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Myrtus communis 'Compacta' Common Name: Dwarf myrtle A classic hedge plant or topiary material because of its dense form and small leaves - large filler, screens, slope plantings.

A popular, compact, tightly-branched evergreen shrub with creamy-white flowers. Fragrant foliage when crushed.

Pinus quadrifolia, Four-needle Pinyon An outstanding small accent tree, prized for its dense, rugged form and blue-green foliage. Good for slopes, containers.

A single-trunked, upright, very erect and pyramidal in youth, becoming more irregular with an open flat top with age. Leaves are needles in clusters of four per fascicle; whorled along the stem, stiff, pale blue-green, 1-2" long.

Pachypodium lamerei Common Name: Madagascar Palm A slow growing succulent accent or container plant grown for distinctive shape, leaf and flower.

A succulent with a thick, spiny trunk topped by a ring of narrow leaves. Trunk becomes large with age. White flowers on mature specimens resemble Plumeria.

Salvia apiana Common Name: White Sage An excellent low to medium-sized filler for its white foliage and loose form; good on slopes or mounds; best-suited for Mediterranean, desert, or dry woodlands theme gardens.

A 5' evergreen perennial with sturdy whitish leaves, native to SoCal. Leaves pinnate, opposite to whorled (older leaves drop off), oval-elliptic, 2"-3" long, with distinctive pale greenish-white color. Flowers are white with a little lavender, tiny, on elongated stalks 3'-5' long; Spring months.

Cotoneaster lacteus Common Name: Parney's Cotoneaster An accent shrub for arching shape and flower-fruit display - espalier, informal screen or hedge - good erosion control shrub.

A 6-8' tall and 6-12' wide mounding shrub clothed with leaves that are dark green above and beige below. Clusters of very small white flowers bloom in spring. In the fall and winter, the shrub bears bright red berries.

Aloe vera Common Name: Medicinal Aloe A filler or accent plant in succulent gardens, informal borders or drought tolerant landscapes, container plant in medicinal gardens or as a houseplant.

A clumping, unusually upright rosette succulent plant growing 24-39" tall, spreading by offsets. The leaves are thick and fleshy, green to grey-green, with some varieties showing white flecks on their upper and lower stem surfaces. The margin of the leaf is serrated and has small white teeth. The flowers are produced in summer on a spike up to 35" tall, each flower being pendulous, with a yellow tubular corolla 0.8-1.2" long.

Juniperus chinensis 'Gold Coast' Common Name: Gold Coast Juniper A good filler for foliage color and texture - mass plantings, woodsy or informal landscapes; compact size fits well with small scale landscapes.

A compact, spreading, evergreen shrub that typically grows 2-3' tall and 3-4' wide over the first 10 years. It is noted for its golden foliage which retains yellow coloring throughout winter. Foliage is primarily scale like (adult) with some awl-shape (juvenile) needles. Foliage has a lacy appearance.

Senecio rowleyanus Common Name: String-of-Beads Normally used as a hanging specimen and as a curiosity plant; very durable houseplant, can be used as an informal room divider.

A creeping, perennial, succulent vine. Leaves are nearly globose, about 1/4" diameter, bright green with a narrow translucent band about 1/16" wide. Flowers are a small white head about 3/8" across, held above foliage.

Erythrina crista-galli Common Name: Cockspur Coral Tree A tropical-theme accent tree, used for its heavy flower display and irregular form; suitable for background screen/barrier plantings in large-scale landscapes.

A deciduous small tree that grows to 15-20+ feet tall and equal width with a somewhat crooked trunk that has a dark furrowed bark. The leaves are composed of 3 dark green leaflets, 3-6" long by 1-1/2" wide, that have curved thorns along the veins on the backside and on the petioles. The 2" long by 1" wide flowers, usually scarlet-red but sometimes pink, red-purple or with white markings, are borne singly or in groups of 2-3 in loose terminal racemes to 2 feet long from spring to summer.

Cercis canadensis 'Forest Pansy' Common Name: Forest Pansy Eastern Redbud An excellent small accent tree, valued for its interesting form, flowers, and foliage; good as a patio or small shade tree; suitable for rustic or temperate-climate landscape themes.

A deciduous, maroon-leaved, often multi-trunked understory tree with a rounded crown that typically matures to 20-30' tall. It is particularly noted for its stunning pea-like rose-purple flowers which bloom profusely on bare branches in early spring (March-April) before the foliage emerges.

Quercus lobata Common Name: Valley Oak A large accent or specimen tree valued for its picturesque branching form; a large shade tree, good for rustic, informal landscape.

A deciduous, spreading, picturesque tree that can grow to 70'. Native to California, this tree has deeply-lobed leaves with no bristles. The coloration is green with a little grey.

Chaenomeles speciosa Flowering Quince A barrier, hedge, background plant, sometimes espaliered, bonsai. Striking display of flowers in winter.

A dense, deciduous shrub with often-tangled, spiny, gray-brown twigs. It typically grows to 6-10' tall and as wide. Scarlet to red (less frequently pink or white) five-petaled flowers (to 2" diameter) bloom before the leaves fully unfold in an often showy early spring bloom (late March - April). Flowers are followed by hard, dot-speckled, edible, yellowish-green fruits that are rather bitter when eaten fresh from the shrub, but quite tasty in preserves and jellies. Finely-toothed, oval to oblong, glossy dark green leaves (to 3.5" long).

Simmondsia chinensis, Jojoba A medium to large filler, background or hedge material. Valued for its durability, dense growth and slope stabilizing.

A densely-branched, broadly rounded shrub, with stiff branches spreading upwards and outwards to form a full mounded shape. Young stems are green and minutely hairy. Leaves are pinnate, opposite, held in an upright position; oblong-oval, 1-2" long, leathery; pale green or greenish-yellow, sessile. Flowers are inconspicuous.

Rhaphiolepis indica 'Springtime' Common Name: Pink India Hawthorn Filler or mass planting, informal hedges, borders, fits into a wide variety of landscape situations.

A fairly dense, upright, vigorously growing woody shrub with rounded canopy. Leaves are pinnate, alternate or whorled, elliptic to obovate, 1-1/2" to 3" long, finely serrate margins, leathery, reddish new foliage. Flowers are terminal, narrow racemes, small pink, 5-petaled, regular symmetry, 1/2" diameter.

Ribes speciosum, Fuchsia-flowering Gooseberry An attractive loose filler or low screening material, valued for its heavy display of red flowers; good for shaded garden areas.

A fairly low mounding plant, with rather stiff slender branches arching outwards to develop an open fountain-like shape; older stems with prickly spines at the nodes. Leaves are palmate, alternate, round, slightly 3-lobed, 3/4"-1" wide; dark green and shiny above, paler beneath. Flowers are deep red, bell-shaped, 1/2-1" long, in drooping clusters that hang below the branches.

Cistus skanbergii Common Name: NCN (Rockrose) A useful low filler for Mediterranean climate gardens; its low, spreading form makes it a preferred rockrose for small scale plantings; blooms heavily for 6-8 weeks

A fairly low-growing rockrose; develops into a wide-spreading, loosely mounded plant; stems and foliage are minutely glandular-hairy Height 1-4' Spread 3-6' Growth Rate: moderate Leaves pinnate, opposite, narrowly elliptic with somewhat undulate margins; 1-1/2" long, dull green, somewhat folded at midrib (boat-shaped profile) Flowers pink, 5-petaled with an open shape and yellow center, 1" across, borne in open terminal clusters April-June Fruit: small capsule

Salvia microphylla Summer Red Sage A colorful low filler, useful for its long display of flowers and tolerance of both garden and natural conditions. Good on slopes, informal or sub-tropical theme gardens.

A fairly small shrub, with spreading upright stems forming a rounded, somewhat mounding shrub. Leaves are pinnate, opposite, on squarish stems, medium green, not shiny, ovate, 1/2"-1" long. Flowers are crimson-red, open funnel shaped, approximately 1" long, in loose terminal racemes.

Juniperus chinensis 'Torulosa' Common Name: Hollywood juniper, Twisted juniper A widely used conifer, prized in landscapes as a vertical accent for its picturesque, rugged, irregular form; suitable as a large container plant, background mass, or screen.

A fast growing large shrub or small tree that tops out around 15′ tall and 10′ wide. Its bluish-green color lends itself to many backgrounds. It has an interesting twisting habit with two to three leaders.

Melaleuca quinquenervia Common Name: Cajeput Tree Widely used as a vertical accent (flowers, loose form, white bark); also as street tree, patio tree, background clumps.

A fast-growing and hardy tree with a slender crown and a layered, peeling paper-like white bark somewhat resembling that of a birch tree. Melaleuca leaves are 10-15 cm long, evergreen, lanceolate, simple and short-stalked, parallel-veined, alternate in arrangement, and aromatic when crushed. The flowers are small and white, with multiple stamens, arranged in botllebrush-shaped clusters at the branch tips. The fruits are small, round woody capsules containing 200-300 seeds.

Grewia occidentalis Common Name: Lavender Starflower Background, screen, hedge, espalier, large informal mass.

A fast-growing, upright, sprawling plant. Open, loose structure with foliage arranged in a flattened pattern along the stems. Forms a natural espalier if unpruned. Leaves pinnate, alternate, oblong obovate, serrate margins, medium green. Flowers are 1/2" - 1" hibiscus shaped, solitary, small clusters with lavender petals and tiny yellow anthers.

Cupaniopsis anacardioides Common Name: Carrotwood, Tuckeroo A widely used accent tree for picturesque form and attractive foliage; commonly used as a street or lawn tree.

A great all-round evergreen tree, with flushes of bright glowing new growth through Spring and Summer. A medium sized tree ranging between 8-15m tall at maturity it forms a dense rounded shape and offers a lovely shade solution for gardens. Come Spring time, it bears greenish yellow flowers followed by orange fleshy aril berries contained in showy orange seed pods in Summer.

Senna didymobotrya Popcorn Plant A fast growing filler or background for late winter-spring flower display; good for dry and sunny locations, subtropical landscapes.

A hairy, aromatic shrub growing to 15', forming an upright to sprawling, loosely branched, rangy, irregular canopy. Leaves are pinnately compound, alternate, leafy stipules, 8-16 pairs of leaflets, oval, 1"-2" long. Mucronate apex dark green. Flowers are bright yellow, butterfly shaped, showy, and scented like popcorn.

Achillea taygetea 'Moonshine' Common Name: Dwarf Yarrow A small filler or facer for reliable bloom through the summer, easy care and drought tolerance make this a choice plant for most perennial borders and xeriscape areas.

A herbaceous perennial forms 18 to 24 inch wide clumps of finely dissected gray-green foliage. In late spring through summer the lemon yellow flower heads rise on straight stalks 18 to 24 inches above the foliage.

Tulbaghia violacea Common Name: Society Garlic A good small accent, rock garden subject or in mass planting - flowers nearly year-round.

A clump-forming perennial with narrow leaves and large clusters of fragrant, violet flowers. Leaves are linear, blue-green to 12" long - strong garlic odor to leaves and flowers. Flowers are umbels of lilac, tubular, star-shaped flowers to 1" long, 10-20 flowers per cluster.

Ribes viburnifolium, Evergreen Currant An excellent groundcover or low filler for dry shaded habitats. Good for use under oaks or other large trees where excessive watering is undesirable. Valued for dark green foliage and soil stabilization.

A highly variable, loosely constructed, open plant with slender stems erect to arching or even prostrate, forming a loose groundcover if mass planted. Leaves are pinnate, alternate, on reddish stems; oval to nearly round, rich dark green, leathery, 1"-1-1/2" long, with margins smooth to slightly toothed; fragrant when crushed. Flowers are rose-red, insignificant.

Pinus canariensis Common Name: Canary Island Pine a widely used vertical accent for its distinctive form and long needles; suitable for groves or street tree; preferable for large landscapes or around multi-story buildings

A large evergreen tree, growing to over 100' tall. Leaves are needles; very slender, long (9"-12"), with 3 per fascicle; light green to dark green. One of the most drought tolerant and fire-resistant of its species.

Callistemon citrinus Common Name: Lemon Bottlebrush Used as a screen, hedge, background or barrier; good as a small tree or espalier with pruning - good plant for quick effects.

A large evergreen upright tropical shrub that will grow to 10-15' tall in its native habitat. Leaves to 3" long, narrowly elliptical with prominent bony tip. Flowers spikes of small pinkish flowers with prominent crimson stamens 1-1/2" long - spikes to 6" long.

Umbellularia californica California Bay A widely used accent tree for its overall shape. Shade tree, lawn tree, background screen or mass-planting for large-scale landscapes.

A large hardwood tree native to coastal forests of California. Erect, mostly single-trunked, forming a dense pyramidal shrubby canopy when young, turning more open and rounded with age. Leave are pinnate, alternate, lanceolate-elliptic; 2"-6" long, strongly aromatic if crushed. Deep green, leathery. Flowers are yellowish-green, tiny 1/4", in mostly terminal panicles.

Lantana camara Common Name: Lantana (Tickberry) An excellent drought tolerant filler or hedge material that blooms virtually all year - good for informal groupings or formal style landscapes.

A large perennial shrub which can grow to 6' tall and form dense thickets in a variety of environments. Flowers are small and tubular shaped, each of which have four petals and are arranged in clusters in terminal areas stems. Flowers come in many different colors. Leaves are pinnate, opposite, ovate, dentate-crenate, 1-2" long, rough, glandular (rugose), aromatic. Fruit small black drupe, 1/8" diameter.

Gleditsia triacanthos inermis Common Name: Sunburst Honey Locust A fast-growing shade tree, valued for bright yellow-green foliage and light shade-producing canopy; good lawn tree; suitable for most landscape styles; rather invasive root system.

A large shade tree, maturing at about 60' tall by 40' wide, although it can get much larger when grown in open, favorable situations. Rapid growth rate, with bright, golden-green foliage. Pendulous male catkins and smaller female inflorescences are not particularly showy, and are often lost in the expanding foliage.

Calycanthus occidentalis Common Name: Spice Bush An excellent large filler or background shrub, useful for its bright green foliage and distinctive red-maroon flowers; good for mass-screening in moist locations receiving some shade; woodlands theme, casual-theme gardens.

A large, fairly rounded shrub; is rather dense and compact if grown in full sun, much looser and rangy in shaded location. Height 3' - 6'(12'), Spread equal or more. Leaves are pinnate, opposite, ovate-lanceolate, bright green; 2"-6" long, aromatic if crushed. Flowers are reddish-brown or maroon, solitary, 2"-3" across; resembles water lilies in shape; April - September.

Berberis nevinii, Nevin's Barberry An excellent large background mass or barrier plant, valued for its interesting foliage and profuse yellow flowers; well suited for erosion control.

A large, loosely branched plant, with ascending and arching branches forming a rounded-mounding canopy; the branches are slender, cane-like, stiff, tending to arise in clumping fashion from the base. Leaves are odd-pinnately compound, alternate, with 3-5 stiff leathery leaflets; the leaflets are bluish-green, lanceolate, very spiny-toothed, 1-3' long. Flowers are yellow, in loose terminal and auxillary racemes, bisexual.

Keckiella cordifolia Common Name: Heart-leaved penstemon, Heart -leaved keckiella An excellent mid-sized to large-sized filler for shaded slope plant ings - the arching branches hang over retaining walls and provide excellent flower display

A loosely-constructed mounding shrub, with slender branches arching outward to form a broad rounded canopy Height: 4' - 6' Spread: 8' - 10' Growth Rate: rapid Leaves pinnate, opposite, distinctly ovate-cordate; bright shiny green, 1"-2" long, with toothed margins Flowers: bright red, tubular, strongly 2-lipped, 1"-1 1/2" long; borne in clusters mostly at the ends of the stems Fruit: a small papery capsule

Dudleya hassei, Live-forever An excellent low facer, valued for its distinct form and foliage characteristics; may be used as a container plant; rock gardens.

A low, many-branched succulent sub-shrub with fleshy leaves arising in rosette fashion from stubby stems to form a low, rounded clump; older plants spread slowly. Leaves are distinctly fleshy, linear-lanceolate, 2-5" long, pale green, usually 15-30 arising in rosette fashion.

Chilopsis linearis Common Name: Desert Willow A dramatic, small accent tree for its picturesque form and summer flower display; filtered shade, silhouette; if left unpruned, can be used as background mass or screen; best for informal landscapes.

A large, native, deciduous shrub or small (15' or so) small tree. Its willow- like, long, narrow leaves and growth along desert washes give it its name. Leaves are pinnate, alternate-whorled, linear; 2"-5" long, rather bright green, turning brown in fall-winter. Flowers lavender-pink, funnel-shaped flowers in showy racemes; corolla is bilabiate, with purple lines and markings; 1 1/2"-2" long; May-Aug. Fruit is a long, cylindrical capsule (3"-6") with flattened seeds.

Calylophus hartwegii Common Name: Sun drops A groundcover used in very dry areas with excellent drainage; often used in desert landscapes, dry slopes, mixed with cactus or succulents.

A long blooming wildflower from the western Great Plains that withstands heat, drought and rugged growing conditions. A low, spreading perennial with fine textured foliage and bright yellow flowers; spreads by rhizomes.

Agapanthus orientalis Common Name: Lily of the Nile Used as a low filler - foliage, flowers, in a wide variety of landscapes; massed plantings, informal borders.

A loose, clumping habit of strap-shaped, bright green leaves which arise from a fleshy, basal stem. Height 1.5' - 3', Spread 1' - 4'. Leaves are strap-like, fleshy, bright green, arching upward and outward, 1-3' long, blunt tipped. Flowers are spectacular blue/white, funnel shaped, 1-2' long, on 2-4' long umbel stalks - late spring, summer.

Keckiella antirrhinoides Common Name: Yellow penstemon An attractive large-sized filler, valued for its heavy flower display and drought tolerance; several planted together form a loose open screen; well-adapted to slope plantings

A loosely-branched shrub, with ascending primary stems and secondary branching forming an open, somewhat irregular canopy; older plants become mounded and wide-spreading Height: 4' - 6' (8') Spread: equal or more Growth Rate: slow-mod. Leaves pinnate, opposite, narrowly elliptical, 1/2"-1" long; bright green, with entire margins Flowers: bright lemon-yellow, trumpet-shaped, with flaring 2-lipped corolla; 1/2"-3/4" long, borne in showy panicles; April - June Fruit: a small papery capsule

Encelia farinosa, Brittle Bush An excellent low filler for its silvery white foliage and showy display of yellow spring flowers. Dry, rocky slope plantings, garden planter spaces, desert and dry themes.

A low mounding plant in its natural habitat; is drought-deciduous in dry zones. Leaves are palmate, 3-veined, alternate, ovate with slightly wavy margins; gray or silvery white in native habitats, greener when in wet or shade. Flowers are yellow, sunflower-shaped.

Eriogonum fasciculatum ssp. fasciculatum Common Name: California Buckwheat An excellent quick filler or facer, for its loose open form and fine textured foliage; one of the best shrubs for erosion control on slopes; blooms nearly all year; is a short-lived plant.

A low mounding-habit plant, with many slender, erect to nearly prostrate stems; forms a loose open canopy with age. Height 1' - 3' (5') . Spread: equal or more. Leaves are pinnate, whorled in tiny branchlets, linear-narrowly elliptic; 1/2" - 3/4" long, green above, silver-gray beneath. Flowers pinkish-white, tiny (1/4" across), crowded at the end of the branches, in dense compound umbels on 3"-6" stalks; spring-summer, intermittent throughout the year.

Eremophila maculata Common Name: Spotted Emu Bush Appreciated as a brightly flowering drought-tolerant shrub with a long blooming season, unique flower form and color. Foliage is dense enough to make a good filler or facer.

A low spreading shrub, which usually grows to less than 8' tall. Leaves are narrowly elliptic to oblanceolate, to 1-1/4" long, tips pointed. Flowers are tubular to 1" long. The flower color often varies even within a single population and may be pink, mauve, red, orange or yellow, often spotted on the inside.

Arctostaphylos edmundsii, Little Sur Manzanita An excellent facer or low filler, prized for its profuse blooming, attractive foliage and dense growth habit; can be sheared for formal borders; large scale ground cover

A low, compact, densely rounded plant, forming a mounding ground-hugging canopy; the prostrate branches tend to take root in contact with the soil. Leaves are pinnate, alternate, broadly oval to roundish, to 1" long; bright green on both surfaces, with margins often reddish; young foliage has bronze cast. Flowers are pinkish white, urn-shaped, in terminal clusters.

Cistus purpureus Common Name: Orchid rockrose A highly valued filler for hot dry landscapes, producing a profusion of flowers; excellent in mass-plantings on slopes, raised planters, etc. where tolerance of heat is needed

A low, fairly wide-spreading plant, with many slender stems forming a loosely rounded shape when young - becomes more dense and mounded with age Height 2-3' (4') Spread: equal or more Growth Rate: moderate Leaves pinnate, opposite (on thin stems), narrowly elliptic-oblong; rather boat-shaped, dark green above, paler beneath, with wavy margins Flowers: rose-orchid to lavender, large and showy, with 5 papery petals - each having a deep red-maroon spot at the base, numerous stamens Fruit: a small papery capsule

Lobelia laxiflora Common Name: Mexican Lobelia A low filler/facer in shaded habitats. Flower display, loose form of plant.

A low, loose, spreading groundcover, erect, slender stems arising from ground forming a dense cushion shape with flowers held well above foliage. Leaves are pinnate, alternate, narrowly elliptic; 4"-8" long, coarsely serrate, shiny, bright green. Flowers are flame red, tubular, bilaterally symmetrical.

Ceanothus griseus horizontalis 'Yankee Point', Carmel Creeper Wide, spreading facer, low filler for dark green foliage, blue flowers. Slope plantings, raised planters, large scale groundcover.

A low, mounding, wide spreading shrub with greenish stems that arch outwards. Forms dense, irregular mound with stems ribbed near tip. Leaves are pinnate, alternate, oval, 1-2" long, dark green, glossy above, paler, dull green beneath, serrate, deeply furrowed, 3 veined. Flowers are tiny, light blue, in oval panicle clusters, mostly terminal.

Heuchera 'Wendy' Common Name: Coral Bells An excellent facer or low border plant, valued for its flower display and round foliage; good in rock gardens, on shaded slopes, under trees; container plant; good for use with bulbs, ferns for forest-theme. Plant is a hybrid of H. maxima & H. sanguinea, with overall size and flower color intermediate between parents

A low, open mounding clump, with geranium-like leaves arising from a subterranean basal stem; Height: 9" - 18" Spread: 1' - 2' Growth Rate: slow Leaves palmate, arising in clump fashion, with oval-round blades having crenate margins; 2"-3" across; petiole slightly hairy, slender 6-15" long Flowers: pink, slender, bell-shaped, on wiry tall racemes 12" - 24" long; February - May ; Fruit: a capsule; tiny, roundish

Senecio mandraliscae Common Name: Blue Chalk Sticks A very striking groundcover or border, valued for its blue-gray foliage and open growth habit. Best in warm, subtropical theme gardens and containers.

A low, somewhat shrubby plant with succulent leaves and branches spreading outward with upright tips to form a loose, open groundcover. Leaves are cylindrical, blue-gray, fleshy, alternate or whorled, 3-4" long. Leaves taper to a wedge-like point. Flowers are creamy white, small heads with disk flowers only, held well above foliage.

Arctostaphylos 'Pacific Mist', Pacific Mist Manzanita A durable facer or low filler, distinctive in its loose growth habit; suitable as a large-scale ground cover in both full sun and partial shade environments.

A low-growing woody shrub with unusual twisting branches; forms a rather open, loose mound with age. Leaves are pinnate, alternate, elliptic, with a rather narrow apex; grey-green, 1-2" long, not very glossy. Flowers are inconspicuous, white, urn-shaped, in small clusters.

Agave shawii, Shaw's Agave An excellent small accent shrub, used for its distinctive dark green foliage and overall form; container plant, rock gardens, tropical or desert theme; low, informal boundary plantings.

A low-growing, clumping succulent with distinctive stiff, fleshy, dark green leaves crowded in rosette patterns on short stems. Leaves are dark green, stiff, glossy, concave upper surface; 10-20" long with red hooked prickles on the margins and terminal spine. Flowers are yellow, produced on spectacular flower stalk 3-8' tall.

Iva hayesiana, Hayes Iva An excellent groundcover for erosion control on banks and hillsides, for large-scale sites where soil pH and texture is a problem; can be pruned into a small border planting.

A low-growing, loosely branching plant, with soft woody stems sprawling or decumbent, to form a low mound or cushion; prostrate stems will root when in contact with soil. Leaves are pinnate, alternate-opposite, leathery, linear or oblong; dull green, 1-2" long, prominently 1-3 nerved on lower surface, hairy on both surfaces. Flowers are inconspicuous.

Salvia sonomensis 'Dara's Choice', Creeping Sage An excellent low filler or facer in rock garden or casual plantings for blue colored flowers.

A low-growing, nearly prostrate plant, with rather densely set foliage and stems forming a low mound. Leaves are pinnate, opposite on squarish stems, dark green, 2-3" long, oblong-oval, aromatic. Flowers are deep blue-purple, in erect spikes which arise 9-18" above the plant; bilabiate, in clusters on the spike.

Salvia mellifera 'Terra Seca' Common Name: Black Sage, Green Sage A very drought-tolerant low filler or large-scale ground-cover for sunny slopes, good for dry locations in mostly frost-free coastal areas; good for 'quick effects' in the garden, and for erosion control on steep slopes

A low-growing, sprawling plant, with thin arching and spreading stems forming a loose cushiony mound Height: 1' - 2' Spread 5' - 8' Growth Rate: mod-rapid Leaves pinnate, opposite (on squarish stems), oval-elliptic or oblong; pungent, fairly shiny, green above, paler beneath, 1"-2" long, with somewhat crenate margins, blades somewhat glandular Flowers pale blue-white, in round clusters on terminal spikes; March - May Fruit tiny nutlets

Calliandra eriophylla Common Name: Fairy duster An excellent low filler or facer for dry rock gardens, desert-theme sites or warm Mediterranean-theme gardens; provides visual contrast to cacti and succulents

A low-growing, widely spreading shrub, with open irregular branching, forming a loosely mounded habit; branchlets are thornless Height: 1' - 3' Spread: 3' - 6' Growth Rate: slow Leaves bipinnately compound, alternate, intricately divided into 2-4 pairs of pinnae with 5-10 pairs of oblong leaflets; overall size 1-1/2"-2" Flowers: rose-pink to scarlet, with many stamens in rounded clusters; April-May, intermittent through fall Fruit: a small flattened pod - 2" long

Rosmarinus officinalis 'Prostratus' Dwarf Rosemary An informal groundcover, good on banks and cascading over walls. Good in rustic settings, attracts bees.

A low-spreading, evergreen shrub or groundcover. Its leaves are green, leathery and very aromatic. Reaching 3' high and 4-8' in its spread. An uneven, sprawling, somewhat shrubby type of growth; rustic looking and irregular with age. Leaves are narrow, aromatic, glossy, dark green above, greyish green below on square stems. Flowers are small, light, lavender blue, 1/4"-1/2".

Dendromecon harfordii, Island Bush Poppy A spectacular large accent shrub or filler for its heavy display of yellow flowers; massed background plantings or low screens; slope plantings.

A medium to large-sized shrub with upright and spreading branches forming a full mounded canopy. Leaves are pinnate, alternate, elliptic or oval; distinctly greyish-green, leathery, 1-2" long, with a pointed apex. Flowers are bright Sulphur yellow, solitary, 1-2" diameter, 4-petaled.

Ulmus parvifolia Common Name: Chinese Elm A very fast-growing tree, large street tree, lawns; can become a beautiful accent tree for its form with careful pruning; shallow roots.

A medium-sized deciduous tree that typically grows to 40-50' tall with a rounded crown and long pendulous branching. Leaves are pinnate, alternate, ovate-elliptic, 3/4"-2-1/2" long, nearly equal at base, serrate-crenate; blades are firm, glossy green. Flowers are inconspicuous.

Ceanothus 'Concha' Common Name: Concha Ceanothus A large filler or accent shrub, valued for its heavy flower display. Loose background mass or screening. Slopes.

A medium-sized shrub with fairly dense branching structure. Leaves are pinnate, alternate, oval-elliptic, rich dark glossy green above, paler green beneath; margins are minutely toothed; leaf blades are deeply furrowed, with 'wrinkled' appearance. Flowers are dark blue, very showy, in dense, rounded clusters at the end of branchlets.

Arctostaphylos densiflora 'Howard McMinn' Howard McMinn Manzanita A spreading low shrub, excellent for slopes, mixed with other drought tolerant shrubs.

A medium-sized, evergreen mounding shrub, 7 to 10' tall by as wide with a densely-branched structure - can be kept smaller by pruning. It has beautiful smooth dark red bark and narrow 3/4 to 1-1/2" long shiny green leaves, narrowly elliptical alternate on reddish brown stems. From late winter into spring appear intensely-showy clusters of bell-shaped, pinkish white flower clusters.

Lyonothamnus floribundus v. asplenifolius Common Name: Catalina ironwood An accent tree for its distinctive foliage and heavy flower display; a large informal screen or massed background; groves, slope plantings

An erect, single or multi-trunked tree, with conspicuous bark peeling off in long ribbony strips; ascending-spreading branches form a fairly dense irregularly oval canopy; outermost branches tend to droop Height: 15' - 30'(50') Spread: 2/3 to equal Growth Rate: slow-mod. Leaves odd-pinnately compound, opposite, 5" - 10" (12") long; 3-7 leaflets, each oval-oblong, with crenate-undulate margins; dark green above, paler green beneath Flowers: white, 5-petaled, small (1/8"-1/4" across); in large showy ompound panicles, terminal; April-June Fruit: small woody, hairy follicles, 1/8" across

Schinus molle Common Name: California pepper A large-scale shade tree; widely used as a big accent tree for its spreading form, rugged branch structure, and light green foliage; best for informal landscapes where the messiness is not a problem

An erect, single or multi-trunked tree, with heavy scaffold branches and outer drooping branchlets forming a large, loose, rounded canopy; the bark is light brown, rough; plant becomes massive with age Height 25-40' (50') Spread equal or more Growth Rate: rapid Leaves odd-pinnately compound, alternate, 10-18" long; of numerous lanceolate leaflets, each 1-2 1/2" long, with serrate margins; leaves have sap Flowers dioecious; tiny white 5-petaled flowers; 10 stamens per flower; late spring Fruit: a drupe; rose-colored, 1/8" diameter, in clusters

Beaucarnea recurvata Common Name: Bottle Palm Striking accent tree for dramatic and unusual form. Excellent container plant. Useful for Spanish/Mediterranean/Modern landscapes.

An erect, single-trunked palm-like plant. Develops a slender trunk with an unusual swollen base.

Cleome isomeris (Peridot arborea) Common Name: Bladderpod Makes an attractive low to medium filler in desert or Mediterranean theme gardens - useful for its loose open form and colorful yellow flowers; can mass together as an informal hedge or low screen.

An evergreen (glaucous) shrub, 4 ft. high, native to southern California and a versatile shrub for harsh areas. A distinctive plant with unusual yellow flowers and cool fruits that when dry, resemble a paper lantern that rattles (the seeds inside the dried fruit rattle around).

Cedrus atlantica 'Glauca' Common Name: Blue Atlas Cedar A dramatic accent tree, valued for its distinctive silvery foliage and irregular shape; excellent bonsai or container plant; suitable for temperate-climate woodlands or alpine-theme gardens, oriental-theme landscapes

An evergreen conifer that grows over time to 40-60' tall. Silvery-blue needles (to 1" long) are curved toward the tip and appear in tufted clusters. Young shoots are downy. Cylindrical cones (to 3" long).

Sedum dendroideum v. praealtum Mexican Bush Sedum A low filler or border plant, valued for its fleshy light yellow-green foliage and display of flowers in late winter to early spring. Good for rock gardens, container plant, tropical or desert themes.

An upright to sprawling succulent plant with fleshy, loosely branching stems forming a mostly open, irregular clump. Older stems are whitish-green, smooth. Leaves are fleshy, pinnate, alternate or somewhat whorled at tips of branches. Flowers are bright yellow in showy, terminal clusters.

Eriobotrya deflexa Common Name: Bronze Loquat A small accent tree, valued for its large, attractive foliage and wide-spreading form; espaliers, container plant; informal hedges

An upright, mostly multi-trunked tree, with low, dense branching pattern forming a rounded or flat-topped canopy; very shrubby if left unpruned Height: 10-20' (25') Spread: equal or more Growth Rate: rapid Leaves pinnate, alternate, elliptic-oval; serrate-dentate, 4-10" long; young foliage is copper red; Flowers: white, in 5-10" long terminal panicles; spring Fruit: usually none; if present, an oval yellow drupe 3/4-1" long

Thevetia peruviana Common Name: Yellow Oleander an excellent small accent tree valued for its yellow flowers and multi-trunked form; suitable for patios, or as a large container plant; can be used as a loose background screen if left unpruned

An upright, open shrub or small tree with lance-shaped, glossy, bright green leaves. Produces clusters of scented apricot-yellow, funnel-shaped flowers, followed by triangular-ovoid, red, later black seed pods. Poisonous.

Cupressus glabra Common Name: Arizona Cypress Windscreens; large vertical background or slope plantings; is generally too large for small residential landscapes; suitable for rustic or water-conserving landscapes.

•Evergreen tree, dense, columnar with age, usually 20-40' tall, sometimes less than 2' wide but widens with age. Outer bark continually flakes away, revealing the very attractive smooth, cherry-red inner bark. Leaves are scale-like, 3 or 4 angled in cross-section, 2-3 mm long, sharply acuminate, keeled, highly glaucous giving the foliage a blue-green cast, they are usually conspicuously dotted with tiny white flecks which are pitlike, resin glands.

Arbutus unedo Strawberry Tree A small accent tree interesting for its picturesque twisting form, distinctive flowers and ornamental fruit; container plant, patio, several together make background screen. Edible berry.

An upright, spreading, shrubby and densely branched plant. The branches have a deep, red bark. Leaves are pinnate, alternate, elliptic-oval or obovate; strongly serrate, with a long, acute apex; dark green, leathery, 2"-4" long.

Hemerocallis species Common Name: Daylily Used in borders, mass plantings, in beds or on banks; good in rock gardens, near pools, garden streams; very versatile and useful perennial.

Clumping plants with arching, soft, swordlike leaves to 3' long, 3/4" wide; folded at midrib; light to medium green. Flowers are large lily-like flowers to 6" across; colors from yellow to orange to red, peach salmon; blooms throughout warm season. Fruit some varieties have large, fleshy capsules.

Echinocactus grusonii Common Name: Golden Barrel Cactus Containers, desert landscapes, mixed succulent beds, rustic gardens, dry slopes.

Cylindrical succulent cactus with thick longitudinal ribs topped by golden curved spines. No leaves. Flowers are bright, golden yellow.

Nerium oleander Common Name: Oleander A large filler for flowering in hot, sunny areas - background screens, low windbreaks, can be trained into small tree, large, informal hedge, slope plantings, good source of summer color

An upright, rounded evergreen sub-tropical to tropical shrub that is valued for its abundant, fragrant, summer to fall flowers. Purple, pink or white five-petaled funnel-shaped flowers in clusters (terminal cymes). Narrow, willow-like, linear-lanceolate, glossy dark green leaves (to 5" long) have distinctive midribs. All parts of this plant are poisonous if ingested. Plant saps can cause allergic skin reactions in some people. Smoke from burning plant material can also be quite toxic.

Artemisia absinthium, Common Wormwood superb for gray foliage, often used as a filler behind blue flowering annuals, delphiniums or iris; a common staple for gray-foliage gardens

dense, rounded, semi-woody perennial, with fine, silvery foliage and a graceful form; long-lived in well-drained soils. Leaves pinnatifid, finely divided with silky white surfaces; lacy and delicate in appearance Flowers tiny yellow heads to 1/8" across in terminal panicles; become unsightly when mature and are usually removed Fruit tiny achenes

Santolina chamaecyparissus Common Name: Lavender cotton excellent facer or small area ground cover for its distinctive gray foliage, rock gardens, container plant; may be pruned into small formal borders

densely branched, erect, rounded form - tends to spread and become more open if unpruned - can grow as a groundcover or very low shrub Height 1-2' Spread 2-4' Growth Rate slow - moderate Leaves pinnatifid-pinnate, alternate, oblong, silvery gray, minutely tomentose, aromatic Flowers yellow heads, no rays, 1/2-3/4" diameter, on 6-10" stalks; May-July Fruit tiny achene

Fremontodendron 'San Gabriel' Common Name: Flannel bush A highly prized large accent shrub/small tree for its heavy display of yellow flowers in spring (needs some pruning for best shape); if left alone, is a good screening or background mass; dry woodlands, Mediterranean or subtropical themes

An upright, single or multi-trunked plant with stiff branches ascending and spreading in a distinctive angular pattern to form a pyramidal canopy in youth; older plants tend to become broadly rounded Height: 15' - 20' (25') Spread: equal or more Growth Rate: rapid Leaves palmate, alternate, with 3-5 (7) lobes which are more conspicuous than the species; oval to nearly round, covered with tan fuzzy hairs Flowers: bright yellow on upper surface of petals, orange on lower surface 5-parted, solitary; 2-3" across; March - June Fruit: a capsule: 5-valved, densely hairy, 1"-2" long

Leucophyllum frutescens Common Name: Texas ranger excellent filler/hedge material for dry, hot areas where silver gray foliage color is desired; needs summer heat for good flower production -- slope plantings

erect, densely branched shrub, forms a full, oval to rounded canopy with silvery foliage Leaves pinnate, alternate/opposite, elliptic-oval, distinctly silvery gray on both surfaces, 1/2-1" long, young stems also gray Flowers purple/lavender, bell-shaped, 1" across, solitary, axillary--June through August Fruit small, 1/4" capsule

Ceanothus 'Frosty Blue' Common Name: Frosty Blue ceanothus excellent large filler/background for glossy, dark green foliage and flower display - slopes - formal/informal screens - can be pruned into small tree - shortlived, 10-15 yrs.

erect, stiff branches, forms a dense, pyramidal to rounded canopy Height 5-10' (12') Spread 8-10' Growth Rate mod-rapid. Leaves pinnate, opposite to mostly alternate, oval/broadly elliptic/ovate, 1/2-3/4" long, finely serrate margins, dark shiny green Flowers deep blue, tiny, dense racemes, mostly terminal, March-April sometimes earlier Fruit tiny capsule

Eschscholzia californica Common Name: California poppy good on banks, sunny hillsides, dry open areas, country gardens and mixed borders - not usually used in close-up garden situations

free-branching clump of upright lacy gray foliage, somewhat spreading as it ages; bloom colors range from yellow to orange and into pink tones Height to 2' Spread to 2' Growth Rate moderate Leaves finely dissected, glaucous leaves more or less pinnatifid, to 3" long, 3" wide Flowers orange, red, white to 3" across seed Fruit long, narrow capsule to 4" long

Casuarina equisetifolia Common Name: Horsetail beefwood, She-Oak An excellent, durable tree for use as windscreens, background mass, or erosion control on slopes; has a shallow root system; is a messy tree, thus not very suitable for small-area landscape; a fine plant for water-conserving landscapes

An upright, single-trunked plant, with ascending-spreading branches, forming a pyramidal canopy which becomes more irregular with age; the overall appearance resembles that of a pine from a distance Height 25'-40' (60') Spread 1/3 -2/3 Growth Rate: rapid Leaves virtually absent; the needlelike "leaves" are actually small, slender, jointed green branchlets, 4"-10" long Flowers: unisexual, inconspicuous, in tiny greenish-brown spikes at the ends of the branchlets; summer-fall Fruit a tiny, cone-like nut

Iris x germanica Common Name: Bearded Iris Widely used in borders, mass plantings, size will dictate their location and use in the garden. Used extensively on slopes, beds, borders, background plantings and drought-tolerant landscapes.

An upright, stiff clump of wide, grasslike foliage that eventually becomes very large and dense. Leaves are swordlike to 3' long, 3" wide, pale green to blue-green color; usually very stiff and rigid. Flowers are large, showy, solitary to 4" across, and have a "beard" of small hairs, wide color range.

Pittosporum tobira 'Wheeler's Dwarf' Common Name: Dwarf mock orange excellent facer or low filler for dense, mounded shape rock gardens, borders, small landscapes

low, dense mounded shrub; stiffly branched, usually forms a cushion shape: much wider than tall. Leaves pinnate, alternate-whorled, obovate-oval, bright green, 1-2" long Flowers small, yellow white tubular flowers in terminal panicles- very fragrant; not often seen if sheared Fruit small 5-valved capsule -- fairly rare

Acokanthera oppositifolia Common Name: Bushman's poison Excellent filler, hedge, good for dense form, attractive foliage - can be espaliered - attractive in tropical or subtropical landscapes, good barrier

An upright, stiffly branched shrub. Forms a dense, rounded to oval canopy, with stiff spiny foliage Height 3-6' Spread 3-6' Growth Rate: slow Leaves pinnate, opposite, elliptic-ovate, 3-4" long, nearly 2" wide, dark green, some purplish tinge, leathery Flowers: small, whitish-pink star shaped flowers in axillary clusters - very fragrant Fruit: oval, blackish berry, 1" long, VERY POISONOUS

Dymondia margaretae Common Name: Dymondia low groundcover, works well between stepping stones, in rock gardens, in miniature landscapes

low, spreading plant forming rosettes of gazania-like foliage in a dense mat; creates a very dense effect which crowds out weeds and tolerates light foot traffic Height 2-3" Spread 1-2' Growth Rate slow to moderate Leaves narrow, linear leaves olive-green above, silvery white beneath, to 2" long, 1/8" wide Flowers 1" to 1-1/2" wide, yellow daisy flowers found half-buried in foliage; blooms in warm season Fruit inconspicuous achene

Drosanthemum floribundum Common Name: Rosea iceplant excellent groundcover for steep slopes used for cascading effects over walls, for flower color, in rock gardens, Mediterranean landscapes, good seaside plant

low, spreading, trailing plant with rooting stems - prostrate habit fine textured foliage with glistening dots on leaves Height to 6" Spread 6-8' Growth Rate rapid Leaves 3-sided, succulent to 3/4" long, closely set on stems - covered with sparkling dots - gives a dew-sprinkled appearance Flowers late spring or early summer - pale pink 3/4" wide - densely covers area Fruit small capsule

Tecoma stans Common Name: Yellow Bells Use as a substitute for Bougainvillea. A large background mass or screening material. With selective pruning and staking, the plant can be trained into a small tree for its heavy flower display.

An upright, vigorously growing shrub, with ascending slender branches forming an open, oval-rounded canopy if unpruned. Can be trained into tree-form. Leaves are pinnately compound, opposite, with 5-13 lanceolate-elliptic leaflets. Leaflets are dark green, 2"-4" long with toothed margins. Flowers are bright yellow, trumpet-shaped, 1-1/2" - 2" long, in large, showy clusters at the ends of the branches.

Sambucus mexicana Common Name: Elderberry A large accent shrub or small tree used for its profuse flower display; large informal background mass; slope plantings, erosion control; blooms and retains foliage longer with supplemental watering

A multi-trunked, many-branched plant, with ascending and spreading branches forming a full rounded canopy; outermost branches tend to be somewhat pendulous; plant undergoes late summer dormancy in dry locations Height: 8' - 15' (25') Spread: equal Growth Rate rapid Leaves odd-pinnately compound, opposite, 8" -12" long; leaflets ovate to oblong-lanceolate, mostly 3-5, 2"-5" long, bright green; margins finely serrated Flowers: pale yellow, 5-petaled, tiny (1/4" diameter), in rather flattened, mostly terminal cymes, 3" -6" across; May - September Fruit: a berry; blue-black, 1/4" across; edible

Cercis occidentalis, Western Redbud An excellent small accent tree prized for interesting form, heavy flower display and round foliage. Leaves turn yellow in the Fall. Patio tree, slopes.

A picturesque multi-trunked tree with many slender ascending whitish-gray branches forming a vase-shaped or rounded canopy; younger plants are shrublike' older plants are more erect and tree-like. Leaves are palmate, alternate, round-cordate, bright green, 2-3" in diameter on 3-6" petioles. Flowers are brilliant pink, sweet-pea shaped, in small axillary clusters along most of the branches.

Baccharis pilularis 'Twin Peaks #2' Common Name: Dwarf coyote brush One of the best plants to use as a large-scale ground cover on slopes or open sites with poor soils; facer or low filler in smaller garden sites - useful for foliage textural contrast

A prostrate or low mounding shrub, forming a loose cushiony ground cover habit of growth Height: 1' - 3' Spread: 4' - 6' Growth Rate: moderate Leaves pinnate, alternate, tiny (1/4" -1/2" long), ovalobovate; margins irregularly 2-4 toothed; medium green both surfaces Flowers: inconspicuous Fruit: none (cultivar is a male plant)

Myoporum parvifolium Common Name: Prostrate Myoporum A good dense groundcover on gradual slopes or level ground; good in large plantings, low traffic areas and in informal landscapes.

A prostrate, spreading shrub sometimes forming a mat 10' in diameter. Its leaves are fleshy and glabrous, usually 0.7-2" long and egg-shaped with the narrower end towards the base. They are arranged alternately, sometimes have a few serrations on the margins near the leaf tip and sometimes have raised, wart-like tubercles on their surface. Flowers white flowers 1/2" wide, star shaped in summer. Fruit small purple drupe>

Salvia leucantha Common Name: Mexican Bush Sage A good low filler plant for quick effects; a profusely blooming shrub; informal borders, massed plantings on slopes.

A quick growing shrub that can reach 3-5', and spreads outward at the base from its rootstock. It has young upright stems covered with woolly white hairs. Leaves are pinnate, alternate, narrowly lanceolate or elliptic, 2"-4" long; grayish-green, with furrowed upper surface; margins slightly serrate. Flowers lavender or purple, on interrupted spikes; the 12" - 18" spikes are borne on the ends of the stems.

Tecoma capensis Common Name: Cape Honeysuckle A vine or espalier for winter flower display; large back-ground mass, large scale erosion control on slopes; can be sheared into hedges or small screens; invasive grower in small areas

A rambling shrub that will grow to 20' with support or can be pruned into an upright shrub that is 8' tall with branches that root where they touch the ground. The shiny leaves are divided into 5-7 toothed and pointed leaflets, similar to a rose leaf. Orange-red long tubular flowers bloom in clusters during the fall and winter.

Echium fastuosum Common Name: Pride of Madeira A large filler or accent plant; can be used at the back of herbaceous perennial borders; effective accent plant in raised beds mixed with native plants.

A rapidly growing evergreen subshrub, 4 to 6' or more tall by as wide with long, gray-green leaves held at the ends of the branches. Rising above the foliage in spring on into the summer are the large 20" flower stalks bearing small bluish-purple flowers with reddish stamens.

Rhoicissus capensis Common Name: Evergreen grape vine for foliage color, arbors, overhead screen, fence cover, espalier excellent for covering unwanted views

A rapidly growing evergreen vine. The tendrils at each node are positioned opposite the leaves, which emerge reddish then turn a light green. The foliage matures to large deeply lobed leaves with curly edges that show off the rusty undersides and the older leaves often turn a reddish color prior to dropping off. The stems are also rusty hairy and combine well with light green foliage. The fruit, an edible shiny dark berry, is formed in clusters.

Chitalpa x tashkentensis Common Name: Chitalpa an excellent small to medium-sized accent tree, valued for its heavy flower display, lush 'tropical' appearance and drought tolerance; patio tree or slope tree; can be used as large background mass-screen if unpruned

A rapidly-growing deciduous tree, branching readily near its base with ascending branches that form a dense broad oval crown growing 20-25' tall. Leaves pinnate, opposite or whorled, elliptic-lanceolate; bright green, 3"-5" long Flowers light pink to white, trumpet-shaped, with ruffled edges to the corolla; throat of corolla purple-striped.

Dietes bicolor Common Name: Yellow fortnight lily excellent accent shrub-form, narrow foliage, yellow flowers - filler in clumps, scattered groupings

A rhizomatous evergreen perennial that comes from South Africa, and is often commonly called African iris. It produces fan-shaped clumps of iris-like, narrow, sword-shaped, basal, evergreen leaves. Flowers appear on branched stalks. Leaves are grasslike, 2-4' long, 3/4" wide, medium green, long, narrow pointed tips, forming fan-like clusters. Flowers are pale yellow with maroon blotches, 1-1/2" to 2" wide, iris-shaped, 3-4' tall narrow stalks, spring - intermittent. This species does not produce fruit.

Dietes vegeta Common Name: Fortnight Lily A small accent; used for form, foliage, flowers filler in clumps, and scattered groupings.

A rhizomatous, clumping plant. Leaves are narrow, grass-like, parallel-veined, stiff, 2-3' long, to 1" wide, with pointed tips. Flowers are white, iris-shaped, 3-4' slender stalks, 2" diameter, blue/ yellow centers - spring through fall, every 2-3 weeks. These flowers last only one day. The seedpods of the plant often bend the stalks down to the ground where they have a better chance of propagating a new generation of plants. Fruit is a 1-1/2 to 2" long, tan capsule.

Agave parryi Common Name: Parry's Agave An excellent succulent for low and high desert plantings, valued for easy propagation, cold hardiness and wide ranging soil tolerance; used for form and foliage, in containers and in mass plantings

A rosette-forming perennial succulent that is most noted for its attractive blue-gray evergreen leaves, but is also noted for its infrequent but spectacular flowering spikes. The terminal spine is normally darker and larger than the rest.

Dasylirion wheeleri Common Name: Desert Spoon Used in desert landscapes as a secondary accent for its dramatic form and fine leaf texture. Good for greyish color and tolerance of extreme heat, drought and poor soils.

A rounded clump of narrow, twisting, spine-edged, blue-gray leaves that are 1" wide and up to 45" long. Flowers are tall spikes of creamy white up to 10ft.

Bauhinia galpinii Common Name: Red Bauhinia An excellent espalier, climbing vine or sprawling shrub - used for unusual leaf shape, flowers and form; excellent summer bloomer in subtropical landscapes.

A semi-deciduous, sprawling, wide-spreading shrub to 10' tall by 15' wide with deeply-lobed heart-shaped dark green leaves and bright brick-red or salmon-colored blooms appearing in the late summer through early winter.

Festuca ovina 'Glauca' Common Name: Blue Fescue A small area groundcover, border plant, good for rock gardens, oriental landscapes, facer plant - good source of gray color in the landscape.

A short-lived, low-growing, semi-evergreen, clump-forming ornamental grass noted for its glaucous, finely-textured, wiry, blue-gray foliage. Flowers are not very showy.

Caesalpinia gilliesii Common Name: Bird of paradise Bush An accent plant for sub-tropical landscapes - good silhouette shrub or small tree - meant to be loose and open

A shrub/small tree, upright and open, with a fine, filmy foliage canopy - open, angular branch structure - deciduous in cold climates Height to 12' Spread 10-12' Growth Rate: moderate Leaves twice pinnately compound (fernlike), alternately arranged, blue-green color; to 15" long, 12" across Flowers: terminal clusters, loose spike, yellow flowers with bright red, protruding stamens, 3-5" long - April/May - mostly summer Fruit brown pod, legume 3-4" long

Sisyrinchium bellum Common Name: Blue-eyed Grass Good for use with annual wildflower seed mixes, for a colorful display of flowers; informal low border or facer plantings in warm sunny locations

A small grasslike plant with low clumping habit; rather iris-like in appearance; leaves are erect from basal stem Height: 6"-12"(18") Spread: equal Growth Rate: moderate Leaves grasslike, blue-green, 6"-19" long; arising from the basal clump; tend to die back to ground in mid-summer Flowers: blue-violet, 6-petaled, 1/2"-3/4" across; borne on slender 3"-6" stalks; March - May Fruit: a capsule: tiny, 1/8" round

Pinus contorta Common Name: Shore Pine, Beach Pine In Southern Calif, a dramatic small -scale accent tree valued for its rugged, picturesque form; in Northern Calif, also usable as a shade tree because of its larger potential size; an excellent bonsai for oriental gardens

A small picturesque pine; single-trunked, tending to branch low to the ground, with branches widespreading to form a dense rounded canopy with age; becomes more irregular in shape as it ages Height: 15 - 25' (30') Spread: 2/3 to equal Growth Rate: slow-mod. Leaves: needles - 2 per fascicle, dark green outside, pale green inside; stiff, 1-2" long, tightly whorled (mostly near ends of branches); may be curved Flowers: male & female strobili (cones) are produced toward the ends of branches; male cones disintegrate after the pollen is released Fruit: female cone: ovoid, 1 1/2 - 2" long; takes 2 years to mature

Pittosporum tobira 'Variegata' Common Name: Variegated Mock Orange An excellent filler or hedge material for its light colored foliage; formal borders, informal clustered plantings; good for most landscape styles.

A small to medium sized shrub that grows to 5' tall and as wide with 2-5" long spoon-shaped gray-green leaves with irregular white margins. The spring-blooming creamy-white flowers have the same fragrance as orange blossoms. Green berries that mature to brown with orange seeds follow the bloom.

Phoenix roebelenii Common Name: Pygmy Date Palm an excellent dwarf accent palm prized for small-area tropical effects; a very good container plant, for patios or indoors

A small to medium-sized, slow-growing slender tree growing 6-9' tall. The leaves are 24-47" long, pinnate, with around 100 leaflets arranged in a single plane. Each leaflet is 6-10" long, slightly drooping, and grey-green in color with scurfy pubescence below. The petioles are unarmed.The flowers are small, yellowish, produced on an 18" inflorescence. The fruit is an edible drupe resembling a small, thin-fleshed date; black when ripe.

Salvia greggii Common Name: Autumn Sage Used as a loose filler in dry landscapes; can be planted and maintained as an informal hedge - good source of color in dry areas

A soft, mounding shrub normally 2-3' tall, with small, minty aromatic green leaves that are evergreen in warmer climates. The flowers are borne on racemes from spring to frost and can be red, pink, purple, orange, or white. Its natural range is from south-central and west Texas south to San Luis Potosi in Mexico, mostly on rocky slopes.

Lampranthus spectabilis Common Name: Trailing Iceplant An excellent low-carpet-forming ground cover, prized for its spectacular flower display and drought tolerance, good for steep slopes.

A sprawling or trailing, evergreen, succulent ground cover. Height to 12", spread 18" - 24". Flowers provide a 'carpet' of color in spring, red, rose pink, pink or purple.

Schinus terebinthifolius Common Name: Brazilian Pepper A widely-used accent tree for attractive form, flowers and fruit; a medium-large scale shade tree, or lawn tree; plant has shallow, very aggressive roots (dries out the soil under tree); is very messy

A sprawling tree, with a shallow root system, reaching a height of 7-10 m. The branches can be upright, reclining, or nearly vine-like, all on the same plant. Its plastic morphology allows it to thrive in all kinds of ecosystems: from dunes to swamps, where it grows as a semiaquatic plant. The plant is dioecious, with small white flowers borne profusely in axillary clusters. The fruit is a small, red, spherical drupe 4-5 mm diameter, carried in dense clusters of hundreds.

Kniphofia uvaria Common Name: Red Hot Poker, Torch Lily Used as a background mass, accent plant for bright flower color; good mixed with succulents, at the back of borders, dwarf types are good facers.

A spreading clump of narrow, grasslike leaves; stiff but frequently folded and bent down. Height 2' - 6', Spread 2' - 3'. Leaves are grasslike, somewhat stiff, 2'-3' long, 1/2" wide, often folded or bent over. Flowers are spikes (dense racemes) of showy tubular flowers, 1" long; red, orange, yellow, white, 2 or more colors.

Salvia spathacea Common Name: Hummingbird sage A groundcover Salvia appreciated for its bloom and dense growth habit; useful in dry areas and mixed with California native plants; good on slopes and in Mediterranean theme gardens

A spreading, clumping, rhizomatous Salvia with a mounding habit making it suitable for use as a groundcover Height to 2' Spread to 5' Growth Rate moderate. Leaves: hastate to deltoid, rugose and lightly sticky, to 4" long, 1" across, often light or grayish green. Rose-pink flowers in spring, held in maroon bracts; flower stalks are held up to 30" high. Fruit: small woody capsules

Xylosma congestum Common Name: Shiny Xylosma Works as a large background mass, valued for its glossy 'clean' foliage and loose form; is easily pruned into formal or informal hedges; small shade tree if trained.

A spreading, evergreen shrub or small tree that grows 6-10' tall or more and spreads even wider - size can be contained by pruning. The shiny light green leaves are this plants most attractive feature. Leaves are pinnate, alternate, ovate-elliptic; 1-3" long, bright, shiny green, with serrate margins; the leaves tend to drop in March-April. Flowers are tiny, yellowish green, insignificant; in small axillary clusters.

Acacia redolens Common Name: Prostrate Acacia Excellent groundcover on slopes, banks, large areas. Good for erosion control, drought tolerance, adaptability to poor soils

A spreading, shrubby groundcover with upright woody branches and gray blue leaves. Height 2-4' Spread 6-15' Growth Rate: rapid Leaves phyllodia to 3" long, blue-gray fairly sparse from close-up Flowers: tiny rounded, yellow flowers in winter 1/2" across Fruit: small pod to 3" long, 1/2" wide

Hesperaloe parviflora Common Name: Red Yucca A dramatic accent plant for its long flower display and clumping form; excellent in desert-theme or subtropical gardens; patio container plant.

A stemless succulent with clumps of arching and spreading grass-like foliage 3-4' tall. The leathery long, narrow blue-green leaves have deep grooves and white fraying fibers along the margins. Clumps spread slowly to up to 6' wide. In mid-summer the clusters of rose-pink flowers are borne on tall red flower stalks to 5' long, that arch up and outward.

Aeonium arboreum 'Atropurpureum' Common Name: Purple Aeonium A distinctive small accent shrub, valued for its unusual form and showy leaf rosettes; excellent as a container plant; good for foliage color and textural contrasts - best used in warm sub-tropical-theme gardens.

A striking dark-purple succulent which forms branched stems 3 feet tall. Rosettes are formed at the ends of the stems. Yellow flowers form long clusters in the summer.

Sedum morganianum Common Name: Donkeytail Sedum An excellent basket plant in warm, bright, protected areas indoors or out.

A succulent perennial producing trailing stems up to 24" long, with fleshy blue-green leaves and terminal pink to red flowers in summer.

Aptenia cordifolia Common Name: Red apple iceplant good fast-growing groundcover; useful on slopes, growing over walls, in hanging pots - very effective in small landscapes

A thick, fleshy groundcover forming a spreading dense mat - blooming heavily in spring and summer. Height 2" - 4" Spread 2' - 3' Leaves pinnate, opposite, 4-ranked, ovate, 1-3" long, thick and fleshy Flowers red-purple, 1" wide, singly along stem with many short, erect stamens Fruit small 4-celled capsule

Myrsine africana Common Name: African Boxwood A filler - small textured foliage; hedges; topiary; borders; small or large scale landscapes; good in mass plantings

A tough, slow-growing, evergreen shrub that forms a dense upright shrub 4-7' tall and 5' wide with upright stems bearing tightly overlapping small dark green rounded leaves, with the upper edges slightly cut with fine teeth. Older leaves are leathery and dark green and stems a gray color but new growth, both stems and leaves, have a deep red coloration. In spring appear tiny cream colored flowers at the base of the leaves.

Acca sellowiana Common Name: Pineapple Guava An excellent large accent shrub or small tree for branching structure, attractive foliage, espalier, large screens, hedges, patio tree.

A versatile, easy to grow accent shrub or small tree, yielding edible flowers and tropical fruit! Fleshy, white flower petals have showy red accents, contrasting nicely with the gray-green foliage. Tasty guava-like fruit ripens in late fall. Multiple, upright branching form.

Viburnum tinus Common Name: Laurustinus Excellent hedge or screen material, useful for topiary, container plant, large scale filler for its flowers. Can become a narrow, small tree.

A very erect shrub. Forms a narrow oval to pyramidal canopy. Smaller branches somewhat hairy. Leaves are pinnate, opposite, ovate-oblong, 2-3" long, dark green, margins are sometimes tinged red, undulate, leathery. Flowers are pinkish white, bell-shaped, 1/4" across, tight, flattened, cymes, mostly terminal, fragrant. Fruit is a metallic blue drupe, 1/4" long.

Antigonon leptopus Common Name: Coral vine, Queen's wreath, Rosa de Montana A large-scale tropical or desert vine used on large fences, arbors or trellises; grown for vigorous growth, pink flowers.

A very fast-growing deciduous vine which thrives in warm, sunny areas, climbs vigorously by twining stems and tendrils; overall effect is rambling and tropical. Height 40' or more, Spread 40' or more. Leaves mostly cordate to hastate, to 4" long and across, very soft-textured to the touch; medium green color. Flowers are racemes of small pink flowers 1/4" in diameter; clusters appear at leaf axils and at ends of branches in summer and fall.

Solandra maxima Cup-of-Gold Vine Used as an espalier, accent vine in large open wall areas, showy flowers, tropical ladscapes.

A very large vine; erect, strongly arching, open with fast-growing, cane-like branches forming a rounded, irregular canopy. Leaves are pinnate, alternate, elliptic-oblong, 2"-6" long with acute/short acuminate apex; dark, glossy green upper surface, entire margins. Flowers are solitary, fragrant terminal flowers 6"-9" long, 3"-4" wide, yellow-gold.

Persicaria capitata Pink Cloverblossom An excellent groundcover to transitional area sun/shade, slopes, both small and large areas. Invasive root system and heavy seeding; best in confined areas.

A very low, fast-spreading groundcover; prostrate, creeping habit, forming a low mat or cushion. Leaves are pinnate, alternate, small roundish stipules, ovate, 1"-2" long with pink to red bands or blotches and short, scattered hairs. Flowers are tiny, pink, crowded into small oval-rounded heads, 1/2" long.

Elymus condensatus 'Canyon Prince', Giant Rye Grass An attractive herbaceous filler in woodlands or Mediterranean-themed gardens. Valued for its blue-green coloration and textural contrast with adjacent plantings. Useful as a soil stabilizer.

A vigorous growing plant that forms a conspicuous clump of upright and spreading blue-green long slender leaves. The clump enlarges with age. Leaves are elongate, narrow, grass-shaped, with a distinctive bright blue-gray color,, 2-3' long. Flowers are inconspicuous.

Distictis buccinatoria Common Name: Blood-red Trumpet Vine Covers a large wall, fence or arbor very effectively. Used in Spanish landscapes, as a tropical background plant or large accent vine.

A vigorous spreading vine climbing by tendrils - will cover extremely large areas and massive walls; one of the most spectacular vines in cultivation. Height 50-100', Spread 50-100'. Leaves are pinnate-compound with 2 leaflets, leaflets elliptical, leathery to 4" long scaly - leathery. Flowers year round, clusters of 4" long tubular orange red flowers with a yellow throat.

Wisteria sinensis (Wisteria chinensis) Common Name: Chinese wisteria A large specimen vine on arbors for shade and flowers; can be trained into tree form; good container standard

A vigorous vine - needs support to develop shape desired - stems twine and twist to support plant Height to 20' (30') Spread indefinite Growth Rate rapid Leaves odd-pinnately compound, 7-13 ovate-lanceolate leaflets; alternate, 2-3" long, short stalked, silky hairs, smooth Flowers violet-blue, pea-like, drooping 10-12" racemes 1" long flowers develop before leaves - spring bloom Fruit: pod (legume) 4-6" long, pubescent

Vitis girdiana Common Name: Desert wild grape An excellent fast -growing vine for covering fences, walls, arbors, etc., if kept in bounds by pruning can be used for screening; valued for its attractive foliage

A vigorously growing, sprawling or mounding woody vine when unsupported; climbs through the canopies of supporting trees or shrubs by means of tendrils Height: variable-to50' Spread: equal or more Growth Rate: rapid Leaves palmate, alternate, round to heart -shaped, 3-5 lobed; 4"-8" long, with a coarsely dentate margin; upper surface dark green, lower paler green, with prominent veination and soft-hairy surface Flowers inconspicuous, greenish, in dense clusters; April - June Fruit: a berry: round, bluish-black, 1/4" diameter, edible

Centranthus ruber Common Name: Jupiter's Beard A mass plantings, banks, low maintenance situations - good in dry, difficult situations - good source of warm season color.

A well-branched, bushy, clump-forming, woody-based perennial which is valued for its ability to produce, often in poor soils, a showy bloom of star-shaped crimson, pink or white flowers from spring to frost. Flowers (each to 1/2") appear in dense terminal clusters (cymes) atop upright to relaxed stems rising above the foliage to 1.5-3' tall. Flowers are fragrant.

Acacia cultriformis Common Name: Knife Acacia A small accent tree, open form, distinctive foliage, yellow flower display. Background loose hedge or screen, slopes; patio tree, small silhouette.

A woody shrub with an upright or spreading habit that grows to 13' in height. Mature trees do not have true leaves but have phyllodes that are crowded along the stems. The green to green-grey phyllodes are asymmetrical, with one leaf margin angled so the overall shape is triangular; mucronate, gray, leathery. Small round heads of tiny yellow flowers, early spring.

Gazania hybrids Common Name: Gazania fast growing ground cover for open, sunny locations-- excellent for colorful display on slopes; short lived if heavily watered, excellent seacoast plant; not suitable for erosion control on steep slopes

prostrate, spreading or clumping plants prized for brightly colored daisy flowers; widely variable from tight clumps to rapidly trailing forms; all are hybrids derived from distinct clumping and trailing species Leaves pinnate, alternate, narrowly obovate-oblong, silver-graygreen, 1-2" long (3"); some varieties spatulate and slightly lobed Flowers yellow, orange, red, purple, or bronze colored head; solitary on 2-6" stalks; newer varieties have larger flowers, longer blooming season Fruit tiny achenes

Gasteria species Common Name: Gasteria excellent container plant, mixed with other succulents, good in dry shaded areas and in desert theme gardens

small upright succulent with two ranks of thick, warty, spotted, fleshy three-sided leaves; distinct ive flowers held high above foliage Height lvs 1' fl. to 3' Spread to 2' Growth Rate slow Leaves thick, succulent, to 6" long, arranged in two ranks; most species are blue green with silvery, warty spots on leaves Flowers loose raceme of pink to orange flowers tipped with green Fruit small fleshy capsule

Lantana montevidensis Common Name: Trailing lantana colorful groundcover for warm areas; good for slopes, raised planters, facer material -- short lived in wet clay soils

sprawling to somewhat prostrate, with slender stems forming a low mat or loose mound Leaves pinnate, opposite, ovate, 3/4-2" across crenate, hairy surface, medium green -- strongly aromatic Flowers blue, tubular, small, crowded onto small, 1" mostly at ends of stems--spring/summer/intermittent Fruit tiny, 1/8" blue black berry

Pelargonium peltatum Common Name: Ivy Geranium groundcover on slopes, open areas -- excellent hanging basket plant, good in large or small scale plantings

spreading, trailing plant with succulent glossy leaves. Leaves peltate, palmately lobed, somewhat waxy and succulent, sometimes zoned with a reddish stripe Flowers umbels of white, red, pink, lavender or purple flowers Fruit small capsule

Lavandula dentata Common Name: French lavender good source of gray color, aromatic flowers and foliage. Very good in dry sunny borders as a filler or accent plant - used for cut flowers and dried arrangements

upright shrubbery plant with fragrant flowers and foliage - light silvery foliage, usually fairly compact and dense. Leaves linear-oblong, crenately toothed, 1-1/2" long, 1/4" wide, margins somewhat revolute Flowers spikes of lavender to purple, bracts lanceolate to 1/2" long - flower tubular to 1/4" long Fruit tiny nutlet

Plumbago auriculata Common Name: Cape plumbago large background mass or informal screen for its heavy display of blue flowers, erosion control, espalier

upright to sprawling with thin, rather weak stems, spreading up and out to form a loosely rounded canopy. Leaves pinnate, alternate-whorled, elliptic-oval-obovate, light green, 1/2-2" long, stipules at base of leaves Flowers light sky blue, tubular, loose terminal panicles, 5 lobed, 1-2" long, spring-late fall Fruit tiny capsule

Photinia fraseri Common Name: Fraser's photina mainly as formal shaped filler or hedge material for its new red foliage - background mass, espalier - may be pruned into small tree

upright, branches spreading up and outward to form a rather dense, oval to round canopy, can become a small tree Height 5-10' Spread 4-8' Growth Rate moderate Leaves pinnate, alternate, elliptic/ovate, 2-5" long, serrate, new growth bronze-red, mature foliage dark green Flowers tiny, white, in terminal, flat clusters (corymbs), 4-6" across, spring bloom Fruit small, 1/8" red, berry-like pome

Leptospermum scoparium 'Ruby Glow' Common Name: New Zealand tea tree medium/large filler; used for fine textured foliage, heavy flower display; open, loose branch structure; informal mass plantings, developed into small accent tree; form, color, foliage, container tree

upright, many branched, forming a fairly dense, rounded shrub if unpruned - easily developed into tree form with pruning, canopy becomes loose Height 5-10' Spread equal + Growth Rate moderate Leaves pinnate, alternate, linear-lanceolate, tiny (1/4-1/2" long) stiff, dull green Flowers showy, reddish, terminal/axillary clusters, profuse, 1/2-3/4" across - January to May Fruit tiny woody capsule

Convolvulus cneorum Common Name: Bush morning glory small filler for attractive flower display and grayish foliage; informal landscapes; rock gardens; perennial borders

upright, many stemmed from near base to form a loose, rounded canopy. Leaves pinnate, alternate, oval-oblong to obovate, 1" - 2" long, pale silvery gray green, silky to the touch Flowers white, 1" - 2" across, wide funnel-shaped, yellow throat, solitary or in terminal clusters; April - September Fruit inconspicuous, tiny achene

Pyrostegia venusta Flame Vine A source of color on warm sunny fences or walls. Good in hot climates, low desert areas.

It is a vigorous, evergreen liana (a name for large woody climbers) that can spread quickly by clinging tendrils to the top of whatever supports it. It produces clusters of spectacular orange flowers in the fall through winter; the tubular flowers with exerted style and stamens are about 3 inches long and occur in clusters of 15-20 at the tips of branches and they often hang downwards under their own weight. Fruit, when set, is a slender dry capsules about 1 foot long. Leaves are ovate to elliptical to 3" long with acuminate tips. Leaflets occur in pairs.

Quercus berberidifolia Common Name: California Scrub Oak An excellent small-scale accent tree in woodlands or Mediterranean-climate theme gardens for its picturesque rugged branch structure; good on slopes or dry habitats; use as informal background mass if unpruned; suitable as a bonsai

Native to most of Calif., this tree matures out at 10-20 ft.. It grows at about 1-2' per year.

Ochna serrulata Common Name: Mickey Mouse Plant An excellent container plant, espalier or small scale accent; used for flower and fruit display and as a conversation piece. Good for bronzy foliage color in spring.

Native to subtropical southern Africa, the plant is a small, semi-evergreen shrub that reaches mature heights of 3 to 8 feet. The plant loses its shiny green leaves in spring, but they are soon replaced with new, pink-flushed foliage. Sweet-smelling yellow blooms form at the tips of the branches in spring. The flowers don't last long, but the petals soon turn bright red, which cover the plant in early summer. Shiny black berries are suspended from these petals.

Cycas revoluta Common Name: Sago Palm A choice tropical plant in containers or in the ground - bonsai effect excellent accent plant, sturdy patio or houseplant

One of the most primitive living seed plants, with rugged trunk, topped with whorled feathery leaves. Often called "living fossils", These plants have changed very little in the last 200 million years.

Anigozanthus manglesii Common Name: Kangaroo Paw Remarkable accent plant used for flowers in spring; foliage clumps are unremarkable but stunning bloom makes the plant worth growing; can be used in pots or in raised beds if drainage is not good enough

The striking red and green flowers are supported on a red stalk which grows about 1 m. Leaves narrow, blue-green to 1' long, 1" wide.

Quercus agrifolia Common Name: Coast Live Oak An excellent med. to large-sized accent tree for its branching structure; shade or street tree; develops aggressive root system in well-watered areas; has a messy leaf drop

This California oak tree has dark green holly-like leaves and is native to the coast ranges of California.

Juniperus procumbens 'Nana' Common Name: Dwarf Japanese Garden Juniper Excellent in rock gardens, good as a border plant, facer plant around masonry, as a parkway plant, on mounds, etc.; sometimes used as bonsai specimen.

This is a slow growing evergreen groundcover with blue-green foliage. Grows to 6" tall with a 4-5' spread. Branches radiate from the center in all directions.

Kalanchoe beharensis Common Name: Felt plant A striking accent plant in beds, rock gardens and containers - a curiosity plant.

This is a slow growing succulent tree-like shrub that can grow to an eventual height of 12' with an equal spread though is typically much smaller. It has thick stems that hold large, undulated and folded, olive-green, slightly-triangular leaves covered in sort brown stellate (branched) hairs that gives the leaves a soft, velvety texture. Once mature, it produces small, greenish yellow flowers in winter.

Opuntia basilaris Common Name: Beavertail Cactus A very distinctive small accent shrub for its unusual-colored fleshy pads, showy flower display in late spring, and low open clumping form; best in desert, Mediterranean or dry-woodland theme gardens; excellent container plant.

This low, spreading cactus with short bristles grows 6 to 12" high and up to 6' wide. The stems grow in clumps with flowers from the top edge of the joints. The pads are pale lavender, flattened, oval-obovate and photosynthetic; there are no spines, but numerous deciduous little glochids at the nodes (areoles). Flowers are bright rose-lavender, solitary, many-petaled and many-stamened, 3" across; borne on upper edge of the upright pads; April - June. Fruit somewhat fleshy berry, 1 - 2" long; greenish tan when ripe (fall).

Limonium perezii Common Name: Sea Lavender A small accent for flower color, borders, excellent in mass plantings, coastal.

Tight rosettes of fleshy, leathery basal leaves with large airy clusters of small purple and white flowers. Leaves are broadly ovate to rhomboid, to 12" long, on long petioles; margins undulate, thick, leathery texture, sometimes partially folded. Panicles of small purple and white flowers, calyx purple, corolla white.

Bauhinia variegata Common Name: Purple Orchid Tree Conspicuous accent tree, spectacular flower display and attractive foliage. Lawn tree, street tree for tropical styles. Very messy.

Upright, irregularly spreading multi-trunked tree with an open, rounded canopy. Leaves are palmate, alternate, bi-loped, bluish-green and leathery. Flowers are pink/lavender/purple with an orchid-like shape. Fragrant, in axillary clusters.

Agave attenuata Common Name: Blue Agave Accent plant for tropical, desert landscapes for striking foliage and flower silhouette.

Upright, large coarse succulent plant consisting of blue-gray rosettes. Leaves spineless, soft and fleshy, 2-1/2' long, soft gray green. Greenish-yellow flowers spike up to 10' above clump.

Buxus microphylla japonica Common Name: Japanese Boxwood Excellent border, small hedge, formal or informal filler for bright green foliage. Topiary, bonsai, container plant.

Upright, very densely branched woody shrub with small, rounded, shiny, leathery, apple-green leaves. Forms a soft, rounded habit if unpruned.

Brachychiton populneus Common Name: Bottle Tree An attractive vertical accent tree for its form and foliage; clumps, slopes, street tree; leaves tend to 'flutter' in the wind.

Woody evergreen perennial tree, vigorously upright to 60 feet. The bottle tree trunk is generally smooth and gray and tends to flare at the base. The main scaffold branches are generally thick and extending upwards, sometimes perpendicular. Foliage generally light green and ovate and entire (aspen like) to 3-5 lobed (turkey track), mostly 3 inches long or less; medium texture.

Cistus corbariensis (Cistus x hybridus) Common Name: White rockrose an excellent filler for dry sunny locations; valued for its durability and profuse flower display; massed plantings, erosion control on slopes

a low, wide spreading, mounding plant, with wiry, slender stems, forming a loose canopy if unpruned Leaves pinnate, opposite, ovate-elliptic, gray-green, leathery, rough (crinkly); margins somewhat crenate Flowers white, 1-1/2" across, very showy, solitary; has 5 white spreading petals and numerous golden yellow stamens bunched in the center Fruit a papery capsule

Justicia californica, Chuparosa An unusual and distinctive plant, used primarily as a filler for its display of showy red flowers; informal barrier or loose hedge plantings; great drought tolerance.

a low, wide-spreading, intricately-branched shrub with gray-green soft woody stems, forming a loosely rounded medium shrub. Leaves are pinnate, opposite, ovate, to 1/2" long; yellowish-green, drop during drought. Flowers are bright red, tubular, 1"-1-1/2" long, in showy clusters at end of branches.

Westringia fruticosa (w. rosmarinifolius) Common Name: Australian rosemary, Coast rosemarya low to medium-sized filler; appearance is very similar to true Rosemary - good for its informal mounded shape and white flowers; dryclimate theme gardens

a medium-sized, fairly dense plant with many slender stems and small foliage forming a full mounded shape. Leaves pinnate, crowded on stem (mostly whorled), small - narrowly elliptic to nearly linear, 1/2" long; dark green above, silvery gray beneath, with revolute margins Flowers white, 5-petaled, 1/2"-1" across, both terminal and axillary; mostly solitary; March - May and intermittently thru warm months Fruit a tiny capsule

Quercus kelloggii Common Name: California black oak A beautiful deciduous accent tree, valued for its branching structure and attractive foliage; suitable for temperate-climate theme landscapes, oriental or rustic-style designs; large container plant, background grove plantings; lawn tree

An erect, single or multi-trunked tree, with ascending primary branches and spreading secondary branches forming an oval canopy which broadens with age; bark is dark gray or black Height: 20' - 40' Spread: 2/3 - equal Growth Rate: slow-mod. Leaves pinnate, alternate, lobed, broadly elliptic, 4" - 8" long; each of the 6-8 lobes are coarsely tipped with 1-3 teeth; bright green above, paler beneath; new leaves are pink, turning orange or gold in fall Flowers inconspicuous, green, in small catkins Fruit: an acorn (nut): ripens in the second year; oblong, 1" long

Washingtonia filifera Common Name: California fan palm A vertical accent for its form and distinctive foliage, for tropical effects; street or lawn tree

An erect, single-trunked palm, with a stout trunk (2-3' diameter) and large gray-green fan-shaped fronds; Height: 20-50' (70') Spread: 10-20' Growth Rate: mod-fast Leaves large fan-shaped fronds; 6-10' long, petioles are armed; blades are gray-green (petioles 3-5' long, blade 3-6' long) Flowers white, in long panicles arising between the fronds; spring-summer Fruit: a berry; small, black, drupe-like, 1/2-3/4" diameter

Ribes sanguineum v. Glutinosum, Pink Flowering Currant A highly prized large accent shrub, used for its profuse display of pink-rose-colored flowers; suitable for screens if mass planted; good as an understory planting around oaks.

An erect, spreading plant, with slender upright stems forming a rather loose rounded canopy. Older plants develop a brownish bark that tends to shred. Leaves are palmate, alternate, papery and maple-like; roundish, with 3-5 lobes; dark green above, paler green and tomentose beneath. 1-3" across, leaves drop in late summer. Flowers pink, very showy, in drooping clusters.

Grevillea robusta Common Name: Silk Oak A fast-growing vertical accent; suitable for groves, large-scale landscapes, erosion control; messy; brittle branches; leaf drop, not suitable for small landscapes - best for informal or drought-tolerant plantings

An erect, tall, loosely columnar to pyramidal tree; older trees become broad and very picturesque, develop a rough, fissured, gray-brown bark Height 30-60' (100') Spread 1/3 to 1/2 Growth Rate: rapid Leaves 2-pinnatifid; alternate, lobes lanceolate and entire or secondarily lobed; blades are silky beneath; leaves 6-12" long Flowers orange, in flattened racemes, 2-4" long, along the branch (older wood); petals are lacking; numerous stamens; May-July (April) Fruit: a follicle:1/2-3/4" long, dark brown with winged seeds

Cupressus sempervirens Common Name: Italian Cypress The classical vertical accent tree for its conspicuously dense, narrow form; very widely used as a tall background screen; suitable as a large container plant for formal landscapes.

An evergreen conifer that is native to southern Europe and western Asia. Narrow-columnar or fastigiate form that typically grows 40-60' tall. Features scale-like dark gray-green leaves on upright branches. Foliage is aromatic when crushed. Rounded fruiting cones (to 1.5" diameter).

Ligustrum japonicum 'Texanum' Common Name: Waxleaf Privet A filler for dark, glossy green foliage, excellent hedge sheared or informal, topiary, container plant, background mass.

An evergreen dense, compact shrub with thick, round, waxy leaves that are glossy green above and whitish underneath. Fragrant bee-attracting white flowers bloom in late spring to early summer and then are followed by blue-black berries. This is a lower and slower growing variety of the species, as it only reaches 9' tall but is typically smaller.

Brahea edulis Common Name: Guadalupe Palm A distinctive medium-sized palm, valued as an accent tree for its overall form and large fronds; better suited for smaller gardens than the more widely sold Washingtonia species; good for tropical or desert themes.

An evergreen palm growing to 40' by 13' at a slow rate. The sweet pulp from the fruit adds to its attraction, along with its bluish-green fan leaves. It drops its dead leaves forming scars on the trunk where the leaves once were.

Asparagus densiflorus 'Myers' Common Name: Myers Asparagus Fern A small accent shrub for its distinctive form and bright green soft textured foliage, container plant, filler in tropical or forest landscapes.

An evergreen perennial to 2' by 4' wide with light green needle-like leaves that clothe upright plum-like stems likened to spears or "rabbit ears". These spear-like stems radiate outwards from the center of the plant to give an overall appearance of a fluffy mound. Tiny white flowers appear tight inside the leaves in mid-summer followed by green berries that ripen decoratively to red by fall. This species has thorns, but they are small and hardly noticeable.

Calliandra haematocephala Pink Powderpuff Used as an espalier, screen, hedge for tropical or sub-tropical landscapes, accent or climbing semi-vine.

An evergreen shrub or small tree, growing 10-15' tall in its native habitat. Bipinnately compound leaves (5-10 pairs of leaflets per pinna) open copper-pink but mature to dark green. Leaflets are oblong/angular to 2" long, 1" wide. Raspberry-like flower buds open to hemispherical red powder puff flower heads (to 3" across) consisting of masses of scarlet stamens.

Lavatera bicolor Common Name: Tree Mallow A large filler or informal screening shrub, valued for its light green foliage and long display of the showy flowers.

An evergreen shrub with a fairly full structure with ascending and spreading stems developing a rounded shape. Leaves are palmate, alternate, pale green on both surfaces, 2"-3" across. Flowers are showy, hibiscus-like; rose-pink with dark rose-pink with dark rose-purple veining and center.

Crassula argentea Jade Plant A tub plant, accent for form and foliage, filler, informal hedge, good in succulent gardens or tropical landscapes.

An evergreen succulent with thick branches forming a dense, rounded canopy. It has thick, shiny, smooth, leaves that grow in opposing pairs along the branches. Leaves are pinnate, succulent, opposite, very thick, shiny, oval-oblate-oblong; narrow at base but not petioled, light green with red tinge. Flower is tiny, white/pink/rose colored, 3-6" panicle.

Clytostoma callistegioides Common Name: Violet trumpet vine An excellent large scale vine for flower display; good in tropical or subtropical-themed landscapes; best grown up trellis, arbor or fence with supporting framework.

An evergreen vine that grows moderately fast to 20' tall by as wide. It has an interesting leaf structure with two paired leathery bright glossy green 3" by 1-1/2" leaves. New foliage is an attractive bronze color. The 3 inch wide trumpet-shaped lavender flowers have intricate darker purple veins and appear in pairs.

Juniperus chinensis 'Pfitzeriana' Common Name: Pfitzer juniper an excellent large background or barrier plant, good in low maintenance areas, mixes well with other conifers, in rustic areas and large scale landscapes

An evergreen, wide spreading shrub, 5' x 10', main branches emerge at a 45o angle and young shoots are slightly pendulous (tips drooping). A male plant. Leaves are tiny, overlapping scales, light green, also juvenile leaves that are awl-shaped (needle-like), in whorls of 4 inside the plant. Leaves are tiny overlapping scales, pale green color; juvenile foliage sharp and prickly.

Senna artemisioides Feathery Senna An excellent accent shrub for its airy form, feathery foliage and late winter flower display, loose filler or informal mass-planting on slopes, good for subtropical and desert-theme landscapes.

An open, airy small shrub. Forms a loose, rounded canopy with distinctive feathery foliage. Leaves are even-pinnately compound, alternate, 2"-3" long. Leaflets are linear, grey-green, 1"-1-1/2" long, needle-like in appearance. Flowers are sulphur yellow, to 3/4" across, in small clusters produced toward the ends of the branches.

Mimulus aurantiacus (Diplicus longiflorus) Common Name: Sticky monkey flower Best as an informal, low filler for its drought-tolerance and heavy display of flowers; good on slopes

An open, loosely branching plant, with slender stems ascending and spreading, to form an open, rounded or mounding shape; this species is more upright than M. punicens Height: 2' - 4' (5') Spread: equal Growth Rate: moderate Leaves pinnate, opposite, elliptic-oval, 1"-2" long, with revolute margins; lighter green than M. punicens Flowers yellow to orange, funnel-shaped, with fused corolla; 1"-2" long, in open axillary clusters; March-May Fruit a capsule: small, papery

Salvia leucophylla, Purple Sage A low to mid-sized filler, valued for its grayish-white foliage and pruple flower display in warm, dry habitats. Erosion control, slope plantings.

An open, loosely contructed shrub; slender squarish stems are erect or spreading to form an irregularly rounded canopy. Leaves are pinnate, opposite, oblong-lanceolate; grayish-white, 1-3" long with wrinkled surface. Margins somewhat crenate, strongly aromatic. Flowers are pale rose-lavender, trumpet-shaped, 1/2" long, crowded into 3-5 whorled clusters along a central spike.

Trichostema lanatum Common Name: Woolly blue curls A small accent shrub for its showy display of blue-purple flowers; low filler for massed wildflower plantings and slopes; will bloom nearly year-round

An open, low-growing plant, with slender erect stems; older plants develop a woody base with spreading-sprawling stems to form a loosely rounded canopy Height: 2' - 4' Spread: equal Growth Rate: moderate Leaves pinnate, opposite, linear-lanceolate, 1"-2" long; margins strongly revolute; upper surface bright green, lower grayish white, hairy; leaves may drop in severe drought conditions Flowers blue-purple or maroon; in dense separated clusters along upper portions of the stems; flowers and stem covered with wooly hairs; April-August, intermittent Fruit: tiny capsule

Lagerstroemia indica Common Name: Crape Myrtle An outstanding small accent tree, valued for its form and heavy flower display; a small street tree, container plant or espalier; an excellent plant for water-conserving landscapes.

An upright deciduous tree or large shrub. Dark green leaves emerge bronze. White, pink, red, or purple flowers appear from summer to autumn. Peeling gray-and-brown bark is attractive. Leaves are pinnate, opposite (upper ones are alternate), oblong-oval or elliptic; sessile, 1-2" long, smooth, dark green. Fruit a capsule: woody, oblong, 3/8" long.

Punica granatum 'Nana' Common Name: Dwarf Pomegranate Excellent container plant, small accent plant, or filler plant. Used for flowers, small dense mass. Very effective bonsai or low hedge.

An upright dense plant with bright, small apple-green leaves and showy red-orange flowers with crinkled petals and glossy red calyx. Red-orange fruit. Leaves are narrowly elliptical 1/8" to 1/4" wide to 1-1/2" long with bright red petioles.

Carissa macrocarpa 'Fancy' Common Name: Natal Plum An informal or shear-cut hedge, large filler, barrier, topiary filler plant - often used in mass plantings.

An upright growing variety of shrub, with larger flowers and fruit than the straight species. The dark green lustrous foliage is the perfect backdrop for the blossoms, which resemble a cross between Star Jasmine and Plumeria. Bright red fruit are edible, and taste something like a cranberry, but sweeter. Watch for the spines, and the leaves and flowers are toxic.

Quercus engelmannii, Mesa Oak A very picturesque accent tree, prized for its rugged form and bluish foliage; excellent as a patio or shade tree; well suited for slope plantings and informal, Mediterranean style landscapes.

An upright or irregularly spreading, single or multi-trunked plant. Develops a rugged branch pattern to form a picturesque, broadly rounded canopy. Bark is gray, rough, somewhat checkered. Leaves are pinnate, alternate, oblong-obovate or oval; entire or irregularly toothed, 1-3" long; stiff, leathery, bluish-green. Staminate flowers are mostly axillary, near the ends of twigs in small catkins.

Olea europaea Common Name: Olive Tree A widely used accent tree for its picturesque form and gray foliage; commercial fruit tree; very messy; flower and fruit drop; develops adventitious stems from lateral roots

An upright or spreading, multi-trunked tree, which forms a dense bushy rounded canopy if unpruned; with training, the plant develops a distinctive gnarled branch structure Height 20-30'(40') Spread 2/3-equal Growth Rate: moderate Leaves pinnate, opposite on squarish small stems, elliptic-oval or obovate; 1"-2" long, gray-green above, silver beneath, leathery Flowers: inconspicuous, greenish-white, in small axillary panicles; spring Fruit a drupe; black, 1/2"-1" long, oval

Rhus integrifolia Common Name: Lemonade berry A medium-large filler, mass plantings, background if trained; can be sheared into formal hedges; excellent for erosion control on dry slopes

An upright to spreading, branching fairly dense but somewhat variable; canopy rounded and full rather open and spreading Height: 5' - 10' (15') Spread: equal + Growth Rate: moderate Leaves pinnate, alternate, oblong-ovate, 1" - 2" long, grayish green, leathery, margins somewhat toed, new foliage green Flowers dense terminal panicles of tiny pinkish white flowers February - April Fruit: flattened, sticky drupe, 1/4" long

Escallonia exoniensis 'Frades' Common Name: Fradesi escallonia Good filler for flower display - mass groupings, informal hedges, espalier, good in a wide variety of landscapes

An upright to spreading, forming a somewhat loose, rounded canopy if unpruned - more compact than the species Height 4-6' Spread equal Growth Rate: moderate Leaves pinnate, alternate, oval-elliptic, serrate, 3/4" - 1 1/2" long, glossy green, with resinous dots on underside Flowers pink, funnel shaped, 1/2" long, mostly terminal racemes; spring/summer - intermittent Fruit: small capsule

Pittisporum undulatum Common Name: Victorian Box Used mostly as a shade tree or accent. Also background screens hedges, windbreak, lawn or street tree. Has shallow, invasive roots.

An upright to spreading, single or multi-trunked tree that forms a dome-shaped canopy. Leaves are pinnate, alternate (often whorled at branch tips), oblong-lanceolate or elliptic; 2-6" long with undulate margins; dark green, shiny. Flowers are creamy white, fragrant, 1/2" diameter, in terminal clusters in spring. Fruit is a capsule; round, woody, yellow orange when mature.

Mahonia 'Golden Abundance', Hybrid Oregon Grape A large accent shrub for its profuse display of yellow flowers and handsome holly-like foliage; barrier or background planting; good for slopes.

An upright, clumping plant, with numerous erect basal stems and spreading branches forming a full, round canopy. Leaves are pinnately compound, alternate, 6-10" long with 7-9 ovate-roundish leaflets, each with 5-10 slender spiny teeth on the margins; dark green, mostly flat. Flowers are bright yellow, in large terminal clusters. Berry is a small, oval deep purple with a whitish bloom.

Rhus ovata Common Name: Sugar bush A large background shrub, screen, barrier for clean, glossy foliage and durability - slope plantings, erosion control, can be developed into a small, multi-trunked tree

An upright, fairly densely branched, ascending-spreading branches, forms a rounded to somewhat irregular shaped canopy, becomes treelike in well watered habitats Height: 5-15' (20') Spread: equal + Growth Rate: moderate Leaves pinnate, alternate, ovate-elliptic, 2-3" long, folded along midvein, dark green and glossy above, paler beneath, leathery Flowers tiny, pinkish white in dense, terminal panicles; February through May (can hybridize with R. integrifolia) Fruit small, flattened drupe (1/8"), sticky surface

Chamaerops humilis Common Name: Mediterranean fan palm Usage: a dramatic small accent palm (clumping form, fan-fronds); excellent for containers or raised planters; a valued plant for tropical theme

an erect, clumping fan palm, with trunks slowly curving upward from basal offshoots; trunks are dark gray-brown, fibrous, 1' diameter. Leaves fan-shaped fronds: the blade is cut 1/2-2/3 into narrow pointed segments; blade 2'-3' width, dark blue-green; petioles 2'-3' long Flowers mostly dioecious: flowers are small, yellowish Fruit a drupe: 1/4"-1/2" diameter, red when ripe

Pinus edulis Common Name: Two-needle pinyon, Nut pine an excellent small accent tree for form and foliage; a good tub plant and bonsai specimen; useful on slopes for erosion control

an erect, single-trunked tree with distinct pyramidalconelike shape; dense and uniform in youth, becomes open, rounded and irregular with age. Leaves needles: 2 per fascicle (sometimes 1 or 3), 3/4"-1 1/2" long; dark gray-green stiff, rather sharp-pointed; very aromatic when crushed Flowers small male and female cone-like structures Fruit female cone: nearly round, tan, 2"-4" diameter

Brahea armata Common Name: Mexican Blue Palm an excellent accent palm valued for its distinctive blue-silver foliage; suitable for tropical or desert-theme

an erect, single-trunked, non-self-cleaning fan palm; develops a stout (2' - 3') trunk and a crown of arching, stiff, blue fronds Height 15'-30' (40') Spread 1/3 - 1/2 Growth Rate slow. Leaves fan-shaped fronds: 3' - 6' wide, 6' - 10' long, strongly glaucous (blue-silver); the petioles are heavily armed with saw-like teeth Flowers purple, small, in long arching panicles that extend beyond the foliage; summer Fruit a drupe: round, 1/2" diameter, hard when ripe

Dodonaea viscosa 'Purpurea' Common Name: Purple hopseed bush primarily used as a large filler or background mass in dryclimate gardens - valued for its dark maroon purple foliage and durability; large informal screens or loose hedges

an upright plant, with a rather open slender shape when young; becomes fuller and more oval to rounded with age. Leaves pinnate, alternate (sometimes appearing whorled); narrowly elliptic-oval, 2"-4" long, dark bronze-green in color (in colder weather the color becomes deep maroon) Flowers small, rather insignificant, pinkish-salmon, in small clusters at or near ends of stems (May - July) Fruit a small papery capsule - yellowish tan

Acacia longifolia, Sydney golden wattle a very widely used plant, suitable as a fast-growing background mass or screen; for erosion control on slopes; easily pruned

an upright to spreading, mostly single-trunked plant, with arching and spreading branches forming a dense rounded canopy; outer branches are sometimes pendulous. Leaves phyllodes: alternate, narrowly elliptic or oval; 3-6" long, bright green, leathery Flowers yellow, tiny, in 2-3" long spikes; axillary; March-June Fruit a pod: 3-5" long; not strongly constricted between seeds

Cereus peruvianus Common Name: Peruvian apple a large-scale accent shrub (or small tree with age) for desert, subtropical or Mediterranean-theme gardens, valued for its dramatic shape and structure (secondarily for its large flowers); an excellent container plant

an upright, clumping form of columnar-stemmed cactus - young plants are usually single-trunked; will develop fleshy blue-green distinctly ribbed upright branches; plants are leafless, with short spines along the ribs Height 10'- 15' (30') Spread 2/3 to equal Growth Rate slow Leaves absent - the blue-green stems are photosynthetic Flowers very large (to 6" across), white, open at night; arise from the spine-cushions along the ribs; mostly in summer Fruit a fleshy berry: lavender-rose colored, to 3-4" long, edible

Cercis siliquastrum Common Name: Judas tree an attractive accent tree for its flower display and foliage; develops fall color in colder areas; good as a patio tree; suitable for woodsy or temperate-climate landscape

an upright-spreading, multi-trunked tree, with branches forming a large shrubby rounded canopy if left unpruned (looks like a large version of Cercis occidentalis). Height 20-30' Spread equal Growth Rate mod-rapid Morphology: Leaves palmate, alternate, conspicuously rounded; 3-6" across the blade, with a rounded or emarginate apex Flowers magenta-rose-pink, sweet-pea shaped, in clusters of 3-6; axillary appearing mostly before the foliage, in early spring Fruit a pod; oval, 3-4" long, tan colored

Photinia serrulata Common Name: Chinese photinia background mass, large hedge or screen, sometimes as a small tree; used for attractive new growth, flowers and form

broad, dense, rounded plant with upright, spreading branches - sometimes growing to treelike proportions Height 15' - 35' Spread 15' - 35' Growth Rate moderate Leaves alternate, oblong to 8" long, glabrous, dark and leathery above, yellow-green beneath - thicker than P. fraseri; serrate margins Flowers white, small flowers in flat terminal corymbs to 6" across Fruit red berries

Phormium tenax 'Bronze' Common Name: New Zealand flax dramatic accent for form and foliage color; used in tropical or subtropical landscapes

clumping habit - upright and slightly arching broad, sword-like bronzy purple leaves; becomes large and spreading with age Height 5-6' Spread 2/3 - equal Growth Rate moderate Leaves stiff, sword-like, 4-10' long, 3-5" wide, bronze color, somewhat keeled in cross-section Flowers reddish/brown, 1-2' raceme above foliage; plant must be well established before it will bloom Fruit capsule, 1" long

Cercidium floridum Common Name: Blue palo verde A small accent tree prized for its profuse display of yellow flowers and loose airy canopy (similar to Mexican palo verde but smaller); an extremely drought-tolerant plant once established; light -filtered shade for patios; tub plant

An upright, intricately branched shrub or multi-stemmed small tree, with smooth bluish-green bark; the canopy becomes broadly rounded with age; small branchlets are spiny Height: 15' - 25' Spread: equal Growth Rate: slow-mod. Leaves bipinnately compound, small, alternate; with 2-4 pinnae - each pinna has 2-4 pairs of tiny, oval, bluegreen leaflets; leaves drop off during periods of drought Flowers: yellow, 1/2" across, in axillary clusters (racemes), 2"-4" long; flowers fragrant; March-July Fruit: a pod: 2"-4" long, flattened, somewhat constricted between the seeds

Artemisia tridentata Common Name: Big sagebrush Great basin sage A large, rangy shrubby perennial used for distinctive form and silvery foliage along with extraordinary drought-tolerance; use primarily in rustic gardens, on dry slopes and in desert landscapes

An upright, loosely formed herbaceous perennial that is native to the dry areas of the American west; tends to sprawl into an informal mass of silvery, slender branches with fine, very aromatic foliage Height: 6 - 8' Spread: 6 - 8' Growth Rate: moderate Leaves narrow, wedge-shaped to 3/4" long densely clothing stem; silvery gray-green with three small teeth at leaf apex Flowers: inconspicuous heads in slender, loose panicles; yellow heads to 1/2" diameter Fruit: inconspicuous (small achenes)

Tabebuia impetiginosa Common Name: Pink Trumpet Tree Street tree, patio tree, container tree.

An upright, oval tree with fairly narrow structure, becoming dense with age; branches and stems are smooth. Leaves are palmately compound, opposite, with 5 leaflets, dark green, elliptical 1-3" long, rough textured. Flowers are pink tubular and 2-4" long in terminal clusters, March-May.

Pyrus kawakamii Flowering Pear An excellent accent tree prized for its graceful form and heavy winter display of white flowers; espalier or container plant; street or lawn tree; very messy.

A striking small tree with a rounded form and fairly dense canopy. Dark brown-black, deeply furrowed bark. Leaves are pinnate, alternate, ovate-elliptic or broadly oval; 3"-6" long, serrate, with an aristate apex. Dark glossy green above, paler beneath. Flowers are white, 1/4"-1/2", 5-petaled, in axillary and terminal clusters.

Dracaena draco Common Name: Dragon Tree An excellent accent tree suitable for tropical or desert-style landscape themes; valued for unusual form and dramatic foliage.

An attractive and an interesting succulent tree that is commonly used as a house plant, but if planted in the ground in our near frost free climate it will grow to a massive and broad tree that is 25' tall and as wide and, with great age, even larger. The terminal ends of the thick branches hold clusters of 2 foot long by 1 1/2 inch wide pliable sword-shaped blue-green leaves. In early summer appear the greenish-white flowers that are followed by orange berries.

Geijera parviflora Common Name: Australian Willow A fast-growing shade tree, patio tree; gives a willow appearance to landscape without messiness of true willows.

An attractive evergreen, typically growing 30-35' tall and 20' wide, with an upright, oval silhouette and rough dark gray bark. The main inner branches are composed of strong, wind-resistant wood and are directed upward, while the outer smaller branches are somewhat pendulous. Leaves pinnate, alternate (often appearing to rise from one side of the branch), linear-falcate; 3-6" long, med. green, glandular-dotted Flowers inconspicuous, creamy white, tiny; in loose panicle cluster.

Punica granatum Common Name: Pomegranate a small accent tree for its ornamental flowers and fruit; is often used as a large background mass or screen; very messy; has a more attractive form is pruned and maintained

An attractive shrub or small tree, 20 or 30' high, much-branched, more or less spiny, and extremely long-lived. It has a strong tendency to sucker from the base. The leaves are bright green, glossy, evergreen or deciduous, opposite or in whorls of 5 or 6, short-stemmed, oblong-lanceolate, 4" long, leathery. Showy flowers are home on the branch tips singly or as many as 5 in a cluster. They are 1" wide and characterized by the thick, tubular, red calyx having 5 to 8 fleshy, pointed sepals forming a vase from which emerge the 3 to 7 crinkled, red, white or variegated petals enclosing the numerous stamens. Nearly round, but crowned at the base by the prominent calyx, the edible fruit has a tough, leathery skin or rind, basically yellow more or less overlaid with light or deep pink or rich red.

Leonotis leonurus Common Name: Lion's Tail An accent for flowers and long blooming season - fits in well in rustic areas, native plant landscapes and dry slopes.

An erect evergreen shrub to 4 to 6' tall by nearly as wide with a branching woody base that produces many erect herbaceous stems bearing dark green 4 to 6" narrow lanceolate leaves with softly serrated margins. From late spring through fall appear the fuzzy orange curved tubular flowers in whorls at spaced intervals around the top half of the long upright stems with new buds produced near the branch tips.

Syzygium paniculatum 'Compactum' Common Name: Compact Eugenia An excellent hedge or topiary plant, valued for its clean appearance, medium large filler, barriers, can become med. sized tree

An erect shrub, with closely set branches ascending and spreading to form a dense oval to round canopy Height 5-20' Spread 6-15' Growth Rate: moderate Leaves pinnate, opposite, elliptic-obovate, 1 to 1-1/2" long, dark glossy green, new foliage reddish, somewhat acuminate apex Flowers white, 1/2" wide, many stamened, mostly terminal small clusters - summer, intermittent Fruit: 1/2" long rose-purple berry

Bougainvillea spectabilis Common Name: Bougainvillea A vine used for its profuse flower display throughout the warmer months - arbors, trellises, wall coverings, large scale slope cover

An erect to sprawling vine with long, cane-like, spiny stems arching upwards and outwards to form a rangy, loose canopy if unpruned - can be trained to grow upwards with support Height 10-20' Spread equal + Growth Rate: rapid Leaves pinnate, alternate, ovate-elliptic, 2-4" long, green, aristate and somewhat boat-shaped toward tips Flowers: small, tubular. Color from flower bracts, 3-5 leafed, terminally arranged - summer and intermittent year round Fruit: tiny achene

Ceanothus griseus 'Ray Hartman', Ray Hartman Ceanothus A large, background mass, screens for showy flower display. Can be pruned into a short-lived small tree.

An erect woody shrub with ascending and spreading branches. Forms an irregularly rounded, open canopy. Leaves are pinnate, alternate, oval-ovate, 2-3" long, dark, shiny green, finely serrate margins. Flowers are medium blue, terminal racemes, 3-5" long.

Juglans californica Common Name: Southern California black walnut An attractive small accent tree valued for form and foliage; suitable for large background shrub or screen, good for dry slopes, informal landscapes; resistant to oak root fungus

An erect, mostly multi-trunked plant, with ascending and spreading branches forming a rounded, somewhat open canopy; unpruned plants tend to become very shrubby Height: 15-30' (50') Spread: 3/4 to equal Growth Rate: mod-rapid Leaves odd-pinnately compound, alternate, 6-10" long; leaflets are lanceolate-oblong, 11-19, 1-3" long, smooth, finely serrate, aromatic Flowers: monoecious; staminate flowers are in drooping catkins, pistillate flowers in small spikes at ends of branches; spring Fruit: drupaceous nut, 1/2-1" diameter w/leathery husk;smooth shell

Comarostaphylis diversifolia Common Name: Summer holly An accent small tree or a large shrub, valued for its attractive display of both flowers and fruit; large screen or background plantings; good for slope plantings in sunny dry locales

An erect, mostly single-trunked plant, with dense branching to form an oval or rounded full canopy; older plants resemble Toyon, but have a distinctive swollen basal burl Height: 5' - 15' (20') Spread: 2/3 to equal Growth Rate: slow Leaves pinnate, alternate, oblong to elliptic, leathery; 3/4"-3" long, dark green above, pale green/tomentose beneath; margins strongly revolute and somewhat finely serrate Flowers: white, urn-shaped (resembling manzanita flowers), in mostly terminal clusters or racemes; April - June Fruit: a berry; round, red, 1/4" diameter, with warty surface

Callistemon viminalis Common Name: Weeping Bottlebrush A dramatic small accent tree, useful for its form and flowers; good as silhouette, street tree, patios (rather messy); suitable for sub-tropical and rustic-informal landscapes

An erect, mostly single-trunked plant, with irregular branching; branches arch and bend downward to produce a loose canopy with a weeping structure; trunk has rough grayish bark Height 15'-20' (30') Spread 1/2 - 2/3 Growth Rate: mod/rapid Leaves: pinnate, alternate or often whorled, narrowly lanceolate-elliptic: 2"-4" long; light green tinged with bronze when young; leathery Flowers: deep red, many-stamened, in sessile spikes near the ends of branches, 6" long Fruit: woody capsules; small (1/4"), oval, persistent on the stem

Aesculus californica Common Name: California buckeye A distinctive accent plant (large shrub or small tree) for its dramatic flower display, lush foliage, and attractive silhouette; good for slope plantings and erosion

An erect, multi-stemmed plant, with wide-spreading branches forming a vase-shaped to rounded shrubby canopy; older branches are covered with distinctive smooth white bark Height: 10' - 20' Spread: equal or more Growth Rate: slow/mod. Leaves palmately compound, opposite, with 6-7 leaflets; leaflets are oblong-lanceolate, serrulate margins, 3"-6" long, shiny green; deciduous in late summer Flowers: pinkish-white, in spectacular large 12" - 18" long spikes at the tips of branches; April - May Fruit: large round leathery capsule, 1 1/2" - 2" across

Bulbine frutescens Common Name: Stalked Bulbine Fast-spreading, rugged, aggressive, succulent groundcover for open, large, sunny areas. Overruns smaller plantings.

Spreading, sprawling succulent plant with horizontal stems which root as they spread. Foliage is upright, bright green, succulent and pointed.

Arctotis hybrida Common Name: Yellow African Daisy A vigorous groundcover for large open areas where dense coverage is required; drought tolerant once established.

Dense, spreading, vigorous groundcover with gray foliage and a prolific display of 2" yellow daisy flowers. Narrowly spatulate leaves to 3" long, 1/2" across, somewhat tomentose above and below; coarsely toothed and somewhat bronzy on margins. Intense yellow daisy flowers with black centers and black tips at the base of the petals; flowers heavily in spring.

Lonicera hildebrandiana Common Name: Giant Burmese Honeysuckle A large-scale background mass on fences, walls, trellis, etc., valued for its glossy foliage and fragrant blooms.

Fast-growing, vigorous vine with tendrils. Leaves are pinnate, opposite, on smooth green ropey stems; ovate 3"-6" long, glossy, dark green with conspicuous mid-vein. Flowers are tubular, in open clusters, up to 6"-7" long; white on opening, turning pale yellow to dull orange; very fragrant.

Lysiloma microphylla thornberi Common Name: Fern-of-the-Desert An excellent informal large shrub or small tree for rustic or desert theme landscapes; can be pruned into a single-trunked small specimen tree or used as a screen or background plant.

Graceful, lacy, large shrub or small multiple trunk tree if pruned as such, more upright when young to spreading with age. Slow to moderate growth to 20' with greater spread, will produce root and trunk suckers profusely at its base. Pinnately compound foliage w/ 6-8 pairs of pinnae (secondary rachis) and 20 to 35 pairs of tiny leaflets per leaf that are each linear to oblong to 3/16 inch long, leaves turn golden yellow and fall off in Spring, but quickly replaced in Spring. Stems have prominent lenticels, wood is somewhat brittle; fine texture. Creamy white small 'puff-ball' flowers in terminal clusters in late Spring, ugly very hard bean pod fruit to 4 to 6" long in Summer, glaucous.

Cotoneaster buxifolius Common Name: Gray-leaf Cotoneaster A low filler, bank covering, in rock gardens, rustic landscapes - valued for foliage color and contrasting berries.

Gray-green evergreen shrub with clusters of white flowers followed by orange berries. A low, sprawling, angular plant with spreading, stiff, branches covered with tiny gray leaves.

Aspidistra elatior Common Name: Cast Iron Plant An excellent small filler for distinctive foliage; use in deep shade locations, informal borders, container plants, forest or tropical style landscapes.

Growing to 24" tall and wide, it is an evergreen rhizomatous perennial, with glossy dark green leaves 12-20" long, and fleshy, 8-lobed cream flowers with maroon coloring on the inner surface, borne in early summer. Often grown as a houseplant, and notorious for being tolerant of much neglect.

Gelsemium sempervirens Common Name: Carolina Jessamine A favorite vine for fragrance and yellow flowers; good on trellis, fence or arbor.

Loose vine, somewhat shrubby growth if untrained; twines with long, streamer-like branches, no tendrils. Leaves are pinnate, opposite, lanceolate-ovate, 1-4" long, shiny. Flowers are yellow, funnel-shaped, fragrant, showy.

Artemisia pycnocephala 'David's Choice' Common Name: David's Choice Artemisia 15" tall by 15" wide low filler for silvery color, easy care in drought-tolerant areas; mixes well with darker foliage.

Loosely mounded silvery sub-shrub. Leaves are silvery green, pinnatifid, to 3" long, 1" across; compact. Flowers are tiny and yellow, inconspicuous.

Aloe saponaria Common Name: Soap Aloe Excellent small accent, container plant, informal borders, facers. Attractive, fleshy leaves and long flowering time.

Low, clumping plant. Several stubby, fleshy stems arise from a common rosette base. Leaves are fleshy, triangular, broadly sword shaped, whorled on short stems. Flowers are orange-pink, tubular, erect tall panicle arising from apex.

Salvia chamaedryoides Common Name: Mexican Blue Sage small filler or facer for foliage and purple flowers; works well in perennial borders, small-scale landscapes drought tolerant areas

Small, spreading, loose, upright plant with fine textured, silvery gray foliage and purple/blue flowers held above the foliage Height to 2' Spread to 3' Growth Rate moderate Leaves 1/2" rounded to oval leaves, densely set on stem, oppositely arranged on stem, densely covered with silvery pubescence Flowers loose spikes of purple/blue tubular flowers; flowers to 1" form spring through summer Fruit small capsule

Euonymus japonicus 'Microphylla' Common Name: Boxleaf Euonymus A facer, low border, hedges, rock gardens, good choice in difficult soils and landscape situations.

Slow growing, upright, evergreen, broadleaf shrub 1-2 feet tall and nearly as wide. Tiny leaves are dark green.

Iris douglasiana Common Name: Douglas Iris, Coast Iris Border plantings, facers, good in rock gardens, shaded slopes

Small clump of mostly erect leaves arising from underground rhizome Height: 1' - 2' Spread: equal or more Growth Rate: slow Leaves narrow, sword-like, to 12" - 18" long, dark green Flowers: blue-purple, 1 ½"-3" across, on erect 1'-2' stalks; March - June Fruit: small ovoid capsule 1-1/2" long

Koelreuteria paniculata Common Name: Goldenrain Tree A good street, lawn or shade tree in difficult climates and soils - good patio tree with careful pruning.

Small tree reaching 30 feet in height, spread equal to height, round crown. Leaves are alternate, pinnately (or partially bi-pinnately) compound, irregular serrations or lobes on leaflets, 8 to 14 inches long, 9 to 15 leaflets, deep green above, lighter below. Flower is bright yellow with a splash of orange; occur on 10-15 inch long, many branched, terminal panicles; individual flowers about 1/2" wide, appearing in early summer, very attractive. Fruit is papery, triangular capsule, 1 to 2 inches long, in clusters, containing three hard, black, globular seeds, initially yellow-green, later turning brown, ornamental. Bark is silvery gray, flat ridge tops with reddish brown shallow furrows.

Osteospermum fruticosum Common Name: Trailing African Daisy A large scale groundcover for sunny locations, slopes, raised planters. Short-lived in heavy soils.

Sprawling, trailing, slightly mounding groundcover. Forms a large, mostly prostrate shape by rooting along stem. Leaves are pinnate, alternate, obovate and somewhat oval, 2-4" long, dull green, somewhat toothed margins. Flowers are white or purple ray flowers, deep purple disc 2-3" across, year-round.

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Improving Working and Living Conditions: Trade Union Militancy in Ireland, 1907-1914

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