Exercise and Nutrition Exam 3

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In the case of a strength/power athlete such as a gymnast who is rotating between apparatuses, which energy system replenishes ATP and CP levels during the recovery period?

Aerobic energy system

Strength/power athletes should strive for a moderate to high intake of fats daily in order to have fully loaded glycogen stores before training sessions and competitive events.


Supplementing with vitamins C and E at levels close to, but not above, the upper limit is beneficial for recovery after endurance exercise.


The role of the aerobic system in team sports is to provide for energy recovery after short bursts of sport activity.


Walk-in consultations, though brief, can provide the athlete with valuable sports nutrition information.


When a dietary analysis determines that energy intake is higher or lower than estimated energy needs, the dietitian should calculate macronutrient needs as well as total energy needs.


When working with athletes whose goal is to lose weight or to maintain an already low weight, you should calculate energy needs and then compare the calculations to actual current intake before developing a meal plan and making recommendations.


If an athlete consumes 96 ounces of a sports beverage (14 grams of carbohydrate per 8 ounces), 3 gels (28 grams of carbohydrate per gel), and one sports bar (45 grams of carbohydrate per bar) during a 4-hour bike ride, approximately how many grams of carbohydrate is this athlete consuming per hour?

74 grams

Which of the following athletes, who all weigh the same, is likely to expend the most amount of energy during 2 hours of competition?

A baseball catcher

An athlete's energy needs are based on which of the following?

A) Age and gender B) Sport-specific demands C) Body mass oD) All of these are correct.

What factors explain differences in caloric needs among team sport athletes?

A) Body weight B) Position played C) Age oD) All of these are correct.

Which of the following is a benefit of consuming adequate amounts of fluid before, during, and after strength/power training sessions and competitions?

A) It makes the athlete feel more energetic. B) It prevents declines in performance during long, intense workouts. C) It enables the athlete to recover well after each session. oD) All of these are correct.

What happens to excess proteins in the body?

A) They are used for fuel. B) It results in greater urea production, potentially leading to dehydration. C) They are converted and stored as fat. oD) All of these are correct.

Which of the following is true of amino acids?

A) They can be synthesized by the body. B) They can be obtained from the digestion and breakdown of dietary proteins. C) They are the building blocks for muscle repair and rebuilding. oD) All of these are correct.

What is the purpose of licensure for nutrition professionals?

A) To help the public find knowledgeable nutrition professionals B) To ensure that these professionals maintain and update their knowledge regularly C) To protect the public against fraudulent nutrition practices oD) All of these are correct.

Which of the following explains why exogenous amino acids are required following high-intensity activities and strength training?

A) To meet the basic metabolic needs of muscle tissue B) To repair muscle damage from high-intensity exercise C) To build new muscle tissue oD) All of these are correct.

In the case of a strength/power athlete such as a javelin thrower or shot-putter, what is stored in the muscle that enables these athletes to meet the immediate energy demands to complete a throw?

ATP and CP

Which of the following is true of sports beverages and strength/power athletes?

They are an ideal source of calories for the strength/power athlete during training sessions.

Why should questions about dietary supplementation be asked on a health history questionnaire?

To determine if the supplement is safe and effective

A professional who is calculating a team sport athlete's carbohydrate needs should use a value within the range of 6 to 10 g/kg bodyweight/day.


Acclimatization to heat can occur during the 2-week summer football preseason training.


Aerobic power can be modified through endurance training.


All athletes need to have at least one follow-up appointment after the initial consultation is completed.


BCAAs have been shown to significantly enhance performance if consumed 2 to 4 hours prior to exercise.


Consumption of daily protein in excess of estimated needs could result in reduced intake of energy-producing carbohydrate and fat.


Dietitians, athletic trainers, coaches, and other professionals providing nutrition education to athletes should protect the confidentiality and privacy of information shared in consultation with athletes.


Endurance athletes should aim to consume approximately 30 to 60 grams of carbohydrate per hour during training or competition.


Fat depletion during ultra-endurance activities is not likely, even on the leanest of individuals.


For every pound of body weight lost during endurance exercise, athletes should consume 16 to 24 ounces of fluid.


If a strength/power athlete prefers to exercise on an empty stomach, a sports nutrition specialist should respect the athlete's preference but should also suggest testing both eating and not eating during practice sessions to determine the best recommendation for safety and performance.


Iron depletion in athletes is usually attributed to low dietary iron intake.


Muscular endurance is the ability of a muscle or group of muscles to repeatedly develop or maintain force without fatiguing.


Recent research suggests that the consumption of carbohydrates and amino acids approximately 2 to 4 hours prior to intense strength/power exercise prevents muscle breakdown, potentially leading to a maintenance or enhancement of muscle mass.


Team sport athletes may not meet recommended intake levels of vitamins A, E, and folate on a regular basis.


Explain what outcome-oriented goals and process-oriented goals are and how they work together to help an athlete change behaviors.

-Short-term (process-oriented) goals -Long-term (outcome-oriented) goals

After training or competition, how many grams of carbohydrate per kilogram of body weight should athletes consume?


List the steps of an initial nutrition consultation with an athlete.

1. Establish rapport with athlete. 2. Clarify athlete's reason for nutrition consultation. 3. Complete nutrition assessment. 4. Assess athlete's readiness for change. 5. Determine nutrition goals. 6. Educate athlete relative to nutrition goals. 7. Summarize and schedule for next visit.

List the stages of change of the transtheoretical model in order from least likely to most likely to change.

1: Precontemplation 2: Contemplation 3: Preparation 4: Action 5: Maintenance 6: Termination

Strength/power athletes who are trying to lose weight should aim for what level of fat intake?

20%-25% of total calories

For team sport athletes, what is the target range for fat intake?

20-35% fat

What type of anthropometric data should be assessed during a nutrition consultation?

Body composition

Briefly describe the unique roles/importance of each of the macronutrients in the diets of endurance athletes.

Carb requirements-6-10g/kg body weight---used for energy to fuel body for workouts Protein-1.2-2.0 g/kg body weight per day are current recommendation levels based on training intensity and duration Fats-20-35% of calories needed---used as energy source and hormone regulation. Keeps athlete feeling satiated.

In order to delay fatigue during training sessions, strength/power athletes should consume appropriate amounts of which form of energy?


Which of the following is the most important to focus on when creating a nutrition plan for consumption during endurance activities?


Which dietary intake data-collection method is the most comprehensive?

Diet history

Which of the following is an important consideration when thinking about precompetition meals for a team?

Eat the meal about 1 hour prior to game time

Which of the following is the first step in conducting an initial consultation with an athlete?

Establishing rapport with the athlete

A multivitamin/mineral supplement in the morning provides similar nutrients as a bowl of fortified cereal with milk.


All athletes should take a multivitamin/mineral supplement to ensure adequate micronutrient intake.


Which mineral is the most likely to be lacking in the diets of female team sport athletes?


Which of the following is a side effect of severe and intentional dehydration, such as that practiced by wrestlers in order to compete in a lower weight category?

Loss of electrolytes, thus increasing the risk for cardiac arrhythmias

Which of the following is not considered a strength/power sport?

Marathon running

Which of the following is considered excessive daily protein intake for a healthy athlete?

More than 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight

Which energy system(s) do team sport athletes rely on most?

Phosphagen and aerobic systems

Which energy system(s) supplies energy for short, intense bursts of activity during team sport participation?

Phosphagen and aerobic systems

Which of the following vitamins or minerals may be beneficial to consume during endura nce exercise?


Which of the following is a result of including a protein source in every meal and snack?

Protein (i.e., amino acids) is available to the body continuously throughout the day.

Which of the following may increase protein needs in team sport athletes?

Recovery from contact injuries such as bruises, cuts, and musculoskeletal damage

What classification of professional can legally provide nutrition assessment and medical nutrition therapy to athletes?

Registered and/or licensed dietitians/nutritionists

Coaches are legally allowed to discuss which of the following topics with their athletes?

Serving sizes of foods from the various foods groups

Describe "flavor fatigue," its impact on endurance performance, and how it can be prevented.

becoming tired of consuming things that taste the same, usually a sweet taste that is common to foods consumed during training and events; can happen in ultra-endurance activities and can cause an athlete to stop consuming calories causing energy levels to plummet.

Briefly define and describe the acclimatization process.

needed for reducing the risk of heat injury, occurs after exercising in the heat

The theory that promotes consuming small amounts of both carbohydrates and protein before strength/power activities states that when the concentration of nutrients and blood flow are both increased:

the rate of nutrient uptake and utilization is maximized, and protein synthesis is maximized.

As with most athletes, the main dietary concern with strength/power athletes is the consumption of adequate amounts of:

total daily calories.

In general, how many calories should athletes strive to consume immediately following training or competition?

200-300 calories

Kelly, a 130-pound long-distance swimmer, requires approximately 2,500-3,000 calories per day. Approximately how many grams of carbohydrate should she consume daily?

414 grams

How many ounces of fluid should be consumed every mile during a 15K run for an athlete who loses 32 ounces of sweat per hour and runs at a 10 min/mile pace?

5 ounces

ch 14] What are the daily carbohydrate needs for low-intensity, skill-based training?

5-7 g/kg body weight/day

As little as how many grams of essential amino acids postexercise can result in dramatic elevations in protein synthesis?


Which of the following is the daily carbohydrate recommendation for endurance athletes?

6-10 grams of carbohydrate per kilogram of body weight

Tony is planning on running a half marathon in 2 hours and 30 minutes. In a recent long run, he lost 4 pounds in 2 hours and consumed 16 oz of water during the workout. For his upcoming race, knowing that there will be 8 aid stations on the course, how many ounces of fluid should he consume at each aid station?

7.5 ounces

Which of the following is an effect of excessive protein intake by strength/power athletes?

Adverse effects on performance, body composition, and overall health

Alex is a 158-pound marathon runner who is training hard for his next race. He is concerned about his carbohydrate intake and comes to you for help. Which of the following is a prudent recommendation for his daily carbohydrate intake?

Alex should consume 55%-65% of total calories from carbohydrates.

An athlete putting professional nutrition recommendations into practice is in the maintenance stage of change.


An outcome-oriented goal is one in which small steps are taken to achieve the final nutrition or weight outcome.


Calculating carbohydrate needs for an athlete based solely on g/kg bodyweight will provide accurate estimates of carbohydrate needs for individual athletes.


Consuming 30 to 60 grams of carbohydrate per hour during play should be adequate for team sport athletes.


Fat needs for team sport athletes should be calculated before protein and carbohydrate needs are calculated to make sure fat intake is not too high.


HIPAA stands for the Health Information Privacy and Accountability Act.


If an endurance athlete needs to increase total calorie consumption, the additional calories should be contributed solely from carbohydrates.


Increasing intramuscular triglycerides through dietary manipulation has been shown to improve performance in team sport athletes.


Soccer players on the same team all have about the same energy needs.


Sports drinks should be avoided during indoor team sports, because the heat and humidity are lower, thus reducing sweat rates.


The aerobic energy system is the only system that contributes energy during endurance activities.


The current recommendation to speed replenishment of glycogen stores is to ingest at least 2 grams of carbohydrate per kilogram of body weight every 2 hours for 6 hours after practice or competition.


The typical female gymnast regularly consumes close to 100% of her daily calorie requirement.


If an athlete needs to consume more calories, which of the following suggestions is not appropriate? A) Increase the frequency of meals and snacks.

Focus mainly on fruits and vegetables at meals

For which amino acid(s) is there adequate evidence to make firm conclusions and subsequent supplement recommendations to strength/power athletes?


To promote protein synthesis following a strength/power activity, when should a protein/carbohydrate food or beverage be consumed?

Immediately afterward

How would you evaluate a carbohydrate supplement marketed to endurance athletes for recovery from training?

The goal is to provide for rapid recovery of glycogen stores. Consume 1-1.2 g CHO/kg body weight every hour for 4 hours after exercise.

Which minerals are likely to be lost in sweat under conditions of high heat and humidity?

Sodium and potassium

Explain how adequate hydration using sports drinks helps the athlete stay mentally and physically alert during later stages of events.

Sport drinks offer advantages over water because the electrolytes prevent deterioration in skill performance and help prevent dehydration.

In an NCAA freshman football study of nutrition knowledge, the majority of athletes reported which of the following?

Sports drinks are the best beverage choice for replacing fluid lost in exercise.

Which professional or other source gave college athletes in a variety of sports most of their nutrition education?

Strength and conditioning coaches

ch 13 - Power depends on which of the following?

Strength and velocity of movement

Explain how the MyPlate food guidance system can be used to assess an athlete's nutrition intake adequacy and describe the benefits of using this method of assessment.

The Food guidance system can help athletes understand nutrition to help them perform at their best, while also being able to recovery from workouts and competitions.

Explain the importance, timing, and intake of carbohydrate consumption after exercise or competition.

•Begin consumption of CHOs ASAP. •1-1.2 g/kg of CHO every hour for first 4 hours postexercise •Keep high-CHO snacks and drinks readily available to help start process

List the amount of fluid consumption recommended before, during, and after a competitive event or practice lasting 2 hours or more.

•Fluid intake recommendations: -~ 17-20oz of fluid 2 to 3 hours prior to game -~ 7-10oz 10 to 20 minutes prior to game -~ 7-10oz every 10 to 20 minutes during game -After competition, begin rehydration ASAP -Monitor body weight (~ 2-3 cups/pound lost)

Explain how the aerobic and phosphagen systems work together to provide energy to team sport athletes. What happens if a team sport athlete does not include endurance training as part of overall sport conditioning?

•Phosphagen system (short burst of energy) •Aerobic system •Recovery •Low-Intensity Activity Lack of endurance training will result in quicker fatigue during competition

Explain how the follow-up nutrition consultation is structured differently than the initial nutrition consultation.

•The follow-up is very similar to the initial visit, just shorter (~ 1/2 the time of initial visit). •Determine how the athlete is feeling and performing. •Answer questions about barriers or implementation issues.

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