Exam 3

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Hypersecretion of growth hormone during childhood results in _____.


Cortisone and cortisol and types of ____ are produced by the middle cortical layer of the adrenal gland


The _____ cells of the testes produce testosterone.


A hormone called _____ is believed to play an important role in establishing the body's day-night cycle.


Calcitonin is made by the ____ of the thyroid gland.

parafollicular cells

A hormone called ____ plays an important role in incubating a special group of white blood cells.


Another name for antidiuretic hormon (ADH) is ______.


Which of the following is NOT a common characteristic of an exocrine gland? A) initially secretes its products into a duct B) secrets materials onto outer surface of the body C) secretes materials into the lumen of hollow organs D) its secretory products are carried in body fluids to distant target cells E) all of the answer selections describe characteristics of exocrine gands


Which of the following is NOT a function of a hormone? A) regulates chemical composition and volume of the internal environment B) regulates metabolism C) regulates glandular secretions D) produces electrolytes E) controls growth and development


Which of the following statements does NOT describe a step in the synthesis and secretion of t3 and t4? A) Iodide trapping B) oxidation of iodide C) coupling of t1 and t2 D) synthesis of calcitonin E) iodination of tyrosine


Which of these hormones is released by the adrenal medulla? A) sex hormones B) aldosterone C) glucocorticoids D) epinephrine E) cortisone


Which on of the following is NOT on of the major processes controlled by hormones? A) mobilizing body defenses against stressors B) growth and development C) maintaining electrolyte balance D) body coordination E) regulating cellular metabolism


Which one of the following hormones exerts its primary effects on the reproductive organs: A) prolactin B) adrenocorticotropic hormone C) thyroid-stimulating hormone D) follicle-stimulating hormone E) growth hormone


Which one of the following is NOT a sign of diabetes mellitus? A) polydipsia B) polyuria C) polyphagia D) moon face E) acidosis


Which of the following is an eicosanoid? 1. prostaglandin 2. lukotriene 3. glycoprotein

D) both 1 and 2

All of the following hormones are produced and secreted by the ovaries EXCEPT.... A) estradiol B) estrone C) progesterone D) inhibin E) follicle stimulating hormone


Glucocorticoids do all of the following EXCEPT: A) decrease edema B) suppress inflammation C) increase blood glucose levels D) help resist long-term stress E) regulate salt content of the blood


Hypothyroidism during adulthood can produce which of the following disorders? A) acromegaly B) grave's disease C) hypoglycemia D) cushings syndrome E) myxedema


Leptin is a hormone produced by the... A) placenta B) ovaries C) testes D) pituitary gland E) adipose tissue


Tetany resulting from uncontrolled muscle spasms may indicate a malfunction of the: A) pineal gland B) adrenal cortex C) thymus D) posterior pituitary E) parathyroid glands


The secondary sex charactristics brought about by testosterone secretion do NOT include: A) development of heavy muscles B) growth of facial hair C) lowering the voice D) developing of heavy bones E) developing of breasts


When a hormone is present in excessive levels, the number of target-cell receptors may decrease. This is called... A) receptor recognition B) sensory adaptation C) paracrine regulation D) up-regulation E) down-regulation


Which hormone works with estrogen to bring about the menstrual cycle? A) prolactin B) oxytocin C) tstosterone D) human chorionic gonadotropin E) progesterone


Which of the following anterior pituitary hormones stimulates the adrenal cortex to secrete cortisol? A) leutinizing hormone B) prolactin C) insulin-like growth factors D) melanocyte-stimulating E) adrnocorticotropic hormone


Which of the following is NOT a common effect of glucocorticoid stimulation? A) protein and fat breakdown B) glucose formation C) depression of immune responses D) reduction of inflammation E) increased production of all types of blood cells


Which of the following is an example of hormone that is secreted from an endocrine gland in response to a chemical change in the blood? A) parathyroid hormone release from the parathyroid gland B) insulin release from the pancreas C) glucagon release from the pancreas D) ADH release from the posterior pituitary gland E) all of the answer selections are correct


An enlargemnt of the thyroid gland resulting from a deficiency of dietary iodine is called: A) goiter B) acromegaly C) cretinism D) myxedema E) exophthalmos


Endocrine tissues that secrete steroid hormones all are derived from.... A) mesoderm B) endoderm C) ectoderm D) a combo of two or more layers E) none of these


Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is produced by the... A) placenta B) ovaries C) testes D) pituitary gland E) hypothalamus


Insulin causes : A) a decrease in the concentration of blood glucose B) an increase in blood pressure C) a decrease in blood pressure D) an increase in the production of glucagon E) an increase in the concentration of blood glucose


Parathyroid hormone is the major regulator of the plasma concentration of which of the following ions? A) calcium B) sodium C) potassium D) chloride E) manganese


Prostaglandins are: A) lipid hormones manufactured in cell plasma membranes B) steroid hormones C) amino acid based hormones D) target organs E) glycerol hormons


The amount of ADH that is secreted by the posterior pituitary glands varies with... A) blood osmotic pressure B) blood calcium C) blood oxygen levels D) blood glucose levels E) all of these choices


The cells in the testes that produce testosterone are called: A) interstitual B) alpha cells C) beta cells D) gonadotropic cells E) pancreatic islet cells


The hormone that appears to help regulate our sleep-awake cycles is: A) melatonin B) thyroxine C) progsterone D) thymosin E) glucagon


The hormone that triggers ovulation of an egg from the female ovary is: A) luteinizing hormone B) prolactin C) interstitual cell-stimulating hormone D) progesterone E) follicle-stimulating hormone


The pars distalis and the pars tuberalis comprise the... A) anterior pituitary gland B) hypothalamus C) posterior pituitary gland D) adrenal gland E) thyroid gland


Which blood glucose lowering hormone is produced by the pancreatic islet cells? A) insulin B) glucagon C) somatostatin D) thyroid hormone E) calcitonin


Which of the following anterior pituitary hormones stimulates general body growth? A) growth hormone B) prolactin C) thyrotropin D) luteinizing hormone E) adrenocorticotropic hormone


Which of the following anterior pituitary hormones stimulates the gonads to secrete progesterone and/or testerone? A) leutinizing hormone B) TSH C) corticotropin D) melanocyte-stimulating hormone E) growth hormone


Which of the following groups are a group of lipid-soluble hormones derived from cholesterol? A) steroids B) thyroid hormones C) nitric oxide D) amine hormones E) peptide hormones


Which of the following hormones is an amine hormone derived from serotonin? A) melatonin B) melanin C) glucose D) glucocorticoid E) eicosanoid


Which one of the following is NOT a symptom of Cushing's syndrome: A) bronze skin tones B) high blood pressure C) buffalo hump D) moon face E) water retention


Which of these hormones does NOT play a role in reproduction? A) estrogen B) luteinizing hormone C) testostrone D) follicle-stimulating hormone E) antidiuretic hormone


Which on of the following is NOT produced by the adrenal cortex: A) mineralocorticoids B) glucocorticoids C) sex hormones D) aldosterone E) epinephrine


A type of hormone that acts on neighboring cells without entering the bloodstream. 1. local hormone 2. paracrine 3. autocrine 4. circulating hormone

E) both 1 and 2

Alcohol inhibits th secretion of: A) prolactin (PRL) B) antidiuretic hormone (ADH) C) parathyroid hormone (PTH) D) oxytocin E) glucagon


Being lipid soluble, steroids can do all of the following EXCEPT: A) bind to receptor proteins within the nucleus B) catalyze cyclic AMP C) enter the nucleus D) activate genes to transcribe mRNA for protein synthesis E) diffuse through the plasma membranes of target cells


Diabetes insipidus is caused by hyposecretion of: A) glucagon B) antidiuretic hormone (ADH) C) growth hormone D) prolactin (PRL) E) parathyroid hormone (PTH)


How many hormones do the five types of anterior pituitary cells secrete? A) 5 B) 7 C) 10 D) 12 E) unlimited


Insulin works as an antagonist to: A) oxtocin B) glucagon C) testosterone D) thyroid hormone E) thymosin


Rising blood levels of aldosterone cause the kidney tubules to: A) reabsorb calcium B) reabsorb sodium C) reabsorb iodine D) reabsorb potassium E) reabsorb hydrogen


Since insulin released from the pancreas is carried in the bloodstream to distant target cells, like muscle cells, it is considered to be a(n)..... A) local hormone B) circulating hormone C) paracrine D) autocrine E) neurotransmitter


Th thyroid gland is located: A) within the parathyroid glands B) blow the Adam's apple C) within the mediastinum D) within the pancreas E) above the kidneys


The "fight-or-flight" response triggers the release of: A) growth hormone B) epinphrine C) melatonin D) prolactin E) ADH


The enzyme produces by the kidneys when blood pressure drops, stimulating a release of aldosterone, is called: A) cortisol B) renin C) angiotension D) vasopressin E) cortisone


Which of the following anterior pituitary hormones stimulates milk production? A) luteinizing hormone B) prolactin C) thyrotropin D) melanocyte stimulating hormone E) adrenocorticotropic hormone


Which of the following germ layers does the thyroid gland develop from during embryonic development? A) mesoderm B) endoderm C) ectoderm D) a combination of two of the layers E) none of the answer selections are correct


Which of these hormones regulate calcium levels int he body? A) T3 and T4 B) calcitonin and parathyroid hormone C) melatonin and glucocorticoids D) oxytocin and prolactin E) insulin and glucagon


Which one of the following hormones is NOT produced by the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland: A) thyroid-stimulating hormone B) oxytocin C) growth hormone D) prolactin E) luteinizing hormone


Which one of the following is NOT a function of oxytocin? A) stimulation of uterine contractions B) stimulation of menstruation C) stimulation of breast milk ejection D) labor induction E) postpartum bleeding


Which one of the following is NOT an anterior pituitary hormone: A) prolactin B) antidiuretic hormone C) follicle-stimulating hormone D) adrenocorticotropic hormone E) luteinizing hormone


Which one of the following is NOT typical of the changes that follow the binding of a hormone to its target cells? A) mitosis is stimulated B) cellular mutations occur C) proteins are synthesized in the cell D) plasma membrane permeability changes E) enzymes are activated or inactivated


Growth hormones: A) results in Cushing's disease if produced in excess B) is produced by the thyroid gland C) promotes growth in long bones and skeletal muscles D) is secreted by the thymus E) prevents urine production


Hypersecretion of growth hormone after long bone growth has ended (as an adult) is called: A) pituitary dwarfism B) acromegaly C) gigantism D) myxedema E) cushing's disease


Hyposecretion of thyroxine in arly childhood leads to: A) exopthalmos B) myxedema C) cretinism D) acromgaly E) dwarfism


Most endocrine organs are prodded into action by other hormones; this type of stimulus is called: A) neural stimulus B) humoral stimulus C) hormonal stimulus D) receptor-ediated stimulus E) steroid stimulus


Negative feedback mechanisms regulate: A) steroid hormones B) very few hormones C) most hormones D) prostaglandin hormones only E) amino acid based hormones only


The body's major metabolic hormone is called: A) calcitonin B) growth hormone C) thyroid hormone D) prolactin E) adrenaline


The element necessary in the diet for proper thyroid function is: A) sodium B) potassium C) iodine D) bromine E) calcium


The following is a possible progression of which of the following disorders: inadequate dietary iodine intake- low level of thyroid hormone in blood- increased TSH secretion - thyroid gland enlargement A) acromegaly B) tetany C) goiter D) cushing's syndrome E) addison's disease


The hormone responsible for the maturation of white blood cells known as T lymphocytes is: A) aldosterone B) progesterone C) thymosin D) melatonin E) thyroxine


The hypothalamus is most closely associated with the: A) thymus gland B) thyroid gland C) pituitary gland D) pineal gland E) pancreas


The pineal gland produces: A) insulin B) cortisol C) melatonin D) thymosin E) estrogen


What controls hormone release from the anterior pituitary gland? A) muscle contraction B) the peripheral nervous system C) hormone released from the hypothalamus D) action potentials from the thalamus E) chemical changes in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)


When one hormone opposes the action of another hormone, it is called a(n)... A) synergistic effect B) permissive effect C) antagonist effect D) circulating effect E) local effect


Which hormonal influence on the muscular system is correctly described? A) thyroid hormone decreases muscle mass B) calcitonin is the primary regulator of ca2+ needed for contraction C) epinephrine helps increase blood flow to exercising muscle D) erythropoietin blocks formation of erythrocytes E) ADH promotes water loss


Which of the following conditions would result from hyposecretion of aldosterone? A) decreased heart rate B) decreased airway dilation C) dehydration D) decreased oxygen delivery to the brain E) metabolic acidosis


Which of the following germ layers does the adrenal medulla develop from during embryonic development? A) mesoderm B) endoderm C) ectoderm D) a combination of two of the layers E) none of these


Which of the following germ layers does the anterior pituitary gland develop from during embryonic development? A) mesoderm B) endoderm C) ectoderm D) a combination of two of the layers E) non of the answer selections are correct


Which of the following hormones are released in response to decrease in blood glucose concentration? A) insulin B) luteinizing hormone C) glucagon D) parathyroid hormone E) calcitonin


Which of the following hormones commonly increases in the plasma of older individuals due to an inadequate dietary intake of calcium? A) estrogen B) progesterone C) parathyroid D) calcitonin E) insulin


Which of the following hormones play key regulatory roles in the body's long term response to stress? A) insulin, glucagon, thyroid hormone B) hGH, insulin, aldosterone C) cortisol, hGH thyroid hormone D) parathyroid hormone, cortisol, hGH E) calcitonin, thyroid hormone, insulin


Which of the following is NOT a common method of stimulating hormone secretion from an endocrine cell? A) signals from the nervous system B) chemical changes in the blood C) mechanical stretching of the endocrine cell D) releasing hormone E) both signals from the nervous system and chemical changes in the blood


Which of the following is an abnormal condition of excess androgn secretion, observed primarily in women, that is characterized by the presence of excessive body and facial hair in a male pattern? A) acromegaly B) tetany C) hirsutism D) gynecomastia E) myxedema


Which of the following pairs of hormones are secreted by the posterior pituitary gland? A) prolactin and growth hormone B) melatonin-stimulating hormone and oxytocin C) oxytocin and antidiuretic hormone D) follicle-stimulating hormone and thyroid-stimulating hormone E) prolactin and ACTH


Which of the following statements correctly compares water-soluble hormones with lipid-soluble hormones? A) both types of hormones are carried in the blood attached to a carrier protein B) both types of hormones are almost always stimulate increases in mRNA transcription C) only water-soluble hormones use second messengers D) only water-soluble hormones require a receptor E) lipid-soluble hormones are not found in the bloodstream


Which type of anterior pituitary cell secretes human growth hormone? A) thyrotrophs B) gonadotrophs C) somatotropin D) lactotrophs E) corticotrophs


A condition characterized by excessive development of mammary glands in a male is called... A) acromegaly B) pheochromocytoma C) hirsutism D) gynecomastia E) myxdema


All postaglandins are derived from a 20-carbon prcursor molecule called... A) thromboxane B) intrinsic factor C) thymopoietin D) arachidonic acid E) cholesterol


Estrogens do all of the following EXCEPT A) stimulate menstruation B) stimulate the development of secondary sex characteristics in females C) help maintain pregnancy D) stimulate growth of facial hair E) prepare the uterus to receive a fertilized egg


Insulin is produced by cells of the pancreatic islets called: A) alpha cells B) delta cells C) gamma cells D) beta cells E) theta cells


The chemical messengers of the endocrine system are known as: A) stimuli B) neurons C) effectors D) hormones E) target cells


Tropic hormones: A) stimulate the pineal gland to secrete hormones B) stimulate nervous tissue C) stimulate prestaglandins D) stimulate other endocrine glands to secrete hormones E) stimulate the thymus gland to secrete hormones


Which of th folowing is NOT a common response of the body to long term stress? A) increased lipolysis B) increased glycogenesis C) increased gluconeogenesis D) increased digestive activities E) increased breakdown of proteins


Which of the following glands is NOT an endocrine gland? A) pituitary gland B) thyroid gland C) adrenal gland D) sebaceous gland E) pineal gland


Which of the following hormones opposes the action of parathyroid hormone? A) thyroid-stimulating hormone B) testosterone C) insulin D) calcitonin E) calcitriol


Which of the following hormones promotes increases in the basal metabolic rate (BMR)? A) insulin B) adrenocortiotropic hormone C) glucagon D) thyroid hormone E) calcitonin


Adrnocorticotropic hormone stimulates the cortex portion of the ______ gland.


Another name for epinephrine is _____.


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