Exam 2: Unit 14 - 26

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Radioactive carbon-____ isotope has been used in dating organic objects that can be used in climate change studies


The Little Ice Age was brief cold period in which Europe suffered from famine around the years

1400 to 1850

The climatic normal is based on the most recent averages

30 years

The Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) was one of the largest warming events known. The spike in temperatures took place approx. ___ years ago

55 million

Before the present, the most recent time of mass extinction of species occurred ______ years ago

65 million

A soil with pH of ____ is neither acidic nor alkaline.


Solum consists of the following soil layers?

A, B

In tropical monsoon Asia, where there is a strong seasonal change in rainfall amounts, the Koppen classification is


What is the connection between deforestation of rainforest and McDonalds?

As forests are cleared, cattle ranchers move in creating pasturelands

The soil resides at the intersection of which spheres?

Atmosphere, lithosphere / lithosphere, hydrosphere / biosphere, lithosphere

A savanna climate is denoted in Koppen classification as


The process of illuviation adds particles in the ____ layer.


The steppe or semi-arid grassland climate is denoted as ____ in the Koppen climate classification


Which Koppen climate type is associated with aridisols?


Which layer best represents the weathered bedrock layer?


East coasts of mid latitude continents generally have _____ climate


Most of Western Europe is classified as ____ in Koppen classification


In the ____ climate, rainfall occurs mostly during the cool season due to mid latitude winter cyclones


Mediterranean climates are associated with the following Koppen climate type


Northern India's monsoon climate may have ______ climate in the higher elevations.


Spodosol soils are most associated with which Koppen. climate classification?


What was the cause of the Dust Bowl of the 1930s?

Drought, over-cultivation, and wind erosion

The Greenland icecap and the Antarctica plateau would be classified as _____ climates


The Falkland Islands in the South Atlantic never warm above 10C, but remain above freezing. The Koppen classification for these islands is


When the annual temperature range remains between 0° and 10°, the climate is


The largest pool of carbon in the carbon cycle is

Earth's crust

The Milankovitch Cycle explains long-term natural climate variation based on

Earth's orbital cycles

Mediterranean climates occur in all of these EXCEPT


Which soil order is associated with peat or muck and common wetlands?


About what percent of species have been identified and classified?

Less than 10

Tundra vegetation includes

Mosses, lichen, and stunted trees

Which of the following soil horizons when reading from left to right indicate the correct order from top to bottom?


Which of these states were the most heavily damaged by the Dust Bowl?


Where would soil formation be relatively rapid?

On a tropical volcanic island

Why do oxisols have such low fertilty?

Percolating water leaches the soil and organic matter is quickly lost.

Charleston, South Carolina and _____ are both examples of Cfa climate

Shanghai, China

Acid rain involves precipitation through an atmosphere with high amounts of

Sodium oxide and nitrogen oxide

The Sahel of Africa is located

South of the Sahara

The Koppen climate classification is based on

Temperatures and precipitation

Subgroups of C climates are mainly based on:

Their seasonal precipitation patterns

How are the soil order entisols, histosols, vertisols, inceptisols, gelisols and andisols similar?

They are not associated with certain climates

The Younger Dryas was an abrupt cooling period around 13,000 years ago that was believed to be caused by

a change in the thermohaline circulation of the Atlantic

Which of the following trait is NOT different with Cw and Aw climates?

a distinct dry season

For A climates the coolest month must be

above 18 degrees celsius

Which soil orders are most strongly influenced by parent material than any other single factor?


Global Climate Models (GCMs) show. that natural forcing by solar variations and volcanic eruptions:

are not as good at explaining the observed temperature record as anthropogenic influences

Which of the following has been influenced by human activities?

atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide, changes to the surface albedo, and atmospheric greenhouse gases concentration

Phytoplankton are _____.


Net primary productivity is the:

biomass produced by all plants minus the mass lost through plant respiration

The taiga vegetation includes

boreal forests

Burning tropical forests

changes surface albedo, changes water balance, adds carbon dioxide and particulates to the atmosphere

Which of the following soils would generally have the highest field capacity?

clay loam

Which of the following statements list soil particles from smallest (left) to largest (right)?

clay, silt, sand

A study involving 50 years of tornado data would probably be considered


An invasion of exotic species to a region sometimes results in increased ___.


If human activities had not begun to impact climate some 2000 years ago, our climate would be ___ than what we are experiencing now.


Recent. trends show that. as human population increases, biodiversity


The study of tree rings in climate research is called


The process of transporting particles from a higher layer to a lower layer is called


A natural ecosystem operates on:

energy flow and matter cycling

The_______ soil order is defined by its lack of a B layer and a weakly developed soil.


The peds associated with platy soil structure most closely resemble:


What type of topography produces a thicker soil depth?


A species that has a wide range of tolerance to most environmental factors are:

found in a wide geographic range

Alkaline soils have a pH value of:

from 8 to 11

The ______ soil order is. most common in permafrost regions of the subarctic.


Biogeography is defined as

geography of plants and animals

Twenty thousand years ago, the Earth was experiencing


Measurements of carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuel burning that about ________ of the atmospheric increase remains in the air, while the other half is taken up by ______.

half, ocean and continents

D climates generally have:

harsh winters and mild summers

B climates are found in all of these EXCEPT:

high latitudes

In most computer climate models, the greatest warming is predicted to occur _______.

higher latitudes

In 2007 IPPC report, climate change that is predicted to be very likely includes

higher minimum temperatures

What are H climates?

highland climates

A soil profile shows a sequence of layers called


Anthropogenic climate change describes

human caused climate change

Decomposed organic matter form a dark, top layer of soil is called:


Plants that live in wet environments are classified as


In which climate does the warmest average monthly. temperature stay below freezing?

ice cap

In the last 15 million years, the Earth's climate could be described as:

ice house climate

The D. Koppen climate classification is found:

in high latitude continental interior regions

The highest net primary productivity occurs:

in tropical rainforests

Which soil order has only the early development of a B horizon?


Global temperatures in the 20th century have

increased except for the 1940 to 1970 period

Today, we are living in a(n) ___________ period of climate.


The deep red in tropical soils is due to the accumulation of _____ in the B layer

iron oxide

D climates are characterized by a(n) ____ annual temperature range


In B climates, actual evapotranspiration is generally ______________ potential. evapotranspiration

less than

The tall grasslands of North America produce rich, deep fertile soils of the ________ soil order


Although most specie may not have been discovered yet, at present there are

more animal species than plant species

In mountain climates

more climate zones occur in the vertical than the horizontal

A loam soil consists of:

nearly equal amounts of clay, silt and sand

The carbon dioxide-weathering feedback is an example of ______________ feedback


Soil colloid particles have a ___ charge and attract _____ such as Calcium and Potassium.

negative, cations

If rainforest trees are removed by logging,

none of these

The record heat and drought of 2012 are good evidence of

none of these

All these are a necessary part of a natural ecosystem EXCEPT:


Endemic species are often foun

on isolated islands

Mediterranean or Cs Koppen climate is generally found

on the west coast of continents near the subtropics

The typical soil order for tropical rainforests is


The ratio of oxygen-18 to _____ isotopes has been used to show temperature changes taking place in the ocean and atmosphere in the past millions of years.


Permafrost is

permanently frozen soil

A major sink of carbon dioxide in the carbon cycle is plants through the process of


Oxygen levels in our atmosphere increased approximately 2 billion years ago from early oceanic organisms through the process of ______.


The Koppen climate classification system is based on the grouping of


Evidence of climatic variation prior to instrumented data is called

proxy data

The lower case f, as in Af, Cf and Df in the Koppen climate classification represents

rainfall throughout the year

Soil is a ________ resource.


Which of the following is NOT a component of soil?


Which soil would have the highest permeability?

sandy loam

The type of plant succession initiated by a disturbance like fire is called:


In B climates most of the net radiation is used in

sensible heat

The highest classification level in soil taxonomy is

soil order

The replacement of one type of vegetation by another type of vegetation is known as plant ____.


For Am climates, most precipitation occurs in the


In the high mountains where forests are restricted by the cold, the treeling generally persists at an altitude where

summer temperatures are 10C or below

Deforestation of tropical rainforests is occurring in

the Amazon and tropical areas of Africa

Viking exploration and colonization of Greenland and Vineland (North America) took place during a warm period called

the Medieval Optimum

In 1998, a large El Nino year, global temperatures were the warmest recorded up until that time. In comparison to the 1961-1990 mean, in 1998

the eastern equatorial Pacific was especially warm

One of the uncertainties with global climate models is:

the effect of aerosols in clouds on climate change

Phytogeography is

the geography of plants

Why do polar ice caps not melt in the long summer daylight?

the high reflection of solar insolation

Biodiversity refers to

the number of species found within an area

When the upper layers of soil is dark brown or black, this would indicate:

the presence of organic matter

Desertification is

the process of desert expansion into the steppes

An indicator of warming is

the shift of vegetative zones to higher elevations and latitudes

What. is pedology?

the study of soil

The driving force behind practically all life on Earth is:

the sun

A pedon extends down to _______.

the top of the R horizon

B climates can be found in

the tropics, midlatitudes, subtropics.

Steep-sided mountainous soils tend to be ______ in depth


Porosity is the ability of soil to ___ water.

to hold

Cfa can be impacted by

tornadoes, hurricanes, and drought

Which of the following is NOT a major factor in soil formation?


The soil formation process involving the introduction of dissolved and suspended particles from upper layers into lower ones is called


How many trophic levels higher are tigers from grass on the food chain?


The 2013 IPPC report stated that most global warming is ____________ due to human activities raising greenhouse gases

virtually certain

What type of ash is associated with andisols?


Which of these cannot be considered a C climate?

warmest month average is 9 degrees celsius

Parent material of soil is generally

weathered bedrock

What type of plants are common in arid climates?


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