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capable of being done with means at hand and circumstances as they are see EASI - work which are easy are always practical to do.


capable of being shaped or bent or drawn out women are able to mold their MALE (malle) partners in any way


capable of catching fire spontaneously or causing fires or burning readily OR arousing to action or rebellion insane' person who sets his 'diary' on fire


causes disapproval or harm to something noxious - means something unpleasant


causing to lose enthusiasm


censure severely or angrily he was RATEd BElow expectations and hence forth scolded.


corresponding in size or degree or extent sounds like common rate- that means the rate at which you work,at the same or common rate, you will get wages


excessive or irrational devotion to some activity


generally believed to be something. Syn- assumed,ostensible,evident,prime facie ,supposed,reputed ex-Milk as a cause of or worsener of autism will have to join the long list of other putative causes.


gentleman; a squire from L. scutarius "shield-bearer, guardsman,


enlightening or uplifting so as to encourage intellectual or moral improvement edison invented bulb which gives light Reading good literature is edifying or not.


given to or marked by the consumption of alcohol relate it to Bib that you tie so that whatever falls,it is absorbed by it.


good judgment or common sense in practical matters relate to just or fair


grant a leave to OR dismiss, usually for economic reasons even a rich man in the FUR coat can be laid off LOW for economic reasons


medicine believed to have the power to cure all ills e(lix)ir: Tag: Consider the word in bracket only. Lix sounds like Vicks. Vicks is a common CURE for cold and cough


medicine whose effectiveness is questionable put RUM in the cure cold.... a questionable remedy


mild and pleasant BALMs are used to make us feel good, mild when we are having headache or tension. hence balmy means mild, pleasant


pushing or thrusting out. process of shaping by forcing through a die. INtrude is to enter whereas extrude is to force or push OUT (ex means out)


relating to rural matters root "agr" in this word means related to agriculture clearly indicate the meaning of this word.


someone who works in a coal mine col-sounds like coal


thrust oneself in as if by force to intrude forcibly on to something


tilt to one side,


to destroy totally; exterminate Lord Rama destroyed Ravana by shooting a tir-teer(arrow) in his pate(belly)....


to disclose or reveal (something private, secret, or previously unknown) Syn- Reveal Example-


to displace from one's native or accustomed environment. de + race - remove from where ur racing,to remove


to encourage, make bold, To impart courage, inspiration, and resolution em + bold - fill with boldness


to fail to act


to feel or express sympathy or compassion co+miserate ...share one's misery by being with them


to judge too severely similar to CAUTIOUS...cautious people FIND FAULTS in things


to leave a country ,political party,organization etc and go to a different one that is a competitor or an enemy. ex-He defected from the U.S.S.R to the West. syn-blight,blemish


to lessen the pain. to make something better alleviate ~ elevator: It sounds like elevator and elevator helps us reduce leg pain while walking or climbing stairs.


to make better Take the suffix 'rate'. With the increase in product rate it's quality will also improve.


to overcome with surprise and bewilderment; astound. Syn- amaze, astonish, stagger, nonplus, confound; perplex, confuse, mystify.


to pretend illness, esp. in order to shirk one's duty, avoid work, etc. MA+LINGER- everytime child is told to do something by his MA, he LINGERS and stalls to avoid it


worthy of the gods, highly pleasing to the senses-especially that of taste ambr (sounds like amber - sky) sey liya -ambrosia-that is from the sky where Gods live


wrongful conduct by a public official mal (negative/wrong) -- + and feasance means the doing or performing of an act, therefore some wrongdoing


"any new participant in some activity ; young and inexperienced


"old,ancient,An antique; something of the time before the great flood in the Bible.


"to assert formally as a fact.

Promulgated (verb)

(Used with objects) make known by open declaration; publish; proclaim formally or put into operation (a law, decree of a court, etc.). set forth or teach publicly (a creed, doctrine, etc.). Example-The Law of Return was promulgated in 1951 to grant automatic Israeli citizenship to every Jew. Syn- advocate,publish


(adj.) (of persons or their actions) able or disposed to inflict pain or suffering similar to hell a place that inflicts pain and suffering


Characterized by or subject to whim; impulsive and unpredictable ca(CAR) + PRIC(PRICE)...PRICE OF cars nowadays is becoming unpredictable with the launch of Tata's 1 lakh car.


Characterized by strict adherence to standards or rules I want the EXACT amount! nothing more nothing less! very demanding


Conforming to accepted standards Sally's parties are decorous affairs.


Contented to a fault; self-satisfied and unconcerned placement ... hogaya ab i am fully satisfied with myself


Covering all aspects with painstaking accuracy: a person is exhausted after he covers all the aspects of research,so exhaustive-somethingthat covers all the aspects


Critical explanation or analysis, especially of a text. Something that serves to explain or clarify exe+ges+is (explain your guess work)


Deception by trickery or sophistry. sounds like Chick..a chick who tricks


Deep-seated hatred, as between longtime opponents or rivals; Extreme hostility and dislike remember antipathy as anti party. in politics the people of anti-party are quite opposite in feeling


Careful and shrewd, especially where one's own interests are concerned. cautious in spending money a can is used to store stuff and hence canny refers to storing money and not easliy spending it


Causing damage or harm; injurious. look at the part MENTAL...a MENTAL person can cause serious harm or injury when violent


MEANING : Calm and peaceful; happy; golden; prosperous, tranquil, joyful SYNONYMS : pacific, untroubled, placid, serene USAGE : Halcyon days of youth.

Pique [peek]

MEANING : Fleeting feeling or hurt pride, to wound SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : She was greatly piqued when they refused her invitation.


MEANING : Flood, deluge, to cover with water, to overwhelm SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : inundated with letters of protest.


MEANING : Flowing; a continuous moving SYNONYMS : course, current, flood, stream. USAGE : His political views are in a state of flux.


MEANING : Unbiased by personal interest or advantage; not influenced by selfish motives. SYNONYMS : impartial, neutral, unprejudiced, dispassionate ANTONYMS : Partial, biased USAGE :


MEANING : Unconscious; Unresponsive, deprived of sensation. SYNONYMS : apathetic, unfeeling, indifferent, cold, dull, passionless, emotionless, torpid(inactive or sluggish). USAGE : Insensible to shame.


MEANING : Unemotional; Calm in temperament, apathetic, sluggish SYNONYMS : Cool, stoical, torpid, quiet, placid, unruffled. ANTONYMS : USAGE : These girls, who are generally so phlegmatic, change their character on cleaning day and become frantic.


MEANING : Unique, extraordinary, odd, remarkable, exceptional SYNONYMS : peculiar, bizarre, rare, uncommon ANTONYMS : usual USAGE : The fifteen case endings of the singular form of the Finnish noun.


MEANING : Unlikely; unbelievable, not have the appearance of truth or credibility. SYNONYMS : Unbelievable, unlikely, improbable USAGE : Bear is a zoo was dancing on song was an implausible feeling to visitor.


MEANING : Urgency crisis; urgent requirements, demand SYNONYMS : Crisis, contingency, plight, strait, predicament, fix , pinch USAGE : He promised to help in any exigency


MEANING : Use of agreeable or inoffensive language in place of offensive language SYNONYMS : the substitution of a mild, indirect, or vague expression for one thought to be offensive, harsh, or blunt. USAGE : "To pass away" is a euphemism for "to die.".


MEANING : Use of obstructive tactics in a legislature to block passage of a law SYNONYMS : USAGE : I was so proud of him, to see him in that 21-hour filibuster, that gave me great hope.


MEANING : Using few words, expressing much in few words, concise. SYNONYMS : brief, pithy, terse, succinct ANTONYMS : voluble USAGE : Larry's Laconic response often instigated verbose mono logs


MEANING : bright; brilliant; glowing SYNONYMS : lucid, radiant, resplendent, intelligent, understandable, perspicuous, lucid ANTONYMS : dark, stupid,obscure USAGE : The luminous ballroom.


MEANING : calm or peaceful; unruffled, tranquil, SYNONYMS : quiet, serene ANTONYMS : USAGE : She was a placid child who rarely cried.


MEANING : varied, marked with different colors or patches or spots SYNONYMS : diversified, diverse ANTONYMS : USAGE : The front of its breast is of a red colour, its back is variegated with green


MEANING : verbal abuse, vehement or violent denunciation, censure, or reproach. SYNONYMS : Railing accusation, vituperation, denunciation, scorn, contumely ANTONYMS : USAGE : A lot of invective has been thrown their way, but that one company spends about $50 million a year on R&D.


MEANING : very careful, precise thorough ; picky; fastidious, finicky, fussy SYNONYMS : exact, strict, scrupulous ANTONYMS : careless USAGE : Meticulous personal appearance.


MEANING : very small SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : majorscule USAGE : Chris found a green frog in the box of coin.


MEANING : very sorrowful for a wrong; seeking forgiveness SYNONYMS :rueful, remorseful, repentant. USAGE : After a few rounds of phone tag, she spent seven minutes on the line with a contrite President Obama.


MEANING : villain; criminal, depraved, holding a false or unorthodox religious belief; heretical. SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : Local people demanded that the police apprehend the miscreants


MEANING : waste; worthless matter SYNONYMS : refuse, trash USAGE :Take away the dross from the silver, and there shall come forth a vessel for the finer.


MEANING : well-paying job(office or position) that requires little or no work [You receive payment but which does not involve much work or responsibility] SYNONYMS : dead buck ANTONYMS : USAGE : She found him an exalted sinecure as a fellow of the Library of Congress.


MEANING : well-suited for the occasion, as an action, manner, or expression; apt; appropriate: SYNONYMS : USAGE : The chairman's felicitous anecdote set everyone at ease.


MEANING : woman who flirts; a woman who flirts lightheartedly with men to win their admiration and affection. SYNONYMS : tease , vamp USAGE : People called her a coquette --the most dangerous of coquette s, because she was not a cold one.


MEANING :1. Agreeable, suitable, or pleasing in nature or character: 2. suited or adapted in spirit, feeling, temper, etc.; compatible: similar in tastes and habits; friendly; suited to SYNONYMS : friendly; suited to, favorable, pleasant, complaisant, sympathetic. ANTONYMS : Disagreeable USAGE : 1. Congenial surrounding 2. Congenial couple


MEANING :1. no longer in effect or use; not operating or functioning 2. no longer in existence; dead; extinct: SYNONYMS : USAGE : a defunct law; a defunct organization, defunct person.


To make slender, fine, or small,To lessen the density of; rarefy. at ten + you + ate; if you will eat only at 10 PM (once in a day), you will attenuate.


To offer as evidence; to offer something as proof ADD+USE when you tell about added usage you give an example to support the use


To reduce in amount, degree, or intensity; lessen Focus on 'ate' part of abate. (eat, ate, eaten). When you eat anything, you reduce it's quantity.


MEANING : Hidden; secret; covering ;Sheltered;Concealed; disguised SYNONYMS : Clandestine, surreptitious, furtive USAGE : Meantime, the thinking about U.S. covert military operations is going forward.


MEANING : Honesty; high-mindness, integrity and up uprightness SYNONYMS : Rectitude ANTONYMS : Dishonesty USAGE : The monk asserted his innocence and his financial probity.


MEANING : Spiritual (free from sensual desire); theoretical SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : The platonic friendship she has had with Chris for ten years.


MEANING : Spread throughout every part SYNONYMS : widespread ANTONYMS : limited, narrow USAGE : The corruption is so pervasive that it is accepted as the way to do business.


MEANING : Squalid, Filthy, misery wretched condition SYNONYMS : wretchedness ANTONYMS : splendor USAGE :


MEANING : To Burst inward, collapse inward violently SYNONYMS : USAGE : There are not many real reasons to think the mortgage market is going to implode.


MEANING : To accustom or used to hardship, difficulty, pain, etc.; toughen or harden; habituate(used to) SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : Mark is insured to cold.


MEANING : To adore, honor, respect, reverence SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : My father venerated General Eisenhower


MEANING : To aggravate; make worse, to increase the severity, bitterness, or violence of SYNONYMS :Irritate, exasperate, intensify, inflame, worsen. ANTONYMS : Relieve, soothe, alleviate. USAGE : In basketball match one player exacerbate another player


MEANING : To appease, soothe(calm, relieve); pacify SYNONYMS : conciliate, satisfy, stop feeling anger. ANTONYMS : USAGE : To placate an outraged citizenry.


MEANING : To approve, ratify, permit SYNONYMS : authority permission, confirm, approbation, acquiescence. ANTONYMS : USAGE : Newspaper run by citizens without the sanction of the goverment


MEANING : To argue over insignificant and irrelevant details. minor objection, petty or carping criticism. SYNONYMS : carp(to find faulty), cavil ANTONYMS : USAGE : Lawmakers spent the day quibbling over the final wording of the resolution.


MEANING : To atone for;to make amends(compensation) or reparation, as for an offense or a crime, or for an offender SYNONYMS : punish USAGE : 1. To expiate one's crimes. 2. An attempt of expiate by sacrifice.


MEANING : To attack loudly; denounce SYNONYMS : Detonate USAGE : The minister fulminated against legalized vice.


MEANING : To attribute the fault to; relate to a particular cause or source (blame others for the cause, crime etc.) SYNONYMS : USAGE : The children imputed magical powers to the old woman.


MEANING : To be in agreement SYNONYMS : conform, accord, fit , harmonized ANTONYMS : USAGE : The report does not quite jibe with the commissioner's observations.


MEANING : To bind, chain or shackle; confine or restrains SYNONYMS : USAGE : Boredom puts fetters upon the imagination.


MEANING : To cancel out; nullify, to deny the existence SYNONYMS : To be negative ANTONYMS : USAGE : Progress on the study has been negated by the lack of funds.


MEANING : To hypnotize(to influence or control), fascinate, spellbind SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : I thought you said you could mesmerize me any time you chose.


MEANING : Trick, crafty stratagem(plan, scheme or trick to deceive enemy), artifice SYNONYMS : deceit, booby trap, dodge, hoax ANTONYMS : USAGE : It is now clear that this was a ruse to divide them.


MEANING : Trickery; trickery or deception by quibbling or sophistry: SYNONYMS : 1. fraud, deception, knavery. 2. evasion. USAGE : He resorted to the worst flattery and chicanery to win the job.


MEANING : Truthful, honest accurate; habitually speaking of truth. SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : A veracious statement of Mahatma Gandhi.


a political system governed by old men by etymology gerontos means old people and cracy mens govt.(eg. democracy,autocracy etc.) ....therefore gerontocracy is the govt. formed by old people.


adj ill-mannered and coarse or contemptible in behavior or appearance. Boorish-learn from BURRA(BAD) He was known for being a boorish drunk and alienating close friends and family.


adj immune to attack, incapable of being overcome, challenged or refuted im (not) + pregnant - something that cannot be made penetrated, entered/resistant


adj impervious to pleas, persuasion, requests, reason a GENT IN TRANS(trance) doesnt listen to anyone..doesnt compromise Despite many calls for mercy,the judge remained intransigent ,citing strict legal precedence.


adj impoperly forward or bold


adj inability to mask your feelings, lacking in sophistication or worldliness In+genuine- In genuine relationship people are naive and trusting to each other.


adj incapable of being consoled/calmed im (not) + placate (calm) This coach is always implacable.


adj instructive (especially excessively) did + tactic or did someone teach you a tactic? the poet's works became increasingly didactic after his religious conversion sententious, dogmatic


adj intended to attract notice and impress others it as perform stunts to attract attention, showy.


adj involving intellegence rather than emotions or instinct A cerebral analysis of most pop music finds it to be simple and childish,but tht ignores the point-the music's effect on the listener.


adj kind I remeber my grandfather face was wrinkled,benign and calm.


adj known by a restricted number of people HISTORIC lessons are ESOTERIC metaphysics is such an esoteric subject. abstruse,arcane,profound,hermetic,recondite


adj lacking in harmony or compatibility or appropriateness relate it to congruent triangles in basic geometry where triangles must be made similar/in harmony


adj lacking self-confidence diffident = difficult to be confident As a young girl she was diffident and reserve. demur,retiring,bashful,coy,demure,recessive,self-effacing,sheepish


adj so great in size or force or extent as to elicit awe Few appreciate the colossal scale of the sun;if hollow ,it could contain a million Earths.


frivolous banter Bad-in-age. Youth is the age we may get involved in doing bad things. One of those bad things is teasing someone (frivolous banter) during conversation or pulling someone's leg.


frivolously disrespectful, shallow, or lacking in seriousness; characterized by lightheartedness similar to "flip" (flick-to treat something with disrespect)


from an incorrect time period ana (out of order, negative sense) + chron (time).. so something not placed correctly with respect to time.


full of interest or excitement because of something syn- agape,expectant,anticipate


full of trivial conversation ; talkative (garrulous can be related to girls when pronounced) and girls talk more than boys loquacious,gabby


full of trivial conversation it is derived from the root word 'loqua'... which refers to SPEECH or TALK


gay or light-hearted recreational activity for diversion or amusement gambol sounds like tambola which is a recreational activity


generally incompetent and ineffectual similar to 'reckless' person whose actions are not effective'


given to (having a tendency of) joking link to 'joke'


given to excess in consumption of especially food or drink sounds like MUTTON, so think of a delicious plate of mutton that you want to have more and more of.


giving strong encouragement While ploughing farms with bulls, farmers say "HUR HUR ;HORT HORT" to encourage bulls to move ahead. This is HORTATORY.


glowing unnaturally, glaringly vivid and graphic; marked by sensationalism lurid ~ horrid ; horrid , horrifying .. somewhat same .. horrible , wild , sensational ...


grow and flourish burgeon ~ burger; If you eat a lot of burgers, you will gain weight (hence grow)


guided by or in accordance with conscience or sense of right and wrong French < Latin conscientia "consciousness" < conscire "be conscious," literally "know thoroughly" < scire "know"]


bad or offensive,Strong and offensive in odor or flavor. EGREGIOUS (extremely bad). During one of our stage performance, we made such a huge mistake that people started throwing eggs at us and a rotten 'EGG REACHes US' (sounds like egregious)


based on pretense; deceptively pleasing like a merit (meret) certificate.. flashy and attractive in a way.. but of no REAL value...


blindly or excessively devoted or adoring relate it to worshipping statues("idols") as gods, complete and blind faith and devotion


block or obstruct relate it with a stampede there is great obstruction


block passage through when you include someone they are welcome and the gates are always open but when you OCCLUDE(rhymes with EXCLUDE), they are unwelcome and hence the gates are SHUT or CLOSED on them.


boisterously and noisily aggressive/defiant strepsil (medicine) cures uncontrolled sore throat that happens due to making too much noise


boldly defy or resist authority,stubborn Latin contumacia < contumac- "insolent"]


brief and to the point; Lack + conic (concise) = lack of communication/words


brilliant radiance. bright and sending out rays of light Latin, effulgere "shine forth," from ex- "out" + fulgere "to shine"


brought low in spirit chest + fallen.. disappointed, sad.. you lose all hope.


burdensome, tiring, heavy load that makes one weary Onerous= one+rous. If u assign much work on ONE person it will be onerous for him


call forth (emotions, feelings, and responses) or cause to start burning kindle sounds like CANDLE that is used to light a fire, also like a beacon to call forth


call together sounds like "convey" we have to convey something, so please assemble for a meeting.


calm ,free from disturbance,not easily irritated syn- limpid,sedate,serene,tranquil,unperturbed


causing or capable of causing laughter; laughable; ludicrous; comical Eg-His essay was considered so risible that few even bothered trying to argue with it.


censure, blame, or abusive language aimed at a person or thing, especially by numerous persons or by the general public. Syn-reproach, calumny; aspersion, revilement(to assail with contemptuous or opprobrious(((outrageously disgraceful or shameful:opprobrious conduct))) language; address or speak of abusively) Eg-Why, then, has her memory been covered through centuries with scorn and obloquy ? Mnemonic- OB- against, LOQUY- talk


central or vital part; core kernel sounds similar to colonel. In an army the colonel has an importance of being the central authority.


challenge the accuracy, probity, or propriety of OPPose something in terms of its truth or accuracy


characteristic of acting or a stage performance; often affected histrionic-- sounds like history. We find that most of the plays performed on stage in the theatre are from history, hence the name histrionic, theatrical.


characteristic of informal spoken language or conversation colloquial - can be read as Coll - local so we use local language(informal) language in our college..


characterized by anger cholera is a disease . When you are sick you get irritated and bad-tempered, you are choleric.


characterized by bloodshed and carnage for both sides or (of conflict) within a group or organization INTER (between) + NE (any) + CINE (sign) = in a relationship, when there is'nt ANY SIGN of love BETWEEN the two, it is MUTUALLY DESTRUCTIVE for the relationship.


characterized by departure from accepted beliefs or standards heterodox--hetero-means different+ dox --means opinion, so different or many opinions.


characterized by great caution and wariness CHARY sounds similar to WARY, meaning CAUTIOUS


characterized by injustice or wickedness; wicked; sinful. INIQUITOUS ~ IN + Equity; in + equity -> not treating everyone equally (which is considered as INIQUITOUS or sinful act)


characterized by intense emotion; extremely hot relate to fever where one's temperature rises above the normal range


characterized by lust, having a smooth or slippery quality relate to lubricant that makes things smooth slippery.


complex system of paths or tunnels in which it is easy to get lost


conceal one's true motives by pretending to have good intentions so as to gain an end think of WINK-ing from under the HOOD of your jacket, to hide/deceive what you are doing


cry loudly B+awl(owl) bad owl will cry


cultivated land that is left barren for one or more seasons sounds like 'hollow, therefore something which is empty, not bearing fruit'


derive or receive pleasure from; get enjoyment from; take pleasure in Baskin N Robbin's Ice Cream, Remember? We really enjoy going there and having ice creams.


free somebody (from an erroneous belief) REMEMBER AS the opposite of abuse(use harsh words or create wrong impression


a difficult problem Can+ any one lift is drum?? As it is a difficult problem.


a dissolute person; usually a man who is morally unrestrained LIBERTINE=liberti+ne=LIBERTY IN Excess can make you irresponsible and immoral.


a false accusation of an offense or state of disgrace etymologically OB-'against' and LOQUY-'talk'. Therefore OBLOQUY means to talk against someone,i.e. slander


the practice of cultivating the land or raising stock most common usage is animal husbandry-taking care and raising livestock


to deny, dispute, or contradict OR to speak or act against; oppose she has (Gain)ed weight but is not (say)ing it which means, she is denying the fact. contradict, disavow,negate,repudiate,disown


he point in an orbit most distant from the body being orbited. a final climactic stage,the highest/farthest point/peak Apogee = Up+ho+gee (ho ji -> like in hindi).. So what is up, is at the highest point


heavy artillery,an attack by dropping bombs Bombs falling on our Apartment


high-flown style; excessive use of verbal ornamentation grand (maginificent) + eloquent (fluent speech)


hinder or prevent (the efforts, plans, or desires) of relate to frustrated - a feeling when expectations are not met or hopes are disappointed


hold spellbound en+thrall(very close to word thrill.a thrilling dance performance


housing that someone is living in Latin,from domus "house" (see domestic) + colere "to dwell"


idle or indolent especially in a dreamy way, lacking spirit or liveliness lackadaisical sounds as LACK+(A)+DI+ZE(C)AL... hence the meaning " lack of zeal"


ill-mannered and coarse and contemptible in behavior or appearance boor means =bura .... ill mannered... so make adj boorish..


ill-mannered and coarse and contemptible in behavior or appearance lot (loud) brutish and ill mannered people are also loud


impossible to control or suppress focus on repress meaning press down, control


impossible to correct or reform (in)corr(gible)==in eligible to be corrected or cant be corrected


impossible to deny or disprove without controversy


impossible to remedy or correct or redress remediable = unable to remedy (cure, correct


impossible to satisfy in(means not)+satia(ble).satiSFIED..SO someone who is NOT satisfied.


impressive because of unnecessary largeness or grandeur; used to show disapproval grand+iose(..pose), people who give POSE (show off) are usually reffered to grandiose persons


in a state of sulky dissatisfaction Run+Led==they were not satisfied getting 1000 Runs lead even...they were dissatisfied...


liquidate gradually from L. ad- "to" + mors (gen. mortis/mortal) "death" . Meaning "extinguish a debt" (in form amortization)


make a portrait of, trace the shape of limn: Think of 'Film' i.e. Picture, Drawing.


make ineffective by counterbalancing the effect of


make known to the public information that was previously known only to a few people or that was meant to be kept a secret from L. divulgare "publish, make common," from dis- "apart" + vulgare "make common property," from vulgus "common people"


make less severe or harsh think of MITIGATE as COLGATE(toothpaste).Use of COLGATE lessen or try to lessen the extent of germs in our teeth.


make obscure or unclear obfus is similar to confuse + c(re)ate - therefore to create confusion


make productive or fruitful something that bears frui(c)t


make worse or less effective or imperfect opposite of Repair


marked by casual disrespect relate it to "flick" which means to hit with a light quick blow - he flicked the insect off the table - therefore to treat something as if flicking it away (disrespect/casual attitude)


marked by complete lack of concern


marked by elaborate rhetoric and elaborated with decorative details sounds like ORNAmenTe ..when many ornaments are used, the thing is ornated.


marked by or showing unaffected simplicity and lack of guile or worldly experience


marked by scandalous crime or vice:villainous syn-Atrocious,monstrous,heinous ex-murder is a flagitious crime"


marked by up-to-dateness in dress and manners NATTY sounds like NEAT and tidy so natty


overbearing pride or presumption HUB+RIS(RAISE)--A person RAISEd in a HUB(city centre),will be arrogant and conceited towards villagers and others.


praise somewhat dishonestly you will falsely praise a bland-dish prepared by your wife


prayer to a deity ORIginal (sincere) SONg to a god


prppriety in manner and conduct DECO (dekho) yaar, RUM pine ke baad, there is very little possibility that you will be in ORDERLINESS and GOOD MANNERS, CONDUCT.


prudence in avoiding waste frugal means avoiding waste... read it as free+girl...if you take a girl out for free it prevents waste of money


punishment; chastisement; reproof; pungent criticism. Castigated sounds similar to castrated, which would be a harsh punishment for any guy.


quiet and timid and ineffectual acting like a mouse


range of knowledge or vision ken sounds like "can" i.e., one who has a wide range of knowledge can understand anything.


rapid simultaneous discharge of firearms Fusion' bomb, a kind of nuclear bomb. So 'fusillade' is discharge of bombs.


reduced to ashes and burned out completely cinerate sounds like cigarette that burns out into ash.

Abrogate (V)

revoke formally. ex-The workers abrogated their right to increment. Imagine a boy is making sighs to a girl standing in front of her GATE,seeing that ,her BRO comes & get rid of the boy (abolish)


sad beyond comforting; incapable of being consoled If you can identify the word consol(console), then... you would console someone who has lost every hope and is hopelessly sad.


secret cooperation for an illegal or dishonest purpose. used with preposition "with" syn- complicity,connivance,conspiracy


secret; obscure in meaning Crypt means Secret . . . So Cryptic means something secret .


seize and take control without authority and possibly with force Think of it's similarity to "arrogant." An arrogate person might be so bold as to arrogate another's possessions.


something used to lure fish or other animals into danger so they can be trapped or killed DECOY sounds like DACOIT.wat does a dacoit do?LURES VICTIMS TO DANGER


sorrowful through loss or deprivation be+reft--reft sounds like left, imagine a man who is left alone after his girlfriend left him or deprived of someone lovable.


sorting and allocating aid on the basis of need for or likely; syn-sort ,prioritize ex-She began her workday with a triage of emails.


sounds that are pleasing to the ear the melodies from a 'Flute' are mellifluous.


speak (about unimportant matters) rapidly and incessantly sounds like wander - in speech or moving


special talent knack - knock out... u should have a special talent to knock out ur contender


spoilsport; one who intentionally spoils the pleasure of others kill+joy....... kill here means spoil .+ others joy spoil others pleasure....


state of being inactive or suspended temporarily ab+yawns.... so, think of something like 'students started yawning and so the teacher gave them 5 mins break' i.e. temporary suspension... Latency , doldrum,quiescent


strong feelings of embarrassment When someone laughs and GRINs at u,u feel humiliated,irritated.


substituting a mild, indirect, or vague term for one considered harsh, blunt, or offensive: Concentrate on Phemism-sounds like feminism,females will never use harsh words,they use milder words.


suitable or at a time that is suitable or advantageous especially for a particular purpose OPPORTUNE sounds like FORTUNE., somehting that occurs at the right time is a matter of good luck or fortune


superficial speech, smooth, persuasive split the word into g(o) lib(rary). Someone who goes to the library very frequently obviously is very articulate and thus fluent,slick,diplomatic with people...


the act of inventing a word or phrase neo' means 'new' and 'logos' means 'word'; so 'neologism' means inventing new word.


the act of jostling (forcing your way by pushing) by reading jostle the first thing which rhymes in my mind is "hustle and bustle". If there is hustle and bustle in the market then jostle is bound to happen.


the act of obeying; dutiful or submissive behavior ; a sign of reverence or submission or shame or greeting divide this word...into .....obei which sounds like obey and + s(t)ance meaning position


the act of providing vague advance estimations or representing beforehand Latin,from ad- "to" + umbrare "to cast in shadow', also think ad + umbrella - standing under the umbrella,you will be in shade/shadow,so ppl cant see you clearly, they will have a vague idea or see your outline only,not your face.


the act of taking something from someone unlawfully break it up into LA-R-CENY LA (Law) and CENY (rhymes with Money or CENT for money) Unlawful taking of money = theft


the outcome of a sequence of events; the end result de + NOUncEMENT(ANNOUNCEMENT)..SO you are making an annoucement of your company's FINAL OUTCOME report.


the people outside of a particular profession, as distinguished from those belonging to it: the medical ignorance of the laity. relate it to a layman ie, a person who doesnt have in depth information about a subject, is outside the group of experts


to reproach or denounce vehemently; upbraid harshly; berate sharply. when someone objects with you he will reproach or denounce


to scatter or spread widely, as though sowing seed; promulgate extensively; broadcast; disperse: to disseminate information about preventive medicine.


to sharpen; make perfect or complete sounds like cone or horn that are both sharp


to soften, moderate, or weaken (one's words), esp. for the sake of decorum or courtesy. minced also means to cut up into very small pieces, something that is minced therefore will be softened, less harsh or potent.


to stimulate to action Imagine a Van filled with Girls appear, how will you react, you will be stirred up as if you have HAD A SHOCK.


to thicken,to solidfy con + geal..geal...gelatinous..means to coagulate


to wander about, seeking pleasure or diversion; gad. Syn-Jazz around,gad mnemonic- Galli (de) and Vent(went)- Few people aimlessly wandering around came to the old man and Galli(de+ went)


tolling of a bell especially to indicate a funeral, disaster, etc. Knell sounds just like 'Bell'


unhealthy vapors rising from the ground or other sources cigarette smoke is harmful to MY(mi)+ASTHMA(asma)


unusual or different; excitingly strange,from another region Latin exoticus from Greek exotikos, from exo "out, outside," the underlying notion being "foreign, out of the ordinary.


unusual,not normal Anomaly sounds like abnormal.. that is one who deviates from the normal order.


use cautiously and frugally All wives are extravagant and spendthrifts where as all husbands spend sparingly, are frugal and save on the budget


used informally as (often pejorative) intensifiers When someone is a complete stupid, you say "Arrey, you stupid". => Arrant


using force to cause something to occur rhymes with aversion-force to do something you have an aversion for


v ; to irritate intensely exasperate(excess + parade)=hence u r ill and if u r asked to parade excess u will annoy and become angry as it may worsen your health condition


v To defame or belittle. ocus on the 'nigrate' part of this word and relate it to '******' ,which was used to refer to black ppl in a degrading manner-racism


v To keep away from es+CHEW... CHEWING a CHEWINGGUM IS A BAD HABIT while working in an office, so you must avoid this HABIT. Politicians are the masters of eschewing morals.


v achieve something by mean of trickery or devious methods Finn (English Bowler ) try to get out the Australian batsman by making angle(trick) Steven was able to finagle one of the last seats on the train. Contrive


v add details or explanation; clarify the meaning Ex+ Pound = add weight The CEO refuse to expound on the decision to merge our department with the other one.


v avoid speaking to or dealing with, expel ostRACISM .. racism leads to groupism and excluding a group from the public is to OSTRACIZE.


v behave awkwardly ; have difficulties Every startup founder has difficulties to start He flounders in Maths


v collect information bit by bit Clean is collecting garbage bit by bit


v describe in details the coach delineated the specifics of the game plan


v destroying or killing a large part of the population The decimation after atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki is incomprehensible.


v exclude from a community or group


v grow worse(usually devolve into);; pass on or delegate to another The dailoue between the two academics devolved into a downright bitter argument; The company was full of manager for devolving tasks to lower management.


v made ineffective or powerless


v make furious "Nonsense" people make you furious When Herbs bought football tickets for a game on the day of their wedding anniversery,Jill was incensed.


v make less rigid or softer , make more temperate, acceptable, or suitable mollify sounds like nullify...nullifying something will reduce it till it is null or zero


v praise or glorify The tennager exalted the rock star glorify,aggrandise,ennoble


v reduce the quality or value of something The third-rate script so debased the film that not even the ..


v think about carefully,weigh the pros and cons Emergency situation as this call for immediate action and leave no room to deliberate over options.


v to adpot or support an idea or cause spouse (you can do any thing for them),you support them As a college student ,Charlie espoused Marxism.


v to celebrate a person


v to indicate in wrongdoing ,usually a crime The crime boss was implicated for many crimes.


v to live off meagre resources,to scrape by Stranded in a cabin over the winter,Terry was able to eke out an exitence on canned food.


v to search for something persistently Ferret is an animal that look like large rat Ever the resourceful lexicographer, Fenton was able to ferret out the word origin of highly obscure words.


v treat or speak of with contempt The nun derided the students for trying to sneak insect and worms into classroom. Jibe,ridicule


v urge on with unpleasant comments go and do it some unpleasant comment from the Headmaster Doug didn't want to enter the race ,but Jim,through a steady stream of taunt ,goaded him into signing up for it.


v-give a neat appearance to, n- a pungent spicy asian dish


v-remove something that has been rejected for VERB - sounds like "KILL" - (verb) remove something that has been rejected


working or spreading in a hidden and usually injurious way insidious= inside+ hideous. think of something terrible, like a disease, hiding inside of the body.


praise, glorify, or honor


1. a model or pattern of excellence or of a particular excellence: a paragon of virtue. Synonyms: ideal, standard, epitome, quintessence; example, exemplar, paradigm. 2. someone of exceptional merit: Just who is this paragon whose name is on everyone's lips? Synonyms: nonesuch, nonpareil.


1.a group of persons hired to applaud an act or performer. 2.a group of sycophants.


MEANING : Fame, glory, honor, acclaim SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : He received kudos from everyone on his performance.


MEANING : Relating to the subfamily Bovinae, which includes cattle, buffalo, and kudus. SYNONYMS : Oxlike, cowlike, dull USAGE: Man is canada has a bovine muscles


1.a lawyer who uses unprofessional or questionable methods. 2.a person who gets along by petty, sharp practices. ex-On her application for asylum she listened to shyster legal counsel.

Mendicant (n)

A beggar


precise details; small or trifling matters relate it to the minute hand on a clock which measures very small precise units of time


A bitter, abusive denunciation. dia+tribe:the lower ranked tribe(in caste division) always face thunderous verbal attack from upper caste people.


A crown worn as a sign of royalty. dia + dem; dia + gem; dia is related to circle; Circle of Gems is what a crown has


MEANING : The act of estimation by projecting known information SYNONYMS : prediction USAGE : An extrapolation from the fact that there was vegetation below.


MEANING : new word or expression, new doctrine (principal, policy) SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : The newspaper used the neologism "dinks", double income no kids.


A crude figure or dummy representing a hated person or group. A likeness or image, especially of a person. Latin,effingere "mold, fashion, portray," from ex- "out" + fingere "to form, shape"


A departure of a large number of people ek sau dus - 110 -> 11 - > nau do gyarah means departure


A feeling of anger, resentment, indignation, etc. Dudgeon sounds like dungeon, and I would be very resentful if I were put in a dungeon


A feeling of regret for one's sins or misdeeds SPLIT AS cont (COUNT) - rite (RIGHT). COUNT THE CASH RIGHT, ELSE YOU WILL REGRET IT.


A file of papers containing a report. Dossier sounds like BOSS+here.. so ur boss is here n he needs d file!


A formal meeting, a widely observed/practised rule


prevent the occurrence of; prevent from happening obviate - viate sounds like deviate, deviate yourself from something unnecessary to you...


producing a sizeable profit it is derived from lucre which means money


N- to surrender(usually under agreed condition) Pakistan loosing all the 9 wickets for 44 run basically capitulated when they played at their last wicket.


To pay tribute or homage to, to honour Extol = Ex + Tol. My EX-Girlfriend always praised the 'Tall' guys highly in front of me. And so our relationship ended!


A formal sealed agreement or agreement between God and his people in which God makes certain promises and requires certain behavior from them in return Covalent means a kind of bonding, Covenant means binding between ppl.


A funeral hymn or lament. A dirge gives me da (the) urge to start crying.


A purifying or figurative cleansing of the emotions, especially pity and fear, CATHA sounds like KATHA(a religious story in hindi)..KATHA leads to the purging(means release) of emotional tensions.


prophetic of devastation or ultimate doom calamity means a disaster- so focus on 'cal' in apocalyptic


A revelatory manifestation of a divine being. Epi + Phan - read as appearcance of famous person-associated with the revelation of Jesus to the world


A seer or prophet; a soothsayer


A short, witty poem. A concise, clever, often paradoxical statement. telegram-->simple note....epigram--->witty note


A situation that requires a choice between options that are or seem equally unfavorable or mutually exclusive.


A state of disuse or inactivity. desuetude --- de sue can be remembered as Disuse.


A stupid person; a dunce. dolt rhymes with bolt. Nut-bolt ~ what a nut he is. (stupid person)


A system of coordinated procedures for apprehending criminal suspects or other wanted persons u drag a jaal (net) to catch criminals


A title, short explanation, or description accompanying an illustration or a photograph. Just as Captain accompanies his team & explains them how to play,caption accompanies a photograph & explains what it is about


To procreate; propagate. give rise to When genders get together they cause, produce, and give rise to offspring yield,breed


To put into words positively and with conviction,To solemnly swear or affirm Link it to assert. aver state confidently


ADJ troubled persistently especially with petty annoyance My cousin Harry irritated me regularly Ravi was harried with little questions and could not focus on her projects. petulant , peevish


Abrupt and curt in manner or speech brusque...sounds like brisk...and if you solve someone's doubt are trying to be abrupt.....


Abstinence from sexual intercourse, especially by reason of religious vows. celi+ABATE - stop sex

Accede (v)

Accedence (n) Agree, given consent,assume power


Adj a misconception resulting from incorrect reasoning "fal' from false, therefore something that leads to false understanding


An act of willingly carrying out the wishes of others,the act of submitting; usually surrendering power to another com + pliance, pliant means flexible - yielding.


An atmosphere of social harmony. comity sounds like come eat with us, which displays courtesy.


An authoritative principle, belief, or statement of ideas or opinion, especially one considered to be absolutely true. Mother's word (ma) is all the proof you need


An authoritative statement. dictator means authoritarian; dictum means an authoritative statement.


An expression of approval; praise. A+Cool+Aide is a praise for the effort by a Distinction Student


Greatly pleasing; delightful. normally associated with food delight on table- delectable


Guided by practical experience and not theory,based on data Empire...maintaining an empire requires much practical experience


Having great significance If you dont pay money, the consequences will be serious"


Having no set plan; haphazard or random. De-result...Obviously a haphazard or desultory approach will result to nothing.


To regard with extreme dislike and hostility, to curse someone or something ex-recate rhymes with HATE


a person who executes without question or scruple a master's commands


an extreme bellicose nationalist jingoist rhymes with maoist....who are aggressive, rebellious


A light purplish-blue. The blue sky sounds simillar to azo..which is dye used to colour clothes..........derived from azo compounds...this dye is available in blue


A name, title, or designation. Imagine the finest Technology company - Apple. It's a symbol of designation, a prestigious title.


A path or opening for going out; an exit.Exit, act of leaving or going out. after giving GRE-U-LEAVE FOR US, EXITING India


A person sent to represent another. the word relates to Missionary --> some one with a mission i.e an AGENT


A person who appeals to the prejudices and emotions of the people to gain power. demo(means people) agogue (means leading ) so it adds up to leading people in a wrong way.

Vagrant (n)

A person who has no place to live and go here and there.


an ill-bred man, especially one who behaves in a dishonorable or irresponsible way toward women. Syn-bounder, rotter, rascal, rogue; heel.


Having or displaying no guile, cunning, or deceit,Of a plain and unsophisticated nature art+less means not having many arts to understand very simple and natural.


Having or showing courage Dauntless - Daunt + less .. If daunt(Fright or FEAR) is less , it means you are bold and dauntless.


an imitation or a substitute, usually an inferior one Engineer taking SAT instead of GRE-poor substitute-will not get admission


an incorrect or unsuitable name mis+name( r ) = misnomer


an indecent or improper act im (not + proper (unsuitable)


(verb) affect as in thought or feeling


MEANING : relating to the stars; determined by or from the stars. SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : sidereal time

Draughty (Adj)

Not airtight,having moving(esp cold air) from outside.


To voice opposition; object sounds a little like Damn U R wrong!! I object!


a flock of birds Bevy=be +"we" not me, hence refers to group of people


adj wealthy


attack as false or wrong


excessively fat we can remember it by 'crop'. One who eats too much crop is very fat..


having a foul smell feet' - often associated with bad smell.


lacking definition or definite content


of great mass; huge and bulky similar to gigantic


something that cannot be uttered in (not) + fable (story) - a story or something to be said that cannot be expressed


the act of searching for food and provisions search for provisions FOR old AGE


using words that imitate the sound they denote


any heavy material used to stabilize a ship or airship,an attribute that tends to give stability in character and morals; something that steadies the mind or feelings Bal(Balance)+Last(last long), adding weight to bring balance to something(as in weighing balance) or to make it stable that last long.


any long and tedious address or recital close to a li(s)t + any. a long series of expressions


any new participant in some activity new + fight; A new member or beginner always has to fight to establish his own identity.


any song of praise, joy, or triumph.


to offer or accept a challenge as in to take up or throw down a gauntlet a person who has been challeneged will be GONE TO LET the lions out of their cages


(noun) a remedy for hearing loss or deafness ,(adj.) of or relating to the science of acoustics greek -prefix a- + koein (similar to Hindi Kaan-ear) "to mark, perceive, hear,"


(noun) a state of lawlessness and disorder (usually resulting from a failure of government) Anarchy-Sounds like 'monarchy' (like Tibet was ruled by monarchy), absence of government


(noun) servile flattery; exaggerated and hypocritical praise


,Lack of interest or concern, especially regarding matters of general importance or appeal; indifference. a (negative) + pathy : root "pathy" means feeling as in sympathy; so apathy means having no feeling for others or lacking interest in something.

Ravishment (N)

1. a feeling of delight at being filled with wonder and enchantment. ex-The ravishment of her beauty and her charm held him speechless. 2.assault,rape But the disgrace of this ravishment of our wife during our hours of carelessness, hath stained us, to be sure.


1.a medicine sold with false or exaggerated claims and with no demonstrable value; quack(Charlatan) medicine. 2.a scheme, theory, device, etc., especially one to remedy social or political ills; panacea(The president seems to believe that a two-state solution in Israel is the panacea for stopping the spread of radical Islam.) Mnemonic-Put RUM in the NOSTril to cure cold?? questionable medicine.


1.a person's relatives collectively; kinfolk; kin. 2.a group of persons related to another; family, tribe, or clan. 3.relationship by birth or descent, or sometimes by marriage; kinship. 4.natural relationship; affinity. Ex-We are kindred spirits on the issue of gun control. Obviously she mistook the look of shock on my face and considered me a kindred spirit when it came to militant healthy eating.


1.division into two parts, kinds, etc.; subdivision into halves or pairs. 2.division into two mutually exclusive, opposed, or contradictory groups: a dichotomy between thought and action. 3.Botany. a mode of branching by constant forking, as in some stems, in veins of leaves, etc. Ex-This dichotomy has been addressed on shows like The West Wing and in many other political commentaries in the past.

Motley (adj)

1.exhibiting great diversity of elements: a motley crowd. Synonyms: heterogeneous , varied, diverse, mixed, assorted, sundry(The couturier famously traveled the world on scouting trips, looking to draw design inspiration from sundry cultures.); incongruous, disparate, diversified, dissimilar, divergent.


1.feeling, characterized by, or expressing strong displeasure at something considered unjust, offensive, insulting, or base: Example-indignant remarks; an indignant expression on his face. Mnemonic- indignAN(GRY)t


1.intended to entrap or beguile: an insidious plan. 2.stealthily treacherous or deceitful: an insidious enemy. 3.operating or proceeding in an inconspicuous(not easily seen) or seemingly harmless way but actually with grave effect: an insidious disease. Eg-Cancer is the most pernicious, insidious, disgusting disease of life. Mnemonic-Inside+ hideous=think of something terrible,like a disease,hiding inside of the body.


1.lost in thought; deeply engrossed or preoccupied. 2.diverted;removed;take away 3.thought of apart from concrete realities, specific objects, or actual instances: syn-absent-minded Example- He is silent and abstracted, like one just returned from the cave of Trophonius. Mnemonic- Distracted and inattentive

Facile (adj)

1.moving, acting, working, proceeding, etc., with ease, sometimes with superficiality: facile fingers; a facile mind. 2.easily done, performed, used, etc.: a facile victory; a facile method. 3.easy or unconstrained, as manners or persons. 4.affable, agreeable, or complaisant; easily influenced:


1.not strict or severe; careless or negligent: lax morals; a lax attitude toward discipline. 2.loose or slack; not tense, rigid, or firm: a lax rope; a lax handshake. 3.not rigidly exact or precise; vague: lax ideas. Eg- In the age of the Internet and in our lax regulatory environment, there are more quacks than ever before. Mnemonic- Remember it from the word-"reLAX"

Farcical (adj)

1.pertaining to or of the nature of farce. 2.resembling farce; ludicrous; absurd.

Dulcet (adj)

1.pleasant to the ear; melodious: the dulcet tones of the cello. 2.pleasant or agreeable to the eye or the feelings; soothing. Syn-musical, tuneful, mellifluous, sweet-sounding. Mnemonic- "Dil se" tracks are dulcet.


1.the act or process of ramifying. 2.a branch: ramifications of a nerve. 3.a related or derived subject, problem, etc.; outgrowth; consequence; implication: The new tax law proved to have many ramifications unforeseen by the lawmakers.

Commuted(verb) change (a prison sentence or other penalty) to a less severe one: The death sentence was commuted to life imprisonment. exchange for another or for something else; give and take reciprocally; interchange. change: to commute base metal into gold.

Reprieve(v) delay the impending punishment or sentence of (a condemned person). relieve temporarily from any evil. SYN-delay, postponement, stay, deferment. EX-We were given a reprieve but it was still quite a tall order.

Perturbed(v) disturb or disquiet greatly in mind; agitate. throw into great disorder; derange. Syn-1. trouble. 2. confuse, addle, muddle. Example-She never seemed fazed or perturbed by the goings-on and the very chaotic sleeping arrangements. Mnemonic- Sounds like Disturb

enamored(adj) fill or inflame with love (usually used in the passive and followed by of or sometimes with): Ex---to be enamored of a certain lady; a brilliant woman with whom he became enamored. charm or captivate. Mnemonic- "Enamor" is a famous brand of bras who's not in love with Bras.

Bedazzled(v) impress forcefully, especially so as to make oblivious(not conscious) to faults or shortcomings: Audiences were bedazzled by her charm. dazzle so as to blind or confuse: The glare of the headlights bedazzled him. Syn- 1. dazzle, astound, overwhelm, flabbergast, enchant(bewitch), captivate. 2. daze, bewilder, disconcert, blind, befuddle, fluster(to put into a state of agitated confusion: His constant criticism flustered me.)


1.undue or exaggerated praise. 2.publicity, acclaim, etc., that is full of undue or exaggerated praise. Example:We don't expect the likes from you, Emon; and we don't mind that fellow's puffery and pride.


1.unintentional: an inadvertent insult. 2.not attentive; heedless. 3.of, relating to, or characterized by lack of attention. ex- A moment later, nevertheless, McChrystal may have inadvertently revealed what motivated the entire coverup. Mnemonic- in+advertisement- without getting an idea from the advertisement we end up buying wrong product.


1.without civilizing influences; uncivilized; primitive: barbaric invaders. 2.of, like, or befitting barbarians: a barbaric empire; barbaric practices. 3.crudely rich or splendid: barbaric decorations. 4.very cruel Example-Rome wants and needs to be a capital of dialogue and peace, not a barbaric battleground.


MEANING : Tightly sealed; magical ,isolated SYNONYMS : USAGE : Jar of pickle was hermetic by grandma.


Brilliant technique or style in performance. A showy manner or display. brav(e)+ (s)ura - impressive song performance - display of skill

To justify or prove."

A VERy confident statement!


A gradual increase, especially in the volume or intensity of sound divide it like cresc(sound like krish) the end of krish movie..when hrithik kills the villian..the intensity or the volume of music increses .which conveys the feeling.


A great flood or a heavy downpour del[del company]uge[huge] when the Del company advertised it's product, there was a huge rush of requests, a deluge of requests.


A law or rule. The collection of books received as genuine Holy Scriptures sounds like canun -> kanun -> set of laws; so canon is the set of books containing kanun


A lengthy, formal treatise, especially one written by a candidate for the doctoral degree at a university; a thesis. essay on 'A dessert Station'..


A minister or priest; a cleric. (ecclesiastic = eccles + iastic) eccles sounds like 'EGG-LESS' and priests generally don't eat eggs.


A person devoted to pleasure and luxury Link it to the word epicure which means the same.


A person who makes elaborate, fraudulent, and often voluble claims to skill or knowledge you hit CHAR LATEIN (in Hindi language) (4 kicks) to the person who misguides you as he himself doesn't know anything.


A person who renounces material comforts and leads a life of austere self-discipline, especially as an act of religious devotion. ascetic ~ acidic; he is living ascetic life by drinking and eating only acidic things (not good in taste) and avoid anything have good taste.


A person with refined taste, especially in food and wine. who can write an EPIC on CURRY has to be a CONNOISSEUR OF FOOD..


A poem or song composed especially as a lament for a deceased person. E(a)-LEGY(legendry) if a legendry person dies......people sing a mournful poem or people lament or regret for his death..


A profane or obscene term ,The word or words by which one is called and identified: epithet = a + pithet -> a pathetic (person)

Abyss (n)

An immeasurably deep chasm, depth, or void. Something of immeasurable and vast exten a + bys (take this as 20 i.e. bees in hindi language)+mal(take it as mile)..... so a 20 mile deep pit in the ground looks like its bottomless. an abyss of despair


An inscription on a tombstone in memory of the one buried there. a person writing on the tomb of his father - 'e pitah'


Area of land measured in acres. acre+age: acre-it is a unit to measure extent of land


Arousing laughter when u r amused u roll on the ground


Bicameral consisting of two chambers bi (means two) + camer (latin root)(chamber) ~ something that consist of two chambers.


Brazen boldness; presumptuousness, impudence; arrogance. for every discussion he comes to the FRONT and a rude manner.


MEANING : Act of trespassing or violating a law or rule SYNONYMS : breach ANTONYMS : USAGE : Woman was made for man and became first in the transgression.


Having womanish traits or qualities. Characterized by weakness and excessive refinement. e+FFEMINA+te...focus on the middlie part must be knowing about FEMINA MISS INDIA , where the focus is on mainly promoting womanhood.


High praise or commendation. eulogy = eu-'good' + log 'root: logue [dialogue, talk, speech]' => Good speech


MEANING : 1. Alluring by a show of flashy or vulgar attractions; tawdry, gaudy; specious; falsely attractive 2. Pertaining to or characteristic of a prostitute. SYNONYMS : Showy, gaudy, spurious, sham, false, tawdry ANTONYMS : USAGE : Calendar girls are meretricious while shooting for portfolio


MEANING : 1. An embankment that prevents a river from overflowing 2. a reception, usually in someone's honor SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : 1.To levee a treacherous stream. 2. a presidential levee at the White House.


Fearlessly, often recklessly daring; bold when you go for some audition you need to be bold and daring.


Free from prejudice; impartial. candidates in an interview are recommended to be straight forward in an interview for best result.....


Full of unrestrained enthusiasm or joy. Extreme in degree, size, or extent. EXUBERANT-Over Excess number of ANTS. ants are unrestrained, in large numbers


Fully and clearly expressed; They wanted explicit directions to the museum so they would not get lost.


Goodwill and lighthearted rapport between or among friends; comradeship. break it up.. Camara + de + rie.. you give or share your room with your friends with whom you have mutual trust.. good-fellowship..


Having numerous overlapping coils or folds: volve is root which means to roll. con is prefix which means together.If you roll some thing completely (within it self) it becomes complicated!! and difficult to entangle it!


Deliberately ambiguous or vague: If everyone spoke in an "equal-voice" you wouldn't be able to decipher who was calling.


Deserted by an owner or keeper; down,dialpidated dairy + licked=> people will tend to abandon/discard a "dairy milk" chocolate that has been licked..


Deserving of esteem; admirable esteem+able- able to get esteem,worthy of esteem


Deviating from the proper or expected course. Departing from the normal. ab (away) + err (error) + ant : focus on ERR and ANT, usually an ant follows a path ... so moving away from (root ab means away from) that path means, error in regular path and hence deviating from normal path...or behaviour


Difficult to explain or understand Enigmatic = "a night magic" --> Magic at night is mysterious and difficult to understand.


Difficult to understand; recondite It contains "ab....use". ab generally stands for negative sense and so 'ab+ use' can be taken as difficult to use. A word will be difficult to use if it is difficult to understand.


Eating and drinking in moderation. Exercising moderation and self-restraint in appetites and behavior link to abstain


Exceedingly harsh; very severe: a draconian legal code; draconian budget cuts. dracon(SOUNDS LIKE DRACULA)...and a dracula as we have seen in movies, gives EXTREMELY SEVERE PUNISHMENT to people.


Excessive loss of moisture; the process of drying up desi cake is always dried up.


Expressing oneself easily in clear and effective language: art + calculate; if you are good in art of speaking as well as good in calculations (maths), you will be able to express yourself in a better way.


Extreme indulgence in sensual pleasures; dissipation. immoral self-indulgence de (isused for negative)+ bauch sounds like nauch girls,so pleasure derived from bad dance


Extreme thinness and wasting, caused by disease or under nutrition


Extremely scanty; meager. Latin exiguus, from exigere "to weigh precisely, measure"


Immoderate desire for wealth; cupidity. a + very + rich > a strong greed to be 'a very rich' person.


Independent in mind or judgment; self-directed. Autonomous resembles automatic..something thats self governing doesn need or require help..


Indisputably true; self-evident. we learnt axioms in Maths,which we didnt have to prove like Theorems, thus axiomatic means self evident, does not require proof.


Inspiring awe or admiration; majestic:Raised to or occupying a high position or rank August reminds the king Augustus who was majestic and impressive


Lacking adult maturity or experience; immature Callow = Cal + low; caliber is low.


Lacking consistency, regularity, or uniformity: focus on ERR + atic..part of it, and err is nothing but ERROR, and errors always look ODD, AND ARE unpredictable in nature.


Law.(always used for printed form) 1.defamation by written or printed words, pictures, or in any form other than by spoken words or gestures. the act or crime of publishing it. a formal written declaration or statement, as one containing the allegations of a plaintiff or the grounds of a charge. 2.anything that is defamatory or that maliciously.


Legal surrender of a fugitive to the jurisdiction of another state ex-tradition.. like tradition is handed down through generations.. so its something to do with passing/giving.. here its a surrendering of a prisoner between two states!


MEANING : 1. To acquire or appropriate before someone else; take for oneself; arrogate: 2. To prevent or forestall by acting first. SYNONYMS : acquire,arrogate, accroach, obtain ANTONYMS : USAGE : A political issue preempted by the opposition party.


MEANING : 1. Many colored; being of different colors combined 2. Made up of many parts, exhibiting great diversity of elements. SYNONYMS : 1. multicolored, variegated, poly-chromatic; pied, piebald, mottled, dappled 2. Heterogeneous, varied, diverse, sundry, dissimilar, divergent ANTONYMS : 1. Monochromatic, solid 2. homogeneous, uniform, identical; similar USAGE : a motley flower border.


MEANING : 1. Muddy/muddled ,confused, disturbed 2. opaque, not-clear, dense, cloudy SYNONYMS : murky, cloudy, roiled ANTONYMS : USAGE : He turbid waters near the waterfall.


MEANING : 1. Produce and release substance into organism. ; To generate, release and discharge by the process of secretion. 2. Hide, conceal, the place out of sight SYNONYMS : cover, shroud, disguise, hide ANTONYMS : USAGE :


MEANING : 1. literary or dramatic speech by one character, not addressed to others or oblivious(unaware) to any hearers present. 2. The act of talking while or as if alone. [Its a speech in a play in which an actor or actress speaks to himself or herself and to the audience, rather then talking to another actor] SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : Hamlet's soliloquy begins with "To be or not to be.".


MEANING : 1.Something that restrains, restrict or limit. 2. Remark or comment, especially negative or adverse criticism [1. Sever criticism or disapproval 2. Limit or restrict] SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : 1. Yours goals are hindered by financial strictures. 2. The reviewer made several strictures upon the author's style.


MEANING : 1. A branch of philosophy that investigates the ultimate nature of reality 2. Philosophy which is concerned with the understanding reality or developing theories about what exists and how we know that it exists. SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : They are men who are in love with metaphysics, or glory in a mathematical existence.


MEANING : 1. A lone Dissenter (dissent ->disagree or reject method or opinion) as an intellectual, an artist or a politician. 2. Unorthodox, unconventional, nonconformist (who do not think or behave the way as other people), free thinker. SYNONYMS : radical, extremist, bohemian ANTONYMS : USAGE : A maverick fiscal conservative willing to raise taxes.


MEANING : 1. A misunderstanding, disagreement, etc., of a complicated or bitter nature, as between persons or nations. 2. Intricate or perplexing state of affairs. SYNONYMS : Confused heap USAGE : Numerous have been the attempts to entangle me in that imbroglio.


MEANING : 1. A small, migratory, gallinaceous game bird 2. To lose heart or courage in difficulty or danger, shrink with fear. SYNONYMS : recoil, cower(to crouch, as fear or shame), blench, flinch(shrink under pain), wince. ANTONYMS : USAGE : He saw before him the long fight for opportunity, position, honor; but he was not the sort to quail.


MEANING : 1. Able to meet financial obligations, able to pay all just debts. 2. A substance that dissolves another to form a solution [1. They have enough money to pay all their debts 2. Liquid that can dissolve another substance] SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : 1. They're going to have to show that the company is now solvent. 2. Small amount of cleaning solvent.


MEANING : 1. Absolute; without exception or condition; unqualified and unconditional 2. Category or relating to [Definitely and firmly upon] SYNONYMS : positive, flat, downright. USAGE : Postman keep the mail in shelves categorically.


MEANING : 1. Any of numerous gallinaceous birds of the subfamily Teraoninae. 2. To complain, grumble SYNONYMS : Complain -> gripe, fret, fuss. USAGE : I've never met anyone who grouses so much about his work.


MEANING : 1. Attacking cherished traditions or beliefs. 2. Breaking or destroying images, especially those set up for religious veneration. SYNONYMS: USAGE : An iconoclastic architect whose buildings are like monumental sculptures.


MEANING : 1. Based on the attitude the one's group is superior 2. a tendency to view alien groups or cultures from the perspective of one's own. SYNONYMS : USAGE : The most intense patriots are often ethnocentric and chauvinistic.


MEANING : 1. Capable of being shaped by pounding or hammering. 2. Adaptable or tractable. SYNONYMS : Impressionable, moldable, flexible, pliable ANTONYMS : refractory, intractable USAGE : The malleable mind of a child.


MEANING : 1. Characterized by the flesh or body; related to physical appetities; sensal. 2. Not spiritual; merely human; temporal; worldly [Feeling and desires are sexual and physical, without any spiritual element] SYNONYMS : bodily, lustful, lecherous, lascivious, libidinous, concupiscent. USAGE : In 1927, the FBI defined rape as "the carnal knowledge of a female forcibly and against her will.


MEANING : 1. Dealing with a very profound, difficult or abstruse subject matter, 2. beyond ordinary knowledge or understanding; esoteric(private or confidential; understood by very few who has special knowledge.) 3. Little know; obscure(not clear or plain; ambiguous, vague or uncertain) [Area of knowledge or learning are difficult to understand and not many people know about them.] SYNONYMS : doubtful. dubious, secluded, inconspicuous, blurred, veiled, unnoticed, dusky, somber ANTONYMS : certain, clear, noted, conspicuous, bright. USAGE : Her poems are modishly experimental in style and recondite in subject matter.


MEANING : 1. Delusions of power or importance 2. An obsession with doing extravagant or grand things. SYNONYMS : lust or craving for power ANTONYMS : USAGE : His megalomania naturally detracted from the esteem won by his piety.


MEANING : 1. Determination, firmness of purpose 2. To come to a definite or earnest decision SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : 1. I have resolved that I shall live to the full. 2. To resolve on a plan of action.


MEANING : 1. Expecting an improvement, favorable to health. 2. Promoting or conducive to some beneficial purpose, wholesome [Its good for you, even though it may seem difficult or unpleasant at first] SYNONYMS : Healthy ANTONYMS : USAGE : It was a salutary experience to be in the minority.


MEANING : 1. Fond of company of others, outgoing; sociable. 2. Growing in open cluster or colonies. SYNONYMS : genial, friendly, extroverted, companionable, convivial. USAGE : He was gregarious and sociable, enjoying the company of entourages whenever he went to Cannes or some other film festival.


MEANING : 1. Formidable, arousing fear or to be feared. 2. Commanding or evoking respect, reverence or like. [You respect them because they have a very strong character, even though you are slightly afraid of them.] SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : He is a redoubtable fighter.


MEANING : 1. Gloomy(dim , dull), sluggish(lazy, inactive) in temperament, taciturn(silent in expression) 2. Suffering from lead poisoning or due to absorbing lead, as bodily disorder. [If some is saturnine is serious and unfriendly] SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : she has saturnine expression on her face.


MEANING : 1. Having a yellowish discoloration of the skin due to jaundice 2. Affected with or exhibiting prejudice(unfavorable opinion or feeling, bias), as from envy or resentment(envy, jealousy ), view of something, they can see only the bad aspects of it. SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : The financial markets are taking a jaundiced view of the Government's motives.


MEANING : 1. Having bodily form especially as human 2, to put into or represent in a concrete form, as an idea SYNONYMS : Generate USAGE : 1. Her latest book incarnates the literature of our day. 2. A man who incarnated wisdom and compassion.


MEANING : 1. Having many twists and turns. 2. Highly complex or complicated SYNONYMS : anfractuous, labyrinthine, meandering ANTONYMS : USAGE : 1. The only road access is a tortuous mountain route. 2. This long and tortuous negotiation aimed at ending the conflict.


MEANING : 1. Having the qualities or accomplishments. 2. Modified, limited, restricted is some way. SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE :


MEANING : 1. Imperative; leaving no choice, leaving no opportunity for denial or refusal. 2. imperious or dictatorial SYNONYMS : Arbitrary, dogmatic, domineering ANTONYMS : USAGE : She heard Mr. Royall's voice, low and peremptory, and opened the door, fearing an accident.


MEANING : 1. Informed; conscious; aware 2. Having legal cognizance or jurisdiction. SYNONYMS : Perceive, sentient,discern, Apprise. USAGE : 1. He was cognizant of the difficulty. 2. I am cognizant of the learning curve and the importance of understanding the process of manufacturing, concept to delivery.


MEANING : 1. Lying in the back and face or front upward, marked by lethargy. 2. (On the hand) having the palm upward 3. Inactive, passive or inert(having no inherent power of action) [If you are supine, you are lying flat on back] SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : Bedridden persons confined to the supine position


MEANING : 1. Marsh, a soft, wet area of land which your feet sink into if you try to walk across it. 2. Difficult, unpleasant or complicated situation which is not easy to avoid or escape. SYNONYMS : Predicament, dilemma, quandary, scrape, jam ANTONYMS : USAGE : 1. Rain has turned the ground into quagmire. 2. His people had fallen further and further into a quagmire of confusion.


MEANING : 1. Morally unprincipled person; depraved, wicked(evil or corrupt) or bad person 2. A person rejected by God and beyond hope of salvation. [They behave in a way that is not responsible or morally correct] SYNONYMS : Tramp, scoundrel, wastrel, miscreant, wretch, pariah, rascal, cad, rogue, outcast. ANTONYMS : USAGE : A drunken reprobate.


MEANING : 1. a person who founds or establishes. 2. To sink; fail; collapse SYNONYMS : collapse, perish, succumb, topple, sink; flop. USAGE : The project foundered because public support was lacking.


MEANING : 1. Of prime importance; chief; principal, of foremost importance. 2. Of the color cardinal. SYNONYMS: Red color bird, deep red USAGE: Over a billion Catholics rejoiced at the announcement that cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio would be Pope Francis.


MEANING : 1. Ornamental band on a wall. 2. a heavy, napped woolen cloth for coats. SYNONYMS : USAGE :


MEANING : 1. Partially transparent 2. Easily understandable; Lucid SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : Frosted window glass is translucent but not transparent.


MEANING : 1. Promote the growth or development of. 2. To apply warm water or medicated liquid, ointments, etc., to (the surface of the body). SYNONYMS : incite, provoke, arouse, inflame, excite, stir up; encourage, stimulate. USAGE : To foment trouble; to foment discontent.


MEANING : 1. Record of a voyage; record of daily activities 2. Portion of the trunk SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : The family made an official complaint to a ship's officer, which was recorded in the log.


MEANING : 1. Related to illness or disease, morbid 2. Departing from normal condition (They behave in an extreme and unacceptable way, and have very powerful feelings that they cannot control) SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : He is pathological liar.


MEANING : 1. Relating to earthquakes, whether its due to natural or artificial causes. 2. Shift or sudden/dramatic change . SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : 1. Earthquakes produce two type of seismic waves. 2. I have never seen such seismic shift in public opinion in such a short period of time.


MEANING : 1. Resisting authority or control, not obedient or complaint, refractory(hard or impossible to manage; stubbornly disobedient) SYNONYMS : resistant, rebellious, oppose, unrly ANTONYMS : USAGE : The Government's recalcitrance to introducing new political reform.


MEANING : 1. Superficial or hasty (speed, quick or rash); performed merely as a routine duty. 2. Lacking interest, care or enthusiasm, indifferent or apathetic (action is done quickly and carelessly, showing a lack of interest) SYNONYMS : negligent, heedless, thoughtless, uninterested. ANTONYMS : careful, diligent USAGE : In his lectures he reveals himself to be merely a perfunctory speaker


MEANING : 1. The act or process of ramifying - to divide or spread out into branches. 2. Implication, consequence, a related or derived subject, problem, etc.; outgrowth SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : The new tax law proved to have many ramifications unforeseen by the lawmakers.


MEANING : 1. To adorn, to beautify by or as if by ornamentation; ornament; 2. To enhance SYNONYMS : decorate, garnish, bedeck, embroider. USAGE : If the actual facts are so repugnant to you, then why embellish them?


MEANING : 1. To be sparing or frugal(economical in use or expenditure or not wasteful); restrict, check or limit to a certain amount. 2. A period of time spent doing something [A Stint is a period of time which you spend doing a particular job or activity or working in a particular place.] SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : 1.They stinted for years in order to save money 2. He is coming to his country after a five years of stint in Hong Kong.


MEANING : 1. To cause to happen suddenly than normally; 2. Throw down from a height(plunge, cast, to send) 3. rash; hasty; sudden; done without deliberation SYNONYMS : Accelerate, crystallize, reckless, impetuous ANTONYMS : retard, careful USAGE : He precipitated himself into the struggle.


MEANING : 1. To enjoy 2. Have a distinctive flavor or smell; distinctive quality or property. SYNONYMS : odor, relish, scent, fragrance, smack ANTONYMS : USAGE : 1. He savored her new-found freedom. 2. Just relax, eat slowly and savor the full flavor of food


MEANING : 1. To pretend; to give a false or misleading appearance to. 2. Obsolete. to let pass unnoticed; ignore SYNONYMS : Mask, hide, camouflage, dissimulate, prevaricate USAGE : But it apparently made it easier for Pentagon officials to dissemble about them.


MEANING : 1. To prod; urge on, something that encourages, urges, or drives; a stimulus. 2. A stick with a pointed or electrically charged end, for driving cattle, oxen, etc. SYNONYMS : Push, spur, impel, prick , incite, Exhort USAGE : Do you think you can goad a man to desperation and leave him as cool as when you began?


MEANING : 1. To root up; to destroy, to remove totally; do away with; exterminate. 2. to pull up by or as if by the roots; root up SYNONYMS : USAGE : To extirpate an unwanted planets


MEANING : 1. To strike, collide, dash 2. To encroach or infringe 3. To make an impression or impact SYNONYMS : USAGE : 1. Jason had a shoulder impingement. 2. Rays of light impinging on the eye.


MEANING : 1. To swagger, display to impress others; strutting walk or gait to impress . 2. Any of various structural members, as in trusses, primarily intended to resist or support longitudinal compression. [1. Walk in a proud way, with their head held high and their chest out, as if they are very important. 2. A piece of wood or metal hold the weight of other pieces in a building or other structure] SYNONYMS : Parade, flourish ANTONYMS : USAGE : He struts around the town like he owns the place.


MEANING : 1. To tear out; scoop out; overcharge, swindle(fraud, cheat with money & deceit), extortion. 2. Cylindrical blade with bevel convex or concave. SYNONYMS : USAGE : I bought my clothes there before they began gouging.


MEANING : 1. Uncertain; indefinite, not precisely fixed in extent. 2. Not clear , vague, not settled, not established SYNONYMS : Ambiguous USAGE : Amusement park was having some ambiguous/Indeterminate features and modern architecture display.


MEANING : 1. Wise; a profoundly wise person; a person famed for wisdom. 2 .Sage is herb used for cooking. SYNONYMS : judicious, prudent(wise in practical affairs),philosopher, sagacious(clever, intelligent, perspicacious) ANTONYMS : fool , unreasonable. USAGE : Have you heard about Vakkali, the Buddhist sage who attained Nirvana while slicing his own throat?


MEANING : 1. alleviate(lessen, to make easier to endure); to become less severe 2. To lessen in force or intensity, as wrath, grief, harshness, or pain; moderate. SYNONYMS : mollify, appease ANTONYMS : USAGE :1. The American soldier tried to mitigate the flood using sack. 2. To mitigate a punishment.


MEANING : 1. beggar, begging; practicing begging; living on alms. 2. a member of any of several orders of friars that originally forbade ownership of property, subsisting mostly on alms. SYNONYMS : Beggar or person asking for charity. ANTONYMS : USAGE : As in the case of Cybele, mendicant priests were attached to her service.


MEANING : 1. common; ordinary; banal; unimaginative, concerned with the ordinary 2. Relating to this world or earth as contrasted with heaven; worldly; earthly. SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : Be willing to do mundane tasks with good grace.


MEANING : 1. corruption, seduction from duty, allegiance(devoted toward goverment), or virtue. 2. Excessive indulgence in sensual pleasures; intemperance.


MEANING : 1. distant from the lives and concerns of ordinary people; 2. Extremely high or elevated; lofty; exalted, (mountain area that do not have much oxygen ) SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : 1.Rarefied tastes. 2. It is important to the state's future administrators to get out of the rarefied air of the capital. 3. Living at very high altitudes where the atmosphere is rarefied.


MEANING : 1. overcoming distrust or hostility. 2. To win or gain (goodwill, regard or favor) SYNONYMS : to compatible, reconcile. USAGE : Conciliatory efforts in the dispute proved fruitless.


MEANING : 1. pertaining to marriage agreement. 2. relating to, or characteristic of marriage. SYNONYMS: Matrimonial, nuptial, connubial,marital. USAGE : conjugal visits are allowed in Peruvian prisons if couples register as common-law partners, as the two lovebirds are.


MEANING : 1. seeking flavor by flattering 2. a young deer, especially an unweaned one SYNONYMS : toady, truckle, flatter, kowtow. USAGE : He never had at college even; he was as ready to fawn the next day.


MEANING : 1. something that completes or makes perfect. 2. the quantity or amount that completes anything. SYNONYMS : full quantity or amount. USAGE : A good wine is a complement to a good meal.


MEANING : 1. state of high spirits or liveliness; 2. Process of bubbling as gas escapes SYNONYMS : USAGE : The parents effervesced with pride over their new baby


MEANING : 1. strictly accurate or correct: precise, as opposed to approximate 2. to force the payment of; demand and obtain by authority SYNONYMS : careful, punctilious, demanding ANTONYMS : Imprecise USAGE : He asked me to use exact amount of material.


MEANING : 1. to invent; prepare or make 2. To devise, make up , contrive SYNONYMS : invent, fabricate, hatch. USAGE : 1. to concoct a meal from leftovers. 2. To concoct an excuse.


MEANING : 1. to strip(cloths or ornament); 2 To strip or deprive(someone or something especially rights); 3. Rid of or free form. SYNONYMS : unclothe, denude. USAGE: He divested himself of all responsibility for the decision.


MEANING : 1. to struggle in opposition; strive in rivalry; compete. 2. to assert or maintain earnestly SYNONYMS : wrestle, grapple, battle, fight ,compete, argue, wrangle,hold, claim. USAGE : to contend with the enemy for control of the port.


MEANING : 1. tolerant; broad-minded 2. Favorable to progress or reform, as in political or religious affairs. SYNONYMS : progressive, unprejudiced, beneficent, charitable , openhanded, munificent, unstinting, lavish, generous, ample ANTONYMS : reactionary, intolerant, niggardly USAGE : It may be that the liberal party have omitted to do this as they ought.


MEANING : 1. wasteful; extravagant; giving or yielding profusely, lavish, (person who spend more) 2. If someone leave house as bad person and came back as good. SYNONYMS : Profuse, profligate, copious, bounteous ANTONYMS : cautious, provident USAGE : If you spend your nights in public, you're a profligate ; and if you spend them at home, you're a secret drinker.


MEANING : 1.A violent upheaval(especially of social or political nature) that causes great destruction and change 2. Sudden or violent action made change on earth surface, flood, deluge SYNONYMS : Disaster USAGE : In the cataclysm that followed, the survival of republican government indeed was in peril(loss).


MEANING : 1.Burning; stinging; causing corrosion or destroying the living tissue. 2. Severely critical or sarcastic. SYNONYMS : biting, mordant, bitter, scathing, acid. USAGE : 1. To combat the wildfire of her natural and spontaneous appeal, a caustic air attack of firebombs ensued. 2. He gave him a caustic remark


MEANING : 1.Comply, obeying ,obliging , yielding 2. manufactured or produced [If you say something is compliant, you mean they willingly do what they are asked to do.] SYNONYMS : complaisant USAGE : 1. A women with a compliant nature. 2. Energy Star-compliant computers.


MEANING : 1.Embellishment or ornamentation. 2. To be successful; prosper 3. To be in a vigorous state; thrive: SYNONYMS : Prime time, Height of fame and excellence, burgeon USAGE : a period in which flower flourished.


MEANING : 1.Incapable of being affected, influenced, persuaded or injured, impaired. 2. Impossible to penetrate SYNONYMS : Invulnerable, closed USAGE : The coat is impervious to rain.


MEANING : 1.To examine deeply; determine the depth. (plum bob- Piece of lead or some other weight attached to line, used for determining perpendicularity) 2. Exactly, precisely or directly SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : 1. She was plumb mad. 2. To plumb someone's thoughts.

Digression or digress

MEANING : Act of straying from the main point SYNONYMS : Deviation, divergence USAGE : Without apologising for this digression, we return to the thread of our tale.


MEANING : 1.To scold with bitter or abusive language 2. Barrier, fencing, support SYNONYMS : fulminate(to explode with loud noise), inveigh(to protest or attack with words), castigate(to criticize or punish), rant(to speak extravagantly or violently) , revile(to speak abusively). ANTONYMS : USAGE : Yet all I could do was to rail against the unfairness of the unwarranted punishment.


MEANING : 1.To speak evil of, speak harmful untruths about; slander; defame. 2. Evil in effect, pernicious, baleful, injurious, malicious, malevolent. SYNONYMS : Libel, calumniate, disparage, revile, abuse, vilify, baneful ANTONYMS : Praise USAGE : To malign an honorable man.


MEANING : 1.Without emotion; apathetic; unmoved. 2. calm. serene 3. unconscious, insensible SYNONYMS : emotionless, phlegmatic, stoical, indifferent, undisturbed, unperturbed, tranquil, unruffled, composed, unaffected, unflinching. USAGE : When the Inspector took thought to look at her, she was as impassive as before.


MEANING : 1.a fundamental principle or set of general rule. 2. A basis or standard for judgment 3. A group of literary works SYNONYMS : USAGE : the canons of good behavior.


MEANING : 1.a person compulsorily enrolled for military service. draft for military or naval service. SYNONYMS : induct, impress, recruit, mobilize. USAGE : It was 1951 and I was a conscript serving in the Royal Air Force.


MEANING : 1.clear; transparent, pellucid as water or air. 2. Completely calm, without distress or worry SYNONYMS : lucid, free from obscurity ANTONYMS : USAGE : We could see to the very bottom of the limpid pond.


MEANING : 1.healthful; favorable to promoting health. 2. Respectable or social desirable. SYNONYMS : beneficial ANTONYMS : USAGE : The salubrious climate of north.


MEANING : 1.practice widely observed in a group. 2.custom or rule ; accepted technique or device agreement, compact, or contract. SYNONYMS : Assembly, conference, convocation USAGE : the convention(rule) of showing north at the top of a map.


MEANING : direct (an assembly of persons) to disperse or go, give permission to depart. 2. To discard or reject, put aside SYNONYMS : fire reject, disperse ANTONYMS : Recall, hire, accept USAGE : 1. After a perfunctory discussion, he dismissed the idea. 2. I dismissed the class early.


MEANING : A form of deductive reasoning with a major premise, a minor premise, and a conclusion SYNONYMS : argument(extremely subtle, sophisticated or deceptive argument),deduction, logic ANTONYMS : USAGE : Put the proposed syllogism before him, and ask him what he thinks of the Conclusion.


MEANING : A formal expression of praise, SYNONYMS : USAGE : An encomium by the president greeted the returning hero.


MEANING : A long, adventurous voyage; a quest (Long exciting journey on which a lot of things happen) SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : The march to Travnik was the final stretch of a 16 hour odyssey


MEANING : A loud quarrel; brawl, a noisy, disorderly disturbance or fight. SYNONYMS : Riotous brawl, uproar USAGE : It was of the height of the fracas, and the bad Indians were regularly lined up for battle.


MEANING : A normal Inclination, tendency SYNONYMS : leaning, bent, disposition, penchant, proclivity. ANTONYMS : USAGE : A propensity to drink too much.


MEANING : A painting done on plaster SYNONYMS : USAGE : The worthy landlord had also ordered a fresco to be painted on his inn to the honor of the Virgin.


MEANING : A person who supplicant(to pray humbly; make humble and earnest entreaty or petition.); beseeching(to eagerly begging), petitioner. SYNONYMS : beggar, seeker, solicitor ANTONYMS : USAGE : Later, she could approach death with suppliant hands, but now she must be ready.


MEANING : A person, as a handyman or servant, employed to do all kinds of work around the house.; a handyman. SYNONYMS : USAGE : He had a factotum named Charley Green who was his valet, cook, hostler and assistant surveyor.


MEANING : A practice of lending money at exorbitant(highly excessive) rates. SYNONYMS : exploitation, stealing ANTONYMS : USAGE : That may be usury in one state which is only interest in another.


MEANING : A regional dialect(accent) or form of language/speech, slang, jargon, cant, argot; SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : In France patois was spoken in rural.


MEANING : A self appointed committee, especially with political aims, cabal(clique) SYNONYMS : band , mafia , association USAGE : The designs of the junto, however, were concealed as carefully as possible.


MEANING : A small, exclusive group; coterie; set. SYNONYMS : USAGE : A clique of GOP lawmakers say the debt ceiling crisis is a hoax.


MEANING : A strong inclination, taste, or liking for something. SYNONYMS : Affection, attachment ANTONYMS : dislike , hate USAGE : A penchant for outdoor sports.

Elixir [ih-lik-ser]

MEANING : A substance believed to have the power to cure ills SYNONYMS : cure-all; sovereign remedy. USAGE : My dear mother packed a bottle of Daffy's elixir in the barrel of my pistol.


MEANING : A system of writing in which pictorial symbols represent meanings or sounds; writing or symbols that are difficult to decipher or hard to read SYNONYMS : USAGE : The front faces the East; the pillars and the ruins of the walls are sculptured with hieroglyphics.


MEANING : A turning or twisting force [A Torque is a force that causes something to spin around a central point such as an axle] SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : I think the show had lost a certain amount of torque


MEANING : Acceptance of something as true. SYNONYMS : belief in truth,credit, faith, confidence USAGE : leader of a local anti-corruption organization, lent some credence to this conception.


MEANING : Adapted for seizing, grasping, or taking hold of something:, able to perceive(to recognize) quickly SYNONYMS : Greedy, avaricious, avid, covetous. ANTONYMS : USAGE : Not all the monkeys of America possess this prehensile power of tail


MEANING : Affecting the sense of taste, relating to taste or tasting. SYNONYMS : USAGE : He was the food, and the sight of him excited in her the gustatory sensations.


MEANING : Aggressiveness, ferocity, fierce, cruel, brutally harsh. [You mean that they are bad-tempered and aggressive.] SYNONYMS : belligerent, ANTONYMS : amiable, gentle USAGE : His truculent criticism of her work.


MEANING : Agreement between lover to meet. [A tryst is a meeting between lovers in a quiet secret place] SYNONYMS : Rendezvous, assignation ANTONYMS : USAGE : He even called Ensign during a tryst and demanded he end the affair.


MEANING : An actor or actress; related to drama and the theater. SYNONYMS : artist, entertainer, performer ANTONYMS : USAGE :


MEANING : An animal that feeds mainly on plants SYNONYMS : USAGE : There are eight kinds of deer, all of them herbivorous.


MEANING : An effort or attempt to perform or accomplish something ; a short literary composition on a particular theme or subject SYNONYMS : USAGE : And yet she chose to write her essay about giving up on ballet, rather than persevering once she'd tired of it.


MEANING : Anxious or concerned, attentive, eager, care SYNONYMS : mindful, regardful, attentive ANTONYMS : unconcerned, careless USAGE : 1. Solicitous about a person's health. 2. He was always solicitous to please.


MEANING : Any of the hereditary social classes in Hindu society; social stratification. SYNONYMS : USAGE : Especially not a country like India, which must come to terms both with its multiculturalism and its caste and religious mix.


MEANING : Any opinion, principal, belief, doctrine, dogma etc., especially one held as true by member of a profession, group and movement. [The tenets of a theory or belief are the main principles on which it is based] SYNONYMS : belief, position ANTONYMS : USAGE : Non-violence and patience are the central tenets of their faith.


MEANING : Anything that is restored after suffering great destruction SYNONYMS : recovery, restored ANTONYMS : USAGE : Out of the ashes of the economic shambles, a phoenix of recovery can arise.


MEANING : Apart or detached from others; separate; distinct SYNONYMS : Different , individual, unconnected. USAGE : The machine has six discrete parts and sector.


MEANING : Apelike, relating to or characteristics of apes or monkeys SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : long, simian fingers


MEANING : Appearance, aspect ; the face, usually with reference to shape, features, expression, etc.; countenance. SYNONYMS : Physiognomy, image. face ANTONYMS : USAGE : His milky white innocent visage.


MEANING : Apt or likely to change SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : Persons whose blood pressure is more labile will carry an enhanced risk of heart attack.


MEANING : Arranged in layers; To form or place in strata or layers. [A Stratified society is one that is divided into different classes or social layers] SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : A highly stratified, unequal and class-divided society.


MEANING : Article treating a subject systematically and thoroughly [A treatise is a long, formal piece of writing about a particular subject.] SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : Locke's Treatise on Civil Goverment


MEANING : Automatic maintenance by an organism in balance with itself; The maintenance of equilibrium within a social group, person etc. SYNONYMS : USAGE :


MEANING : Aware, conscious, able to perceive(recognize or aware) SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : Visitor in zoo is sentient about the present of Chimpanzee.


MEANING : Based on a false idea or fact; misleading SYNONYMS : deceptive,disappointing; delusive, contain a fallay. USAGE : fallacious arguments.


MEANING : Behavior prompting rebellion ; discontent or rebellion against a government. SYNONYMS : mutiny(revolt or rebellion against), insurrection, treason ANTONYMS : USAGE : Government official charged him for sedition.


MEANING : Bewildered, puzzled completely, state of perplexity SYNONYMS : Perplex, confuse, confound, disconcert ANTONYMS : USAGE : And she claims to be nonplussed by those presidential invitations.


MEANING : Black magic, sorcery; witchcraft; conjuration, a method of divination through alleged communication with the dead SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : Holy Scripture is full of references to Witchcraft and necromancy.


MEANING : Book, usually large and academic SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : Franco optioned the tome back in March 2011, and will star and direct the flick.


MEANING : Branch of philosophy that examines the origin, nature and limits of knowledge SYNONYMS : USAGE : epistemology, or theory of knowledge, did not begin in modern times.


MEANING : Bright; clear; intelligible or easily understood SYNONYMS : Pellucid, clear , transparent, evident, obvious, radiant, luminous, limpid ANTONYMS : Obscure, irrational, dim USAGE : A Lucid explanantion


MEANING : Brightly shining, resplendent, radiant, gleaming SYNONYMS : luminous ANTONYMS : USAGE : Crystal chandeliers and gilded walls made the opera house a refulgent setting for the ball.


MEANING : Burdensome, causing hardship, troublesome, oppressive SYNONYMS : heavy, crushing, grievous, irksome, galling. ANTONYMS : USAGE : Parents who have had the onerous task of bringing up a very difficult child.


MEANING : Careful in observing rules for behavior, extremely attentive. SYNONYMS : Precise, demanding, careful, conscientious, scrupulous ANTONYMS : Careless USAGE : Given the circumstances, his behavior to Laura had been punctilious correct.


MEANING : Careful, cautious; watchful, being on one's guard against danger [If you are wary of something or someone, you are cautions because you do not know much about them and you believe they may be dangerous or cause problems] SYNONYMS : Alert, attentive ANTONYMS : USAGE : To give someone a wary look. Forest deer was wary by the sense that tiger is close to them.


MEANING : Causes or origins of diseases, study of causation SYNONYMS : USAGE : Friendship is the trump card in the movement for equality, not etiology.


MEANING : Causing or tending to cause sleep. SYNONYMS : Sleepiness, sleepy, drowsy ANTONYMS : USAGE : He sounds like a soporific senator defending the ugly compromises of Washington.


MEANING : Change; transformation SYNONYMS : mutation, transmutation ANTONYMS : stasis USAGE : fatty metamorphosis of the liver.


MEANING : Characterized by cleverness or originality of invention or construction, cleverly inventive or resourceful SYNONYMS : Intelligent, showing genius, bright, adroit ANTONYMS : Unskillful USAGE : An ingenious press agent.


MEANING : Characterized by great knowledge; learned or scholarly. SYNONYMS : USAGE : University of Stanford has erudite professor.


MEANING : Charm to bring good luck and avert misfortune. [A talisman is an object which you believe has magic powers to protect you or bring you luck] SYNONYMS : rabbit's foot, fetish ANTONYMS : USAGE : She kept a copy of The Ambassadors as a talisman on her writing desk when she was working for seven years on her novel Trust.


MEANING : Clothing, apparel, attire SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : I want nothing but raiment and daily bread.

Simile [sim-uh-lee]

MEANING : Comparison of one thing with another using "like" or "as" ; A figure of speech in which two unlike things are explicitly compared, as in "she is like a rose." SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : He sleep like a wood.


MEANING : Composed of identical parts; uniform in composition SYNONYMS : USAGE : There was homogeneous candy that come very day from factory.


MEANING : Confirmed; long standing. 1. Settled or confirmed in a habit, practice, feeling, or the like. 2. Firmly established by long continuance, as a disease, habit, practice, feeling, etc.; chronic. SYNONYMS : hardened, constant, habitual, set, fixed, rooted. ANTONYMS : USAGE : He seems so inveterate too; he'll not give you up cigarette.


MEANING : Contemplating or examining one's own thoughts and feelings SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : Friends and colleagues describe him as introspective and highly professional.


MEANING : Correct conduct, fitness or rightness or justness, suitability (Quality of being socially or morally acceptance) SYNONYMS : Decency, modestly, etiquette, aptness ANTONYMS : USAGE : There sense of social propriety is eroded.


MEANING : Covered with hair, hairy, shaggy SYNONYMS : pilose, unshaved, bearded, bushy, woolly, fury. USAGE : He vowed never under any circumstances to shave or cut this hirsute appendage.


MEANING : Crevice, a narrow opening produced by cleavage or separation of parts. SYNONYMS : USAGE : But both sides of this American fissure create a life lived less than fully.


MEANING : Curse, damnation, malediction SYNONYMS : USAGE :He laughed again in one low burst that was as spiteful as an imprecation.


MEANING : Curving inward SYNONYMS : obsolete, hollow. USAGE :


MEANING : Deadly to both sides, mutually destructive, of or relating to conflict or struggle within a group. SYNONYMS : USAGE : an internecine feud(bitter quarrelsome) among proxy(agent or authorized person) holders.


MEANING : Dependent on circumstances beyond one's control, Uncertain, unstable, insecure. SYNONYMS : unsure, unsteady, doubtful, unreliable, undependable, unfounded ANTONYMS : secure, reliable, safe, well-founded USAGE : The precarious life of an underseas diver.


MEANING : Derived from observation or experiment [study that implies to practical and not theories.] SYNONYMS : practical, firsthand, pragmatic. ANTONYMS : secondhand, theoretical. USAGE : Modern age paints is empirical to paints used in the old-age.


MEANING : Deserving respect or admiration , admirable; , worthy of esteem, possible to estimate. SYNONYMS : reputable, respectable, admirable, laudable, meritorious, excellent, good. ANTONYMS : Contemptible USAGE : And what do the wives of our estimable M.P.'s think of all this?


MEANING : Determination or decision, resolve SYNONYMS : perseverance, tenacity, strength, fortitude, boldness ANTONYMS : USAGE : 1.She showed her resolution by not attending the meeting. 2, He replied that the UN has passed two major resolution calling for a complete withdrawal.


MEANING : Devoid/lack of freshness or originality commonplace; trite; hackneyed SYNONYMS : commonplace; trite USAGE: a banal and sophomoric treatment of courage on the frontier.


MEANING : Diligent(constant in effort to accomplish something ) in application or attention, Assiduous, persevering(try to put efforts and not to give up) 2. Persistently or carefully maintained SYNONYMS : hard working , determined ANTONYMS : USAGE : Sedulous acting of move to have a piece of cheese


MEANING : Dissection, surgery, or painful experiments performed on a living animal for the purpose of scientific research SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : A fierce opponent of vivissection.


a loud bombastic declamation expressed with strong emotion HAR (her) + ANGUE (anger) expressed in words


MEANING : Distinct in kind; essentially different; dissimilar. SYNONYMS : separate, divergent, in-commensurable, unlike. USAGE : The men on the street was disparating that in america 99% is poor and 1% is rich.


MEANING : Diverse, numerous and varied, greatly diverse or manifold SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : Spain is a composite of multifarious traditions and people.


MEANING : Division into two usually contradictory parts. SYNONYMS : USAGE : a dichotomy between thought and action.


MEANING : Dizziness [If you get Vertigo when you lock down from a high place, you feel unsteady and sick] SYNONYMS : giddiness, lightheartedness, shakiness ANTONYMS : USAGE : With mountain warfare I get vertigo and parachuting I get vertigo.


MEANING : Doubtful, infirm of purpose, vacillating, unsure of how to act; weak, not resolute. SYNONYMS : Hesitating, wavering, lacking resolution. ANTONYMS : USAGE : The worst reason to launch an attack would be a fear of seeming irresolute.


MEANING : Earthly, commonplace [Terrestrial means relating to the planet Earth rather than to some other part of the universe] SYNONYMS : terrene, mundane(common,ordinary) ANTONYMS : celestial USAGE : This is especially true of the ocean, where impacts are less obvious than for terrestrial systems.


MEANING : Easily deceived or cheated SYNONYMS : credulous, testing, naive, innocent, simple, green USAGE : You see the name at every turn, and the gullible Americans bite, chew, and swallow.


MEANING : Easily provoked to anger, very irritable. SYNONYMS : testy, touchy, peppery, choleric, short-tempered. ANTONYMS : calm, even-tempered. USAGE : Hulk is irascible old man.


MEANING : Empty, void, lacking intelligence, without contents. SYNONYMS : purposeless, idle, ANTONYMS : USAGE : A sudden animation replaced the vacuous stare of the blue eyes.


MEANING : Excess; overabundance SYNONYMS : Flood, overflow, plenty, deluge, glut ANTONYMS : USAGE : A plethora of new operators will be allowed to enter the market.


MEANING : Excessively ornate; Rococo buildings, furniture and works of art often include complicated curly decoration. [Decorative style that was popular in Europe in the eighteenth century] SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE :


MEANING : Excessively self-centered; conceited SYNONYMS : Vain, boastful, opinionated , selfish USAGE : He is competitive and intense, but not egotistical or consumed by power


MEANING : Exhilarated; overly enthusiastic, High - Spirited SYNONYMS : overflowing with fervor or excitment USAGE : The award winner was in an ebullient mood at the dinner in her honor.


MEANING : Existing in a wild or untamed or natural state SYNONYMS : a pack of feral dogs roaming the woods. USAGE : a pack of feral dogs and pig roaming the woods.


MEANING : Existing in someone or something as a permanent and inseparable element, quality, or attribute SYNONYMS : Innate, inbred, ingrained, native, implicit USAGE : Child of Julia has inherent habits of herself.


MEANING : Expressing sorrow, melancholy; mournful SYNONYMS : wistful, sorrowful, sad ANTONYMS : Happy, joyful USAGE : They lay on the firm sands, listening to the plaintive cry of the seagulls.


MEANING : Extract the essential elements, purify SYNONYMS : Refined, abstract. USAGE : to distill out impurities.


MEANING : Extreme poverty, destitution, scarcity, dearth, inadequacy, insufficiency SYNONYMS : indigence, need, want ANTONYMS : wealth USAGE : He was brought up in penury, without education.


MEANING : Extremely disturbing or distressing; terrifying, grievous SYNONYMS : painful, agonizing, tormenting, heartbreaking, arduous USAGE : A harrowing experience


MEANING : Extremely small, tiny, diminutive SYNONYMS : petty, trivial ANTONYMS : USAGE : Our worries are Lilliputian when compared with those of people whose nations are at war.


MEANING : Facial features SYNONYMS : appearance, expression, mien ANTONYMS : USAGE : He was fascinated with her Physiognomy.


MEANING : Faithless; disloyal; untrustworthy SYNONYMS : deceitful, treacherous ANTONYMS : faithful USAGE : They are perfidious lovers


MEANING : False; deliberately misleading story SYNONYMS: Rumors, derogatory, Baseless USAGE: The claim that "tenure" is a guarantee of lifetime employment is a canard.


MEANING : Faultfinding; intended to entrap, as in an argument SYNONYMS : carping, nitpicking, niggling, picky, testy USAGE : He could never praise without adding a captious remark.


MEANING : Fear and anxiety; tremulous fear, perturbation, tremor; trembling or quivering movement. SYNONYMS : frighten, quivering, shaking. ANTONYMS : USAGE : It was with some trepidation that I viewed the prospect of cycling across Uganda


MEANING : Feeling of extreme happiness and self confidence. SYNONYMS : USAGE : She was flooded with euphoria as she went to the podium to receive her Student Research Award.


MEANING : Filthy or dirty, contemptible and corrupt; selfish or mercenary; squalid (miserable, degraded) [Its means someone is : 1. Dishonest or immoral 2. Dirty, unpleasant] SYNONYMS : degraded, depraved, avaricious, stingy, unclean, foul ANTONYMS : honorable, generous, clean USAGE : 1. He sat with his head buried in his hands as his sordid double life was revealed. 2. The attic windows of their sordid little rooms.


MEANING : Flatterer, yes-man, sycophant SYNONYMS : fawner, parasite, apple polisher ANTONYMS : USAGE : I guess they got you up here simply to make you toady to them.


MEANING : Fluent in an insincere way; offhand, readily fluent, often thoughtlessly, superficially, or insincerely. SYNONYMS : Talkative, loquacious, facile, smooth USAGE : She advises women with similar issues not to settle for glib explanations.


MEANING : Fond of joking; jocular, jesting , humorous, playful SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : A jocose and amusing manner.


MEANING : Forerunner; predecessor, a person or thing that precedes SYNONYMS : herald ANTONYMS : USAGE : 1. The first robin is a precursor of spring. 2. He said that the deal should not be seen as a precursor to a merger.


MEANING : Form of government in which power belongs to only a few leaders SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : The protest against imperialism and oligarchy in the region.


MEANING : Formal or elaborate praise; formal hymn of praise. SYNONYMS : Homage, tribute, encomium ANTONYMS : USAGE : 1. The book is a panegyric on the intoxicating 2. "Good Job" is a panegyric that Mark got from his boss.


MEANING : Formation or use of words, as meow and boom etc. that imitate sounds of the actions they refer to. SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : "Hiss", "buzz" and "rat-a-tat-tat" are examples of onomatopoeia.


MEANING : Free from a misconception, deception or error. SYNONYMS : USAGE : Teacher disabuse the student spelling in there essay.


MEANING : Free from concern, worry, anxiety; carefree , nonchalant. SYNONYMS : Lighthearted, debonair, jaunty, breezy. USAGE : Addicks leaned back on the cushions of his chair in the easiest, most insouciant way imaginable.


MEANING : Free from many changes or variations; uniform, steady; unvarying; serene SYNONYMS : Uniform, steady USAGE : In Arizona has equable climate


MEANING : Free of cunning or deceit; artless, sincere, honest, straightforward, frank SYNONYMS : Artless, ingenuous, naive, unsophisticated USAGE :


MEANING : Fret(to feel or express worry, annoyance, discontent), complain SYNONYMS : regret, whimper, languish, grumble ANTONYMS : USAGE : They repine not for luxuries of which they can have no notion.


MEANING : Full of holes; permeable to liquids SYNONYMS : Penetrable, previous, riddled, sieve-like ANTONYMS : USAGE : Their house, which has never been painted, is sagging and rotted and porous


MEANING : Fundamental reason or reasons serving to account for something. SYNONYMS : logic, basis, grounds ANTONYMS : USAGE : At what rationale did you fired chris from company.


MEANING : Funeral hymn, song or tune or one expressing mourning in commemoration of the dead. SYNONYMS : USAGE : The autumn wind sang the dirge of summer.


MEANING : Funny, Fanciful(imaginary or real), unpredictable, capricious [A whimsical person or idea is usual, playful and unpredictable, rather than serious and practical] SYNONYMS : erratic, amusing, comical ANTONYMS : USAGE : He was too whimsical with regard to his work.


MEANING : Generosity; nobility, the act of magnanimous(generous in forgiving an insult or injury, high-minded, noble) SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : Mother Teresa was known for her magnanimity or magnanimous work.


MEANING : Government by priests representing a god [A theocracy is a society which is ruled by priests who represent a god.] SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : The demonstrations of this Arab Spring have been a fight for democracy, not theocracy


MEANING : Great warmth and earnestness of feeling, warmth and intensity of emotion. SYNONYMS : USAGE : To speak with great fervor.


MEANING : Group of people united in political intrigue(planning to harm or deceive) SYNONYMS : Military government that has taken power by force and not through elections ANTONYMS : USAGE : A junta can do it, using their military power to overtly or covertly control decisions at the highest level.


MEANING : Habitually lazy; idle. slothful(lazy, sluggard) SYNONYMS : Slow, inactive, sluggish, torpid USAGE : An indolent person in office.


MEANING : Hard or impossible to manage; stubbornly disobedient, resisting ordinary methods of treatment. [People are difficult to deal with or control, usually because they are unwilling to obey orders] SYNONYMS : recalcitrant, obstinate, perverse, mulish, headstrong, unrly. ANTONYMS : obedient, tractable. USAGE : Refractory priests who refused to side with the king.


MEANING : Harmless, not injurious, inoffensive SYNONYMS : USAGE : An innocuous home remedy.


MEANING : Having deep insight and understanding , Going far beneath what is superficial, external, or obvious, not superficial(external , outward) SYNONYMS : Deep, sagacious ANTONYMS : Shallow, superficial USAGE :


MEANING : Having many curves, bends, or turns; winding ; intricate, complex SYNONYMS : Indirect, twisting, twining, coiled, serpentine, meandering. ANTONYMS : straight, direct USAGE : The silent, sinuous approach of snake through the long grass.


MEANING : Having the original purity,untouched; uncorrupted, unsullied. (something that is extremely clean or new) SYNONYMS : Untouched, unpolluted, undefiled. ANTONYMS : USAGE : One car was in pristine condition; the other car had a window broken.


MEANING : Having the power of softening or relaxing, soothing; mollifying SYNONYMS : Relieving, healing, palliative, assuasive. USAGE : Emollient lotions for the face.


MEANING : Having to do with existence SYNONYMS : the act or fact of existing USAGE : An existential hero. The world of sports is having something of an existential crisis, or at least it should be.


a loud harsh or strident noise remember the croaking sound made by the frogs which is irritating.


MEANING : Huge force destroying everything in its path SYNONYMS : Critical of them because they are large and extremely powerful, and you think they are not being controlled properly ANTONYMS : USAGE : The group became a sales juggernaut is the commodity options business.


MEANING : Idol worship; blind or excessive devotion, adoration etc. SYNONYMS : Obsession, madness, mania. USAGE : This was too much for their faith then, and they both went back to idolatry.


MEANING : Implied, understood but not stated SYNONYMS : Inherent, complete, total USAGE :Putin cannot abide the implicit challenge that Khodorkovsky at liberty would represent.


MEANING : In existence; still existing; not destroyed or lost. SYNONYMS : Standing out , protruding USAGE : There are only three extant copies of the document.


MEANING : Inactive, drowsy, sluggish, apathetic SYNONYMS : lazy, indolent, torpid. ANTONYMS : USAGE : The lethargic heat and humidity of the day made me want to do nothing but nap.


MEANING : Inactive, still, being at rest, quiet, motionless SYNONYMS : dormant, latent ,calm ANTONYMS : USAGE : Cat is sleeping with quiescent mind.


MEANING : Indefensible, not fit to be occupied, [An argument, theory or position that is untenable cannot be defended successfully against criticism or attack.] SYNONYMS : unsound. illogical, unsupported, baseless, groundless, weak, questionable. ANTONYMS : USAGE : This argument is untenable from an intellectual, moral and practical standpoint.


MEANING : Ineffective; useless; fruitless, incapable of producing any result, not successful SYNONYMS : Trifling, frivolous, unimportant USAGE : Attempting to force-feed the sick horse was futile.


MEANING : Inflexible; incapable of being pleased or calmed down, not to be appeased, mollified, or pacified SYNONYMS : USAGE : An implacable enemy


MEANING : Inherent; belonging to a specific area, native indigenous SYNONYMS : Belong to particular place. USAGE : 1. Countries where high unemployment is endemic. 2. A fever endemic to the tropics.


MEANING : Innocent, naive(simplicity) and trusting; lacking sophistication , Candid, sincere, free from restraint SYNONYMS : Frank, straightforward, open, guileless (guile -> fraud) USAGE : As to botany, he cherished it with a deep and ingenuous passion, and not as a pastime.


MEANING : Insincere talk; language of a particular group, slanting or tilted position. SYNONYMS : hypocrisy, sham, pretense, humbug. USAGE : On the periphery, tents pitched under overpasses cant against the dirty wind.


MEANING : Insurmountable; unconquerable, incapable of being passed over, overcome or surmounted (surrender or conquered). SYNONYMS : USAGE : an insuperable barrier.


MEANING : Intended to undermine, overthrow,destroy or under-throw, especially an established government. [Something that is subversive is intended to weaken or destroy a political system or government] SYNONYMS : traitorous, treacherous, seditious, destructive ANTONYMS : USAGE : The play was promptly banned as subversive and possibly treasonous.


MEANING : Interval between reigns(royal rule or authority); gap in continuity, period when no when is ruler SYNONYMS : USAGE : An interregnum of ten years occurred, during which there was internecine war between these claimants to his throne.


MEANING : Introduce something into another thing already in existence SYNONYMS : to embody, assimilate, unite USAGE : His book incorporates his earlier essay.


MEANING : Introductory or preliminary statement, preface, introduction SYNONYMS : opening, beginning, foreword, prologue, prelude ANTONYMS : Epilogue, appendix, conclusion, afterword, closing USAGE : His childhood in the slums was a preamble to a life of crime.


MEANING : Involving or constituting a cause. [If there is a causal relationship between two things, one thing is responsible for causing the other thing.] SYNONYMS : USAGE : It's almost as if there's no causal relationship between the two!


MEANING : Irregular, occasional, scattered SYNONYMS : separate, unconnected ANTONYMS : continuous USAGE : 1. The sporadic growth of plants. 2. Sudden sporadic lighting in the clouds.


MEANING : Irritation, annoyance, nuisance; The act of vexing. SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : Rush-hour traffic is a daily vexation.


MEANING : Justified, authorization and sanction; assurance SYNONYMS : surety, warranty, permit, writ, order, attest ANTONYMS : USAGE : The cavalry and artillery were considered sure warrants of success.


MEANING : Lacking color, interest or liveliness, pale, faint, wan. SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : A pallid musical performanace


MEANING : Lacking courage or resolution, cowardly, faint-hearted, timid SYNONYMS : fearful, timorous, frightened ANTONYMS : USAGE : The authorities have been too pusillanimous in merely condemning the violence.


MEANING : Lacking in frankness, candor, or sincerity; falsely or hypocritically ingenuous; insincere SYNONYMS : not candid, crafty USAGE : Her excuse was rather disingenuous.


MEANING : Lacking in wholesome vigor(active force or strength); degenerate; decadent, exhausted of vigor or energy; worn out, unable to produce , sterile. SYNONYMS : Enervated, debilitated USAGE : An effete political force.


MEANING : Lacking or having lost life, sharpness or flavor ; tasteless, dull or tedious SYNONYMS : lifeless, flavorless, spiritless, Unanimated, tiresome, prosaic ANTONYMS : pungent, stimulating USAGE : The minister's young and rather vapid wife.


MEANING : Open to bribery, mercenary, corruptible SYNONYMS : bribable, corrupt ANTONYMS : incorruptible USAGE : Ian Trimmer is corrupt and thoroughly venal.


MEANING : Lascivious, lustful or lecherous SYNONYMS : obscene, grossly indecent, lewd, wanton, libidinous, pornographic ANTONYMS : modest USAGE : The newspaper once again filed their columns with salacious details.


MEANING : Legal proceedings, lawsuits SYNONYMS : (The process of fighting or defending a case in a civil court of law) ANTONYMS : USAGE : a matter that is still in litigation.


MEANING : Lengthy recitation(repeating same from mind); repetitive chant SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : We heard the whole litany of their complaints.


MEANING : Lethargy, dormancy(the act of dormant or asleep or inactive), sluggishness, apathetic, apathy [Torpor is the state of being completely inactive mentally or physically, for example, because of illness or laziness] SYNONYMS : Sleepiness, drowsiness, slumber, stolidity, listlessness ANTONYMS : USAGE : These are times of torpor in Paris, politically as well as economically.


MEANING : Lethargy; sluggishness , lack of energy, SYNONYMS : listlessness, languor ANTONYMS : USAGE : The pleasant lassitude of the warm summer afternoon.


MEANING : Light manner or attitude, lightness of mind , character, lack of appropriate seriousness or earnestness. SYNONYMS : Frivolity, flippancy, triviality, giddiness ANTONYMS : USAGE : He did much to inject a note of levity into a very hard-working production cycle.


MEANING : Likely to provoke ill will, hateful, offensive or unfairly discriminating, injurious., resentment, envy SYNONYMS : Become unpopular ANTONYMS : USAGE : The local authority could find itself in the invidious position of having to refuse.


MEANING : Long, pompous speech; tirade, diatribe SYNONYMS : vehement speech USAGE : While they continued to harangue among themselves Daniel stealthily made his escape.


MEANING : Loud, harsh, unpleasantly noisy that others uncomfortable; having a shrill, irritating quality or character. [They make their feeling or opinions known people in a very strong way that perhaps make the people uncomfortable.] SYNONYMS : Stentorian ANTONYMS : USAGE : 1. A strident tone in his writings. 2. She is increasingly seen as a strident feminist.


MEANING : Lustful, wanton, lewd SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : A lascivious, girl-chasing old man.


MEANING : Lying asleep or as if asleep; inactive,; torpid(Slow , dull , sluggish). SYNONYMS : quiescent,inactive,latent. ANTONYMS : Awake, active. USAGE : The lecturer's sudden shout woke the dormant audience.


MEANING : Mark of disgrace, infamy or inferiority; stain or reproach, as on one's reputation SYNONYMS : defame [If something has a stigma attached to it, people think it is something to be ashamed of.] ANTONYMS : USAGE : There is a stigma attached to cancer.


MEANING : Marked by close acquaintance, very private, closely personal SYNONYMS : secret, privy, exacting, thorough, crony USAGE : Too young to handle an intimate relationship.


MEANING : Marked with thin, narrow grooves or channels. SYNONYMS : With striae, furrowed, striped, streaked ANTONYMS : USAGE : The tiger is striated or striped, while the black on the jaguar is in beautiful eye-like rosettes.


MEANING : Meaningless, foolish talk, chatter, babble SYNONYMS : jabber, gab, gabble, blab ANTONYMS : USAGE : She prattled on as she drove out to the highway.


MEANING : Medicine or remedy of doubtful effectiveness, Medicine, sold for false or exaggerated claims, quack medicine. SYNONYMS : Quack Medicine, old fashioned, wrong ANTONYMS : USAGE : Pills, tablets and other nostrums claiming to be magic potions.


MEANING : Menacing; threatening, causing fear, apprehension, or dread SYNONYMS : Appalling, fearful, frightful, horrible. ANTONYMS : Pleasant USAGE : Mark is formidable to height.


MEANING : Mental or emotional stability or composure, calmness, equilibrium. SYNONYMS : serenity, self-possession, aplomb ANTONYMS : panic, disquiet, agitation , discomposure USAGE: But by evening the Admiral's equanimity was not quite so perfect.


MEANING : Mercy killing , the act of putting to death painlessly or allowing to die SYNONYMS : Painless death USAGE : When I am too old to work and ready for euthanasia I shall have you come and talk me to death.


MEANING : Mistaken; straying or deviate from the proper course SYNONYMS : USAGE : Burns smiled as a king might upon a young knight seeking an errant.


MEANING : Model of perfection or excellence, someone with exceptional merit. SYNONYMS : nonpareil, nonesuch, ideal, paradigm, quintessence, exemplar ANTONYMS : USAGE : Who is this paragon whose name is on everyone's lips?


MEANING : Moving away from a center SYNONYMS : pertaining to or operated by centrifugal force USAGE : The heavier things are, the harder they are thrown out by centrifugal force.


MEANING : Moving in waves SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : The flag undulates in the breeze.


MEANING : Moving or directed toward a center SYNONYMS : USAGE : If this is the centripetal force pulling a planet or satellite in, it must be equal to the centrifugal force of this latter


MEANING : Mysterious, strange; arousing superstitious fear. SYNONYMS : preternatural, add, weird ANTONYMS : Ordinary, natural USAGE : Uncanny sounds filled the house.


MEANING : Narrow-mindedness, provincial, illiberal; isolation, standing alone. [If you say that someone is insular, you are being critical of them because they are unwilling to meet new people or to consider new ideas.] SYNONYMS : USAGE : Act of insularity attitudes toward foreigners.


MEANING : Rude; boorish SYNONYMS : 1. coarse, uncouth, vulgar, loutish; ill-natured, uncivil. ANTONYMS : Courteous USAGE : He showed churlish behaviour.


MEANING : Not belonging or proper to a thing; external; foreign, Not essential, irrelevant, not pertinent SYNONYMS: extrinsic, alien, adventitious, inappropriate, superfluous ANTONYMS : intrinsic, pertinent, relevant. USAGE : extraneous substances in our water.


MEANING : Not easily disturbed or excited, calm, incapable of being upset or agitated SYNONYMS : Impassive, composed, collected, cool, unmoved. USAGE : While the battle was raging Grants general demeanor was imperturbable.


MEANING : Not easily managed, controlled, not docile or manageable, stubborn, obstinate SYNONYMS : Hard to relieve or cure USAGE : The intractable pain in his leg.


MEANING : Not easily managed, stubbornly contrary; obstinately disobedient SYNONYMS : obstinate, willful, disobedient, fractious, wayward, unmanageable, difficult. ANTONYMS : Docile, tractable USAGE : To be worried about one's froward, intractable child.


MEANING : Not easily stirred or moved mentally; unemotional, impassive; Having or showing little emotion SYNONYMS : Apathetic, lethargic, phlegmatic ANTONYMS : USAGE : He glanced furtively at the stolid faces of the two detectives.


MEANING : Not essential or inherent; not a basic part or quality; extraneous. SYNONYMS : external, outward, being outside the thing. USAGE : facts that are extrinsic to the matter under discussion.


MEANING : Not favorable, troublesome, unruly SYNONYMS : unfortunate, improper. froward, perverse. ANTONYMS : USAGE : Untoward circumstances forced him into bankruptcy.


MEANING : Not in tune or disagreeable to ear, harsh, dissonant SYNONYMS : being at variance; disagreeing; incongruous USAGE : 1. Discordant opinions.' 2. Crime, fiscal recklessness, and homelessness are stirring like discordant strains of music.


MEANING : Not material, not definite or clear to mind , incapable of being perceived(become aware) by the sense of touch. SYNONYMS : Vague, elusive, fleeting. Indeterminate USAGE : intangible arguments.


MEANING : Not meant to be taken seriously or literally. SYNONYMS : Amusing; humorous, frivolous. USAGE : 1. A facetious remark. 2. Barak Obama and his security chief did a facetious act.


MEANING : Not or impossible to permeate (permeate->capable to penetrate or pass through) SYNONYMS : USAGE : The water droplet on leaf is impermeable, as hardship demand an impermeable skin to survive.


MEANING : Not speaking freely, reserved, reluctant, restrained. SYNONYMS : taciturn, quiet, uncommunicative ANTONYMS : talkative, voluble. USAGE :


MEANING : Not to be avoided , evaded or escaped; inevitable SYNONYMS : unstoppable, unpreventable, unavoidable, inevitable, irrevocable. ANTONYMS : certain, sure, fated USAGE : 1. Mark has a ineluctable destiny. 2. Death ineluctable in everyone's life.


MEANING : Not yet completed or fully developed, just begun , incipient, rudimentary, not organized, lacking order SYNONYMS : USAGE : An inchoate work was going on for Metro Bridge.


MEANING : Novice; beginner, a person newly baptized. SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : He's a neophyte at chess.


MEANING : Number of member necessary to conduct a meeting SYNONYMS : particularly chosen group. ANTONYMS : USAGE : There was not a sufficient number of senators present on that day to form a quorum.


MEANING : Obedient, yielding; easily managed or controlled; docile(easily managed, controlled, trained and taught), malleable SYNONYMS : manageable, willing, governable ANTONYMS : Stubborn USAGE : The General had always been tractable in the hands of his son.


MEANING : Of no real values, trifling, worthless; invalid, No force or effect. SYNONYMS : Trivial, insignificant , frivolous, useless, inoperative ANTONYMS : USAGE : The securities which the bill contained were not so nugatory as they had been represented.


MEANING : Of or relating to the river Styx or the Hades; dark and gloomy, hellish(like hell,vile, horrible or miserable) or infernal SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : After the hellish morning we had had, the afternoon thus became comparatively quiet.


MEANING : Of the nature of exposition or explanatory SYNONYMS : USAGE : An Expository essay


MEANING : Offensive to good taste, so excessive or overdone as to be disgusting SYNONYMS : Disgusting, sickening, repulsive, abundant, copious USAGE : Fulsome praise that embarrassed her deeply


MEANING : One who asks or pray humbly and earnestly. [A supplicant is a person who prays to God or respectfully asks an important person to help them or to give them something that they want very much] SYNONYMS : beggar, petitioner ANTONYMS : USAGE : He flung himself down in the flat submissive posture of a mere supplicant


MEANING : One who doubts or question SYNONYMS : doubter, atheist (denies or disbelieves) [Person who has a doubt about things that other people believe] ANTONYMS : believer USAGE : He is a skeptic who tries to keep an open mind.


MEANING : One who is fanatically devoted to a cause; who show zeal or zealous person; fanatic [If you describe someone as a zealot, you think that their views and actions are very extreme, especially in following a particular political or religious belief] SYNONYMS : extremist, crank, bigot, die-hard ANTONYMS : USAGE : He was forceful, but by no means a zealot


MEANING : One without moral restraint, freethinker in religious matters, profligate, rake. (They are sexually immoral and do not care about the effect their behavior has on other people) SYNONYMS : lecher, sensualist, amoral, sensual, lascivious, lewd ANTONYMS : prude USAGE :


MEANING : One-sided; adherent , support or committed to a party, group or cause. SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : He was rescued by some Italian partisans


MEANING : Original; existing from the beginning, giving origin to something derived or developed. (Things that belongs to very time in the history of the world) SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : Mark has primordial teeth issue from about some time.


MEANING : Outward appearance; false appearance, assumed appearance or mere semblance SYNONYMS : Form, shape USAGE : His first visit to the Morton apartment that day had been in the guise of a workman.


MEANING : Painfully difficult or burdensome work, arduous work, toil or exert; labor pain. SYNONYMS : labor, moil, torment, agony, anguish. ANTONYMS : USAGE : The team despite their recent travails, are still in the game.


MEANING : Parody(writing or amusing), exaggerated imitation(you try to copy what other do), caricature [If you describe something as travesty of another thing, you mean that it is a very bad representation of that other thing.] SYNONYMS : Burlesque, mockery, perversion, sham, distortion ANTONYMS : USAGE : Her research suggests that Smith's reputation today is a travesty of what he really stood for.


MEANING : Patience, the act of forbearing(refrain, abstain, desist from ); a refraining from something. SYNONYMS : abstinence. 2. tolerance, toleration, sufferance; indulgence. USAGE :


MEANING : Penetrable, penetrate, pass through SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : Permeable bright sunshine follow to room.

Poseur [Poh-zur]

MEANING : Person who affects an attitude to impress others , (A person who attempts to impress others by assuming or affecting manner,degree of sentiment other than his or her true one) SYNONYMS : mimic, hypocrite, pretender, imposter ANTONYMS : USAGE : I am sometimes accused of being a poseur.


MEANING : Person who disagrees about beliefs SYNONYMS : disagreeing or dissenting, as in opinion or attitude: USAGE: a ban on dissident magazines.


MEANING : Person who lives in seclusion or apart from society and often in solitude. (Person who live alone and deliberately avoids other people) SYNONYMS : Seclusion, solitary ANTONYMS : USAGE : 1. His window became a virtual recluse for the remainder of her life. 2. Tarzan from his childhood became recluse


MEANING : Person who spends money recklessly or wastefully, prodigal, extravagant SYNONYMS : wasteful, improvident, profligate. ANTONYMS : USAGE : He had acquired this from his mother's teachings and his father's spendthrift ways.


MEANING : Pertaining or belonging to language SYNONYMS : (The study of the way in which language works) ANTONYMS : USAGE : Modern Linguistic emerged as a distinct field in the nineteenth century


MEANING : Pertaining or related to people; popular SYNONYMS : relating to or noting the simplified form of hieratic writing or language , related to ordinary. USAGE: 1. a poet with a keen ear for demotic rhythms. 2. Demotic script of ancient Egypt between 700 BC and AD 500 are still exsist.


MEANING : Pertaining or relating to tailors or style trade; relation to clothing or style or manner of dress [Relating to clothes and to the way they are made or worn] SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : Sebastian's sartorial elegance.


MEANING : Pertaining to a farewell; bidding goodbye ,as a occasion [A valedictory speech, letter or performance is one that in intended as a way of saying goodbye when someone leaves another person, a place or a job.] SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : Mr. Walker made his valedictory address aster two years as chairman.


MEANING : Plants of a region or era SYNONYMS : USAGE : He made a hobby of learning about the flowers he planted and the flora around them.


MEANING : Pleasantly pungent or sharp in taste or flavor; agreeably stimulating, interesting or attractive SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE :


MEANING : Poem or song expressing lamentation SYNONYMS : a sorrowful, mournful, melancholy, or plaintive poem. USAGE : A Colonel Pickering died of it, on whom the chaplain wrote an elegy.


MEANING : Point in an orbit that is closest to the earth, like moon or satellite. SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : Apogee USAGE : It now has a perigee slightly below 110 miles and an apogee of about 400 miles.


MEANING : Poor, having less or no money, penniless. SYNONYMS : destitute, poverty-stricken, indigence USAGE : I saw a impecunious person lying beside the platform with no blanket in such an extreme cold.


MEANING : Posing a problem; doubtful, uncertain, questionable SYNONYMS : unsure, indeterminate, ambiguous, dubious, precarious ANTONYMS : USAGE : Some places are more problematic than others for women traveling alone.


MEANING : Poverty. SYNONYMS : privation, penury, need, want. ANTONYMS : wealth USAGE : He was abundantly charitable, and could not resist the solicitations of indigence.


MEANING : Powerful, mighty, potent SYNONYMS : capable, energetic ANTONYMS : USAGE : When England became reformed, a puissant individualism joined its might to the great unity.


MEANING : Practicable, capable of developing, workable SYNONYMS : Feasible, usable, adaptable ANTONYMS : USAGE : A period of history that few teachers can make viable for students.


MEANING : Praise, extol SYNONYMS : applaud, honor ANTONYMS : Censure USAGE : I have never met her, and I am Inclined to Laud her chivalry.


MEANING : Present but not visible, apparent(open to view or visible), or actualized; existing as potential SYNONYMS : Dormant, veiled, quiescent ANTONYMS : Open, active. USAGE : Dog dreams for a bone, which is bit latent in real life


MEANING : Present throughout the years or indefinitely long time ; persistent, everlasting, continuing , perpetual SYNONYMS : recurrent, eternal, immortal, perdurable, constant, continual ANTONYMS : USAGE : Here perennial beauty


MEANING : Prevailing or something in fashion or practice ; popular currency, acceptance, or favor; popularity [It is very popular and fashionable] SYNONYMS : mode, fashion ANTONYMS : USAGE : Short hairdos were the vogue in the twenties.


MEANING : Principle; law, commandment SYNONYMS : directive, order, guide, instruction, prescription, rules ANTONYMS : USAGE : An electoral process based on the central precept that all people are born equal.


MEANING : Produced by fire; volcanic , as a rock crystallized from molten magma. SYNONYMS : USAGE : igneous rocks are formed by the cooling of molten rock material.


MEANING : Protocol, title or heading; [Title or heading under which something operates or is studied; rules or instruction in the beginning of examination] SYNONYMS : policy , instructions, formula, prescript ANTONYMS : USAGE :


MEANING : Providing for future or foresight need, frugal, thrifty, economical SYNONYMS : caution, prudent, frugal, penny-wise, not wasteful ANTONYMS : careless USAGE : However, we are not a provident race, and we are not likely to become one.


MEANING : Public disgrace; contempt, disgrace or reproach SYNONYMS : dishonor, dis-basement ANTONYMS : USAGE : His political opinions have attracted the opprobrium of the left.


MEANING : Purposeful exaggeration for effect, obvious and intentional exaggeration. SYNONYMS : overstatement ANTONYMS : Understatement USAGE : After catching a fish Mark show a hyperbole to James.


MEANING : Quality of state of not fitting, inappropriate, inconsonant, lacking harmony of parts SYNONYMS : Dissimilarity , strangeness USAGE : They are more than double her age, and yet they can see no incongruity in hoping to win her.


MEANING : Quarrelsome; unruly; rebellious SYNONYMS : irritable, peevish, angered,stubborn, difficult. 2. testy, captious, petulant, snappish, pettish, waspish, touchy. USAGE : A fractious animal that would not submit to the harness.


MEANING : Question, an inquiry, doubt. SYNONYMS : To ask or inquire about. ANTONYMS : USAGE : No one queried his presence.


MEANING : Random; disconnected; rambling, lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful SYNONYMS : Irregular, haphazard. USAGE : 1.Desultory conversation. 2. He always has desultory target or goals in his life.


MEANING : Regret, to feel sorrow over, repent of SYNONYMS : compassion, pity, sorrow, repentance, Repine ANTONYMS : USAGE : To rue the loss of opportunities.


MEANING : Related to actors or acting. Relating to exaggerated emotional behavior calculated for effect; theatrical acts or performances SYNONYMS : Over dramatic, in behavior or speech. USAGE : To the Roman, the scenic and histrionic were the vital features of a production.


MEANING : Related to population balance, social statistics. SYNONYMS : Number of death or births, specific population having shared characteristics USAGE : The producers were looking for a show that would appeal to the 18-34 demographic.


MEANING : Related to the woods or forest SYNONYMS : wooded, woody, rustic ANTONYMS : USAGE : He lived more intensely than any other member of the sylvan household.


MEANING : Relating to or affecting the body, corporal SYNONYMS : corporal ANTONYMS : psychic USAGE : They have all kind of somatic pains, body pains that come and go.


MEANING : Relating to or in the form of an outline or diagram. SYNONYMS : diagram, plan, planning ANTONYMS : USAGE : Read the schematic before attempting any repairs.


MEANING : Relating to practices connected with supernatural phenomena, related to magic SYNONYMS : mysterious, hidden from view ANTONYMS : USAGE : Interest in the occult tended toward ceremonial magic rather than witchcraft.


MEANING : Relief, help, aid and assistance in time of distress or want. SYNONYMS : Support, help ANTONYMS : USAGE : She must have heard and have known that people were there, trying to succor her


MEANING : Respect or courteous; regard for another's wish SYNONYMS : reverent or reverence, venerate, redoubtable Antonyms: Abase USAGE : I enjoyed that combination of deference and the respect being paid to Nixon.


MEANING : Retaliatory action or retort; quick, sharp return in speech or action, couterstroke SYNONYMS : retaliate(to requite or make return for (a wrong or injury) with the like.) ANTONYMS : USAGE : A brilliant riposte to an insult.


MEANING : Retract, to withdraw or disavow a statement, opinion, etc., especially formally (You publicly say that you no longer hold a set of belief's that you in the past.) SYNONYMS : deny, revoke, recall, rescind ANTONYMS : USAGE : White house official ordered Williams to recant.


MEANING : Roll, toss, wallow or heave about, be in turmoil; confused mass. [A welter of something is a large quantity of it which occurs suddenly or in a confused way.] SYNONYMS : Overturn, tumble ANTONYMS : USAGE : Pigs weltering about happily in the mud.


MEANING : Roundabout; not direct: SYNONYMS : circular, winding, indirect, meandering. ANTONYMS : straight, direct. USAGE : A circuitous route; a circuitous argument.


MEANING : Route of a traveler's journey , an account of a journey, record of travel. SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : The next place on our itinerary was sedona.


MEANING : Ruddy; reddish; flowery,excessively ornate; showy SYNONYMS : Flamboyant, grandiloquent, rococo, flash, gaudy ANTONYMS : Pale, plain, simple, unaffected. USAGE : A florid complexion.


MEANING : Rude, crude, poor ,poor verse(verse-stanza,piece of poetry) SYNONYMS : comic or burlesque, and usually loose or irregular in measure. USAGE :


MEANING : Rude; improperly bold (you disapprove of them because they are doing something that they have no right or authority to do.) SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : kareena's presumptuous acting made her fanes against him


MEANING : Rude; peevish, showing sudden irritation. SYNONYMS : pettish, touchy, fretful, captious ANTONYMS : happy, pleasant USAGE : His critics say he's just being silly and petulant.


MEANING : Science of making maps. SYNONYMS : The production of maps, including construction of projections, design, compilation, drafting, and reproduction. USAGE : Cassini was right in saying that cartography was no longer at its height as a science.


MEANING : Science or technique of classification. [Taxonomy is a process of naming and classifying things such as animals and plants into groups within a large system, according to their similarities and difference.] SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : A proposed taxonomy of educational objectives.


MEANING : Scientist who studies birds SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : The area is ornithologist paradise.


MEANING : Seeming to be logical and sound, but not really so; pleasing to eye but deceptive SYNONYMS : plausible but false, misleading ANTONYMS : genuine USAGE :


MEANING : Selecting or chosing from various sources SYNONYMS : USAGE : 1.He was eclectic in composing music for his album. 2. Julie & Amy has a team of architects and interior decoration , famous for eclectic way in there work.


MEANING : Sentimental longing for a past time , a wistful desire to return in thought or in the fact to a former time in one's life. SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : A nostalgia for his college days.


MEANING : Seriousness and thoughtful behavior [serious or the state of being sober rather than drunk] SYNONYMS : self-control, self-restraint ANTONYMS : USAGE : The values society depends upon, such as honesty, sobriety and trust.


MEANING : Serving as a guardian or protector SYNONYMS : advisory, priest, deity ANTONYMS : USAGE : He has since been worshipped as the tutelary god of the Chinese tea merchants.


MEANING : Sexual desire, instinct or drive SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : Lack of sleep is a major factor in loss of libido


MEANING : Shameless or impudent boldness; barefaced audacity, presumptuousness SYNONYMS : Impertinence, cheek, impudence USAGE : She had the effrontery to ask for two free samples.


MEANING : Shameless, impudent, brave, audacious(bold, brave) [You mean that they are very bold and don not care what other people think about them or their behavior] SYNONYMS : brassy, insolent, defiant USAGE : He prefers to brazen it out rather than admit defeat.


MEANING : Sharply affecting the organs of taste or smell, caustic, to the point. SYNONYMS : piquant, sharp, sarcastic, bitter, sharp ANTONYMS : mild, bland, soothing, dull USAGE : It burns like oil, is of a pungent scent, and a blackish color.


MEANING : Sheer; light and delicate; like cobwebs SYNONYMS : flimsy, fine USAGE : Do you think you can goad a man to desperation and leave him as cool as when you began?


MEANING : Short-lived; fleeting, lasting very short. SYNONYMS : USAGE : 1. The ephemeral joys of childhood. 2. An ephemeral flower.


MEANING : Shortened and detached when played or sung; marked by abrupt, clear-cut sounds. [A Staccato noise consists of a series of short, sharp, separate sounds.] SYNONYMS : broken record. ANTONYMS : instance USAGE : He spoke in Arabic, a short staccato burst.


MEANING : Showing off learning, overly concerned with the minute details or formalism, especially in teaching. SYNONYMS : didactic, doctrinaire ANTONYMS : USAGE : His lecture was pedantic and uninteresting.


MEANING : Showy; pretentious, (of actions, manner, qualities exhibited, etc.) intended to attract notice SYNONYMS : conspicuous, dashing, dashful, extravagant, flamboyant ANTONYMS : USAGE : Lady Bountiful's ostentatious charity.


MEANING : Smaller group within an organization SYNONYMS : a meeting of party members within a legislative body to select leaders and determine strategy. USAGE : The Republican caucus in the House is 89 percent white men, says Wasserman.


MEANING : Smallness or insufficiency of number, fewness, scarcity, scantiness SYNONYMS : dearth, famine, absence, not enough ANTONYMS : USAGE : Even the film's impressive finale can't hide the first hour's paucity of imagination


MEANING : So high as to prevent the purchase or use of, forbidding something, to limit, restrict expenditure SYNONYMS : Prevent , stop ANTONYMS : Unrestricted, unlimited. USAGE : The cost private treatment can be prohibitive.


MEANING : Society or government ruled by the wealthy SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : In the large cities the urbanized working class were slaves to a plutocracy.


MEANING : Someone with master skills, expert musician. SYNONYMS : ace, artist, champion ANTONYMS : greenhorn, rookie USAGE : One of the nation's leading violin virtuoso.


MEANING : Something derived; unoriginal or secondary. SYNONYMS : USAGE : The new idea of making the said Dorito shell spicier and adding a splash of lime is derivative at best.


MEANING : Something that causes change SYNONYMS : a person or thing that precipitates an event or change USAGE : His imprisonment by the government served as the catalyst that helped transform social unrest into revolution.


MEANING : Song of joy, praise or triumph; a fervent expression of joy SYNONYMS : Hymn, laud, praise, acclamation ANTONYMS : USAGE : A paean to deep, passionate love.


MEANING : Stale; overused expression, a flat, dull, or trite remark, especially one uttered as if it were fresh or profound. SYNONYMS : Truism, hackneyed ANTONYMS : USAGE : The platitude of most political oratory.


MEANING : Stating opinions without proof. SYNONYMS : arbitrary, imperious, dictatorial. USAGE : I refuse to argue with someone so dogmatic that he won't listen to reason.


MEANING : Stubborn, unmoved by persuasion, pity, tender feeling SYNONYMS : (You think that they are being unreasonable in their refusal to change their decision or opinion.) ANTONYMS : USAGE : Parts of the administration may be changing but others have been obdurate defenders of the status quo.


MEANING : Stubbornness; refusal to compromise or agree, inflexibility SYNONYMS : uncompromising ANTONYMS : USAGE : No agreement was reached because of intransigence on both sides.


MEANING : Study of factors that influence the hereditary qualities of the human race and ways to improve those qualities, especially with reproduction SYNONYMS : USAGE : I try so hard not to be afraid of women, for I know they are necessary to eugenics.


MEANING : Study of past geological eras through fossil remains SYNONYMS : prehistory, excavation, paleohistory. ANTONYMS : USAGE : Harvard paleontologist Stephen Jay Gould.


MEANING : Submission of evidence before the court; notice ordering someone to appear in court [A subpoena is a legal document that they must attend a court of law and give evidence as a witness] SYNONYMS : court order, command, mandate, warrant ANTONYMS : USAGE : He has been served with a subpoena to answer the charges in court.

Qualm [kwahm]

MEANING : Sudden feeling of faintness, illness or nausea, feeling uneasy or pang. SYNONYMS : Uneasiness, misgiving ANTONYMS : USAGE : He has no qualms about lying.


MEANING : Supernatural; beyond the normal use of nature, exceptional or abnormal SYNONYMS : extraordinary, unnatural, miraculous ANTONYMS : ordinary, usual USAGE : Superman has preternatural powers.


MEANING : Swollen, pompous(important, boastful), bombastic, tumid, flatulent, overblown, distended(expanded, increase in size, volume etc.) [A turgid means, you think it is serious and difficult to understand] SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : He used to make extremely dull. turgid and frankly awful speeches.


MEANING : Telling lies, especially habitually; dishonest; lying; untruthful: SYNONYMS : false or untrue. ANTONYMS : USAGE : Doctor make an mendacious report to make money from his patient.


MEANING : Temporary, lasting only a short time. SYNONYMS : Fleeting, flitting, fugitive, evanescent ANTONYMS : permanent USAGE : There was a transient moment to see the dolphin.


MEANING : Tending to vary frequently, fickle, changeable SYNONYMS : eruptive, unstable, unsettled. ANTONYMS : USAGE : A volatile political situation.


MEANING : The act of assuming to be true or real; assumption; hypothesis. SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : There's a popular supposition that we're publicly funded but the bulk of our money comes from competitive contracts.


MEANING : The characteristic quality of a sound produced by a particular instrument or voice; tone color [The timbre of someone's voice or of a musical instrument is the particular quality of sound that it has] SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : The timbre of the violin is far richer than that of the mouth organ.


MEANING : The derivation of a word or origin an history of a word SYNONYMS : the study of historical linguistic change, especially as manifested in individual words. USAGE :


MEANING : The person who get deceived or fool; trick SYNONYMS : Duplicate USAGE : 1. a dupe of the opponents. 2. It was a beautified camp the Nazis used to dupe international visitors and officials.


MEANING : The qualities idealized by knighthood such as bravery and gallantry toward women. SYNONYMS : USAGE : fair ladies and noble chivalry.


MEANING : The right to vote SYNONYMS : ballot, petition ANTONYMS : USAGE : The women's suffrage movement


MEANING : The scientific study of insects SYNONYMS : USAGE : One of our masters of entomology did me the honour to visit my laboratory.

Desuetude [des-wi-tood, -tyood]

MEANING : The state of being no longer used or practiced, state of disuse. SYNONYMS : Defunct USAGE : In country side , people saw desuetude farmhouse.


MEANING : The tendency to see things in relation to oneself; self-centeredness SYNONYMS : Selfishness, Conceit USAGE : In the seventeenth century men still had the courage of their egoism.


MEANING : Thick, syrupy, sticky, adhesive; glutinous nature or consistency; Property of viscosity. SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : Its flesh is fat and viscous, and by no means pleasant to eat.

Emaciated [ih-mey-shee-ey-tid]

MEANING : Thin(by lack of nutrition or by disease) and wasted SYNONYMS : thin, wasted, puny, gaunt, haggard, scrawny. USAGE : It took about 20 minutes to convince the emaciated hiker to let them carry him to the helicopter.


MEANING : Thoroughly soaked liquid or moisture, saturated; heavy, lump or soggy, as food that is poorly cooked. [1. Extremely wet 2. Seething - You are very angry about something but do not express your feeling about it.] SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : 1. We stripped off our sodden clothes. 2. She took it calmly at first but under the surface was seething.


MEANING : Thrift, the quality of being frugal(Not wasteful or saving), or prudent in saving; the lack of wastefulness: SYNONYMS : USAGE : Many people who have lived through periods of economic deprivation develop lifelong habits of frugality and are almost never tempted by wasteful consumption.


MEANING : To cancel, void, null; abrogate, annul, revoke, repeal. To invalidate by a later action or a higher authority. SYNONYMS : nullify, retract, withdraw, countermand, repeal, veto ANTONYMS : USAGE : The governor does not have the authority to rescind the ruling.


MEANING : To cause to become one SYNONYMS : 1. unite, combine, join. 2. amalgamate, fuse, blend, merge. USAGE : 1. The various groups coalesced into a crowd. 2. Their ideas coalesced into one theory.


MEANING : To cause; produce or give rise to, procreate, to beget. SYNONYMS : generate, breed, , create, beget, occasion, excite, stir up USAGE : Conditions for a war were engendering in Europe.


MEANING : To clear from a charge of guilt or fault; free from blame; vindicate. SYNONYMS : USAGE : I did not attempt to answer the colonel, nor to exculpate myself


MEANING : To condemn or denounce as dangerous or harmful, forbid, outlaw, disagree, prohibit SYNONYMS : Disapprove, censure, repudiate ANTONYMS : USAGE : In come cultures surgery are proscribe


MEANING : To contradict, disprove, to prove to be false or erroneous, as an opinion or charge. SYNONYMS : disprove, rebut, confute. ANTONYMS : USAGE : It was the kind of rumor that it is impossible to refute.


MEANING : To correct by punishment or reproof; to restrain or subdue, Castigation SYNONYMS : 1 discipline, punish. 2. humble. 3. purify, simplify. ANTONYMS : Indulge USAGE : Age has chastened his violent temper.


MEANING : To defend or support SYNONYMS : winner, victor, defender, protector, maintain, fight for, advocate. USAGE : the heavyweight boxing champion.


MEANING : To deny; dispute; contradict, oppose. SYNONYMS : USAGE : He was the head of the household, however, so there was none to gainsay him


MEANING : To dishonor; disgrace SYNONYMS : defame, to give no credence USAGE : Opposition is making effort to discredit honest politicians


MEANING : To disturb greatly; make uneasy or anxious SYNONYMS : derange, trouble, confuse, addle, muddle ANTONYMS : pacify USAGE : What perturbs me is my cousin behavior when I work.


MEANING : To divide an area into voting districts in a way that favors a political party SYNONYMS : USAGE : He illustrates a gerrymander which actually made one Democratic vote equal to five Republican votes.


MEANING : To draw, describe SYNONYMS : portray in words ANTONYMS : USAGE : As I have sketched an ideal parlour, so would I limn a bedroom I have seen.


MEANING : To droop; grow weak SYNONYMS : dwindle, wilt, slump, sag, wane. USAGE : The Medicine Bundle of the tribe is as sacred to them as our flag is to us.


MEANING : To dry completely, dry up SYNONYMS : preserve (food) by removing moisture, dehydrate USAGE : I came out that land in Tajikistan was desiccated.


MEANING : To dull the senses of, stun, astonish,astound [If something stupefies you, it shocks or surprises you so much that you cannot think properly for a while.] SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : A violent slap on the side of the head, which stunned and stupefy her.


MEANING : To entertain lavishly or agreeably, delight, feast, refreshment. [If someone or jokes, they tell you a lot of them, whether you want to hear them or not] SYNONYMS : amuse, give a party, ply, gratify ANTONYMS : USAGE : He was constantly regaled with tales of woes.


MEANING : To expel evil spirits; free from bad influences SYNONYMS : USAGE : to exorcise a demon.


MEANING : To explain;interpret;clarify SYNONYMS : To develop(principle, theory etc.) USAGE : But Marie say there is the miss understand in our letters she cannot explicate.


MEANING : To fall; plunge SYNONYMS : fall, dive, drop, swoop ANTONYMS : USAGE : In Tokyo share prices have plummeted for the sixth successive day.


MEANING : To feign(pretend) illness to escape duty SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : No man ever essayed to malinger or to shirk a duty to which he had been allotted by the doctor.


MEANING : To find fault with, blame, censure, to upbraid, discredit SYNONYMS : abuse, admonish, blemish, indignity, ignominy ANTONYMS : USAGE : She is quick to reproach anyone anyone who doesn't live up to her own high standards.


MEANING : To forbid(prevent or hinder); prohibit SYNONYMS : stop USAGE : Constant air attacks interdicted the enemy's advance.


MEANING : To foretell; indicate in advance SYNONYMS : forecast , predict, presentiment, foreshadowing, indication, portent, sign ANTONYMS : USAGE : The incidents may presage war.


MEANING : To frolic; leap playfully, a skipping or frisking about SYNONYMS : spring, caper, frisk, romp. USAGE : No one was in sight, and he was free to gambol as much as he pleased.


MEANING : To go back on one's word, deny, break promise, renounce, disown. [They do not do what they have promised or agreed to do.] SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : He renege on a promise to leave his wife.


MEANING : To handle with a deceptive or evasive strategy; refined in performance, skill in handling a difficult or highly sensitive situation SYNONYMS : tact, diplomacy, savoir faire, circumspection, sensitivity, sensibility. USAGE : Exceptional diplomatic finesse.


MEANING : To hinder, block, obstruct SYNONYMS : Slow, delay, check, stop, block, prevent , Forestall ANTONYMS : Advance, encourage. USAGE : If following this diet stresses you out or interferes with your sleep patterns, it could also impede weight loss.


MEANING : To impair or reduce to uselessness; to make or cause foolish or ridiculous. [If something stultifies you or your energy or ambition, it makes you feel empty or dull in your mind because its so boring] SYNONYMS : Frustrate, hinder, thwart, cripple, impede, impair ANTONYMS : USAGE : The stultify routines of life at home.


MEANING : To impair(worsen) the quality of, corrupt morally, faulty, spoil, debase,pervert; legally defective or invalid. SYNONYMS : Abate, abolish, abrogate ANTONYMS : USAGE : Strategic policy during the War was vitiated because of a sharp division.


MEANING : To include or consider, incorporate; To bring(a case, instance, etc.) under the rule. [If something is subsumed within a larger group or class, it is included within it, rather than being considered as something separate] SYNONYMS : contain, involve, classify, encompass ANTONYMS : USAGE : After that the two alliances might be subsumed into a new European security system.


MEANING : To increase rapidly, to produce or grow by multiplication of parts SYNONYMS : Breed, engender, escalate, expand, burgeon ANTONYMS : USAGE : 1. Computerized database are proliferating fast. 2. The skin disease is proliferating fast.


MEANING : To increase; improve SYNONYMS : Intensify, magnify , increase USAGE : Rarity enhances the worth of old coins


MEANING : To insert; change by adding new words or material, interject, interpose, intercalate SYNONYMS : Alter or change by inserting USAGE : All members of the company had been warned that to interpolate lines or "business" meant a fine or worse.


MEANING : To lessen or lower the value or price ,To belittle, slightly, derogate, depreciate. SYNONYMS : ridicule, discredit, mock, demean, denounce, detract, defame, derogate. USAGE :Your behavior will disparage the whole family.


MEANING : To make easier or less difficult; help forward SYNONYMS : To assist the progress of (a person). USAGE : Careful planning facilitates any kind of work.


MEANING : To make favorably inclined, conciliate(To win over) (you stop them from being angry or impatient by doing something to please them or you can say win over in making appease). SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : Mother propitiated her child for about an hour.


MEANING : To make known something that is secret SYNONYMS : To disclose or reveal (something private or secret) USAGE : She refuses to divulge the name of the man who truly stole her heart.


MEANING : To make unnecessary; to anticipate , eliminate and prevent, render SYNONYMS : caution ANTONYMS : USAGE : To obviate the risk of serious injury.


MEANING : To making of amends for wrong or injury done, compensation SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : Israel accepted billions of dollar in war reparation.


MEANING : To malign; harm someone's reputation. SYNONYMS : Dishonor, disgrace, To accuse, disparage, discredit, vilify, derogate, revile, denigrate, backbite USAGE : The newspaper editorial defamed the politician.


MEANING : To move back and forth SYNONYMS : swing, fluctuate, dangle ANTONYMS : USAGE : There is always slight oscillation in world temperature.


MEANING : To present, especially deliberately, the appearance of being; profess or claim, often falsely or although you might not believe that claim. SYNONYMS : purpose, intention, express or imply ANTONYMS : USAGE : A document purporting to be official.


MEANING : To prevent, hinder, or thwart by action in advance; delay SYNONYMS : 1. preclude, obviate, intercept, obstruct. 2. prevent, avert. USAGE : To forestall a riot by deploying police.


MEANING : To promote, advertise, publicize or praise energetically; To solicit(provoke, raise) business, employment, vote etc. SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : A highly touted nightclub.


MEANING : To protest strongly or attack vehemently with words; rail. SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : To inveigh against isolationism.


MEANING : To provide with written evidence to support SYNONYMS : Evidence , written proof USAGE : The document transferred $5 million of her fortune to her son


MEANING : To provoke; draw out, educe, evoke. SYNONYMS : USAGE : 1. He tried to elicit a response of Obama with a question. 2. to elicit the truth;


MEANING : To reject as having no authority, to cast off, disown, to reject with denial. [Show that you strongly disagree with them and do not want to be connected with them in any way] SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : Leaders urged people to turn out in large number to repudiate the violence.


MEANING : To reject or renounce under oath, deny or repudiate SYNONYMS : Perjure, abjure, relinquish, forgo, forsake, abandon. USAGE : To forswear an injurious habit.


MEANING : To replace, especially to displace as inferior or antiquated [If something is superseded by something newer, it is replaced because it has become old fashioned or unacceptable] SYNONYMS : supplant ANTONYMS : USAGE : They superseded the old dish antenna with a new one.


MEANING : To replace, substitute, to replace (one thing) by something else. [If a person or thing is supplanted, another person or things takes their place] SYNONYMS : remove, succeed, supersede ANTONYMS : USAGE : He may be supplanted by a younger man.


MEANING : To satisfy, sate; To supply with anything to excess, so as to disgust or weary; surfeit. [You have all you need or all you want of it, often so much that you become tired of it.] SYNONYMS : glut, stuff, gorge ANTONYMS : USAGE : The dinner was enough to satiate the gourmets.


MEANING : Trembling as from fear, weakness or nervousness, frugal, timid, timorous, fearful; SYNONYMS : faltering, hesitant, wavering, frightened, afraid. ANTONYMS : USAGE : The bridge was tremulous beneath me, and marked the tremor of the solid earth.


MEANING : To say or plead in objection, protest or disapproval. [You protest to them about something you do not want to approve or agree with and you try to get it changed or stopped] SYNONYMS : argue, object, expostulate. ANTONYMS : USAGE : Stewart expected him to remonstrate, and was surprised at his acceptance of defeat.


MEANING : To send into exile, to banish (a person) from his or her native country SYNONYMS: USAGE : He expatriated from his homeland.


MEANING : To send or consign(to handle or deliver) to an inferior position, place, or condition; To assign or refer to a particular class or kind; To send into exile, banish. SYNONYMS : delegate, entrust ANTONYMS : USAGE : He has been relegated to a post at the fringes of the diplomatic service.


MEANING : To settle down, to sink or fall to the bottom, precipitate ; to become quiet, inactive, less violent, abate; lower level SYNONYMS : Decline, descend, settle, diminish, lessen, wane,ebb ANTONYMS : rise, increase USAGE : To cause coffee grounds to subside.


MEANING : To show clearly; make evident or manifest; prove. SYNONYMS : Display , to reveal the possession of (a quality, trait, etc.) USAGE : I shall be happy, on every occasion, to evince my regard for the Fraternity


MEANING : To shut; block, close , stop SYNONYMS : obstruct , clog, plug, block ANTONYMS : USAGE : Cloud occluded by the mountains,


MEANING : To speak boastfully or vaingloriously, brag, SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : To vaunt one's achievements.


MEANING : To speak falsely or misleadingly; deliberately misstate or create an incorrect impression; lie., To quibble; evade the truth SYNONYMS : Evade, shift ANTONYMS : USAGE : After months of prevarication, the political decision had at last been made


MEANING : To speak or write at length, copious in description or discussion. SYNONYMS : USAGE : To expatiate upon a theme.


MEANING : To specify as an essential condition; to make an express demand or arrangement as a condition of agreement. [If you stipulate a condition or stipulate that something must be done, you say clearly that it must be done] SYNONYMS : Specify, designate, indicate, cite ANTONYMS : USAGE : She could have stipulated that she would pay when she collected the computer


MEANING : To spread; scatter; disperse SYNONYMS : Broadcast, promulgate USAGE : To disseminate information about preventive medicine.


MEANING : To stop or check the flow of(a liquid, especially blood), allay, extinguish SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : The Obama administration began 2009 with an aggressive stimulus to stanch the rapid deterioration of the economy.


MEANING : To suggest or hint slyly; say indirectly; imply SYNONYMS : USAGE : He insinuated that they were lying.


MEANING : To support with proof or evidence [To substantiate a statement or a story means to supply evidence which proves that it is true] SYNONYMS : affirm,prove, attest to, authenticate ANTONYMS : USAGE : There is little scientific evidence to substantiate the claims.


MEANING : To talk idly or excessively or pointless; chatter, To utter in empty or foolish talk SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : They prated on until I was ready to scream.


MEANING : To trash verbally or physically,To reprimand or berate harshly ,to beat or whip severely. SYNONYMS : censure, excoriate ANTONYMS : USAGE : Say, Mr. Peel, if you ever have occasion to lambaste Watski again, just call to me.


MEANING : To treat with disdain, Worthless and disrespect, scorn, or contempt; scoff at; mock SYNONYMS : Deride, unsatisfied USAGE : To flout the rules of propriety.


MEANING : To urge, advise, or caution earnestly; admonish urgently, recommendation, warning. SYNONYMS : encourage, spur, press, goad. USAGE : I exhort you not to lose breath, nor to faint in your journey.


MEANING : To utter or pronounce clearly SYNONYMS : announce, proclaim, to state or declare definite USAGE : He enunciate the word distinctly.


MEANING : To vary; go in different directions from the same point. SYNONYMS : separate, deviate, fork. USAGE : It is on this point that Liz and I begin to diverge in our travel philosophies.


MEANING : To waver in mind or opinion, oscillate or fluctuate; be indecisive or irresolute SYNONYMS : stagger, totter, hesitate, reel ANTONYMS : USAGE : His tendency to vacillate makes him a poor leader.


MEANING : To weaken or damage; injure, to make or cause to become worse; diminish in ability, value, excellence, etc. SYNONYMS : Lessen, injure USAGE : To impair one's health.


MEANING : To weaken, to deprive of force or strength, destroy of vigor SYNONYMS : Exhaust, sap, debilitate, enfeeble. USAGE : She was careful not to enervate him by luxury or weak indulgence.


MEANING : To win over by flattering or coaxing, to entice, lure(the power of attracting or enticing). SYNONYMS : induce, beguile, persuade, wheedle. ANTONYMS : USAGE : 1. To inveigle a person into playing bridge. 2. To inveigle a theater pass from a person.


MEANING : Too helpful; meddlesome (helping or interfering with right), ready to help, obliging. SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : Corporal Williams officiously ordered them out.


MEANING : Transparent; easily understood(clearly in meaning, expression or style.) SYNONYMS : Clear or limpid, translucent ANTONYMS : USAGE : A pellucid way of writing.


MEANING : Traveling and wandering from place to place, journey SYNONYMS : Trip, excursion, expedition ANTONYMS : USAGE :


MEANING : pliability; condition of being able to be shaped or formed, capability to be molded SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : The great plasticity of clay


MEANING : Using or containing harsh, abusive censure SYNONYMS : castigation, verbal abusive, vilification, spite, scolding, defamation, aspersion. ANTONYMS : Praise USAGE : He gave vituperative remark for the movie released.


MEANING : Vaguely longing, sadly thoughtful [Someone who is wistful is sad because they want something and know that they cannot have it.] SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : I can't help feeling slightly wistful about the perks I'm giving up.


MEANING : Various or diverse (All and sundry -> Everyone,collectively and individually) [If someone refers to sundry people or things, they are referring to several people or things that are all different from each other] SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : Scientists, business people and sundry others gathered on Monday for the official opening


MEANING : Vengeful, Unforgiving; disposed or inclined to revenge. SYNONYMS : unforgiving, spiteful ANTONYMS : forgiving USAGE : A lady developer was harassed by her vindictive ex-boyfriend.


MEANING : Very bad, utterly detestable, abominable , detertable; abhorrent SYNONYMS : USAGE : An execrable stage performance.


MEANING : Very loud or powerful in sound; extremely loud SYNONYMS : blaring, orotund, sonorous ANTONYMS : USAGE : He bellowed in a stentorian voice.


MEANING : Very talkative; wordy SYNONYMS : Prating, babbling, verbose, prolix ANTONYMS : Reticent, uncommunicative, taciturn, close-mouthed USAGE : A garrulous and boring speech.


MEANING : Wandering from place to place; unsettled especially for duties or business. SYNONYMS : Wandering, nomadic, migratory, roving roaming, peripatetic. ANTONYMS : settled USAGE : The author's experience as an itinerant musician.


MEANING : Weak(Then or slender in form, as a thread), insubstantial(lacking a sound basis); lacking clarity, vague. SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : He holds a rather tenuous position in history.


MEANING : Whirlpool, tornado, center of turbulence. [1. A vortex is a mass of wind or water that spins around so fast that it pulls object down into its empty center 2. You mean that you are being forced into it without being able to prevent it.] SYNONYMS : Cyclone, spiral, twister ANTONYMS : USAGE : The polar vortex is a system of wintertime winds.


MEANING : Witty(assumed in clever way), skillful storyteller, A person who is skilled in relating to stories or anecdotes(short event) interestingly SYNONYMS : Anecdotist, narrator, storyteller ANTONYMS : USAGE : He spoke eight language and was a noted raconteur.


MEANING : Wordy, Characterized by the use of many or two many words. SYNONYMS : prolix, tedious, inflated, turgid, voluble, talkative, loquacious, bombastic ANTONYMS : laconic USAGE : His writing difficult and often verbose.


MEANING : a creature that is half-man, half beast, with the horns and legs of a goat has lustfulness; lascivious or lecher SYNONYMS : lady killer, Don Jaun, debaucher, gigolo ANTONYMS : USAGE :


MEANING : a means of connection, link, tie, a core or center. SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : The nexus between the dominant class and the state.


MEANING : a person who hates, dislikes, mistrusts, or mistreats women. SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : Leo is misogynist nature in society.


MEANING : a piece of broken glass or pottery, fragment SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : Shard glass from the historic church was recently donated to the museum, which is scheduled to open in 2015.


MEANING : a representation of a word or phrase by pictures, symbols, etc., that suggest that word or phrase or its syllables SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : Two gates and a head is a rebus for Gateshead.


MEANING : a small system having analogies(scaled from) to a larger system, a little world; a world in miniature SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : macrocosm USAGE : Kitchell says the city was a microcosm of all American culture during the 60's


MEANING : a variety of animals kept together or exhibited. SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : Mrs Lee tells us of a lion which was kept in the menagerie at Brussels.


MEANING : an inadequate supply; scarcity; lack SYNONYMS : USAGE : 1.There is a dearth of good engineers. 2. There was dearth of water in the valley for supply.


MEANING : an inhabitant; resident; a regular visitor or habitue, anything adapted to a new place, condition, etc. SYNONYMS : USAGE : 1. the denizen of local bar. 2. Sister lara was denizen to gardening in her house.


MEANING : arbitray order; authorization, sanction, or order, SYNONYMS : Decree USAGE : The king ruled by fiat.


MEANING : arousing or exciting the senses or appetites; gratifying the physical (sexual) senses SYNONYMS : lewd, unchaste, Voluptuous, sensuous ANTONYMS : USAGE : The wave and curve of her blonde hair gave her sensuality and youth.


MEANING : band of color, broad range of related ideas or objects SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : Politicians across the political spectrum have denounced the act.

Fledging or Fledge

MEANING : beginner; novice,to bring up (a young bird) until it is able to fly. SYNONYMS : USAGE : Human interference may have been largely responsible for the fledging of the young at nine days.


MEANING : bitter verbal attack, a bitter, sharply abusive denunciation, attack, or criticism. SYNONYMS : tirade, harangue USAGE : repeated diatribes against the senator.


MEANING : brief, comprehensive summary, a full list or inventory. SYNONYMS : Epitome, abridgment, survey, digest, conspectus, report USAGE : Ultimately, though, it feels like more of a compendium piece than a fully formed documentary.

Inadvertent or Inadvertenly

MEANING : carelessly; unintentionally, not attentive, heedless(careless, unmindful) SYNONYMS : Inattentive, thoughtless, careless, negligent USAGE : The employee is inadvertent while having coffee in cafeteria with his colleague.


MEANING : cheerfulness; kindliness; sociability, warmly and pleasantly SYNONYMS : Friendly, hearty, pleasant, agreeable. USAGE : The genial climate of hawaii


MEANING : concerned with sky or heavens; sublime or to the universe beyond the earth's atmosphere, as in celestial body. SYNONYMS : angelic, seraphic, blissful, ethereal. USAGE : We can only thank some celestial power that he did not seek refuge in the United States.


MEANING : concerned with the weather SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE :


MEANING : concluding part of a literary or musical composition; something that summarizes or concludes SYNONYMS : Summarize, conclude USAGE : It has also, sadly, turned out to be the coda for its director's career.


MEANING : courage; endurance, fortitude, temperament SYNONYMS : valor(boldness), pluck, vigor(energetic), ardor(devotion or zeal), nerve, fiber ANTONYMS : USAGE : a man of mettle.


MEANING : cowardly, timid, contemptibly, pusillanimous SYNONYMS : Timorous, dastardly, fearful USAGE : President in his political path , he say no to craven characteristic


MEANING : crafty; double-dealing SYNONYMS : cunning, deceitful, crafty, sly, unscrupulous, (you are critical of them because they often make clever and secret plans to achieve their aims and are not honest with people.) ANTONYMS : USAGE : Machiavellian republicans plotting to destabilize the throne.


MEANING : cynical, scornfully mocking; characterized by bitter or scornful derision, mocking, sneering [Attitude to people or things is humorous but rather critical] SYNONYMS : biting, mordant, contemptuous. ANTONYMS : USAGE : He was a big, sardonic man, who intimidated even the most self-confident students.


MEANING : delightful; blissful SYNONYMS : Related to USAGE : The point is a nice one, and perhaps ere(before) this the two friends have met and discussed it in the Elysian fields.


MEANING : devoutness(devoted or divine worship), a pious(devotion) act, remark, belief, reverence (respect) of God. SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : A prayer full of piety.


MEANING : difference between or inconsistency SYNONYMS : Incongruity, disagreement, discordance, contrariety, variance, variation. USAGE : There are certain discrepancies between the two versions of the story.


MEANING : discord; lack of harmony SYNONYMS : Harsh, cacophony, incongruity USAGE : They concentrated, tuned, turned their thoughts against the dissonance.


MEANING : done, spoken, performed, etc., without special advance preparation;, SYNONYMS : unrehearsed, impromptu ANTONYMS : memorized USAGE : an extemporaneous speech, letter or acting


MEANING : effectiveness; efficiency, capacity for producing a desired result or effect SYNONYMS : USAGE : A remedy of great efficacy.


MEANING : essential; belonging to real nature or essential part of thing; real or actual [Substantive negotiations or issues deal with the most important and central aspects of a subject] SYNONYMS : Important ANTONYMS : USAGE : 1. Substantive issues under discussion. 2. They plan to meet again in Rome very soon to begin substantive negotiations.


MEANING : existing or occurring with something else, often in a lesser way; accompanying; concurrent: [Concomitant is used to describe something that happens at the same time as another thing and is connected with it] SYNONYMS : Associate USAGE : an event and its concomitant circumstances.


MEANING : expert in matters of taste; expert knowledge or training SYNONYMS : critic, aesthete. USAGE : As any connoisseur of good food knows, this kind of copying happens all the time.


MEANING : expressing deep respect, worshipful, feeling reverence. SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : a reverent greeting.


MEANING : foolishly self-satisfied, foolish or inane, especially in an unconscious, complacent manner; silly. SYNONYMS : unreal; illusory, dense, dull, dim-witted USAGE : Pink dress made the lady on stage fatuous.


MEANING : forewarning; presentiment, a feeling of anticipation of or anxiety over a future event SYNONYMS : foreboding, portent, omen, sign ANTONYMS : USAGE : He had a vague premonition of danger.


MEANING : full of courage and fortitude, spirited SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : Then his mettlesome horses claimed his attention for awhile.


MEANING : funeral ceremony SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : The second day after his obsequy was done reverently, and on his body laid a tomb of stone and his banner hanging over him.


MEANING : having an offensive odor; stinking, having a bad smell. SYNONYMS : malodorous, smelly, noisome. USAGE : Many people remain stuck in all-black townships and fetid squatter camps, with no water, indoor toilets, or electricity.


MEANING : high praise to a death or deceased person SYNONYMS : USAGE :


MEANING : high-sounding; high-flown; inflated; pretentious. SYNONYMS : pompous, grandiloquent, turgid, florid, grandiose, flowery USAGE : Outside the polling stations, men talked in bombastic terms about freedom and democracy.


MEANING : holy; sacred, venerated SYNONYMS : Blessed ANTONYMS : desecrated USAGE : Our hallowed political institutions.


MEANING : horn overflowing with fruit and grain; state of abundance SYNONYMS : an abundant, overflowing supply. USAGE : The plane was overflowing with a cornucopia of luxury food and amenities, as if destined for Paris.


MEANING : ill-humored(a disagreeable or surly mood.); sullen or gloomily (miserable, bad-tempered and not willing to talk very much to other people) SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : Elder man sat morosely at the bar.


MEANING : imbue throughout, soak thoroughly [They fill it completely so that no more can be added or they become extremely wet ] SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : 1. In the last days before the vote, both sides are saturating the airwaves 2. If the filter has been saturated with motor oil, it should be discarded and placed.


MEANING : inattentive because of distracting worries, fears, etc.; absent-minded, preoccupied SYNONYMS : USAGE : She rose a moment later, and stood, distrait, looking out across the sunlit world.


MEANING : insignificant; unimportant, trivial SYNONYMS : illogical, irrelevant USAGE : Newton's explanation of theory has some Inconsequential terms.


MEANING : intentionally use vague(unclear) language, to use ambiguous or unclear expressions, usually to avoid commitment or in order to mislead. SYNONYMS: dodge, stall,evade. USAGE : When asked directly for his position on disarmament, the candidate only equivocated.


MEANING : lacking in flavor; dull, bland SYNONYMS : flat, uninteresting, tasteless USAGE : Noddles she prepared was insipid(bland).


MEANING : lacking order or coherence; dislocated SYNONYMS : separated; disunited. USAGE : Raphael aims at the loveliness which cannot be disjoined from goodness.


MEANING : lacking social grace, sensitivity, or acuteness; awkward; crude; tactless: SYNONYMS : Clumsy, inept, maladroit, coarse, uncouth, gross USAGE : Their exquisite manners always make me feel gauche.


MEANING : large in quantity or number; abundant; plentiful: SYNONYMS : Bountiful, ample ANTONYMS : Scanty, scarce, meager USAGE : After cleaning up the copious amount of blood on my body in a bathroom, I found my clothing and got dressed.


MEANING : large, powerful or violent whirlpool; turmoil SYNONYMS : restless, tumult, bedlam, pandemonium ANTONYMS : USAGE : The maelstrom of early morning traffic.


MEANING : long, violent speech, verbal assault; a prolonged outburst of bitter or vehement speech SYNONYMS : Harangue, diatribe ANTONYMS : USAGE : A tirade against smoking.


MEANING : loyalty; exact correspondence, strict observance of promises, duties. SYNONYMS : accuracy; exactness: USAGE: The speech was transcribed with great fidelity.


MEANING : mixture of writings on various subjects, Collection or group of many different kinds of things. SYNONYMS : anthology ANTONYMS : USAGE : Glass cases filled with a miscellany of objects.


MEANING : money or profits SYNONYMS : Monetary reward or gain ANTONYMS : USAGE : The professor does not practice this art for the lucre of gain, but he understands it in detail.


MEANING : navigation tool that determines latitude and longitude SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE :


MEANING : not false or not feigned(pretended, sham, assumed, fictitious), genuine, sincere SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : And Louise stared at the Reverend Gabriel in unfeigned astonishment.


MEANING : not mutable; unchangeable; changeless. SYNONYMS : USAGE : I think it was born out of a desire to have something beautiful and immutable in their lives.


MEANING : not widely accepted, holding unorthodox doctrines or opinions. [Idea, opinions or beliefs are different than from the official or accepted one's] SYNONYMS : Unorthodox, unconventional USAGE : A couple hundred years ago, of course, the church or state could have just crushed such a heterodox movement.

Clairvoyant [klair-voi-uh nt]

MEANING : one who can predict the future. SYNONYMS : Psychic, telepathic, predictive, intuitive, empathic, prophetic USAGE : Not being clairvoyant, I did not foresee the danger of ignoring her advice.


MEANING : one who hates humanity; one who dislikes others SYNONYMS : cynicism ANTONYMS : USAGE : He becomes a misanthrope, hates his fellow-beings and resorts to petty shifts in order to live.

Denouement [dey-noo-mahn]

MEANING : outcome; unraveling of the plot of a play or work of literature SYNONYMS : solution, conclusion, end, upshot. USAGE : The denouement of her career came on October 25, 1944, when she sold out Carnegie Hall.


MEANING : overly polite; willingness to comply with the wishes of others. SYNONYMS : inclined or disposed to please; obliging; agreeable or gracious; compliant: USAGE : the most complaisant child I've ever met.


MEANING : overly submissive, obedient, dutiful , showing servile SYNONYMS : slavishly ANTONYMS : USAGE : Employee of UTVS Productions company was obsequious to ower.


MEANING : perceptive; exhibiting keen insight and good judgement SYNONYMS : showing good or outstanding judgment and understanding; perceive, aware, recognize. USAGE : a discerning critic of French poetry.


MEANING : peripheral, irrelevant, digressing or divergent [I f something is tangential, you mean that is has only a slight or indirect connection with the thing you are concerning with, and is therefore not worht considering it seriously] SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : Too much time is spend discussing tangential issues.


MEANING : petty details, precise details , small or trifling matters SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : The minutiae of his craft.


MEANING : place side by side, especially for comparison or contrast SYNONYMS : appose , bring near, bring together , pair, place in proximity. ANTONYMS : USAGE : Mr. Wilson uses most often is to juxtapose things for dramatic effect.


MEANING : plots or schemes conspiracy SYNONYMS : artifice, conspiracy, dirty work ,intrigue ,(Describe secret and complicated plans, especially to gain power) ANTONYMS : USAGE : The political machinations that brought him to power.


MEANING : plowed and left unseeded(not sowed) for a season or more; uncultivated.. SYNONYMS : not in use; inactive: USAGE : My creative energies have lain fallow this year.


MEANING : presumptuous(impertinently bold, forward) conceited (intelligent, clever); overconfident or proud, exaggerated, excessive, or arrogant SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : Your modesty is a cover for your overweening conceit, she said.


MEANING : prolonged feud, rivalry marked by bitter hostility. [Wants revenge from someone for thing happened in past.] SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : The vice president said the cartoonist has a personal vendetta against him.


MEANING : related Practical point of view and Practical considerations SYNONYMS : Realistic, logical ANTONYMS : idealistic, unreasonable USAGE : Robin took a pragmatic look at her situation.


MEANING : related to memory; assisting or intended(purpose) to assist the memory SYNONYMS : catchword, clue, hint ANTONYMS : USAGE : As to function, they may be classed as personal ornaments, as money, and as material for mnemonic records.


MEANING : related to or concerning the sense of smell SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : This olfactory sense develop in the womb.


MEANING : relating to the senses [Giving pleasure to the mind or body through the sense] SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : The film is ravishing to look at and boasts a sensuous musical store.


MEANING : repetition, especially of a piece of music, repeat SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : They reprised the elaborate dance number in the third act.


MEANING : rude; insensitive, crude, unmannered SYNONYMS : coarse, uncouth, loutish, churlish ANTONYMS : Redined USAGE : Can you tell the actor and the disgraced former IMF chief apart from their boorish quotes about women?


MEANING : scholarly of learned persons, intellectuals SYNONYMS : (Will educated people who are interested in literature.) ANTONYMS : USAGE : The Australian storyteller who was loved by readers but disdained by the literati.


MEANING : self-control; abstention or abstinence from sexual activity SYNONYMS : USAGE : She bore her husband five children at once and then took a vow of continence.


MEANING : self-satisfied, pleased especially with oneself. SYNONYMS : pleasant , complaisant, smug, unbothered, untroubled. USAGE: The voters are too complacent to change the government.


MEANING : sermon(long speech); tedious moralizing lecture SYNONYMS : A inspirational say or cliche(hackneyed(overdone or overused) -> an commonplace or trite,stale, banal(not fresh)) USAGE : During his homily, Pope Francis stressed the importance of service.


MEANING : shining, luminous, brilliant, splendid, resplendent, illustrious SYNONYMS : refulgent, dazzling, gorgeous, gleaming, shimmering, glowing, radiant ANTONYMS : USAGE : a lustrous career.


MEANING : shyness; lack of confidence, act of diffident(lack of confidence , timid or shy) SYNONYMS : Diffident USAGE : Boy student was diffidence to come in front of class and read his blog writing.


MEANING : silently understood without being openly expressed, implied; unspoken or unvoiced SYNONYMS : Unexpressed, unsaid, implicit ANTONYMS : expressed USAGE : He tacitly admitted that the government has breached regulations.


MEANING : slavishly submissive or obsequious; fawning (young deer), obedient [Eager to obey someone or do things for them] SYNONYMS : compliant, differential , slavery,oppressed, cringing, sycophantic ANTONYMS : aggressive, exalted USAGE : I found that I reverted to a housewife stereotype as servile as my grandma.


MEANING : small or limited quantity SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : 1. Modicum food was served in Italian restaurants. 2. He hasn't even a modicum of common sense.


MEANING : solid and uniform; constituting a single, unified whole SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : The monolithic monuments of the New Stone Age.


MEANING : something that discourages ,hinders or deter (prevent , discourage or restraint from attack) SYNONYMS : restraint, curb, check, hindrance. USAGE :Police dog is deterrent to crime.


MEANING : speaking or expressed in a lofty(arrogantly) style, often to the point of being pompous( at high dignity or importance) or bombastic(high sounding, inflated). SYNONYMS : turgid(swollen; distended; tumid.), inflated, pretentious, rhetorical(exaggerated language), ANTONYMS : Simple, sincere USAGE : They say that he lacked inspiration, and was vulgar, bombastic, and grandiloquent.


MEANING : statement of belief or principle; creed(system or religion of belief) SYNONYMS : Doctrine, tenet, philosophy USAGE : He published a book "trust us we're EXPERTS" which says credo of marketing experts.


MEANING : study of the universe as a totality; theory of the origin and structure of the universe SYNONYMS : USAGE : Whether those facts match the cosmology of an Iron Age text is not their problem.


MEANING : subject to, led by, or indicative of a sudden, odd notion or unpredictable change; erratic: SYNONYMS : Witty, fanciful, variable, flighty, mercurial USAGE : He's such a capricious boss I never know how he'll react.


MEANING : sudden invasion, (a hostile entrance into or invasion of a place or territory, especially a sudden one.) SYNONYMS : Attack , sortie, foray USAGE : The bandits made brief incursions on the village.


MEANING : swollen or affected with swelling, distended; pompous or inflated, turgid, bombastic , bulging SYNONYMS : Distended, turgid, flatulent ANTONYMS : deflated USAGE : The listener's face was tumid and discolored, his eyes bloodshot.


MEANING : talking or tending to talk much or freely; talkative; chattering; babbling; garrulous: SYNONYMS : Verbose, voluble ANTONYMS : USAGE : A loquacious dinner guest.


MEANING : tending to call to mind or produce a reaction SYNONYMS : tendency to evoke USAGE : A short evocative passage that manages to remember smells, colors, sounds, and shapes of that metropolis.


MEANING : the act of disparaging or belittling(slighting, derogate - reduce or lower) the reputation or worth of a person, work, etc. SYNONYMS : the act of taking something away. USAGE : Any kind of work is no detraction from its dignity or prestige.


MEANING : the act or process of resolving or dissolving, Break up or dispersal, dismissal , the resulting state. SYNONYMS : disintegration; USAGE : If any situation feels like a struggle, seek its dissolution.


MEANING : the animals of a given region or period considered as a whole. SYNONYMS : USAGE : You think of the rainforest as this incredibly abundant place of fauna and animals and flora.


MEANING : the power or right to decide or act according to one's own judgment; freedom of judgment or choice: SYNONYMS : self opinion, judgment, wisdom, discrimination, sense. USAGE : It is entirely within my discretion whether I will go or stay


MEANING : threatening; menacing SYNONYMS : aggressive, alarming, apocalyptic, dangerous ANTONYMS : USAGE : From last month julie's pet started showing minatory behavior.


MEANING : to baffle; perplex or amaze; mix up or associate, confused or disorder SYNONYMS : dumbfound, daze, nonplus, astound. USAGE : The complicated directions confounded him.


MEANING : to discourage; intimidate; to overcome with fear; dishearten SYNONYMS : Frighten, dispirit, subdue,dismay, overawe ANTONYMS : Encourage USAGE : Don't be daunted by the amount of work still to be done.


MEANING : to expand; swell out, stretch SYNONYMS : enlarge, bloat. ANTONYMS : Shrink , contract USAGE : Habitual overeating had distended his stomach.


MEANING : to express doubt or objection ; question or oppose SYNONYMS : linger , hinder, scruple, qualm, misgiving. ANTONYMS : Agree, accede. USAGE : They wanted to make him the treasurer, but he demurred.


MEANING : to imitate(imitate with effort to equal or surpass); copy, to try to equal or excel, to rival with some degree of success SYNONYMS : Mimic (copy ), follow USAGE : To emulate one's father as a concert violinist.


MEANING : to make uneasy; disconcert or to confuse or deject SYNONYMS : thwart, foil , frustrate,to defeat utterly; rout USAGE :1. To be discomfited by a question. 2.The army was discomfited in every battle.


MEANING : to mislead by trick or fraud; decieve, cheat SYNONYMS : USAGE : Will playing mark try to cozen in the fair game toward me.


MEANING : to overlook voluntarily; forgive or pardon [If someone condone behavior that is morally wrong, they accept it and allow it to happen] SYNONYMS : to give approval, USAGE : 1. His employers are willing to condone the exaggerations they uncovered in his résumé. 2. The government condoned the computer hacking among rival corporations.


MEANING : to represent or depict, to portray in words; describe or outline with precision. SYNONYMS : Trace, sketch USAGE : 1. He delineated the state of Texas on the map with a red pencil. 2. In her speech she delineated the city plan with great care.


MEANING : to slur someone's reputation or defame ,sully , to speak damagingly of, criticizing SYNONYMS : spoil reputation, malign, besmirch, slander, traduce, disparage, vilify. USAGE : To denigrate someone's contributions to a project.


MEANING : to soothe or soften in feeling or temper, mitigate, appease, abate, alleviate, calm, blunt, cool, dulcify. SYNONYMS : Reduce temper or feeling ANTONYMS : USAGE : to mollify one's demands.


MEANING : to spread out or scatter, to pour out. SYNONYMS : Dispersed USAGE : The protests so far have relied on a small group of core organizing bodies to harness broad but diffuse support.


MEANING : to work against, to make less possible or likely, to prevent them from achieving something. SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : His prison record militated against him.


MEANING : touching or contact; neighboring or in close proximity without actually touching; near. SYNONYMS : bordering, adjoining, abutting. 2. adjacent. USAGE : There are only 22 million people in an area about the size of the contiguous 48 States of the United States.


MEANING : transparent or translucent; vague; insubstancial SYNONYMS : Very sheer and light. USAGE : As the audience enters, the diaphanous curtains onstage are gently blowing in the breezes of the Amalfi coast.


MEANING : unable to move; sluggish, Inactive SYNONYMS : lifeless, motionless, immobile, unmoving , lazt, indolent USAGE : She became stiff and inert after having brunch in college.


MEANING : uneasiness or anxiety caused by guilt or doing wrong SYNONYMS : hesitation, uneasiness USAGE : This is a man who has traveled to Iran and China with no compunction.


MEANING : union; synthesis SYNONYMS : a coalition of parties or factions. USAGE : A ballet production is the fusion of many talents.


MEANING : unnecessary repetition of an idea [Tautology is the use of different words to say with same thing twice in the same statement.] SYNONYMS : ANTONYMS : USAGE : Its shop named Guy's men's salon is example of tautology.


MEANING :Punishment on order to correct; chastisement; criticism SYNONYMS : 1. scold, reprove. 2. discipline, chastise, chasten. USAGE : Rahul always has a chance to change or lay open to her mothers castigation


MEANING :To mock , to laugh at in scorn or contempt; scoff or jeer at. SYNONYMS : Ridicule , taunt, flout, gibe, banter, rally USAGE : I am angry with all those in France who jumped at the occasion to deride the American justice system, and America in general.


MEANING :desiring something owned by another, greedy SYNONYMS : grasping, rapacious, avaricious. USAGE : His covetous, despairing eyes dwelt on her and clung(hold tight, attached or adhere) about her.


MEANING: 1. To systematize ; to make a digest of; arrange in a systematic collection. 2. To reduce (law, rule etc.) by code SYNONYMS : classify, catalog, order, organize, group. USAGE : I continue to believe that whenever we can codify something through legislation, it is on firmer ground.


MEANING: 1.Understood by or meant for only the select few who have special knowledge or interest; recondite 2. hard to understand; known only to a few private, secret, confidential. SYNONYMS : abstruse, arcane, cryptic(puzzling, mysterious), enigmatic(Puzzling, mysterious, perplexing) USAGE : 1. Poetry full of esoteric allusions. 2. The painting the gallery was full of esoteric allusions.


MEANING: Artistic composition of materials pasted over a surface; an assemblage of diverse elements SYNONYMS : USAGE : The artist has collaged old photos, cartoon figures, and telephone numbers into a unique work of art.


MEANING: Corresponding in amount, magnitude, or degree; Proportional or adequate. SYNONYMS : Having the same measure; of equal extent or duration USAGE : 1. Your paycheck should be commensurate with the amount of time worked. 2. A solution commensurate to the seriousness of the problem.


MEANING: Disagreeable to deal with , irritable; ill-humored SYNONYMS: Contentious, peevish USAGE: As Allen points out, Italians are in a cantankerous mood these days.


MEANING: Proper behavior, dignified propriety of behavior, speech, dress, etc. SYNONYMS: Politeness, manners, dignity, etiquette USAGE : they should maintain a certain level of decorum, diplomacy and decency.


MEANING: Thicken; to change from a fluid into a thickened mass; curdle; congeal: SYNONYMS : USAGE : 1.Let the pudding stand two hours until it coagulates. 2. Let the blood coagulate before it run too much.


MEANING: To confine; seclude, a place of religious seclusion, as a monastery or convent. SYNONYMS : Abbey, priory. USAGE : For five years Angelique lived and grew there, as if in a cloister, far away from the world.


MEANING: To find fault; complain; querulous: SYNONYMS : criticize, deprecate, condemn, censure, Peevish complaint, captious. USAGE : Facebook's answer to its critics is: pay no attention to the carping


MEANING: curved outward SYNONYMS: USAGE: The pileus is fleshy, convex, then expanded, and at length depressed.


MEANING: false and malicious accusation/statement; slander. SYNONYMS: libel, vilification, calumniation, derogation. USAGE: The speech was considered a calumny of the administration.


MEANING: pertaining to riotous or drunken festivity; pertaining to revelry SYNONYMS : roman festival of bacchus USAGE : My friend went to bacchanalia.


MEANING: quarrelsome; causing quarrels SYNONYMS: arguing or controversy, disputatious, argumentative. USAGE: contentious crew


MEANING: riddle; puzzle with no solution SYNONYMS: enigmatic or dark saying USAGE:It is a sobering truth that has long term implications for U.S. patience in dealing with the Afghan-Pakistan conundrum.


MEANING: sociable, friendly SYNONYMS: jovial, festive, befitting a feast, companionable, genial. USAGE: convivial by nature, he not doubt joined in when others were celebrating


MEANING: stubbornly perverse or rebellious; willfully and obstinately disobedient. SYNONYMS : contrary, pigheaded, factious, refractory, headstrong, intractable. USAGE : Nowdays donkey in trible is very contumacious


MEANING: to approach; come together; tend to meet SYNONYMS: focus, common result or conclusion USAGE: Illegal aliens come from all over the world to converge on the Arizona, California, and New Mexico borders.


MEANING: to beg; sponge, to borrow without intent to repay. SYNONYMS: USAGE: It was an arduous day for the tribe of cadge


MEANING: to declare or dedicate to sacred(related to region or deity(god or goddess)) SYNONYMS : sanctify, venerate, devote. USAGE : 1. a life consecrated to science. 2. to consecrate a new church building.


MEANING: twisted or coiled; complicated SYNONYMS: complex, sinuous, anfractuous, labyrinthine, meandering, abstract. USAGE: a convoluted way of describing a simple device.


MEANNING : Noisy outcry, a loud uproar, as from a crowd of people: SYNONYMS : 1. shouting. 2. vociferation. USAGE : There was clamor of the crowd at the gates.


Marked by comprehension, cognizance, and perception:somebody who is fully informed & aware "capable of being known,"


Meaning - 1. Doing good or causing good to be done. 2. Performing acts of kindness or charity. Synonyms - Benevolent, altruism, charitable, humane, philanthropic, benign. Antonyms - unkind, mean, maleficent. Usage - 1. a beneficent landowner. 2. the most beneficent regime in history. 3. a beneficent contribution was made for Nepal Aid.


Meaning - The highest point, as of achievement or development. Synonyms - peak, summit, apex, zenith, top, pinnacle. Antonyms - bottom, low point, zero, nadir. Usage - Try harder to reach the acme of your career.


Meaning - 1. a reappearance of an earlier characteristic. 2. resemblance to remote ancestors rather than to parents. 3. The return of a trait or recurrence of previous behavior after a period of absence. Synonyms - reversion, throwback. Antonyms - //Comment if you Know Usage - In his love for gardening, Martin seemed an atavism to his Tuscan ancestors who lavished great care on their small plots of soil.


Meaning - 1. the protection granted by a state to someone who has left their home country as a political refugee. 2. an institution for the care of people who are mentally ill. Synonyms - refuge, shelter, protection, security. Antonyms - //Comment if you Know Usage - Russia granted conditional asylum to Snowden.


Meaning - 1. a hobby or minor occupation. 2. An activity taken up in addition to one's regular work or profession. Synonyms - Hobby, pastime activity Antonyms - //Please comment if you know Usage - Our Doctor's avocation is painting.


Meaning - 1. causing the contraction of skin cells and other body tissues. 2. sharp/harsh or severe in manner or style. [An Astringent is a liquid that you put on your skin to make it less oily or to make or cuts stop bleeding.] Synonyms - Contracting, styptic. Severe, stern, harsh, rough, acerbic, caustic Antonyms - non-astringent Usage - 1. Her astringent words had their effect. 2. An astringent skin lotion.


Meaning - 1. kind and friendly towards a younger or less experienced person. 2. of, relating to, or characteristic of an uncle, resembling uncle Synonyms - benevolent, toleran Antonyms - //Please comment if you know. Usage - Although they weren't related, she always treated Sam in an avuncular manner.


Meaning - 1.Rigorously self-disciplined and severely moral. severely simple. Synonyms - severe, hard, harsh, stern, ascetic, grim, abstinent, refraining. Antonyms - extravagant, luxurious, indulgent, spending, calm, gentle. Usage - 1.The Life of a saint is comparatively austere. 2.the cathedral is impressive in its austere simplicity.


Meaning - The point in an orbit most distant from the body being orbited. Synonyms - acme, top, peak, climax. Antonyms - perigee. Usage - The Corruption in India reached its apogee during Dr.Manmohan Singh Period.


Meaning - 1. Relating to beauty or the arts. 2.Relating to, involving, or concerned with pure emotion and sensation as opposed to pure intellectuality. Synonyms - Discriminating , cultivated, refined Antonyms - Usage - Because it is a poor idea of art to reduce it to an aesthetic.


Meaning - 1. The coexistence of opposing attitudes or feelings, such as love and hate, toward a person, object, or idea, 2. the state of having conflicting emotional attitudes Synonyms - equivocation. Antonyms - certainty, decisiveness Usage - In the short term, such ambivalence is not a problem.


Meaning - earnest request; entreaty. 2.a solemn or desperate urging or counseling: Synonyms - Oath Antonyms - // Usage - I asked the spirit some questions, and then pronounced the adjuration.


Meaning - A huge monstrous creature or thing., anything very large and powerful Synonyms - giant, goliath, monster, mammoth, colossus. Antonyms - dwarf, midget, shrimp, peewee. Usage - Sportscasters nicknamed the linebacker "the behemoth". The city is a sprawling behemoth with no heart. The cartel is a behemoth that small business owners fear.


Meaning - A medicine, such as aspirin, that relieves pain. Synonyms - painkiller, mind-numbing, analgesic, Antonyms - //Add Comments if you Know. Usage - Aspirin has many anodyne properties.


Meaning - A name, title, or designation. Synonyms - denomination, designation, name, term, appellative. Antonyms - //Comment if you Know. Usage - "King of Pop" is Michael Jackson's appellation.


Meaning - A person who knowingly participates with another in an unlawful act, crime or wrongdoing, partner in crime. Synonyms - confederate, associate, assistant, helper, decoy, steerer, supporter. Antonyms - adversary, enemy, opponent. Usage - Abu Allibi was an accomplice of Bin Laden.


Tedious, menial, or unpleasant work onsider drudge which sounds like when your boss has a grudge on you..he gives you A BORING WORK to you..


Meaning - A person who renounces material comforts and leads a life of austere self-discipline, especially as an act of religious devotion. Synonyms - Monk, nun, hermit, self-denying, plain, harsh. Antonyms - hedonist, sensualist, voluptuary, comfortable, luxurious. Usage - Monks lead ascetic lives.


Meaning - A place where someone lives. Synonyms - residence, home, dwelling place, house, place. Antonyms - // Usage - The dream abode.


Meaning - A short, pithy, instructive saying; a terse remark, conveying some important truth; a sententious precept or maxim. Synonyms - Aphorism, Axiom, Maxim. Antonyms - //Comment if you Know. Usage - "Believe nothing you hear, and only half of what you see" is a famous aphorism attributed to Mark Twain


Meaning - A statistician who computes insurance risks and premiums. Synonyms - analyst,auditor, bookkeeper,calculator,clerk,comptroller, public accountant, reckoner. Antonyms - // comment if you know Usage - actuaries estimate the preferred interest rates of insurance companies.


Meaning - A strong feeling of aversion or repugnance. Synonyms - dislike, hatred, animosity, aversion, antagonism, enmity. Antonyms - empathy, sympathy, attraction, harmony, affection, love. Usage - There was too much antipathy between the brothers.


Meaning - An agreement between parties. Synonyms - agree, agreement, concord, consort, harmonize, rapport, treaty. Antonyms - disagreement, dissonance, dissension. Usage - The two parties accorded for peace.


Meaning - An immeasurably deep chasm. Synonyms - chasm, deep, hallow, ravine, cavity, deep, abysmal. Antonyms - measurable, not deep. Usage -Lost in the deep abysses of water.


Meaning - An object produced or shaped by human craft, especially a tool, weapon, or ornament of archaeological or historical interest. Synonyms - artefact. Antonyms - natural object Usage - "The very act of looking at a naked model was an artifact of a male supremacy" Philip Weiss.


Meaning - Composed of a mixture ,amounting to a whole; total Synonyms - amount, sum, summation, total, gross, whole. Antonyms - individual, part, particular,break up, disperse, divide. Usage - aggregate stockpiled for additional underground drain He aggregated the gaming CD count to be near about 200.


Meaning - Demanding great effort or labor., extremely difficult Synonyms - difficult, hard, painful, tough, strenuous. Antonyms - light, easy, simple, painless, effortless. Usage - The making of Picture Dictionary is arduous and taking more time than calculated.


Meaning - Deviating from the normal or common order, form, or rule. Synonyms - abnormal, unusual, peculiar, odd, exceptional, irregular, rare, bizarre. Antonyms - common, natural, regular, ordinary, familiar, typical. Usage - The anomalous is more surprising - thus often a lot more interesting - than the normal and mundane.


Meaning - Extending far downward or inward from a surface, extremely or hopelessly bad or severe. Synonyms - deep, abyss, bottomless, profound, fathomless, immeasurable, extremely bad. Antonyms - measurable, fathomable. Usage -The abysmal well.


Meaning - Extremely old and antiquated. Synonyms - ancient, archaic, antiquated, old, out-of-date. Antonyms - modern, recent, new, up-to-date. Usage - He complains that merchants in Pasadena are antediluvian when it comes to the Internet


Meaning - Extremely sharp or severe; intense; Synonyms - sharp, pointed, sensitive, shrill. Antonyms - dense, imperceptive, insensitive,blunt, dull Usage - Sitting infront of computer for long hours causes acute back pains.


Meaning - Fear of heights. Synonyms - // comment if you know Antonyms - // comment if you know Usage - People having acrophobia miss lot of fun, like the one in photo.


Meaning - Harsh and rough in manner, substance that abrades. Synonyms - scape, rough. Antonyms - likable, pleasant, smooth soft, pleasing. Usage - abrasive brushes.


Meaning - Its a common skin disease characterized by pimples on the face, chest, and back. Synonyms - pimples Antonyms - // comment if you know Usage - acne is a common disease.


Meaning - Judgment, as by a jury or judge, that a defendant is not guilty of a crime as charged. Synonyms - absolve, discharge, exculpate, exonerate, release, vindicate. Antonyms - charge, condemn, blame, convict, sentence. Usage - If it does not fit, must you acquit?


Meaning - Loosed from any limitation, perfect in quality and nature. Synonyms - Uncontrolled, Unrestricted, Authoritative, dictatorial, autocratic. Antonyms - Accountable, limited, responsible. Usage - Adolf Hitler wanted the absolute power.


Meaning - Proclaim one who has died to be among the blessed and holy Synonyms - Bless, sanctify, consecrate, hallow. Antonyms - //Please comment if you know Usage - A cosmetologist beautifies someone living; the Pope beatifies someone dead.


Meaning - Roughness or harshness, as of surface, sound, or climate. Synonyms - bitterness, sharpness, rigor, acrimony, harshness. Antonyms - calmness, happiness, kindness, mildness. Usage - 1. Harriet's words were full of asperity. 2. she responded with such asperity that we knew she was deeply offended by the question.


Meaning - Something attached to another in a dependent or subordinate position. Synonyms - accessory, supplement, attachment. Antonyms - detriment, lessening, subtraction Usage - PCC looking for adjunct faculty through job fair.


Meaning - Sourness or acidness of taste, character, or tone. / (ACRID) harshness or severity, as of temper or expression. Synonyms - bitter, acidity, sour. / (ACRID) tartness, jaundice, acrimony. Antonyms - mellowness, mildness, sweetness. / (ACRID) kindness, sweetness Usage - lemon has taste of acerbity.


Meaning - Sunk to a low condition, cast down in spirit Synonyms - beggarly, degraded, wretched, miserable. Antonyms - Exalted, proud. Usage - Children dwelling in abject poverty.


Meaning - The systematic study of past human life and culture by the recovery and examination of remaining material evidence, such as graves, buildings, tools, and pottery. Synonyms - prehistory Antonyms - //Comment if you Know Usage - Archeology is a fascinating science that goes beyond discovering dinosaur bones and mummies.


Meaning - To adapt oneself to environmental or climatic changes. Synonyms - adapt, adjust, conform. Antonyms - unacclimatize. Usage -people acclimatize when there is change in weather.


Meaning - To approach and speak to boldly or aggressively. Synonyms - come up to, address, greet, recognize, approach, snare, hook, solicit, waylay. Antonyms - avoid, dodge, evade, ignore, scorn, shun. Usage - President is being accosted by body guards.


Meaning - To bring peace, quiet, or calm to; soothe. Synonyms - pacify, satisfy, soothe, calm, relieve. Antonyms - upset, provoke, disturb, annoy, irritate. Usage - The acceptance of Jan Lokpal Bill appeased Anna Hazare and his supporters.


Meaning - To lower in rank, prestige, or esteem, to humiliate. Synonyms - Debase,degrade,humiliate. Antonyms - dignify, honor, respect. Usage - He felt abased when his clothes were removed.


Meaning - To make ashamed or uneasy, disconcert, to embarrass. Synonyms - confound, confuse, embarrass. Antonyms - composed, emboldened, proud, reassured. Usage - Salman was abashed when Ash married Abhishek.


Meaning - To make short or shorter, To reduce in force, efficacy, or intensity. Synonyms - shorten, abridge, curtail, truncate. Antonyms - expand, extend, increase, lengthen. Usage - SHIT is abbreviation of __ __ __ __ .


Meaning - To ornament or dress in a showy or gaudy manner., to dress in a vulgar. Synonyms - dizen. Antonyms - //Please comment if you Know. Usage - a uniform bedizened with resplendent medals, Model bedizened the with a beautiful ornament.


Meaning - To outfit and equip, as for military duty. Synonyms - furnish, equip, outfit, fit out, fit, attire. Antonyms - // comment if you know. Usage - The army man accoutred for the mission.


Meaning - To praise enthusiastically and often publicly, to acknowledge. Synonyms - praise, applaud, acclamation, hail, herald Antonyms - dishonor, disapproval, berate, vituperate. Usage - Acclaim the deserved. This acclaim is deserved by M Brown.


Meaning - To refrain from something by one's own choice. Synonyms - refrain, withhold, resist. Antonyms - pursue, persist. Usage - Abstinence is the key of life. abstain from sex.


Meaning - To take possession of or make use of exclusively for oneself, often without permission, Synonyms - seize, take, claim, acquire, annex, commandeer. Antonyms - give, relinquish, cede, return. Usage - Lee appropriated my unread newspaper and never returned it.


Meaning - To weaken or reduce in force, intensity, effect, quantity, or value. Synonyms - rarefy, weaken, fade, reduce, decrease, lessen. Antonyms - expand, increase, intensify, strengthen. Usage - Medicine attenuated the fever's effect. The drought attenuated the river to a narrow channel.


Meaning - Well suited for the purpose, appropriate. Synonyms - suited, fitting, proper, relevant. Antonyms - irrelevant, unsuitable, inappropriate. Usage - It is apposite to have an anti-corruption bill at this stage.


Meaning - Without guile or deception ; open and honest; natural Synonyms - ingenious, uncultivated, uncultured Antonyms - artful, disingenuous, guile, fraud Usage - The artless bookshelf showed that the carpenter was a novice.


Meaning - a concept or idea not associated with any specific instance, existing only in the mind. Synonyms - theoretical, complex, conceptual, unrealistic, unpractical, hypothetical, abstract. Antonyms - concrete, definite, real. Usage - abstract art is very valuable these days.


a political system governed by a few people sounds like by few people


adj highly imaginative but unlikely OR leads to disbelief implausible rhymes with impossible....something that is impossible is unlikely


Meaning - a person who composed and recited epic or heroic poems, often while playing the harp, lyre, or the like Synonyms - Poet, Singer, Lyricist, verse-maker, rhymester. Antonyms - //Please comment if you Know Usage - The Ancient Bard Meera Bai with her Tambura.


Meaning - caustic, biting, or rancorous especially in feeling, language, or manner. Synonyms - acerbic, caustic, bitter, peevish, pungent, tart, sharp. Antonyms - kind, sweet, affable, benign. Usage - remain calm in acrimonious situations.


attract; cause to be enamored beg + uile (oil) beggars spill oil on road so that people slip & they can steal their money


Meaning - an award or privilege granted as a special honor or as an acknowledgment of merit. Synonyms - award, recognition, prize, trophy, honor, reward. Antonyms - criticism. Usage - Robert De Niro works were accoladed.


attribute (responsibility or fault) to a cause or source to "put" blame on someone


Meaning - characterized by wrong or improper use or action, using harsh insulting language. Synonyms - Insulting, slanderous, calumniating, disparage, maligning. Antonyms - Praising, eulogistic, laudatory, panegyric. Usage - Using abusive language and insulting prisoners.


The act of cutting off; Removal of a part or growth by cutting. ab + scission = scissor scissor separates two things by cutting them ,so separation


Meaning - dealing with sexual matters in a comical way; humorously indecent. Synonyms - risque, vulgar, gross, foul, dirty, rude, obscene, lewd. Antonyms - good, clean, descent, respectable, modest, chaste. Usage - Another of his bawdy acts


The act of defaming; calumny defamation = de + fame, which means to reduce fame of a person


The act of disputing; debate. link with dispute


Meaning - exchange remarks in a good-humoured teasing way, playful conversation Synonyms - joke, pun, quip Antonyms - //Please comment if you know Usage - he bantered with her colleagues during a coffee break


The act of expressing strong or reasoned opposition postulate = put forth a theory; expostulate: protest the thory


Meaning - feelings of great intensity and warmth, A feeling of strong eagerness. Synonyms - eager, passion, zeal, heat, spirit, enthusiasm. Antonyms - coldness, coolness, frigidity, indifference. Usage - pursue your dream with great ardor.


The act or an instance of dissuading.


Meaning - extreme greed for wealth or material gain. Synonyms - cupidity, greed, rapacity. Antonyms - generosity, unselfishness, benevolence, extravagance. Usage - 1.He was rich beyond the dreams of avarice. 2.A Month's rent was enough to satisfy the landlord's avarice.


Meaning - hard to understand. Synonyms - obscure, abstract, esoteric, difficult, obsolete, recondite. Antonyms - clear, easy, lucid, simple, concrete. Usage - Abstruse subjects are hard to understand.


Meaning - having existed in a region from the beginning. Synonyms - indigenous, native, originals. Antonyms - immigrant, foreigner, incomer. Usage - Its difficult to find aboriginals in metros.


Meaning - increase by external addition or accumulation. Synonyms - increase, accrue, growth. Antonyms - attrition, decrease, lose. Usage - The accretion of snow.


Meaning - make poorer in quality by adding another substance Synonyms - alloyed, impure, dirty, mixing, debased, loaded. Antonyms - clean, moral, virtuous, free, purify, refine Usage - Adulterating food has become habit for some people now


Meaning - marked by care and persistent effort. Constant in application or attention; diligent. Synonyms - Diligent, hard-working, constant, attentive, studious. Antonyms - lazy, inattentive, idle, careless. Usage - Will the assiduous efforts of Anna save the country from corruption???


Meaning - moderate in appetite Synonyms - abstentious, abstinent,nonindulgent, strict. Antonyms - gluttonous. Usage - He ate and drink in abstemiously


Meaning - straying from the right or normal way, deviating from the usual or natural type. Synonyms - deviation, variation, distortion, disorientation, error. Antonyms - truth, sanity. Usage - The aberrant nature of Heart pulses.


The act or practice of spying or of using spies to obtain secret information spi on age.. in our teen age parents use to spy on children


free from slavery or servitude manumit ~ man + u + mit (might); man you might go; hence free from slavery


The condition of being depressed. desp+on+dent = desperate person dented (hit emotionally) = gloomy and depressed...


Meaning - to actively encourage, to assist or support. Synonyms - aid, assist, support, encourage, incite, instigate. Antonyms - hinder, obstruct, interrupt, restrict. Usage - Abu Allibi was killed for abetting Bin laden.


Meaning - slang or jargon peculiar to a particular group.,a specialized vocabulary used by a group Synonyms - jargon, lingo, slang, cant, parlance. Antonyms - //Comment if you Know. Usage - List the argot of university campus.


The doctrine that there is no God from Greek. a+theo( God)s "without god"


free of deceit


Meaning - temporary inactivity, condition of being undetermined. Synonyms - suspended, withheld, inoperative, out of action, pending. Antonyms - ongoing, action, activity, continuance, continuation. Usage - The task was held in abeyance.


Meaning - to be added as a matter of periodic gain or advantage, as interest on money. Synonyms - to increase, accretion, augment, collect, gather, accummulate. Antonyms - attrition, decrease, lose. Usage - the bank interest accrues.


Meaning - the act of washing or cleansing as a religious rite. Synonyms - bath, washing, cleaning. Antonyms - // Usage - Man taking ablution in the pure waters of Ganga.


Meaning - the act or process of cutting off. Synonyms - removal, cutting off, shedding, sloughing. Antonyms - attach, join. Usage - The picture depicts the abscission of a branch.


Meaning - to become confused. Synonyms - confuse, muddle, bewilder. Antonyms - clear, understanding Usage - My Brain is addled by the volume of this work.


Meaning - the giving up of certain pleasures Synonyms - Refraining, self control, self discipline, temperance. Antonyms -Excess , self indulgence, greediness Usage -We should abstinence the use of alcoholic liquor.


Meaning - to accept, comply, or submit tacitly or agree passively. Synonyms - assent, agree, comply, connive, (Accede). Antonyms - disagree, deny, refuse, condemn, demur, denounce. Usage - I'm disinclined to acquiesce to your request.


Meaning - to abolish, to cancel by an authority. Synonyms - abolish, annul, annihilate. Antonyms - continue approve, retain. Usage - Let us see if new laws abrogate the right to work.


Meaning - to caution or reprimand, advise, or counsel against something. Synonyms - to urge to a duty; remind, scold in milder way, rebuke, Censure, upbraid Antonyms - // Usage -The teacher admonished him about excessive noise.


Meaning - to cite as an example or means of proof in an argument. Synonyms - cite, present, abduce. Antonyms - // comment if you know. Usage - The picture adduce the fact of evolution.


Meaning - to cut short, to reduce the length. Synonyms - condense, shorten, abbreviate, reduce. Antonyms - elaborate, expand, extend, increase, lengthen. Usage - The London bridge abridges the gap between two islands.


Meaning - to decrease in force or intensity, to decrease in amount or value. Synonyms - Subside, Decrease, Wane, Slack, Slake. Antonyms - increase, intensify, magnify. Usage - We were waiting for the storm to abate.


Meaning - to deny oneself, self-denial, self-renunciation. Synonyms - give up, renunciation, denial, relinquish. Antonyms - assert, assume, defend, defy, hold, remain, retain, usurp. Usage - Swami Vivekananda abnegated all the luxurious of material life.


Meaning - to give a false impression of (something). Synonyms - contradict, conceal, disguise, misrepresent, distort. Antonyms - represent, prove, verify, support. Usage - Her Looks belie her 50 years. The quality of the music seems to belie the criticism


Meaning - to make appear great or greater:praise highly Synonyms - amplify, augment, boost, build, burgeon, magnify, multiply, glorify. Antonyms -belittle, debase, degrade, depress, disgrace, humble, lower. Usage -The king wanted to aggrandize himself and his kingdom.


Meaning - to regard with horror or detestation, to regard with extreme repugnance. Synonyms - Hate, dislike, detest, loathe, despise, abominate. Antonyms - Love, liking, admiration, affection, infatuation, idolatry. Usage - Abhor the sin, not the sinner.


Meaning - to renounce a throne, to give up, to surrender. Synonyms - relinquish, renounce, reject, cast off, disclaim. Antonyms - assert, assume, challenge, claim, defend, defy, hold, maintain, remain, retain, treasure, usurp. Usage - Bush abdicated his power.


Meaning - to renounce upon oath, to give up. Synonyms - renounce, repudiate, forswear, recant. Antonyms - desire, wish, long for. Usage - Mr. Bush abjured his rights.


Meaning - to set free from an obligation or the consequences of guilt. Synonyms - forgive, discharge, pardon, vindicate, set free. Antonyms - charge, convict, excoriate. Usage - Lord Jesus absolves us all from our sins.


Meaning - to touch along the border, to border upon or end at Synonyms - adjoin, border, neighbor, meet, touch Antonyms - Center Usage - The 2 properties shown in Figure abut one another.


Meaning - to wear down or tear away by friction. Synonyms - chafe, rub off, wear away, erase, erode, scour, scrape. Antonyms - smooth. Usage - Frequent brakes abrade tyres fast.


Meaning - unpleasant, causing disgust. Synonyms - abhor, hatred, detestable, loathe. Antonyms - love, adore, admire, worship. Usage - everyone abominates terrorists.


Meaning -A highly skilled person; an expert. Synonyms - expert,master,skillful,proficient. Antonyms - awkward, clumsy, incompetent, inept, unskilled. Usage - There is great demand for adept employees these days.


Meaning -A pithy statement expressing an observation or principle generally accepted as wise or true, Synonyms - aphorism, maxim, proverb, saying. Antonyms - //comment if you know Usage - She said she always believed in the old adage,'Leave them while you're looking good.' -Loos, Anita


Meaning -1. An unfavorable or damaging remark., 2. A false or misleading charge meant to harm someone's reputation. 3. (noun) the act of sprinkling water in baptism. Synonyms - Slander, abuse, defamation, slur, smear. Antonyms - //Comment if you know Usage - Thomas threw one aspersion after another at Michael. He has flatly denied casting aspersions on the star's character.


Meaning -1.To Make less intense or severe. 2. To satisfy or appease Synonyms - Ease, soothe, mitigate, relieve, calm, palliate Satisfy, fulfill, quench, appease, overcome Antonyms - aggravate, intensify. Usage - 1.An opportunity occurred to assuage her desire for knowledge. 2. He tried to assuage his Headache by taking Aspirin.


Meaning : Comparable Synonyms : similar, alike, like, comparable, akin. Usage : A brain and a computer are analogous.


Meaning -An expression of warm approval. Synonyms - approval, acceptance, recognition, applause. Antonyms - disapproval, disapprobation, displeasure, dislike. Usage - The martyr's bravery received the President's approbation.


Meaning -An extremely hard, firmly or stubbornly determined, uncompromising; unyielding Synonyms - die-hard, grim, implacable,stubborn,rigid Antonyms - flexible, soft, supple Usage - Dogs can be adamant at times


Meaning -An upward slope. Synonyms - ascent, rise, raise, climb, upgrade, incline, slope. Antonyms - declivity, decline. Usage - hard work sign showing acclivity ahead.


Meaning -At an appropriate time, of an appropriate or pertinent nature., germane Synonyms - timely, correct, fitting, suitable, relevant, proper. Antonyms - malapropos Usage - payday arrived apropos., Dead End was seen by mark appropos


Meaning -Something added or to be added, especially a supplement to a book. Synonyms - supplement, appendix, postscript. Antonyms - // comment if you know. Usage -This is an addendum to the book.


Meaning -The Highest point. Synonyms - peak, summit, vertex, acme, culmination, zenith. Antonyms - base, bottom, nadir. Usage - The Apex of the triangle.


Meaning -To award by law,To determine or decide by judicial procedure. Synonyms - decide, decree,determine, judge,rule umpire. Antonyms - // comment if you know. Usage -A person adjudged guilty is one who has been convicted in court.


Meaning -To notify or to make aware; gain in value. Synonyms - inform, notify, advise, communicate, warn, appreciate. Antonyms - //Comment if you Know. Usage - Students should be apprised about the current imbalance in trade.


Meaning -To put into motion or action; activate; Motivate. Synonyms - drive,impel,mobilize,activate,motivate. Antonyms - impede, stop. Usage - crisis actuate employees to work hard.


Meaning -Used to express farewell Synonyms - farewell, goodbye, parting Antonyms - greeting,hello Usage -Bidding them adieu we departed.


Meaning -ability to understand and judge things quickly and clearly. Synonyms - shrewdness, astuteness, sagacity. Antonyms - denseness, ignorance, inability, ineptness, obtuseness, stupidity Usage - Einstein approached matters with great acumen


Meaning -put an end to, to make null. Synonyms - annul, terminate, nullify, cancel, abrogate. Antonyms - continue, approve, retain. Usage - World should abolish nuclear weapons as well as work :).


Meaning -to depart in a sudden and secret manner, esp. to avoid capture and legal prosecution. Synonyms - hide, depart, run away, flee. Antonyms - arrive, stay, reappear, remain, be present. Usage - Forces are searching the absconded Bin Laden.


Meaning -to express approval. Synonyms - assent, agree, acquiesce, comply, concede, accept, nod. Antonyms - deny, refuse, condemn, demur, denounce. Usage -The two acceded to work together.


Meaning : put (fear, doubt, suspicion, anger, etc.) to rest; calm; quiet. 2. to lessen or relieve; mitigate; alleviate: Synonyms : Soften, assuage Antonyms : Excite. Usage: The fact that the government employee in question is a McKinsey alumnus does not allay any of my concerns.


Meaning : 1. Ornate design featuring intertwined curves; 2. A ballet position in which one leg is extended in back while the other supports the weight of the body Usage : The ceiling and walls were rich with tessellated and arabesque work.


Meaning : 1. To attract or tempt by something flattering or desirable. 2. To fascinate; charm. Synonyms: 1. entice, lure. 2. enchant, entrance, captivate. 4. glamor, attraction. Usage : But despite her allure, her assiduous assault on New York produced no results.


Meaning : A combination; a mixture of two or more metals Synonyms : fusion, blend, composite. Usage : I make no objection to that alloy, which I am told is necessary, and fits it for being moulded to my purposes.


Meaning : Absence of government; state of disorder ,lack of obedience to an authority; insubordination. Usage : The death of the king was followed by a year of anarchy.


Meaning : Characteristic of the countryside/shepherds; rustic; pastoral Synonyms : Georgic Usage :During the day, shops were open and the relatively simple, bucolic life of a farming village seemed to go on normally.


Meaning : Cheerful willingness; eagerness; speed,liveliness Synonyms: eager, keenness, fervor, zeal Antonyms: Usage: We accepted the invitation with alacrity.


Meaning : Indifferent to or BORED with life; unimpressed, as or as if from an excess of worldly pleasures. Synonyms : apathetic, jaded, cloyed, sated, glutted, surfeited, world-weary. Usage : Perhaps it's the Spanish blood, or perhaps it's because she's so blase.


Meaning : Medication that reduces or eliminates pain, a remedy that relieves or allays pain. Usage : Unilever has create an analgesic medicine for back pain


Meaning : Medieval chemical philosophy based on changing metal into gold; a seemingly magical power or process of transmutation Uasge: Sarah Norris on the alchemy of being young and literary and finding your way in New York.


Meaning : Pretentious; phony, Artifical Synonyms : Antonyms: Usage : Her affected wealth and social pedigree are so obviously false that it's embarrassing.


Meaning : Self-governing; independent Synonyms : Usage : a subsidiary that functioned as an autonomous unit.


Meaning : Something delicious; the food of the gods. Usage :


Meaning : Something that increases comfort, an agreeable way or manner; courtesy; civility: Synonyms : Usage :1. The house has a swimming pool, two fireplaces, and other amenities. 2. The amenity of the Caribbean climate.


Meaning : Thick-skinned; insensitive, unsympathetic Synonyms: 1. hard. 2. inured, insensible, obtuse. Usage: They have a callous attitude toward the sufferings of others.


Meaning : To affirm; declare to be true Synonyms : maintain Usage : The appellate court aver the judgment of the lower court.


Meaning : To give a boost to; prop up; support, pillow , cushion Synonyms : Cushion , strengthen, sustain, aid, reinforce, fortify. Usage : It's going to need some of that incoming capital to bolster its businesses.


Meaning : To grow and flourish quickly Synonyms : sprout, bloom, blossom, mushroom, expand. Usage: The town burgeoned into a city. He burgeoned into a fine actor.


Meaning : To polish, to make smooth and bright. Synonyms : buff, shine. Usage: This means that even women who are not employed in factories will get the chance to burnish career-building skills.


Meaning : To reinforce; support , any external prop or support built to steady a structure by opposing its outward thrusts. Synonyms : encourage, hearten, support, inspirit, brace, back up, reinforce, shore up. Usage:


Meaning : a person who tries to apply some doctrine or theory without sufficient regard for practical considerations; an impractical theorist. SYNONYMS : dogmatic; unyielding, authoritarian, uncompromising, inflexibe ANTONYMS : reasonable, flexible. USAGE : It has been well said of him that he never became either a pedant or a doctrinaire.


Meaning : a small object worn to ward off evil, harm, or illness or to bring good fortune; protecting charm. Synonyms : Tailsman Usage : In the insidest inside there is a stone box, and in it there is the amulet.


Meaning : agreeable; cooperative; suited, ready or willing to answer, act, agree, or yield;legal, open to influence, persuasion, or advice; agreeable; submissive; tractable: Synonyms : . manageable, docile, easy. 3. open, subject Antonyms : stubborn, recalcitrant. Usage : You are amenable for this debt. It amenable to take the dog on beach.


Meaning : extremely bold or daring; recklessly brave; fearless Synonyms : courageous, intrepid, dauntless, venturesome. 3. unabashed, shameless; impertinent, forward. Usage :1 .an audacious vision of the city's bright future. 2. Audacious soldier of ship fought and won the war.


Meaning : fondness; liking; similarity or attraction Synonyms : Sympathy , bent , Leaning Antonyms: Dislike, disparity, Dislike Usage : To arrange charter flights for opera lovers and other affinity groups.


Meaning : taken for granted; self-evident truth; seems to be obviously true. Synonyms : Unquestionable, undeniable, understood, accepted, given , granted. Usage : When you pay them more, it is axiomatic that they will spend more.


Meaning : to divide into two parts Synonyms : Separate, apart, fork Usage : So words grow and bifurcate, diverge and dwindle, until one root has many branches.s


Meaning : to make easier to endure; lessen; mitigate. Synonyms: lighten, diminish, abate, relieve, assuage. Usage : Has she spent time with him discussing ways to alleviate poverty in our rural and urban communities?


Meaning : to make or become better, more bearable, or more satisfactory; to improve Synonyms : Amend, Better Usage : US Army ameliorate condition of Afghanistan citizen.


Meaning : to mix or merge so as to make a combination; blend; unite; combine: Usage : The three schools decided to amalgamate.


Meaning : to stop; to seize, to catch and hold; attract and fix; engage: Synonyms : 1. apprehend. 2. secure, rivet, occupy. 3. stay. See stop. 5. detention, apprehension, imprisonment. 7. stoppage, halt, stay, check. Usage : The loud noise arrested our attention.


Meaning : unclear or doubtful in meaning Synonyms : equivocal, cryptic, enigmatic Antonyms : 1. explicit. 3. certain. 4. clear, precise, unambiguous. Usage : He gave an ambiguous answer.


Meaning : verb: to mention for the first time noun: a pointed tool for the rough dressing of stone. Synonyms : introduce, propose, bring up, submit, advance. Usage: White was unafraid to broach the notion that life is not only mysterious but sometimes completely inexplicable.


Meaning: Absence or suppression of passion, emotion, or excitement. Indifference. Synonyms : Coolness , stop caring Usage : The biggest problem may be the apathy that authorities, and even civilians, hold toward sex crimes.


Meaning: Flattery, as an action or speech, that tends to flatter, coax, entice, etc Synonyms: flattery, cajolery, wheedling, ingratiation, fawning, blarney. Usage : Our blandishments left him unmoved.


Meaning: Something out of the proper time, something or someone that is not in its correct historical or chronological time Usage : The sword is an anachronism in modern warfare.


Meaning: something that comes before, preceding; prior: Synonyms: 1. precursory, preexistent. 2. precursor, forerunner, ancestor. Antonyms : 1. subsequent. 2. successor. Usage : Little is known about his birth and antecedents.


Meaning: unpleasant or harsh/discordent-sounding. Synonyms: dissonant, strident, grating, raucous. Usage:Mr. Landon Ronald expressed sympathy with musicians who were handicapped by cacophonous or undignified names.


Moral corruption or degradation. Depravity: Think of "deprive". When people are deprived, they tend to head for corruption.


N a person who hold unorthodox opinions in any field(not merely religion) dissident


N- a deliberately misleading fabrication. The public will always be fooled by the media's canard.


N- a strong feeling of embarrassment. Much to the timid writer's chagrin, the audience chanted his name until he came back on the stage.


N- an event resulting in great loss and misfortune.


NOUN wealth as exhibited by sumptuous living people who own an OPEL or a LANCER are rich extravagant people Russian oligarchs are famoous for their opulence,living in fancy homes and dining on expensive caviers.


No longer in use, force, or operation de (means without) + funct(function) something without a functioning is considered DEAD.


Not straightforward or candid; insincere or calculating: INGENUOUS(can be remembered as genuine) IS SINCERE, INNOCENT AND SOPHISTICATED. AND disingenuous IS not naive, insincere


Noun secret agreement rhymes with illusion- which is not real,appears something else-covers up the real thing-secret;Latin -colludere, from com- "together" + ludere "to play," from ludus "game" Many have argued that Lee Harvey ,JKF's assassin , was in collusion with other criminals.


Of or relating to the body.


Of or relating to the heavens: from Gk. empyros "fiery," from pyr "fire;"holy fire-related to God/heaven


Of such fine texture as to be transparent or translucent: diaphanēs, from dia 'through' + phainein 'to show'


One that is disgusting, loathsome, or repellent Ab + horror - filled with horror, something that fills you with disgust,horror


One that precipitates a process or event, especially without being involved in or changed by the consequences:


Pertaining to horses or horsemanship. People interested in horses can attend any of the equestrian events held during the fair


Prevalent in or peculiar to a particular locality, region, or people "In a demographic," which relates to a specific portion of the population.


Requiring immediate action or remedy,Demanding; exacting. EX-tremely ur-GENT


Severe or stern in disposition or appearance; somber and grave,no adornment or ornamentation; bare austere sounds like severe which it means


Sharp and penetrating; pungent or severe astringent ~ a strict agent; an agent who is harsh

Complaisant (adj)

Showing a cheerful willingness to do favor for others. Syn- Amiable,obliging,accommodating eg- like a complaisant husband. different from complacent Mnemonic-Focus on sant(Saint!!) ,who is always obliging.


Something that deters,Intended to prevent: DETER + RENT. A high rent IS ALWAYS A discouraging factor FOR TENANTS.

Anodyne (n)

Something that soothes or releive pain; inoffensive. ex- Although he enjoyed spicy but Jill prefered a far more anodyne meals today.


Sour or bitter tasting; acid. Sounds like "Acidic." Lemons have a sour taste and are acidic. Therefore, they are ACERBIC.


Suave; urbane.genial Old French, from de bonne aire (of good lineage or disposition).


Sullenly melancholy; gloomy. bleak;dismal;forlorn;lugubrious;morbid;murky;sullen;somber


The exercise of good judgment or common sense in practical matters:Unrestricted freedom to choose: discrete... means separate..that is we are separate & are not dependent on any one, hence we have the FREEDOM OF ACTION OR JUDGEMENT...


The highest point, as of achievement or development Sounds like LAKME which is at the top of the cosmetic business


The omission of a word or phrase necessary for a complete syntactical construction but not necessary for understanding. imagine if you are an editor of a paper, while editing you would make an ellipse on the words to be omitted!!!


The power or quality of attracting this word sounds like KARISMA(KAPOOR BOLLYWOOD HEROINE)..she definitely has great charm and is quite appealing.


The quality of being calm and even-tempered; maintaining composure. quanimity = equal + enmity. To fight the enemy you need to be composed and temperamental, else he'll beat you.


The rotting flesh of a dead animal. The vulture carries on eating carrion . (carries on=carrion)


The scientific study of insects. ent(sounds like ant...and ants come under insects)+ logy(means study) studying about insects.


The sediment in a liquid,he basest or least desirable portion, residue sounds like drugs...they are worthless residues and are not to be taken


The study of hereditary improvement of the human race by controlled selective breeding. GENICS - link to genetics


The supposed power to see objects or events that cannot be perceived by the senses. clear + voyan -> boyan(speech); so clairvoyant means who can SPEECH CLEARLY about the future.


To attack with harsh, often insulting language,also attack with violent blows take 'sail' from 'assail'- for begining a war many warships sailed to the warfront


To be united; to work or hold together. involves word "co"+"here" everybody come here...means stay together


To condemn openly. De+ cry= kids cry when they want to show disapproval.


To count or list one by one in enumerate we have numerate like numeral which is a number so we make a list of one thing after the other in points or numbers


To cut off the head of; behead. de = down, cap = head => "decapitate" then means "cut the head


To deprive of esteem, self-worth, or effectiveness this word sounds like demon....and a demon is disgracing and humiliating in nature.


To disclaim knowledge of, responsibility for, or association with. Split as dis+allow means to refuse


To discover by careful observation or scrutiny; detect If you cry every body will notice you.


To disguise or conceal behind a false appearance. The word sounds like "resemble"...the person/ a thing of tat type can be in disguise...


To encircle; surround environ..resembles enviroment...and our enviroment is SURROUNDED BY MANY GASES.


To estimate/forecast on the basis of past values from the EXTRA info that u have, u guess what might happen LATEly or in future


To express in a brief summary; Enclose in a case or shell. put in a capsule-so has to be condensed


To find fault unnecessarily; trivial objections sounds like evil.. evil people always find unnecessary faults in the good..


To free from blame. break it as EX (gone) HONOUR (pride) ~ to bring back your gone or fallen honour by getting the blame off you.


To give orders to EN(means to become) + command and order people to join and become members of your group.


To give up residence in one's homeland. To send into exile EXPATRIATE as EX-PATRIOT, now no more a patriot, as the person withdrew from his native land and settled somewhere else.


To hold oneself back ab (meaning away) + stain : we generally tend to stay away from stain (dirt, dust etc)


To improve by critical editing emend = amend means...make improvements


To increase the severity, to aggravate further Latin ex+acerb+ate; Latin acerb- means bitter, harsh; So exacerbate means to make bittter, to worsen.


To leap and skip about playfully: cavort-cricket sounds rhyming so-Play cricket(cavort)in ground & enjoy.


To leave quickly and secretly and hide oneself, often to avoid arrest or prosecution Abscond = ab + scond = Absent in a second. When you will absent in a second? when u STEAL & HIDE, or when u DEPART secretly.


To make an attempt to do or make


To make ashamed or uneasy, To cause (a person) distress; What happens when u get a bash? (bashing)....u get embarrassed.


To make beautiful, to add fictitious details belle is used to describe beautiful girls.. they generally adorn themselves


To make predictions from signs or omens


To relinquish (power or responsibility) formally ab (root ab means away as in abandon) + dic (dictatorship) + ate (to eat and hence reduce) : means to give away (or reduce) dictatorship and hence to give-up power


To remove from a grave; To dig out of the earth something that has been buried. ex meaning out and hume sounds similar to exhume is to take out the human body from the grave.


To satisfy or appease,to calm or to pacify as u (you) age ~ grow old" your excitement temper etc come down


To severely criticize someone or something sounds like COREX-cough syrup,which is bitter & harsh


To show or demonstrate clearly; manifest: sounds like evidence which means to show clearly.


To speak of in a slighting or disrespectful way; belittle. dispa-rage can be read as display a rage. When you display your RAGE on your juniors you BELITTLE them in front of the others.


To speak or write at length: To wander freely. expatiate.....sounds like expect....and you expect every writer to clarify the meaning or the intent of his written essays..or stories...


To speed up the progress of; accelerate.To issue officially; dispatch. Exped (sounds like speed) + It; so expedite means to speed up the progress of something.


To surrender under specified conditions; come to terms. Cap it's too late, we will have to surrender.. (cap = captain)


To touch or end at one end or side; lie adjacent. A+But : 'But' is used to (ad)join two sentence as in example : He is good guy, but not a good student.


To use evasive or deliberately vague language equi+vocate sounds like advocate... corrupt advocates LIE, to CONCEAL THE TRUTH which MISLEADS the judge..


To weaken or destroy the strength or vitality if someone ATE your ENERGY (ENER+vATE), you would be WEAKENED or tired


V To bring or draw out ,call forth(emotion,feelings,responses) e+ LIC (read as likh in Hindi)- when you write,you are bringing out the answer/points of discussion Just smiling-even if you are depressed-can elicit feeling of pleasure and happiness. Educe,evoke,inspire, raise


Warm, glowing praise en com ( think about M.Com) so when you top, you will get encomium

leery >when u are travelling in train and someone asks u to eat something then they say ""leh ri"" then u get suspicious at his offering."

Without checking the references and talking to previous employers , I am leery of hiring the candidate.


Zestful enthusiasm. Concentrate on BULL in ebullient! Bull fight will be very exciting


a baby from birth to four weeks


a belief that rejects the orthodox tenets of a religion divide this word into her (her)+esy(sounds like essay)... and relate it to controversial writer Taslima Nasrin, who writes about issues that reject orthodox tenets of society and religion


a blank gap or missing part something that U LACK


a branch of knowledge bails & wickets are included in study of cricket


a cable, wire, or rope that is used to brace something (especially a tent) women or girls are said to be emotional compared to guys.. Guy tend to brace them and steady their emotins..acting like a rope / lifeline giving support.. it would be gauche to mention the subject


a change from a serious subject to a disappointing one BATHOS means descent from elevated to ordinary. so pronounce as BATH+SOap which at first is very odorant and gradually becomes ordinary with use.


a characteristic, habit, mannerism, or the like, that is peculiar to an individual. Think of someone in "sync" with his ID (identity); is unique individual in his manners habit eccenticity,foible


a close acquaintance to whom private matters are confided focus on the word mate (meaning friend or partner)


a close connection marked by community of interests or similarity in nature or character KEEN FRIENDSHIP is


a combat between two knights on horseback using blunted lances


a coming together of people the place where two rivers flow together and become one larger river !! so above mnemonics are all wrong. Confluence = Come(con) + flow (together) :)


a compiler or writer of a dictionary; a student of the lexical component of language


a complex pattern of constantly changing colors and shapes kal (colour) - ei (eye) - dosco (disco) imagine a disco ball with constantly changing colourful lights and shapes


a composition that imitates or misrepresents somebody's style, usually in a humorous way


a composition that imitates or misrepresents somebody's style, usually in a humorous way burlesque..can be pronounced as bure log in hindi..what do bad ppl do?? ridicule others..


a concise but comprehensive summary of a larger work,a publication containing a variety of works An audience always wants that whoever COMES to speak on the PODIUM should speak briefly.


a concluding action sounds like termination which means the ending position (of play)or the climax (of attaining something).


a courteous expression (by word or deed) of esteem or regard sounds like REVERENCE ,whic means respect the man had the deferential attitude of someone who had been a servant his entire life


a crafty and involved plot to achieve your (usually sinister) ends machin+nations....machin...superpower nations use machines to achieve their sinister ends.(machines are generally crafty tools....which are artfully designed for some specific task....machines designed for war...n other dredful purposes.


a cream/medicine that softens or soothes the skin divide it as e + moll(..mole which is a black spot)+ ient. If we find a black spot on our skin, we quickly start searching for a SOOTHING REMEDY to remove it.


a crusty irascible cantankerous old person full of stubborn ideas, Cur-mud-geon Car mud main gone... to driver went bad tempered... i.e. curmudgeon..


a deceitful and unreliable scoundrel k+nave..naive(means trustworthy, innocent)....knave is just the opposite of naive.


a deep opening in the earth's surface, ,A difference of ideas, beliefs, or opinions. Latin chasma < Greek khasma "gulf


a deliberate pretense or exaggerated display effect k liye affectation karo ? do some acting,pretend !!


a deliberately false or improbable account fabric+ate.....Just as Fabric made from white threads, which is later dyed and coloured to give it another appearance, likewise we make up a story and add it to what we say (ie, we are lying or fabricating the truth)

Anathema (n)

a detested person; the source of somebody's hate.ex- Galileo was anathema to church.


a flamboyant deceiver; one who attracts customers with tricks or jokes mountebank can be broken as mouth+bank=person whose mouth is a bank of words....who is extremely boastful and pretentious...


a formal ecclesiastical curse accompanied by excommunication anathema ~ anaath + ma; Being ANAATH or having no MAA is obviously a CURSE...


a gauze fabric with an extremely fine texture characterized by unusual lightness and delicacy One can relate the sound of GOSS in Gossamer to wire-guaze. Wherein thin, tenous wires are criss-crossed and wound

Magnum opus

a great work of art or literature magum (great) + opus (work)


a humorous verse form


a journey taken for pleasure Journey to your AUNT's place J-AUNT


a keen and quick insight.; the ability to perceive the truth in something to be able to see Into(u) (inside ) the truth of something


a kind of literary or artistic work having a characteristic form or technique link it to people or music of a particular generation


a large burial chamber, usually above ground sounds like Moslem or muslim. In Muslim culture they build tombs for the dead.


a large sailing ship with three or more masts used by the Spanish for commerce and war in the 15th to 18th centuries GALLONS and gallons of goods are transported by means of LARGE SHIPs


a large strong and aggressive woman, an African river amazon ~ amazing woman


a long wandering and eventful journey relate it to the ODD things we SEE on a n eventful journey


a male singing voice with artificially high tones thats is above the normal voice range a voice that is SET to sound FALSE


a man who is much concerned with his dress and appearance


a manner lacking seriousness lev(leave) casually leave things without any seriousness


a massive inexorable force that seems to crush everything in its way Every year there will be a Rathyatra of Lord Jagannath in Puri. Once this chariot starts moving, it is not supposed to stop. Whatever comes on the way will be crushed with strong force of people pulling the chariot.


a medicine used to relieve pain, a source of soothing comfort,Capable of soothing or eliminating pain. a + no + dyne (dying); If you want him not to die from pain, you should give him some anodyne drugs.


a misanthrope who dislikes women in particular


a mistaken or unfounded opinion or idea OR illusory perception; a common symptom of severe mental disorder relate it to the word iLLUsion


a noisy riotous fight sounds like Bruce Lee...famous for his fights.


a pauper who lives by begging Men+die+cant= men die because they can't work so they beg to survive


a person of exceptional importance and reputation Gk. kolossos "gigantic statue,"


a person who has recently reached a position of power;a social climber ex-The city center was aflutter(nervously excited) with arriviste who each tried to outdo one another.


a person who helps an enemy that has taken control of his or her country. syn-apostate,betrayer,double-crosser


a person who pleads for a cause or propounds an idea(n), push for something(v) Gandhi ji was an advocate of peace & non-violence. Gandhi ji advocated Satyagrah.


a person's manner of walking gait rhymes with weight...person with excess weight has a particular manner of walking or running.


a personally offensive act or word; deliberate act or display ofdisrespect; intentional slight; insult: an affront to the king.


a pirate, ruthless adventurer pirates of bikaner.


a proposed route of travel Latin word itiner= journey....


a protective structure of stone or concrete; extends from shore into the water to prevent a beach from washing away BULL + WORK--BULLs were carrying bricks for the WORK of protective boundary wall


a pseudoscientific forerunner of chemistry in medieval times ALL + CHEMIcal :related to chemistry


a public declaration of intentions (as issued by a political party or government) MAN + FIST in the air making a public statement


a rascal; rogue; scamp. ex-What a rapscallion crew, male and female, followed this great mob of gold seekers, and grew richer as their victims grew poorer!


a ridiculous mistake to use FAT to make TEA is a ridiculous mistake


a rite or body of rites prescribed for public worship


a sermon on a moral or religious topic home+silly - .when we do SILLY things at HOME ,our parents get annoyed and we end us listening to a long sermon or speech


a shed containing a number of beehives bee hives are usually pear shape..... so a-piary


a shelter serving as a place of safety or sanctuary it sounds like 'heaven'...a place which is always safe.


a short pithy instructive saying,A tersely phrased statement of a truth or opinion; an adage. a + phor (for); Kids are generally taught like "A for apple".. and there is a famous aphorism "An apple a day keeps the doctor away."


a short poem descriptive of rural or pastoral life,a rural person bucolic sounds a bit like bullock which is used in the "country side".


a single swing or movement in one direction of an oscillating body.


a slight wetness, To restrain or check; discourage.


a socially awkward or tactless act Disney character Goofy who was always making Blunders.


a solemn and earnest appeal to someone to do something ad + jur(JURY)+ ation : so a request or appeal to jury about something.


a state of agitation, uneasiness, or worry.


a state of deterioration due to old age or long use


a state of extreme confusion and disorder


a state of extreme confusion and disorder bad lamhe..means bad moments..during our bad lamhe or bad moments there is extreme disorder and chaos


a state of extreme dishonor and disgrace If you take OPIUM(banned drug) you will be criticized, humiliated & put to shame.


a state of supreme happiness beatitude -- beauti(ful) + tude => The one which is beautiful gives extreme happiness


a stone disc / pillar ; a character used in printing to indicate a cross reference or footnote No number of pleas and bribes would get him to change his obdurate attitude.


a stroke of luck F(ortunately)LUKE(Y) means fortunately lucky


a stronghold into which people could go for shelter during a battle cita-del is similar to city -Delhi in India which has many old fortress.


a stronghold into which people could go for shelter during a battle this word sounds like base station,while in war base station is a stronghold for the troops.


a stubborn person of arbitrary or arrogant opinions


a support usually of stone or brick; supports the wall of a building you add Butter to give extra taste, so buttress means extra support


a swaggering show of courage,a false show of bravery. Brava+Do = Act like brave but not brave. Pretended bravery


a system of words used to name things in a particular discipline


a tactic or person delaying or obstructing legislation by making long speeches relate to a 'fil'led object that blocks an action


a transverse and totally enclosed drain under a road or railway a culprit alwayz hides under a road or bridge...hence u can compare it with culvert


a very boastful and talkative person brag + art = boasting aboutr yourself. b+RAAG+art - brother apna raag khud gata hai-shows off


a very embarrassing misunderstanding OR an intricate and confusing interpersonal or political situation Im+broke+lie - if i lie about being broke. im in a confusing and embarrassing situation


a very intense and uncontrolled fire flagration sounds like flare which means fire, so big fire


a written composition during a test you write an essay to try and prove you know the material


able to change into many different forms or able to do many different things. Syn- versatile ex- SRK is truly a protean actor. Mnemonic-Remember it from proteas"south Afican" (AB Devillier) who is a versatile athlete.


adj having or revealing supreme mastery or skill Tyler was the consummate musician: he was able to play guitar ,harmonica.


abundantly filled with especially living things. 1.abounding or swarming with something, as with people: ex- We elbowed our way through the teeming station. 2.prolific or fertile.


abusive or venomous language used to express blame or bitter deep-seated ill will ENVY + ACTIVE or Active jealousy can cause you to ABUSE the other person.


accuse formally of a crime Indi+CT = Indian court. it formally accusses ppl for their crime.


acknowledgment of another's superiority or importance


act between parties with a view to reconciling differences You arbitrate between illiterate people


action or process of setting free, especially from legal, social, or political restrictions. e(a) man cipate - A man who participate(d) in the race after a long time was running like he had been set free or liberated from a prison.


activity characterized by good humor Jest sounds similar to Fest (festival) act and speak playfully in a fest


add details to grand- this resembles to something huge,great,wealthy.


adj (of weather) unpleasant,stromy; (of person) used of person or behaviour;showing no mercy


adj (used for conduct or character) deserving or bringing disrace or shame IGNORANT+MINUS(negative personality)....imagine your teacher is saying that you are an ignorant and negative person...what will happen?? will cause public disgrace and shame.... Since the politician ethics and morality,his texting of revealing photographs was ignominious,bringing shame on both himslef and his part. black , disgraceful , inglorious , opprobrious , shameful


adj Deep, extensive learning,having or showing profound knowledge erudite has Latin root: eruditus = e + rudis = e + rude(untrained) After training , he becomes an erudite person Before the Internet,the library was typically were you would find erudite readers.


adj Having a harmful effect; injurious: the deleterious effects of smoking. relate it to you DELETE all the spam mails because they may BE HARMFUL to your PC The chemical is deleterious to the environment. adverse,baleful,baneful,detrimental,nocuous,noxious,pernicious


adj Lasting or existing only for a short time sounds like e-funeral. Life is over .. short-lived? The lifespan of a mayfly is ephemeral. Deciduous,evanescent,fugacious,fugitive,transient


adj Of foremost importance; paramount: cardinal' also means pertaining to the 'heart' and the heart is the 'most important' part of our body. Most cultures consider gambling a cardinal sin and thus have outlawed its practices.


adj Relating to, characteristic of, or resulting from dogma,highly opinionated,not accepting that your belief may not be correct. If you try to read "dogmatic" from back to front, you will get "i am god". the person who think that he is a god is arrogant and stubborn Bryan is dogmatic in his belief.


adj To cause to lose affection or loyalty dis= not; affection= intimacy. So disaffect means not to have any intimacy. After watching his superior take rations from the soldiers, he quickly became disaffected and rebelled.


adj To scatter widely, as in sowing seed. dis + seminate ,seminate could be taken as seminar, so for a seminar people gather at a place. Hence disseminar could be understood as the scattering of people.


adj appropriate, and matches nicely Her dress was becoming and made her look even more beautiful.


adj being attentive to women like an ideal knight Marco's chivalrous ways,like opening door etc. liked by all the girls.


adj calm and peaceful, prosperous suggesting happy tranquillity halycon (peaceful) can be considered as opposite of cyclone (stormy, unrest) n


adj careful to protect one's speech or action in order to avoid offense or gain an advantage The professor thought that he was discreet,subtly wiping the stain off his shirt,but as soon as he stepped off the podium.


adj characterized by directness in manner or speech;without subtlety or evasion The insurance agent was quite forthright.


adj cleverly amusing in tone someone who makes funny faces Facetious>>>Face is not Serious Facetious behavior will not be tolerated during sex education class


adj completely lacking nobility in character or quality or purpose ig(nores) + nobility - someone who is not concerned or is ignorant of nolbility


adj contrary to or forbidden by law Though Al Capone was engaged in many illicit activities,he was finally arrested.


adj currently holding an office INCUM + BENT = OFFICIALS are BENT on(determined) to bring an INCUM home, as it is NECESSARY to survive Financial well-being of the corporation is ultimately incumbent on the CEO.


adj deviates markedly from an established norm:; highly unconventional or usual ec(x)-centric(normal): going away from the center that is departing from the norms idiosyncrasy,foible,quirk


adj diffusing warmth and friendliness the actress Genelia D'souza is a genial girl.... gracious,cordial,affable


adj dull and lacking imagination Having grown up in a humdrum suburb,Jacobs relished life in New York City.


adj effusively or insincerely emotional mawk close to if someone mocks at you...and you are sentimental..then its a sad situation. The film was increadibly mawkish,introducing hihgly likeable characters only to have them succumb to a devastating illness by the end of the movie.


adj expecting unquestionable obedience The coach was dictatorial in manner


adj expressed as wothless or in negative terms Derogative=Negative THe debate between two political candidate was derogative.


adj extremely bad Abysmal performance.


adj fix firmly or securely trench sounds like bench. so you have to fix a bench firmly by the time we reach 60 years old most of our habits are so entrenched that it is difficult for us to change.


adj fun loving,fond of good company sounds like carnival which has a festive,fun atmosphere The wedding reception was convival.


adj given to haughty disregards of others Percy dismissed the issue with the cavaler wave of his hand.


adj giving careful attention to detail; hard to please; excessively concerned with cleanliness just like ... we fast to please god...a fast is tedious therefore god is fastidious He is fastidious about keeping the house clean


adj happening by chance or unexpectedly or unintentionally im(not) + averted - something that could not be averted or escaped The inadvertent and costly consequences of making alcohol illegal.


adj having an unpleasant smell mal(means bad)+odour (smell)


adj having or demonstrating ability to recognize or draw fine distinction incisive can be correlated with our incisor teeth. which is very sharp both in human and animal, and they use it to cut food thus incisive= incisor= cutting The lawyer had an incisive mind,able in a flash to disset a hopelessly tangled issue and insolate the essential laws at the play.


adj liable to sudden unpredictable change esp. in affections or attachements Imagine you want to choose a pickle from a grocery shop but there are so many options so you fickle. She was so fickle in her politics ,it was hard to pinpoint her beliefs; one week she would embrace a side.


adj liable to sudden unpredictable change the mercury in a thermometer rises and falls according to the temperature which is very unpredictable


adj liberality in bestowing gifts; extremely liberal and generous of spirit magna (mega or large) = large hearted person


adj making less guilty or more forgivable remember from attenuation The jury was hardly moved by the man's plea that his lonliness was an extenuating factor in his crime.


adj marked by extreme care in treatment of details it sounds like matriculation(admission to a college).To get matriculation we should be as a meticulous(careful) aspirant to clear the exam. The Japanese noodle maker was meticulous in making his noodles and would never let another person take over the task. fussy, painstaking , scrupulous.


adj marked by or showing hopelessness FOR + LOAN =aap loan lene gaye aur vaha se hope less ho kar vapas aaye.. she was forlorn when she found out the trip had been cancelled. crestfallen,dejected,doleful,melancholic,woebegone,woeful


adj marked by refinement in taste and manners this word is very close to GENTLE..AND A GENTLEMAN IS ONE who is WELL BRED, elegant and GIVES A REFINED APPEARANCE .


adj not easily understood;unfathomable


adj not friendly inimi (sounds like ENEMY) + cal; Enemies are HOSTILE and of-course UNFRIENDLY.


adj not injurious to physical or mental health, incapable of causing harm/disapproval in(not)+nocuous(noxious)........ means not noxious......something which is not noxious is harmless...


adj not prudent or wise im (not) + shouldnt - person to whom shouldnt does not occur, therefore does unwise things


adj not serious in content or attitude or behavior Fri+vol+ous = Free+Will ->one who acts with his own will, carefree, not serious He approached seemed frivolous.


adj not skillful; clumsy mal(means bad at doing something)+droit(its french word means skillful and clever).......and someone who is bad at skills in his known area ,considered a maladroit person As a child she was quite maladroit, but as he grew older she became an adept dancer.


adj not to be moved by persuasion/ unyielding in(not)+exhort(means to pressurise):that means a person who is inexorable cant be pressurised;he will not yield The rise of the computer was an inexorable shift in technology and culture.


adj occurring by chance (positive) having no apparent cause equivalent to fortune............. fortune isn't destined to occur it is accidental While the real objects are vastly different sizes in space,the sun and the moon seem to have the same fortuitous size in the sky.


adj open and honest If you have to be above all cricket BOARD member you have to be aboveboard. He is hardly aboveboard.


adj open to argument or debate;undecidable in a meaningless or irrelevant way


adj openly distrustful and unwilling to confide "


adj persist stubbornly ob+stin+ate.. stin means to stand.. and a stubborn person will always stand by his view.. The coach suggested improvement Sarah might make on the balance beam,but she remained obstinate , unwilling to modify any of the habits that made her successful in the past. adamant, adamantine, bullheaded, dogged, immovable, implacable,intransigent, mulish, obdurate,ossified, pertinacious, perverse, pigheaded, stubborn, unbending, uncompromising, unrelenting


adj persistently petty and unjustified criticism Car par ping: persistently petty What seemed like incessant nagging and carping about my behavior from my mother turned out to be wise and useful advice that has served me well.


adj poor enough to need help from others; completely wanting or lacking (usually "destitude of")


adj powerfully persuasive and clear co+agent...cooperative agents make congent suggestions. A cogent argument will change the minds of even the most skeptical audience.


adj quickly aroused to anger concentrate on rasc- a rascal is one who is irritable, badly behaved and short-tempered/hotheaded


adj readily available; honest and open


adj ro be wandering;not sticking to a circumscibe path Unlike his peers ,who spent their hours studying in the library,Matthew preferred errant walks through the university campus.


adj rude and arrogant sounds like insult-ent => A person who insults evryone is UNRESTRAINED, IMPRUDENT AND SHAMELESS


adj scornful,looking down at the others with a sneering attitude. Always on the forefront of fashion , Vanessa looked contemptuously at anyone wearing dated clothing.


adj secretive, sly, done with caution and stealth FURtive.. relate to animal fur..u buy a fur coat secretly He cast a furtive glance in our direction. sneaky,shifty


adj shockingly repellent; inspiring horror; gruesome;terrifying Sounds like massacre..which means "excessive killing of many people" a repellent and horrifying scene


adj showing a cheerful willingness to do favors for others I found him accomodating and obliging. Indulgent


adj similar or equivalent in some respects though otherwise dissimilar Analogies are given by the lecturers while teaching which compare the example with the present subject


adj stubbornly persistent in changing an opinion or action OB+DURA(relate it to word durability)..SO anything which has durability..has the resisting power, and something which can resist, is stubborn. No number of pleas and bribes would get him to change his obdurate attitute


adj suggesting war or military life, of or relating to the armed forces martial arts like karate and kung-fu are forms of fighting for warriors and soldiers


adj tending to bring about; being partly responsible for conducive - come(con) + do(du) + civil work(cive).....doing civil work is helpful & contributive. Studying in a quiet room is conducive to learning.


adj the dominance or leadership of one social group or nation over others hegemony:he's got money,so he's domineering in the society and he control others.


adj the trait of being rude and inappropriate; inclined to take liberties im (prefix meaning not) + pertinent (relevant or appropriate) Dexter over loosing his pet ,found the police officer's questions impertinent. cheeky,impudent,brazen


adj unable to see distant objects clearly, lacking foresight or scope With My OPAQUE (that you cannot see through) lenses I will be short sighted Myopic Manager


adj uncertain how to act or proceed without resolution or unable to make decisions They tried not to be publicly judgmental about the character of the incumbent president, but they believed his celebrated political talents disguised an immature and irresolute nature.


adj unchanging immune to mutation Taxes are one of the immutable laws of the land


adj very generous money+sufficient-when a person has sufficient money he is generous Uncle Charley was kown for his munificence,giving all seven of his nephews lavish Christamas present each year.


adj wasting time Extract 'late' from the word dilatory and you get.... delay which is generally due to waste of time. Lawyers use dilatory tactics so that it takes years before the case is actually decided.


adj without fear or error He was impeccable in the latest fashion without crease.


adj young and inexperienced


adj- universal


adj-suitable,just right,apt, verb-take possession of by force, as after an invasion appropriate = a + property + iate.. i.e. to make it your own property .. by force if required.. And also when you are appropriating it your self you are "allocating" it to yourself.


advance beyond the usual limit if enemy violates or encroaches the border the infantry would start firing


adverb in a blunt and direct manner


adverb in a frenzied or uncontrolled state


adverb more than adequate The boat was amply supplied for its year at sea--no man would go hungry of thrist.


affecting extreme elegance in dress and manner fop-ish = pop (fop) - ish ; those boys who are in pop music are over dressed ... they have a very bad sense of dressing but they think that they are looking cool !!!!


affording an abundant supply By copying in an exam, some get a LOT of marks


agree; be in harmony with saying 'ji' in Hindi means to agree


all of the same or similar kind or nature homo-same + jean(u)s- denims; think of a pair of jeans that basically all look alike and are the same type of clothing.


ambiguous; obscure.; involved with fortelling or prophesying future events rhymes with circular, therefore something that is complex and round about difficult to understand


an abject coward craven - relate with cave + in. You move in cave if your are coward (in a jungle)


an abusive attack on a person's character or good name calumny, sounds like kalmuhi, which is a harsh remark given by a saas to her bahu. So its a kind of slander.


an act or instance of involving or entangling ALSO something complicated and overly detailed in+ volume = something that has volumes (a great quantity) of content that is details, information complex data

Bastardization (n)

an act that debases or corrupts.ex- The movie World War Z is a complete bastardization of the book with little more in common than zombies and a title.


an aperture or hole that opens into a bodily cavity


an assault in which the assailant makes physical contact French from batre "beat"


an authoritative rule a nation under an authority that has been ordained is an ordinance


an ethical system that evaluates the pursuit of pleasure as the highest good he-(is)-don... and obviously has strong devotion to pleasures of senses..


an event resulting in great loss and misfortune, a great flood from Gk. kataklysmos, from kata "down" + klyzein "to wash."


an exact copy or reproduction focus on fac (fax) and simile (similar).. both these words signify 'copy'


an exceptional interest in and admiration for yourself narc-(narcotic/drug) one addicted to oneself


an exclusive circle of people with a common purpose ounds like KOTHARI (in hindi it means an enclosed room) -- where people with common purposes meet.


an expert able to appreciate a field; especially in the fine arts (In Hindi Language) Connoisseur sounds like kaun inse sure nahi hoga. Ye to expert hai. He is connoisseur. He is EXPERT.


an explosion


an expression of approval and commendation KUDO(to jump in Hindi). one JUMPS with joy on recieving an HONOUR.


an extreme state of adversity; the lowest point of anything You can recall Persian emperor Nadir-shah a cruel man, so someone very "lowly"


an indirect way of expressing something circumlocution -> circle + locution (loqui means to speak), speaking vaguely so as to avoid the topic.


an interruption in the intensity or amount of something a person we meet after a break or some time says HI-AT-US and we pause to meet that person..


an iron hook with a handle; used for landing large fish visual - the hook and the long handle resembles the letter G


an onerous or difficult concern to be a burden ON US


an opening or initiating move toward negotiations, a new relationship, an agreement, etc.; a formal or informal proposal or offer: Ex-overtures of peace; a shy man who rarely made overtures of friendship. Example-


an outcome (good or bad) that is well deserved come+uppance= uppance sounds like offence, so when u do any offence punishments will COME behind you which is DESERVED

Bridle (v)

anger or take offense. The hostess bridle at the tactless dinner guest.


anti (against) + luv (love); If you are against love, you are probably a person with antediluvian thoughts.


ardent admirer,fan,loyal follower AFICIONADO comes from the same latin root as the word affection. So, think AFFECTIONADO


argumentative,quarrelsome contentious=content+tious(relate with malicious)..i.e. malicious person will argue aboyt everything


arouse hostility or indifference in where there had formerly been love, affection, or friendliness alien+ate...if an alien comes and eat all food on earth .we all become unfriendly and hostile to it.


as if struck dumb with astonishment and surprise


asking/excessively begging to get something free; be a parasite cadge....sounds like cage....some1 in the cage begging to get out


assign great importance to Lion is assigned a great social importance in animal kingdom


attack verbally with harsh criticism,beat soundly Imagine boss saying "you be labour" : he is criticizing, verbally attacking


attentive in an ingratiating or servile manner ob + SEQUI + ous .. sequi means sequence where one thing "follows" the other.. and servants follow what their masters say..


become drunk or drink excessively INEBRIATE sounds like "in beer ate" ~ drink beer and eat food;


become less intense, lessen relate it to a white flag that is a symbol of surrender or defeat, therefore, feeling low, low intensity


become rotten,to muddle up or confuse sounds like riddle which is usually confusing and hence we get confused. addlepated


being beyond what is seen or avowed; intentionally kept concealed: ulterior motives. ex-The criminal worked on an ulterior motive to kill the agent. Syn-hidden, covert, undisclosed, undivulged


being born or beginning newly+sent - something that has just begun.


being of striking appropriateness and pertinence apposite=> opposite of OPPOSITE i.e. perfectly matched; appropriate; most suitable


being on the point of death; breathing your last Moribund is kinda similar to morbid, which refers to things related to death


being precisely fitting and right, OR contend against an opponent in a sport, game, or battle, OR undergo or suffer to meet one's needs OR india meets austrailia for the match, Or he met with a fatal accident


beyond normal limits split it as in+ord+din+ate... remember it as IN DIN(ner) he ORD(ered) and ATE EXCESSIVELY.


bitterly or disdainfully ironic or amusing: a wry remark.


carefree and happy and lighthearted Blithe== Be-light- Hearted. means care free


cause annoyance in; disturb, Nettle sounds like kettle. A Kettle boiling water makes a lot of noise and is therefore irriating and annoying. It also means "worried".


characterized by promptness; quick: Syn-prompt, swift, speedy, fast, rapid Example-an expeditious answer to an inquiry Mnemonic-Remember it from EXPE"RT"ditious: an expert person works swiftly.


characterized by subtle or unscrupulous cunning, deception, dishonesty: sounds like mafia villain. A villain is always crafty and double dealing.


characterized by undue haste and lack of thought or deliberation im(not)-pet-tuo(to)-us...a dog which is not our pet will be very RASH, reckless.


charge falsely or with malicious intent; attack the good name and reputation of someone Bees + Mirch (In Hindi language Bees means twenty and Mirch means pepper) So,if you will add twenty pepper, you will definitely spoil the food.


chatter rapidly or unintelligibly hindi jap is to pray slowly repeatedly time and again.. i.e,chatter rapidly..


chew (food); to bite and grind with the teeth when you mash food between your teeth you masticate


close in time; about to occur imminent sounds similar to immediate. so imminent means about to occur immediately.


commanding attention,Readily attracting notice if the police come & arrest you while you are at work,everyone in the office will turn & stare at you, you will become the centre of attention !


complain bitterly In + Veigh sounds like Weigh therefore, people who are passionate about maintaining their weight will complain if they become heavier


complain sounds like spouse .... they complain a lot


concerning or characterized by an appreciation of beauty or good taste aes + thetic opposite of "pathetic"..means beauty


conducted with or marked by hidden aims and methods. Syn-secret,covert,furtive,undercover Ex- A clandestine intelligence operations.


conforming to orthodox or recognized rules canonical rhymes with Biblical, so something to do with Bible rules, religious,orthodox values


conjuring up the dead, especially for prophesying conjuring up the dead, especially for prophesying


consider carefully and deeply; reflect upon Agitate the mind = cogitate.


consisting of or related to language relate directly to language


conspicuously and outrageously bad or reprehensible renting the national flag!(No offense meant) It is shocking & scandalous.


conspicuously or grossly unconventional or unusual out+landish => the one who is from some other land.


conspicuously or grossly unconventional or unusual showbiz people are sometimes unusual and fantastic in behaviour


conspicuously or grossly unconventional or unusual similar to OUTER therefore something that comes from an outer or other world, seems bizarre and strange to us


constancy of tone or pitch or inflection MONO(SINGLE)+TONY(like TONE) = SINGLE TONE, the same tone gets boring after a while.


contort the face to indicate a certain mental or emotional state grim (serious, pained) + face (expression)


corrupt, debase, or make impure by adding a foreign or inferior substance; often by replacing valuable ingredients with inferior ones when a child becomes adult he loses his purity and any thing adulterated is contaminated or has lost its purity.


countries in the Eastern hemisphere, (Asia) relate it to the ORANGE sun in the east END referring to the Asian countries


covered over; sheltered. Covert sounds like "covered [covert = cover + t or covered + t] and something which is covered can be considered a secret.


criticize severely or come on suddenly and intensely Bad deeds culminate in a fulmination


deadly or sinister Modern technology is BOON OR BANE. Boon is useful and BANEFUL is Something happened misery or death


debacle sounds like the battle..any battle brings the sudden and violent collapses of people and wealth. An abrupt disastrous failure


decorate tastelessly dress up garishly and tastelessly mnemonic- Bad design dress


decrepit condition; dilapidated(ruin) state; feebleness(weak), especially from old age.


deficient in alertness or activity Sounds like alergic. When you are lethargic (do not feel like doing something) you develop an allergic reaction to it.


deny the truth of contravene is like opposing


deserving blame or censure as being wrong or evil culp( culprit) a culprit is always DESERVING OF BLAME FROM EVERYONE.


desk or stand with a slanted top used to hold a text at the proper height for a lecturer Lectern resembles "lecture" and is where you put the notes to read during your lecture.


detect with the senses disc + teacher gifted a cd(disc) to me because i was able to recognize him even after 40 years


devoid of feeling and consciousness and animation in (without) + senti (sentiments meaning feelings or consiousness)


devoid of intelligence


devotion to a belief chauvinist-nationalist...sounds similar -an extreme nationalist


difficult in operation; likely to be troublesome or easily irritated or annoyed relate it to fraction which implies something divided or in parts, such a thing would be difficult to control; if you suffer a fracture you are easily irritated or annoyed


difficult or impossible to evaluate with precision im (not) ponder (think/consider) cannot be though of properly


difficult to accomplish; demanding considerable mental effort and skill arduous = read it as: "hard to do for us"


difficult to manage or mold or change Intractable: things which can not be brought in the right track.


difficult to understand because it has been distorted; scrambled Any VoIP packet out of sequence results in garbled transmissions. Pervert , Twist


disagreement; especially disagreement with the government dissident..dis+sident......this word sounds very similar to resident....think you are a resident of particular place and if some one suggest you to leave that place....will you do certainly will disagree..


disinclined to work or exertion; lazy In India people are lazyabout giving rent {indo = india , dent = rent}


disintegration. annulment, indulgence in sensual pleasures; debauchery. dissolution is the opposite of resolution. When you make a resolution you make a promise, when you make a dissolution you BREAK or dissolve the promise!


display, emit exclude is to remove and exude is to remove but oozing out of liquid..


disposed or willing to comply amen is a word used in Islam and Christianity. meaning of which is i agree. So amenable means something able to be agreed.


dissenting (especially dissenting with the majority opinion) link with divide


do something that one considers to be below one's dignity Reign, which shows high dignity, is the opposite of Degin, which shows low dignity.


dress up garishly and tastelessly Bed izen: ( Bad citizen)- Bad citizen has poor dress sense


driven by lust; preoccupied with or exhibiting lustful desires similar to lush and lust.


dulled by surfeit or exhausted jaded sounds like faded.. which means WORN OUT, WEARIED, TIRED..


easily tricked because of being too trusting Gullible = Gull + ible = girl/galli + able A girl who is able to be tricked or deceived easily.


edit by omitting or modifying parts considered indelicate Word Root - Thomas Bowdler (1754-1825), English editor who censored and published Shakespeare's writings for family reading.


effusively or insincerely emotional Think of maudlin as model is in beauty pageant... All models in pageants keep crying unnecessarily, become effusively sentimental.


elaborate and extensive ornamentation Bar + oque (oak) bar was designed of beautiful oak wood


elaborately or excessively ornamented flo(wer) + rid(red)sounds like a flower that is in a red color.. OR simply flowery (showy/decorated)


emitting or having a natural fragrance, morally offensive odori relates to smell. ferous related to ferocious and hence offensive


enthusiasm, vivacity,the process of bubbling as gas escapes from Latin. effervescere, from ex- "out" + fervescere "begin to boil," enthu ppl keep jumping up just like bubbles keep forming when a liquid boils


excessive pride or self-confidence; arrogance. ex-The italicized phrase isn't exactly a hallmark of the sort of hubristic soothsayer Abrams seems to describe. Mnemonic-HUB+RIS(RAISE)- A person raised in HUB(city-center) will be arrogant and conceited(showing too much pride in ur own goodness)towards rural people.


excessive; excessively or insincerely lavish You can FOOL SOME people with excessive and insincere praise..


excessively mournful LOOK+RUBY ous = DEPRESSED AND MOURNFUL that you LOOK like RUBY(face red)


excuse, overlook, or make allowances for; be lenient with condone = consideration + done ~ you do not consider STH anymore


exemption from punishment or loss close to immunity meaning untouched impunity will imply something that is not affected by loss or harm


exhausted,infertile,no longer effective,No longer possessing a unique quality when you walk for longer distances on your feet, you feel completely worn if you are lacking in power ...


exploit as much as possible when we milk a cow we make sure we squeeze out every drop for our benefit and gain

Bemoan (v)

express discontent or a strong regret.


express or state clearly ENUNCIATION means GOOD PRONUNCIATION..:)


expressing earnest entreaty someone im(not)+p(f)ortunate will need to plead with earnestness


extravagant exaggeration hyper(beyond the limit)+bole(means speak) someone who gives the statement beyond its normal limit


extreme generosity and giving a philanthropist known for his largesse


extremely dark ,gloomy or forbidding ex-the stygian blackness of the cave. syn-gloomy,murky,obscure


extremely difficult; displaying superhuman strength or power link it to Hercules


extremely old as seeming to belong to an earlier period Remember with Archive. As we keep very old thing in archive- Archaic is related something very old.


extremely wicked ne(NO) + fairy + US: No good character like a fairy among us but an exact opposite i.e. a wicked person


extremely wicked, deeply criminal Sounds like Highness - as we call a king. Imagine that he is a Wicked king, thinks only money and power and kills people, hence he is hatefully bad, atrocious


feeling of distrust pronounced as SIN-ISM,you will not tust people who SIN.


feeling of great happiness or well-being. link to the band Euphoria-record peppy/happy numbers


feeling of remorse for misdeed;repent ex- "I clearly ended up putting my foot in my mouth on some of those comments," the penitent congressman said. Syn-sorrowful,remorseful Mnemonic-


feelings of anxiety that make you tense and irritable disquietude = dis + quiet + attitude.. Quiet therefore uneasy and worried about something.


feelings of great warmth and intensity Ardor sounds Like Murder...crime of passion


fertile, productive, capable of producing offspring


fill or cover completely, beyond normal capacity, usually with water I+NUN +DATE....I asked the NUNs for a DATE and i was FLOODED with letters from christian societies for violating the social norms.


fill with apprehension or alarm; cause to be unpleasantly surprised app + all; all applications. I was appalled (shocked) when my teacher told me to learn all applications of a software.


find repugnant Loa-the can be related as Low thought...So having a low thought of someone else implies hate or detest


fix firmly ensconce sounds something like iskon (lord krishna's temple which is a peaceful place..hence can settle comfortably

Abjure (V)

formally reject or give up. ex- Church abjured the Galileo's sun theory.


formed or conceived by the imagination ; adopted in order to deceive relate to fiction


foul-smelling; causing or able to cause nausea


harsh criticism or disapproval Try to link the meaning of this word with the censor board which always criticizes every inch of the film and also disapproves of some of the parts.


harsh criticism or disapproval a mad version of a speech or sentence will receive critical remarks


hasty and without attention to detail; not thorough relate it to the cursor on your computer screen..the mouse is used to move the cursor hastily without going into minor details..


hasty and without attention to details, not thorough::going rapidly over something, without noticing details; hasty; superficial: eg- A cursory glance at the newspaper. Syn- hasty,haphazard


having a good or helpful result especially after something unpleasant has happened. Syn-remedial Ex-the low interest rates should have a salutary effect on our business.


having an unnatural or false appearance or quality


having many aspects MULTIFARIOUS=MULTI+FARIOUS,farious rhymes with both multi and various means de same...VARIED and GREATLY DIVERSIFIED


having or exerting a malignant influence malevolent = male +violent Violent males can cause more harm to society than females


having or revealing little emotion or sensibility; not easily aroused or excited break up into im+passive - that is, i am passive - unmoved - inactive


he act of praying for divine protection u know Pope Benedict...pope gives BLESSINGS. also sounds like benefit,good thing-blessing


having or showing a ready disposition to fight Billi (cat); two Billi (cats) very close about to attack : billi-close::bellicose


having or showing arrogant superiority to and disdain of those one views as unworthy someone imperial (royal) would look down on others as inferior


having or showing arrogant superiority to and disdain of those one views as unworthy to bear someone's views on yourself.. that person is overbearing you.. that is he is dominating over you..


having unlimited power OMNI (means all) + POTENT (powerful) = ALL POWERFUL


having, inclined to have, or characterized by lascivious or lustful thoughts, desires, etc. eg-The only interest served by the Guardians of Peace is our prurient interest.


he collection and study of money (and coins in particular)


in opposition to a civil authority or government, rebel In + sergeant (one who does not listen to his superior is an insurgent)


in the nature of something though not readily apparent something that exists "in here" (inside) not shown on the surface


inactive or sluggish by habit or nature., having little or no ability to react, inert gases like helium and neon do not chemically react easily with other elements


inappropriate, or awkward; producing unhappiness in (not)/without) + felicity (happiness)


incapable of being perceived by the senses especially the sense of touch like a tangent something that cannot be grasped or perceived


incapable of failure or error in (not) + failure ; therefore something that cannot make mistakes or fail


injurious to physical or mental health Noxious - relate it to Naxalites who are dangerous people and therefore harmful to individuals and society


insert surreptitiously or without warrant or to force onto another foist sounds like hoist meaning 'raised', as in flag hoisting, therefore, he gave his career a "hoist" by "foist-ing" his work on a hardworking colleague


inspiring fear or extremely impressive in strength or excellence a challenging enemy is FOR+ME+(like the) DEVIL...strong, difficult to overcome....


instinctively or temperamentally seeking and enjoying the company of others relate it to AGGREGATE which means gathering something together... OR think of GRE classes where students study in groups


intended to placate,mollify sounds like CONSOLING...which means soothin


interpret in the wrong way when you MIS (wrongly)+ CONcentrate on the TRUE nature of things you misinterpret


intricate; difficult; tangled knotty- with lots of knots -difficult to disentangle, difficult to manage.


intrusive , interfering SOMEone who gets in the MIDDLE of things to interfere


intrusive in a meddling or offensive manner overenthusiastic about OFFERING help in an OFFICE might be considered meddling


involve in dispute; complicate embroil=i m b(r)oil during dispute, quarrel, confusion. We get all boiled up due to great anger.


involving or `having the nature of a crime link it to a felon


irregularly slashed and jagged as if torn, deeply hurt the feelings of; distress LACERate can be thought of LASER light which tears, mangles if focused for long time.


joyful and proud especially because of triumph or success relate to jubilee which is a special occasion that makes people proud and joyful


kindly endorsement and guidance age is; if your age is too much (old), you need some protection for your body. under the aegis of constitution


lack of equity; unfairness; favoritism or bias. close to unequal (without balance/unfair)


lack of honesty or moral scruples. improbability - something not possible is not truthful or dishonest


lacking distinct or individual characteristics; dull and uninteresting read it as non+describe... an ordinary object does not need to be described.


lacking good judgment, thoughtless opposite of Discreet


lacking interest or significance or impact or displaying or suggesting a lack of maturity think of june.. students feel dull because of the summer heat


lacking interest or significance or impact/ without flavour or taste (do) IN (not) + SIP + IT - you will advise someone not to sip something because it is tasteless and bland


lacking spirit or liveliness languid sounds similar to language..language classes are generally boring and unexciting. We spent a languid weel lying around the house.


laking social polish Ghochu


leave or give by will after one's death divide it like-be(before)+queath(sounds like death)-->a father wrote a will before his death, that his all property should be given to his son.


lessen the authority, dignity, or reputation of. express a negative opinion be+little -- be little in value, depreciate


little round hill; hillock here k is silent so read it as - KNOtting+HILL


liveliness and eagerness take the suffix crity we can link it with creativity. creative people are so eager to learn n create things differently.


look at with amorous intentions a man's face becomes an 'O' while staring at a girl he wants


made airtight by fusion or sealing. ; not affected by outward influence or power; isolated. relate it to a hermit who lives in isolation,


made tough and immune by habitual exposure someone injured over and over again will become tough and immune to pain.


marked or motivated by kindness/feeling of humanity humans are born considerate n kind...


misbehavior; misdeed.a crime less serious than a felony mis(wrong) + demeanor (behaviour)

Puckish (adj)

mischievous; impish; having or showing a desire to cause trouble in a playful or harmless way. eg- With a puckish grin(smile), he ordered his entourage(group of people who follows), including several generals, to line up and join him in—how shall one put it?


mix together different elements coalesce: coa+LACE: lace is used to tie things together or mix things together


mix; work dough knead = k-nead(need)...what do you need? Then you will have to mix the dough


morally degraded ;unpleasant,offensive Mnemonic- without lid ,the content of the container get dirty and degrade.


move heavily or clumsily lumber(noun and verb)sounds simillar to cumber(some).means heavy and awkward.


moving and bending with ease liss is similar to the 'hissing' sound of a snake which is a slim easily bendable creature


moving and bending with ease, flexible lissome Sounds like "light" and something which is light in weight can easily be moved and bended.


n -a pillow that is often put across a bed underneath the regular pillows, v- to support or strengthen read bolster as booster which mean giving extra energy and hence to support and strengthen someone or something.


n Power or capacity to produce a desired effect; effectiveness. effic(EFFICIENT)+AC(Y) just check out if your AC has the efficiency to PRODUCE DESIRED cooling . this medicine is no longer efficacious


n a behvaiour attributes that is distinctive and peculiar to an individual This is related to some short coming one have


n a deep long lasting sadness somber,depressing Hamlet is a figure of tremendous melancholy.


n a disease or sickness The town was hit by a malady throughout the winter


n a large indefinite number ike pyramid.. huge number of years since it was built The PYRAMID consist of a huge pile of rocks = a MYRIAD of rocks There are myriad of internet sites.


n a short saying expressing a general truth Jhonson initially suggest that the secret to business can be summarized in a single maxim.


n a state of uncertainity about what should be done (usually following some important events. Think about Lux variety soap when you don't know which one to buy. After manager resignation our sales strategy is in the state of flux.


n a wild, confusing fight and struggle Melle charater in TV serial was wild and always fighting Brutal melee.


n compulsory threat or force Durex-forced to used condom to prevent AIDS The witness said that he signed the paper under duress. Coercion.


n- a club used as a weapon, (verb) overcome or coerce as if by using a heavy club Bludgeon ~ Blood + Generator; If you hit someone with a bludgeon (ex. hockey stick) then blood comes out.


n- a device used for shaping metal, v-stop operating or functioning


n-a decorative musical accompaniment (often improvised) added above a basic melody, v- talk at great length about something of one's interest De+Scant: De means not, Scant means less. So not less or scant is something which is lengthy. Hence to descant is to talk at length.


n-an embarrassing mistake.v-make a mess of, destroy or ruin bungle like jungle ..... if on a long drive you lose your way and end up in a jungle.... now that's a blunder....


n-carnivorous burrowing mammal, v -annoy persistently bad+ ger (gen, generation): gen means people. Today's bad generation can really annoy their parents.


n-temporary living quarters specially built by the army for soldiers, v-live in or as if in a tent sounds like biwak,hijackers put the hostages in a bivouac


narrowly restricted in outlook or scope, suggestive of the isolated life of an island something 'insulated' is isolated from everything else


noisy and lacking in restraint or discipline split...BOIS(BOYS)+TEROS(TERRORIS(t)).....SO BOYS WHO BEHAVE LIKE TERRORIS.(t). . too noisy and rowdy


not admitting of passage or capable of being affected im (prefix meaning not) + pervade - something that cannot be prevaded or affected


not appropriate to the purpose in (not) + expert therefore one who is not an expert is not appropriate for a job


not having enough money to pay for necessities pecuniary - related to money; impecunious - lack of money


not ideal or heavenly, found in the ordinary course of events Mundane sounds like Monday. After an exciting weekend, Monday is just another mundane day.


not orderly or coherent, lacking continuity relate it to gargle during which the voice sounds distorted or garbled


not penitent or remorseful im (prefix meaning not) + penitent (penance-remorse)


not produced by natural forces sounds like FICTITIOUS....something which is always artificial.


not transmitting or reflecting light or radiant energy; impenetrable to sight OR not clearly understood or expressed an opening that is covered with a plaque (a thin, flat plate of metal) so no light can shine through)


noun A scarce supply; a lack: earth is big. de-earth.....(read as dearth) means small...small in quantity..or scarcity I am surprised by the dearth of fast food chains


noun Lacking the required professional skill DIE + LET (t) + ANT + (e) = An amateur who lets the ant die because of lack of expertise


noun a characteristic language of a particular group think of it as JUST OUR GANG who will understand the jargon (language)


noun a person who believe in the superiority of their group.


noun a person without moral scruples god created them by mistake. Who? The VILLAINS Come back you miscreant! yelled the women who just had her purse stollen.


noun a subtle difference in meaning or opinion or attitude nuance = new + ounce.. and ounce is a very small unit for weight.. hence a very small difference.. Because of the nuances involved in this case,I hired an outside consultant to advice us and help.


noun belief in something remember it from credential He placed no credence in psychics,claiming that they offered no special power beyond the ability to make people part with their money.


noun believe too readily; gullible. gives 'credit' to everything one hears or reads - credulous


noun leniency and compassion shown towards offenders by a person or agency charged with the administering justice In the final moments of the trial,during his closing speech,Philips was nearly begging the judge for clemency.


noun someone who exhibits great independence in thought and action Mave+"RICK" sounds like Ricky Ponting who is rebellious and non-conformist as he does not believe in umpire descisions during India's Cricket match


noun the property of being extremely abundant corn + copia copia is similar to copius meaning plentiful, cornucopia thus means plenty of corn(grains/fruits).


noun the tendency to be untruthful mend+a+city. during elections, politicians promise that "they will mend the city and make it better" which is a lie....


noun very close and convivial He was a boon companion to many, and will be sadly missed


occurring or operating at the same time con-with + current -at the same time


of great gravity or crucial import; requiring serious thought; causing or marked by unhappiness or anguish relate it to something that causes much "grief"


of no real value No+guarantee, i.e a product which has no guarantee, because it is worthless.


of or relating to a wedding


of or relating to or characteristic of wolves


of or relating to or used in cooking cullinary almost rhymes with CURRY, which is again related to cooking.


ostentatiously lofty in style sounds like fantastic-that means has to be spectacular,exaggerated


offensively self-assertive: a bumptious young upstart. Syn--pushy, forward, cocky, cheeky, brash. Ex-bumptious little man, and yet—and yet there's something in him. Mnemonic-


official recognition or approval Ap+PROBATION: You get CONFIRMATION/APPROVAL in your job after your Probation period


one who likes to play games especially gambling relate I to 'games'


one who suffers for the sake of principle if someone sacrificed for me, I would give them my tear; martyr


only partly in existence; imperfectly formed in sips (small portions) not whole or complete


only partly in existence; imperfectly formed in+ch(a)o(s) + (st)ate not fully formed into order yet


open and observable; not secret or hidden overt can be said as "over the top".. that is a totally open place.. and nothing is concealed..


open to two or more interpretations; or of uncertain nature or significance; or (often) intended to mislead Ambi (am + bi) means 2 , while guous sounds like guess. So if 2 people guess on something, then it will make the subject doubtful or unclear.


orchestral music played at the beginning of an opera overture sounds like overtuning. before listening to FM radio we have to tune it for long for song which suits our taste. so overture = over + tune (re) is long musical introduction


order by virtue of superior authority; decree ORD + A + IN = ORDer A person to come IN


ose clarity or turn aside especially from the main subject of attention "DIscussion eGRESS" if you egress of the main topic of a discussion, you digress of it.


performed with little or no preparation; without planning or forethought an extempore that we did in school which was spontaneous and NOT PLANNED


perilous; dangerous ex-It could happen here—and in 2010, a parlous American economy did give the GOP a robust midterm triumph. Mnemonic- If u want to steal Pearls -it is very dangerous.


permanently injure or in any way make unable to perform an action without capacity/abilty


permeate , saturate or stain brue - brew as in coffee that is brewed - leaves a stain


perseverance in carrying out action Ass is donkey and donkey is hardworking.


persuasive, powerful discourse Latin -eloqui "to speak out"


petty or reluctant in giving or spending


place side by side juxta..just next+pose..(place) place something just next to something.


pleasant /agreeable in nature or appearance OR done with delicacy and skill/precision usage eg - nice person, items arranged nicely


pleasing and appropriate manner or style; contentment, joy when someone felicitates u, u feel happy


pleasing to the ear When You are Dull Then Music can Set it right.Dull + Set. It sets ur dullness to happiness by pleasing you when you listen to the song.


pose a threat to; present a danger to sounds like leopard.That leopard has put my life at risk.


powerlessness revealed by an inability to act relate it to a pussycat which is a vulnerable timid weak creature unable to act


related; belonging to the same group; similar in nature or character all of them are 'kind' 'red' indians ..... so they belong to one community / group share kinship


relating to cattle , dull and slow-moving and stolid like a cow is slow & dull


relating to or accompanying birth natal sounds like fatal is connected with just the opposite of fatal , hence connected with birth.


relating to or containing bile, angry, irritable bilious can be compared with bile which is produced by liver.,L. biliosus, from bilis (see bile). Meaning "wrathful, peevish, ill-tempered" (as people afflicted with an excess of bile were believed to be)


relating to the Church,comprehensive,universal Catholic Christians are found everywhere in the they are present universally.


relevant and appropriate germane...very close to word if you want TO learn GERMAN LANGUAGE....I GUESS A GERMAN teacher would be APPROPRIATE.


remove parts considered harmful or improper for publication divide this word into (expel+ur+gate), you always expel the waste from your gate to make your home 'clean' and 'purified'.


repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse ban + al(ban all people); you ban all those people from your group, if they are repeatedly boring


repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse concentrate on hack !!! once a hacker is ALWAYS a hacker.. he overuses his techniques. Cheryl rolled her eyes when she heard the lecturer's hackneyed advice to " be true to yourself". Banal,trite


represent falsely belie ~ lie means something false.


represented or appearing as such; pretended People are "tense" when they try to appear to be something they're not.


self-government,A political system governed by a single individual; Economic independence as a national policy auto-self,archy-government, government by self


servant employed to do a variety of jobs totum which sounds like total meaning all


set in a rigidly conventional pattern of behavior, habits, or beliefs sounds like fossilised therefore something that is very old and rigid


shining intensely sounds like a "full" "gem" shiny and bright


shockingly repellent; inspiring horror ghastly sounds like ghost + ly; something like a ghost ........ very horrible ... and terrifying.


shout loudly and without restraint sound of BULL is very loud - Bellow


show submission or fear A coward cowers from fear while the bold and the brave do not.


show submission or fear One who wants to "grow well" in an organisation needs to grovel before his manager.


showing a cheerful willingness to do favors for others com + plais(please) + ant come and please the a(u)n


showing inventiveness and skill someone who is a genius will show ability to invent and have great skill


showing kindness,generous bene(root bene means good)+volent(voluntarily) good person voluntarily donating his all GOODS to people.


showing sorrow DOL(SOUNDS LIKE DULL)..and when are you DULL, when you are feeling SORRY for something.


showing sorrow lachrymose-lac+chry(cry)+mose(most),so when you cry most you produce 'tears'.


showing your contempt by derision a "cheer" praises someone but a jeer mocks a person


shrewdness shown by keen insight acumen sounds like IQ-men.. men with high IQ have ability to judge quickly (has keen insight).

Abreast (adj)

side-by-side; keeping up with , staying ware of


sincerely hated and despised the word reminds us of ODOUR, when we get bad odour from someone ...we tend to DISLIKE or DEVELOP AN AVERSION for that person..


situated on the opposite side or sides of the earth:diametrically/exactly opposite anti (against) + poda (feet), so think you & your friend are beginning a journey on foot from opposite/anti direction.


skillful and clever;able to do something quickly and accurately Syn-adroit,artful,dexterous,virtuoso,workmanlike


slightly salty (especially from containing a mixture of seawater and fresh water) ending sounds like fish...which is found in salty water


slow to learn or understand; lacking intellect OBT (oft) + USE(d) = the mind lacks shrapness or becomes blunt if it is not often used


small and of little importance


softly bright or radiant A lamp gives out a bright and radiant light


softly bright or radiant luminous = luminance ~ bright


someone new to a field or activity A novice is NOT WISE enough yet


someone who attacks cherished ideas or traditional institutions Icons+clash - someonels who's ideals clash with those of the icons


someone who attacks in search of booty sounds like murderer - a person who attacks another for personal gain


someone who demands exact conformity to rules and forms martinet could rhyme with matron.. whose job is also to keep discipline..


someone who dislikes people in general mis (negative implication) + anthrop(ology) meaning the study of mankind..


someone who fights, is agressive belli (TOM) and gerry always quarrel in TOM and GERRY cartoon series.


someone who intrudes on the privacy or property of another without permission INTER (between) + LOAFER (idiot) = a loafer tries to INTRUDE in other's affairs.


someone who is drafted into military service Latin conscript-, past participle of conscribere "enroll" < scribere "write"]


someone who lags behind link it to 'lag' behind


someone who obtains pleasure from receiving punishment mars+own+chest.... one who mars(beats or disfigures) his own chest is a masochist


someone with an irrational urge to steal in the absence of an economic motive maniac(means a strong desire to do something, a madness)+klepto(means steal) having a strong desire to steal...something


something causing misery or death ban+e -- Things which are harmful or poisonous (can make your life misery) are always banned by government.


something that brings an end to something; causing misery or death not+my+sis a sister wouldn't be the cause of my downfall/misery or death - therefore meaning is opposite to what a close family member would do. .


something that interferes with or delays action or progress impediment itself has the word imped(e) which means to obstruct.


something that precedes and indicates the approach of something or someone sounds like HER + FINGER, she shows me what to do by gesturing with her finger.


supernatural practices and techniques things that do not OCCUR in normal reality


suspension of an ongoing activity moratorium= paying MORE PREMIUM (payments) will delay a job


swiftness and speed example-He moved with a celerity that amazed me, when I remembered how exasperatingly slow he could be, fooling with kites. Mnemonic-Accelerate= AC(celerity) = which means speed up something.


the act of calling down a curse that invokes evil (and usually serves as an insult) MALEDICTION=MAL+DICTION. MAL means 'evil or ill' and DICTUM is 'saying'. So to say something evil is to CURSE.


the act of contributing to the funds of a church or charity close to obligation meaning a feeling of duty/responsibility towards others


the act of crossing a stream or river or a shallow area in a stream that can be forded FOUR jumps and you've crossed a ford


the act of depriving something of its sacred character blas + phemy -- phemy close to famous-using a bad language or showing disrespect for a famous person.


the act of deriding or treating with contempt Noun form is 'deride'


the act of entering some territory or domain (often in large numbers) think of it as similar to excursion, going to a different place or area


take the initiative and go on the offensive short for agression - getting angry & attacking


take to task, to criticize for a fault to avoid A DEMON-ish act, a mother Warns her naughty child


taking quick and forcible possession of something ex+propriate; depriving someone of his property


talking or behaving in a very direct,brief and unfriendly way. Mnemonic- Brush kyun? I don't want to brush and kiss u directly.


the atmosphere of a place ambience ~ amber (it's a Hindi word meaning sky)and hence the meaning.


the branch of philosophy concerned with the law and the principles that lead courts to make decisions juris (justice) = pertaining to law; prudence = intelligence/science


the closing section of a musical composition from L. cauda "a tail."


the courage to carry on Sounds like metal and metals are obviously strong. So, can be related to a strong courageous person.


the elevation of a person (as to the status of a god,Exaltation to divine rank or stature; deification. apo(a person) theo( God) size(raise)~ means "to raise to the level of God"


the face or front of a building OR a showy misrepresentation intended to conceal something unpleasant break up the word into fake + id, ie, an often false appearance or impression created on the surface


the feeling of being bored by something tedious ennui sounds like YEH NAHEEEE!!!!


the formal act of liberating someone,A general pardon granted by a government, especially for political offenses. am + ne (not) + sty (stay); Imagine a prisoner saying "I am not going to stay in this prison anymore as judge granted amnesty to me."


the imagined surface of heaven; sky.


the lack of financial resources In + (solve + ent - money can solve you problems, someone without money cannot solve them


the loyalty that citizens owe to their country fealty -> feel + ty.. a feeling of "thank you"(ty) for your country.. i.e loyalty..


the quality of being faithful relate to the root FID which means belief or faith, as in confide, bonafide


the quality of being good looking and attractive rhymes with cleabliness-neat,clean place will attract you


the quality of unselfish concern for the welfare of others


the right to take another's property if an obligation is not discharged when you have to show your right on your property you say 'this property "lie in" my name.


the right to vote French - from en- "make, put in" + franc "free"


the ritual placing of a corpse in a grave in + term (terminate/death ) relate it to the ritual involved with a dead body


the savage and excessive killing of many people carn+age where carn can be seen from the carnivorous point of view so its DESTRUCTION OF LIFE, SLAUGHTER,KILLING..


the state of being known for some unfavorable act or quality link to 'notorious'


the state of being not yet evident or active focus on "late" something that arrives late is not present therefore not evident or active


the state of impairing the quality or reducing the value of something, to adulterate sounds like ALLOW, two metals are allowed to combine together


the time between two reigns, governments, etc. inter (between) + regime (time period during a which a government is in power)


the trait of being rude and impertinent; inclined to take liberties or irritate or vex Even though he was hired recently ,he had the gall to question her boss's judgement in front of the office.In an act of gall ,Leach sent compromising photos of her Bf to all her co-workers.


the unintentional misuse of a word by confusion with one that sounds similar mal (negative) + prop (proper usage) .. improper usage of words


the will of God sounds like kismat..word in kismet means kismat...luck..


things thrown from a ship (to lighten the ship) relate it to flotsam or sam=samudra


threatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic developments Minatory sounds like military--military people are very threatening most of the times.


throw away something encumbering Remember JET Airways laying off the staff to reduce costs


thrown into a state of agitated confusion when you think you will be FIRST and you came LAST you are flustered


tiresomely long; seemingly without end a term is a fixed period of time in(not) + term = time that is not limited/fixed


to alter (a text) by the insertion of new matter, to introduce (something additional or extraneous) between other things or parts; interject; interpose inter ( between) + pole = when something is inserted/comes between two poles/extremes


to become dry,shrunken and wrinkled often as a result of aging or of failing vitality. ex-Aged she seemed, incredibly old, wizen, dried; though with these people who can tell of age? Syn-shrunken,shriveled,withered.


to bring or combine together or with something else suppose you are shy girl and you have a+ male+game+mate (amalgamate)what you should do ? of course combine or unite with your mate against other groups


to cast light upon, expose to radiation of light, radiate = emit light / shine light upon

Tans mute(verb)

to change from one nature, substance, form, or condition into another; transform. Syn- metamorphose, convert, alter.


to defeat (someone or something) easily and thoroughly.


transparently clear; easily understandable, transmitting light; able to be seen through with clarity when you "look" at someone's "id" you clearly understand who he is'


treat with contemptuous disregard FLOUT... FOUL + OUT. When a batsman is given out by foul, the batsman shows his contempt to the umpire.


treat with excessive indulgence molly (woman's name) + cuddle (showing affection, embrace)


trip especially one taken for pleasure by an official at public expense in hindi (jun)ta (ke) paiso se (T)ravel is JUNKET; Jacket - at official trips people specially wears office jacket .


try to gain favor by cringing or flattering a FAN tries to gain favor by flattery


try to stir up public opinion Foam starts to appear once you profusely foment (stir up) a soapy hot water bucket


unauthorized extension on the land of another, violation of rules focus on 'croach' in 'ENCROACHMENT'; croach ~ cockroach; cockroach generally enters into another's house without right or permission


uncomfortably or inconveniently small does not accommodate(allow space or convenience)

Tergiversate (V)

verb (used without object) change repeatedly one's attitude or opinions with respect to a cause, subject, etc.; equivocate


verb To approach and speak to boldly or aggressively, as with a demand or request. To meet face-to-face, especially defiantly: Accost=Ac(Acclerating)+Cost=>When cost shoots up, we raise hue & cry & agitate so that Govt. will reduce the cost.Hence we initiate the talk He wasaccosted by a stranger on the street.


verb deprive of voting rights


verb determine the number; specify individually ,one by one


verb escape understanding Even a basic ubderstanding of Physics can elude most high schools students.


verb filled with bewilderment non-pluss - imagine that you are so puzzled as to not be able to plus( do addition as in maths) therefore not being able to perform a simple mathematical calculation


verb gain favor with somebody by deliberate efforts INGRATIATE ~ in + grat(sounds like GREET) + ate (EAT) ... so when you greet somebody and give them something to eat...why do you do that try to gain their favour . Sychophant,obsequious


verb get someone to do something through(often false or exaggerated) promises Harold enticed his wife,Maude,to go on a vacation to Hawaii. allure, bait, beguile, betray, decoy, lure, lead on, seduce, solicit, tempt


verb harass, as with questions or requests After discovering a priceless artifacts in her backyard,Jane was beseiged by phone calls.


verb irritate or vex My little sister has a way of irking and annoying me. aggravate,gall,exasperate


verb make more intense ,stronger, or more marked Her headache was compounded by the construction crew outside.


verb render holy by means of religious rites Consecrate = Con + Secrate (sounds like SACRED).SACRED is "holy". It refers to holiness when one dedicates his life to "god". At the church of Notre Dame in France,the new High Altar was consecrated in 1182.


verb resist the profit at our firm bucked the general downturn that effected the real estate industry.


verb strive to equal or match , especially by imitating ;compete with successfully. To really become fluent in a new language,emulate the speech patterns.


verb taking part in immoral and unethical activities The queen was so conniving that,with the help of the prince, she tried to overthrow the king.


verb to be one's duty or obligation Behave in an appropriate way and talk only necessary things it behooves us to go


verb to confirm or lend support to(usually an idea or claim) Her claim was corroborated by locals


verb to envy someone for possessing or enjoying something Sitting all alone in his room,Harvey bedgruded the happiness of the other children playing outside his windpw.


verb to pursue relentlessly;to hound Throughtout his life,he was dogged by insecurities that inhibted personal growth.


verb- relinquish possession or control over. Eventually, all parents must cede control of their growing children's education and allow their offspring some autonomy.


very close or connected in space or time rhymes with closely connected-without any space


very cruel: using tricks to hurt people cowardly Syn- chicken,craven ,gutless


very generous, extravagant Love makes one lavish- it makes people spend generously on their mates.


weak point Achilles' Heel


wish harm upon; invoke evil upon close to implicate which means to imply as involved with something negative/indirectly accuse - thus bringing harm upon another


without cause OR costing nothing; unnecessary and unwarranted relate it to Gratitude' which cannot be measured in value. It is priceless.


without fear or cannot be intimidated IN TRAP... you are fearless and confident that you will come out of it.


without limits in extent or size or quantity il (negative prefix meaning not or no ) + limit - no limits/ without limits


without material form or substance in (without) + corporate (a world that has a lot of money/material/substance)


without respect for God or religious values im (not) + piety (sounds like deity meaning god) - without

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