Exam #2 Study Guide

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James Buchanan

The 15th President of the United States (1857-1861). He tried to maintain a balance between proslavery and antislavery factions, but his moderate views angered radicals in both North and South, and he was unable to forestall the secession of South Carolina on December 20, 1860.

Dred Scott

United States slave who sued for liberty after living in a non-slave state slavery was legal in all the territories became the most popular position among TX and Southern democrats his owner took him to free territory and then returned him this divided the Democratic Party nationally - most southern supported it and northern did not

Battle of Sabine Pass

Confederate naval victory near Louisiana border -- surprise victory victory for tx and the confederacy - small group of men turned back a small invasion of several men

14th Amendment

all people born in the US are equal citizens under the law

Popular Sovereignty

allowing settlers in each territory to vote on whether or not they wanted to legalize slavery

Know-Nothing Party

anti-immigration party active in TX in the 1850s For a short time Sam Houston associated them and they led to democrats hold their first nominating committee after the Whig Party

Norris Wright Cuney

black Republican leader he was an activist

Congressional Reconstruction

blacks has full legal and political rights but no social equality response on part of congress that this was not going to do and we had to start all over -- ratify the 14th amendment and give vote to adult black males brief golden period -- blacks were given respect for the first time

Edward House

campaign managed by Edward House -- he will handpick the next three governors, he retired and wanted to be in politics he was the insider and once we have the primary he moves to NY to help Woodrow Wilson president

Richard Coke

conservative governor defeated Davis conservative democrat governor -- defeated Davis to be the first "redeemer governor"

Railroad Commission

constitutional amendment approved by voters in 1890 Hogg and Farmers Alliance were in favor of it designed to prevent out of state railroad companies from buying all the land

Constitution of 1869

declared the U.S. Constitution the law and guaranteed the right of all men to vote, regardless of "race, color, or former condition" ratified the 14th amendment negative model for the constitution of 1876 governor had a lot of power that was taken away in 1876 opposite of everything we have now centralized power in Austin second reconstruction constitution -- forced on us and for that reason it was unpopular with whites and it was so unpopular and we no longer had to live under that regime - we wrote a new one and we used this as a negative model

Black Codes

effort to try and control the black population by making them try to sign labor contracts passed during presidential reconstruction and the appealed during congressional reconstruction all guns had to be surrendered on contract signing


favored a long list of political and economic reforms and not just farm aid comes from the plight of farm owners with small plots of land who live on their margin -- falling farm prices in 1870-90s movement really for whites -- when populism forms its own political party they try to appeal to black voters (equal on separate fronts) could never form a united position on suffrage and prohibition

Convict Lease System

Convict Lease System This allows business or individuals could lease prisoners as laborers Campbell was responsible for it but it occurred after

James Throckmorton

first elected governor of TX during reconstruction -- he was the governor during presidential reconstruction conservative and wanted to restore old social order without slavery reluctant secessionist and was loyal to confederacy after -- conservative unionist, unable to take the ironclad oath he is fired because he is an impediment towards congressional reconstruction


for whites only, some populism in here but more democracy for whites / regulation of businesses / child labor laws / taxes it does NOT establish another political party but is a side of the Democratic Party Liberal side of the Democratic Party In favor of prohibition

Franklin Pierce

he alienated the anti-slavery groups by championing and signing the Kansas-Nebraska Act and enforcing the Fugitive Slave Act set the stage for southern succession and the American civil war

Thomas Campbell

he is the progressive governor he accomplishes a lot - Robertson insurance law - banking and insurance - lengthen the school year - state department of ag - convict lease system - dry

Sam Houston

his attitude regarding slavery and succession and the Kansas Nebraska Act and the Compromise of 1850 -- governor when we left the union supports the Missouri Compromise, popular sovereignty, voted for everything in 1850 didn't want the Kansas-Nebraska Act so he was taken out of the Texas Democratic Party Elected in 1859 as an independent Dies in the civil war Thought that secession would end slavery not save it one of our first US senators -- does not follow the southern standard line and he voted for all five laws that made up compromise of 1850 southern unionist but really didn't know how to hold the union together -- couldn't find the golden mean flirted with the no-knowing and ran as independent and lost and then won and he is governor when we leave the union but he is powerless to stop this

Battle of Palmito Ranch

last battle of the Civil War that was fought in TX and the TX side won

Red River Campaign

last efforts to invade east Texas and all three of these efforts failed

Pendleton Murrah

last wartime governor of Texas 2nd confederate governor He doesn't want to have to send supplies and food east of TX to help what is a losing cost

Ferguson's War with UT

leads to Ferguson's impeachment and conviction he is the epitome of a redneck and comes to the town and finds UT hostile to him and takes offense and orders the UT president to come to his office and go through the budget -- he starts to try and rake over the university but nothing works he doesn't like that it feels like a bunch of rich kids who control UT through the frats he takes $ and they find it and he is Gove

Jim Crow laws

legalized segregation and we waited to do this because we were afraid of congress

Missouri Compromise

line running east to west banning slavery north of the line and using Missouri's southern boundary passed in 1820 between the pro-slavery and anti-slavery factions in the US Congress this law involved the regulation of slavery in Western Territories this law prohibited slavery in the Louisiana Territory north of the 36-30 latitude line In 1854 the Missouri Compromise was declared unconstitutional in the Dred Scott decision which riled that Congress did not have the right to prohibit slavery in the territories

White Primary

membership required for the Democratic Party not a law but used by the TX Democratic Party until the 1940s

Ironclad Oath

never take up arms voluntarily against the US or supported a government hostile to the US -- talking about the past

Constitution of 1866

presidential reconstruction act -- blacks can't vote, hold public office, testify and can't serve on jury duty and the reaction by Congress is that this seems like slavery

Farmers' Alliance

pressure group, not just interested in a single issue

Woodrow Wilson

progressive democrat president first southerner elected since Civil War TX now has power in his cabinet and Edward House was one of his advisors

Prohibition of Alcohol

progressives were in favor of this -- they thought that alcohol was the source of poverty, disease, unemployment, and family violence the populists were divided on this and it wasn't a big issue for them until after 1908

Edmund Davis

radical one and only republican governor of TX in the 19th C elected during congressional reconstruction general in the union army

John Brown

First step to abolitionist republic -- many people in the north supported him An abolitionist who attempted to lead a slave revolt by capturing Armories in southern territory and giving weapons to slaves, was hung in Harpers Ferry after capturing an Armory Brown helped change public opinion -- how this was interpreted and how the press played it out - north said he was a saint and the south said he was a martyr BEFORE THE CIVIL WAR

Wilmont Proviso

repeatedly put in front of Congress but never passed barred slavery in any territory gained in the MX War David Wilmont thought that Polk was too pro-Southern and wanted to save the territories for free white labor Wilmont was not an abolitionist but became anti-slavery after this proviso Houston was against and the US house favored it

John Baylor

senior officer of the confederate states army and was removed as governor of Arizona territory by the confederate states president Jefferson Davis first to put up the confederate flag in Austin

Constitutional Union Party

short whig party that fielded a presidential candidate in the election of 1860

James Ferguson

small town guy who gets elected governor and divides the state in the same way that Bailey does and is removed from office but will not give up hundreds of prisoners were pardoned and he is a crook HUGE name in TX government against prohibition and dod not believe in women's suffrage and neither did his wife pretended he was a Jim Hogg democrat

Sam Rayburn

speaker at the age of 29 and then elected to the house for 49 years this guy is a BIG name -- he is a progressive and a new dealer and publicly in favor of prohibition but he doesn't believe that privately Getting older and seniority so that is super important

Jim Hogg

state attorney general -- liked the Railroad Commission and then he parted ways was a middle-of-the-road reformer and not a populist farmers alliance was wrong, they thought he favored everything but only really liked the Railroad Commission spirit of later democrats like Wilson

Democratic Party

supported TX, favored annexation, MX War and slavery allegiance is much stronger to this party on the part of TX party that was responsible for annexing TX party of slavery and limited national government

Battle of Glorieta Pass

totally failed; got to Fort Craig instead of taking troops he would bypass and now he has opponents in front and behind him They also do not have any help so they are forced to retreat to San Antonio

John Breckinridge

vice president under James Buchanan and Democratic presidential nominee in 1860 who supported slavery and states' rights; he split the Democratic vote with Stephen Douglas and lost the election to Lincoln. He served in Confederate army and as secretary of war.

Constitution of 1876

written in reaction to Davis's administration, this constitution stripped the governor and legislature of certain powers and set aside land grants for education though highly restrictive it was lesser of two evils Gov powers were reduced, weak government, governors term from 4 to 2 years, legislature size, budget changes -- limited state gov that we have today

Sibley Brigade

Henry Sibley commanded a confederate calvary brigade in the Civil War Led troops to the Battle of Glorieta Pass which totally failed and he was forced to retreat

Amnesty Oath

Lincoln's plan required that all Southerners take one of these in order to participate in government -- president for future actions

John Ireland

Little less conservative than Roberts, some land should be saved Texas governor that called a special session of the legislature to deal with the fence cutting problem -- disputes between farmers He didn't want to give land to the railroads to build track, railroad strike

Zachary Taylor

Major war hero southerner and owned slaves but wasn't in favor of slavery expansion elected president in 1848 on Whig Party ticket TX didn't want him Didn't like the Compromise of 1850

Nashville Convention

Meeting twice in 1850, its purpose was to protect the slave property in the South why was TX at the Nashville Convention? - we were there because it looked like the compromise of 1850 was not going to pass and we were there to assert our western boundary claims

E. Kirby Smith

President of the Western Confederacy -- He was the military commander for the trans-mississippi

James Polk

President who started the war with MX He wanted the war with MX -- he wanted land that

John Bell

Presidential candidate of the Constitutional Union Party. He drew votes away from the Democrats, helping Lincoln win

Progressivism vs. Populism

Progressivism is a broader movement, not just farmers and the working class, urban, primary elections business regulation and favor new forms of city governments, prohibition, women's suffrage, child labor laws -- aimed to people living in towns progressivism supported a lot of social movements both were for business regulations, railroad commission, insurance and antitrust laws progressivism stayed within the Democratic Party as opposed to the Democratic Party populism: started with small farmers and their interest with the popular party subtreasury plan, alien land laws, rural in orientation

Radical and Moderate Republicans

Radicals: wanted extreme punishment for former confederates, radicals accepted white supremacy -- same thing + punish former confederates but this did not happen and this is the myth of reconstruction Moderates: were really in control, full political and legal rights to the African Americans -- did not include social equality, done in a framework of white supremacy "full political and legal rights"

Myths of Reconstruction

1) TX was occupied by a massive army (but number of troops occupying TX was far too small for that to happen) 2) Black Texans would take over and rule TX because of Reconstruction (but all blacks did was vote) 3) Corrupted public officials were stealing public money 4) Carpetbaggers came down and took advantage of our difficulties to buy up our land and take over These myths were invented to delegitimatize the Republican party

Abraham Lincoln

10% plan -- really lenient -- lure states back into the union (never passed) he wanted to restore the union as fast as possible unlike his successor he did care about what happened to the former slaves when Lincoln was assassinated there was no reconstruction

Subtreasury Plan

A program promoted by the Southern Farmers' Alliance in response to low cotton prices and tight credit. Farmers would store their crop in a warehouse until prices rose, in the meantime borrowing up to 80 percent of the value of the stored crops from the government at a low interest rate

Poll Tax

A requirement that citizens pay a tax in order to register to vote -- take vote away from people who would vote against conservative democrats conservative democrats wanted this because they wanted to get rid of the small parties, get rid of the people that would vote for

Joseph Weldon Bailey

Baileyism scandal involved an oil company because he represented them on business and allowed them to return to the state event after violating an antitrust law -- viewed as being corrupt oil company faked the reorganization but continued to be owned by an out of tate company senator from TX populist sympathizer at first but became increasingly conservative (arch conservative) conservative vs. progressive divide

Presidental Reconstruction

Black TX had very few rights confederate style reconstruction -- south is free to set up any system (slaves had few rights)

Kansas-Nebraska Act

Act repeals the Missouri Compromise of 1820, allows Kansas and Nebraska to decide slavery question by popular vote destroyed 2nd American party system based on economic issues

15th Amendment

African American men can vote requirement for the last three states to join the union

People's Party

Another name for the Populists. They campaigned in the election of 1892; they nominated James B. Weaver as their candidate. They wanted to bring together the aggrieved workers from across the nation, but had support primarily in the West.

Republican Party

Antislavery political party that formed in the 1850's.

Mexican-American War

1846-1848 War between US and TX Lincoln, Whigs, Abolitionists were against the war Abolitionists saw the war as an attempt by the slave states to extend slavery and enhance the power with new land acquired from MX Mexico wouldn't pay its debts to the US -- war over the land that was Texas and the land that was Mexican Polk wanted to gain more territory and claim Rio Grande as the border between MX and TX treaty of hidalgo ended the war outgrowth of annexation of tx by the US and we wanted to provoke a war to take all the land west of TX to the Pacific Ocean -- we started it by troops in Brownsville

Francis Lubbock

1st Confederate Governor of Texas Serves for 2 years -- very admiring President Davis and would do whatever he was told

Terrell Law

Establishes regular system for primary and general elections requirement of parties to pull at least 100,000 votes this allows parties to establish rules and make the white primaries easier

John Fremont

First candidate for the Republican party

Dick Dowling

Led a unit known as the Davis guards at the battle of Sabine pass in stopping a union invasion the confederate victory helped to restore confidence in the south

Whig Party

Northern, Anti-Slavery and Anti-MX War not popular in TX for anglos start running candidates in the early 1850s and they do have seats in the state legislature but not state wide office

"Fifty-Cent" Law

Oran Roberts created this and put all the land in TX on sale for 50 cents and this was really controversial -- by the end of the 1880s there was no public land left for the state of texas

Robertson Insurance Law

Out of State insurance companies had to invest 75% into real estate + security

New Mexico Boundary Controversy

TX continue to insist on our Republic of TX boundary through the rest of the 1840s We got El Paso in 1850

Charles Griffin

TX military commander

Waters-Pierce Oil Co.

Scandal involving Joseph Weldon Bailey -He was working for them as a US senator -Wanted the company to return to the state after they had been banned for committing fraud -Most famous antitrust case of the period -Associated with standard oil co -Fined $1.8 after it faked a reorganization and continued to be owned by standard oil co 1897 -Eventually was forced into bankruptcy

John Reagan

Served in the cabinet of Confederate President Jefferson Davis as Postmaster General chairman of the Railroad Commission

Compromise of 1850

Settles the question of what to do with the land from MX 5 separate mesures and Houston was the only one to vote for every bill 1. Utah and New Mexico Bill - popular sovereignty 2. California Statehood Bill - California a free state, opposed by southern majorities, 1st state partly divided by the compromise line 3. TX Boundary Bill - opposed by northern majorities, TX state boundary not finalized until now, Republic of TX gave up lands it claimed in present day New Mexico and received $10 million to pay its debt 4. Fugitive Slave Bill - made federal official who did not arrest a runaway slave liable to pay a fine, this was controversial part of the compromise and caused many abolitionists to increase their efforts against slavery 5. DC Bill-slave trade - the slave trade was abolished in DC, opposed by Southern majorities

Oran Roberts

Texas Governor that balanced the state budget and improved the economy by cutting veterans' pensions and funding for school -- he was a budget slasher and wrote the 50 cent law he wanted to get the state out of debt --

Parties in the 1850s in TX

Whig Democratic Constitutional Union Party

Cleburne Demands

a manifesto of the farmer's alliance replace nominating conventions with primary conventions, popular vote, recall elections, referendum vote directly on amendments, antitrust laws, and increase money supply demands for the TX Democratic Party Things About: Money, Land, Circulation, Transportation

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