Final Exam Review

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(c22p20) A fish tank filled with water is made of flat glass walls of n = 1.66. What is the maximum angle of incidence for a light ray within the water to strike the glass wall and still emerge to the outside air?

48.75 deg

The speed of an alpha particle is determined to be 2.25×106 m/s. If all of its kinetic energy is acquired by passing through an electric potential, what is the magnitude of that potential?

5.26 E4 V

(c22p18) What is the angle of total internal reflection (critical angle) for a glass-to-water interface? Assume a refractive index of 1.68 for the glass and 1.33 for the water.

52.34 deg

What is the reactance of a 9.0μ F capacitor at a frequency of 300 Hz?

58.9 ohm

A capacitor consists of two closely spaced metal conductors of large area, separated by a thin insulating foil. It has an electrical capacity of 3800.0 μF and is charged to a potential difference of 75.0 V. If the two plates of the capacitor have their separation increased by a factor of 6 while the charge on the plates remains constant, by what factor is the energy stored in the capacitor increased?


6.1 E-3 V; 3.57 E-5 A; 1.93 E-2 V

6.70×10-1 Ohm

A solid metal sphere of radius a = 1.30 cm is surrounded by a concentric spherical metal shell of inner radius b = 2.50 cm and outer radius c = 3.00 cm. The inner sphere has a net charge of Q1 = 3.70 μC, and the outer spherical shell has a net charge of Q2 = -8.90 μC. What is the radial component of the electric field Er at a point located at radius r = 2.20 cm, i.e. between the two conductors? Er is positive if it points outward, negative if it points inward.

6.87 E7 N/C

(c21p30) An inductor has an inductance of 20 mH. What is the reactance of this inductor at a frequency of 70 Hz?

8.8 ohm

If I connect a large number of 60.0 μF capacitors in parallel across a 140.0 V battery, how many capacitors do I need to store 49.4 J of energy?


(c19p48) A small coil has a cross section of 5.0 cm2 and consists of 20 turns of wire. If the loop carries a current of 90 mA, what is the torque required to hold the loop at right angles to a field of B = 0.010 T? (N*m)

9 E-6 N*m

Plane mirror; converging lens; convex mirror; diverging lens

Yes; yes; yes; yes

(c24p10) At what angle (deg) with respect to the optical axis will the second-order maximum lie when a pair of slits with a separation of 0.50 mm is illuminated with green light of wavelength 550.0n m?

0.126 deg

A 4.90 cm tall object is placed 29.9 cm in front of a concave mirror with a focal length of 8.60 cm. What is the magnification?


(c25p4) A stunt diver jumps from the top of a 31.0- m-high building. After falling for 1.40 s, the diver flips a coin upward with a relative velocity of -14.7 m/s. What is the initial speed of the coin with respect to the ground as it leaves the diver's hand? (Take positive as down)

-0.966 m/s

A solid metal sphere of radius a = 1.30 cm is surrounded by a concentric spherical metal shell of inner radius b = 2.50 cm and outer radius c = 3.00 cm. The inner sphere has a net charge of Q1 = 3.70 μC, and the outer spherical shell has a net charge of Q2 = -8.90 μC. What is Er at a point located at radius r = 3.40 cm, i.e. outside the outer shell?

-4.04 E7 N/C

A solid metal sphere of radius a = 1.30 cm is surrounded by a concentric spherical metal shell of inner radius b = 2.50 cm and outer radius c = 3.00 cm. The inner sphere has a net charge of Q1 = 3.70 μC, and the outer spherical shell has a net charge of Q2 = -8.90 μC. What is the surface charge density, σc, on the outer surface of the outer spherical conductor?

-4.6 E-4 C/m^2

A solid metal sphere of radius a = 1.30 cm is surrounded by a concentric spherical metal shell of inner radius b = 2.50 cm and outer radius c = 3.00 cm. The inner sphere has a net charge of Q1 = 3.70 μC, and the outer spherical shell has a net charge of Q2 = -8.90 μC. What is the surface charge density, σb, on the inner surface of the outer spherical conductor?

-4.71 E-4 C/m^2

(8c33p35) In the figure, initially unpolarized light is sent through three polarizing sheets whose polarizing directions make angles of θ1 = 41.0°, θ2 = 17.0°, and θ3 = 40.0° with the direction of the y axis. Notice in the figure that the middle sheet is rotated in the opposite direction as the other two sheets. What percentage of the light's initial intensity is transmitted by the system? (no unit)


(8c34p93) The figure (a) shows the basic structure of a human eye. Light refracts into the eye through the cornea and is then further redirected by a lens whose shape (and thus its ability to focus the light) is controlled by muscles. We can treat the cornea and eye lens as a single effective thin lens (figure (b)). A "normal" eye can focus parallel light rays from a distant object O to a point on the retina at the back of the eye, where processing of the visual information begins. As an object is brought close to the eye, however, the muscles must change the shape of the lens so that rays from an inverted real image on the retina (figure (c)). Suppose that for the parallel rays of figures (a) and (b), the focal length of the effective thin lens of the eye is 2.8 cm. For an object at a distance p = 40.0 cm, what focal length f' of the effective lens is required for it to be seen clearly?


(8c35p40) A thin film of acetone (n = 1.25) coats a thick glass plate (n=1.50). While light is incident normal to the film. In the reflections, fully destructive interference occurs at 600 nm and fully constructive interference at 750 nm. Calculate the thickness of the acetone film. (m) (Hint: m values for both conditions are the same.)


(8c36p9) A slit 1.8 mm wide is illuminated by light of wavelength 643 nm. We see a diffraction pattern on a screen 3.30 m away. What is the distance between the first two diffraction minima on the same side of the central diffraction maximum? (mm)


Now the charges Q1= 1.39·10-6 C and Q2= -3.03·10-6 C are fixed at their positions, distance 0.279 m apart, and the charge Q3= 3.33·10-6 C is moved along the straight line. For what position of Q3 relative to Q1 is the net force on Q3 due to Q1 and Q2 zero? Use the plus sign for Q3 to the right of Q1.


Two equally charged insulating balls each weigh 0.20 g and hang from a common point by identical threads 35 cm long. The balls repel each other so that the separation between their centers is 6.4 cm. What is the magnitude of the charge on each ball?


... Calculate the size of Q3. The magnitudes of the three charges are in the exact ratios of 1 to 2 to 3.




(c19p24) A proton of charge +1.60×10-19 C and mass 1.67×10-27 kg is introduced into a region of B = 0.108 T with an initial velocity of 1.17×106 m/s perpendicular to B. What is the radius of the proton's path? (c19p26) Suppose the initial velocity of the proton makes an angle of 50 o with the direction of the magnetic field B. What is the pitch of the helix that describes the path of the proton? The pitch is the distance the proton travels along the axis of the helix in the time required for the proton to make one complete loop around the axis.

0.113 m; 0.457 m

(8c35p18) A double-slit arrangement produces interference fringes for sodium light (λ = 589 nm) that are 0.16° apart. What is the angular fringe separation if the entire arrangement is immersed in water (n = 1.33)?

0.12 deg

(c3p16) A person rides a motorbike 125 m along a road that slants upward at 9.5 o from the horizontal. How far has the rider gone in the horizontal direction?

123.29 m

Two narrow slits are illuminated by a laser with a wavelength of 502 nm. The interference pattern on a screen located x = 4.60 m away shows that the fourth-order bright fringe is located y = 9.90 cm away from the central bright fringe. Calculate the distance between the two slits. The screen is now moved 1.5 m further away. What is the new distance between the central and the fourth-order bright fringe?

0.131 m

A 0.39 cm high object is placed 8.4 cm in front of a diverging lens whose focal length is -7.5 cm. What is the height of the image?

0.184 cm

(c22p64) A converging lens of 20- cm focal length is placed at the center of curvature of a concave spherical mirror whose radius is 40 cm. Locate the final image of an object that is very far away. Measure from the lens, positive in front of the lens and negative behind the lens inbetween the lens and mirror.

0.2 m

0.225 s; 0.685 s

By what distance is the light ray displaced after passing through the 3.10 cm thick sheet of transparent material (n=1.34) with an incident angle of θ = 30.0° ?

0.47 cm

0.486 ohm; 17.5 W; 2.917 V; 4.6 E6 A/m^2; 3.38 E-4 m/s

Continuing with the figure above, how much of the electric energy of the system would be expended in moving q3 to infinity while q1 and q2 remain in their positions?

0.543 J

(c3p26) A boat is traveling in a river with a current of 4.0 km/h. The boat is capable of traveling at 9.0 km/h in still water. How long will it take to travel 9.0 km downstream?

0.69 h

0.822; 1/2; 1; constructive Calculate the size of the force on a charge of 6.40×10-19 C at k.

1.05 E-13 N\

A capacitor consists of two closely spaced metal conductors of large area, separated by a thin insulating foil. It has an electrical capacity of 3800.0 μF and is charged to a potential difference of 75.0 V. Calculate the amount of energy stored in the capacitor.

1.07 E1 J

What is the minimum thickness of coating which should be placed on a lens in order to minimize reflection of 696 nm light? The index of refraction of the coating material is 1.32 and the index of the glass is 1.57.

1.32 E-7 m

(c23p58) A magnifying lens focuses the sun's rays to a point 18 cm away from the lens. What power magnifying glass will this lens make? (no unit)


What is the reactance of a 9.0μ F capacitor at a frequency of 1.2E+4 Hz?

1.47 ohm R1 = 330 ohm R2 = 230 ohm R3 = 470 ohm R4 = 690 ohm ε = 3.0 V Calculate the potential difference across R4.

1.6 V

(c3p26) A boat is traveling in a river with a current of 4.0 km/h. The boat is capable of traveling at 9.0 km/h in still water. How long (in h) will it take the boat to travel 9.0 km upstream?

1.8 h

1.95 E5 J/C

1/2; 1

(c3p70) Galileo's great-great-great grandchild stands at the top of a vertical tower 51.0 m tall with a Chianti bottle. What is the bottle's horizontal component of velocity, if the bottle was thrown straight out horizontally from the tower with a speed of 10.8 m/s?

10.8 m/s

A magnifying glass uses a converging lens with a focal length of 16.5 cm. It produces a virtual and upright image that is 3.1 times larger than the object. How far is the object from the lens? What is the image distance?

11.2 cm; -34.65 cm

An inductor has an inductance of 20 mH. What is the reactance of this inductor at a frequency of 9000 Hz?

1131 ohm

(c22p36) A screen is placed exactly one meter away from an illuminated test pattern. A lens placed between them forms a clear (focused) image of the pattern on the screen when the center of the lens is 170 mm from the test pattern. What is the focal length of the lens? ( cm)

14.1 cm

(c22p46) A pencil is held perpendicular to the optical axis of a concave spherical mirror. The pencil is 84 cm from the center of the mirror, and its image is found 17 cm from the mirror. Find the focal length of the mirror. What is the radius of curvature of the mirror? What is the magnification of the pencil's image?

14.1 cm; 28.3 cm; -0.202

14.7 A; 6.43 E-5 T

What is the reactance of a 9.0μ F capacitor at a frequency of 1100 Hz?

16.1 ohm

(c22p6) If you run toward a plane mirror at a speed of 8.1 m/s, how fast do you approach your image?

16.2 m/s

(c22p48) A coin 1.8 cm in diameter is held 34 cm from a concave spherical mirror of 22 cm radius of curvature. Locate the image of the coin. What is the diameter of the image?

16.26 cm; 0.86 cm

(8c34p7) A concave shaving mirror has a radius of curvature of 50 cm. It is positioned so that the (upright) image of a man's face is 2.90 times the size of the face. How far is the mirror from the face? (cm)

16.4 cm

(c16p38) An electric field of 11.4 N/C directed due north is superposed on an existing electric field of 16.7 N/C directed due east. What is the magnitude of the resultant field?

2.02 E1 N/C

If the plates are 1.0 cm by 1.0 cm squares, and the charges on the plates are +/- 1.8 μC respectively, what is the magnitude of the electric field at b? Assume that the spacing between the plates is much less than 1 cm. Figure:

2.03 E9 N/C Calculate the size of the electric field at g .

2.24 E5 V/m

The plates of a parallel plate capacitor each have an area of 0.500 m2, and are separated by a distance 0.0350 m. The potential difference between the plates is 80.0 V. What is the magnitude of the electric field inside the capacitor?

2.29 E3 V/m

(c21p42) A capacitor C = 6.3×10-9 F is connected across a 7.2 mH inductor. What is the natural oscillation frequency of the combination?

2.32 E4 Hz

2.5 E-7 F; 1.12 E-6 C R1 = 330 ohm R2 = 230 ohm R3 = 470 ohm R4 = 690 ohm ε = 3.0 V Calculate the power dissipated in R3.

2.52 E-3 W

(c22p12) A beam of light makes an angle of 31 o with the normal of a mirror made of 3.5- mm-thick glass silvered on the back. If the index of refraction of the glass is 1.50, how far is the point at which the beam leaves the glass surface (after being reflected from the silver backing) from the point at which the beam entered the glass? ( mm)

2.56 mm

(c21p24) What is the reactance of a 9.0μ F capacitor at a frequency of 65 Hz?

2.72 E2 ohm

(c3p16) A person rides a motorbike 125 m along a road that slants upward at 9.5 o from the horizontal. How much higher will the rider be at the end of the trip?

20.63 m

(c22p10) Water in a fish tank is 32 cm deep, and a coin rests on the bottom. How far below the surface does the coin appear to be when viewed from above? (Assume a small angle of incidence.) (cm)

24 cm

An inductor has an inductance of 20 mH. What is the reactance of this inductor at a frequency of 2000 Hz?

251 ohm

(c20p24) A single loop of area 0.123 m2 is placed perpendicular to a magnetic field of 0.374 T. The loop is rotated about an axis lying in the plane of the loop and passing through its center. An instantaneous emf of 8.41 Volts is generated when the plane of the loop makes an angle of 45 o with the field direction. What is the angular speed of the loop (rad/s)?

259 rad/s

(c3p70) Galileo's great-great-great grandchild stands at the top of a vertical tower 51.0 m tall with a Chianti bottle. How long does it take for the bottle to fall to the ground, if it was just dropped from the tower?

3.22 s Calculate the work required to move a charge of -0.55×10-12C from i to b.

3.3 E-9 J

(c19p46) A coil of 42 turns of wire is wound about a circular form. The average diameter of the individual loops is 22.5 cm. Calculate the magnetic moment of the coil when it carries a current of 2.00 A.( A* m2)

3.34 A*m^2

(c23p4) A farsighted eye has a near point of 155 cm. Objects closer than 155 cm are not seen clearly. A converging lens is used to permit clear vision of a book placed 25 cm in front of the eye. Find the focal length of the lens and express its strength in diopters. (Do not enter a unit)


A capacitor consists of two closely spaced metal conductors of large area, separated by a thin insulating foil. It has an electrical capacity of 3800.0 μF and is charged to a potential difference of 75.0 V. Calculate the charge on this capacitor when the electrical energy stored in the capacitor is 15.39 J.

3.42 E-1 C

Three charges, Q1, Q2, and Q3 are located in a straight line. The position of Q2 is 0.279 m to the right of Q1. Q3 is located 0.147 m to the right of Q2. In the above problem, Q1= 1.39·10-6 C, Q2= -3.03·10-6 C, and Q3= 3.33·10-6 C. Calculate the total force on Q2. Give with the plus sign for a force directed to the right.

3.79 N

(c3p70) Galileo's great-great-great grandchild stands at the top of a vertical tower 51.0 m tall with a Chianti bottle. What is the velocity of the bottle as it hits the ground, if it was just dropped from the tower?

31.59 m/s

(c3p70) Galileo's great-great-great grandchild stands at the top of a vertical tower 51.0 m tall with a Chianti bottle. What is the magnitude of its velocity just before it strikes the ground, if the bottle was thrown straight out horizontally from the tower with a speed of 10.8 m/s?

33.39 m/s

A current of 5.00 Amperes is maintained in a simple circuit with a total resistance of 3.00 ohms. How much heat is generated in 4.50 s?

337.5 J

(c16p38) An electric field of 11.4 N/C directed due north is superposed on an existing electric field of 16.7 N/C directed due east. What is the the direction of the resultant field as measured from the positive x-axis (East)?

34.3 deg

(c3p70) Galileo's great-great-great grandchild stands at the top of a vertical tower 51.0 m tall with a Chianti bottle. How far does the bottle land from a point on the ground directly beneath the point from which it was launched, if the bottle was thrown straight out horizontally from the tower with a speed of 10.8 m/s?

34.78 m

(8c33p39) A beam of polarized light is sent through a system of two polarizing sheets. Relative to the polarization direction of that incident light, the polarization directions of the sheets are at angles θ for the first sheet and 90° for the second sheet. If 0.2362 of the incident intensity is transmitted by the two sheets, what is the minimum value of θ? (deg)

38.2 deg

What is the electric field strength E at a point 0.300 m from a point charge of +4.25μ C?

4.25 E5 N/C

(c19p10) A small bar magnet has an effective magnetic moment μ = 9.00 A m2. What is the maximum possible torque on the magnet due to the earth's field, B = 5.00×10-5 T? (N*m)

4.5 E-4 N*m

4.88 E-5 F


Must the eye muscles increase or decrease the radii of curvature of of the eye lens to give focal length f'?


False: Charge Q2 is the largest negative charge. True: The electric field at i is stronger than at j. False: The force on a proton at g points to the bottom of the page. True: Charge Q3 has the largest magnitude of all. False: The electric field at k is zero. True: Q1 is a negative charge.

T/F Charges prefer to be uniformly distributed throughout the volume of a conductor. The electric field inside the conducting material is always zero. Just outside the surface of a conductor, the electric field is always zero. All points of a conductor are at the same potential.

False: Charges prefer to be uniformly distributed throughout the volume of a conductor. True: The electric field inside the conducting material is always zero. False: Just outside the surface of a conductor, the electric field is always zero. True: All points of a conductor are at the same potential.

False: The lens in Fig. b is a converging lens. True: An object placed to the left of f and the lens in Fig. a produces a real image. False: An object placed between f and the lens in Fig. a produces a real image. True: An object placed between f and the lens in Fig. a results in an image on the left side of the lens. False: An object placed to the left of f in Fig. a results in an image on the left side of the lens. False: An object placed to the left of f in Fig. b results in an image on the right side of the lens. False: An object placed to the left of f and the lens in Fig. b produces a real image.

False: The magnetic field at p1 points east. False: The magnetic field at p1 points out of the paper. True: The magnetic field at p1 points south. 1.15 E-4 T

False: The voltage drop across the resistor is the same as the voltage drop across the inductor at all times. True: The current through the inductor is the same as the current through the resistor at all times. True: The current through the inductor always equals the current charging/discharging the capacitor. True: Energy is dissipated in the resistor but not in either the capacitor or the inductor. 1.49 E-6 H; 251 ohm

(T/F) Three charges, Q1, Q2, and Q3 are located in a straight line. The position of Q2 is 0.279 m to the right of Q1. Q3 is located 0.147 m to the right of Q2. The force on Q2 due to its interaction with Q3 is directed to the..... Right if the two charges have opposite signs. Left if the two charges have opposite signs. Left if the two charges are negative. Left if the two charges are positive. Right if the two charges are negative.

T: Right if the two charges have opposite signs. F: Left if the two charges have opposite signs. T: Left if the two charges are negative. T: Left if the two charges are positive. F: Right if the two charges are negative.

Select True or False for the following statements about electromagnetic waves. Visible light is often emitted when valence electrons change their state. Blue light has a longer wavelength than red. The sun's radiation is most intense in the visible region. Ultraviolet radiation causes common sunburn. X-rays travel in vacuum at a higher speed than the visible light. A vertical automobile antenna is sensitive to electric fields polarized horizontally. Gamma rays can be produced through electrons oscillating in wires of electric circuits.

True False False True False True False

True: A negative charge at point b will accelerate down. False: A negative charge at point d will accelerate down. False: A negative charge at point a will accelerate toward the lower-right. True: A negative charge at point e will accelerate up. False: A negative charge at point c will accelerate toward the lower-right.

True: If the plates are oppositely charged, there is no electric field at c. False: If both plates are negatively charged, the electric field at a points towards the top of the page True: If both plates are positively charged, there is no electric field at b.

True: When an object is placed between a concave mirror and its focal point, the image is virtual. False: A concave mirror always forms an enlarged real image of a real object. True: A convex mirror never forms a real image of a real object. False: The virtual image formed by a convex mirror is always enlarged. False: A concave mirror always forms a virtual image of a real object. True: A virtual image formed by a concave mirror is always enlarged. True: The image produced by a convex mirror is always closer to the mirror than it would be in a plane mirror for the same object distance.

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