Exam 2 Domestic Violence

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Adolescents who are sexual abusers

- come from sexual abuse - Males age 12-17 - target younger siblings or friends or peers or adult females - Are not likely to grow up to be sex offenders - Usually do not commit sexual crimes when older

Six concepts that are related to family structure in family systems theory

1 Boundries 2. Power and intimacy 3. Freedom of expression 4. Warmth, joy, and humor 5. Organization and negotiating skills 6. Value system

What re the three methods of male peer support discussed in the study

1. Alcohol. 2. attachment 3. information sharing

The consequences of abuse will vary according to what factors

1. Characteristics of child abuse - age, emotional and cognitive development, race, personality, strengths of resiliency. 2. Type of trauma - Acute trauma (a single event) or Chronic trauma (abuse over time, more difficult to overcome) 3. Type of abuse or neglect - Physical abuse, sexual abuse, psychological abuse. 4. Co-occurrences of types of abuse and neglect - Multiple abuses occurring at once heightens the risk of maladaptive behavior. Frequently, emotional abuse occurs when any other form of abuse happens. 5. Relationship - child relationships affect the resiliency of the victim and his or her ability to overcome advert effects of abuse. All relationships that a child has with the victimizer, and non offending parent, eat affects consequences of abuse.

What are the 4 components of the Ecological Model

1. Individual. 2. Relationship 3. Community 4. Society

Kathleen Ferraris Theory of Stages of Engagement and Disengagement:

1. Initial Attraction State 2. Physical Violence 3. Severity and Frequency of abuse 4. Ending the abuse

What are three similarities between teen violence and adult intimate partner violence

1. Power and Control 2. Mostly female victims 3. Same types of physical and sexual abuse as IPV

What nine socialization factors make it more difficult for male survivors to achieve recovery

1. Treatment 2. Minimization 3. Shame 4. Masculine Identiy 5. Masculine intimacy 6. Sexual identity 7. Power and control Dynamics 8. Externalization 9. Compulsive behaviors

What 12 risk factors were found to be associated with an increased probability of assaulting a partner

1. anger Management 2. antisocial personality 3. Conflict with partner 4. Communication problems 5. Criminal History 6. Dominance 7. Jealousy 8. Negative attributions about the partner 9. Neglect history 10. Sexual abuse history 11. Stressful conditions 12. Violence approval

What four factors stand out leading to husband abuse

1. ineffective communicate between spouses contributes to abuse 2. struggle over control and power in the relationship or perception of lesser power. 3. Lack of adequate financial resources and social bonds. Greater family stress more likely to experience IPV. 4. Decision by women to hit a husband or boyfriend is made with knowledge that the likelihood of apprehension is film. appear to be acceptable and are perpetuated by the media.

In what ways may ineffective parenting lead to sibling abuse

1. seeing sibling abuse as sibling rivalry 2. unsupervised children. 3. Parent to child abuse

Cycle of Violence

1. tension building phase 2. acue batterning 3. honeymoon phase, more intense and keeps going.

What variables effect intergenerational cycle of violence

1. type, degree, and frequency of violence 2. witnessing interparental violence 3. Parent - to -child violence 4. Stability of the home otherwise and general quality of the parents aside from the violence 5. Childs chronological and emotional age, stage of physical development, intellectual functioning at time of first occurrence, and relationship with parent

Caucasian Women and IPV

1/3 still report having been the victim of rape, physical violence, and or stalking by IP in their life. Aggressive police action, including mandatory attest policies, has come a mainstream response.

Average age of runaways

12 to 17 - 1.6 million a year

Delinquent firesetters

13 years to adult. Antisocial behaviors and gang related activities

The background of Miller V. Alabama

14 YO and another boy went to neighbors house to get high and drink, stole wallet of neighbor, but beat neighbor with a baseball bat and went back and set house on fire with the neighbor inside it.

Normal Curiosity fire setters

2 to 7 years. Share characteristics of poor parental supervision, a lack of fire education, and no fear of fire

Sibling abuse is common in what age group?

3 - 7 years of age

Plea-for-help fire setters

7 to 13 years. Often symptomatic of a more deeply seated psychological disturbance


A major transition to the life of a person when he or she takes on a new set of roles, enters into fresh relationships with a new set of people, and achieves a new self-concept.


Adolescents who have contact with the Juvenile Justice System because they run away from home, they are neglected, and they lack parental supervision and effective parenting

Separation and divorce sexual assault was associated with

Alcohol, drug use, possession of firearms, Men's use of porn, patriarchal values.

Different types of child abuse can be considered as what?

Child Maletreatment

What does CHINS stand for?

Children in need of supervision

Feminist Sociopolitical Theory

Considers IPV as an endemic to cultures influenced by a patriarchal social structure. Gender inequality leaves a women feeling powerless within the family unit and can be reinforced by customs and religions.

Juvenile Firesetters

Defined as children or adolescents who engage in fire setting. Strong link between juvenile abuse victimization and fire setting.

Martial Rape

Denied as any unwanted intercourse or penetration obtained by force, threat of force, or when wife is unable to consent.

What type of nonsexual abuse was not listed as one of the apes of non sexual abuse acts 43 women in the study experienced?

Disclosing personal information

What is the Relationship component in the Ecological Model

Family structure, Parental supervision, Drugs or Alcohol can be influencing things, Marital conflict. Male control of wealth and decision making

Who are parental killings most lilkley to kill

Father with a firearm

Learned helplessness Lenore walker

Feeling like you cannot leave or end an abusive relationship

American indian and Alaska Native Women and IPV

Higher rate of IPV victimization than any other US population. Associated with poverty, alcohol use, and significant cultural stresses in life. as high as 50% of women experiencing IPV. 4 out of 10 report being victims of rape, physical violence, and/or stalking by IPV. Shortage of culturally appropriate support services for Alaska Native women. Only safe shelter is Alaska is the only one for 500 miles. 1/3 in Alaska have experienced sexual assault.

According to Murry Straus, Richard Gelles, and Suzanne Steinmetz a marriage license is an

Hitting license

What is the society component in the Ecological Model

How society effects the family. Father being frustrated by Job loss and taking it out on the family and the society not having or enforcing laws to protect family. Different types of laws and how society procieves things. such as patrichary society. Gender Roles, Laws, Policies, ECT.

What is the community component in the Ecological Model

How the child/family participates in the community. Poor community and the child needing assistance, no assistance is going to be met.

Where does IPV occur more often and why

In the home because no-one is there to see.

Pedophiles have a sexual preference for someone of what sex?

It does not matter. either or.


Killing a mother by a child


Killing of both parents by a child

Grahams v. State

Life without parole for those under the age of 18 is a violation of the 8th amendment

What is true concerning teen violence

Males perpetrate violence because of desire for power and control. Some research reveals that teen females are equally violent as teen boys but their acts of violence are defensive acts.

In the study conducted by Dekeseredy and Schwartz, which group of women reported higher rates of sexual assault occurring during their marital relationship and at the point of leaving?

Married women

Hispanic women and IPV

May not report from fear of being reported to immigration. and language barriers. They may not be aware of protective orders or resources available and hesitant to use shelters. More lily to be tolerant of IPV due to the belief in a strong maternal role.

In this case, Supreme court struck down laws that mandated a life sentence for convicted juvenile offenders

Miller V. Al

Disabilities and IPV

More than twice as likely to report IPV than women with no disabilities. Victimized by a greater number of perpetrators, and more frequently at the hands of health-care workers and attendants. Fewer opportunities for leaving. increased isolation. Seen as Weak and cannot retaliate.

CHINS come from where?

Mostly dysfunctional families, abuse, or incest. Child ends up homeless. Once children are found they have to work with a social worker and they can be arrested to bring them in off the street.

Military and violence against women

Mostly physical. Males the perpetrator majority of the time. victim could be a civilian or also in the military. IPV handled in the military justice system and the family advocacy system. the family advocacy program substantiates a case in which there is insufficient evidence too allow punishment under military law.

The Dekeseredy and Schwartz study focused on rural women in parts of the state where


Most adolescents who sexually victimize other children have been what?

Sexually victimized themselves

What type of abuse is underreported?

Sibling abuse, because it is seen as common or normal.

Violence against men

Stigma of being a male victim and fear of not being believed are reasons why men do not report. Mostly physical violence and stalking

Most frequent perpetrator in parental killings

Teenage sons between 16 and 19

What is the Individual component in the Ecological Model

The Child witnessing IPV, experiencing neglect, personality of the child. Alcohol use

Miller V. Alabama (2012)

The Supreme Court held that juveniles under the age of 18 cannot be sentenced to mandatory life sentences without parole because of violation of the 8th amendment


The killing of a father by a child

Sibling violence

The most common type of violence


Transitioning from victim to survivor status

Roper V. Simmons

Unconstitutional to execute an offender for crimes committed while under the age of 18.

Male victims of IPV

Underreported and is possible that it occurs as often as female ipv.


Violations of criminal law in juvenile courts, typically 15,16, and 17

VAWA (2005)

Violence Against Women Act of 2005. Prohibits public housing agencies from denying public housing or Section 8 housing voucher assistance to applicants that have been victims of domestic violence or stalking

Dating Violence

Violence that occurs in a dating or courtship relationship.

Dating violences

an act by an individual that is against another individual with whom that person has or has had a dating relationship and that is intended to result in physical harm, bodily injury, assault, or sexual assault or that is a threat that reasonably places the individual in fear of imminent physical harm, ect.


an adult who has sustained sexual orientation toward children.

Social - psychological model

an integrated theory that brings together three general approaches to crime causation: social learning, unequal power relations, and personal choice.


any child who is separated from the childs guardian and appears to be in need of emergency housing and other services.

The effects of IPV can cause what lingering adverse physical and mental health problems.

arthritis, chronic neck or back pain, migraines, stammering, visual impairment, STD's, Chronic pelvic pain, peptic ulcers, IBS, Anxiety, depression, ect.

animal abuse

as socially unacceptable behavior that intentionally causes unnecessary pain, suffering, or distress to and/or death of an animal.

Individual-based theories

ascribe family violence to psychological problems such as personality disorders, the offender's childhood experiences, or biological disposition.

Intergenerational cycle of violence

asserts that abused children are at a high risk to become abusers in their own adult intimate relationships.

Some teens have difficulties identifying warning signs of abuse, why?

because they confuse jealous and excessive attention as signs of love.

Battered Women's movement

began in the late 60's. The victims of DV have been identified. It has heightened public awareness. Intervention strategies have been established such as shelters, hotlines, and police response. Protection and prevention efforts now include civil and criminal actions that were never before available to intimate partner violence. Batters programs have become the most frequent response from the courts to the in tomato partner battering. Education increase. Helped secure federal and state funding to conduct research to protect victims and to educate victims about IPV and teach sources in colleges and universities about IPV

What type of child abuse dost consistently predicts juvenile violence

childhood physical abuse

Emotional sibling abuse

constancy and intensity of the words and actions that express contempt and degradation.

Learned helplessness

developed to explain the psychological response to repeated bettering. Women accept their powerlessness in the IPV citations due to gender-role socialization that includes a false belief that they cannot escape from the situation.

Family system theory

dysfunctional family, ineffective parenting. Lack of communication, unsupervised kids, parentilizaion, alcohol and drugs, causing kids to turn to crime. Focuses primarily on family behavior and seeks to identify the problems that are a consequence of dysfunctional families.

In 2013 VAWA

expands to protections to individuas in all federally subsidized housing programs, explicitly protecting victims of sexual assault, and creates emergency housing transfer options.

American American Women and IPV

experience IPV at a slightly higher rate compared to whites. DV services fall short of meeting needs of AA Surviors because of fear of perpetuating negative stereotypes of black men is a source of pressure not to report an abuser. Manipulate partners to gain control. In this culture IPV may be explained or justified by religion and claims of discrimination. Extremely high rates of witnessing IPV wishing families. Poverty and unemployment are factors of IPV

Children who perpetrate acts of sibling violence

feel an imbalance of power between themselves and the victim. Have experiences high levels of parent - to child - abuse. Are committing a type of sexual act that is not perceived as harmful, but rather as playful act.


human to animal sexual activity. Sexually abuse children are more lily to be cruel to animals and to engage in beastiality.

Animal abuse is most likely to occur where

in h ones where children are abused or neglected and in homes where spouse battering occurs. a sign that can associate children with exposure to family violence.

The theoretical framework that suggest that children who are abused and neglected grow up to engage in domestic violence at a greater are than children who have not been abused is

intergenerational cycle of violence or transition of violence.

Status offense

is an act that would not be an offense if it were committed by an adult. Curfew laws, runaway statutes, and truancy laws. CHINS..


is the manifestation of self-esteem, thought to be one of the factors that mediate the negative effects of child abuse.

The women in the study experienced what

multiple forms of abuse

Asian women and IPV

one fifth have been the victim of rape, physical violence, and/or stalking by an intimate partner in their lifetimes. Physical assault was lower than any other group. May attribute of underreporting. Rigged gender norms, parallel abuse by in laws, and abuse related to conflicts over dowry come from hierarchical and patriarchal family structures and practices.

Why does sibling violence occur

one sibling is outside or is getting more attention than the other


refers toa repetitive pattern of behavior that is intended to gain power and control over a person

Streamlining is a form of

sexual assault by multiple men at the same time

Sibiling incest

sexual behavior between siblings that is not age appropriate, not transitory, and not motivated by developmentally appropriate curiosity

Reasons why a survivor may not leave an abusive situation immediately

she realistically fears the offender will become more violent and maybe even use deadly force if she attempts to leave. Her friends and family may not support her leaving. She knows difficulties of single parenting in reduced financial circumstances. Mix of good times, love, and hope, with manipulation. May not know about or have access to safety and support. May have been socialized to believe that she is responsible for making her marriage work. May become isolated from friends and families, either by the jealous and possessive abuser or to hide signs of the abuse from the outside world. Isolation. May have been rationalized behavior by blaming stress, alcohol, problems at work, unemployment, or other factors or she may have been taught that her identity and worth are contingent upon getting and keeping a man.

first hotline for battered women

started in St. Pual, Minnesota in 1971. provides callers with crisis intervention, deals on local resources, and information about intimate partner violence.

Cycle of Abuse

suggest strongly that those children who are abused or neglected, either physically or sexually, brow up to engage in criminal activity at a greater rate than those who are not abused or neglected.


the desire to hide the damaged self from others, may result from childhood sexual abuse.

Research suggest that sexual abuse perpetrated by both males and females is a common pattern for what

the juvenile arsonists. Most juvenile arsonists in one study were also sexual abusers.

Acquaintance rape and date rape

unwanted sexual ntercource, oral sex, and sex, or other sexual contact through use of force, threat of force.

Ploy victimization

used to describe high rates of abuse co - occurrences across different forms of victimization at the hands of multiple perpetrators, is closely associated with teen dating violence. Closely associated with child maltreatment, sexual victimization, and internet harassment.

The co - occurrence of violence in intimate relationships means that

women experience multiple forms of abuse

Are child abuse victims at an increased risk of being a perpetrator?


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