Final Exam Research Methods CRM
Inductive reasoning
A major distinction between the majority of qualitative and quantitative inquiry is?
Theoretical sampling
A method of gathering data that contributes to the development of a grounded theory
A pattern of survey questions written so following questions are contingent on the answers to preceding questions
Mail, in person, internet
A questionnaire may be received via the following ways
A useful method for gathering qualitative data from individuals, small groups, or larger groups, like a focus group, can be...
8 weeks after notification letters have been sent
According to Dillman, when should the final contact reminder be sent via mail?
Organizing data
After gathering research data, the next step is?
Analyze data
After researchers organize their data, what is the next stage in the research process?
Inductive reasoning
An approach in which a researcher gathers a lot of specific data from interviews and, after analysis, develops broad understanding of the topic
Deductive reasoning
An approach in which the researcher begins with broad or general statements and moves to the more specific to develop additional research questions
Independent variables
Another name for predictor variables
Telephone and online/mobile survey
Attaining good survey flow is easier when using which survey modes?
"Going native"
Becoming invested in, or hooked with, an individual or group
Being able to "pipe" in text from one question directly into another is a feature of which online survey software?
Grounded theory
Brunson and his colleagues utilized what method to identify themes in their research?
Santos' interviews of targeted offenders
Case study that included the need to protect participating researchers from harm
Coding survey responses and thereby converting them into useful data is called?
Open, axial, selective
Considered parts of Strauss' coding steps
Random assignment
Control of confounders can be accomplished via what?
Unstructured interviewing
Conversational ethnographic intterviews
Going native
Developing empathy for a participant of a study is a sign of
At the end of the options
Dillman's list of principles for writing good survey questions recommends that researchers place the option of "undecided" in what place?
Use of unbiased comparison, include both sides of an attitude scale, provide the option of "undecided" at the end of a response set
Dillman's principles for question writing include what?
Female police officers used as decoys in prostitution
Dodge's qualitative research focused on what?
Dodge's research utilized what qualitative method?
Receiving informed consent, maintaining anonymity, maintaining confidentiality
Examples of ethical challenges that researchers face
"Why was that important to you?" "Can you tell me more about that?" "What was your motivation for doing that?"
Examples of probing questions
Document analysis
Gaining meaning and understanding through a systematic collection, review, evaluation, synthesis, and interpretation
Non-probability sampling
Gathering a subset of the population without a comprehensive list of the population members
Feelings, symbols, culture
Ideal categories for qualitative data research
Axial coding
Identifying relationships between categories by focusing on the preliminary analytic categories or labels
Remain objective, observe and analyze, present findings
In order to conduct sound qualitative research, researchers must do what?
Notification letters
In order to let participants know if their identities and data are confidential, researchers use what?
Selective coding
Making comparisons and contrasts among themes or labels developed during research is a process within?
Natural settings, not labs, offices, or controlled environments, allow for gathering information about behaviors and actions through
Interview bias
Occurs when the presence, or behavior of an interviewer or field representative influences the survey participant
Recall bias
Participants who provide inaccurate or incomplete survey responses because they cannot recall past information or events are creating what?
Open coding
Performing multiple readings of the complete raw data set to get an idea of how to organize and summarize it into preliminary groupings of analytic categories
Research purpose and research question, sampling plan, distribution, data collection, analysis, and the research question answered
Proper steps when conducting survey research
Social artifacts
Qualitative research that is based on examination of documents uses what?
Matrix questions
Questions including multiple closed-ended questions that share the same response categories
Double-barreled questions
Questions that ask about more than one topic per question, making it unclear which question is being answered
Avoid jargon and acronyms, ensure that response categories are mutually exclusive and exhaustive, be sure that font size is at least 12 points
Recommendations for avoiding challenges with obtaining survey responses that provide useful data include what?
Researchers go native when they have lost what?
Selective coding
Reviewing all raw data and previous codes or labels
Participant as observer
Role conception involves the researcher lying to, misleading, and betraying the trust of those being observed
Complete participant
Role conception that describes a researcher hiding their identity and observing subjects while participating in the subjects' setting
Complete participant
Role conception used to gather data in the field research poses the most ethical difficulties
Non-probability sampling
Sampling approach that leaves some members of the population with a zero chance of selection
Santos research that posed safety issues for members of the research team included
Develop a research topic/question, consult the literature, identify the best way to gather the data, sampling, gathering data, organizing data, analyze and develop conclusions, and report findings
Stages to follow when conducting research using qualitative data
Use precise estimates
Statements like, "not at all," "a few times," "about once a month," "2-3 times a week," "about once a week," and "more than once a week" are an example of which of Dillman's principles of writing good survey questions?
Ask one question at a time, use simple answer boxes for recording of answers, use dark print for questions and light print for answers
Survey design and layout strategies
Ensure the font is large enough to be easily read, number questions consecutively and simply, from beginning to end, minimize the use of question matrices
Survey design and layout strategies
Systematically gathering qualitative data that offers a holistic and comprehensible understanding of the culture, environment, and social traits of individuals or individuals in a group
Candy bars
The Arrestee Drug Abuse Monitoring Program provided an appropriately valued incentive of what?
External validity
The ability to generalize experimental research findings to the population of interest in the "real world"
Internal validity
The degree to which a researcher can conclude a treatment effect
Two-group pre-test treatment post-test design
The most rigorous true experiment
The process of ordering and arranging data into categories based on manageable themes and concepts
Probability sampling
The process of selecting a subset of elements from a population in which every population element has a known, non-zero chance of being selected
Respondent rate
The proportion of surveys returned relative to the total number of surveys fielded
Avoiding double negatives
The question "Do you favor or oppose allowing firearms to be carried on college campuses?" is an example of which of Dillman's principles of writing good survey questions?
Using complete sentences
The question "In what city do you live?" is an example of which of Dillman's principles of writing good survey questions?
Use unbiased comparison
The question "In your view, which of the following is most responsible for juvenile delinquency?" is an example of which of Dillman's principles of writing good survey questions?
Using as few words as possible
The question "To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement?" is an example of which of Dillman's principles of writing good survey questions?
Control group
The subjects or other units of interest not receiving treatment in a study
Experimental group
The subjects or other units of interest receiving treatment in a study
Respondent burden
The time and energy the respondent needs to exert to complete a survey
Verbal abuse, police accountability, corruption
Themes that were identified in Brunson's research
Complete participant and participant as observer
These role conceptions can lead to a loss of objectivity
Eighth grade
To create understandable survey questions, use language at the level of someone in what grade?
To eliminate the possibility that differences between subjects based on matching variables will affect results, researchers use this technique
To identify problems with a survey before it is sent to the sample of respondents, researchers use what?
Avoid using "choose all that apply" questions
Use of a matrix question/answer format applies to which of Dillman's principles?
Using both qualitative and quantitative approaches
Using multiple methods, researchers, theory, or data to conduct a study
Block variables
Variables that the researcher believes will affect response to the treatment
Confounder variables
Variables whose influence during experimental research must be controlled or eliminated
Temporal ordering
What causal relationship criteria may be the easiest to establish?
What online survey software is pretty basic and lacks "bells and whistles?"
Temporal ordering
What requires that the variation in the independent variable occur prior to the variation in the dependent variable
Title and purpose of the project, the name of the agency or organization sponsoring the project, whether incentives will be provided
What should notification letters include?
Online survey
What survey mode eliminates data entry errors?
What survey software is considered a free and open source online application?
What type of interview hinders rapport and trust between the respondent and the interviewer?
Loaded questions
When a question sounds controversial or contains assumptions or opinions, and the respondent is influenced to answer a certain way
Maximum variation sampling
When a study sample is chosen in a way that creates the most various and diverse sample of relevant characteristics, it is called?
When a survey has been distributed or launched and data is being collected
When data and information are encoded to prevent unauthorized access, it is?
2 weeks after completion
When does Dillman recommend sending "thank you" postcards to survey respondents?
Survey fraud
When participants sign-up to be part of a survey panel just for the incentives, what is it called?
One 11" x 17" page
When questionnaires spill over one page, best practices say to print the survey on what?
Survey nonresponse
When sample respondents who are from those in the selected sample do not return a survey
Participant as observer
When the researcher becomes a group member unbeknownst to the group, but known to the researcher's primary contacts, this role conception is called?
When the values in the independent variable and the values in the dependent variable move together in a pattern or are correlated there is a demonstration of what?
When the variation in one variable causes variation in another variable
When there seems to be a relationship between independent and dependent variables that are not in fact related it is a demonstration of what?
Written, printed, or electronic survey instruments respondents fill out themselves
Experimental research, survey research, interviews
Zaykowski's research utilized these types of research