Exploring the Religions of Our World chapter 2

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If Judaism could be summed up in three words...

God, Torah, Israel

In 63 BCE and 70 BCE..

Greek rule in Judea ended (63) as it was taken by Romans (70) Roman soldiers stormed Jerusalem and destroyed the Temple -Jews did not disappear, rabbis gained popularity


Greek translation of the Old Testament means seventy


Hebrew term for the Holocaust; meaning "catastrophe"


Hebrew word for Passover, the Jewish celebration of God's liberation of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt


Hebrew word for a Jewish master or teacher of the Torah

Emperor Hadrian...

In 130 quelled a riot (not peacefully), built a shrine to Jupiter, changed Judea to Palestine, and banned Jews from ever returning

King Boleslav...

Invited Jews into Poland where they thrived and eventually developed Yiddish

Jews in Jerusalem vs Babylon (theyre moving around so much.... cant keep track)

Jerusalem- faced prosecution with the Muslims Babylon- were able to flourish under Persian rule

Yom Kippur

Jewish Day of Atonement- fasting and reflecting on one's sins holiest day of the year

As economy moved from barter to cash system...

Jews became moneylenders and were seen more as people with power

Muslims and Christians were at odds with each other and...

Jews were great mediators

Diaspora Jews

Jews who lived in communities outside Palestine, means dispersed

French and German messed up everything good (kind of) by....

Marching to Jerusalem to steal it from the Muslims. Destroyed almost all Jewish communities and killed thousands of Jews.

What did Jews feel about the Muslims taking Jerusalem back from the Byzantines

Mixed feelings; outraged that the Muslims built the Holy of Holies but happy Byzantines were out

__ made Jews pay a protection tax



Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon, argued there was no contradiction between Greek philosophy and the teachings of Judaism

After the destruction of The Second Temple, rabbinic Judaism appeared in in these centuries:

Roman province of Judea and in Babylon

What were the secretarians developed in Rabbanic period

Sadducees, Pharisees, and the Essenes

Jews in Spain

Sephardim (Jews got to spain. Muslims went to Babylonia, then Baghdad, then Spain. try to keep up)

The Torah is sometimes called

The Five Books of Moses


The Jewish Sabbath; begins at sundown Friday and ends at sundown Saturday.

Fifty years after the Babylonians conquered Judea

The Persians conquered them and let Judeans return


The adoption of Greek ways and speech as happened in the case of Jews living in the Diaspora


The elevated platform in a Jewish synagogue where the person reading aloud from the Torah stands during the service

Mount Moriah

The mount upon which took place the sacrifice of Isaac; later becomes the site of the temple.

Holy of Holies

The sanctuary inside the tabernacle in the Temple of Jerusalem where the Ark of the Covenant was kept.

What is Midrash

The type of biblical interpretation found in rabbinic literature, especially the Talmuds, Midrash assumes that the scriptures provide answers for every situation and every question in life

The major jewish festivals are divided into two main cycles: Tishri and Nisan

Tishri: Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and Sukkot Nisan: Pesach and Shavout


Turning back to a proper way of living

Jews believe God gave Moses...

Two Torahs that cant be seperated, oral and written


Two long collections of Jewish religious literature that are commentaries on the Mishnah, the Hebrew code of laws that emerged about 200 CE.

What happened with the United Nations in 1948

UN in 1948 returned Palestine to the Jews because of the holocaust and it incited war, peace has not been met yet

Jews of Diaspora in Rome

Were allowed to practice their religion and converted people until Constantine made Catholicism the official religion and Judaism started dying out

Biggest noted difference between catholics and jews

What Jesus was. Jews are still waiting for their Messiah.

What are some Holy Days in Judaism

Yom Kippur, Rosh Hashanah, Hanukkah, Sukkot

The Last Supper was

a Passover meal


a commandment of the Jewish law

A synagogue became multidimensional, it was...

a house of prayer, study, and assembly

Shofar is...

a rams horn


a repository traditionally in or against the wall of a synagogue for the scrolls of the Torah

Sh'ma is...

a statement recited by devout Jews formal doctrine of Judaism


a term for the books of the Bible that make up the Hebrew canon.

Synagogue comes from the Greek word meaning...


Life Cycle Celebrations

birth- circumcision, hebrew name coming of age- bar bat mitzvah marriage- chuppah, blessings, and breaking the glass death- must be done quick

Jews were blamed for...

black plague also got kicked out of Austria, france, germany

Israel is known as...

canaan, promised land, judea, palestine, and the state of israel

"testament" means...


t/f being chosen is passive not active


Juersalem is a holy city for christianity, islam, and judaism but its not as important in judaism

false, its the holiest city- that is where god is most present

t/f Jews expect their savior to be divine

false. they think he will be a human being anointed by god

In 1250 BCE Moses...

freed the Hebrew people from Egyptian bondage and led them back to Canaan

God issues Mitzvot not to __ but to ____

give commands; offer guidance for what will make people truly happy


giving worship to something or someone other than the one, true God

For Jews, God is the God of ___


Chosen (in the context of Judaism) means

holy or seperate

The presence of Torah is a ___ occasion

joyful :)

What does Torah mean?

law or instruction

The Jewish calendar is a ___ calendar with days beginning and ending at ____

lunar; sunset


meaning "doorpost," a small parchment containing Jewish scripture, usually the Sh'ma, that is placed in a case on or near the right doorframe at the home of an observant Jew.

Three daily animals sacrifices were replaces with...

three daily prayers

t/f Catholics and Jews must pass on the memory of Shoah to future generations for different reasons


t/f Catholics must recognize the difficulty Jews have with discussing evangelization


t/f Jews do not have a set of formed doctrines that articulate their beliefs


t/f Judaism made a mark on Christianity


t/f While captives in Babylon, the exiles met in private homes for worship, they were the forerunners of synagogue


t/f are jews in every continent


t/f everyone was at fault for jesus' death, not just jews


t/f for jews all life is to be devoted to God including thoughts actions memory or talents


t/f no two religions have as much in common as Judaism and Catholicism

true the similarities: -God made multiple covenants with the jewish people and broke none -god has broken no promises -we affirm god's revelation on mount sinai to moses -accept the ten commandments -pray the same psalms -believe that god has spoken to us thru prophets -we know that at the end of time all history will have meaning

Modern Period/ Age of Enlightenment

1783CE- modern -a philosophical movement that emphasized the use of reasons -was meant to emancipate Jews from their social and legal situation. -Jew status was elevated, the only ability they had to survive before was the ability to make money.

Jews have __ laws



A collection of authoritative Jewish writings that comment and interpret biblical laws.

Philo of Alexandria

A contemporary of Jesus, a Greek-speaking Jew living in Alexandria, and a philosopher. His understanding of the divine Logos was decisive for early Christianity's ability to articulate an understanding of the relationship between Jesus and God.


A joyous festival in early spring that recalls the Jews' being saved from destruction, as told in the Book of Esther


A policy for establishing and developing a national homeland for Jews in Palestine.


A religious ceremony that symbolically ends the Shabbat, usually recited over kosher wine or kosher grape juice.


A solemn agreement between human beings or between God and a human being in which mutual commitments are made.


An eight-day Jewish holiday commemorating the rededication of the Temple of Jerusalem in 165 BC


An organized massacre of a particular ethnic group.

Dead Sea Scrolls

Between 1947 and 1956 thousands of fragments of biblical and early Jewish documents were discovered in eleven caves near the site of Khirbet Qumran on the shores of the Dead Sea. These important texts have revolutionized our understanding of the way the Bible was transmitted and have illuminated the general cultural and religious background of ancient Palestine, out of which both Rabbinic Judaism and Christianity arose.

What was the name of the Jews who converted to Christianity in Spain under Ferdinand and Isabella?


Jews were gaining rights in all places but...

Czarit Russia. There were many laws against Jews in the document The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion- which said Jews were planning to take over the world.


Eastern wall

Protesant Reformation for Jews

Forbade Jews from going near Christian Towns. Constant presecutions of this Era left Jews in poverty

Where and when were the Dead Sea Scrolls found?

Found in 1947-1956 in the caves near Qumran


From the Hebrew meaning "pious," a movement within Judaism founded in eighteenth-century Poland where pious devotion to God is as important as study of Torah.


From the Hebrew meaning "way", Jewish law that covers all aspects of the life of an individual and of the community.


From the Hebrew word kaser, meaning "proper." Commonly, it refers to food permitted by Jewish dietary laws. Jews observe kosher laws to remind themselves that they are to be a holy and separate people.

What are the names of the first five books of the bible?

Genesis, Exodus Leviticus, Numbers and, Deuteronomy- specific name or torah

Rosh Hashanah

"Jewish new year", day of judgment, fate of people is recorded, first of high holidays, 1st day of 7th month in Hebrew calendar


"booths"; a festival in the late autumn that recalls the Jews' period of wandering in the desert after their exodus from Egypt.

Medieval Period

-638-1783CE The Diaspora was moving further away from Palestine. -Jews began living in places theyve never lived before -Resurgance of science, math, philosophy, and commentaries on the Bible and Talmud

There are connections between jewish and catholic...

-Passover and the Eucharist -Holy Thursday and Passover -Pentecost and Shavuot

Biblical period

-begins with Abraham and ends with the death of Alexander the Great 1800-320 BCE

Rabbanic Period

-begins with Alexander the Great dying and ends with Jerusalem falling to the Islamic Army 323-625 bce -Living in a world of Christians and Muslims

What happened to both kingdoms after idoltary and splitting

-both became weak -Israel fell to the Assyrians in 722BCE -586BCE the Babylonians conquered the Judeans

Four types of modern Judaism

1. Reform Judaism- Advocates full integration into the culture where one lives 2. Conservative Judaism- Counteracts reformed Judaism, modifying Jewish traditions in a limited manner 3. Orthodox Judaism- The most traditional wing, insists its members strictly follow the Torah 4. Reconstructionist Judaism- sees Judaism as a culture and not a religion

What is considered the religious maturity

12 year old for girls and 13 for boys

Greek ruler Antiochus Iv...

prohibited the practice of Judaism in Judea and took over the Temple, the Maccabees led a revolt against Greeks in 165 BCE and got the Temple back

Nathan and Samuel were...

prophets who exhorted the Hebrews to follow the way of one God rather than the neighboring Canaanite Gods


recalls when Yahweh gave the Law (Torah) to his people on Mt. Sinai, Festival of Weeks, Pentacost.

Days of Awe

the 10 days that begin with Rosh Hashanah and end with Yom Kippur

Nostra Aetate

the church set a course for righting wrongs against jews. while the word "perfidious" was already cut so there would be no contempt in prayers more needed to be done. jews are god's chosen people and are not at fault for god's death.

Rosh Hashanah memorializes ___ while Pesach memorializes ____

the creation of the world; the creation of the Jews as a people

Canaan was ruled by David, Saul, and Solomon, but once Solomon died...

the kingdom was divided into the kingdom of israel to the north and the kingdom of judah to the south

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