exam 4

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Julia has a career as a teacher and is also responsible for cleaning, buying groceries, cooking, and cleaning house for her husband and children. Following lecture and text materials, sociologists would see this as:

What is the second shift?

When sociologists combine several methods in a single piece of research, using each method to supplement and check the others.

What is triangulation

The three main stratification systems in human history.

What slavery, caste, and class?

____________ sees religion as associated with major social changes, including the development of the modern capitalist economy

Who is "Max Weber"?

This theorist sees social change as prompted mostly by economic influences, especially conflicts between social classes

Who is Karl Marx

The four primary methods of sociological research:

What are ethnography, surveys, experiments, comparative/historical analysis

Expectations regarding the proper behavior, attitudes, and activities of males and females.

What are gender roles

The expectations regarding the proper behavior, attitudes, and activities of males and females are known as ___________________.

What are gender roles?

_____________ involve a series of social relationships that link a person directly to others and indirectly to still more people. These relationships both constrain and emplower people.

What are social networks

The four main indicators of stratification in class-based systems.

What are wealth, income, occupation, and education

The Canvas reading "After the Bell Curve" suggests that the ____________________ between toddlers from poorer families and toddlers from middle and upper class families leads to later inequalities in educational achievement.

What is "30 million word gap"?

_____________ theory suggests that the family as a social institution often helps reproduce gender inequalities found in the larger society.

What is "Feminist"?

__________ is the term for the regular enactment of policies, decisions, and matters of state on the part of officials within a political institution.

What is "The Government"?

Nature is to nurture as ____________ is to ____________

What is "biology" and "sociology" (in that order!)

Following evidence on trends in income inequality in the U.S. over the last 40-50 years, __________ inequality is increasing, whereas _____________ and _____________ income inequality are decreasing (but very slowly).

What is "class" then "gender" and "race"?

One way in which changes in marriage and family patterns may have contributed to growing household income inequality in the U.S. is because of widening __________ differences in marriages rates and marital stability.

What is "class"?

Norm violations that are codified into law are known as:

What is "crimes"?

Both property and violent crime rates have _____________ since 1991.

What is "declined"?

Marx, Weber, and Durkheim all agreed that religion is

What is "declining as a significant social force in society"?

Men who always make it a point to open doors for women are ______________.

What is "doing gender"?

The ________ is a household unit; ________ includes family but extends more broadly beyond the household to include additional blood and marital ties.

What is "family" and "kinship"?

______________ theory argues that the family serves the needs of society as a whole and all of the members of the family.

What is "functionalist"?

Early studies of inequalities in educational achievement have tended to overstate the importance of ______________ and understate the importance of ____________ factors.

What is "genetic/biological" and "social"?

Marcia has seen two male secretaries promoted while similarly qualified women such as herself continue to be assigned administrative work. Marcia decides to get more education to be able to move up in her career. The promotion of the men over the women suggests a ____________________; Marcia's response is best explained by ________________ theory.

What is "glass escalator" and "rational choice/human capital"?

The set of symbols and beliefs providing the sense of being part of a single political community is known as ___________

What is "nationalism"?

According to your text and lecture, _____________________ is/are at least as important and likely more important than ___________________ for educational outcomes such as ACT scores or graduation rates.

What is "parent's class"; "school resources"?

According to the _______________ approach religions can be understood as organizations in competition with one another for followers. Such competition, according to this approach, promotes religious belief.

What is "religious economy"?

The idea that religion is declining as a social force in society is associated with the term _____________.

What is "secularization"?

The exist polls from the 2020 presidential election show that voting choices tend to vary by race-ethnicity, class, and gender. This idea suggests support for the notion that patterns of social relations shape what people do, which is also core to our definition of _______________.

What is "sociology"?

In lecture we talked about 3 key functions of education. We also suggested that there are significant tensions between the ___________ function and the _____________ function

What is "sorting" or "equality of opportunity"?

The country with the highest incarceration rate in the world is?

What is "the United States"?

A unified group of people in the highest positions of government, business, and the military that runs the United States and exercises tremendous influence in the world is referred to by one theory of democracy as:

What is "the power elite"?

The project manager of a manufacturing firm awards a lucrative subcontract to a company that pays her a bribe. The project manager has engaged in ______________.

What is "white-collar crime"?

According to sociologists, deviant behavior is behavior that violates _______________?

What is "widely held social norms"? (or just "social norms")

Median household income in the United States today is roughly $___________.

What is $68,000?

About ___ percent of the U.S. population is foreign born. 75 percent of those foreign born are _______________.

What is 14 percent and legal immigrants?

The top quintile (fifth) of income earners take home ____ percent of total income in the U.S., whereas the top quintile of wealth holders hold ______ percent of all wealth.

What is 52 and 85 percent?

Women now earn roughly _________ percent of what men make in the U.S.

What is 81 percent?

This population group represents the largest minority group in the United States

What is Latinos (or Hispanics)?

This theory says that current racial inequalities are much more a product of PAST discrimination and economic factors, such shifts in availability of manufacturing jobs that have disproportionately impacted African-Americans.

What is Wilson's economic, class-based explanation of racial inequality?

The Bellequins are a religious organization which formed by breaking away from Castellian church to return to the fundamental ideals that that church used to stand for. The group generally opposes and is trying to change the surrounding society. The Bellequins are a ___________.

What is a "sect"?

When people attend high school class reunions, they often compare their own personal and professional successes and failures to those of their former classmates. This means that classmates are a(n):

What is a reference group

Debbie is taking an introductory psychology lecture, with more than 100 other students in the class. This class constitutes ____________ for Debbie.

What is a secondary group

Vladimir, a Russian immigrant to the U.S., insists that everyone call him "Joe," and he refuses to speak Russian, even in casual conversation with Russian-speaking neighbors. This is an example of _______________.

What is assimilation?

One of the ironies of increasing efforts to close the border to undocumented immigrants from Mexico is that ___________________

What is closing the border also keeps undocumented immigrants from returning to home, as was common before such closings?

Allport's social contact theory of racial prejudice suggests that prejudice results from ________________________.

What is contact between unequal, competing groups (and the conflict arising from that contact).

The key elements of this concept are values, norms, symbols, and material goods.

What is culture

An example of this type of research question is: Why has inequality in the United States increased between the years 1975 and 2012?

What is developmental AND theoretical

Robert is a doctor whose parents were upper middle class and white. He recently married Marianne, also a doctor, whose parents are also white and upper middle class. Robert's and Marianne's marriage can be described as:

What is endogamous?

A group that is set apart from others primarily because of its national origin or distinctive cultural patterns is an _______________.

What is ethnicity?

Brian believes that football, baseball, and other sports that are popular in the United States are far superior to cricket, soccer, and other sports that are much more popular in other countries. Brian's views might be considered to be an example of

What is ethnocentrism

This theory argues that gender relations, inequality, and identity are central to the study of society, but the sociology and sociological theories have traditionally ignored such issues.

What is feminist theory

Groups that expand in size, especially beyond 12 or so members, tend to develop much greater

What is formal organization

This theory suggests that sociological analysis must start by analyzing the contribution that a social activity, institution, or event makes toward the maintenance or continuation of society as a whole.

What is functionalism

The idea that society needs a system of unequal rewards in order to encourage talented people to fill certain socially necessary but difficult jobs is associated with ___________?

What is functionalism?

Before the Second Gulf War, many in the U.S. government believed that Iraq possessed large stores of weapons of mass destruction, a belief that turned out to be wrong. Some have blamed the intense need for group cohesion and loyalty for driving out anyone who disagreed with the analysis. What is this called?

What is groupthink

Rational choice theories of inequality stress the importance individual decisions to invest in __________________.

What is human capital (or skills, education, AND experience)?

The traditional psychological account of prejudice is that such feelings are a product of _______________________.

What is ignorance, lack of education, irrational attitudes (and one of these is acceptable)?

The Pygmalion in the Classroom study and video shows that IQ scores can be changed by _________________?

What is increased attention of teachers on particular children?

_______________ is the primary mechanism by which culture is shared and learned.

What is language

Socialization is a process of

What is learning culture

Martha is a member of a minority group in her society. Still, she is able to practice her religion, observe her cultural holidays, and dress in the tradition of her culture, while also participating in the economic and social life of the larger society without fear of prejudice or discrimination. Martha lives in what type of society?

What is multicultural (or pluralist)?

Generalizing a particular racial/ethnic group as lazy is an example of ________. Not hiring members of this group based on this assumption/perception is ___________.

What is prejudice; discrimination.

This theory of inequality says the gender is the primary source of inequality in society and that dramatic changes in culture, gender roles, and power are necessary to change such inequalities

What is radical feminism?

The Helen Keller, Wild Boy of Aveyron, and Genie examples discussed in class all suggest the crucial importance of ________________ in the socialization and development of the self.

What is social interaction, nurture.

This theory sees the exchange of meanings and representations as foundational to human behavior and argues for sociologists to focus on the micro level where analysis of interpersonal relations help make sense of what others do and say.

What is symbolic interactionism

According to George Herbert Mead, a person's awareness of the attitudes, viewpoints, and expectations of society as a whole is the

What is the generalized other

A sociological researcher hypothesizes that increases in globalization lead to increases in international conflict. The level of globalization is the _______________ and international conflict is the ________________.

What is the independent variable and dependent variable, respectively

This measure of central tendency is the middle of any set of figures.

What is the median

Like Marx, this theorist sees society and power as key forces in social life, but unlike Marx he does NOT see class factors as the only social forces, instead arguing for the importance of ideas, values, and bureaucracy in explaining human action and conflict.

Who is Max Weber

This theorist of stratification emphasizes that inequality is product of status (not just class) and that class position depends on a combination of ownership of property AND scarce skills and credentials.

Who is Weber?

Marriage, property rules, and language are examples of:

What are cultural universals

_____________ refer to the right of every individual to enjoy a certain minimum standard of economic welfare and security.

What are "Social rights"?

In terms of the percentage of the U.S. population, non-Latino whites make up __ percent, Latinos __ percent, African-Americans __ percent, Asians __ percent, and Native Americans __ percent.

About ___ percent of the U.S. population is foreign born. 75 percent of those foreign born are _______________.

The family, school, peer groups, and the media would all be considered by sociologists to be:

What are agents of socialization

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