FN A170 Final

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What are the safe food temperatures for heating leftovers and cooked meats?

Leftovers = 165 degrees. Cooked meats= 165 degrees.

Why do people take zinc lozenges?

To shorten duration of cold.

Optimal interval between pregnancies?

18 months (1.5 years)

At what age do adults reach peak bone mass?


What type of diet promotes superior performance in athletes?

High-carb diet

Major risk factors of Osteoporosis?

Reference table C8-2, Page 337.

Does the FDA regulate supplements like drugs?

They are not required to regulate supplements.

What is the body's most indispensable nutrient?



"Generally Recognized As Safe"

What are the major principles of a weight-loss program?

-Appropriate calorie intake. (Minimum 1200) (Complex cabs) -Adequate intakes. (Protein) (Don't starve yourself.) -Portion Sizes. -Read menu labels. -Meal spacing. (Include snacking in between) -Foods low in energy density. -Avoid fake sweeteners & alcohol. -Meal prep.

Strategies for gaining weight;

-Choosing foods with high energy density. *Increased caloric intake *Nutritious, energy dense foods *Eat frequently *Beverages with calories -Larger portion sizes. -Physical activity (to gain muscle and fat)

What are the components of fitness?

-Flexibility -Muscle Strength -Endurance -Cardiorespiratory endurance


-Limits formation of free radicals -Prevents oxidative harm to cells & tissues. -Needed to assist the iodine-containing thyroid hormones that regulate metabolism.

Important functions of Potassium?

-Positively charge ion inside the cells -Fluid & electrolyte balance -Heartbeat -Chemical Reactions -Supports cell integrity -Assists in nerve functioning & muscle contractions

What are external cues that may trigger us to eat? (Figure 9-7, pg.355)

-Sensory Influences: Smell, sight, or taste of foods enhances the desire for them. -Cognitive Influences: Presence of others, social-stimulation. Perception of hunger. Favorite foods, foods with special meanings. Time of day. Abundance of available foods.


-The rate at and the extent to which a nutrient is absorbed and used.


-Thyroid health/Thyroxine (metabolic rate, temp, reproduction, growth, heart functioning)

What are the basic components of safe food handling?

1. Clean 2. Separate 3. Cook 4. Chill

What are the "red flags" of Nutrition Quackery? (11 total) (pg.25)

1. Too good to be true. 2. Suspicions about food supply. (urges distrust of the current methods of medicine/food supply.) 3. Testimonials. 4. Fake Credentials. (uses title "doctor" or "university", but has not created/bought the title.) 5. Unpublished Studies. (cites specific studies but not ones published in reliable sources.) 6. Logic Without Proof. (hasn't been specifically tested/shown to hold up.) 7. Persecution Claims. 8. Authority Not Cited. 9. Motive: Personal Gain. 10. Advertisement. 11. Latest Innovation/Time-Tested. (fake scientific jargon, ex: "ancient remedies".)

How many extra calories does a person need if he/she wishes to gain 1 pound per week?

1200 at lowest (?)

How many extra calories needed during the first, second, and third trimester of pregnancy?

1st= None. 2nd= 340. 3rd= 450.

During starvation, what % of lean body mass is lost?


About how long does it take for a meal to be eliminated from the stomach?

4 hours.

What is the temperature 'danger zone' for food?

40-140 degrees. No more than 2 hours.

After 30, what is the % decrease in the need for calories?

5% per decade.

What is the minimum amount of fluid that must be excreted each day?

500 ML

Gestational Diabetes;

Abnormal glucose tolerance appearing during pregnancy.

What is the best choice of beverage for rehydration?

Activity less than 45-60 minutes= water. Activity more than 45-60 minutes= sports drinks.

What are factors that will increase/decrease metabolic rate?

Age Height Growth Body composition Fever Stress Environmental temp. Fasting/Starvation Malnutrition Thyroxine

A diet provides a total of 2200 calories, of which 40% of the energy is from fat and 20% from protein. How many grams of carbohydrate are contained in the diet?

Answer: 220. Process: % of fat (40) + % of protein (20) = 60% (which leaves 40% left over) 2200 x .40 = 880 calories. Carbohydrate contributes 4 calories per gram; 880/4 = 220.

What is the calorie value of a meal supplying 110g of carbohydrates, 25g of protein, 20g of fat, and 5g of alcohol?

Answer: 755. Process: 110g CHO x 4 = 440, 25g of pro x 4 = 100, 20g of fat x 9 = 180, 5g of alc x 7 = 35. (440+100+180+35 = 755)

Atrophy vs. Hypertrophy

Atrophy= a decrease in size (for example, of a muscle) because of disuse. Hyper= an increase in size in response to use.

Define BMI;

Body Mass Index: an indicator of health risk from obesity or underweight, calculated by dividing the weight of a person by the square of the person's height.

What substance(s) will help the body to absorb Calcium? Iron?

Calcium: Proteins in intestinal lining. Iron: (forms affects absorption: heme- animals, nonheme- plants & some animals) MTP Factor, Vitamin C.

How is fat utilized during physical activity?

Can be broken down for energy only by aerobic metabolism. Stimulates muscles to develop more fat burning metabolic enzymes.

What happens to glycogen synthesis after exercise?

Carbohydrate intake speeds up glycogen synthesis rate.

Why is excess fat stored in the abdomen a risk factor?

Causes Visceral Fat which results in Central Obesity (which poses greater risks of major chronic diseases than does excess fat lying just beneath the skin, also called Subcutaneous Fat. Heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, & types of cancer.)


Decreased concentration of sodium in the blood. Endurance athletes in events lasting more than 3 hours. Sodium is lost from sweat. Athletes need to replace sodium during prolonged event.

How long can you exercise before glycogen stores are depleted?

Depends on intensity/length of exercise.

DASH Diet;

Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension Hypertension is caused by high levels of blood pressure, which is caused from high Sodium intake.

What actions can we take to maximize bone health?

Exercise Protein Calcium & Vitamin D Reduce sugar-added foods

Calculate calories from fat, carbohydrates, protein, and alcohol;

Fat/Lipid: 9 calories per gram. Protein: 4 calories per gram. Carbohydrates (CHO): 4 calories per gram. Alcohol: 7 calories per gram.

What hormone uses Chromium for optional activity?


Know the Intracellular & extracellular electrolytes;

Intra= Potassium Extra= Sodium

Sports Anemia;

Low blood Iron. Harmless temporary adaptation to physical activity.

What should you eat after exercise to enhance muscle synthesis?

PROTEIN, carbs.


Perception of fullness that lingers in the hours after a meal and inhibits eating until the next mealtime. It generally determines the length of time between meals. Reminds us not to eat again until the body needs food.

Know the good sources of Potassium, Iron, & Zinc;

Potassium= Orange juice, Butternut Squash, Lima Beans, Wild Salmon, Baked Potato, Avocado. Iron= Clams, Beef Steak, Navy Beans, Black Beans, Enriched Cereal, Spinach, Swiss Chard, Beef Liver. Zinc= Oysters, Beef Steak, Yogurt, Shrimp, Enriched Cereal, Pork Chop.

What is the primary source of sodium in U.S. diet?

Processed foods, and salt.

What is the most satiating macronutrient?

Protein = most, followed by high fiber. Fat = least, it encourages more eating.

What are the correct thawing methods for meat?

Refrigerator COLD water Microwave

What % of total energy expenditure is spent on resting metabolic rate, physical activity, and thermic effect on food?

Resting= 50-65% Physical Activity= 25-50% Food= 5-10%

Best sources of Calcium;

Sardines Milk Tofu Yogurt Cheese Turnip greens Waffle (whole grain)

Which nutrients serve as major regulators of fluid balance?

Sodium, Potassium, Chloride.

Food Irradiation;

The application of ionizing radiation to foods to reduce insect infestation or microbial contamination or to slow the ripening or sprouting process. Also called "cold pasteurization".


The physiological DESIRE to eat; a learned motivation and a positive sensation that accompanies the sight, smell, or thought of appealing foods. You can experience appetite without hunger.


The physiological need to eat, experienced as a drive for obtaining food; an unpleasant sensation that demands relief.

Define Metabolism;

The sum of all physical and chemical changes taking place in living cells; includes all reactions by which the body obtains and spends the energy from food.

Calculate the % of calories coming from fat, carbohydrates, and protein;

To determine the percentage of calories from carbs, fat, protein etc: (# grams fat, carbs or protein per serving x calories per gram of fat, carbs or protein) divided by the total calories per serving. Then move the decimal or multiply by 100 to get a percentage. EX: If a 300-calorie food has 60 calories from fat, you divide 60 by 300 and then multiply by 100. That food has 20% of its calories from fat.

Recommended weight gain for pregnant women;

Underweight= 28-40 lbs single birth. Normal= 25-35 lbs single birth, 37-54 twin. Overweight= 15-25 lbs single birth, 31-50 twin. Obese= 11-20 lbs single birth, 25-42 twin.

Most common symptoms for food borne infection;

Vomiting, diarrhea or bloody diarrhea, abdominal pain, fever, and chills

What is the difference in BMR between males and females?

Women generally have less lean body mass than men; in addition, women's hormone fluctuations influence the BMR, raising it just prior to menstruation.

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