FFF Exam 4

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"web cap" assume all are toxic the cortina is the "web" damages kidneys poisonous


-thought to be an aphrodisiac (androstenol & dimethyl sulfide) -use dogs and pigs to find bc associated with tree roots & are 20 cm underground


3-5 days after liver and kidney start failing appears jaundice goes into coma


3rd largest commercially grown mushroom supplement wood chips with grain


6-24 hours after eating the mushroom

Button mushroom

Agaricus bisporus 90% of these are produced in US most consumed mushroom in the world

95% of mushroom fatalities come from the genus


destroying angel

Amanita bisporigera deadly poisonous!

fly agaric

Amanita muscaria most popular mushroom look used to cut up and put in milk to get rid of flies

poria incrassata

American house eating fungus causes lots of damage

Collecting wild mushrooms

Asia & Australia $41 million industry

king bolete

Boletus edulis porcini in italy and cepe in france stained blue

mushrooms can rapidly accumulate...

Cesium-137 can accumulate pollutants, especially if by roadside Ex: shaggy manes

violet corts

Cleary has a web cap mistaken for blewits poisonous

False morels

Gyromitra esculenta

milk mushrooms

Lactarius produces latex substance can have blue milk (lactarius indigo) pleasant & unusual flavor


Laetiporus sulfurous huge, orange, and fleshy flesh part can be cooked and tastes like chicken kills trees


Lycoperdon edible if they are white on the inside mistaken for earth balls and amanita eggs -giant puffballs(Calvatia gigantica) can grow in fairy rings


Morchella species -black & yellow -raw are poisonous -only found in nature (SE: TX to NC) -found under dead elm trees, after forest fires, and in the same spot year after year


North American mycological association tracks deaths from mushrooms

oyster mushroom

Pleurotus ostreatus can buy in store and can be grown on straw found on dying or recently dead trees in the wild has a subtle fish smell

ganoderma lucidum

Reishi medicinal, fruits at base of tree, varnished, shiny, annual


Scleroderma dark and purple and firm on the inside mistaken for puffballs poisonous

pecan truffle

Tuber lyonii associated with pecan trees

Italian white truffle

Tuber magnatum 1,000 dollars per pound most expensive one sold looks like a brain when cut open

French black truffle

Tuber melanosporum -grows underground near oak, willow, popular, & hazelnut trees -desirable bc of their aroma

parasol mushroom

White spore, ring, shaggy cap, white gills mistaken for chlorophyll molybdates


a hallucinogen in fly agaric and makes you feel fearless or crazy

death caps

amanita phalloides the most deadly amanita mistaken for paddy straw mushroom poisonous!!

ganoderma applanatum

artist conk, perennial, woody, brown

poisonous bolete colors

blue & red

chicken of the woods

brown rot

lion's mane

can be cultivated has teeth instead of gills looks like hair

magic mushrooms

can be used to treat cluster headaches

inky caps

coprinus atramentarius auto digests itself to release spores can accumulate pollutants poisonous!!


covering the colonized compost with a non-nutritional medium to stimulate fruiting


decay, fruit on dead wood

brown rot

degrade cellulose and leave difficult to degrade lignin behind

white rot

degrades cellulose and lignin


experience violent vomiting and abdominal pain 24 hours and the doctors don't know what is going on bc of the mushroom poisoning

therapy for amanita poisoning

fluids massive doses of penicillin G activated charcoal (to bind with the charged toxins) silibinin

Cantharellus cibarius

golden chanterelle

false morels

gyromitra and helvella contains gyromitrin which is turned into monomethlyhydrazine (in rocket fuel) poisonous

coprine poisoning

happens when you drink alcohol and eat an inky cap within 5 days of each other

Black Trumpet

hard to find bc it blends in with leaves and is only found in the forest bc they need the relationship with the trees

psilocin symptoms

headaches, confusion, nausea, vertigo, slowed pulse, euphoria, anxiety, fear, panic attacks, uncontrollable laughter


horse manure, chicken litter, straw

serpula lacrymans

house eating dry rot fungus that carries water through it


how trees react to wood rot blocking off the part of the tree that the wood rot is in

Armillaria root rot

humongous fungus, edible fruit bodies, rhizomorphs, white mycelial fans


inhibit RNA polymerase II which inhibits mRNA synthesis affects the liver and kidneys found in poisonous mushrooms


jack-o-lantern all connected at the base mistaken for chanterelles poisonous

stages of amatoxin poisoning

latency, gastrointestinal, remission, relapse


maitake not as vibrant as "chicken"

producing the spawn

making the mycelium you are going to put into the compost


more spongy than normal mushrooms go bad quickly tubes instead of gills only found in the wild, cannot cultivate some are poisonous

Psilocybe cubensis

most common cultivated magic mushroom slightly blue stain on gills and stem


most potent hallucinogen from magic mushrooms

muscimol symptoms

muscle spasm, nausea, convulsions, confusion, euphoria, dreams, altered perceptions, fearlessness


mushroom capital of the world (Kennett square)

signs of decay

open wounds and cavities, fruiting bodies, discolored/weak wood, seedlings at major branch junctions

cultivating button mushrooms

produce the spawn, compost, spawn, case

liberty cap

psilocybin semilanceata

mushroom nutrition

rich in amino acids (lysine and tryptophan) excellent source of nicotinic acid and riboflavin

meadow mushroom

safe for most related to button mushrooms & portabellas not worth eating fairy rings

Coprinus comatus

shaggy manes or ink cap found in new lawns (2-4 yrs), less in woods low radioactivity

factors affecting the amount of decay in a tree

size of the wound, vigor of the tree, species of the tree, genetic makeup of the tree

amanita eggs

small and can kill you mistaken for puffballs poisonous


special strain of Agaricus bisporus tastes different bc it is brown


symptoms are gone and the patient is released thinking they are fine


term for going out and looking for mushrooms

Coprinus atramentarius

the "real" inky cap

most valuable edible mushroom


dry rot fungi

two kinds, serpula lacrymans and pore incrassata

actions to minimize decay

water and fertilize the tree, prevent pest attacks, and shape jagged edges


when you add the spawn to the compost

hen of the woods

white rot

turkey tail

white rot on fallen trees

events that lead to wood decay

wound so wood is exposed, colonization of exposed wood by bacteria, colonization by "pioneer" molds, decay by mushrooms and related fungi

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