Exam 3

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19) Salt-crystal growth (salt weathering) is prevalent in which climate type? A) Tropical B) Arid C) Polar D) Mesothermal


49) The measurement of land elevation relative to sea level is known as A) geodesy. B) topography. C) bathymetry. D) hypsometry


2) Elongated, streamlined ridges aligned parallel to the most effective wind direction are called A) alluvial rock structures. B) yardangs. C) desert pavements. D) ventifacts.


61) The worldwide average salinity of seawater is A) 0.5%. B) 3.5%. C) 5.5%. D) 7.5%.


66) When a river reaches a base level, its forward velocity rapidly decelerates as it enters a larger body of standing water and ________ is formed. A) a stream terrace B) a delta C) an estuary D) an alluvial terrace

a delta

8) The grinding and shaping of rock surfaces by the "sandblasting" action of particles carried by wind is A) saltation. B) deposition. C) deflation. D) abrasion.


13) At which of the following locations does subduction occur? A) Along collision zones between continental and oceanic plates B) Along collision zones between two continents C) At sea floor spreading zones D) Above mantle hot spots

along collision zones between continental and oceanic plates

42) Stream drainage patterns are determined by which of the following? A) Regional steepness and relief B) Climate C) Variations in rock resistance D) Climate, regional steepness and relief, and variations in rock resistance

climate, regional steepness and relief, and variations in rock resistance

62) Explosive eruptions tend to build up A) plateau basalts. B) shield-shaped volcanoes. C) composite volcanoes. D) many subsequent lava flows

composite volcanoes

41) Which of the following gives the CORRECT sequence of layers in Earth, from the surface to the center? A) Inner core, outer core, mantle, crust B) Crust, mantle, outer core, inner core C) Crust, inner core, mantle, outer core D) Mantle, crust, inner core, outer core

crust, mantle, outer core, inner core

5) The removal and lifting of individual loose particles by the wind is termed A) abrasion. B) saltation. C) deposition. D) deflation


9) All processes that cause reduction and rearrangement of landforms are included in the term A) weathering. B) erosion. C) mass movement. D) denudation


70) A stream's volume of flow per unit of time is its A) speed. B) velocity. C) flow rate. D) discharge.


67) The sediment load that travels in solution is A) bed load. B) flow load. C) dissolved load. D) suspended load

dissolved load

74) In most river basins in humid regions, discharge is highest A) midstream. B) upstream. C) downstream. D) at the headwaters


40) Watersheds are defined by A) continental divides. B) stream orders. C) drainage divides. D) fluvial units.

drainage divides

33) When rock strata are strained beyond their ability to remain an intact unit, displacement occurs in a process known as A) broad warping. B) stressing. C) folding. D) faulting.


44) The subsurface area where the motion of seismic waves is initiated along the fault plane is called the A) Richter zone. B) epicenter. C) fault area. D) focus, or hypocenter.

focus or hypocenter

16) If material is to move downslope, it must overcome the force of A) the cohesion of particles to each other. B) inertial resistance of the material. C) friction. D) friction, cohesion of particles, and inertial resistance.

friction, cohesion of particles, and inertial resistance

14) The fact that water expands as much as 9% of its volume as it freezes is the basis of A) frost wedging. B) oxidization. C) exfoliation. D) salt crystal growth.

frost wedging

18) The subfield of geography and geology concerned with the study of the origins, evolutions, form, and spatial distribution of Earth's landforms is A) geophysics. B) geomorphology. C) pedology. D) lithology


46) The drop in stream elevation per unit distance is known as A) aspect. B) gradient. C) base level. D) discharge


75) Continental crust is basically ________, whereas oceanic crust is basically ________. A) granite; basalt B) sima; sial C) basalt; granite D) thin; thick

granite; basalt

10) The angle of repose represent a balance between the driving force and resisting force. Which of the following is the driving force? A) Gravity B) Inertia C) Friction D) Shear


11) Volcanic activity located away from plate boundaries is associated with A) hot spots. B) subduction and melting of plates along collision zones. C) rift zones. D) all of the above.

hot spots

34) Extensive landscapes formed by the dissolution of limestone and other carbonate rock and characterized by pitted, bumpy surface topography, poor surface drainage, and well developed solutions channels are known as A) high tablelands. B) karst topography. C) basins. D) plains.

karst topography

7) Molten rock that pours forth on Earth's surface is called A) metamorphic. B) magma. C) lava. D) intrusive.


73) Wind is ________ effective at eroding and transporting materials than other geomorphic agents because its density is ________ that of other geomorphic agents. A) more; lower B) more; higher C) less; higher D) less; lower

less; lower

1) A central peak, such as a volcanic mountain, generally produces a ________ drainage pattern. A) radial B) trellis C) annular D) paralle


23) Which of the following is NOT a general shape that scientists use to classify dunes? A) Star B) Crescentic C) Linear D) Rectilinear


43) An assemblage of minerals bound together is called a A) granitic compound. B) molecule. C) rock. D) mineral


3) The ultimate base level is A) sea level. B) a drainage divide. C) a dam. D) dependent on the geological substrate.

sea level

51) What type of rock is derived from the bits and pieces of former rocks? A) Sedimentary B) Hydrothermal C) Igneous D) Metamorphic


47) The three basic rock types are A) intrusive, extrusive, and plutonic. B) sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous. C) laterite, schist, and basalt. D) conglomerates, clastics, and evaporative.

sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous

45) Pulverized rock and clastic materials ejected violently during an eruption are called A) volcanic ash. B) cinders. C) tephra, or pyroclastics. D) explosive debris.

tephra or pyroclastics

64) The principle that landscape formation is balance between endogenic and exogenic processes is called A) catastrophism. B) uniformitarianism. C) the dynamic equilibrium model. D) steady state theory.

the dynamic equilibrium model

36) Coral bleaching refers to A) the loss of algae from the coral. B) the process whereby coral change color to avoid detection by predators. C) the replacement of normal, colored algae by white algae. D) the killing of coral formations by chlorine bleach pollution.

the loss of algae from the coral

32) An earthquake, a submarine landslide, or a volcanic eruption is capable of producing a A) tidal wave. B) wave in the open ocean of great height. C) slow-moving giant swell. D) tsunami


20) The principle that the same physical processes currently active in the environment were operating throughout Earth's history is known as A) statism. B) parallelism. C) catastrophism. D) uniformitarianism.


35) Which of the following is an endogenic process? A) Volcanism B) Weathering C) Glacial erosion D) Stream deposition


17) Other than the rock itself, the most important chemical substance needed for the majority of weathering processes is A) carbon dioxide. B) nitrogen. C) water. D) oxygen.


12) The area of land from which all water in it drains into the same place is known as a(n) A) drainage divide B) watershed. C) interfluve. D) fluvial units


4) The process that breaks down rock at Earth's surface through disintegration of rocks into mineral particles or dissolving it into water is known as A) weathering. B) mass movement. C) erosion. D) landmass denudation.


52) Which of the following is an exogenic process? A) Earthquakes B) Weathering C) Volcanism D) Flows of heat and materials in the mantle


60) Which of the following lists of processes are in the CORRECT sequence from beginning to end? A) Weathering, deposition, erosion, transport B) Deposition, erosion, transport, weathering C) Weathering, erosion, deposition, transport D) Weathering, erosion, transport, deposition

weathering, erosion, transport, deposition

30) Weathering that softens and rounds the sharp edges and corners of jointed rock is known as A) exfoliation. B) hydrolysis. C) spheroidal weathering. D) hydration.

spheroidal weathering

50) The scientific study of rock strata (layers) is known as ________ and based on the principle of ________. A) stratigraphy; superposition. B) Paleontology; catastrophism. C) geomorphology; uniformitarianism. D) Paleogeography; plate tectonics.

stratigraphy; superposition

27) Particles of sand, gravels, and shells that move along the shore form A) longshore current. B) beach drift. C) translation effects. D) breakers.

beach drift

24) The variety of surface features on Earth results from A) endogenic processes only. B) exogenic processes only. C) Both endogenic and exogenic processes.

both endogenic and exogenic processes

55) Bed load is moved by A) suspension. B) saltation. C) traction. D) saltation, traction, and suspension E) both saltation and traction, but not suspension

both saltation and traction, but not suspension

39) When the height of a wave exceeds its vertical stability, the wave is called a A) wave of transition. B) rip current. C) breaker. D) tidal wave.


37) Seawater that exceeds the 3.5% average is termed A) brackish. B) mesohaline. C) freshwater. D) brine.


57) Karst topography is formed primarily by A) exfoliation and hydration. B) mass wasting processes. C) oxidation and hydrolysis. D) carbonation and solution.

carbonation and solution

59) Boundaries between intervals of the geological time scale are determined by A) using a quantile method whereby the number of years in each subdivision is determined by dividing the number of years by the desired number of classes. B) Climatic periods based on paleoclimatological reconstructions. C) dividing the time range of the interval by the number desired subdivisions, thereby creating equal intervals between the divisions. D) Major events in Earth's history, such as major extinctions.

major events in earths history such as major extinctions

15) The downslope movement of a body of material made up of soil, sediment, or rock propelled by the force of gravity is known as A) downslope flow. B) mass movement. C) slide. D) lahar

mass movement

54) Channels with gradual slopes often develop a sinuous form called a ________ pattern. A) braided stream B) anabranching C) straight D) meandering stream

meandering stream

28) An interruption in a stream's graded profile of equilibrium is called a A) gradation. B) nickpoint. C) base level. D) longitudinal interruption


58) Tensional stress along a fault can result in a dropped hanging-wall block relative to the footwall side, producing a A) strike -slip fault. B) thrust fault. C) reverse fault. D) normal fault

normal fault

69) The Basin and Range Province in the western United States is a result of ________ faulting produced by ________ forces. A) normal; tensional B) reverse; compressional C) normal; compressional D) reverse; tensional

normal; tensional

38) Which of the following is an example of a first order of relief? A) The Shenandoah Valley B) North America plate C) The Alps and Rockies D) The Tibetan Plateau

north America plate

63) Which of the following is NOT a denudation process? A) Orogeny B) Mass movement C) Weathering D) Erosion


29) Exfoliation occurs because A) overlying rock is removed, thereby allowing the underlying rock mass to expand and fracture. B) water combines with minerals and increases their size, thereby causing surrounding minerals to expand. C) water freezes in joints and expands. D) evaporated water leaves behind previously dissolved mineral to form crystals, which accumulate and grow over time, exerting pressure on the rock.

overlying rock is removed, thereby allowing the underlying rock mass to expand and fracture

26) A(n) ________ is a meander that becomes isolated from the rest of the river. A) cutoff B) oxbow lake C) undercut bank D) point bar

oxbow lake

48) ________ is the theory that describes the motion of Earth's lithosphere. A) Metamorphism B) Plate tectonics C) Pangaea D) Sea floor spreading

plate tectonics

31) Mid-ocean ridges occur where A) plates are converging. B) plates are sliding past one another (transform boundaries). C) plates are moving apart (diverging). D) the geographic middle of an ocean basic occurs

plates are moving apart (diverging)

71) Barrier islands make ________ sites for real estate development because ________. A) good; they are made of rock and are quite stable B) poor; they can be overrun by storm surges C) good; they provide excellent scenery D) poor; they can be unstable, mobile, and overrun by storm surges. E) poor; they are unstable and often mobile

poor; they can be unstable, mobile, and overrun by storm surges

68) Limestone is a type of ________ rock that forms when ________. A) sedimentary; broken fragments of rock are deposited in a water environment and are then cemented together. B) igneous; lava cools C) sedimentary; calcium carbonate precipitates, or organic material containing calcium carbonate accumulates in a water environment D) igneous; magma cools

sedimentary; calcium carbonate, or organic material containing calcium carbonate

65) An instrument used to record vibrations in the crust is the A) land barometer. B) tiltmeter. C) the Richter scale. D) seismometer.


25) Which of the following is INCORRECTLY matched? A) Tension stretching or faulting B) Tension normal fault C) Shearing stretching or faulting D) Compression shortening or folding

shearing stretching or faulting

56) A gently sloping mountain landform built from effusive eruptions is known as a A) caldera. B) crater. C) shield volcano. D) cinder cone.

shield volcano

53) When lateral shear causes horizontal movement along a fault plane, the resulting fault is called a A) strike -slip fault. B) normal fault. C) thrust fault. D) lateral fault.

strike slip fault

21) In which of the following region would you expect to have the highest levels of seawater salinity? A) Equatorial oceans B) Midlatitude oceans C) Polar oceans D) Subtropical oceans

subtropical oceans

6) Desert pavement refers to A) sand-covered surfaces. B) surfaces of concentrated pebbles and gravels. C) deposits of silt and clay. D) specially constructed roadbeds in dry and hot regions.

surfaces of concentrated pebbles and gravels

72) Coral and algae have a reciprocal relationship in which the algae perform photosynthesis, providing the coral with some nutrients and helping with the calcification process. In return, the coral provide the algae with certain nutrients and a place to live in a lighted environment. This is an example of a ________ relationship. A) predator/prey B) parasitic C) symbiotic D) opportunistic


22) Which of the following is NOT exogenic in nature? A) Tectonic uplift B) Erosion C) Mass wasting D) Weathering E) Denudation

tectonic uplift

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