Exam #2

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As pres, Chester Arthur proved to be:

surprisingly competent and independent

The spread of public education between the 1880s and 1900 reflected the desire:

to Americanize immigrant children

Why did Roosevelt send the "Great White Fleet" on a world tour between 1907 and 1909?

to demonstrate that the US had arrived as a world power

Commodity prices during Gilded Age decline in large part because of:

"free silver" policies

In the depression of 1893, unemployment hovered around

20 %

With the move of Amer. cities toward regular trash-collection services, by 1900 what percentage of cities provided this?


All about newspapers in late 19th cent are true EXCEPT: A) were primary medium for political life B) usually didn't support either national political party C) the number of newspapers grew twice as fast as the pop between 1870 and 1900 D) the were openly partisan E) many published poetry and fiction as well


Platt Amerndment did all EXCEPT: A) sharply restrict Cuba's ind B) provide for American annexation of Cuba C) become part of Cuban cons D) prohibit Cuba from impairing its ind by signing a treaty with a 3rd party E) lead to the set of the US naal base at Guantanamo Bay


The Miss plan of disenfranchisement included all EXCEPT a: A) residency requirement B) provision disqualifying anyone who owned less than $300 in personal property C) provision disqualifying those who had not paid poll taxes D) literacy requirement E) and "understanding" clause


US acquired all as result of Spanish-American war EXCEPT: A) puerto rico B) panama C) guam D) philippines E) guantanamo bay


A stric social Darwinist would object to all EXCEPT: A) graduated income tax B) santitation and housing regulations C) a gov't policy of "hands off" in regard to business D) reg of medical quacks E) idea that the law of God and law of nature might be the same thing


All motivated nativists EXCEPT: A) anti-Catholic and anti-Semitic sentiments B) beliefs in the superiority of earlier generations of immigrants C) concerns over the influence of Protestantism D) convictions that Slavic, Italian, Greek and Jewish immigrants were inferior E) alarm that immigrants were taking jobs away from Americans


With Boxer Rebellion, all occurred EXCEPT: A) Chinese nationalists laid siege to foreign embassies B) Peking came under control with arrival of foreign troops C) Sec of State Hay abandoned Open Door D) Chinese nationalists rebelled against missionaries E) a group emerged known as "fists of righteous harmony"


All of the following emerged as popular spectator sports in late 19th cent EXCEPT: A) baseball B) football C) basketball D_ shuffleboard E) tennis


Which of following about the expansion of American higher education in late 19th cent is accurate?

Colleges remained largely male bastions, but women's access to higher education improved markedly

All contributed to epidemics, disease, and high mortality rates in growing cities EXCEPT: A) overflowing garbage B) untreated sewage C) contaminated water D) the banishment of animals to outside city limits E) overcrowding


All laws were passed during Harrison admin EXCEPT: A) Sherman Anti-Trust Act B) McKinley Tariff C) Sherman SIlver Purchase Act D) Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act E) Dependent Pension Act


All were put forward as reasons for US annexing the Philippines EXCEPT: A) desire to Christianize B) acquiring better access to trade with China C) need to keep Philippines form being taken over D) gaining access to oil and coal deposits E_ belief that Filipinos unfit for self-gov't


By 1900, all of the following technologies had helped transform mass transit EXCEPT: A) subways B) electric trolleys C) cable cars D) gasoline-powered buses E) elevated trains


The Act of Algeciras did all EXCEPT: A) affirm the ind of Morocco B) guarantee an open door for trade in Morocco C) provide for the training of Moroccan police D) legalize the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine E) help Roosevelt win the Nobel Peace Prize


All were included in 1892 Omaha platform of the People's party EXCEPT: A) progressive income tax B) unlimited coinage of silver C) federal control of the RRs D) implementing the subtreasury plan E) returning to the gold standard


Around 1900, saloons did all EXCEPT: E) offer mail services B) provide public restrooms for poor people C) serve alcohol D) provide free lunches E) serve as a great place for immigrant men to meet women


In près election of 1896, all may be applied to William Jennings Bryan EXCEPT: A) was candidate of Populist party B) carried most of the states in West and South C) could not win the votes of urban workers in the NE D) advocated the expansion of federal powers E) won after gaining the support of Theodor Roosevelt


Lester Frank Ward's version of reform Darwinism argued all EXCEPT: A) people compete, but also collaborate B) big gov't only hinders real progress in society C) gov't could help society progress by promoting education D) gov't could help society progress by eliminating poverty E) humanity can not control the process of evolution


Western imperialism in the late 19th cent was stimulated by all EXCEPT: A) an ongiong quest for markets B) notions of racial superiority C) desire to Christianize Africa and Asia D) ongoing quest for raw materials E) fear that Bolshevik ideas might advance around globe


As late as 1900, most New York City residents were still native-born Americans. True or false?


Charles Darwin coined the phrase "survival of the fittest." True or false?


James Garfield was the first southerner to be elected president since the CW. True or false?


Major league baseball, integrated in the 1880s, was the first professional sport to treat blacks and whites equally (at least on the field). True or false?


McKinley was reelected in 1900 despite losing the popular vote to William Jennings Bryan. True or false?


Politics in the late 19th century were dominated by a series of strong presidents. True or false?


Spain refused to consider practically all of the American demands concerning Cuba before the US declared war. True or false?


Tenement housing gave city dwellers substantially healthier and more comfortable living conditions. True or false?


The US purchased Alaska from Great Britain. True or false?


The college-student population declined between 1890 and 1920. True or false?


The papers of Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst helped invent what came to be known as "green journalism." True or false?


The peak decade of immigration was the 1890s. True or false?


Theodore Roosevelt led troops into battle in the Philippines. True or false?


Through the Gilded Age, the Democrats controlled both houses of Congress. True or false?


All were locations of campaigns during Spanish-American War EXCEPT:


Who was press when US acquired right to build canal across panama?


Why was Supreme Court's ruling in Pless v. Ferguson so sig?

Segregation was permitted on bases of set "sep but equal" facilities

What is yellow journalism?

Sensationalist new coverage designed to sell papers and manipulate public opinion

What was the development of cast-iron and steel-gram construction techniques significant to the growth of cities?

They allowed developers to erect high rise buildings

Alfred Thayer Mahan wrote The Influence of Sea Power upon History. True or false?


As president, Benjamin Harrison supported generous pensions for veterans.


Between 1875 and 1890, sugar from Hawaii could enter the US cut-free. True or false?


By 1920, more than half the US population was urban. True or false?


Charles Darwin's Origins of Species put forward the theory of evolution. True or false?


During the Gilded Age, voter turnout was significantly higher than it is today. True or false?


Farmers were generally hurt by the high tariff. True or false?


In 1896, the Rep party supported the gold standard. True or false?


Methods used to reduce the black vote stripped many poor whites of the vote as well. True or false?


One major task in big cities was disposing of horse wast. True or false?


One of the biggest problems farmers faced was falling commodity prices, cause in part by overproduction. True or false?


Social Darwinist ideas justified policies of imperial expansion. True or false?


The spread of mass transit was a major factor in the growth of the suburbs. True or false?


The treaty that ended the Spanish-American War and gave the US the Philippines narrowly passed the US Senate. True or false?


Theodore Roosevelt helped lead the Rough Riders in the Cuban campaign of the Spanish-American War. True or false?


WEB Du Bois emerged as the leading black critic of Booker T. Washington's accommodationist philosophy. True or false?


"You shall not crucify makind upon a cross of gold!" This statement made by:

WIllaim Jennings Bryan

Herbert Spencer:

coined the phrase "survival of the fittest"

Main idea of reform Darwinism was that:

cooperation, not competition, wold best promote progress

On of most important reasons that voter turnout was so high during Gilded Age?

due to patronage and corruption by political machines, almost every gov't job was subject to the results of the latest election results

As result of the Spanish-American War the US

emerged as an imperial power

The battleship Main:

exploded in Havana Harbor and fueled calls for war with Spain

The Supreme Court decision Munn v. Illinois was sig to understanding the power of gov't to reg industry bc:

it upheld the right of state and local gov'ts to regulate industry essential to th public welfare

Booker T Washington

offered an indirect endorsement of segregation

Open Door Poliicy:

proposed that foreign powers keep the China trade open to all nations on an equal basis

Grover Cleveland:

saw gov't's role as strictly limited

The Roosevel Corollary:

stated that US could intervene in affairs of Latin American countries to forestall interventions of other powers

Which region of the US had greatest PROPORTION of urban dwellers?

the Far West

Economonic prosperity was returning to the country by 1897 because of:

the inflationary impact of various gold discoveries around the world

Pres Gover Cleveland called the Hawaiian Islands

the steppingstone to the growing trade of the Pacific

When Mark Twain and Charles Dudley Warner labeled the post-Civil War era the "Gilded Age," they implied that it was characterized by:

widespread greed and corruption

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