EXAM 1: Peds Ch. 31-33, 25-28 VOCAB
"first milk" filled with complete nutrition produced when: first 2-4 days after birth
"from center to periphery" development of fine motor skills; baby first bats with whole hand, then grasps, then fingertip grasps
"from head to tail" related to development of gross motor skills; baby learns to lift head before learning to roll over and sit
a collection of people who interact with one another and whose common interests or characteristics form the basis for a sense of unity or belonging
a reflection of weight in relation to height
ability to destroy and remove a specific antigen from the body
ability to fuse 2 ocular images into one cerebral picture when: begins at 6 weeks; established by 4 months
active immunity
acquired when a person's own immune system generates the immune response; lasts years or for a lifetime
medically fragile child
aka child with medical complexity; a child with substantial health care needs, one or more chronic conditions, functional limitations often associated with technology assistance, and health care use
medical home
an approach to care that builds a long-term and comprehensive relationship with the family; promotes trust and leads to comprehensive, continuous, coordinated, and cost-effective care
an increase in functionality of various body systems or developmental skills
an increase in physical size
developmental surveillance
an ongoing collection of skilled observations made over time during health care visits; include addressing concerns, obtaining history, making observations, and consulting with relevant professionals
assesses the mobility of the eardrum (tympanic membrane); pull down on earlobe of infants and toddlers and on outer edge of the pinna in older children to straighten the ear canal and press the tip over the external canal
solitary play
baby does not share with other infants or directly plays with other infants
blueness of hands and feet; normal in babies up to several days of age and results from an immature circulatory system completing the switch from fetal to extrauterine life
developmental screenings
brief assessment procedures that identify children who warrant more intensive assessment and testing; may be observational or a caregiver report
stranger anxiety
clingy, whiny when approached by strangers; an indicator that the infant is recognizing himself or herself as separate from others when: 8 months
separation anxiety
distress related to removal from family and familiar surroundings
selective screening
done when a risk assessment indicates the child has one or more risk factors fro the disorder
anticipatory guidance
educating parents and caregivers about what to expect in the next phase of development
focusing at different distances (constricts as the object moves closer)
Individualized Health Plan
formalizes the plan of support for a student with complex health care needs
inconsolable crying that lasts 3 or + hours per day; may be due to GI or neuro system, temperament, or parenting style of mother or father when: begins/increases 2-6 weeks, done by 12 weeks intv: stepwise approach, one at a time
individual's nature, child's inborn traits that determine how he or she interacts with the world
object permanence
knowing an object still exists and searching for it where it was last seen when: 4-7 months, established by 8 months
obligate nose breather
long soft palate and relatively large tongue, which allows for swallowing without aspiration during breast or artificial nipple feeding; infants up to 3-6 months of age
measures height in standing children
milk mother produces continually
new, fattier milk let down after foremilk that helps the infant grow quickly
therapeutic play
non-directed and focuses on helping the child cope with feelings and fears; used to help the child deal with the physical and psychological challenges of illness and hospitalization
risk assessment
performed by a physician or nurse practitioner with the child and includes objective and subjective data to determine the likelihood that the child will develop a condition
universal screening
performed when a reliable risk assessment procedure is not available; an entire population is screened regardless of the child's individual risk
screening tests
procedures or laboratory analyses used to identify children with a certain condition
passive immunity
produced when the immunoglobulins of one person are transferred to another; lasts weeks or months
pupils are equal, round, and reactive to light and accommodation
chief complaint
reason for the visit; "what can I help with today?"
let-down reflex
responsible for the release of milk from lactiferous sinuses
return to a previous stage of development
Tanner stages
sexual maturity rating scale to describe breast development
soft areas on the skull that remain open in infancy to allow for rapid brain growth;
soft, downy hair on the body on the face and back; mroe abundant in Hispanic infants and premature infants
the molding of a child's behavior through instruction, practice, and consistency helps: build self-esteem, sets standards for social interactions goal: teach limits and help infant solve problems
the sequential process by which infants and children fain various skills and functions
magical thinking
type of thinking that allows for fantasies and creativity
point of maximum intensity
where apical pulse can be seen; at 3rd-4th intercostal space medial to the L midclavicular line (until 4 y.o), at 4th intercostal space at the left midclavicular line (4-6 y.o), lateral to L midclacivular line at 5th intercostal space (7+ y.o)