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Among the following, who is a compliance professional?

A political fund-raiser

At school, Carl falls down the stairs and badly sprains his ankle. When will Carl most likely receive help?

Before school starts when only one other student is in the hallway

The catharsis hypothesis suggests that providing people with an opportunity to express aggressive impulses in a safe manner will decrease their tendencies to engage in unacceptable forms of aggressive behavior. What does research on this hypothesis demonstrate/suggest?

Catharsis may actually increase aggressive behavior

Mark and Cynthia are writing out checks to donate to their alma mater. First, Mark says he's going to donate $5,000, and then Cynthia indicates she might be able to donate more than that. Mark then decides he too could contribute more than $5,000. What is this called?

Competitive altruism

Emily is out for a leisurely drive and has just witnessed the car in front of her on the highway slow to a stop and pull off to the side of the road. The driver got out of the vehicle and lifted the hood. She is very adept at fixing cars and there are not too many other cars on the road. After considering helping for a bit, Emily continues to drive past the stranded motorist. Why?

Emily is concerned the driver might be setting up a trap or trick

If people help in order to receive praise from others, then what would be expected under cover of darkness?

People would be less likely to help others

John has violated a norm in his ________ group, while Li Qing has violated one in her ________ group. We would more likely expect ________ for John, and ________ for Li Qing.

John has violated a norm in his ________ group, while Li Qing has violated one in her ________ group. We would more likely expect ________ for John, and ________ for Li Qing.

Janelle wants to begin hosting her own podcast focused on community events. She will need some money to purchase recording equipment and create a small studio in her house. She is thinking of reaching out to other community members to ask for their financial support. Which of the following websites should Janelle use?


Which of the following accurately characterizes the common traits of a victim of bullying?

Lonely, withdrawn, unhappy, with few friends

Which of the following is a form of unintentional social influence?


Your friend Gretchen is notoriously rude to her partner. She never says anything nice or complimentary and frequently embarrasses her partner in front of others. Gretchen calls and leaves a very distressed message for you letting you know that her partner has dumped her and she really needs someone to talk to about it. Will you call Gretchen back?

No, because you feel Gretchen is responsible for her own predicament

Mrs. Taunton is a teacher at a middle school in New York City. One day, her students are acting very boisterously. Mrs. Taunton quickly raps a ruler on the desk and says, "Be quiet!" Which type of social influence caused the students' behavior to change?


Which of the following strategies has been shown to contribute to sharp reductions in destructive obedience?

Reminding individuals that they, rather than authorities, are responsible for any harm produced

Raquel's 3-year-old son has been having intense tantrums when he doesn't get what he wants. Which of the following should Raquel try in order to reduce his anger when he begins to have a tantrum?

She should encourage him count to 10

What type of provocation involves using a playful nature to issue provoking statements that call attention to a person's flaws or imperfections?


Many atrocities have been committed because of a gradual escalation in the scope of commands given from a person in authority. This factor is closely related to which compliance technique?

The foot-in-the-door technique

What theory suggests that if a person is impeded in reaching a goal he or she is seeking, then this impediment will lead to a stimulation of a drive whose main goal is to harm some person or object?

The frustration-aggression hypothesis

Which of the following is the most complex theory of aggression?

The general aggression model

A professor, two students, and the president of the student government are all on an elevator. When one of the students passes out, who is most likely to be seen as having the responsibility to help?

The professor

Why are violent video games so popular according to the text?

These types of games provide a sense of autonomy

One day you are out biking on a relatively deserted trail. You see a fellow cyclist on the side of the trail with the bike's wheels in the air. When will you be most likely to help?

When you know a great deal about bikes and work at a bicycle repair shop

Among children, boys who bully others are motivated by a desire to

hold power over others and a desire to be seen as part of a tough group

Jenny, a 5-year-old child, may be MOST likely to exhibit helping behavior after playing ________ video game

a prosocial

Ron and Elaine are walking down the street when they see someone helping an old man across the road. On the next block, they see a woman having difficulty in trying to get across the street. Elaine says, "We'd better give her a hand." The woman who initially helped the old man

acted as a prosocial model

A possible reason why authority figures can be so successful in getting obedience for horrific tasks is that they

allow the obedient person to escalate their tasks very gradually

John is learning to play the guitar. He is in the process of mastering several new songs. From the perspective of Zajonc's drive theory of social facilitation, John should practice

alone until mastery is achieved, and then perform in the presence of others

Norman is in a group where he strongly believes that his judgment is correct, but he does not want to appear different. A possible way he may deal with this situation is to

alter his perception of the information provided so that he can feel comfortable with conforming to the group influence.

One of the factors associated with compliance is social validation. This is because we

are in need of being correct, and one way to do so is to emulate the behaviors of others whom we see as similar to ourselves in some way.

One result of desensitization to violence is that individuals who are desensitized to violence are likely to

be more aggressive to others

One difference between bullies and their victims is that bullies ________, while victims ________.

believe that others act the way they do intentionally or because of lasting characteristics; perceive others as behaving the way they do due to external stimuli

Frank is a young musician who sometimes earns extra money by playing guitar on a downtown street corner during lunch hour. He sometimes puts a dollar and a few coins in his open guitar case before he starts playing. Frank does this because he

believes the presence of the money will act as a model for prosocial behavior for his audience

Programs that are intended to reduce bullying in schools or in prisons

can be effective if bullying is recognized as a serious problem and organizations take strong and appropriate steps to correct it

In Texas, a man named Will committed a series of unprovoked murders. Will spent many years in prison but was then executed because the state deemed the ultimate consequence of his action to be

capital punishment.

The idea that providing angry persons with an opportunity to express their aggressive impulses in relatively safe ways will lead to a reduction in their tendencies to engage in more harmful kinds of aggression is the

catharsis hypothesis

Trina received a poor quarterly appraisal of her work performance, and by the time she gets home from work she is so upset that she wants to throw and break something. However, instead, Trina decides to go for a hard 5-mile run. When she gets back from the run, she feels better and her anger has evaporated. Trina's reduction in aggression can be explained by the

catharsis hypothesis

Victims who are bullied repeatedly and brutally may react by

committing suicide

University alumni associations, as a group, have ________ for many of its members.

considerable entitativity

Even though there is a sign that clearly says "Park closes after 9 P.M.," Mary says to herself, "What a silly sign! I just want to walk around here; I'm not a 'bad guy'" and proceeds to walk in the park. Mary's behavior is ________ with normative focus theory since she ________.

consistent; is disobeying an injunctive norm that she does not see as related to her own actions

David sees a homeless person and thinks that "this guy has no one to blame but himself." Thus, David appears to believe that this homeless man's misfortunes are


Each night at midnight, Daryl's phone buzzes when a text message arrives from an unknown number. The text messages he receives say things like "Watch your back" and "One of these days we're going to get you" and "You'll never see it coming." At first, Daryl tried to ignore these messages, but now he has anxiety about going to school each day. Daryl is a victim of


Omri, in his professional association, serves informally as a kind of "father confessor," listening attentively to members of that group. This best reflects ________ in(of) the group.

his role

Jenna saw in the paper that a department store was having a "One-Day Closeout of Winter Dresses" sale. If she goes to that sale and buys something, she will be a victim of the

deadline technique

According to the social learning perspective, people learn

different ways of inflicting harm on others and what situations tolerate or encourage aggressive behavior

One of the key findings from Stanley Milgram's studies was that pressures to obey are

difficult to resist even if they involve harming another person

In several variations on Asch's classic experiment, a standard-setting line was first presented to small groups of people, followed by the presentation of three comparison lines of different lengths. In one condition, two of three accomplices, posing as students, chose an incorrect answer before the subject could respond. The third accomplice sometimes chose a correct response and sometimes chose a more incorrect response. Under these conditions, respondents were more likely to choose the correct response. These results suggest

easier to resist conformity pressure once unanimity of the group is broken.

Raphael helps Lisa carry her groceries up the stairs. Lisa comes by 15 minutes later and says, "Thank you. The frozen food would have melted if you hadn't helped me." Because of her response to his help, Raphael is motivated to help others later. This scenario is MOST consistent with the

empathic joy hypothesis

Steven sees an emergency and then his empathy is aroused; he then provides help simply because the victim needed help and it felt good to provide help. This example illustrates the

empathy-altruism hypothesis

Miller has been watching a very exciting adventure movie at the theater. His heart rate is still a little elevated as he leaves the cinema. Just as he reaches his car in the parking lot, he sees someone accidentally bump his car as they back out of another parking space. Miller becomes extremely agitated and excitedly begins yelling and pounding on the other person's car fender. This extreme reaction to a relatively minor annoyance can best be explained by

excitation transfer theory

Among children, girls who bully others are motivated by their desire to

exercise power over others, their desire to be part of a tough group, and their desire to lessen negative feelings associated with depression

Drive theories of aggression suggest that

external conditions arouse the motive to harm or injure others

Samantha is watching a movie on TV. The story is about a young boy who had lost his brother in a traffic accident. Samantha says that she knows just how the boy feels and even guesses many of the character's lines before he says them. This situation illustrates the type of perspective-taking involved with

feeling empathy for—and identifying with—a fictional character

Ada had missed the notes for several classes and asked Rob for the notes for one day. Rob gave the notes to Ada, who copied them and then asked Rob for a week's worth of notes. Because of the ________, Rob is highly likely to give Ada the notes.

foot-in-the-door technique

Sam is playing a challenging video game and is very close to nearing the end. Suddenly, his character dies in the game and Sam is forced to start all over. Sam throws the controller across the room and punches the wall. Sam's behavior is best explained by the

frustration-aggression hypothesis

Janice tends to become aggressive whenever anyone slights her or insults her. Her friend Joline, however, never seems to become upset or angry at the same kinds of provocations and is generally not an aggressive person. The ways in which these two people might react to the same provocation is best explained by the

general aggression model

Emily, who is always slightly depressed, helps a little boy find his mom at the mall. Emily is surprised to find her mood has improved. This is likely because

helping a person often relieves a negative mood

A New York City taxi cab driver once intervened and stopped what he perceived to be a mugging in progress—even though it actually was a group of actors performing a scene for a television sketch. The taxi driver probably intervened due to

his feelings of empathy

When given an opportunity to decide how much punishment should be delivered to individuals convicted of different crimes, research has shown that most people are more strongly influenced by beliefs about ________ and much less strongly influenced by ________.

how much punishment is deserved; information about the ease or difficulty involved in detecting a crime

Suppose you are taking a friend to a party. The invitation specified that the party would begin at 6:00. When you arrive at your friend's apartment at 5:45 to pick her up, she tells you she won't be ready to leave before about 6:30 and comments that "Nobody arrives on time, anyway." Your friend is following a(n)

implicit social norm.

Marian, who is wearing a distinctive and pleasant perfume, has dropped all of the contents of her purse and is in need of assistance. The fact that she is wearing perfume should

increase her likelihood of receiving help

In Asch's classic experiment, a standard-setting line was first presented to small groups of people, followed by the presentation of three comparison lines of different lengths. In one condition, three accomplices, posing as students, chose an incorrect answer before the subject could respond. Frequently, the subject would then also select an incorrect response. This result illustrates

influence of group pressure to conform

James and Wanda just bought a house, and moved into a new, upscale neighborhood. One of their friends, who lives down the street from them, has installed a hot tub in her rock garden and has pointed out all the advantages of having one. James and Wanda are debating whether to install a rock garden with a hot tub in their new home. Their decision may be strongly influenced by the ________ influence of their friend.

informational social

Three college friends went swimming in a local creek, ignoring both a No Trespassing sign and a No Swimming sign. These friends were violating

injunctive norms

Ahmed belongs to his university's Student Senate, a group that is high in entitativity. It is likely that Ahmed feels that the Student Senate

is of great consequence to him

In the general aggression model, repeated exposure to aggressive stimuli serves to strengthen a person's beliefs, attitudes, schemas, and scripts that are related to aggression. These beliefs, attitudes, schemas, and scripts are a person's

knowledge structures

Two years ago, Ursula loaned Katie $300 even though the two women didn't know each other very well. Now, Ursula has approached Katie to ask if Katie can loan her $200. Katie says yes. Katie's compliance rests on the principle of


Jack has agreed to purchase a new car for $18,000. However, just before he gets ready to sign the contract, the salesman tells Jack that the sales manager will not approve the amount allowed for his trade-in, and that the contract will have to be higher, probably around $19,000. Jack has just been the victim of the

lowball technique.

Frank hires a handyman to install drywall in a room he's renovating. Frank has always wanted to know how to do this himself, so he watches much of the work the handyman does and takes notes on the supplies needed and the procedures followed. The following year, Frank installs drywall in another room by himself. Frank was able to do this due to


When Sigmund Freud proposed his theory that aggression stems from a powerful death wish, _______ with him.

most psychologists disagreed

The empathy-altruism hypothesis suggests that at least some prosocial behavior is

motivated solely by the desire to help someone in need, even if unpleasant or dangerous situations are involved

People who tend to think of themselves as being superior to other people in terms of their abilities or qualities, and as being more deserving of respect than others, tend to react strongly to negative feedback, in part because

negative feedback may threaten their self-image

James, a 17-year-old high school student, has just moved to a new city and enrolled in a new school. At his old school, there were strong social norms against teenagers smoking cigarettes. At his new school, however, several of his new friends regularly smoke and say to him, "C'mon, don't be a jerk, have one of mine." As a result, James is likely to begin smoking because of the

normative social influence

Allen is running late for his social psychology class. He is hurrying across campus and is thinking about the instructor's reaction to his tardiness on an exam day. He passed by a small group of students clustered around someone who is lying on the ground, clutching his chest and gasping for breath. Allen did not stop to help because he simply was not aware of what was happening at the time. This failure to engage in prosocial behavior was probably due to Allen's

not paying attention to the situation

Wayne and Cheryl were at a restaurant eating dinner when he noticed a faint smell of smoke coming from the air conditioning vent. No one else in the busy restaurant seemed to be concerned about the odor, and Wayne was not sure if it was the result of an electrical problem or of food scorching in the kitchen. Wayne's uncertainty, combined with the observation that others were not taking action, means that Wayne will probably

not take any action in the situation

Paul is studying for a test in biology. He is somewhat concerned about his ability to master the material and is trying to concentrate as much as he can. Sam, his brother, has interrupted his studies several times, causing Paul to become frustrated and angry. When Sam again enters Paul's room, Paul pushes Sam hard and threatens to punch him. This situation illustrates

the frustration-aggression hypothesis

Oscar is alone resting on a beach when he notices someone who appears to be floundering in the ocean. Since he does not know how to swim, Oscar realizes that he cannot help this individual himself. This example illustrates that people

often decide that they cannot help when they do not know what to do

On the street, a passerby notices Jeanette's bruised eye and asks if she is okay. Jeanette said that her boyfriend hit her, and the man said he was sorry to hear that but continued on his way. Later, Jeanette's best friend, Ellen, notices that Jeanette's bruise. When Jeanette tells her what happened, Ellen offers to provide help. This example best illustrates that

people are much more inclined to help a close friend than a stranger

A reason that people are willing to obey persons in authority who order them to engage in destructive behaviors is that

persons in authority often possess visible signs of their status that remind us of the social norm for obedience to authorities

Jason is the owner of a furniture store in a small Southern town. He donated several hundred mattresses to the Red Cross immediately after hearing about the devastation caused in a neighboring state by a hurricane. He was motivated to do so by his desire to help others, by thoughts of the income tax deduction he could take, and by the recognition his store would receive from his act of charity. This is an example of

prosocial behavior

James and William are discussing the last presidential election. James, a Democrat, has made some very negative comments about Republicans and the way in which the campaign was conducted. William, a life-long Republican, has told James to tone it down, but this seems to encourage James to make even more negative comments. Eventually, William pushes James away and starts to throw a punch. This situation might best be seen as a case of


Erin has been living with her boyfriend for a year. During that time, Erin has heard her boyfriend and his family make many negative comments about Asians. When her boyfriend's family is around, Erin also occasionally makes negative comments about Asians, even though she doesn't believe these comments are based in facts. This situation best represents the distinction between ________ and ________.

public conformity; private acceptance

One way to help people become more resistant to commands from authorities that may lead to destructive behaviors is to

remind people that they're responsible for any harm done

Seeking revenge may harm both the one seeking revenge and the one against whom vengeful actions are taken. This is because

revenge may lead to an upward spiral of retaliation, revenge, and further retaliation

While aggression can be viewed as an adaptive behavior from an evolutionary perspective, lashing out at every single provocation is not adaptive, and therefore ________ is necessary


Zosha and three of her friends have just watched a new movie. As they walk out of the movie, Zosha's friends are talking about how much they enjoyed the movie and how good the actor's portrayal was. If one of her friends then asks Zosha how she liked the movie, she is likely to say that

she also enjoyed the movie

Walter has just watched the news of Hurricane Irene, including an interview with a man who is standing in knee-deep water in his basement. Walter decides to go to the store and on his way sees a stranded motorist. The empathy-altruism model predicts that Walter will

stop and try to help because he can understand how it feels to be stranded

Walter has just watched the news of Hurricane Irene, including an interview with a man who is standing in knee-deep water in his basement. Walter decides to go to the store, and on his way sees a stranded motorist. The negative state relief model predicts that Walter will

stop and try to help in order to alleviate his own negative feelings

According to the general aggression model, repeated exposure to aggressive models in films or video games may increase a person's level of aggressiveness by

strengthening knowledge structures such as beliefs, attitudes, and schemas that are related to aggression

Two aspects of empathy are ________ and ________

taking another's perspective; sympathizing with another person

All of the following individuals would likely be considered a "compliance professional" EXCEPT a(n)

telephone operator.

One reason that people are willing to obey persons in authority who order them to engage in destructive behaviors is that

the authority figure relieves those who obey of responsibility for their actions

Suppose Roger, a religious fundamentalist, is told that three individuals—a gay man, an unwed mother, and a college student—are in need of aid due to employment problems. Roger would be MOST likely to believe that aid should go to

the college student

The general pattern of results of studies of TV violence suggests that

the depictions of violence contribute to increased aggression in viewers

While walking through Central Park, Mark sees a man being attacked and mugged. There are many people around the scene, and many of these people are holding phones. Mark is concerned for the man but ultimately does nothing. Mark's actions can be explained by the concept of

the diffusion of responsibility

Karen knows that her neighbors often struggle to make ends meet. She sometimes offers to babysit for free because she can easily afford to do so and feels good that she can help in this small way. This example most clearly illustrates

the empathic joy hypothesis

Sarah was driving home after a particularly difficult day at work when someone cut her off and almost caused her to wreck her car. Still shaken from her near miss, she arrived home to find that her spouse had not yet started dinner, as he had promised to do. Sarah angrily accused him of being "a lazy bum" and started an argument with him. This situation can best be explained by

the excitation transfer theory

William joined a small fraternity at his college. The initiation he faced was quite severe and somewhat dangerous. Now, he's a senior member of the fraternity and the college is investigating the fraternity for possible violations of the college's hazing policy. As a result, William finds that

the fraternity's cohesiveness has substantially increased

Samantha is frustrated after waiting in a long line for an hour and ultimately shouts at the person in front of her. According to the frustration-aggression hypothesis, Samantha is showing aggression due to

the negative affect from her frustration elicited by the person in front of her

After watching wrestling on TV for an hour, 5-year-old Samuel went outside to play. When 5-year-old Jamie, who lives next door, came outside, Samuel shoved him and tried to get him in a headlock. This situation can best be explained by

the social learning perspective

When an auto dealer offers you an extra option as a "closer" for a deal, the dealer is using

the that's-not-all technique

When confronted with the that's-not-all technique, we should always remember that the person making the request

using a strategy that will make gaining comliance more likely

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