approx how much of living bone is water?
Bertillonage relied upon how many body measurements?
"What is the median of these numbers: 89, 12, 18, 36, 1, 10, 16? "
When did Thomas Dwight write his famous anthropology paper?
When was anthropometry officially implemeted as an identification system in France?
When was George Amos Dorsey called in as an expert witness?
What year did Dr. Leon Lattes develop a test to determine the blood group of a dried bloodstain
the frye standard came about in what year?
When did the Daubert test come into existence?
the daubert decision came down in
what is the dental formula for a human child?
2 1 2
adults have approx how many separate bones?
approx how many teeth do adults have?
A macroscopic crime scene is most likely to be searched by:
A crime scene investigator or field tech
which of these traits indicates a female skull?
Absence of occipital protuberance
What credential is increasingly utilized nationally and internationally to qualify expert witnesses in court?
Diplomate of the American Board of Forensic Anthropology
"Linkage of persons, scenes or objects is based on what?"
EL exchange principle
IAFIS is maintained by which governmental body?
Where was the pivotal article on examining skeletal remains written by W.M. Krogman in 1939 published?
FBI bulletin
You are trying to analyze some car paint from a hit and run. Which forensic database should you use?
You are trying match a shoeprint from a scene. Which forensic database should you use?
rule 702 deals with
Testimony by Experts
Admissibility or inadmissibility of information is determined by:
The trial court's application of the rules of evidence
"According to your reading, what is the primary responsibility of a forensic scientist? "
To perform scientific analyses and report the results
Who is the author of the first comprehensive book on hair analysis, The Hair of Man and Animals, published in 1910?
Victor Balthazard and Marcelle Lambert
A microscopic crime scene on a body is most likely to be searched by:
a medical examiner
What term describes when a laboratory has agreed to operate according to a professional or industry standard and has proven that it can and does operate this way?
who developed dna profiling?
alec john jeffreys
"Which of these is a goal of forensic science, according to your reading? "
all of these
which of these is not a way to define a crime scene
all of these are ways
which of these has the potential to be class evidence?
all of these? not chemical
Who currently certifies doctors in forensic pathology in the U.S.?
american board of pathology
You find a pair of Levi jeans at the scene of the crime. Which of these would be considered an individual characteristic for this piece of evidence?
an unraveled seam
The study of origins, behavior, and development of humans
mathieu orfilas favorite substance to study was
"Which of these historical figures helped advance fingerprint, firearms, and hair analysis in Paris?
________________ Developed probability models that showed fingerprints are unique.
What animal's paws are notoriously similar to human hands and feet?
when must documentation on found items be done?
before it is collected
Which of these historical figures helped developed the system of anthropometry?
Which of these historical figures was the first forensic scientist in Europe to use fingerprints to solve a case?
ABO blood grouping is categorized into which evidence type?
biological evidence
DNA is categorized into which evidence type?
biological evidence
DNA most commonly falls into which of these? (Choose the best category of those listed).
biological evidence
To improve our understanding of the natural world
broad goal of science
Which of these scientists investigated the Valentine's Day Massacre in 1929?
calvin goddard
According to the universal numbering system, tooth number 24 is known as
central incisor
"When a forensic scientist has completed a written test covering his or her discipline and completes proficiency testing to ensure methods and techniques are sound, that scientist is considered: "
What kind of documentation must be followed if any new items of evidence are found?
consistent with the other documentation
The state of understanding the limits of our knowledge and the ability to acknowledge that were are not infallible as scientists
contrite fallbilism
An awareness of how much we do not know and the humility to acknowledge the possibility of making mistakes is known as:
contrite fallibilism
proof that a crime was committed
corpus delicti
Knowledge generated through the use of the scientific method
court case scientific definition
What is the English translation of the first forensic science textbook, published in 1893?
criminal investigation
hans gross wrote which book?
criminal investigation
the first documented case of matching physical evidence in modern history
culshaw case
"According to your reading, what is perhaps the single most important task of the crime scene investigator?"
documentation of the crime scenes original condition
Which of these scientists consulted on the Marie Latelle case?
edmond locard
what is the hardest substance in the body?
A set of rules that govern conduct of a professional working in a given field
locard's exchange principle states
every contact leaves a trace
Daubert replaced Frye in the United States Court of Law. (t/f)
who generally develops earlier?
sir francis galton wrote which book?
finger prints
To perform scientific analyses and report their results regardless of how the results might help or hurt the agency's case
forensic scientist responsibility
"Belonging to, used in, or suitable to courts of judicature; an argument"
Which of these is known as the "general acceptance" test?
What name did the Daubert decision refer to the judge as?
What were the scientists responsible for the early discoveries in forensic science considered due to the fact that they worked in many forensic disciplines?
Help distinguish actual evidence from simple coincidence without ambiguity Allow for certainty and probabilistic considerations Pursue general impressions to the level of specific details Take into account all alternative results and solutions
goals of forensic science
Which of these historical figures is credited with establishing scientific examination of firearms evidens in the United States?
Who is credited with establishing scientific examination of firearms in the United States?
Which of these historical figures is coined the term ""criminalistics""? "
What is considered the oldest presumptive test for blood?
who coined the term criminalistics?
hans gross
who solves crimes?
Which famous case caused forensic photography to become a popular technique?
jack the ripper
Which of these famous figures was the insipiration for Sherlock Holmes?
joseph bell
what did adolph leutgert do?
killed sausage wife
"Hans Gross started the journal __________, which is still a major source of primary forensic literature"
According to a 2009 report, which of these is a major challenge to the forensic sciences?
lack of rigorous research
which of these is immune to outliers?
which is true about a forensic odontologist?
must have a DDS
What single definition works adequately for every crime scene?
none of these
How drugs and poisons interact with the body
The classification of the crime scene labels the site of the original or first criminal activity as what?
primary crime scene
what does protein collagen do for bone?
provides flexibility
what kind of evidence is forensic evidence considered?
purely scientific?
"You find a note pad at a crime scene. The top page is gone, but you can faintly make out indentations of writing on the pad. Which type of evidence is this? (Choose the best category of those listed)."
questioned document evidence
"According to your reading, what is the final step in the forensic examination process?"
reconstruction of a crime scene
Which of the following is not a part of the scientific method as discussed in the notes?
retest hypothesis
Who is credited with developing the first classification system for fingerprints?
sir francis galton
the daubert case was decided by...
supreme court
What is the term defined as the immediate environment and surroundings where the body is found?
taphonomic context
Which antibiotic becomes incorporated in the mineralization of teeth and bone?
victor balthazard wrote which book?
the hair of man and animals`
What was Edmund Locard s main interest in forensic science?
trace evidence
Who is responsible for developing probability models, showing that fingerprints were unique?
victor balthazard
How is an experts qualification to testify established?
voir dire
which case proved the Bertillonage method didn't work in all cases
will west case