Felt Colors and Medical Armband/Bracelet
What is the color of the felt backing of your USPC pin for rating H-B?
What is the color of the felt backing of your USPC pin for ratings C-1 and C-2?
What is the color of the felt backing of your USPC pin for rating H-HM?
What 5 items must be listed on a Medical Bracelet?
Name and DOB Emergency Contact Known Allergies Current Medication Existing Medical Condition
What is the color of the felt backing of your USPC pin for rating H-A?
What is the color of the felt backing of your USPC pin for rating H?
What is the color of the felt backing of your USPC pin for rating B?
What is the color of the felt backing of your USPC pin for rating A?
Royal Blue
True or False: Championship pins or Life membership pins are excepted as meeting the USPC pin requirement?
What is the color of the felt backing of your USPC pin for rating C-3?
What is the color of the felt backing of your USPC pin for ratings D-1 to D-3?