PHIL 103 HONORS World Religion

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"Among the Navajo, a number of colors balance their universe. These are"

"Black, white, yellow, blue"

The traditional Chinese character for sage has 3 components

"Ear, mouth, ruler"

"Like many heroes, Mahavira is anointed on a ___ called ___"

"Mountain, Mt Mer"

becomes therewith a revelation of the inhumanity of the order of the universe.

"Sudden, monstrous, death"

Henotheism is

"The belief that there are many gods, but only one in whom you believe"

"The five elemental forces in Confucianism are metal, -- & --, water, soil"

"Wood, fire"

The Three Marks of Existence in Buddhism.

1. Anatta (no self) 2. Anicca (impermanence) 3. Dukkha (suffering)

The rise of the Bhakti Movement was between ____ and ____

1200-1750 CE

The approximate date of the birth of Nanak is


The Pre-Vedic period of Hinduism ended approximately in

1750 BCE

Ahura Mazda utters __ which fortell all that will happen till the end time

21 words

The Adventists have __ Fundamental Beliefs


Virtually every hero crosses the first threshold between the ages of


"Like most heroes, Mahavira was __ when he left to pursue his fate"


__ years of the life of Jesus are unaccounted for.


Mahavira preached for some __ years and died at __.

30 & 72

The Intertestamental Period

300 BCE - 300 CE

The Golden Age of Hinduism was between ___ and ___.

320-650 CE

"In Sikhism, all living things fall into one of _ categories depending upon where they are born"


"In life affirmative cultures, it seems that the number 3 is replaced by the number"


Zoroastrians pray __ times per day.


"In Jain, there are _ ages of history each __ years long"


Mohammed conquered Mecca in


"According to this Jain tradition, there are 5 eternal substances"


"In 1920, Rutherford declared that they would be resurrected in 1925."

Abraham and Isaac

Another name for Hebraic Judaism


The gnostic term for the demi-urges


The first day of each month in the Zoroastrian calendar is dedicated to

Ahura Mazda

The supreme diety in Zoroastrianism is

Ahura Mazda

An ancient Indian religion called Follower of the Way of Life


"In Zoroastrianism, this is the great mountain that took 800 years to grow"


"According to this tribe, corn grows from the body of a buried human"


"In all religions, a return to fundamentalism is a response to"

All of these

"In Jain, this is the realm outside the universe"


"When Augustine listened to this man's sermons, he converted to Pauline Christianity"


"In 1978, this law allowed Native Americans to practice their religion"

American Indian Religious Freedom Act

The creator god among the Dogon


The Sikh rite of passage for a male

Amrit Sanshar

The ideals of Sikhism are spelled out in the

Anah Piare

He was with Buddha when he died


The Zoroastrian demi god of evil

Angra Mainyu

"Among the Navajo, he plays the role of Trickster."

Angry Coyote

"Among the Navajo, he teaches humans that death is necessary."

Angry Coyote

"An ________ is a universal, archaic patterns and images that derive from the collective unconscious and are the psychic counterpart of instinct."


He convened the Third Council in Buddhism


"Of the 3 types of sacred fire in Zoroastrianism, this is the highest"

Atash Behram

For the Yorubam this means reincartaion


"Among the Zuni, this god created the world from his own breath and body"


The physical realm in Yoruba religion


A early gnostic group that practiced baptism


An early gnostic group that practiced baptism


He founded the Branch Davidians

Benjamin Roden

Most scholars believe Sikhism's roots can be found in this movement.


"In Jain, these are the demi-gods who live in hell"


The older sister of Nanak who is often considered his first disciple.

Bibi Nanki

She becomes pregnant when a skull placed in a tree spits in her hand

Blood Maiden

"__ is anyone who, motivated by great compassion, has generated bodhicitta"


"According to Gash, his essential teaching was liberation from suffering"


Mahavira lived around the time of __


The creation story in Zoroastrianism is called


___ signifies that destiny has summoned the hero and transferred his spiritual center of gravity from within the pale of his society to a zone unknown.

Call to adventure

"he said Whenever one moves out of the transcendent, one comes into a field of opposites. "


This was one of the most developed Neolithic towns in Anatolia.


This Daoist movement identified 5 classes of women.

Celestial Masters

"According to this African tribe, humans descended to earth on a Gossomer thread from a spider web."


"In Zoroastrian myth, this is the bridge to the Other World"


This law led to establishing boarding schools for Native Americans

Civilization Fund Act

"If God made the natural laws, why could he not violate them when it was a particularly significant moment for him to do so?"


He argued that God is the answer to all of those How must it have come to be questions.


"For him, human religion and society can be described in 3 stages"


This book details Augustine's spiritual journey


"In 1881, he became the president of the Watch Tower Society"


She mirrors the health of the dead person's soul


The untouchables often refer to themselves as


He argued that as organisms become more complex the need to adapt increases


"He cited Ezekiel 9 as proof only 144,000 would be saved"

David Houteff

"In 1934, he founded the Universal Publishing Association"

David Houteff

His theology focused on Isaiah 54-66

David Houteff

The Davidians were founded by

David Houteff

He changed his name to David Koresh

David Koresh

He wrote The God Delusion


This was the prototype in Sikhism of the gurdwara


"The idea that Jesus never had a body, only the appearance of one"


"This religious text begins with the words ""What Tian has ordained is called human nature"

Doctrine of the Mean

"This religious text begins with the words "What Tian has ordained is called human nature"

Doctrine of the Mean

The focus of this religious text is self-betterment or cultivation.

Doctrine of the Mean

A religion is a unified system of beliefs and practices relative to sacred things.


Of the four sources in Genesis this is the oldest


They believed Jesus was the last of the prophets


This was the name given the Church at Jerusalem


"In this tribe, Olokun has is god of fertility"


The Canaanite goddess who called Abraham

El Shaddai

"As a teenager, he was given this name which means 'one you can trust.'"


"In Judaism, he ascended into heaven in a fiery chariot"


Founder of the Seventh Day Adventists

Ellen White

He once owned all the cattle on earth.


The son of Isaac who should have received the covenant


"Orisha of chance, accident and unpredictability"


Jesus may have been a member of this sectarian group who lived in the Dead Sea area


This prophet apparently had mystical visions


He argued that intention and consequence don't matter - only the moment does


In 1959 she gathered her followers at Mt. Carmel

Florence Houteff

Director of the National Human Genome Research Institute

Francis Collins

"At death, the soul is united with its"


The Zoroastrian term for guardian angel.


He argued that humans experience themselves as both a part of and apart from the physical world


"A better translation of ""Vanity of Vanities"" could be "

Futility of futilities

This African tribe believes death is the result of the anger of the first woman.


This tribe recognizes several categories of the spirits of the dead.


Gobind Singh was born

Gobind Rai

"Killed by Angra Mainyu, its seed became the moon & plants"


In the 17th Century he compiled the Adi Granth

Guru Arjan

He found mystical significance in the letters of the alphabet

Guru Nanak

He argued that the art of war develops only late in human evolution.

H. H. Turney-High

These are reports about the life of Mohammed collected by those close to him


Sarah's handmaiden who gave Abraham his first son


"As was the custom, Mohammed was raised by a wet nurse named"


This biblical story was used to justify racism


"According to the Navajo, this enters through human breath to direct human actions and thoughts. "

Holy Wind

They believed that humans in this life are imperfect but will find perfection after death


He is NOT one of the major prophets


"Born in Bulgaria, he would break from the Adventists over biblical interpretation"


"Among the Quiche Maya, the heart of heaven, called ___ prepared the earth for humans."


"Among the Quiche Maya,the heart of heaven, called ___ prepared the earth for humans."


Peniel means

I have seen the face of god

The Yoruba system of divination


In Jain there are a number of references to this god who predates Jain and whom we know little about


The name given to the period from 300 BCE to 300 CE


Earth of the Day of the Fish

Izubay Minne

His blood falls to earth as clouds of rain

Izubay Minne

"In 1931, he was the one who changed the name of the Watchtower Society to Jehovah's Witnesses"

J.F. Rutherford

He was the last of Mahavira's disciples to achieve Kavala


He assassinated Gobind Singh

Jamshed Khan

In 1919 the leaders of this group were jailed for sedition.

Jehovah's Witnesses

"This word mean ""Holy War"" in Islam"


His question is never answered


This gospel is an apologia to the Mandeans


He founded the Yoruba Christian Church.

Josiah Oshirelu

He believed humans share a common collective unconscious.


He believed that there are common psychological symbols which can be found in all human cultures.


This plague effected the life & times of Mohammed


"In Jain, these are the luminous demi-gods who live above the earth"

Jyotishka devas

"In Hebrew, this word means ""received tradition"""


The point of this Jewish document is to reconnect heaven and earth


The Hindu word for time and death is the same - it is


In Jain, the current age is called

Kali Yuga

These two aims of life in Hinduism apply to the householder stage

Kama and Artha

In Sikhism was is the word for Abode of Faith


"Eventually, Mohammed married a wealth widow whose name was"


The avatar that is the end of time


"Before hunting, according to Campbell, he saw a great heart."

King Arthur

The Great Ark of the Pure Earth

Kora Na

The eighth avatar of Vishnu is


The High God of the Dinka is called


"Among this tribe, at puberty, boys take a vision quest"


Confucius' mentor

Lao Tzu

He is reputed to be the author of the Dao de Jing

Lao Tzu

"According to this law, a male relative had to provide a deceased male with a son"

Law of Onan

"In Confucianism, this term means ritual, virtue."


In 1978 she became the leader of the Branch Davidians

Lois Roden

The Daoist divine patron of business owners.

Lord Guan

In Hinduism Nataraja

Lord of the Dance

He is credit with starting the Protestant Reformation


"In Jain, the place where liberated souls go in the lower spokes of time"


Tantrik developed from


This form of Buddhism believed Buddha to be the earthly expression of ultimate reality


This form of Buddhism is called the Great Vehicle


Zen developed from


This African rebellion was against German colonial interests

Maji Maji

They believed Jesus was the Prophet of Lies


They believed that the Logos was god's active force


"Largely because of the influence of this group, Mary had to be a virgin"


The oldest of the four gospels


This gospel originally ended with an empty tomb


Mohammed was born in this city which was already a religious center


He believed every human has the inherent ability to be a sage


He reaffirmed moral cultivation to be a religious calling.


This class or family held the position of Ministry of Works


This idea changed from military to spiritual over a 300-year period


This transformation occurred during the Intertestamental Period

Messiah becomes a religious figure

The final stage of conversion to Judaism involves immersion in a pool called


Confucius eventually held this position

Minister of Crime

"When the First Man and First Woman mate with these people, various groups of humans were created"

Mirage People

At the core of the Torah tradition lies the concept of


"According to this tribe, there is a special relationship between humans and grizzlys"


This caused the schism in Islam that survives today

Mohammed left no clear successor

Release or liberation in Hinduism


This is recited in Sikhism at the beginning of Amrit Sanshar

Mul Mantra

This location proved to be the remains of a major gnostic community

Nag Hamadi

"In Jain, this is the realm of hellish creatures"


This tribe believes illness results from social conflict.


In this culture a boy and girl are killed when having intercourse

New Guinea

These two great councils ultimately defined Pauline Christianity

Nicean & Chalcedon

The ?j?vika school is known for its

Niyati (Fate )

This Zoroastrian holiday honors Amesha Spenta


The Mountain God in Maasi religion

Ol Doinyo Lengai

Goddess of the Moon in Maasi Religion


"In Confucianism, from the Dao comes the"


Two pillars of Maasi culture

Oodo Mongi and Orok Kiteng

"In the Navajo creation myth, he brings the First Man and First Woman back together"

Owl Man

Third wife of Shango


They were the first five disciples of Nanak

Panj Piare

Monist Hinduism is


This was Houteff's call to Adventists to reform

Partial List of Abominations

He argued science and religion will always clash.

Paul Bloom

At that this Jacob changed his name to Israel


This name means 'I have seen the face of god and lived'


"In Greek myth, she is the great serpent's bride"


This Jewish group believed in the immortality of the soul


The 'Image of the Womb of Amma'

Po Tolo

This position argues that the death of God on the cross can only mean god is dead

Protest Theism

The sky came from his head - according to Hinduism


The god often depicted as a featured serpent among the Aztecs.


The god-king of the south Indian province of ____ had to sacrifice himself at the end of the length of time required by the planet Jupiter for a circuit of the zodiac - roughly 12 years.

Quilacare in Malabar

This Jewish mystic taught god withdrew into itself

Rabbi Isaac Lauria

The avatar of bravery and chivalry


He wrote The Myth of the Birth of the Hero


"In Confucianism, this term means benevolence, virtue, humanness."


Seeing things as they are in Buddhism is called

Right View

This story shows how Christians reappropriated Hebrew Scripture

Road to Emmaus

"In Hinduism, this is the cosmic regularity of time"


Confucianism is also called


"In 1916, he died unexpectedly at age 64."


He believed that 1914 would mark the end of a 2520 year period & usher in the end of time


He believed that 1914 would mark the end of a 2520-year period & usher in the end of time


He believed that in 1874 Christ had returned as an invisivble spirit


The concept that 'ultimate reality' has form and attributes.

Saguna Brahman

This is the word for promoting concentration in Buddhism


"In this African religion, they believe god is found in mountains, rivers, streams."


"The continuous cycle of birth, death, and rebirth in Buddhism"


The cycle of birth and death in Hinduism is


The prophet who opposed Saul


"First king of the Jews, he was ineffective."


This council was called to address issues surrounding discipline of Buddhist monks


"According to Sethian Gnostics, he married his sister"


Sethian Gnostics claims this biblical person as their founder


Who was Azura?

Seth's wife & sister

"According to Fromm, he showed to what degree social scientists distort the picture of societies under their observation by judging them from what seems to be the ""nature"" of economics, just as they come to conclusions about the nature of man from the data, if not of modern man, at least of man as we know him through most of his civilized history."


This word refers to the conservative Islamic law


The Davidians were originally called

Shepherd's Rod

"Among the ____, the priests, who were the only ones knowing the will of God (whom they called Nyakang), saw to it that the king was killed after a term of seven years"


Ceremony that reaffirms the earth's connection to Sirius


Performed every 60 years


When the sun and Sirius come together


This religion believed there were no Hindus or Muslims.


This first century religious leader is often cited as the Father of Gnosticism

Simon Magus

"In some forms of Gnosticism, she is associated with the creation of evil"


The wise man who returns in Yoruba religion is called


The caretaker of the souls of the dead in Zoroastrianism


The reuniting of the two placentas in Dogon religion is called

Taba Tolo

This Jewish text is a collection of oral traditions


The actual meaning of Ha Satan

The Accuser

Unlike Christian Scripture which is open to interpretation

The Quran means what it says

Buddha means

The awakened one

Kshatriya in Hinduism refers to

The caste of warriors

This distinguishes the hero from the shaman

The hero is more human

___ emotionally disturbing glimpse of death as the life of the living is the fundamental motivation supporting the rites around which the social structure of the early planting villages was composed.

The interdependence of death and sex

"Among the Dogon, Ogo becomes"

The pale fox

He was a 19th century advocate of Zionism

Theodor Herzl

This is called The Way of the Elders


This Greek festival was exclusively for women.


"According to this Adventist Doctrine, only 144.000 will be saved"

Three Angels Message

This is one of the basic Adventist doctrines

Three Angels Message

The exercise of Dao in Confucianism is one way of thinking about


He believed religion is ultimate concern


"According to Gash, this Buddhist text provides a rich ethics."


"This group of Hindu texts means ""sitting down near (a teacher)"""


David had him killed in order to take Bethshaba


He waged war against syncretism of Islam & indigenous religions in Africa

Usman dan Fodio

Valentine's Day comes from this Gnostic-Christian group


Mahavira's birth name was


Jain may have been established when this period was ending.


Nine of the ten avatars of the avatar of Brahman have appeared


"Ahura Mazda creates Good Thought, also called"


"In 1890, at this place, Lakota were killed doing the Ghost Dance"

Wounded Knee

"In 1890, he established a second Ghost Dance,"


Jesus' name was

Y'hosua ben Yosef

"Though we have been taught to perceive this god as good, Gnostics believed it was evil"


"In Gnosticism, he created Eve to get power stolen from Sophia back"


"In Hinduism, time is personified in the god of death "


This tribe throws the placenta of a baby into a river at birth.


"During this ritual, 72 chapters of the Avesta are read."


"Among the Yoruba, Mother of Waters, Nurturer of Water Resources."


"According to this tribe, the Jump Dancel was taught to them by Immortals"


This form of Buddhism stresses practice over doctrine.


"In the 11th Century, he establish 4 goals for his life."

Zhang Zai

"According to this text, the ultimate person is spirit-like."


"This Confucian text is divided into 3 sections - inner, outer and miscellaneous"


In Confucianism this term means spontaneity.


They regarded the Navajo and the Hopi as their young siblings.


Mohammed received his first revelation in

a church

In Navajo myth this is used to bring women and men back together

a raft

"In Gnosticism, creator of the physical universe"

a rebellious demi-god

"In the 1880s, this was a reaction to the rise of science"

a rebirth of fundamentalism

"From the time he was 10 until he was 14, Mohammed worked as "

a shepherd & caravan merchant

A life __ culture is not likely to create technology


The opening chapter of the Quran is called


"In Gnosticism, at the end of time this will happen"

all of these

"In a life negative culture, this is always true"

all of these

"Thinking about Navajo myth, this is true"

all of these

Mohammed's grandfather was

all of these

The three jewels of Jain faith include

all of these

This is the cup of immortality in Sikhism


"In Gnosticism, the demi-gods are created by"

an unknowable god

Brahman can only be described via general attributes: infinite being (sat) infinite awareness (chit)

and infinite bliss (Ananda)

"Among the Quiche Maya, the first creation is the creation of"

animals that can't talk

Most African religions are __ that is they see humans as the center of the cosmos.


This Greek word means revelation


"According to Jung birth, death, separation from parents, initiation, marriage, the union of opposites are examples of ______."

archetypal events

"The great mother, father, child, devil, god, wise old man, wise old woman, the trickster, the hero, are all examples of ______."

archetypal figures

"History, culture and personal context shape these _____ thereby giving them their specific content."

archetypal images

In Gnosticism to achieve salvation one must

attain knowledge

The Pali canon is divided into three divisions or


She created the first Navajo people from her own body.

blood maiden

"In Navajo myth, the second world is colored"


"In West Africa, this is the name for spirits who possess people"


Rabbinic Jews argued that Jesus was

born out of wedlock

The ascent of humans from the underworld is symbolically

breaking the hymen

The most important event in Solomon's reign

building of the temple

"This first stage of the mythological journey which we have designated the ""____"" signifies that destiny has summoned the hero and transferred his spiritual center of gravity from within the pale of his society to a zone unknown."

call to adventure

In the Mahayana Trikaya there are five __

celestial buddhas

"Among some Native American cultures, they connect the sacred & the earth"

certain dwellings

Religion fulfills the need for


Ritual chanting and singing that takes place over days


"According to Jung, this is one of the primordial images"


In many Native American cultures time is

circular not linear

"According to Fromm, ___ is institutionalized, organized by permanent chieftains, and aims at conquest of territory and/or acquisition of slaves and/or booty."

civilized war

"In the creation myth of the Hopi, humans are led from the underworld by"


"From a Jungian perspective, Mary"

completes the Quaternio

The kara in Sikhism symbolizes

connection to God

For Darwin __ is a function of the need to adapt.


"According to the Quiche Maya, humans are created from"

corn meal and water

Among the Cherokee she produced corn through the trickery of her son & his friend

corn woman

This chemical is released in our bodies when we feel threatened


This chemical shuts down the immune system


A woman who is virtuous but not obedient to her husband cannot

cross into heaven

In myth time is primarily


"In this Maasi ritual, the recently dead are helped into the afterlife."


"In Chinese folk religion, these are the 3 central nodal points in the body"


"In the Popul Vuh, the gods introduce this to keep humans from being like them"


The Apostles' Creed was intended to

define the orthodox expression of faith

Darwin failed to see that the rise of science would

demythologize humans

"Thinking about Comte, the whole of human evolution can be described as"

demythologizing ourselves and the world

"In larger mythological terms, the innermost cave is like"

descending into the underworld

"In Buddhism, the cause of suffering is "


"In Jain, unlike Hinduism, Krishna is a "

devious trickster

The kirpan in Sikhism symbolizes

devotion to truth

"As if to stress his connection to ordinary humans, the hero"


In Sikhism Kirat Karna

doing good things

The flat earth was believed to be covered by

dome of the heavens

The main body of the Arabian Nights was written between the ___ centuries C.E.

eighth and fourteenth

This Greek word means end of time


"Earth, air, fire and water in Sikhism all come from "


"According to the book, Judaism can be described as"

ethical monotheistic

This literary genre is designed to give us an idea of how things came to be as they are.


"In most life negative religions, the earth or physical body is identified with"

evil or corruption

"This person often attempts to distract the hero from his fate, only to fail."


"Animism belongs to this stage, according to Comte"


The seventh stage of creation in Zoroastrianism


"Where science seeks to demythologize the world, this seeks to re-mythologize it"


Qoheleth means


"According to Campbell, the ultimate word in our language for that which is transcendent is ____."


"Prior to Bruno, ___ was the center of the universe"


The Akal Parakh is the Sikh term for


In Pauline Christianity this had to be true in order to fix our relationship with God

god had to enter history

"This word in Sikhism is used in multiple contexts, one of which is as a reference to god"


"According to Russell, 1874 was supposed to begin"

harvest of the Golden Age

"In Gnosticism, the creator god"

has a plan that includes defeating evil

"If it weren't for Constantine, Christianity might"

have disappeared

"In these Gnostic texts, god is envisioned as "

having male & female elements

"Paul's answer to the questions ""If he were the messiah why did he die this way"""

he had to

"In the Navajo creation myth, the first set of twins were"


"According to Campbell, ____ is someone who has given his life to something bigger than himself or other than himself."


The manifestation of the sacred is called ___


He is Sidhartha's first mentor

his charioteer

Much of Mohammed's knowledge of politics came from this man

his grandfather

Who did Seth marry according to some Gnostics?

his sister

"In Gnosticism, the Messiah had to be"

human and divine

"This doctrine argues that Mary was created free from original sin, specifically to mother Jesus"

immaculate conception

"In this phase, the hero experiences radical doubt about who he is and what he is to do"

innermost cave

"As this diminishes, the need to adapt increases according to Darwin"


A scientifically worded attempt to show that blanks in the evolutionary narrative are more meaningful than its very convincing totality

intelligent design

The Buddhist idea that all things are somehow related.

interdependent origination

"According to Smart, NOT one of the 7 dimensions of religion."


"As if to stress the importance of the hero, his mother"

is impregnated by a god or divine being

"By comparison to the Navajo, death in Mayan mythology"

is not natural

"In Gnosticism, the end of history"

is the defeat of evil

"Among the Pueblo, the ancestral spirits are known as"


In Jain this frees the jiva from the effects of karma.


Navajo rite of passage for a girl.


The central human figure in Maasi religion


Religions which use dualism to explain the nature of humans are usually

life negative

The journey to the inner most cave can also be thought of as

like Jonah going into the belly of the whale

"In Sikhism, Kamm is"


"In Apache mythology, ___ faces downward while ___ faces upward."


"A __ is the period during which the earth is ruled by a particular Manu, the father of man."


"In the Vedas, this word refers to the magical powers of the gods"


The spiritual half of the universe in Zoroastrianism is called


Penentheism is also known as

monistic monotheism

"The ____ of the Neolithic religion is not only the mistress of wild animals. She is also the patroness of the hunt, the patroness of agriculture, and the mistress of plant life."

mother goddess

"According to Campbell, ___ are clues to the spiritual potentialities of the human life."


A life __ culture is inherently aggressive.


"For those who have ___, the first encounter of the hero-journey is with a protective figure (often a little old crone or old man) who provides the adventurer with amulets against the dragon forces he is about to pass."

not refused the call

"The creator of the (material) universe is, according to Gnosticism"

not the supreme god

Human spiritual consciousness in the physical realm


In evil in the physical world in Zoroastrianism is not the fault of

original sin

Bhakti Marga is


Circumcision in Jerusalem symbolically stood for

possession by god

Quran means


"In Yoruba religion, this occurs within families."


Navajo healing ritual is called

sand painting

In Zen this is the spontaneous realization of Enlightenment


This archetype is often used to explain Mary's role in salvation history

second eve

Religion has very little policy influence and science garners great support in a


"According to the Manicheans, Adam & Eve didn't sin, they were"

seduced by an evil demi-god

Haumi in Sikhism is


The shura refers in Hinduism to the ___ caste.


Islam has been present in Africa since

seventh century CE

"According to the Manicheans, however pleasurable this might be, it weakens the soul"


"Often male, this person stands at the intersection of all axes of the Quaternio"

shaman or hero

"In Jain there are two types of jivas, these are"

stationary and mobile

This is caused when we try to hold on to what cannot be held on to.


"In Native American religions, creation is often attributed to"

super humans

Cross cultural pollination


"When a religion does not identify a single founder, this is often true."

syncretism shaped the religion

Jung rejected this theory of human psychological development.

tabula rasa

This is the term for reality or truth in Jain


Augustine belonged to this Manichean group

the Hearers

The Manichean community was divided into two groups the Elected and

the Hearers

The path between suffering and liberation in Buddhism

the Middle way

Most Gnostics identify the figure of Christ with

the Son of Man

The world Bible comes from the Latin Biblica meaning

the books

"From the Hebrew perspective, the fall occurred because "

the gods felt threatened

The myths and folk tales of the whole world make clear that ___ is essentially a refusal to give up what one takes to be one's own interest.

the hero's refusal to heed the call

"In Hindi cosmology, Purusha's mind became"

the moon

The two original schools of Buddhism disagreed about

the nature of the soul

in Hinduism Grihastha is

the second Ashrama

"Aversion, attachment and ignorance are called"

the three poisons

"In a life negative culture, humans emerge from"

the underworld

"Symbolically, the whole of creation in Apache myth takes place in"

the womb of the earth

Why do bad things happen to good people?

theodicy question

A possible reason why Jain has never focused on preserving its history

time is cyclic

"Among nomadic and semi-nomadic tribes, memories are attached"

to places

The name Mohammed is from Arabic Hamada which means

to praise or glorify

The blood maiden becomes pregnant when she

touches the skull

"In Islam, the Sunnah is "

tradition or way of life of the prophet

This character is often an animal who has adventures & engages in mischief.


"Jains believe them to be humans, not demi-gods or avatars of the gods"


Many Native American religions recognize a third gender called


"When his grandfather died, Mohammed was given to his"


The Zoroastrian term for soul.


The catalyst for the hero's confrontation with his fate

usually is unaware of what he is doing

It became doctrin in Christianity that Mary even though she might have had other children

was forever a virgin

"In Navajo myth, monsters are the product of"

women masturbating with objects

संबंधित स्टडी सेट्स

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