Family violence Final Exam Study Guide

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Sexual Maltreatment of Male Partners

8% of men(1-12) have experienced sexual violence by an intimate partner in his lifetime. 2.5% of men experienced sexual violence by an intimate partner within the previous year.

Battered Women's Syndrome

A cluster of PTSD- like symptoms that includes: intrusive recollections, hyper-arousal,and emotional numbing. disrupted interpersonal relationships due to the perp's power and control (not allowing her to inter act with friends and family), distortion of body image, somatic complaints, and sexual intimacy dysfunctions.

*Inter-generational transmission of violence

A man's exposure to family violence in the family of origin has been found to be the strongest predictor of intimate partner violence against men. Social learning theory explains that because children observe their parents engaging in violence, they learn how to behave aggressively.

Homicide: Men who kill their partners

Abusive men who kill their partners usually involve men who fear their partner will leave them, are upset because she has, or are jealous that she may be involved with another man (thus, when a woman leaves her risks increase.

Predictors and Correlates: Male/ Female- Perpetrator (Individual)

Alcohol or substance use- the odds of physical aggression among IP violent men are 11x higher on the days they drank. Another study showed that ETOH was involved in half of the violent couple interactions being studied. AOD- lowers one's inhibitions.

Intimate Partner violence (IPV)

Any intentional act or series of acts that causes injury to an intimate partner. Physical, emotional/psychological, sexual, married or not, and cohabiting or not.

Why do they Stay

Behavior and beliefs learned through gender socialization and individual experiences encouraged to value themselves in terms of their relationships with men, thus leaving seems to threaten their already damaged self-esteem. damage to the self-esteem leads to the belief that nobody else will want her. belief that violence in relationships is normal. Loving the perpetrator-don't want to leave, just want the violence to stop. The belief that marriage is forever. Fear-of retaliation, for the children, of being alone. Isolation- nowhere to go; no one to turn to. External inhibiting factors (how society is structured). Patriarchy, economic dependency. Influential others discourage women from leaving and to change their behavior's.

Men who abuse women with women who abuse men, men who kill their partners to women who kill their partners

Circumstance/dynamics are the same. substance, poverty, stress, marital discord dominance/control, youth, aggression, personality/ mental health, impulse control, approval of violence, and economic stress. Contrast: Men/Women history of violence in the family of origin, and Women/Men to express anger, and gain control.

Female to Male Perpetrator

Female perpetrated IPV injuries account for 40% of all injuries due to IPV. 27% of these injuries require medical attention. Women are more likely to assault with a weapon (knife, guns, and especially burns (boiling water).

Macrosystem (the relationship Female/Male)

Few economic opportunities. Few educational opportunities. Approval of violence.

Macrosystem (the relationship Male/ Female)

Few economic opportunities. Few educational opportunities. Traditional or conservative beliefs. approval of violence.

Microsystem (the relationship Male/ Female)

Marital discord/ dissatisfaction, communication problems/ inability to resolve conflict, and these couples tend to attack each other in verbal ways (vulnerabilities) prior to the violent attack. Female who cohabit are at greater risk than those who are married. Physical aggression prior to marriage is a strong predictor of aggression in the marriage. Poverty, lack of education, lack of employment, and stress.

Microsystem (the relationship Female/ Male)

Marital discord/ dissatisfaction. Co-habitation. Communication problems/inability to resolve conflicts. Dominance of the male partner. Female who has a (-) view of her partner along with jealousy of the partner predicts severe violence. Stress and Poverty.

Exosystem ( the relationship Female/Male)

Neighborhood poverty. Employed Female partner. Unemployed male partner.

Exosystem (the relationship Male/ Female)

Neighborhood poverty. Neighborhood/ community violence. family isolation - living in a rural area. Lack of social support- men who have social support tend not to be violent.

Prevention and Intervention

Restraining orders, Arrest

Minor Assaults vs. Severe Assaults

Slapping and pushing vs. beating up, punching, weapons

Dynamics for both Male to Female

Substances, poverty, stress, marital conflict/discord, dominance/control, youth, aggression, personality/mental health, impulse control, approval of violence, an economic distress.

Dynamics for both Female to Male

There is a strong belief that many women engage in IPV as a form of defense related to being the victim for many years. Research has shown that although this is true for some, it is not true for most cases. A major reason reported by women for using IPV is to express feelings of anger and other emotions, and to gain control over their partner.

Cycle of Violence Theory, Cycle Theory of Violence, and Trauma bond

Trauma as a child (victim) will cause trauma as a adult (perp). The IPV starts out as Calm, stress, violence, remorse (make-up). Bonding with the captures how kidnap them through trauma. Defending them and deify with their captures.

Patriarchal/ Intimate Terrorism

Violence found in populations like shelters has been termed "patriarchal terrorism" or intimate terrorism". The central feature of IT is that the violence is one tactic in a pattern of control. It is more likely to involve serious injury and psychological maltreatment as well.

Predictors and Correlates: Female/ Male- Victim(Individual)

Young- younger men are more likely to be victims. Being exposed to IPV in the family of origin. Physical or mental disabilities. AOD use- increases the rate x3.

Predictors and Correlates: Female/ Male- Perpetrator (Individual)

Younger females tend to perpetrate more violence. Have problems controlling their anger & are more impulsive. Avoid coping with problems in their relationships.

Predictors and Correlates: Male/ Female- Victim(Individual)

Youth- the peak age of victims is 18-24, with risks steadily declining after that, Lower education level, Single parent, being exposed to IPV in the family of origin, Physical or mental disabilities, and AOD use- is this a predictor or a coping mechanism.

Psychological injuries

regardless of sex, victims report: shame anger/rage, poor overall heath.

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