Exam 1 World Music

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Traditional powwows

"..., where much smaller budget and do emphasize community and intertribal friendship over formal competition. Each participant receives sum of money for travel, food and lodging. Feasts available. Dancing and singing undertaken informally and feature giveaways, honor songs and event to emphasize local community. Friendship and camaraderie over contest and competitiveness."

"competition" powwows

"...formal song and dance competition and cash prizes for participants. More structured proceedings, division of dance and song categories and not emphasis on community and tribal concern or local dance traditions." Tribal councils. Drum groups hired.

Powwow Music

"A Native American social, ceremonial, and spiritual gathering featured food, singing, and dancing. Opportunities for community and intertribal celebration with singing, dancing, travel, camping, feasting, visiting, courtship, "making relatives," honoring elders and veterans, and strengthening and renewing tribal and intertribal social bonds."

the regalia of the Men's Traditional outfit

"A circular or U-shaped single feather bustle fastened around the waist of the dancer"

Structure of Powwow

"At the center of the grounds stands the dance arena, which is surrounded immediately by singing groups who set up their drums on blankets and specially designed drum stands, with folding metal or plastic chairs encircling each drum. Behind the drum groups are several rows of lawn chairs where elders, dancers, and relatives of dancers and singers sit and watch the weekend's events unfold. Encircling these rows of chairs, one often finds several stadium-style wooden benches, an informal seating area for the overflow of dancers and singers and for the many spectators."

*. How do we determine what is or is not an example of "Native American music?" How have different institutions dealt with this question?

"Contemporary Native music posed particular challenges for these award institutions precisely because many prominent Native musicians create and perform music across several genres that, stylistically, are virtually indistinguishable from their non-Native contemporaries. Thus, these organizations faced very pragmatic questions about whether the boundaries for contemporary Native music were defined by bloodline (only Native people perform "Native music") or by musical style and/or lyrical content. While all of these organizations have steered clear of explicitly stating that contemporary Native American music is a category defined by race, to date, no non-Native musician has ever won a Grammy or Juno award for indigenous music."

What are the differences between "competition" and "traditional" powwows?

"In Northern powwow circuit, [competition is] where feature formal song and dance competition and cash prizes for participants. More structured proceedings, division of dance and song categories and not emphasis on community and tribal concern or local dance traditions. Tribal councils. Drum groups hired." "In northern powwow circuits, [traditional is] where much smaller budget and do emphasize community and intertribal friendship over formal competition. Each participant receives sum of money for travel, food and lodging. Feasts available. Dancing and singing undertaken informally and feature giveaways, honor songs and event to emphasize local community. Friendship and camaraderie over contest and competitiveness."

haudenosaunee music characteristics

"Iroquois confederacy; relaxed open throated vocal production; frequent use of call-and-response forms; melodic compass of approximately one octave; frequent use of vocables, including the use of stable and "musically meaningful" strings of vocables."

Northern-style powwows started in

"Northern Great Plains and Great Lakes now found through Midwest streatching from Michigan and Illinois, through North and South Dakota, to Montana, Idoaho, and Wyoming and Canada"

*Discuss the stylistic and formal features that characterize powwow music.

"Opportunities for community and intertribal celebration with singing, dancing, travel, camping, feasting, visiting, courtship, "making relatives," honoring elders and veterans, and strengthening and renewing tribal and intertribal social bonds."

*What is the "Red Power" social movement, and how did it affect the development of Native American popular music, and the music of XIT in particular?

"Red Power activists to build consensus among the many different tribal communities of American Indians across the country"

*What are some general features shared by many different tribal musical styles.

"Some general feature shared by many different tribal musical style are the ritual, spiritual meaning to the song, some type of dancing, a drum and rattle are mostly used, vocables, regialia, and community building rituals."

*In what ways are Stomp Dance songs stylistically similar to the "Eastern Way" of music making that is broadly shared among many tribal groups in the southeastern United States?

"Stomp Dance songs style is similar to the eastern way of music making by referring to musical style traits that are broadly found among the many different Woodland tribal groups that live in Eastern Oklahoma . Some of the musical features that define this style include a moderately relaxed and "open" vocal production that emphasizes a singer's lower and middle vocal range; a melodic compass of approximately one octave with scales that feature between four and six notes; a preference for melodic shapes that involve downward melodic lines or undulating lines that have an overall descending character; and the frequent use of syncopated rhythms and/or the frequent shifting between different beat groupings (Ibid.). Many of these general features can be heard in Sonny Bucktrot's Stomp Dance performance, in which descending, syncopated melodic lines characterize many of the songs."

* What is the name of the ceremony that contains the Yeibichai songs? What is the purpose of the ceremony? What are some of its features?

"The ceremony containing the Yeibichai songs is called the Nightway. The purpose of the ceemoy is to call to their gods and act like them to cure a sick person. Bringing back what they call hózhó̢ ó̢ (beauty, blessedness, harmony)."

Characteristics of Northern Powwows

"Unison singing to the accompaniment of the big drum; high, tense, loud vocal production; predominance of terraced, descending melodic lines; rhythmic displacement between the melody and the drumbeat, glossed by musicians as "of-the-beat" singing; call-and-response formal structure, often described a s"incomplete repetition" and featuring the phrase structure AA'BCBC or AA "BCDBCD"


"When a note sounds, it is the result of vibration. In addition to the basic pitch (fundamental frequency) produced by the vibrating material - whether it be a string, a column of air, a bar, a plate or a membrane - other pitches, called partials or overtones, are also produced. These overtones are the result of the material in question also vibrating in parts of halves, thirds, quarters, and so on.

Many of the footwork patterns for these dances derive from a basic form:

"a four-beat pattern in which the right foot moves forward, taps the ground, and then lands flush to the ground as weight is shifted onto that foot. The left foot then follows exactly as the right foot did: tap-step..."

Sing is

"a large community event that takes place twice a year in a Longhouse."

"Candential phrase is used to end both phrases of this song but marks endings to most all Eskanye songs." they are:

"a musical idea (series of notes) that concludes a musical phrase or section."

Honor beats refer to

"a series of louder, harder beats that occur on alternate drum strokes, numbering anywhere from four to nine or ten. Can alter drumming intensity of other drummers."

asymmetrical repetition is

"a term to refer to an aesthetic principle of structural form."


"a term used to refer to all of the elements of a powwow dancer's outfit, including both articles of clothing and other decorative and/or ceremonial accessories

A longhouse is

"a traditional building that once served as living quarters for several families but that now serve as community meetinghouses."

In pitched sound,

"all the other frequencies in the pitch are integer multiples of the fundamental frequency." Chordophones such as piano, aerophones such as trumpet, clarinet, etc., some membranophones (timpani ) and some idiophones (xylophone, chimes, vibraphone and marimba are examples) produce pitched sounds."

tribal music

"all those musical practices that are unique to a particular community or group of communities. a unique set of musical style traits."

hózhó̢ ó̢ to the Navajo meaning:

"beauty, blessedness, or harmony. Seek this through rituals such as the Nighway ceremony, where there is a tie to ceremonial life."

The Men's and Women's Fancy styles are similar in name and manner,

"both emphasizing athleticism, intricate footwork, and complex, free-form choreography"

unpitched sounds

"contain a mixture of many different frequencies that are mathematically - thus, acoustically - unrelated to each other. Our ears perceive these sounds but cannot relate them to any specific frequency, so we register them as unpitched sounds. Some examples: snare drum, cymbals, shakers, claves."

Intertribal music

"cultural sharing and interaction among tribal groups and communities."

Northern plains singing style

"derived from the tribes of the great plains, such as blackfeet, crow, lakota, and dakota. Where included is: A musical texture featuring unison singing to "big drum"; high pitched tense loud vocal production preferred; a terraced, descending melodic line is the typical melodic shape of Northern song, and startling degree of consistency in this regard; "Rhythmic displacement" if melody and drumbeat, the melody being sung slightly behind or slightly ahead of the drumbeat."

A Women's Traditional dancer's regalia is

"either of the buckskin or cloth style...."

The repetition of the BC or BCD phrases, sometimes referred to by indigenous musicians as the "second site" of the verse, are structurally marked though the use of _______________________ executed on the drum.

"honor beats/ check beats/ hard beats"

Why is number four important

"imbued with symbolic and spiritual meaning from myriad culture domains: four directions, four sacred colors in medicine wheel, [etc.]"

Intertribal dancing

"is open to general participation and has no special footwork or regalia requirements;all who are in attendance are welcome to dance, including singers, spectators, and, upon invitation, even non-Natives.wide variety of dance styles and footwork"

* What is a Sing? What kinds of music occur at this event?

"large community event that takes place twice a year in a Longhouse. Music preformed at a sing includes Eskanye songs [like Ho Wey Hey Yo]."

how is stomp dance performed

"line dance with a leader at the head of the line who begins walking and stomping, leading the line of dancers counterclockwise in an outwardly spiraling circle around the fire. Shell shaker and then alternating line of men and women (with more knowledgeable dancers in front and less in the back). are antiphonal (call-and-response) style." Feet.

Fundamental frequency

"lowest frequency contained in the pitch"

Yuchi Music

"minority group within the larger Creek/Muskogee Nation."

any music may sound ____ when its tuning system is judges by the standards of another culture's music.

"out of tine"

Stomp dance

"performed through eastern oklahoma. song-and-dance event; duck dance and alligator dance is also song-and-dance event."

Straight up

"powwow song that has off the beat rhythmic tension between the drumbeat and the singing. Strong pulsing vocal vibrato adds further layer of complexity. Push up: four repetitions of a single verse"

characteristics of native american tribal musics

"predominance of percussion instruments; Drum and rattles; frequent use of vocables; larger musical from the frequent repetition of several short versus; subtle changes in melody, rythm, phrase structure, vocal timbre, and many other small musical details are central to many tribal musical aesthetic systems; musical genres are often closely related to specific ceremonial or social activities."

Characteristics of Yuchi Music

"shares a number of characteristics with a more broadly defined eastern woodlands (Eastern Way) musical style; Moderately relaxed, open vocal production; melodic compass of one octave; Musical scales between four and six pitches; Melodic shapes either downward melodic lines or undulating lines with a overall descending character; Frequent use of syncopated rhythms; A preference for asymmetrical repetition"

intertribal styles

"the musical genres and practices that are widely dispersed and shared among a number of different Native groups and communities "genres""

Characteristics of Navajo Music are

"traditional music is closely associated with ceremonial life, and is often related to etiher physical/spiritual health or life-cycle celebrations; a tense, nasal vocal production; use of either strophic forms or complex sectional forms that often interweave several short melodic and/or rhythmic motifs."

four properties of musical sounds:

1. frequency: (pitch) cycles per second= cps= hertz (Hz) 2. Duration: Rhythm 3. Intensity: Volume 4. Timbre: sound of sound/ fundamental overtones

"That time is divided into five different dance sessions, each session beginning with a Grand Entry followed by a series of intertribal dances, then rounds of competition dancing." They are:

1. grand entry 2. Flag song 3. Victory Dance/Veteran's Dance 4. intertribal dancing 5. competition dancing

the four components of a music culture are:

1. ideas about music 2. activities involving music 3. repertories of music 4. material culture of music

4 responses to music:

1. physical: tapping toes, high or low heart rate, dancing toddlers, babies healing faster 2. Emotional: memories associate with type music, situated meaning 3. Cognitive: thinking about what know about music (I am listening to these instruments) 4. Spiritual: reflect on core values, religion or not.

Types of pattern

1. repetition 2. contrast 3. variation

three ways of hearing

1. sensuous: bath in music sound itself 2. expressive: image reactions or emotion 3. purely musical: observe composition, technique, components of music (like cog.)

4 major changed that have resulted in MUSICAL TRANSNATIONALISM are:

1. the influence of media 2. increasing migration 3. modernization and westernization throughout the world 4. the emergence of "world music" as a new category of popular music

The study of people making music is called:


The three men's styles are

Men's Traditional Dance, Men's Grass Dance, and Men's Fancy Dance

* Name and describe the six main powwow dance styles in terms of history, regalia, and choreography.

Men: 1. Trditional dance, 2. Grass dance, 3. Fancy dance Women: 4. Traditional, 5. Jingle dress, 6. Shawl dance

Nighway ceremony is:

Nine day, Navajo curing ceremony performed for the purpose of restoring hózhóó in the one-sung-over. to the gods

Southern- style found in

Oklahoma and throughout the Southwest

The distinction between North and South Powwow is also manifest in

Performance style. Northern singing and Southern singing

What have to be to have to be music?

Rythm, pattern, human design (effort), melody, harmony, cords, lyrics (text)

*What is the difference between tribal and intertribal styles?

Tribal: "all those musical practices that are unique to a particular ethnologuistic community or group of communities. Originate from within the tribe and are defined by a unique set of musical style traits." Intertribal: "the musical genres and practices that are widely dispersed and shared among a number of different Native groups and communities from across North America." "Genres"

the three women's styles are

Women's Traditional Dance, Women's Jingle Dress Dance, and Women's Fancy Shawl Dance

Each society generally has preferences in sound quality performance practice, and ideas of what is beautiful in music. These preferences from a society's ____ of music.


the capacity of music to move us is called:


"Dance competitions are organized according to:

age group and dance style. 6 standard competition dance styles for northern competition powwow."

"Yeibichai song is a genre of Navajo music and refers to

ancestor deities who come to dance at the major ceremonial known as Nightway."

"Yeibichai song is sung almost entirely on the _____ note (the tonic) of the song."


"vocables in Ho Wey Hey Yo are only used and ___ the song"

beginning of

the way of life of a people, learned and transmitted form one generation to the next, is its


Style refers to

everything related to the organization of musical sound

Frequency/pitch is

frequency, CPS, Hertz, octave, pitched sounds, unpitched sound

frequency or pitch refers to

how high or low sound is. either term is correct

"While there have been some differences in opinion among various scholars as to the exact spelling of the formal structure, the form of a powwow song is usually described as _________/

incomplete repetition"

Most dancing that occurs at powwows may be separated into two broad categories

intertribals and competitions.


is named, standard unit of the musical repertory

a soundscape

is the characteristic sounds of any particular place, both human and nonhuman


is the degree of volume piano (p), forte (f), mezzo (m), crescendo, diminuendo, decrescendo


is tone color, tone quality, synesthesia.

Navajo Music

largest in United States

The words to a song are known as

lyrics or text

music has pulse, accent, meter and beat

meter includes double, triple, quadruple

if we measure the time-relations between sounds and find a pattern of regular recurrence, we have

metrical rhythm

when you sing by yourself, or when several people sing the same melody in unison, the texture is

monophonic (monophony)

Musical textures

monophony, herterophony, homophony, polyphony

a group's total involvement with music: ideas, actions, institutions, objects, etc. is its

music culture

According to the definition in our text, the song of the hermit thrush is

not music

"The lead refers both to the ________ of the push up and the ________ who preforms it."

opening phrase: singer


refers to how melodies and harmonies interwoven

"Seconds refers both to the _________ of each verse and to _________ singers who preform those phrases."

remaining phrases; all of the

structure in music involves

rhythm and meter, melody, harmony, and form

Duration is

rhythm that is the pattern of regular or irregular pulses cause in music by occurrence of strong and weak melodic and harmonic beats. pulse, meter, beat, tempo


same note sounds high or low of the same note


singing in octaves

tempo is

speed of the beat either largo andante allegro

"Eskanye song like many social dance songs are typically sung to the accompaniment of two instruments

the cow horn rattle and the water drum"

"Push up divided into two sections

the lead and the seconds."

timbre can be describes as

the sound of the sound. It is caused by the characteristic ways different voices and musical instruments vibrate


when someone associates a sense to an experience

"Ho Wey Hey Yo is a eskanye type of

women's shuffle dance song"

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