Exam 4 - Nervous Tissue

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Which of the following neurotransmitters is most common? Dopamine Acetylcholine Seratonin Norepinephrine


The left and right sides of the thalamus are connected by which structures?

Interthalamic adhesion, Intermediate mass

Which of the following are reasons for the very limited regeneration of damaged axons in the central nervous system? -Schwann cells (neurolemmocytes) don't create nerve growth factor -Astrocytes create scar tissue inhibiting growth -Axons are crowded in the CNS

-Astrocytes create scar tissue inhibiting growth -Axons are crowded in the CNS

Write all that apply. The factors that affect PNS regeneration are: -the secretion of digestive enzymes -the rate of microglial cell division -the distance between injury and the effector organ -the amount of damage

-the distance between injury and the effector organ -the amount of damage

The nervous tissue of a young adult may contain up to _ glial cells. A.) 100,000 B.) 1 trillion C.) 1 Billion D.) 1 Million

1 Trillion

Order the connective tissue wrappings of a nerve from deep to superficial. epineurium, endoneurium,perineurium

1. Endoneurium 2. Perineurium 3. Epineurium

___ are star shaped.


which of the following are reasons for the very limited regeneration of damaged axons in the central nervous system? Astrocytes create scar tissue inhibiting growth. Axons are crowded in the CNS. Schwann cells (neurolemmocytes) don't create nerve growth factor.

Astrocytes create scar tissue inhibiting growth. Axons are crowded in the CNS.

Which functional division of the nervous system controls involuntary movement of smooth muscle? A.) Visceral sensory nervous system B.) Somatic sensory nervous system C.) Autonomic motor nervous system D.) Somatic motor nervous system

Autonomic motor nervous system

A nerve is a bundle of parallel ___


The components of the diencephalon include which of the following? Hypothalamus thalamus amygdala caudate nucleus epithalamus

Hypothalamus thalamus epithalamus

Choose the two primary functions of the nervous system. Cell production Control Mineral storage Communication

Control, communication

The premotor cortex has many functions including which of the following: Coordinating skilled activities Coordinating learned activities Moving eyes while reading a book or playing the piano Discriminating different sounds Discriminating different faces

Coordinating skilled activities Coordinating learned activities Moving eyes while reading a book or playing the piano

Sequence the structures surrounding the brain, from superficial to deep, in a region where a dural venous sinus is present: Cranial bone Periosteal layer of dura mater Meningeal layer of dura mater Blood in dural venous sinus Arachnoid mater CSF in subarachnoid space Pia mater

Cranial bone Periosteal layer of dura mater Blood in dural venous sinus Meningeal layer of dura mater Arachnoid mater CSF in subarachnoid space Pia mater

Sequence the structures surrounding the brain, from superficial to deep, in a region where dural venous sinuses are absent: Cranial bone Periosteal layer of dura mater Meningeal layer of dura mater Arachnoid mater Pia mater CSF in subarachnoid space

Cranial bone Periosteal layer of dura mater Meningeal layer of dura mater Arachnoid mater CSF in subarachnoid space Pia mater

The synaptic knob is found A.) between the cell body and dendrite B.) between the axon and axon hillock C.) in the nucleus D.) at the extreme tips of the axon

D.) At the extreme tips of the axon

Which of the following are functional classes of neurons? Unipolar Bipolar Multipolar Interneurons Motor neurons Sensory neurons

Interneurons Motor neurons Sensory neurons

The muscle and gland cells that receive nerve impulses from motor neurons are called: A.) Effectors B.) Receptors


There are __ ventricles in the brain; ___ of them are lateral ventricles

Four, two

Neurons are classified __ depending on the direction the nerve impulse travels. A.) Structurally B.) Functionally


Which three diseases are characterized by destruction of the myelin sheath? Check all that apply. Amyotrophic lateral schlerosis Gullain-Barre syndrome Parkinson disease Multiple sclerosis Multifocal motor neuropathy

Gullain-Barre syndrome Multiple sclerosis Multifocal motor neuropathy

Which are basic characteristics of a neuron? High metabolic rate They can conduct electrical charges Short lifespan Highly mitotic cells

High metabolic rate They can conduct electrical charges

A.) Astrocyte B.) microglial cell C.) satellite cell D.) ependymal cell E.) oligedendrocyte F.) neurolemmocyte

Match the glial cell with the appropriate letter. Astrocyte satellite cell microglial cell ependymal cell neurolemmocyte oligedendrocyte

A.) Superior colliculi B.) Inferior colliculi C.) Pons

Match the letter on the left with the structure on the right:

A.) Cerebral aqueduct B.) fourth ventricle C.) pons D.) medulla oblongata

Match the letter on the left with the structures around the cerebellum on the right: Cerebral aqueduct fourth ventricle pons medulla oblongata

A.) Presynaptic neuron B.) Postsynaptic neuron C.) Gap junction

Match the structure to its corresponding letter

A.) converging circuit B.) diverging circuit C.) reverberating circuit D.) parallel-after-discharge circuit

Match the structure to the corresponding letter converging circuit diverging circuit reverberating circuit parallel-after-discharge circuit

A. Cell body B. Axon hillock C. Axon

Match the structure with the appropriate letter Cell body, axon hillock, axon

A.) Nucleolus B.) Nucleus C.) Axon hillock D.) Neurolemmocyte E.) Neurofibril node

Match the structure with the appropriate letter.

A.) Neuron B.) Astrocyte C.) Capillary

Match the structure with the appropriate letter. Capillary Neuron Astrocyte

B.) Interneuron C.) Motor neuron A.) Sensory neuron

Match the structure with the appropriate letter. Interneuron Motor neuron Sensory neuron

A.) Presynaptic neuron B.) synapse C.) Postsynaptic neuron

Match the structure with the appropriate letter. Postsynaptic neuron synapse presynaptic neuron

A.) Unipolar B.) Bipolar C.) Multipolar

Match the structure with the appropriate letter. Unipolar Bipolar Multipolar

A.) Epineurium B.) Perineurium C.) Endoneurium D.) Axon E.) Myelin sheath

Match the structure with the corresponding letter. Perineurium Myelin sheath Axon Endoneurium Epineurium

A.) Presynaptic neuron B.) synaptic vescicles C.) synaptic cleft D.) post synaptic neuron

Match the structures with the corresponding letter. Presynaptic neuron synaptic vescicles synaptic cleft post synaptic neuron

_____ cells are the least common glial cell of the central nervous system.


Interneurons facilitate communication between ____ neurons and ____ neurons

Motor, sensory

_______ neurons are most common


Oligodendrocytes create the ___ sheath in the central nervous system


Neuronal pools are also called: Neuronal circuits axosomatic synapses pathways synaptic vesiscles

Neuronal circuits pathways

___ are large cells that ensheath many different axons


Match the glial cell with its function 1.) Oligodendrocytes 2.) Neurolemmocytes 3.) Astrocytes 4.) Microglial cells 5.) Satellite cells A.)Help form the blood-brain barrier B.) Myelinate axons within the CNS C.) Phagocytize wastes D.) Protects cell bodies in PNS ganglia E.) Myelinate axons within the PNS

Oligodendrocytes: Myelinate axons within the CNS Neurolemmocytes: Myelinate axons within the PNS Astrocytes: Help form the blood-brain barrier Microglial cells: Phagocytize wastes Satellite cells: Protects cell bodies in PNS ganglia

Match the glial cell with its function Oligodendrocytes neurolemmocytes Astrocytes Microglial cells Ependymal cells Produces CSF Defends against pathogens Myelinate axons within the CNS Myelinate axons with the PNS Regulates tissue fluid composition

Oligodendrocytes: Myelinate axons within the CNS neurolemmocytes: Myelinate axons with the PNS Astrocytes: Regulates tissue fluid composition Microglial cells: Defends against pathogens Ependymal cells: Produces CSF

Write all that apply. The components of the somatic sensory division are: Pain Hearing Stretch of organ walls Taste

Pain Hearing Taste

Which structural division of the nervous system projects information to and receives information from the brain and spinal cord? A.) Peripheral nervous system B.) Motor nervous system C.) Sensory nervous system D.) Central nervous system

Peripheral nervous system

An individual's nose itches and they reach to scratch it. The stimulus was detected by the ____ division of the sensory nervous system and the command to scratch was carried out by the ___ division of the motor nervous system.

Somatic sensory; somatic motor

Which of the following are true of neurolemmocytes? They create the myelin sheath in the PNS. They create cerebrospinal fluid. They surround cell bodies. They are also called Schwann cells.

They create the myelin sheath in the PNS. They are also called Schwann cells.


This is a ___ cell?

The cell bodies of ______ neurons are found in the dorsal root ganglia. A.) Unipolar B.) Multipolar C.) Bipolar


Write all that apply. Which of the following are structural classifications of neurons? Unipolar Bipolar Sensory afferent Motor efferent Multipolar

Unipolar, Bipolar, Multipolar

Which division of the nervous system transmits nerve impulses from blood vessels and viscera to the central nervous system? somatic sensory division visceral sensory division somatic motor division autonomic motor division

Visceral sensory division

The somatic nervous system is another name for the ___ division of the nervous system. A.) parasympathetic B.) Autonomic C.) Sympathetic D.) Voluntary


The endoneurium is made of ___.

areolar connective tissue

The _____ of the functional division of the nervous system provides involuntary control of smooth muscle.

autonomic motor

A fascicle is a bundle of ___.


A nerve is a bundle of parallel ____.


The synapse is located ___ the presynaptic neuron and postsynaptic neuron. A.) between B.) after C.) before


A synapse is a junction ___. A.) between neurotransmitters B.) between a neuron and another cell C.) between cell bodies

between a neuron and another cell

The central nervous system is made of the __ and spinal __

brain, cord

Satellite cells are found surrounding ___.

cell bodies

A neuron's nucleus is found in the

cell body

A soma is another name for the __ of a neuron. axon hillock myelin sheath cell body axon dendrites

cell body

Ependymal cells help produce: blood plasma cerebrospinal fluid urine white blood cells

cerebrospinal fluid

Write all that apply. Synapses are classified as: chemical synapses electrical synapses mechanical synapses

chemical synapses, electrical synapses

Neurotransmitters cross the synaptic __ to get to the postsynaptic neuron


Write all that apply What is the basic function of a neuron? store minerals conduct nerve impulses fight disease (immune system) create blood cells

conduct nerve impulses

Write all that apply The peripheral nervous system is composed of which of the following structures (choose all that apply): spinal cord cranial nerves spinal nerves brain ganglia

cranial nerves, spinal nerves, ganglia

Match the structure with the appropriate description Dendrites Axon hillock Axon Axoplasm A.)The cytoplasm of the axon B.) Conducts information to the cell body C.) Triangular region connecting the axon to the cell body D.) Conducts information away from the cell body

dendrites B axon hillock C axon D axoplasm A

The epineurium is made of __ connective tissue. A.) elastic B.) dense irregular C.) adipose D.) dense regular E.) areolar

dense irregular

The neural plate is a thickened region of the: mesoderm endoderm ectoderm


The ___ receive impulses from the motor neurons. A.) sensory receptors B.) affectors C.) effectors


The motor nervous system is also referred to as the __ division. A.) afferent B.) efferent


CSF leaves the ___ ventricle to enter the ___. From there, it will pass through arachnoid villi to enter the ___.

fourth; subarachnoid space, dural sinuses

Nervous tissue is made of neurons and ___ cells.


The outer portion of the cerebellum is composed of ___ matter


An action potential is also called a nerve ___.


The sensory division of the nervous system is responsible for of information in relation to the CN: A.) input B.) integration C.) output


___ cells are the least common glial cells of the central nervous system


The presence of a ___ sheath increases the rate of impulse conduction


Nervous tissue is composed of glial cells and ___.


Nervous tissue is composed of glial cells and _____.


Bipolar neurons have one axon and ___ dendrite


Write all that apply. Synapses occur where axons contact which of the following? other neurons gland cells blood vessels muscle cells

other neurons gland cells muscle cells

Schwann cells create the myelin sheath in the __ nervous system. A.) peripheral B.) central


Sensory and motor nerves are part of the ___ nervous system.


The neuroectoderm is the name for the cells that make up the neural ___


The ___ is a bulging region on the anterior side of the brainstem.


The nervous system collects information through


The neurons from the left primary motor cortex control the skeletal muscle on the __ side of the body.


The nerve impulse that jumps from node to node is called ___ conduction


The somatic ___ division of the nervous system receives information from the eyes, ears, and skin


The peripheral nervous system is made of the ______, ______, and ____ nerves.

spinal nerves, ganglia, cranial

Write all that apply. Synaptic knobs are also called: somas terminal boutons nerve fibers end bulbs

terminal boutons, end bulbs

The ____ refers to paired oval masses that lie on each side of the third ventricle between the anterior commissure and the pineal gland. A.) epithalamus B.) hypothalamus C.) diencephalon D.) thalamus


The myelin sheath covers ___. the choroid plexus the nerve the cell body the axon

the axon

Dendrites transfer information ___ the cell body


Dendrites transfer information ______ the cell body


Pseudounipolar is another name for a ___ neuron


The term "anaxonic" describes a neuron: A.) with one axon B.) without an axon C.) with two axons D.) with many axons

without an axon

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