Food and Nutrition Assistance Programs
Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2015 recommendations
- variety of vegetables - fruit, preferably whole - fat-free/low-fat dairy - 1/2 of all grains are whole grains - variety of protein - healthy oils - limit sodium < 2,300mg - limit sat fat, trans fat, sugars (<10%), solid fats (<10%)
Healthy People 2020
10-year agenda for improving the health of Americans through promoting individual behavior change
Established by WHO/UNICEF to increase level of care given to promotion, initiation, continuation of breastfeeding and mother-baby bonding. 10 step process for successful breastfeeding
Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative
Federal program that provides reimbursable meals, commodity foods, and nutrition education materials to at-risk after school care centers, adult day care centers, emergency shelters - same eligibility as school lunch program
Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP)
federal insurance administered by states that covers low-income families who do not qualify for Medicaid but cannot afford private insurance
Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
State-administered food program for low-income pregnant, breastfeeding women, infants, children up to 6 years and elderly at > 60 years - canned or packaged commodity foods distributed monthly
Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP)
Provider of screening and treatment for children < 22 years including dental, mental health, diagnostic services, vision, and hearing
Early Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and Treatment Program (EPSDT)
Hands-on nutrition education program for low-income families carried out through state land-grant universities
Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP)
WIC participants are eligible to receive vouchers to purchase fresh fruits, vegetables, and herbs at farmers markets or stands. - states may limit foods that are purchased
Farmers Market Nutrition Program (FMNP)
Non-government; largest domestic food bank and food relief program in US
Feeding America
Provides USDA foods to American Indians living on reservations in the state of Oklahoma. - eligibility depends on income - dual participation in this and SNAP is not allowed
Food Distribution Program on Indian Reserves (FDPIR)
Federal program that provides free fresh fruits and vegetables to elementary children - participating schools must have NSLP and prioritize schools with high free breakfast and lunch rates
Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP)
Medical services for populations with mental illness, physical disabilities, or developmental disabilities in the home or community
Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)
Federal insurance administered by states that covers medical expenses for very low income families, children, pregnant women, seniors and adults with disabled children
Federal health insurance for >65 years, those with certain disabilities, any age w/ ESRD
Medicare Part A: covers hospital stays, SNF, hospice, and home health Part B: covers outpatient services, preventative services, and medical supplies (RD covered for Annual Wellness Visit 1x / year) Part C: provided by private insurance that covers Part A and B of Medicare expenses. covers services not covered by A and B and prescription drugs Part D: covers prescription drugs
Largest federally funded child nutrition entitlement program that provides cash subsidies and commodity foods to schools. meal pattern must meet federal guidelines and provide a third of daily calories, calcium, iron, Vit C, Vit A, and protein. Eligibility - <130% of poverty level receive free lunch - 130-185% of poverty level receive reduced price lunch
National School Lunch Program (NSLP)
Supported by the Older Americans Act - grant and commodity program to support nutrition services (nutrition education, counseling, social interaction) for older Americans > 60 years - congregate and home-delivered meals (Meals on Wheels)
Nutrition Services Incentive Program (NSIP)
Medicare/Medicaid coverage program that covers all medical care and provides adult day care, dentistry, home care, hospital care, meals, lab services, nutrition counseling, and prescription drugs - > 55 years old
Program of the All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE)
Education program to help SNAP participants make healthy food choices
Federally funded entitlement program that provides a quarter of calorie needs and meets the Dietary Guidelines for calcium, iron, Vit C, Vit A, and protein - limited saturated fat and sodium
School Breakfast Program (SBP)
Federally funded program that provides $20-50 vouchers for fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs for low-income seniors - this program is not available in all states
Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP)
Federal program that provides milk to children who are in institutions that don't participate in other federal meal programs. - typically: kindergarten, pre-k, summer camps
Special Milk Program (SMP)
Federally funded entitlement program which provides health meals to children and adolescence <18 years on low-income areas during the summer months - local agencies and site sponsor the program
Summer Food Service Program (SFSP)
Largest federally funded food entitlement program; funds can only be used on food; eligibility depends on state requirements of % poverty level determined by household income and size
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
Commodity food supplement program for low-income and elderly americans. - foods are distributed by area food banks, homeless shelters, and soup kitchens
The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TFAP)
Participants limited to pregnant, breastfeeding, non-breastfeeding postpartum, infants, and children up to 5 years old - eligibility similar to SNAP - Federal grant program, not entitlement
Women, Infant, and Children (WIC)
Works to coordinate health care through policy, private and government partners to United Nations systems
World Health Organization (WHO)
Head Start
program for low-income children 3-5 years to support school readiness. - early learning, health and family well-being
Early Head Start
program for low-income pregnant women, infants and children until age 3
Healthy Eating Index (HEI)
uses 24 hour diet recalls from NHANES data to assess the diet quality of low-income and US population