exam 1 a&P lab

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spongy bone

composed of small needlelike pieces of bone and lots of open space

ventral body cavity

contains all the structures within the chest and abdomen

4 major sutures of the skull

coronal, sagittal, lambdoid, squamous


great toe

negative feedback loop

returns conditions to a set point (like a thermostat)

lymphatic system

returns excess tissue fluid to the cardiovascular system, provides immunity

Which bone feature is only found on cervical vertebrae?


Which bone feature is only found on cervical vertebrae?

transverse forearm

The protein found in large amounts in the outermost layer of epidermal cells is keratin.


stratum granulosum

A thin layer named for the abundant granules its cells contain. These granules are (1) lamellar granules, which contain a waterproofing glycolipid that is secreted into the extracellular space; and (2) keratohyaline granules, which help to form keratin in the more superficial layers.

central canal

A tiny channel found within the spinal cord and inferior medulla oblongata

posterior cruciate ligament

Attaches to posterior tibia Prevents backward sliding of tibia and forward sliding of femur

squamous suture

Between parietal and temporal bones by ears


Closer to the origin of the body part or the point of attachment of a limb to the body trunk

dorsal body cavity

Contains the cranial cavity and the spinal cavity

How do nutrients reach the epidermis of the skin?

Diffusion transports nutrients from blood vessels in the dermis into the epidermis.

frontal plane

Divides the body into front and back portions.

Frontal bone markings

Forms the forehead, superior part of the orbit, and the floor of the anterior cranial fossa.

inorganic components of bone

Hydroxyapatites (mineral salts)


Palm up

stratum lucidum

Present only in thick skin. A very thin transparent band of flattened, dead keratinocytes with indistinct boundaries.

stratum corneum

The outermost layer consisting of 20-30 layers of dead, scalelike keratinocytes. They are constantly being exfoliated and replaced by the division of the deeper cells.

Which bony feature is typically only found in babies?

anterior fontanelle


away from the point of attachment like the knee is distal to the thigh

how is the skeleton divided

axial and appendicular

lambdoid suture

back of head

coronal suture

between frontal and parietal bones


bone cells


bone formation


bone forming anterior cranium

elastic cartilage

cartilage with abundant elastic fibers; more flexible than hyaline cartilage mainly in the ear


caudal towards the feet

medullary cavity

cavity within the shaft of the long bones filled with bone marrow

As total magnification increases, the working distance ________.


respiratory system

delivers oxygen to the blood, removes carbon dioxide

homeostasis imbalances

disturbances in homeostasis can lead to disease or death if uncorrected

frontal plane

divides body into front and back

sagittal plane

divides body into left and right

transverse plane

divides the body into superior and inferior parts

The spinal cord is located in the ________ body cavity.


Which of the following are the two types of sudoriferous glands?

eccrine and apocrine

types of joints

fibrous, cartilaginous, synovial

What is the name of the superficial region of the skin?


4 basic types of animal tissue

epithelial, connective, muscle, nervous

What is the primary cell type found in ligaments?


Which cartilage forms the meniscus?


If you "close" your elbow bringing your forearm to rest against your upper arm, then your elbow is exhibiting:


Which of these terms best describes a small hole going through a bone?



form the superior and lateral cranium

frontal cranial bone

forms the forehead

Patient RX has been stabbed in the anterior, medial region of the right femoral region. What is the best description to tell the patient's family where the injury was located?

front mid-region of the right thigh


front of elbow

The ________ body plane of section divides the body into anterior and posterior parts.




articular cartilage

hyaline cartilage that covers ends of bones in synovial joints

3 types of cartilage

hyaline, elastic, fibrocartilage

positive feedback loop

increases and reinforces initial stimulus

What part of the microscope will allow the maximum amount of light to pass through the slide?

iris diaphragm

intercalated discs

junctions between cells anchor cardiac cells look like little maggots

sagitttal plane

left to right





parietal membrane

lines body cavity containing an organ


maintenance of internal enviroment

On what bone is the coronoid process found?



membrane lining the medullary cavity of a bone

smooth muscle

non striated, found circling hollow organs

organic components of bone

osteogenic cells, osteoblasts, osteocytes, bone-lining cells, osteoclasts, and osteoid


palm down

What tissue is the outermost, dense covering around bone?


Which serous membrane covers only the lung?



point of shoulder

palatine bone

posterior hard plate

muscular system

produces movement, controls body openings, generates heat

bone markings category

projections and depressions

integumentary system

protects the body from external environment, retains water, Produces vitamin D, regulated body temp

stratified squamous epithelium

protects underlying tissues in areas subjected to abrasion

Nervous system

regulates body function, ptovides sensation, movement,


resemble jelly fish


rings around the central canal, sites of lacunae

lacrimal bone

saddle that contains pituitary gland

saggital suture

separates the left and right parietal bone


small cavities that contain osteocytes

Which layer of the epidermis is responsible for cell division and replacement?

stratum basale

skeletal muscle

striated, multi nucleated, each cell is innervated

cardiac muscle

striated, uninucleate, intercalated disk

collagen fibers

strong, fibrous protein that functions as extracellular structural element in connective tissue

skeletal system

supports the body, protects internal organs, provides leverage for movement, produces blood cells, stores calcium salts


toward the back


toward the front


toward the head


toward the middle of the body

Which two bones form the nasal septum?

vomer and ethmoid


wedge-shaped bone at the base of the skull



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