Female Reproductive System (Q9)

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internally, mammary glands consist of how many lobes?


"catching" the oocyte is accomplished by fingerlike extensions of the tube called ____________ that wrap around the ovary

meiosis II

The cells then proceed through the second round of division, ___________, during which the sister chromatids separate


a passage about 8-10 cm long that extends inferiorly form the cervical os and terminates at the vaginal orifice

broad ligament

a sheet of connective tissue called the _________________, which anchors the ovarian ligament to the lateral pelvic wall (the part of which it is attached to the ovary is called the mesovarium)


the group of hormones that regulates the ovarian cycle is the same basic set that regulates what in the male?

meiosis I

the homologous chromosomes have replicated during the S phase of the cell cycle to yield pairs of sister chromatids which then begins ___________

water balloon

the maturation of a follicle in the ovary is comparable to a what filling with water?

infundibulum; ampulla; isthmus

the next region of the uterine tube is the wide ________________, followed by the ___________, and finally the _________, where it joins the uterus


the nipple is surrounded by darkly pigmented area called what?


the number of oocytes is determined before birth; during the fetal period, stem cells called ____________ undergo mitosis, increasing their numbers to between five and seven million in each ovary; this is the total number of this a woman will ever produce

cervical os

the opening of the cervix is known as the ______________


the ova are produced in special chambers called _______________


the ovaries are the female gonads, which produce ___________ that travel through the reproductive tract to be fertilized; are located within small sacs in the ovary called follicles that sit in the outer region of the ovary, the ovarian cortex

primordial follicle

the process begins when a hormone stimulates an immature follicle called a __________________ to begin to mature


the sloughing off of the uterine wall's tissues and the associated blood is called what?

secondary oocyte

the specific name for this ovum that is released during ovulation is known as a what?


the specific process for developing an ovum is called what?


the superior end of the vagina forms a recess around the cervical os called the __________

germinal epithelium

the surface of the ovary is covered by a simple cuboidal epithelial layer called the __________________


the thinner labia minora are folds of skin that enclose an area called the _____________; within it we find the urethral and vaginal orifices and the paraurethral glands

cortex; medulla

the two regional layers of the epithelium are the outer _________ and the inner ______________


the uterine tubes join the superolateral portion of the __________, which is the organ in which a fertilized ovum implants, and in which a conceptus develops; situated posterior to the urinary bladder and anterior to the rectum

fundus; body; cervix

the uterus has three regions: the dome-shaped _________, the central _________, and the narrow _________

round and uterosacral

the uterus is held in place by the broad ligament which anchors it to the anterior and lateral pelvis, and what other two ligaments?

vaginal orifice

the vagina terminates at the __________________

mons pubis

the vulva begins with the ____________, the rounded area over the pubic symphysis that is covered in pubic hair after puberty

follicular fluid

the wall of the follicle thickens, and cells within it begin to produce a fluid called _______________

round ligaments

what anchors the uterus to the anterior abdominal wall


milk leaves through the what?

menstrual phase

(days 1-5) During this phase, blood flow to the endometrium is reduced, which starves the tissues in the functional zone of their oxygen and other nutrients. As a result, these tissues deteriorate. When they break away from the uterine lining, it causes some blood loss. The sloughing off of these tissues and the associated blood lasts one to seven days. During menstruation the basal zone remains intact.

secretory phase

(days 15-28) This last and longest phase covers about 14 days. The tissues within the functional zone thicken and increase in vascularization, while endometrial glands enlarge and produce more mucus. The combination of estrogen and progesterone working together are responsible for these changes. The purpose of this thickening of the endometrium is to prepare for possible implantation of a human embryo into the functional layer of the endometrium. The glycogen in the mucus from the endometrial glands will serve to nourish the developing embryo. If no implantation occurs, both the ovarian and uterine cycles begin once again with release of GnRH from the pituitary gland.

proliferative phase

(days 6-13) Estrogens induce all the changes throughout this phase. The major event is to reestablish the functional zone lost during menstruation. Epithelial tissues and blood vessels grow back into the functional zone. Endometrial glands appear.

gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH)

Ovarian Cycle step 1: it all begins when the hypothalamus in the brain releases into the blood a peptide called what? -this then travels through the blood to target cells within the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland because they have receptors for this -unlike in the male, this is not released in regular pulses, but rather the amount released fluctuates in the female

follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH)

Ovarian Cycle step 2: the binding of GnRH induces a response in these cells to make what two gonadotropin hormones? -like any hormone, these chemical messengers are released into the bloodstream and travel to their respective targets, which contain receptors for these hormones. -in the female, the first hormone targets the follicles within the ovary; the binding of this induces these follicles to mature and increase in size as a result of the production of a fluid called follicular fluid -- as the fluid accumulates within a chamber called the antrum, it increases fluid pressure within the follicle -meanwhile the other hormone causes the follicles to produce estrogen

tertiary follicle

Ovarian Cycle step 4: as the ________________ is established, it produces more estrogen. -these higher levels have the opposite effect of the initial lower levels: they stimulate the anterior lobe to release its accumulated LH (and some FSH) in one big surge

estrogen, progesterone, inhibin

Ovarian Cycle step 7: the LH surge also changes the damaged follicle into a corpus luteum, which functions as a temporary endocrine gland, producing what?


an ovum is released in an event called what? --LH triggers rupturing of the tertiary follicle and release of the secondary oocyte in an event called what?

uterosacral ligaments

anchors the uterus posteriorly to the sacrum


anterior to the urethral orifice is the ____________, which is composed of erectile tissue

labia majora

are outter fatty skin folds that are analogous to the scrotum in the male


at puberty, rising levels of hormones, such as ___________, trigger the beginning of the ovarian cycle, during which some primary follicles enlarge to become secondary follicles.

suspensory ligament

attaches the ovary to the posterolateral pelvic wall and carries with them the ovaries' blood supply

ovarian artery; ovarian vein

blood is brought to the ovary by an _____________ and is drained by an ______________

basal zone

branches off of the endometrium and lies beneath it

functional zone

branches off of the endometrium and lines the lumen of the uterine cavity


the female reproductive organs are located in the pelvic cavity, with the exception of the almond-shaped _____________, which are found in the peritoneal cavity


during the middle to late prophase I, homologous chromosomes line up very tightly next to each other--a phenomenon called ____________

lactiferous sinuses

each lobe in the mammary glands have storage areas called what?

ovarian ligament

each ovary is held in place by several ligaments, including the _____________________, which attaches the ovary to the uterus


each synapse has two pairs of sister chromatids, and therefore the entire structure is called a _______


egg cell

greater vestibular glands

flanking the vaginal orifice are the _________________________, which secrete mucus to lubricate the vaginal canal during coitus


gametes proceed through two rounds of cell division, and each gamete ends up with only one set of chromosomes, or a haploid cell

corpus albicans

gradually the corpus luteum shrinks and degrades into a small mass of scar tissue called the what?


the follicular fluid fills a spaced called the what?

mammary glands

not true reproductive organs--indeed, they are modified sweat glands and part of the integumentary system--but do have an associated reproductive function in milk production; mammary glands are present in both males and females, but their anatomy is most appropriately discussed with female anatomy

tertiary follicle

once a ________________ has been formed, a hormonal surge causes it to rupture


one of the three layers to the uterine wall (the innermost lining of the uterus); the inner epithelial and connective tissue lining in which a fertilized ovum implants


one of the three layers to the uterine wall; middle, muscular


one of the three layers to the uterine wall; outermost which is composed of a serous membrane on the posterior uterus and connective tissue on the anterior uterus

labia majora and labia minora

posterior to the mons pubis are the what?

endometrial glands

produce mucus containing glycogen


production of gametes occurs where?

uterine cycle

refers to changes within the endometrium

ovarian cycle

refers to the regular, monthly events that occur within the ovary of a sexually active female

polar body

small bundle of nuclear material


somatic cells divide by a process called __________; during this, a cell replicates its 23 pairs of homologous chromosomes and divides its DNA and organelles into two identical daughter cells

corpus luteum

the broken tissue within the tertiary follicle thickens and becomes a temporary endocrine gland called a _______________ that produces a mixture of estrogens and progestins


the corpus luteum secretes hormones, mostly ________________ as well as some estrogen, that maintain the endometrial lining in case fertilization takes place

uterine tube

the duct system of the female reproductive system begins with the _______________; is not directly connected to the ovary and, for this reason, when an oocyte is released from the ovary, it is actually released into the pelvic cavity and the uterine tube must "catch" it and bring it into the tube


the external genitilia of the female are collectively called the __________, although it is quite often incorrectly called the vagina

estrogens and progestins

what are the hormone mixtures that the corpus luteum produces?

endometrium, myometrium, perimetrium

what are the three layers to the uterine wall?

produce gametes and manufacture and release hormones

what are the two basic functions of the ovaries?


what hormone causes the follicles to produce estrogen?

menstrual, proliferative, secretory

what three phases is the uterine cycle divided into?

functional and basal

what two zones does the endometrium divide into?

moment of ovulation

when the pressure becomes too great, the follicle ruptures at the ______________________ just like the bursting of the water balloon


within the tetrad, the homologous chromosomes overlap at points called ____________, or crossover

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