Final exam
What is the Brotherhood?
A group of people who share brother like bonds.
3 Phi Delt firsts
First pledge pin First fraternity magazine First fraternity manual
3 Cardinal Principles and what they mean
Friendship- Cultivation of friendship Sound Learning-Stable learning environment Rectitude-Morally correct behavior and thinking
Last line of the oath
I will strive in all ways to transmit the fraternity to those who may follow after, not only, not less but greater than it was transmitted to me.
What is risk management
Is a planned method to identify, analyze, and evaluate risks, followed by a plan for reducing the frequency of accident and injuries.
Where did Phi Delta begin, what building, and date
Miami University, Elliot hall December 26, 1848
Chapter Providence
Michigan Beta Sigma North
5 famous Phis
Neil Armstrong-Astronaut Lou Gehrig-Baseball Player Chris Hansen-TV Host Donald Gibb-Actor Benjamin Harris-President
Open motto literal translation and greek translation
One man is no man. Eis aner Euodis aner. We enjoy life by the help and society of others.
Godess and symbol
Pallas Athena, owl
First chapter when and where
Phi Beta Kappa, College of William and Mary Williamsburg Virginia 1776
Miami Triad
Phi Delta Theta, Beta Theta Pi, Sigma Chi
E board
President-Luke Henry Tornell Vice President-Noah Gabriel Schautz Phikeia educater-Ryan Eric Ghise Recruitment Chair-Mark Christopher Pillitteri Philanthropy Chair-Arton Fraho Riza Treasurer-Alex Raymond Reyther Internal Social Chair-Torrey Michael Schwartz External Social Chair-Joey Pellerito Warden-Billy Anderson Brophy Secretary-Andrew Richard Capua Risk Management-Matthew Jacob Dipietro
Immortal 6
Robert Morrison, John McMillan Wilson, Robert Thompson Drake, John Wolfe Lindley, Ardivan Walker Rodgers, Andrew Watts Rogers
Document these principles are found
The Bond
Robert Morrison's Philosophy
To do what ought to be done, but would not have been done unless I did it, I thought to be my duty.
2 founders
Walter B. Palmer George Banta Sr.