Field Craft 2

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Mild TBI

-Confused/disoriented state which lasts less than 24 hrs -Loss of consciousness for up to 30 min. -structural brain imaging w/ normal results -presentations range from symptomatic to confusion or amnesia from event -usually return to full recovery w/in weeks

chemical burns


Injuries produced by lasers

-Retina-burns, hemorrhage producing loss of vision -Cornea-burns, vision loss, corneal scarring, corneal perforation

Gross Visual Acuity Test

-Test each eye individually by covering one eye w/ the casualty's hand; be careful to avoid applying pressure to the eye -ask casualty to read/identify info on a near card or other printed material -ask casualty to count how many fingers you are holding -test using hand motion or light perception

Basilar skull fracture

-fractures of the floor of the cranium -should be suspected if CSF is draining from nostrils or ear canals -periorbital ecchymosis (raccoon eyes) and ecchymosis over mastoid behind the ears (Battle's sign)-make take several hours to become apparent

Depressed skull fracture

-fragments of bone are driven toward/into underlying brain tissue -closed ones increase risk of intracranial hematoma -Open ones serve as possible entry point for bacteria

Care Under Fire

-gain fire superiority -control life-threatening hemorrhage

Signs and symptoms of TBI

-injured casualty shows a transient alteration in neurologic function -alteration in mental status -vacant stare, delayed verbal response, confused, incoherent speech, lack of coordination, memory deficit, inappropriate emotions


-inner layer -contains rods and cones-the receptors of vision allowing us to see images


-limited ability to stretch -dense connective tissue that envelopes the muscles


-lowers ICP by induction of cerebral vasoconstriction which may decrease cerebral blood flow to ischemic levels -eliminates carbon dioxide from the lungs at a faster than normal rate and causes blood to become alkaline (binding oxygen to hemoglobin) which can reduce oxygen delivery to brain

signs of spinal injury

-motor vehicle crash -falls from greater than 15 feet -IED blast involving MRAP vehicle


-mucus membrane that lines the eyelid and extends from the eyelid to the front of the eyeball -covers anterior portion of the sclera

Assessing for underlying head injuries

-never assume an injury to the eye is isolated strictly to the eye -assess and reassess mental status -perform a baseline assessment

Cerebrospinal fluid

-nutrient fluid that bathes and protects brain and spinal cord -constantly produced within the ventricles of the brain -reabsorbed by arachnoid membrane, which covers brain and spinal cord -obstruction would create accumulation w/in the brain which causes increase in ICP


Because of increases in cardiac output and blood volume, a pregnant casualty may lose how much total blood volume BEFORE showing signs of hypovolemia?


Bleeding from an intestinal injury is typically _________, unless larger vessels of the mesentery are damaged.

hypovolemic shock

Blood loss into peritoneal cavity, regardless of the source will contribute to what? A casualty's entire circulating volume can be lost into the abdominal cavity


Burn patients cannot control their own body temp. effectively and are susceptible to ________________, even in warm or hot environments

on their left side

What side should you transport a pregnant casualty? Tilt the right side of the spine board, elevate casualty's right leg or manually displace the uterus to the left to relive supine hypotension

dry sterile dressing

What type of dressing is used to cover burns?

bulky dressing

What type of dressing should you use to stabilize impaled objects in the abdomen? DO NOT palpate the abdomen.

free myoglobin

What will produce tea or cola colored urine?

Fox Eye Shield

When injury allows, what should you cover the affected eye with?


___________ fractures cause severe hemorrhage and can be fatal


____________ bleeding secondary to trauma should be evacuated expeditiously


______________ patency is a priority in a burn casualty. Hot gases and flames can cause edema above vocal cords/cause occlusion


_______________ are recommended for isolated joint and limb injuries, but not for casualties w/ serious multi system trauma. Direct casualty to use combat pill pack and IV antibiotics if necessary.


_________________ injury is probable if both pupils are dilated and do not react to light.


___________________ may not immediately bleed due to vascular spasms of the injured vessels. Once spasms subside, bleeding will occur

White phosphorous

a chemical substance that burns when exposed to oxygen without having to be ignited; if contains grenades, shells, or bombs, can cause severe thermal and chemical burns

mid foot

consist of 7 tarsals


consist of 8 bones called carpals


contains bones that are fused together -joined posteriorly to sacral spine (sacroiliac joint)


controls all bodily functions and processes


controls primitive functions, coordination and balance

Brain stem

controls vital body functions such as cardio-respiratory functions

multisystem trauma

faced w/ severely wounded casualty w/ extremity injuries, life takes precedence over limb. Focus should be on maintaining vital function


formed by joining of bones of anterior pubis


fourteen finger bones


fracture due to blunt or penetrating trauma


fused bones of upper jaw

physical exam

general examination techniques include inspection and palpating in adequate lighting. Avoid pressure on the globe while performing the exam


heel bone

acromion process

highest portion of shoulder -forms acromioclavicular joint w/ clavicle and is a frequent area of shoulder injury (AC Separation)


highly vascular


medial -larger bone of lower leg -shin bone


medial bone of forearm (pinky side)

First degree burns

minor tissue damage that reddens epidermis only and heals in 3 to 6 days


motion in two planes at right angles


motion in two planes at right angles, but no axial rotation (carpal, metacarpal joint)

hip joint

only movable joint in pelvis -acetabulum (socket of hip joint) -ball at proximal end of femur (femoral head)

Dura mater

outermost membrane of meninges and most resilient

goals of burn wound care

prevent shock, infection, and minimize disfiguration


procedure that may be required to release pressure due to swelling w/ circumferential burns performed by a MO at a BAS or FMSC, NOT by a combat medic


promotes glucose entry into most cells of the body, decreasing blood glucose levels in the blood

Nasal bone

provides some of the structure of the nose


tough layer (white of the eye) that protects the inner structure of the eye and helps to maintain shape of the eye -connected to 6 muscles that allow eye to look up, down, and side-to-side

Compartment syndrome

when arterial blood flow continues into an extremity, but venous flow is restricted from returning to the system. Pressure is exerted against muscle fascia. Structures get crushed, capillary flow impaired and tissue becomes ischemic-nerves easily injured first

Ballistic Eye Protection

when worn, will protect against eye penetrating injuries, laser, and burns


where ligaments connect bones to other bones

Cushing's Triad

(caused by increased ICP) Increased blood pressure (hypertension), decrease in pulse rate (bradycardia), and irregular respiratory rate

Ketamine and Fetanyl

-Can be used with mild TBI -have potential to make moderate to severe TBI worse -if casualty is aware/able to vocalize pain, then TBI is likely not severe enough to stop the use of these medications

Orbital Fractures

-Casualty may be able to move eye/focus on objects -Double vision=common complaint -Cover eye w/ fox eye shield, administer combat pill pack, evacuate to MO asap

Severe TBI

-Closed or open injury where dura mater is penetrated -Confused/disoriented state lasting more than 24 hrs -Loss of consciousness for more than 24 hrs -memory loss lasting more than 7 days -MRI or CT scan w/ normal/abnormal results -accounts for 8% head injuries-mortality approaching 40% usually w/in 48 hrs -Long term disability is common -Intracranial hematoma, epidural hematoma, subdural hematoma, cerebral contusions, subarachnoid hemorrhage


An NPA is contraindicated for evidence of what type of injury?

cardiac arrhythmias

Elevated potassium levels can cause what?

night vision goggles

Risk of laser injury increases with the use of?


Until about the 12th week, the uterus remains protected by the pelvis

irrigate with copious amounts of water

What should you do to the eye if there is a chemical burn?


bends and straightens

shearing injuries

tearing forces exerted against supporting ligaments of solid organs and vessels. Deceleration injuries are common and restraining devices (seat belts)

Fragmentation wounds

the most common cause of penetrating injuries in combat

Foramen magnum

the primary opening through which pressure can be released; located at the base of the skull, it is a circular opening which the spinal cord passes through


thick layer of collagen connective tissue below the thin epidermis -contains sensory nerves (hair follicles, sweat glands, oil glands)

Pia mater

thin innermost membrane of meninges


three membranes that cover brain; protects the cranial nerves and spinal cord


total or near total lack of oxygen

Characteristics of the eye

-Delicate organs adapted to provide vision -Protected by skull, eyelids, eyelashes, and tears -shape is maintained by fluid contained w/in the eye (vitreous and aqueous humor)

Moderate TBI

-Most casualties observed/admitted b/c of potential for deterioration -Confused/disoriented state which lasts more than 24 hrs -Loss of consciousness for more than 30 min but less than 24 hrs -memory loss lasting more than 24 hrs, but less than 7 days -MRI or CT scan w/ normal/abnormal results

Tactical Evaluation for head injuries

-Prevent hypothermia -Transport in supine position -If facial wound is present, tilt towards side of injury to allow for drainage -Elevating head (reverse Tredelenburg) may decrease ICP but it could also jeopardize cerebral perfusion -Do not delay transport to gain vascular access -Transport urgent surgical-relay that it is due to neurological issue -Reassess until MEDEVAC is complete

hemostatic agent

-a dressing, that when placed on/into wound, accelerate the body's ability to clot -use for burns -if not present, apply direct pressure to the bleed and hold

small intestine

-absorption of carbohydrates (sugars) proteins and fats -absorption of ions (sodium, chloride, bicarbonate, calcium, iron, potassium) -absorption of water (that accompanies the ions being absorbed) but most absorbed in colon -absorption of proteins and fat

combat pill pack

-all casualties suffering from penetrating ocular trauma that can swallow should be direct to take their what?

Linear skull fracture

-breaks in the bone that transverse the full thickness of the skull -usually no bone displacement -accounts for about 80% of skull fractures

Treatment for laser injuries

-burns of the cornea and skin are treated similarly to other types of thermal burns -evacuate casualty to MO asap w/ glasses if indicated

Mid-face fracture

-casualty's face may appear asymmetrical or flattened -inability to close mouth -if conscious, may be complaint of facial pain/numbness -possible crepitus


-circular opening in the iris -window of the eye through which light passes to the lens and retina


-circular structure filled w/ jelly-like substance -adjusts to focus both near and far objects


-colored part of the eye -located b/tw the cornea and lens -controls the amount of light entering the eye

Mandible fracture

-commonly report teeth no longer "fit together" correctly (malocclusion) -crepitus/step off may be noted -airway management should be considered if patient is supine b/c tongue may occlude airway

Eyelid lacerations or corneal abrasions

-cover the affected eye w/ a fox eye shield -administer combat pill pack -evacuate casualty to MO ASAP w/ glasses if indicated

Treatment for White phosphorus

-cover w/ water, saline, wet cloth, or wet mud, anything that seals white phosphorus from air. seal must be maintained until phosphorus is removed to prevent retained particles from reigniting and further burning


-cranium; encases and protects the brain tissue -formed from the fusion of skull bones: Parietal, Temporal, Sphenoid, Cribriform plate, Frontal, Occipital


-efforts should focus on protecting the protruding segment of intestines/organs for further damage in a moist environment (moisten w/ normal saline IV fluid) -DO NOT replace organs back -any action that increases intraabdominal pressure such as (crying, screaming, coughing, bearing down) can force organs more outward


-excrete most of end products of bodily metabolism through filtration of blood and formation of urine -regulates the water, electrolytes and acid-base content of blood

Occular Extrusion

-eye is protruding from socket -DO NOT attempt to force eye back into socket -shield and gently cup avulsed eye w/ moist 4x4s -cover w/ loose, moist dressing -admin. combat pill pack -evacuate to MO asap

high index of suspicion for abdominal injuries

-obvious signs of trauma -signs of hypovolemic shock w/out obvious cause -degree of shock greater than would be expected -presence of peritoneal sings -mechanism of injury

MACE card

-only standardized and most widely used method for evacuation of acute mTBI in military operational settings -has 5 alternate lists to prevent soldiers from memorizing a baseline assessment


-organ of the lymphatic system: contains largest amount of lymphatic tissue in body -stores Red blood cells and platelets -removes RBC and platelets that are worn out/defective -carries out immune functions and has cells involved in fighting infections -highly vascular organ that, if injured, may result in massive hemorrhaging -may become inflamed/enlarged in patients w/ mono so avoid contact sports for up to 4 weeks (90 days) to avoid possible rupture

Blunt Trauma

-possesses a greater threat to life -difficult to diagnose-mechanism of injury and pain may be only signs of underlying injury -compression injuries: organs crushed b/tw solid objects -shearing injuries


-produces/secretes digestive juices into duodenum via pancreatic duct -produces/secretes hormones (insulin and glucagon) into blood to regulate blood sugar level


-skin covering the skull; outermost portion of the head -bleeds profusely when lacerated -may lead to significant blood loss due to prolonged hemorrhage

Thermal Burns

-stop burning process -cover affected eye w/ DRY STERILE DRESSING -follow burn assessment/treatment protocols -consider pain management -consider withholding combat pill pack if patient suffers exclusively from burns -evacuate to MO asap


-stores about 10% of total blood volume -metabolizes carbohydrates (sugars), fat and protein -stores vitamins and iron -forms various blood clotting factors -detoxifies/excretes and metabolizes drugs -forms bile which breaks down fat for digestion and excretes waste products from the blood


-stores bile formed by liver -empties bile into duodenum when there is high fat content in meal -stones may obstruct drainage system (bile duct) to small intestine


-stores large quantities of food until it can be converted into a soupy mixture (chyme) and emptied into duodenum -secretes digestive juices and enzymes -poor absorption except for highly-lipid soluble substances like alcohol and some medications such as aspirin


-superior bone that contains iliac crest -wide bony wing that can be felt near waist

Lacrimal glands

-tear glands -located in the upper-outer aspect of each upper eye lid -prevents infection/moistens eye -drain through ducts located in the eyelids


-tough, transparent, and colorless, covers the pupil and iris -injuries may cause opacity and stop light rays from entering the eye

Red flags for head injuries

-witnessed LOC -two or more blast exposures w/in 72 hrs -unusual behavior/combative -unequal pupils -seizures -repeated vomiting -double vision/loss of vision -worsening headache -weakness on one side of the body -cannot recognize people/disoriented to place -abnormal speech (If no red flag is present, initiate MACE)

palpating the pelvis for instability

1. Press posteriorly on the iliac crest 2. Press inward on the iliac crest 3. Press posteriorly on the symphysis pubis


A ____________________ chest burn can constrict the chest wall to such degree that casualty suffocates from inability to inhale a deep breath


A difference of greater than 1.0 mm in pupil size is considered ______________?


ALWAYS assume an _________________ injury in an enclosed space fire. Facial burns, singed eyebrows, carbonaceous sputum=signs

urgent surgical

Abdominal injury casualties should be categorized for evacuation as ___________ _________________.

visual acuity test

All casualties with an eye injury should have some type of what performed?

Urgent surgical

All circumferential burns should be evacuated in what category to a MTF w/ oxygen supplementation adjusted to maintain O2 saturation of at least 92%?

surgical emergency

An absent pulse distal to an extremity wound is a __________________ _______________________.

1.5 liters

An adult peritoneal cavity can hold up to how much fluid before evidence of distention is apparent?

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

An injury to the brain resulting from an external force and/or acceleration/deceleration mechanism from an event -MOI includes: blast, projectiles, falls, direct impacts, or motor vehicle accidents


Any service member in a vehicle associated w/ a blast event, collision or rollover, any service member w/in 50 meters of a blast, anyone who sustains a direct blow to the head, and command directed, such as repeated exposures are exposures that mandates prompt command and medical concussion evaluation, event reporting, and a _____ hour rest period.


Are antibiotics indicated for a casualty suffering from only burns?


At low energy levels, ______________ may produce temporary reduction in visual performance in critical tasks, such as aiming weapons or flying aircraft. At higher energy levels, they may produce serious long-term visual loss, even permanent blindness.

Authorized Protective Eyewear List

Authorized EyePro is listed on the _________________ _____________ ______________ __________ (APEL).


Crushed brain tissue, shifted brain structures, and restricted blood flow which can lead to intracranial hematoma can be caused by?

electrical burns

DO NOT attempt to remove wires unless trained to do so. Turn off electrical source if possible before any rescue attempts -may cause abnormal heartbeat including loss of pulse -consider resuscitation w/ AED for pulseless electrical burns -usually have normal heart so resuscitation chances may be excellent -possible rupture of tympanic membrane -possible fractures to spine and long bones from sustained muscle contractions


Deep or aggressive palpation for the abdomen should be avoided b/c it may dislodge blood clots, promote existing hemorrhage, and increase spillage of contents of the GI tract.


Development of a sluggish or nonreactive pupil is considered __________________?


Due to _______________________, hollow organs can rupture with no apparent external injury. Look for ruptured eardrums.

Nasal fracture

Epistaxis, edema, ecchymosis, nasal deformity, crepitus are indications for what type of fracture?


For casualties suffering from burns greater than _______ of total body surface area: establish IV access-try and avoid burned tissues, use IO if IV access not gained, and immediately begin fluid resuscitation following rule of 10s


For crush syndrome, provide fluid resuscitation w/ normal saline b/c lactated ringers contain what?

Snellen chart

For ocular injuries, if you are in a clinic, you should utilize a standard ____________ ____________.

Gross examination

For ocular injuries, when equipment, light, and/or space do not permit, what is recommended as opposed to no vision exam?


How many splints should you use?

knees bent

How should you position an abdominal casualty for transport?


Hypovolemic shock does not result from an ______________ head injury. Look for another cause.

ventilate at a rate of approximately 20 breaths per minute, administer supplemental oxygen, and maintain oxygen saturation at 90% or greater

If a casualty shows signs of increased ICP, what should you do?

head trauma

If a patient has a normal level of consciousness, then dilated pupils are not due to what type of trauma?


If pupils are dilated but react to light, injury is often _______________.

5-15 mm Hg

In pregnant women, systolic and diastolic blood pressure drops _____________ during second trimester, but will return to normal by term

Hollow Organs

Intestine, gallbladder, urinary bladder -spill contents into peritoneal cavity and retroperitoneal space -release of digestive acids, enzymes, bacteria and partially digested food (chyme) into peritoneal cavity causing peritonitis and sepsis


Loss of 1-2 liters of blood can be caused by a fracture of one ____________.


Loss of consciousness is NOT required to make a possible diagnosis of concussion

Terminal event

Low blood pressure (hypotension) caused by a head injury


Penetrating wounds to the flanks and/or buttocks may involve organs of the abdominal caveating. The _______________ area is frequently associated w/ significant intraabdominal trauma in up to 50% of cases.


Pressure dressings should not be applied to depressed or open skull fractures. Hemostatic gauze may be effective but do not pack with hemostatic agent


Prior to deployment, soldiers should be given the MACE test to get baseline assessment. If not available, a score of ______ or below is the best indicator for a true cognitive impairment resulting from a concussion

active protection

Scanning battlefields w/ one eye, minimizing use of binoculars in areas known to have laser in use, built-in or clip on filters, and battlefield smoke are examples of what type of protection?


Should you auscultate the abdomen in a combat environment?


Some references state that you should irrigate chemical burns to the eyes for at least ______ minutes. However, irrigation should be maintained for as long as supplies last/until casualty reaches a medical treatment facility

Tactical Field Care

Stop the burning process, remove the burn source


The abdominal cavity is below (inferior to) the ___________________?


The major cause of morbidity and mortality in abdominal trauma is the _________ in determining if an injury exists-resulting in delay of treatment

Fluid Resuscitation protocols

The medic must achieve a delicate balance of maintaining profusion to the vital organs w/out restoring a normal blood pressure that will increase internal bleeding


The objection of _________________ is to prevent motion in the broken bone ends. Nerves that cause pain lie in the membrane surrounding (periosteum).

young, old, 3

The very ____________ and very ______ respond poorly to burn injuries. The death rate in burn casualties over age 65 is ____ times greater than that of the overall burn population.

electrical and crush injuries

These two types of injuries are similar and may result in myoglobinuria

Left Lower Quadrant

This quadrant of the abdomen contains part of color (ascending colon ending cecum), appendix (attached to cecum), part of small intestine, part of bladder and uterus, right Fallopian tube, right ovary, right iliac artery

Right Upper Quadrant

This quadrant of the abdomen contains the liver, gallbladder, head of the pancreas (retroperitoneal), part of transverse colon/hepatic flexure, right renal artery, right kidney (retroperitoneal)

Right Lower Quadrant

This quadrant of the abdomen contains the small intestine, part of colon (sigmoid/descending), part of bladder and uterus, left Fallopian tube, left ovary, left iliac artery

Left Upper Quadrant

This quadrant of the abdomen contains the stomach, spleen, tail of pancreas (peritoneal), left kidney (retroperitoneal), left renal artery


True/False: Covering both eyes, even if only one eye is injured, is not recommended in a combat environment because the casualty would be rendered defenseless against the enemy and dependent on others

Rule of Nines

Used to determine percentage of body surface area burned


What are one of the few antibiotics that can affect the eye?

Isolated non life-threatening, Non-life threatening, definite musculoskeletal life-threatening

What are the 3 categories for musculoskeletal injuries?

thermal injury, asphyxiation, toxin-induced lung injury (delayed)

What are the 3 elements of smoke inhalation?

pain, paresthesia, pulselessness, pallor, paralysis

What are the 5 P's of compartment syndrome?


What has been shown to worsen the outcome for head injury casualties and contributes to ischemia or hypoxia

Computerized Tomography (CT) or Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

What is required to make a definitive TBI diagnosis?

Concussion Management in Deployed Setting

What is the algorithm Combat Medics will follow when treated a casualty w/ a suspected head injury?

inhalation of toxic smoke

What is the leading cause of death in fires?


What medication is NOT recommended in patients with suspected brain injury due to its respiratory depressant effects and potential to cause carbon dioxide retention which may cause vasodilation and increase ICP? This medication also makes it difficult to do a neurologic assessment, including pupillary response

The eye should be flushed

What should be done first in the case of ocular chemical burns? Then once the mechanism of burn is eliminated, then a visual acuity screening is accomplished.

wire or cord

What should not be used to secure a splint in place?

sterile water or IV solution (NS or Lactated Ringers)

What should you irrigate affected eyes with?

clean the surface

What should you not attempt to do with a scalp wound?


adipose layer and aids in insulation of body

ball and socket joint

ball rotates in a round socket

Injury to the uterus

can include rupture, penetration, abrupt placentae, premature rupture of membranes -highly vascular and can result in profound hemorrhage

voluntary guarding

casualty seems to tense up-guarding abdomen


center layer of meninges

Zygomatic bones


Second degree burns

damage through the epidermis and into a variable depth of the dermis appears mottled (blotchy), red w/ weeping blisters (oozing), heals in 2-4 wks, painful, grafting necessary

Third degree burns

damage to all layers of epidermis and dermis, charred, translucent, pearly white w/ surface that is dry with thromboses blood vessels, grafting necessary


damage to the kidneys, ureters and bladder often present with ______________, which will not be noted unless the casualty has a urinary catheter, unlikely in combat environment

crush syndrome

damaged muscle tissue releases myoglobin and potassium

Fourth Degree burns

damages skin and underlying layers of subcutaneous tissue, muscle, bone, or internal organs

MACE assessment

developed by the Defense and Veterans Brain Injury Center to evaluate a casualty w/ a suspected concussion -First distributed for clinical use by military personnel in August 2006


during maximum expiration (exhale) extends, superiorly to the 4th intercostal space anteriorly, to the 6th intercostal space laterally and to the 8th intercostal space posteriorly; a wound that started in the abdomen may end up in the chest or vice versa


energy-the more energy, the greater the suspicion for abdominal trauma -15% stab wounds (low energy) require surgical intervention -85% gun shot wounds (medium/high energy) require surgical intervention


increases release of glucose from liver into circulating body fluids, increasing blood glucose levels in blood


inferior, posterior portion of pelvis


inflammation of the peritoneum, or lining of the abdominal cavity


insufficient blood flow to the brain


large intestine -absorption of water and electrolytes (up to 5 to 7 liters per day) -storage of fecal matter until expelled


largest organ of the body -protects underlying tissue from dehydration and injury -helps regulate body temp. by controlling heat loss -site of many nerve endings -has tissues temporary for storage of fat, glucose, water, and salts -absorb certain drugs/chemical substances


largest part of the brain; houses sensory functions, motor functions, and higher intellectual functions such as intelligence and memory


largest sesamoid bone in the body -kneecap -sits anterior to knee joint


lateral -smaller bone of Lower leg


lateral bone of forearm-articulates w/ carpals (thumb side)


limited motion

Solid and Vascular organs

liver, spleen, aorta, vena cava -bleeding into abdominal cavity when injured

Treatment for compartment syndrome

loosen tightly applied splints/dressings and reassess for presence of distal pulse -tighten tourniquets/apply second tourniquet directly above first until distal pulse cannot be detected

lateral malleolus

lower end of fibula

medial malleolus

lower end of tibia


lower jaw


massive systemic infection that includes hypotension, decreased urine output and altered mental status

skin graft

removal of partial thickness of skin from unburned area of casualty and placement over burned area to "reseed" area w/ new skin tissue



Any combat casualty with a penetrating wound from the nipple line to the buttock needs a ____________ ____________ evaluation unless rigidity or tenderness is identified, they need surgical evaluation __________________.

routine surgical, immediately

involuntary guarding

spasms of the abdominal wall muscles that remain even when the casualty is distracted


storage site w/in muscle tissue that stores oxygen -when released from damaged muscle, can cause damage to kidneys


surface/outer layer of skin made up of epithelial cells w/ no blood vessels present -nourished w/ capillaries in dermis -serves as barrier b/tw our body and environment

passive protection

taking cover and wearing eye pro is an example of what type of protection?

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