentional awareness of the environment, is involved in manipulating objects, and representing numbers.
Occipital lobe:
are the primary visual area of the brain. They receive projections from the retina (via the thalamus), where different groups of neurons separately encode different visual information such as color, orientation, and motion.
Locate Hypothalamus on Diagram
below the thalamus and is part of the limbic system. small gland between thalamus and pituitary gland (holds it like a pocket)
Basal ganglia:
comprise a group of structures that regulate the initiation of movements, balance, eye movements, and posture. They are strongly connected to other motor areas in the brain and link the thalamus with the motor cortex. are also involved in cognitive and emotional behaviors and play an important role in reward and reinforcement, addictive behaviors and habit formation.
consists of a group of structures that lie deep within the brain, including the pons, medulla oblongata, and midbrain. It plays an important role in maintaining homeostasis by controlling autonomic functions such as breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure. While the brainstem can organize motor movements such as reflexes, it coordinates with the motor cortex and associated areas to contribute to fine movements of limbs and the face. age of growth: 0-9months -regulation of arousal,sleep, and fear states -development goal: state regulation, primary attachment, flexible stress response, resilience
prefrontal cortex
executive functioning, reasoning, morality, impulse control, problem solving, regulating emotions that stem from the limbic system -is a region in the brain associated with 'higher' brain functions. It is a critical part of the executive system, which refers to planning, reasoning, and judgment. It is also involved in personality and emotion by contributing to the assessment and control of appropriate social behaviors.
response - flight
fear, midbrain, brainstem, reactive
Locate Prefrontal Cortex on Diagram
front of frontal lobe
Locate Hippocampus on Diagram
in the brain's medial temporal lobe, near the center of the brain., shaped like a horseshoe, underneath the cortical surface.
involved in emotional regulation, impulse control, status and appetite control.
is a complex brain structure that is particularly involved in processing emotions and fear-learning. -the main limbic structure involved in fear/threat recognition. It help you recognize fear in other people's faces.
Wernicke's area
is a functionally defined brain structure that is involved in language comprehension. In about 97% of humans (including a large majority of left-handers) major language functions are contained in the left hemisphere of the brain and for most people, Wernicke's area is lateralized to the left side.
Broca's area:
is a functionally defined structure in the left frontal lobe of about 97% of humans (including a large majority of left-handers). Broca's area is involved mainly in the production of spoken and written language and also in language processing and comprehension.
is a hormone involved in feelings of affiliation/love/bonding.
Premotor cortex
is a narrow region of the brain between the prefrontal and motor cortices. It is involved in preparing and executing limb movements and uses information from other cortical regions to select appropriate movements. The premotor cortex is also important for learning (imitation) and social cognition (empathy) - mirror neurons in the premotor cortex area of the macaque brain fire when the animal observes an action in others.
is a neurotransmitter that heightens the threat response(fight or flight). = Agitation
is a neurotransmitter that reduces the fear response. = Calming
Caudate nucleus:
is a nucleus in the basal ganglia that plays a role in learning and memory and movement.
Cingulate gyrus:
is an important part of the limbic system that helps regulate emotions and pain. It is thought to directly drive the body's conscious response to unpleasant experiences. In addition, it is involved in fear and the prediction (and avoidance) of negative consequences.
is involved in many autonomic functions including the stress response system, hunger, thirst, body temperature, and sexual activity. -a brain region that regulates a wide range of behavioral and physiological activities. It controls many autonomic functions such as hunger, thirst, body temperature, and sexual activity. To do this, it integrates information from many different parts of the brain and is responsive to a variety of stimuli including light (it regulates circadian rhythms), odors (e.g. pheromones), stress, and arousal (neurons from this structure release oxytocin directly into the bloodstream).
Locate Frontal Lobe on Diagram
largest and at the front
part of the brain that includes the thalamus, hypothalamus, and epithalamus. These structures are heavily involved in regulating the autonomic nervous system. age of growth: 6 mo to 2 yrs critical function: integration of multiple sensory inputs, fine motor control development goal: sensory integration, motor control, relational flexibility, attunement
function of the Limbic System and how its parts interact
threat response, fear learning, emotions -group of brain structures including the amygdala, hippocampus, and hypothalamus that are involved in processing and regulating emotions, memory, sexual arousal, and response to stress. -emotional stages, social language, interpretation of nonverbal info - active growth at 1-4 yrs -development goal: emotional regulation, empathy, affiliation, tolerance