Flight Rules and Regulations (FR&R)

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IAW CNAF M-3710.7, what does "May"/"Need Not"?

"May"/"Need not" means that the procedure is optional.

IAW CNAF M-3710.7 what does "Shall" mean?

"Shall' means that the procedure (action) is mandatory.

IAW CNAF M-3710.7, what does "Should" mean?

"Should means that the procedure is recommended.

IAW CNAF M-3710.7, what does "Will" mean?

"Will" indicates futurity and never indicates any degree of requirement for the procedure.

What is the priority of regulations for Naval Aviators?

1.) Aircraft-Specfic NATOPs (Applicable Everywhere-- Issued by Department of the Navy (DoN)) 2.) CNAF-M 3710.7 (Applicable Everywhere -- Issued by CNAF) 3.) FLIPs (Applicable Everywhere -- Issued by DoD) 4.) FAR Part 91

What are the responsibilities of Air Traffic Control (ATC)?

1.) Enforce FAR Part 91 2.) Approve Flight Plans 3.) Grant Clearances

IAW CNAF 3710.7, what are the rules concerning immunizations and injections?

12-hour grounding after immunizations/injections unless cleared by a Flight Surgeon (FS) sooner. Those with a delayed/protracted reaction shall be grounded until cleared by a Flight Surgeon (FS).

What is a DD-175?

A DD-175 is a military flight plan form. The most common form of a flight plan is the flight schedule.

What does a Flight Service Station (FSS) do?

A FSS - Provides Pilot Briefings, en route communications,some search and rescure (SAR) services - Broadcasts aviation weather - Originates NOTAMs (Process/File Flight Plan, weather, route, and NOTAMs)

What is a Mandatory Instruction Sign?

A Mandatory Instruction Sign has white letters on a red background and are used to denote the entrance to a runway or critical area or prohibited areas. IE: Hold Short Sign/No Entry Area

What is a Notice to Airman (NOTAM)?

A NOTAM contains tme-critical aeronautical information which is: of a temporary nature and no known sufficiently in advance to publicize by other means. - DoD NOTAMs Website - Type ICAO Identifiers - Check before every flight

What are the components of the Control Tower?

A control tower has three stations with their own discrete frequency: 1.) Clearance Delivery 2.) Ground 3.) Tower *Not ATIS

What is a flight plan and its purpose?

A way of relaying important flight information to the departure and destination airports and all intermediate agencies. The purpose of a Flight Plan is to establish a baseline for lost communication and missing aircraft procedures if necessary. File your flight plan with FSS/Base Ops to provide ATC with essential information.

Who is responsible for approving flight plans?

Air Traffic Control (ATC) is responsible for approving flight plans.

Who is responsible for enforcing FAR Part 91?

Air Traffic Control (ATC) is responsible for enforcing FAR Part 91.

Who is responsible for granting clearances?

Air Traffic Control (ATC) is responsible for granting clearances.

What are Airport Marking Aids and their colors?

Air port marking aids are the numbers and symbols depicted on the surface of the runways and taxiways. They are painted white for runways. They are painted yellow for taxiways.

What does a Flashing Red Aldis Lamp Signal indicate to an aircraft in the air?

Airport Unsafe; Do not land

What is the basic oxygen Oxygen requirements for flight in a naval aircraft?

All occupants aboard naval aircraft shall "use supplemental oxygen on flights in which the cabin altitude exceeds 10,000 feet." There are exceptions to this basic rule.

What is a FAA Form 7233-1 and when would you use it?

An FAA flight plan that may be used in lieu of a DD-175 at airfields in the US without a military operations department.

What is an Air Traffic Clearance?

An authorization from Air Traffic Control (ATC) for an aircraft to proceed under specified traffic conditions within controlled airspace, for the purpose of preventing collision between known aircraft.

When do you wear an Anti-Blackout Suit (G Suit)?

Attached to the plane for pressurization when required by aircraft.

What is Automatic Terminal Information System (ATIS)?

Automatic Terminal Information System (ATIS) is not a station of the ATC Control Tower. ATIS is the continuous broadcast of recorded non-control information (weather/runway in use) on a discrete radio frequency.

What is the military equivalent of a Flight Service Station (FSS)?

Base Operations

IAW CNAF 3710.7, what information must the PIC become aware of in the pre-flight process?

Before commencing a flight, the PIC shall become familiar with all available information appropriate to the intended operation. 1.) NOTAMs 2.) Fuel Requirements 3.) Available Weather Reports/Forecasts 4.) Alternate Airfields available if the flight cannot be completed as planned 5.) Anticipated Traffic Delays 6.) Airport Data (N-F-A-A-A-A) Flights should be planned to circumvent areas of atmospheric icing and thunderstorm conditions whenever possible according to CNAF M-3710.7.

IAW CNAF 3710.7, what are the rules concerning caffeine use?

Caffeine intake of 450 mg/day (3-4 cups of drip coffee) is the recommended maximum intake.

What is Clearance Delivery?

Clearance delivery is the position in the ATC control tower which relays ATC clearances to departing aircraft and has no control or surveillance capabilities.

What does a Steady Green Aldis Lamp Signal indicate to an aircraft in the air?

Cleared for Landing

What does a Steady Green Aldis Lamp Signal indicate to an aircraft on the ground?

Cleared for Takeoff

What does a Flashing Green Aldis Lamp Signal indicate to an aircraft on the ground?

Cleared for Taxi

When do you wear an Anti-Exposure Suit (Dry Suit)?

Cold Water

IAW CNAF M-3710.7, what are the rules concerning alcohol use?

Consumption of alcohol of any type is prohibited from within 12 hours of any mission brief or flight planning. Flight crews shall ensure that they are free of any hangover effects prior to flight and that they have no detectable alcohol in their blood.

What are the requirements for Crew Rest and Sleep?

Crew rest must include an opportunity for 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep for every 24-hour period. Flight Crew should not be scheduled for continuous alert and/or flight duty (required awake) in excess of 18 hours. - Performance efficiency decreases at 16 hours - After 18 hours, performance efficiency rapidly declines to 75% or less

What is the name of a military flight plan?

DD Form 175 DD-175

What is void time?

DD-175-1 (Dash One/Dash-1) Briefs (from FWB) are only void for either: - 3-hours past brief time OR - Estimated Time of Departure (ETD) + 30 mins (Whichever time is earlier) Get brief at 12:00 ETD: 1400 Void after 1430 - Will require an updated/extension brief in order to takeoff.

How is a weather brief detonated on a flight plan?

Dash One (-1) (IE: DD-175-1 or FAA Form 7233-1)

What is the most treatable cause of fatigue?


What are Destination Signs?

Destination signs are used to provide taxi directions to specified locations on an airport. IE: Base Ops (straight ahead) Black over Yellow Black writing over a Yellow Background

What are Directional Signs?

Directional signs are used at taxiway intersections to indicate the direction of turn for a specified taxiway. Black over Yellow Black Writing on a yellow background with an arrow. The arrow points in the direction of the turn.

IAW CNAF M-3710.7, what are the flight restrictions associated with parachute use?

Due to an increased risk of severe injury/death during parachute landing falls when surface "winds exceed 25-knots," CNAF M-3710.7 states that flight during these conditions should only be concluded as "operational necessity dictates and will be determined by commanding officers." (High surface winds contribute to total landing velocity.)

What are the rules for Safety Belts and Shoulder Harnesses?

Each person's safety belt and shoulder harness shall be worn and tightened prior to takeoff and shall be worn until completion of the flight except when necessary activities require temporary removal. - Prior to takeoff - Until completion of flight - Except when necessary activities require removal

What are the eating recommendations for naval aviators?

Eat at least within 12 hours preceding the end of a flight to maintain performance capabilities. Consult a Flight Surgeon regarding diets and supplements.

What does a Flashing Red and Green Aldis Lamp Signal indicate to an aircraft in the air?

Exercise Extreme Caution

What does a Flashing Red and Green Aldis Lamp Signal indicate to an aircraft on the ground?

Exercise Extreme Caution

What is the Pilot in Command (PIC)?

FAR Part 91: The PIC is responsible for the operation and safety of an aircraft during flight time and is the directly responsible for, and is the final authority as to the operation of that aircraft. CNAF M-3710.7: The pilot who is assigned by the unit commander or a delegated authority, the responsibility for the safe, orderly flight of the aircraft and well-being of the crew.

What are the components of Air Traffic Control?

Flight Service Station (FSS) Control Tower Approach Air Route Traffic Control Center (ARTCC)

IAW CNAF M-3710.7, what are the rules concerning illness?

Flight Surgeons (FS) should be consulted and are the authority for clearances to fly with an illness.

IAW CNAF M-3710.7, what are the rules concerning pregnancy?

Flight personnel are grounded during pregnancy unless a clearance to continue is granted by the aviation unit commanding officer.

IAW CNAF 3710.7, what are the rules concerning Blood Donation?

Flight personnel shall not participate in flight duties or perform low-pressure chamber runs for 4 days following donation of 450 cc (1 pint) of blood.

When are Naval Aviators required to get a Weather Brief?

For flights where any portion of the intended route is forecast to be under IMC, naval aviators shall obtain a flight route weather brief from a DoD-qualified forecaster or approved forecasting service.

What is FAR Part 91?

General Operating and Flight Rules, which are binding to all aviators in the United States -- military and civilian.

What does a Steady Red Aldis Lamp Signal indicate to an aircraft in the air?

Give way to other aircraft and continue circling

What is Ground in relation to the ATC Control Tower?

Ground is responsible for Aircraft movement on the ground up to the hold short line. - Provides clearance to Taxi - Provides relay of clearance to Taxi across runways enroute to destination - Ground does NOT clear aircraft onto the active runway for takeoff/landing OR grant clearances

What are the exceptions to basic Oxygen requirements for flight in helicopters?

In aircraft where oxygen systems are not available (helicopters), it must be determined that is mission essential for flight altitude to exceed 10,000 feet. - Time above 10,000 feet shall not exceed 1-hour. - Altitude shall not exceed 10,000 feet.

How are runways numbered?

In relation to the magnetic direction of their centerline in the approach direction rounded off to the nearest 10 degrees. - Drop the last digit - 01 - 36

What are Aldis Lamp Signals?

In the event of lost communications, the Control Tower may communicate with the pilot using the Aldis Lamp. Handheld, variable color, directional lamp located in the Control Tower. - Red, Green, or White - Directional to you Aldis Lamps have different signals for on the ground/in the air.

What is the Aircraft NATOPS Flight Manual?

Individual NATOPS manuals are available for every aircraft in the Naval inventory. Issued by CNAF/DoN

What are the requirements for Inertia Reels?

Inertia reels, where provided, shall be manually locked for takeoffs/landings/all other times with high G's except when unsafe. - Manually Locked for takeoffs and landings - When high G forces may be encountered - Exempt where procedure is detrimental to safe operation

What are the requirements for inflatable life preservers?

Inflatable life preservers shall be WORN: - During all flights originating/terminating on ships or landing platforms. - In an ejection seat. - When mission requirements dictate operation over water below 1,000 feet exclusive of normal departures/approaches. They shall be AVAILABLE to all occupants when operating in the vicinity of coastal waters or the approach path is over water.

What must naval aviators consider about the Circadian Rhythm before flying?

Internal biological clock set by daylight exposure, which is affected by time zone disruptions (jet-leg) and compounded by other fatigue factors such as illness, fatigue, dehydration, alcohol, drugs, and nutrition. The accommodation period is allowing 1 day for every time zone crossed in excess of 3 time zones.

Who is responsible for Parachutes in naval aircraft.

It is the responsibility of the PIC in naval aircraft where parachutes are required to ensure: A parachute is available to all flight personnel and passengers in a location convenient to the intended user. AND All flight personnel and passengers are familiar with the location, use of the type parachute provided, and bailout procedures for the aircraft in which embarked.

Who is responsible for closing out flight plans and where/how can that be done?

It is the responsibility of the PIC/Formation leader to ensure the proper agency is notified of flight termination. At military installations, the pilot either shall verbally close the flight plan with tower or base operations or deliver a copy of the flight plan form to base operations. At nonmilitary installations, close out the plan with Flight Service by any means of communication available. Switching from IFR to VFR does NOT constitute closing out a flight plan. (If going into bad reception you can close a flight plan with the last ATC you were in contact with by stating your intentions before entering a poor reception zone.)

When are life rafts required?

Life rafts of sufficient capacity to accommodate passengers and crew shall be provided when there would be a significant risk of water entry in the event of a mishap.

What information regarding Civilian Airfields can be found in the DoD Enroute Supplement/DoD FLIP/IFR Supplement?

Lighting Configurations Runway Length/Orientation Taxiway load bearing weights Operating Hours Services Available NAVAIDS & Frequencies

What is a Location Sign?

Location signs identify the taxiway or runway on which an aircraft is located or other important boundaries. Black Background with yellow writing. "Yellow over black is where you're at." Taxiways: Letters Runways: Numbers

What are the six types of signs installed on airports?

Mandatory Instruction Signs Location Signs Direction Signs Destination Signs Information Signs Runway Remaining Signs

PICs shall make every effort to purchase fuel from where and why? What are the exceptions to this rule?

Naval Aviators are not authorized to purchase fuel/oil from other than military/governmental contract sources except when one of the following applies: 1.) "Mission requirements" dictated stopping at a facility without military or contract fuel sources. 2.) The Flight is terminated as the result of an emergency 3.) The Flight is terminated at an alternate airport in lieu of the filed destination.

Why do we do a DD-175-1 or a Dash-1?

Naval Aviators shall be thoroughly familiar with weather conditions for the area in which flight is contemplated. - Circumvent icing and thunderstorms.

What airfields are Naval Aviators always authorized to land at?

Naval aircraft are authorized to operate at and land at all US Military and joint civil-military airfields.

When are Naval aircraft permitted to operate at civilian airfields and what should be considered in such scenarios?

Naval aircraft are permitted to operate at civilian airfields listed in the DoD Enroute Supplement (FLIP) when such operations "contribute to mission accomplishment, add value to training, or are otherwise in the interest of the government and the taxpayer. 1.) Be familiar with any "local or special procedures," practices or rules that apply at the civilian airfield. 2.) "Runway lengths and runway/taxiway load-bearing capabilities." 3.) "DoD contract services" available for any required fuel/servicing. 4.) Appropriate "security/force protection" plans can be implemented. 5.) Operating Hours 6.) Nav-AIDS and Frequencies 7.) Security/Force Protection This information and Runway lighting/orientation/operating hours and more should be listed in the DoD Enroute Supplement (FLIP) for authorized civilian airfields.

Does cancelling an IFR Flight Plan airborne close out the Flight Plan?

No it switches you to a VFR Plan, which needs to be closed out after landing.

What does a Flashing White Aldis Lamp Signal indicate to an aircraft in the air?

Not used by the FAA

What are the requirements for oxygen in a tactical jet or tactical jet training aircraft?

Oxygen shall be used by all occupants from takeoff to landing. - Emergency bailout bottles, when provided, shall be connected prior to takeoff.

What are the requiremnts for planning to operate at other than home airfields, local training airfields, or outlying fields (OLFs)?

PIC shall ensure that they are aware of and meet airfield operating requirements and, when necessary, have satisfied prior permission required (PPR) requirements. - Without PPR they might let you land, but they may not be able to service you or let you park. - Clarify service needs with your PPR.

When are parachutes required on board a naval aircraft?

Parachutes shall be provided as dictated by Type/Model/Series (T/M/S) NATOPs manuals.

IAW CNAF M-3710.7, what are the rules concerning Drugs?

Prescription and OTC Drugs are prohibited unless they are approved by a FS.

What is the minimum required personal protective equipment for naval aircrews?

Protective Helmet: white reflective tape Aircrew Safety/Flyer Boots Fire-Resistant Flight Gloves Fire-Resistant Flight Suit: Cotton/Aramid undergarments Identification Tags: Dog Tags Survival Knife: Not exposed Personal Survival Kit Signal Devices Survival Radios (Vest) Emergency Beacons Flashlight Laser Eye Protection (LEP) Supplemental Emergency Breathing Devices (SEBD) CBRND PPE Inflatable Life Preservers

What does a Flashing Green Aldis Lamp Signal indicate to an aircraft in the air?

Return for Landing

What does a Flashing White Aldis Lamp Signal indicate to an aircraft on the ground?

Return to starting point on airport

What is CNAF M-3710.7?

Rules governing the operations of Naval Aircraft throughout the world published by the Chief of Naval Air Force (CNAF). Naval Air Training and Operating Procedures Standardization (NATOPS) General Flight and Operating Instructions. Provides waivers to be less stringent than FAR Part 91 in certain areas like airspeed, fuel requirements, and low-level flight.

How are Airport Marking Aids for Taxiways and Runways displayed on their respective surfaces?

Runways are White Taxiways are Yellow

How are Runways Numbered?

Runways are numbered in relation to their center-line's magnetic azimuth from the approach direction rounded off to the nearest 10 degrees and dropping the last digit. 01 - 36

What does a Steady Red Aldis Lamp Signal indicate to an aircraft on the ground?


What does a Flashing Red Aldis Lamp Signal indicate to an aircraft on the ground?

Taxi clear of runway in use

What is Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM)?

The AIM is a non-regulatory publication that serves as a plain-language guide to basic flight information and Air Traffic Control procedures in addition to other basic items of interest.

What is the Air Route Traffic Control Center (ARTCC) ("Center")?

The ARTCC or "Center" is established primarily to control enroute IFR traffic between terminal areas. --- Control IFR traffic that is between terminal areas. --- Any single control center controls vast amount of airspace with remote radar sites and communication relay stations. ---- May Help VFR flight workload permitting

What is the responsibility of the Control Tower?

The Control Tower is responsible for the safe, orderly, and expeditious flow of traffic operating on and in the vicinity of an airport.

What are the Flight Information Publications (FLIPs)?

The DoD published manuals for all military branches. They include en route charts, en route supplements, instrument approach plates, general planning guides, and area planning guides. The majority of the information is IFR related and it shows all DoD approved air fields.

What is the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)?

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is responsible for establishing, reviewing, and enforcing general regulations for all aviation activities in the United States.

What is a Transponder?

The airborne radar beacon receiver/transmitter that receives interrogations and transmits squacks as replies to those interrogations. Mode 3 is a four-digit code that identifies the aircraft to ATC via radar and is used by aircraft Traffic Collision Avoidance Services (TCAS). Mode C provides the aircraft's Pressure Altitude and is used with Mode 3 to provide a combination of a 4-digit identifier and altitude which can aid in deconfliction.

What is the Oxygen requirement for an Unpressurized Aircraft with Supplemental Oxygen Available?

The pilot at the controls and aircrew participating in physical activity (loadmasters) shall use supplemental oxygen continuously when cabin altitude exceeds 10,000 feet. - When Oxygen is not available to other occupants, flight between 10,000 feet and 13,000 feet shale not exceed 3 hours in duration. - Flight above 13,000 feet is prohibited

What is Approach Control (APC)?

The primary function of Approach Control (APC) is to control Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) traffic in the terminal area. --- Includes all instrument procedures into and out of the Control Tower's airspace. --- Divided terminal area into sectors for a single controller --- Each sector has an approach and a departing frequency If you are going to land, Approach will kick you over to Tower when you are ready to land from within the Terminal Area. If you are going to depart, Approach (via departure) will kick you over to ARTCC (Center) when you leave the Terminal Area.

What is the Tower and its responsibilities?

The tower maintains efficient flow of airport traffic in its assigned airspace and is the sole source of clearance to takeoff/land. Tower's permission is required to enter a runway (crossing/taking off/landing).

IAW CNAF M-3710.7, what are the rules concerning Tobacco?

The use of tobacco and lighters with plastic liquid reservoirs/butane/propane as fuel are not allowed in naval aircraft.

IAW CNAF M-3710.7, what are the rules concerning Supplements?

They are prohibited if not approved by BUMED.

When are Supplemental Emergency Breathing Devices (SEBD) required?

They are required when over water in: - Helicopters - Tiltrotor - E-2/C-2

What is a Flimsy Number?

Unique Weather Briefing Number - Specific to your current flight

What are the principal factors of that contribute to operational fatigue and reduce air crew performance?

Weather Temperature Extremes Nighttime Operations Use of Vision Imaging Systems Mission Delays Life Support Systems Physical Health Additional Duties FATIGUE IS NUMBER ONE REASON

What is the primary method for requesting and obtaining a Weather Brief ashore?

Web-enabled Flight Weather Brief (FWB) system operated by the Naval Aviation Forecast Center (NAFC). If operating from locations without access to FWB, naval aviators may obtain route weathr forecast support from NAFC via 1-888-PILOTWX or via a FSS through 1-800-WXBRIEF 1.) FWB Alternates 2.) USAF/USMC Weather Services 3.) FSS

When can a pilot deviate from the FAR/CNAF M-3710.7?

You can deviate from established rules during an emergency. Such deviations are authorized when, in the judgement of the PIC, safety of the flight is in jeopardy. The PIC must be ready to answer to the proper authorities for such deviations.

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