Final Health and Fitness EHS

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A statement that expresses one's feelings without blaming or judging other people, and helps open lines of communication is a(n) _______________.

"I" message

Quackery is:

when the promised results seem too good to be true.

Responsible for providing protection for the body, ________________ manufacture chemicals that prevent diseases, and some assist in killing pathogens that enter the body.

white blood cells

Where can you insist that nobody smokes?

your home and your car

An attitude of complete, unwavering nonacceptance of an activity or idea is a(n) _____________________________

zero-tolerance policy

____________ , often called negative stress, impedes people's ability to perform well.


To prevent dehydration while exercising, it is recommended to drink approximately _____ ounces of water before beginning the workout.


Beside nicotine, there are around _________ chemicals in tobacco smoke.


A resting heart rate of less than _____ beats per minute is an indicator of good fitness levels.


Which psychologist developed the hierarchy of needs?

Abraham Maslow

A skin problem predominantly among teenagers, but can affect people of any age. _________ occurs when a hair follicle is clogged and dead cells and excess oil.


The law requires that persons living with disabilities have equal employment opportunities as well as access to public services is the _______________________.

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

A lymphocyte not processed by the thymus gland and produces antibodies to help protect the body is/are ________________.

B cells

_____________ is/are the leading causes of death among young people.


What agency can provide people with information on where to get tested for STIs?

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

_________________ can be triggered by the suicide of one person.

Cluster suicides

_____________ is the customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits of a racial, religious, or social group


A tool that provides recommendations on the specific amount of nutrients that an average person should consume per day is _________________.

Daily Values

Which statement about firearms is true?

Each year more than 500 people are unintentionally killed in the home by firearms.

You may hear that a tornado is headed your way on the __________________________.

Emergency Alert System (EAS)

Which agency is responsible for ensuring guidelines and standards are met in terms of protecting human health and the environment?

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Which psychologist defined the stages of personality?

Erik Erikson

The _______________ represents the four main factors that determine a fitness plan's success.

FITT Formula

A person who has been diagnosed with human immunodeficiency virus is known as _____________________________.


_______________ usually provides the platform for establishing and engaging in romantic activities, including dating.


__________ fills the spaces in bones and produces many types of blood cells.


___________ is the least common form of skin cancer but it leads to the most deaths each year.


_______________ are required by the body in small amounts and occur naturally in soil and rocks.


A set of diagrams that categorize foods according to types and guides people on the amount that they should eat on a daily basis is the __________________.

MyPyramid Plan

A list of guarantees for individuals seeking medical care is the _____________________.

Patients' Bill of Rights

____________ control bodily functions, repair body tissues, provide energy and spur bodily growth.


Which of these can possibly help save someone who is drowning in water?


A disease of the muscular and nervous systems in which the muscles become stiff, causing shaky movements and gradual loss of muscle coordination is __________________.

Parkinson's disease

Which of these is NOT a viral disease?

Parkinson's disease

Which of these statements is true?

People cannot become immune to STIs

Which of these is NOT a healthcare provider profession?

Physical assailant

________________ connection to other people via family, friends, religion or community activities is integral for elderly people to continue finding meaning in their lives.


_________________ is a serious mental disorder whose symptoms are reflected in severely disturbed behavior, thinking, and mood. Also called the "split mind".


____________ are found in the dermis and secrete oil to keep skin soft.

Sebaceous glands

Which of these statements is true?

Some people with genital herpes show no symptoms

Which of the following is NOT something you should do to stay safe while riding a school bus?

Stand up to talk to your friends in another seat.

Which of these is NOT a safety guideline for recreational activities?

Start the activity without understanding the safety rules of the activity

The area with the most HIV infections, worldwide, is ____________________.

Sub-Saharan Africa

Lymphocytes which are produced by the thymus gland and play a vital role in fighting diseases and keeping the human body healthy is/are __________________.

T cells

Which of the following is a factor that you CANNOT control when trying to lessen your chances of being involved in a motor vehicle crash?

The aggressiveness of other drivers on the road with you.

The organization that specializes in helping children around the world with immunizations, day care, and school food programs is the ___________________________.

United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)

The organization that sends people trained in medicine, water quality, agriculture, and engineering to boost food production is the __________________________.

World Health Organization (WHO)

Life expectancy and quality of life are two indicators that can be used to evaluate:

a person's overall health

A state in which the affected person stays deeply unconscious for a prolonged period of time is a _____________.


The process where nutrients enter the bloostream via the linings of your digestive system is _________________.


The refraining from sexual relations or activities, and not having sex is referred to as ______________.


When adults maintain watch over children at all times, it is considered ____________________.

active supervision

A disease of the brain that alters its chemistry and structure is ____________.


_______________ is a legal process that allows adults to raise a non-biological child as their own.


To _____________ means to publicly recommend or support an issue or person.


A communication style that may seem threatening or disrespectful to others at times is ________________.


In certain situations, assailants use _________ to gain courage for executing violent acts.

alcohol or narcotics

A state in which a person can no longer control their drinking habits is _______________.


Because alcohol slows the body's physical and mental reactions, it is considered a(n) ______________.


Substances that cause allergies, such as molds, foods, dust, and pollen are considered _____________________________.


A disorder where the immune system is overly sensitive to normally harmless substances and causes sickness is a(n) _________________.


Tiny sacs which help the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the lungs are _____________.


The extraction of a sample of fluid by inserting a needle into the patient's abdomen and uterus is a(n) __________________.


A prescription drug that is also a powerful stimulant that energizes the user but leaves them feeling depressed after the effects wear off is/are ________________.


Which of the following is NOT a risk factor for depression?

an open line of communication with loved ones

Artificial forms of testosterone injected into the body to treat muscular disorders or by athletes to prompt muscle growth is/are _______________.

anabolic steroids

Activity that does not need a rapid supply of oxygen to function effectively, such as weight lifting, is ______________________.

anaerobic exercise

A condition that affects people whose red blood cells cannot produce enough hemoglobin is _______________.


Which of the following is NOT a learned emotion?


Chest pain that occurs when parts of the heart do not get oxygenated blood is _______________.

angina pectoris

Prescription medicines that help attack and kill bacterial pathogens are __________________.


Proteins produced by B cells that attach to the pathogens or their toxins to prevent them from harming the body is/are __________________.


A minor condition in which the heart has an irregular heartbeat which may indicate a malfunction of the pacemaker is _______________.


Blood vessels that bring blood from the heart to other parts of the body are ______________.


The number one cause of disability in Americans 15 years old or older, characterized by inflamed or irritated joints is _____________________.


An emotional situation of extreme sadness and hopelessness is _______________.


A person who attacks another person is the ______________.


An unlawful attempt or threat to cause bodily harm to someone is ____________________.


A narrowing of the air passages, making it difficult to breathe is _______________.


The stage of HIV infection where the infected person may not experience or show any signs of being sick is the ______________________.

asymptomatic stage

The hardening and thickening of the artery walls that inhibits proper pumping of blood is ______________.


The upper chamber of the heart which receives blood entering the heart are ___________.


Muscle injury caused by a degeneration of cells and non-use is ____________.


Beneath the epidermis is the ___________ which is thick, tough skin that transmits signals to the central nervous system.


The amount of fat that the body contains in comparison to muscle and bone is ________________.

body composition

The measurement of a person's fat tissue is considered ___________________.

body composition

Different cultures have different interpretations for various __________________. For instance, making eye contact in America indicates honesty whereas in Japan, consider eye contact disrespectful.

body language

Simple, single-celled microorganisms that have cell walls but lack organelles and an organized nucleus, some of which can cause diseases is/are ____________________.


A family is often called the ___________ of society.

basic unit

An India-based product similar to cigarettes that is wrapped in a leaf and tied with a string is _____________.


A disorder where a person cannot resist the urge to continue eating even when they are full is _______________.

binge eating disorder

A tension relief strategy that monitors your body's responses to help you identify and address stressors with the hopes of reducing stress levels is ___________________.


Which of the following is NOT a general type of stressor?


A test in which doctors take a small sample of tissue to test it for cancer is a(n) ___________________.


A group of cells surrounding a hollow center that began as an embryo is a(n) ________________________.


The amount of alcohol that is circulating in a drinker's bloodstream is considered their ___________________.

blood alcohol concentration (BAC)

Alcohol abuse will destroy the _________ nerve cells and prevent them from growing again.


A common eating disorder where a person goes on eating binges followed by the use of laxatives or induced vomiting to remove the food from their bodies is called ____________.


The process of ridding an alcoholic's body of all alcohol is ______________.


Kidney stones are masses that occur in the kidneys and are mostly made of _______________.


A higher BMR results in burning more ______________.


The tiniest blood vessels in the body, through which nutrients and oxygen dissolve are ________________.


Nutrients that consist of oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon and are responsible for supplying the body's energy needs are _________________.


An odorless, poisonous gas that prevents blood from transporting sufficient oxygen is _________________.

carbon monoxide

Substances that can cause cancer in living tissues is/are _______________.


The "silent killers" that have caused many deaths in the United States are ______________________.

cardiovascular diseases

The _____________ helps maintain body balance along with coordinating body movements.


A rapid flow of blood into the cerebrum caused by a burst aneurysm or head injury is a(n) _________________________.

cerebral hemorrhage

Making up about 85% of the human brain's weight, the ______________ is usually associated with logical thinking and mathematical ability.


A bacterial STI characterized by painful discharge from the penis and yellowish discharge from the vagina is _______________.


A test done during pregnancy which involves removing and testing a small sample of the developing placenta is a(n) __________________________________

chorionic villus sampling

Small structures within cells that carry information about the traits to be inherited are _______________.


The cardiovascular system is also known as the ________________________.

circulatory system

Which of these actions would decrease air pollution?

cleaning the cooling fans or coils on refrigerators and air conditioners

Date rape drugs that cause a victim to blackout and lose inhibitions is/are __________________.

club drugs

A powerful and instant stimulant that can be ingested into the body by sniffing or injecting into the bloodstream is/are ______________.


A group of people with common interests in helping or developing others. 4-H club, Boys and Girls Clubs, Habitat for Humanity, local foodshelf, and a Red Cross blood drive are all examples of __________________________.

community service organizations

There are times not to _________________. Such as if a friend asks you to engage in risky or illegal behavior.


When an obsession morphs into behavior to prevent a feared outcome is a(n) ________________.


A common brain injury that occurs when brain tissue hits the skull is a _____________.


Which of these coping techniques would be considered helpful when dealing with a stressful situation?

confronting the situation, and taking steps to improve it

The process of discussing and compromising individual agendas or preferences to find common ground between people for the betterment of the group is/are _____________________.


A person who purchases products and services is called a(n):


People collaborating and working together as a team to achieve a particular goal is ________________.


A small fee a healthcare insurance member is asked to pay after a doctor's visit is a _____________________.


A ______________ is a method for handling unbearable or uncomfortable situations and feelings.

coping method

When organisms spread from one food to another it is ______________________.


Incorporating a variety of activities to strengthen a variety of muscle groups would be considered __________________.


The technical name for the females eggs is/are ________________.


Any emotional, sexual, or physical abuse taking place in a dating relationship can be considered _________________.

dating violence

The first part of medical expenses paid by the member is called a(n) ___________________.


Denial, compensation, and projection are examples of ________________________.

defense mechanisms

Excessive water loss, or _______________, can lead to muscle cramps, fever, and increased heart strain.


____________________ occurs when water levels in the body are reduced possibly due to diarrhea or severe perspiring.


A disease in which the body's ability to use glucose is weakened is ________________.


After a physical examination of a patient, the doctor may make a _________________, which is the doctor's opinion of the patient's medical condition.


A dome-shaped muscle below the lungs which expands to allow the inflow of oxygen into the lungs is the _____________.


Candies and pills that are meant to suppress appetite, although most are ineffective, are called ______________.

diet aids

The process where the digestive system breaks down food into molecules to enable the body to use them is _______________.


A mental or physical incapacitation that limits the ability to undertake certain normal activities is a(n) ___________________.


The deliberate, improper and unsafe use of drugs for non-medical purposes is _______________.

drug abuse

When two drugs cancel out each other's effects on the body, for example, nicotine canceling out the beneficial effects of blood pressure medicine is __________________.

drug antagonism

A thin membrane that vibrates at the strike of sound is a(n) _____________.


A mental disorder characterized by abnormal feelings, behaviors, and thoughts about food is a(n) ______________.

eating disorder

When a blastocyst attaches itself to the fallopian tube or in other parts of the abdomen, instead of the uterus, it is a(n) __________________________.

ectopic pregnancy

The release of semen from the penis characterized by a contraction of the male reproductive muscles is ________________.


Death that occurs from direct contact with electricity is called _____________________.


Medical history, history of procedures, and allergies can be shared between many healthcare providers at the same time by using ____________________________.

electronic health records

The divided zygote becomes a(n) _____________, and continues to divide into more cells for about nine weeks.


To mistreat a person with negative statements aimed at deflating the person's self-confidence or self-esteem is _____________________.

emotional abuse

The search for meaning, search for values, and search for self are all parts of the ________________________ adolescents go through.

emotional changes

How a person reacts to life events is:

emotional health

If a person is often angry, fearful, and worried, they would be considered _____________________.

emotionally unstable

A disorder caused by damage to the alveoli in which they lost their shape and ability to push out carbon dioxide and breath in oxygen is_______________.


The hardest material in the body which protects the crown is ____________.


One sign of wellness is:

enthusiasm for life

A disease outbreak that affects a particular area within a specific period is a(n) ___________________.


The outer layer of the skin that comes into contact with the external environment is the ______________.


A disorder often characterized by seizures caused by genetics, prenatal complications, head injuries, or diseases is ____________.


A meaningful act that indicates honesty and concern for what a speaker is saying is _______________.

eye contact

A weight loss plan that may successfully lead to weight loss but does not consider the nutritional requirements and other health issues is (a) _______________.

fad diet

Which of the following is an example of an unintentional injury?


Helping out with younger siblings, offering emotional support to family members, and playing by the rules are examples of an adolescent's responsibilities to _____________.


The functions of ___________ include energy supply to the body, nerve protection, cell formation as well as maintaining body temperature.


A collection of birth defects that can occur when pregnant mothers drink alcohol is ___________________.

fetal alcohol syndrome

During months 3-9 of a pregnancy, the embroyo transforms into a(n) ________________ during which it develops its skeletal systems and muscles.


A carbohydrate mostly available in plants that prevents constipation, reduces risk of colon cancer, and prevents heart diseases is ___________.


The worst care of arrhythmia where the heart twitches in an uncoordinated way is ________________________.


Any substance that can catch fire easily and burn can be considered __________________.

flammable materials

It is estimated that ____________ affect about 6% of children and around 2% of adults.

food allergies

When the immune system responds to protein contained in certain foods, a person might have a ________________.

food allergy

A person's inability to digest certain foods or food additives is a ___________________.

food intolerance

Natural gas, coal, and oil made from the remains of living organisms is/are _________________.

fossil fuels

The four factors of the FITT formula are __________________.

frequency, intensity, time and type

A relationship among two or more people based on acceptance, mutual trust, and common values or interests is __________________.


Opposite-sex friendships, based on similar interests, have become more common thanks to changing ________________ in modern society.

gender roles

Which of these is NOT a main risk factor for violence?

gender roles

A condition caused by the inheritance of an abnormal gene or chromosome is a(n) ______________________.

genetic disorder

An STI caused by a virus characterized by blisters around the genital area is/are ________________________.

genital herpes

A cluster of blood vessels within a nephron that filters waste products is the _______________.


Being a good listener is one way you can help others who are dealing with _______________.


__________________ is a type of therapy where people with similar disorders meet while under the leadership of a mental health professional.

group therapy

A growth spurt, or quickly growing taller or filling out, may cause aches or cramps in muscles or joints sometimes called _________________.

growing pains

Which of the following is NOT a primary emotion?


The technical term for bad breath, possibly linked to poor dental hygiene is ___________.


Headache, sensitivity to light and sound, and nausea are common effects of a ______________.


Unwanted, offensive, ongoing, threatening, and/or intimidating language or actions from one person to another is _________________.


What has been found to have played a part in many recent school shootings in America?


When a person is forced or coerced into performing risky or degrading acts to become part of a particular group it is referred to as ____________.


The constriction of blood vessels in the scalp, which limits the oxygen supply to the brain is a ____________.


The degree to which people have the capacity to obtain, process, and understand basic health information is:

health literacy

All medical services in which individuals pay for and programs designed for treatment and/or prevention make up the __________________.

healthcare system

When certain cardiac tissues do not receive sufficient blood supply, they eventually die and the victim suffers a(n) __________________.

heart attack

Some people develop a particular level of body weight based on genetic factors called ___________.


The passing on of genetic and biological traits to a child from a parent is _______________.


A commonly abused, extremely addictive opiate made from morphine in a laboratory is/are ______________.


A pyramid-shaped arrangement of what people need to feel safe, belonging, and valued is the ________________.

hierarchy of needs

Which of the following is NOT a useful characteristic when families try to resolve conflict?

holding grudges

Which of the following do NOT determine your food choices?


Chemical messengers that control the activities of specific cells are _________________.


A program or facility that offers emotional, spiritual, and physical care for dying people and their families is _________________.


Which of these is NOT a stage of grief?


The most common viral STI is caused by a group of viruses called ____________________________. It usually causes no symptoms, and may remain in the body for life, but may lead to genital warts and cervical cancer.

human papilloma virus (HPV)

In the teenage stage of personality development, one of the main challenges is to establish a sense of self, or ___________.


A chemical substance that nobody can lawfully manufacture, possess, purchase, or sell is/are _____________.

illegal drugs

The body's last line of defense against pathogens is the ____________ system.


Vaccinations that involve injections of vaccines to protect immune systems from certain diseases is/are ______________________.


A process in which the blastocyst attaches itself to the uterine walls is _________________.


The inability to reproduce, which can affect both males and females, due to genetic disorders, illnesses, or accidents is ________________.


The body's second line of defense when pathogens manage to overwhelm the chemical and physical defenses is/are _________________.


Nicotine is also used as a(n) _____________.


A bystander to a conflict who encourages others to argue or fight is an _____________.


A hormone produced by the pancreas and is involved with diabetes is __________________.


Excessive consumption of alcohol which leads to slower physical and mental capabilities is _________________.


Activity in which minimal body movement occurs but the muscles used contract is ________________.

isometric exercise

Activity when the muscles relax and contract through the entire range of a joint's motion is ___________________.

isotonic exercise

Conflicts in friendships may arise due to envy and ______________.


Which of the following is NOT a strategy to build your resilience?

keep your opinions to yourself

The ____________ excrete urea and other waste products from the bloodstream.


An Indonesian product that is mixed with ground clove to alter its flavor and numb the lungs is _________________.


A permanent storage site where garbage and other wastes are covered with soil is a(n) ____________________.


Which of the following is NOT a responsibility of adults in a family setting?

learning basic socialization skills

White patches on a tobacco users tongue or mouth linings is __________________.


Strong, sturdy fibrous bands that hold bones together are ____________.


The ___________ chemically metabolizes alcohol at a constant rate of one-half to one ounce of alcohol for every hour.


Babies that weigh less than 5.5 pounds at birth are said to have ___________________.

low birthweight

Proteins that may contain plaque and could be dangerous to the body are _________________.

low-density lipoproteins

The excretory organ that excretes carbon dioxide from the body is/are the __________.


Smoke that is exhaled by a smoker is ___________________.

mainstream smoke

Joining a new school, enrolling at a college, and moving on after the death of a close, loved one are examples of ________________.

major life changes

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans give guidance on how to _______________________.

make healthy food choices

Which of these actions would increase air pollution?

making a separate trip for each errand

The stems, leaves, and flowering tops of cannabis sativa, a hemp plant, is _________________.


Getting ________________ is a critical decision that will impact you, your spouse, family, friends and future generations.


A conflict resolution method in which a neutral, third party seeks to help parties resolve their differences is ________________.


Normally, one of the first things a doctor discusses with a patient is their __________________, which is a record of past and present health including the health of the patient's family members.

medical history

If a health condition exists that requires a professional with more of an expertise in a specific field of medicine, the patient may be referred to a(n) ______________________.

medical specialist

Legal drugs to cure illnesses, diseases, or injuries is/are __________________.


An infection that inflames the membranes around the spinal cord and the brain is ______________.


Improved impulse control, reasoning skills and ability to think abstractly are __________________ that occur during adolescence.

mental changes

Illnesses associated with the mind that inhibits a person's ability to adapt to change and live harmoniously with others is a(n) _________________.

mental disorder

A microscopic organism, especially a bacterium, virus, or fungus, most of which are not harmful unless they are a pathogen, is/are _____________________.


The death of a fetus or embryo within the first 20 weeks of pregnancy is a ________________.


A city planning practice in which homes are constructed closer to schools and businesses to encourage walking, biking, and use of public transportation is ______________________.

mixed-use development

A ____________________ is characterized by extreme emotions that negatively affect a life's daily life.

mood disorder

Which of these is NOT a main factor as to why American families have changed?

more people seeking higher education

Mechanical digestion first takes place in the ______________.


Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a healthy family?


_____________ is the failure of parents or guardians to provide their children with basic needs, such as socialization, security, food, and love.


A ___________ diagnoses and treats physical disorders discovered in the nervous system.


Made of dendrites, ______________ carry messages, or impulses, from one body part to another.


A BMI of 30 or more is _____________.


Any wound or damage that happens while at a person's place of work is a(n) ________________________________.

occupational injury

Some household cleaners can be considered pollutants because of they ______________________________.

often contain harmful chemicals like chlorine and phosphates

A cancer-causing gene making people more susceptible to different forms of cancer is/are _________________________.


A psychoactive drug made from seed pods of poppy plants is/are ____________________.


Diseases that attack weakened immune systems after an infection is/are _______________________.

opportunistic infections

The tendency to magnify the positive factors of situations is _____________.


Looking forward to the challenge of competing against the best golfers in the world is the outlook of a(n) ___________ person.


A specialist that can diagnose various vision problems is a(n) _______________.


People with crooked teeth can see a(n) ______________ who can straighten them with braces or other devices.


A condition caused by consistent wear and tear on a joint over time that bring soreness or mild aches is _______________________.


The gradual loss of calcium in bones, making them susceptible to fracturing is _______________________.


The weakening of bones due to significant mineral loss is _________________.


When a person does not need to stay over night at a hospital for medical tests or treatments, they are a(n) _________________.


Alcohol poisoning in which the drinker may slip into a coma or death is ____________.


Exercising too intensely without resting to allow recovery time is ___________________.


Being ______________ is an increasing problem in the United States and can lead to a variety of health problems.


When a person is heavier than the appropriate standards for their height, they are _______________.


The releasing of a ripened egg by the ovaries about once a month is _________________.


A region of Earth's atmosphere that absorbs most of the harmful UV rays from the sun is the ______________________.

ozone layer

A group of cells situated in the right atrium that regulates heartbeat is the _________________.


The triangular-shaped organ that produces digestive enzymes is the _____________.


A test for cervical cancer which is done by analyzing a sample of cells from the cervix is a(n) __________________.

pap smear

A communication style of avoiding conflict and submitting to other people's opinions is __________.


Influence from friends or peers that can prevent a person from thinking independently is ___________________.

peer pressure

An individual who sets exceedingly high personal standards or goals for herself or himself is a(n): _____________.


AIDS is often characterized by other diseases that often take longer to recover from such as tuberculosis and _______________.


Muscle contractions that aid the stomach in food digestion is _____________.


Feeling overwhelmed, deficient, and substandard when facing the best golfers in the world is the outlook of a(n) ___________ person.


A type of cell which engulfs, absorbs, and destroys bacteria and pathogens is/are _________________.


The upper part of the throat, which forms a junction between the respiratory system and the throat is the _____________.


An anxiety disorder that starts by a fear of a certain situation or object is a(n) _______________.


Movement that forces a person's large muscle groups to work is considered __________________.

physical activity

Both indoor and outdoor surroundings affect your _____________________ and your overall health.

physical environment

A complete check of a patient's body to identify any potential medical issues is a(n) _____________________________.

physical examination

Having sufficient energy and strength to participate in activities is considered _______________.

physical fitness

A pea-sized endocrine gland that controls many body functions including growth, reproduction, and metabolism is the _______________.

pituitary gland

A substance that clogs arteries is ___________.


A straw-colored liquid that forms 55% of blood and transports waste products, is ____________.


The first six weeks after childbirth during which the baby and parents experience physical, mental, and hormonal changes is the ______________________.

postpartum period

The delivery of a baby before its due date is a(n) ____________________.

premature birth

The time period when a pregnant woman has checkups with an obstetrician to increase the probability of a successful pregnancy is/are _______________.

prenatal care

A substance prescribed by a doctor for a patient indicating the exact dosage to be taken is/are _________________.

prescription drugs

Avoiding contact with pathogens, ensuring up to date immunizations, and practicing healthy behaviors can help you __________________________.

prevent infectious diseases

Emotions that all of us are born with and are expressed in virtually all cultures are ______________.

primary emotions

An influence which reduces your potential for harmful behavior is a(n) ____________________.

protective factor

Nutrients made of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen are ___________________.


A single-celled group of phyla that live in water or as parasites and can cause diseases such as malaria and amoebic dysentery is/are ________________________.


A mental health professional that connect mental health patients with their required health services and assist families adjust to the illness is a ___________________.

psychiatric social worker

A health professional who diagnoses and treats mental disorders by first ruling out physical causes is a(n) ______________________.


Mood altering drugs which cause a release of dopamine is/are ____________________.

psychoactive drugs

Stressful situations or social events may compel certain tobacco users to become _______________________ on tobacco.

psychologically dependent

A professional who studies how people behave, feel, and think is a(n) ___________________.


A stage of development when boys and girls reach sexual maturity capable of sexual reproduction is ________________.


Finding ways to improve and protect the health of people in a group or community is _____________________________.

public health

Advertising is the:

public promotion of a product or service

Soft tissue in a tooth that consists of blood vessels and nerves is __________.


The opening through which light enters an eye is a(n) _________________.


Which of the following actions might prevent injuries due to fire?

putting out small stove-top fires with a fire extinguisher

Which of the following is NOT one of the seven minerals you need in a healthy diet?


A naturally-occurring radioactive gas that seeps through rocks in the ground and can cause illnesses such as lung cancer is/are ______________________.


A type of assault that involves forced sexual relations with the goal of inflicting physical and psychological pain is __________________.


Which of the following is NOT a likely danger a runaway will encounter?

receive a scholarship offer to play football

Before dealing with emotions in a healthy way, one must first _________________________.

recognize their emotions

The process in which raw materials are extracted from waste products to make new products, such as metals, glass, plastics, and newspapers is/are __________________.


Responsible for transporting oxygen from the lungs all over the body, are _______________.

red blood cells

An automatic reaction to a stimuli which protects a person from harm is a ___________.


The last step for a recovering alcoholic is _______________, where they learn a process on how to cope without alcohol.


What should you do if you feel you have been the victim of sexual harassment?

report it to proper authorities (school administrator, law enforcement)

Mid-adolescence during which sex hormones stimulate sperm production in boys and ovulation in girls signals __________________.

reproductive maturity

With the added freedom that comes with adolescence, also comes increased ______________ for one's actions and decisions.


A layer of cells at the back of eyes is a(n) _____________.


When wronged, some people's desire for _____________ only escalates a situation and may cause a cycle of fighting.


A condition is some late-stage alcoholics where it takes less and less alcohol to be intoxicated is ________________.

reverse tolerance

A situation where a driver or drivers become extremely frustrated and/or violent while driving and possibly display aggressive actions is ______________________.

road rage

A child who disappears from home for at least one night - or two nights for a teenager is a(n) ______________.


Water that flows from land into streams, which usually contain pollutants is _______________.


Wearing the proper clothing, footwear, and padding for an activity means you are using the correct __________________.

safety equipment

Often solid at room temperature, _______________ contain all the hydrogen that can be contained by carbon atoms.

saturated fats

The abnormal curving of the spine is ____________.


Pubic hair, enlarged breasts, and widened hips in females, and facial hair and "Adam's apples" in males are considered __________________.

secondary sex characteristics

When confronting a person about a disagreement or conflict, which of the following is NOT wise?

select a private place

The process of people striving to reach their full potential is __________________.


Structures whose function is to transmit information to the brain about the movement of your head is/are ___________________.

semicircular canals

A(n) ___________ occurs when a married couple decides to part from each other in an attempt to resolve their issues.


Waste from toilets and drains, which can often kill fish and other organisms in water is ________________.


Unwanted sexual activity of one individual with another, most commonly an adult with a child or adolescent is ________________.

sexual abuse

Uninvited and unwarranted sexual advances and/or remarks targeting a specific person is ________________.

sexual harassment

Another term for brothers and sisters is _____________.


The misuse or abuse of drugs can cause serious health _________________.

side effects

A disorder characterized by a loss of breath for periods while asleep is _______________.

sleep apnea

Which of the following is NOT a warning sign of stress?

sleeping soundly

Tobacco that is often chewed, sniffed, or placed between the teeth and lower lip is _____________________.

smokeless tobacco

As cilia becomes destroyed by tar, someone might develop ______________.

smoker's cough

Meeting new people by playing on a basketball team or working out at a gym, would be a(n) __________ benefit of physical activity.


How well a person gets along with others is called:

social health

Respecting the rights of others, communicating your needs to others, and giving and accepting help are ways to improve ones:

social health

Never using tobacco products not only benefits you, but it also benefits __________.


The _____________ connects the brain to the majority of the nerves in the peripheral nervous system.

spinal cord

An overgeneralization and misconception about a group of people is a(n) ________________.


A(n) _______________ may occur when the fetus dies and is expelled from the body after 20 weeks of pregnancy.


A substance that increases the activities of the nervous system is a(n) _________________.


Which of these is NOT a source of help for families in need?

stock brokerage firm

The body and mind's response to challenges and threats is ____________.


Any situation or event that triggers stressful feelings is a _____________.


A __________________ consists of various people who help each other overcome their problems or issues, such as alcohol and drug abuse, gambling, divorce, or chronic illness.

support group

A serious bacterial STI that has three stages and can be passed from an infected pregnant woman to her baby is _________________.


Fraud is the:

telling of lies to obtain money or property

Care provided in specialty hospitals and teaching hospitals is called ______________________.

tertiary healthcare

Oval-shaped glands that produce testosterone is/are ________________.


The male sex hormone is __________________.


The word puberty specifically refers to ______________________.

the changes that happen to your reproductive system

Which of these is NOT a stage in the body's response to stress?

the denial stage

Poisons emitted by pathogenic bacteria that can cause damage to a variety of systems if they enter the body is/are _________________.


Life expectancy is:

the number of years a person can expect to live

Repeated consumption of alcohol which reduces its effects on the brain, causing increased amounts of alcohol being needed to gain the same effect is ________________.


A place where former drug abusers reside together to encourage each other to adjust to drug-free lives is a ________________.

therapeutic community

The three periods of pregnancy of which each lasts for approximately three months is/are ___________________.


A mass of tissue, usually associated with cancer is a(n) ____________________.


A technology that makes use of high-frequency sound waves to provide an image of a developing fetus _____________________.


Anemia, heart irregularities, and difficulty regulating body temperature have been linked to being ________________.


Wearing gloves, gowns, masks, and properly disposing of syringes to avoid contact with blood or body fluids is known as _______________________.

universal precautions

_________________ are found in nuts, seeds, and oil.

unsaturated fats

The spreading out and building of homes in suburbs away from the business districts is called ____________________.

urban sprawl

A harmful substance that is converted by the liver into its current state to enable it to be safely transported to the kidneys is ____________.


Untreated trichomoniasis can lead to ______________ in males, where the lining of the urethra becomes inflamed.


Infections in the bladder or urethra that may damage the kidneys are ___________________.

urinary tract infections (UTIs)

Watery fluid produced in the kidneys which carries waste products from the bloodstream out of the body is _________.


Which of the following is NOT a habit that you keep you healthy?

use narcotics and alcohol

Which of these coping techniques would be considered harmful when dealing with a stressful situation?

using narcotics

Which of the following is NOT a sign of an abusive partner?

using open, honest, and caring communication with the partner

The site where the fertilized egg develops into a baby is the _______________.


The passageway through which sperm enters a female's body, also known as the birth canal, is the _____________.


An irritation of the vagina caused by trichomoniasis is ___________________.


The intentional damage and destruction of other people's property is ________________.


A person who does not eat meat, but some may eat eggs and/or dairy products is ___________________.


The intentional use of physical force to harm oneself or others is _________________.


Nutrients that aid in many chemical reactions within the body and are made by living things are ___________________.


James Lind's discovery in 1700 about the link between scurvy and sailor's health is one key incident that showed the importance of _______________ in the diet.


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