figurative language
common expressions, literal meaning does not make sense; the cat's meow, it's raining cats and dogs, when pigs fly
giving inanimate objects/ideas the characteristics of a person
imitates a sound; moo, croak, bang
makes a comparison by saying one thing is another; homework is a headache, you are a pain in my side
makes a comparison of the similar aspects of two different things; large is to small as thick is to thin, candy is to sweet as lemon is to sour
the repetition of usually initial consonant sounds in two or more neighboring words or syllables
the use of exaggeration used to invoke strong feeling or to create a strong impression, not to be taken literally; this bag weighs a ton, I'm so hungry I could eat a horse
uses like or as to compare two things; a gentle summer breeze is like a soft cotton sheet, float like a butterfly, sting like a bee