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14 months after Mel tied the knot with Jimmy, the relationship was in tatters. = Ordstillingsfejl, modsat dansk skal der både i en hovedsætning, i en ledsætning og/eller i en bisætning være ligefrem ordstilling på engelsk. A Niveau

14 months after Mel tied the knot with Jimmy, was the relationship in tatters.

After a few years Iris left her husband. = Forkert brug af DO-omskrivning. DO-omskrivning bruges kun som hjælpeverbum i spørgsmål, ved nægtelser med not, og hvis man ønsker at lægge særligt tryk på verballeddet (udsagsnleddet).

After a few years did Iris leave her husband.

Although the boys had been warned several times, they ignored the prohibition sign. = Ordstillingsfejl, modsat dansk skal der både i en hovedsætning, i en ledsætning og/eller i en bisætning være ligefrem ordstilling på engelsk.

Although the boys had been warned several times, ignored they the prohibition sign.

Are these the children whom/that you have been looking after? = I denne sætning kan man ikke benytte det relative pronomen which, da pronomenet henviser til mennesker. Man bør benytte objektformen whom, da der er tale om personer, der er genstand for en handling. Derudover kan man også benytte that, da det er en bestemmende relativsætning.

Are these the children which you have been looking after?

Are these the rabbits that/which have been eating your vegetables? = I denne sætning kan man ikke benytte det relative pronomen who, da der ikke er tale om mennesker. I stedet kan man benytte which eller that, da der er tale om en bestemmende relativsætning, som henviser til ikke-personer.

Are these the rabbits who have been eating your vegetables?

As I said earlier the language is a typical example of Hemingway's style. = Fejl i ordstilling, skal laves om fra omvendt ordstilling til direkte ordstilling.

As I said earlier is the language a typical example of Hemingway's style.

At home he is a good father who loves his daughter very much. = Ordstillingsfejl, omvendt ordstilling skal laves om til direkte ordstilling.

At home is he a good father who loves his daughter very much.

Because of the way the essay is structured , the reader's curiosity is aroused from the beginning. = manglende genitiv (ejefald)

Because of the way the essay is structured , the readers curiosity is aroused from the beginning.

Before the ban, pubgoers were exposed to second hand smoke. = danisme, forkert præposition (forholdsord) - for = bruges om tid. - to = bruges om bevægelse eller retning. Idiomet (vending) "udsat for" oversættes til engelsk med "exposed to".

Before the ban, pubgoers were exposed for second hand smoke.

Both phenomena are dealt with in the second chapter, although only briefly. = Forkert flertalsendelse, dette låneord har beholdt sin græske flertalsendelse på engelsk.

Both phenomenons are dealt with in the second chapter, although only briefly.

Carl does not care about my problems as much as he used to. = Ved omskrivning med hjælpeverbet 'do', skal fuldverbet aldrig bøjes men stå i infinitiv. Det er kun hjælpeverbet 'do' der skal bøjes.

Carl does not cares about my problems as much as he used to!

Cheetas, which are the fastest animals in the world, love basking in the sunlight. = I denne sætning kan man kun benytte det relative pronomen which, da der er tale om en parentetisk relativsætning, som henviser til ikke-personer.

Cheetas, that are the fastest animals in the world, love basking in the sunlight.

Did you really think we would tell on you? = DO-hjælp, verbet (udsagnsordet) der hjæles skal står i grundform.

Did you really thought we would tell on you?

Will you come to the party at my place tomorrow? = Verbet (udsagnsordet) skal står i fremtid.

Do you come to the party at my place tomorrow?

During the interview the singer admitted that he had cheated on his wife. = Ordstillingsfejl, skal laves om fra omvendt ordstilling til ligefrem ordstilling.

During the interview admitted the singer that he had cheated on his wife.

Everybody likes the sound of palm trees rustling in the wind, and children in particular feel comforted by it. = Kongruensfejl, 'everybody' er 3.ps ental og like skal derfor rettes til likes. Husk alt der ender på -body eller -thing skal selvom det opfattes som flertal, forståes som ental rent grammatisk set.

Everybody like the sound of palm trees rustling in the wind, and children in particular feel comforted by it.

Everybody must help each other in an emergency. = Modalverbet "must" udtrykker her en nødvendighed (hvorimod modalverbet "shall" ville udtrykke et løfte/trussel).

Everybody shall help each other in an emergency.

Everyone in the short story except Ian rejects Michael. =Kongruensfejl: Subjekt (grundled) = "everyone" (3.person. ental).

Everyone in the short story except Ian reject Michael.

He avoided mentioning to his parents. = "avoid" er et af de verber (udsagnsord), der normal efterfølges af en ING-form.

He avoided to mention to his parents.

He cannot believe his own eyes when he meets the fisherman for the second time. = lange/tunge adverbialled (biordsled) står på dansk ofte midt i en sætning: på engelsk står disse derimod normalt først eller sidst i sætningen.

He cannot believe his own eyes when he for the second time meets the fisherman.

He couldn't believe his eyes when he read it. = kommafejl - hovedsætning (%komma) efterfulgt af bisætning. - bisætning, (+komma) efterfulgt af hovedsætning.

He couldn't believe his eyes, when he read it.

He didn't have the strength to do it. = DO-omskrivning - DO bestemmer tid og antal, verbet (udsagnsordet) DO hjælper, skal stå i grundform.

He didn't had the strength to do it.

He had given her two knives instead of a knife and a fork. = Forkert bøjning af det uregelmæssigt bøjede substantiv (navneord) "knife".

He had given her two knifes instead of a knife and a fork.

He kept staring at the screen. = forkert stedspræposition (stedsforholdsord). - "On" bruges, når et sted opfattes som et punkt på en linje - en vej, en flod m.fl.(bruges næsten som det danske "på"). - "at" bruges, når et sted opfattes som et punkt i/på/ved noget (ikke en linje). - "in" bruges, når et sted opfattes som et område.

He kept staring on the screen.

He remembers an episode from his childhood when he was about six or seven years old where his mother gave him a present. = Forkert bøjning i tid, verbet (udsagnsordet) står i nutid med skal står i datid.

He remembers an episode from his childhood when he was about six or seven years old where his mother gives him a present.

He rushed home to tell his wife that he had been promoted. = kommafejl - hovedsætning (%komma) efterfulgt af bisætning. - bisætning, (+komma) efterfulgt af hovedsætning.

He rushed home to tell his wife, that he had been promoted.

He shook hands with President Obama. = På engelsk sættes en del substantiver - ulig på dansk - i logisk flertal (distributiv pluralis), så der er overenstemmelse mellem subjektets og objektets tal.

He shook hand with President Obama.

He was attacked by a dog. = I passiv-konstruktioner skal fuldverbet altid stå i perfektum participium (kort tillægsform).

He was attack by a dog.

He hated her when they were children. = Følelsesverber som fx. hate sættes normalt ikke i udvidet tid. Derudover indikerer when at der skal skrives i præteritum (datid)

He was hating her when they were children.

He was lying on his bed, thinking about what Charlene had said to him the night before. = forkert ord: "laying"= udvidet tid af 'to lay' /at lægge, lying er udvidet tid af 'to lie/ at ligge'.

He was laying on his bed, thinking about what Charlene had said to him the night before.

He was terribly late and hadn't prepared what we told him to prepare. = Ordklassefejl mellem adj. og adv. Her skal terrible stå som adverbium (biord) og skal derfor hedde 'terribly' da det fortæller noget om måden eller hvor sent han var på den.

He was terrible late and hadn't prepared what we told him to prepare.

His nose was injured and he had broken his leg. = Når man taler om kropsdele på engelsk, bruger man possessive pronominer (ejestedord) i stedet for bestemte artikler (kendeord).

His nose was injured and he had broken the leg.

His wisdom is shown by his knowledge of painting. = Forkert bøjning af tillægsmåden for det uregelmæssige bøjede verbum (udsagnsord) "show".

His wisdom is showed by his knowledge of painting.

I agree with the writer's criticism of doctors who perform those operations. = Udvidet tid skal ændres til simpel tid da der ikke er nogen afgræsnings i tid, men derimod en general påstand.

I am agreeing with the writer's criticism of doctors who perform those operations.

I can't come to the phone right now; i am taking a shower. = Når man angiver en igangværende handling i betydningen, at man er 'i færd med noget', skal der ikke bruges simpel tid, men istedet bruges udvidet tid (ing-form)

I can't come to the phone right now; i take a shower.

I could really use some advice on this matter! = Substantivet 'advice er utælleligt og har følgelig altid singularis-form. Vil man sætte det i flertal alligevel, må man bruge kvantifikatorer, fx. some foran singularisformen.

I could really use some advices on this matter!

Ian's evening is disturbed by a man whom we later get to know as Michael. = Forkert relativt pronomen (henførende stedord): -which (=som/der) peger tilbage på en ikke-person -whom (=som/der) peger tilbage på en person. Whom bruges kun, når det relative pronomen er direkte eller indirekte objekt i relativsætningen.

Ian's evening is disturbed by a man which we later get to know as Michael.

If you have been hopelessly in love with someone, it will be impossible to forget him. = Ordklassefejl, her skal adjektivet (tillægsordet) stå som et adverbium (biord) da det beskriver noget om et verbum (udsagnsord).

If you have been hopeless in love with someone, it will be impossible to forget him.

In "A Journey" we see a family whose life contains alot of problems. = Forkert relativt pronomen (henførende stedord): - which (=som/der) peger tilbage på en ikke-person - whose (=hvis) bruges om både ting og personer ved ejefald.

In "A Journey" we see a family which life contains alot of problems.

In January and February many people go on package holidays. = Ordstillingsfejl, skal laves om fra omvendt ordstilling til ligefrem ordstilling.

In January and February go many people on package holidays.

In Manchester they met a local guy who told them where they could find a place to sleep. = Bøjningsfejl i tid: Nutid - Datid.

In Manchester they meet a local guy who told them where they could find a place to sleep.

In the beginning the prize was given to people who had fought for peace in a traditional sense. = Forkert bøjning af tillægsmåden for det uregelmæssigt bøjede verbum (udsagnsord) "give".

In the beginning the prize was giving to people who had fought for peace in a traditional sense.

In the last few years it has become more difficult for teenagers to find part time jobs. = Førnutid dannes ved at et HAS/HAVE + verbum (udsagnsord) bøjet i tillægsform.

In the last few years it is become more difficult for teenagers to find part time jobs.

In the short story by Colm Toibin the mother does not even know why her son David has a depression. = Fejl i ordstilling, står i omvendt ordstilling hvor det skal stå i direkte ordstilling sætningen.

In the short story by Colm Toibin does the mother not even know why her son David has a depression.

In this short story, one man's downfall becomes an inspiration for another man. = manglende genitiv (ejefald).

In this short story, one mans downfall becomes an inspiration for another man.

It is a common illness which should be taken seriously. = modalverbet "should" hjælper hovedverbet (hovedudsagsordet) "taken", der står i en forkert bøjning af tillægsmåden for det uregelmæssigt bøjede verbum (udsagsordet) "take".

It is a common illness which should be taking seriously.

It is amazing that someone who lived four hundred years ago could write something that we still admire today. = "for" og "ago" bruges ikke i samme sætning, da de indikerer forskellige ting. - "for" siger noget om hvor længe noget har varet (her: "i fire hundrede år") - "ago" siger noget om hvor længe fra nutiden noget er sket (her: "for fire hundred år siden").

It is amazing that someone who lived for four hundred years ago could write something that we still admire today.

It results in the fact that they have different attitudes towards women. Eller It results in them having different attitudes towards women. = præposition (forholdsord) + THAT er ikke mulight - derfor omskrivning.

It results in that they have different attitudes towards women.

It seems like some people won't allow themselves to be happy. = forkert bøjet pronomen (stedord).

It seems like some people won't allow themself to be happy.

Luckily Lucy has no memory of it. = "no" bruges istedet for "not a/not any", når man vil understrege en negativ ide, dermed bliver "has no" mere overbevisende/bestemt end "has not any" i denne sætning.

Luckily Lucy hasn't any memory of it.

Much of my furniture is old. = Substantivet 'furniture' er utælleligt og står altid i 3.ps. singularis på engelsk, hvorfor det tællelige many ændres til det utællelige much, og hvorfor pluralisendelsen -s fjernes, og hvorfor verbet 'to be' også skal stå i 3.ps. singularis for at sikre kongruens mellem subjektet og verbet.

Many of my furnitures are old.

Measles is no longer considered a serious health threat in Denmark. = Kongruensfejl: grundled = "measles" (flertalsendelse, entalsbetydning).

Measles are no longer considered a serious health threat in Denmark.

Michael McCarthy, who is a journalist, has written this text about the riots in London. = der skal være ubestemt artikel (kendeord) foran stillingsbetegnelser (med mindre der kun er en af dem).

Michael McCarthy, who is journalist, has written this text about the riots in London.

Newborn Kai Rooney's unusual name was picked by his proud mum Coleen, it emerged late last night on the news. = Ordstillingsfejl, modsat dansk skal der både i en hovedsætning, i en ledsætning og/eller i en bisætning være ligefrem ordstilling på engelsk. A Niveau

Newborn Kai Rooney's unusual name was picked by his proud mum Coleen, it late last night emerged on the news.

Nick has to leave because he is going to his daughter's wedding. = manglende gentive (ejefald)

Nick has to leave because he is going to his daughters wedding.

No man is an island. = AN foran vokallyde, A foran konsonantlyde.

No man is a island.

On her mother's birthday Rachel came home early. = Ordstillingsfejl, skal laves om fra omvendt ordstilling til direkte ordstilling.

On her mother's birthday came Rachel home early.

On the stage the pianist leans forward and says into the microphone, "One last song, folks. Here's one last song." = Ordstillingsfejl, modsat dansk skal der både i en hovedsætning, i en ledsætning og/eller i en bisætning være ligefrem ordstilling på engelsk. A Niveau

On the stage leans the pianist forward and says into the microphone, "One last song, folks. Here's one last song."

One of his best friends was a peace activist and played a major role in the movement. = ubestemt artikel (kendeord) mangler og skal være foran en stillingsbetegnelse (med mindre der kun er en af dem).

One of his best friends was peace activist and played a major role in the movement.

Peter just doesn't seem to be getting along very well with his classmates. = Fejl i DO-omskrivning, ved DO-omskrivning bøjes do efter tid og person men det efterfølgende verbum/udsagnsord står i infinitiv.

Peter just doesn't seems to be getting along very well with his classmates.

Russell describes the things that have happened to him. = Kongruensfejl: Subjekt (grundled)= "that ("the things") (they= 3.person. flertal).

Russell describes the things that has happened to him.

Sadly it ends up with the fact that they kill the baby. Eller Sadly it ends up with them killing the baby. = præpositionsfejl (forholdsord) THAT kan ikke efterfølge en præposition derfor omskrives der.

Sadly it ends up with that they kill the baby.

Sebastian spent the entire evening talking about all the countries he had visited. = forkert bøjning af uregelmæssigt bøjet substantiv (navneord).

Sebastian spent the entire evening talking about all the countrys he had visited.

In 1898, several black men were hanged from telephone poles. Eller Several black men were hanged from telephone poles in 1898. = forkert placering af adverbialled (biordsled).

Several black men were in 1898 hanged from telephone poles.

She decides to move to another city because the affair has ruined her completely. = Førnutid dannes ved brug af HAS/HAVE + verbum (udsagnsnord) bøjet i tillægsform.

She decides to move to another city because the affair has ruin her completely.

She feels glued to her miserable life. = ordklassefejl, adverbium skal laves om til en adjektiv (biord - tilllægsord).

She feels glued to her miserably life.

She had chosen to write it because she wants to give her side of the story. = Uregelmæssig verbum (udsagnsord) der fejlagtigt er bøjet regelmæssigt.

She had chosed to write it because she wants to give her side of the story.

She keeps a considerable amount of money in her house at all times. = Ordklassefejl - adverbium skal stå som adjektiv (biord-tillægsord) da det beskriver det substantivistiske led "amount of money".

She keeps a considerably amount of money in her house at all times.

She no longer organizes things, and her clothes and other belongings are scattered around the house. = Kongruensfejl: subjekt (grundled) = she (3.person. ental).

She no longer organize things, and her clothes and other belongings are scattered around the house.

She was beaten up by her boyfriend. Eller She was beating up her boyfriend. = was beating up: = aktiv (hun slår ham) = was beaten up by: = passiv (hun bliver slået af ham).

She was beating up by her boyfriend.

Simon has a daughter, Cara, who is nine years old. = Forkert relativt pronomen (henførende stedord): - which (= som/der) peger tilbage på en ikke-person. - who (=som/der) peger tilbage på en person.

Simon has a daughter, Cara, which is nine years old.

Since her parents are very rich, she has never had to work herself. = Når en hovedsætning står efter en bisætning, skal der (i modsætning til på dansk) være ligefrem ordstilling på engelsk.

Since her parents are very rich, has she never had to work herself.

Sometimes life as a private person can be tough, but life as a celebrity is not always easy either. = Den bestemte artikel (kendeord) mangler foran personbetegnelsen (dansk: 'privatperson').

Sometimes life as private person can be tough, but life as a celebrity is not always easy either.

Technology is dangerous and can have catastrophic consequenses. = Ordklassefejl - adverbiet skal står som adjektiv (biord-tillægsord) da det siger noget om substantivet (navneordet) "consequenses".

Technology is dangerous and can have catastrophically consequenses.

That has become his way of dealing with his feelings. = Forkert bøjning af tillægsmåden for det uregelmæssige bøjede verbum (udsagnsord) "become".

That has becomed his way of dealing with his feelings.

That is a frequently used argument, but I don't buy it. = Ordklassefejl, adjektiv skal laves om til et adverbium (tillægsord til biord) da det beskriver noget om verbet (udsagnsordet) "used".

That is a frequent used argument, but I don't buy it.

The Statue of Liberty was a gift from France to the United States of America. = Kongruensfejl, 'The Statue of Liberty' er 3.ps ental og skal derfor efterfølges af was for at der er overenstemmelse mellem subjekt og verballed.

The Statue of Liberty were a gift from France to the United States of America.

The act represents an intolerable violation of personal freedom. = fejl i brugen af bestemt artikel (kendeord) - + 'the' = bestemt/afgrænset - % 'the' = generelt.

The act represents an intolerable violation of the personal freedom.

The article is containing a lot of facts about health issues. = Udvidet tid skal laves om til simpel tid.

The article is contains a lot of facts about health issues.

The article reaches out to an older and more sophisticated audience. = AN foran vokallyde, A foran konsonantlyde.

The article reaches out to a older and more sophisticated audience.

The car didn't stop in time to avoid a collision. = Ved omskrivning med 'do' skal fuldverbet (her: to stop) aldrig bøjes i tid, men skal altid stå i infinitiv. Det er kun fuldverbet 'do' der bøjes.

The car didn't stopped in time to avoid a collision.

The cat has eaten all the mice. = Substantivet mouse har uregelmæssig flertalsdannelse og tager derfor pluralisformen mice.

The cat has eaten all the mouses.

The fascinating thing about him is not what he says but what he does. = Adjektivet (tillægsordet) mangler et støtteord.

The fascinating about him is not what he says but what he does.

The father, not the grandfather, was absent. = Kongruensfejl, the father er 3.ps ental og were skal derfor rettes til was.

The father, not the grandfather, were absent.

The gang leader kept all the money that was stolen at the robbery. = Kongruensfejl, the money er et utælleligt substantiv og skal derfor altså stå i ental kongruens, derfor skal were rettes til was.

The gang leader kept all the money that were stolen at the robbery.

The hidden bottle is an indication of the fact he is an alcoholic. Eller The hidden bottle is an indication of him being an alcoholic. = præpositionsfejl (forholdsord), præpositon + THAT er ikke muligt og derfor omskrives der.

The hidden bottle is an indication of that he is an alcoholic.

Modern agriculture is a far cry from farming as our grandparents knew it. = fejl i brugen af bestemt artikel - + the = bestemt/afgrænset. - % the = generelt.

The modern agriculture is a far cry from farming as our grandparents knew it.

The money you gave me was not enough! = Substantivet money er utælleligt og står altid i 3.ps. singularis på engelsk, hvorfor verbet også skal stå i 3. ps. singularis for at sikre kongruens mellem subjektet og verbet.

The money you gave me were not enough!

The most interesting thing about this text is its composition. = manglende støtteord.

The most interesting about this text is its composition.

The neighbours accused her of killing the cat and burying it in the yard. = danisme, det danske idiom "beskylde nogen for noget" oversættes til engelsk til "accuse aomebody of something".

The neighbours accused her for killing the cat and burying it in the yard.

The non-smokers were exposed to second-hand smoke before the smoking ban. Eller Before the smoking ban, The non-smokers were exposed to second-hand smoke. = længere /tunge adverbielleled (biordsled står på dansk ofte midt i en sætning; på engelsk står disse derimod normalt først eller sidst i sætningen.

The non-smokers were before the smoking ban exposed to second-hand smoke.

The official report stated that air traffic had failed to warn the pilot in time. = kommafejl - hovedsætning (%komma) efterfulgt af bisætning. - bisætning, (+komma) efterfulgt af hovedsætning.

The official report stated, that air traffic had failed to warn the pilot in time.

The painting of the horse plays a big part in this story. = Udvidet tid skal ændres til simpel tid.

The painting of the horse is playing a big part in this story.

The people in this class are inattentive. = Substantivet 'people' i betydningen 'personer' har entalfform men flertalsbetydning. Sættes det i flertal med -s, betyder det noget andet - nemlig 'folkeslag' - og det giver ikke helt mening i denne sammenhæng.

The peoples in this class are inattentive.

The police have been investigating the case for months now. = Substantivet 'police' er et kollektiv, der har entalsform men flertalsbetydning, og derfor tager det altid verbet i 3. ps. pluralis.

The police has been investigating the case for months now.

The reviewers of the famous author's new novel don't want to spoil the story by revealing too much of it. = Kongruensfejl, 'of the famous author's new novel' er en indskudt sætning og do-omskrivningen skal derfor bøjes i forhold til 'the reviewers' som er flertal her og derfor skal rettes til don't. A Niveau

The reviewers of the famous author's new novel doesn't want to spoil the story by revealing too much of it.

The story ends with the fact that Rachel leaves the birthday party and her mother is reduced to tears. Eller The story ends with Rachel leaving the birthday party and her mother is reduced to tears. = præposition (forholdsord) og THAT ikke muligt, derfor omskrivning.

The story ends with that Rachel leaves the birthday party and her mother is reduced to tears.

The story is about two young Americans who are of Indian origin and live in Boston in the United States. = Kongruensfejl: Subjekt (grundled) "who" (two young Americans) (3. person. flertal.

The story is about two young Americans who is of Indian origin and live in Boston in the United States.

The story deals with the theme of forbidden love. = Udvidet tid laves om til simpel tid.

The story is dealing with the theme of forbidden love.

The story is told by a boy whose name we are never told. = Forkert relativt pronomen (henførende stedord): - which (=som/der) peger tilbage på en ikke-person - whose (=hvis) bruges om både ting og personer ved ejefald.

The story is told by a boy which name we are never told.

The sun was shining, the bird were singing and the children were playing in the garden. = Ved opremsning af parallelle/samtidige handlinger anvendes udvidet tid ved samtlige verber.

The sun was shining, the bird were singing and the children played in the garden.

The title may/must/can/ought to bring out the message in this short story. = Forkert modalverbum valgt. Det danske "skal" kan normal ikke oversættes med det engelsk "shall". Et bedre valg ville her være (afhængigt af kontekst og forventning til sætningen). - "may" (udtrykker en uvis mulighed). - "must" (udtrykker en nødvendighed). - "can" (udtrykker evne/mulighed). - "ought to" (ydtrykker en forventning).

The title shall bring out the message in this short story.

There isn't enough money here to pay the bill. =Kongruensfejl: subjekt (grundled)= "money" er et utælleligt substantiv (navneord) og skal derfor står i ental.

There aren't enough money here to pay the bill.

There are only a few supporting characters in the story. =Kongruensfejl: subjekt (grundled) = "there" ("a few supporting") (3.person. flertal).

There is only a few supporting characters in the story.

There is over 30 species of birds on this small island. = Kongruensfejl, there er foreløbigt grundled og det styrende grundled er derfor '30 species of birds', hvilket er flertal og 'is' skal derfor rettes til 'are'. A Niveau

There is over 30 species of birds on this small island.

Alot of symbolism is used in the story. = Omskrive fra en passiv sætning til en aktiv sætning.

There is used a lot of symbolism in the story.

There was a German reporter at the table whom George hadn't met before. = Stort begyndelsesbogstav ved nationalitetsbetegnelser.

There was a german reporter at the table whom George hadn't met before.

There had even been made postcards of people who had been lynched. = Omskrivning fra datid til - pluskvamperfektum (førdatid).

There were even made postcards of people who had been lynched.

There were many babies in the nursery. = Substantivet 'baby' ender i singularis på konsonant +y, og følgelig skal pluralis dannes ved at ændre y til -i og tilføje -es.

There were many babys in the nursery.

These are some of the typical problems that young people have. = Ordklassefejl mellem adverbium - adjektiv (biord-tillægsord).

These are some of the typically problems that young people have.

These are things that make sense when you see the full picture. = danisme, det danske idiom "at give mening" oversættes til engelsk "to make sense".

These are things that give sense when you see the full picture.

They accused her of stealing the shoes. = danisme, det danske idiom "beskylde nogen for noget" oversættet til engelsk til "accuse somebody of something".

They accused her for stealing the shoes.

They had bought a used car, but it couldn't start. = Verbet to buy bøjes uregemæssigt og har i pluskvamperfektum (førdatid) perfektum participium-formen (kort tillægsformen) bought.

They had buyed a used car, but it couldn't start.

They lost their lives in the war. =På engelsk sættes en del substantiver - ulig på dansk - i logisk flertal (distributiv pluralis), så der er en overensstemmelse mellem subjektets og objektets tal (DK: De mistede livet under krigen).

They lost their life in the war.

They may be adults, but in the situation they reacted very childishly. = Ordklassefejl - adjektiv laves om til adverbium (tillægsord - biord) da det beskriver noget om verbet (udsagnsordet) "reacted".

They may be adults, but in the situation they reacted very childish.

They succeeded in breaking through the enemy lines. = Når verbet (udsagnsordet) "succeed" efterfølges af et andet verbum, skal dette verbum stå i ING-form, og præpositionen (forholdsordet) "in" skal stå mellem de to verber.

They succeeded to break through the enemy lines.

They want to make sure that we do not treat animals in a cruel way. = mangler DO-omskrivning/-hjælp

They want to make sure that we not treat animals in a cruel way.

They want to prevent such a thing from happening again. = verbet (udsagnsordet) "prevent" efterfølges ofte af objekt + "from" + ING form. Her: prevent + such a thing + from + happenING.

They want to prevent such a thing from to happen again.

They went south at the beginning of April when spring was just around the corner. = Der skal være stort begyndelsesbogstav ved måneder.

They went south at the beginning of april when spring was just around the corner.

Thimothy has fallen in love with Susan, who is ten years younger than he is. = Førnutid dannes ved: HAS/HAVE + bøjet verbum (udsagnsord)

Thimothy is fallen in love with Susan, who is ten years younger than he is.

This and everything he had written down on his paper thrilled him. = Førdatid dannes ved HAD+verbum (udsagsord) bøjet i tillægsform.

This and everything he had wrote down on his paper thrilled him.

This has had a serious influence in their relationship. = Ordklassefejl, adverbium skal være et adjektiv (biord - tillægsord) da det siger noget om "influence" som er et substantiv (navneord).

This has had a seriously influence in their relationship.

Two or three years from now we will have enough saved up to buy the boat. = Verbet (udsagnsordet) skal stå i fremtid.

Two or three years from now we have enough saved up to buy the boat.

Unfortunately Vic would not accept the situation. = Ordstillingsfejl, laves om fra omvendt ordstilling til direkte ordstilling.

Unfortunately would Vic not accept the situation.

Because of the dialogue, we are able to understand the mood of the characters. Eller We are able to understand the mood of the characters because of the dialogue. = lange/tunge adverbialled (biordsled) står på dansk ofte midt i en sætning; på engelsk står disse derimod normalt først eller sidst i sætningen.

We are because of the dialogue able to understand the mood of the characters.

We are now passing the ship that nearly sank in a storm last year Eller: We are now passing the ship which nearly sank in a storm last year. = I denne sætning kan man benytte enten that eller which, da der er tale om en bestemmende relativsætning. What kan ikke benyttes i denne kontekst , da what ikke kan henvise til en konkret genstand, når det fungerer som relativt pronomen.

We are now passing the ship what nearly sank in a storm last year.

We can see for ourselves what the characters are saying. =Forkert bøjet pronomen (stedord).

We can see for ourself what the characters are saying.

We might do it if only we had the money for it. Eller We could do it if only we had the money for it. = Begge verber (udsagnsord) er modalverber og der kan ikke stå to af disse efter hinanden. - might = bruges bl.a om en uvis mulighed. - could = bruges bl.a om evne og mulighed.

We might could do it if only we had the money for it.

We see the sensitive side in Arthur when he quotes a poem by Rilke. = adjektivet (tillægsordet) mangler et støtteord.

We see the sensitive in Arthur when he quotes a poem by Rilke.

When Issey told Gerard that she was pregnant, Laurel broke up with him. = forkert ordstilling, det skal rettet til direkte ordstilling fra omvendt ordstilling.

When Issey told Gerard that she was pregnant, broke Laurel up with him.

Eight years later when he meets Laura again, it is as if time has stood still. Eller When he meets Laura again, it is as if time stood still eight years later. = lange/tunge adverbialled (biordsled) står på dansk ofte midt i en sætning: på engelsk står disse derimod normalt først eller sidst i sætningen.

When he eight years later meets Laura again, it is as if time has stood still.

When they get home, David goes into the kitchen. Eller When they got home, David went into the kitchen. = Fejl i bøjning af verbets (udsagnsordets) tid, nutid - datid (eller omvendt).

When they got home, David goes into the kitchen.

Which of these knives would you prefer? = Substantivet 'knife' ender i singularis på -fe, og følgelig skal pluralis-endelsen ændres til -ves.

Which of these knifes would you prefer?

Will we see you at Easter, or do you have other plans? = Højtider skrives med et stort begyndelsesbogstav på engelsk.

Will we see you at easter, or do you have other plans?

Would you mind putting the dishes in the dishwasher, please? = Verbet 'to mind' styrer altid ing-formen og kan derfor ikke følges af infinitiv.

Would you mind to put the dishes in the dishwasher, please?

You are forgiven for having forgotten my birthday. =Forkert bøjning af tillægsmåden for the uregelmæssige bøjede verbum (udsagnsord) "forgive".

You are forgived for having forgotten my birthday.

You're walking down the street, you're feeling depressed, you lost a lot of money at the casino and don't really have the guts to face the consequences. = Kongruensfejl: Subjekt (grundled) = "you" (1.person. ental).

You're walking down the street, you're feeling depressed, you lost a lot of money at the casino and doesn't really have the guts to face the consequences.

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