Foods And Nutrition Quizzes

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A blood alcohol level of 0.03% corresponds to which level of impairment? a. mild b. legal limit c. warning range


A good source of soluble fiber is _____. a. vegetables like cucumbers or celery b. wheat bran c. beans/lentils d. whole wheat bread


_____________ are the predominant type of fat that is found in our diet and as part of our body fat. a. cholesterol b. omega 3 fatty acids c. monoglycerides d. triglycerides e. trans fat


Foods associated with lower chronic inflammation and oxidative stress include all of the following EXCEPT: a. colourful fruits and vegetables b. red wine c. coffee d. dark chocolate e. high fat dairy products


It is appropriate to use a BMI calculator to assess weight status for _____ a. children b. elderly c. highly muscular people d. teens e. adults f. it is appropriate to use BMI for all of these


Important sources of vitamin B12 include: a. clamato juice b. liver c. poultry d. eggs e. b, c and d f. all of the above


"Vacillating" consumers _____. a. tend to vary whether they have healthy or less healthy choices depending on the occasion b. c. are not concerned about the connection between diet and health d. consistently select nutritious food and strive for health e. believe a healthy diet is not an important part of preventing illness


According to Canada's low risk drinking guidelines, women should not drink more than _____ drinks at one occasion to avoid short term harmful effects. a. 3 b. 5 c. 4 d. 2


After a protein containing food is chewed and mixed with saliva, the next step in protein digestion is a. stomach acid uncoils the protein strands b. pepsin breaks protein strands into smaller amino acid chains c. amino acids are absorbed


All of the following are health concerns associated with excess sugar intakes EXCEPT: a. decreased blood triglycerides b. tooth decay c. increased body weight d. fatty liver


All of the following are true about chronic disease EXCEPT: a. they are contagious b. they are slow to develop c. they are long lasting d. examples are heart disease and diabetes


All of the following are true about protein/amino acid supplements except: a. They have been found to contribute significantly to enhanced muscle development b. They can interfere with the absorption of other amino acids c. They can contribute to dehydration due to the need to excrete excess nitrogen d. They can contribute to calcium losses from the body


Comparing current dietary intakes to the Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Ranges indicates that a. we are consuming close to the upper limit for fat b. we are consuming far too much protein c. we are not consuming enough carbohydrate


Determine the percentage of kcalories provided from fat for a Caesar salad with 400 kcalories and 32 grams of fat. a. 72 b. 40 c. 50 d. 32


Digestive secretions (or juices) secreted by the _____ and _____ breakdown foods into small components that can be absorbed. a. pancreas, liver b. stomach, pancreas c. kidney, liver d. large intestive, stomach


High fiber meals can result in lower blood sugars and lower cholesterol levels because: a. Soluble fiber traps sugars and cholesterol to absorb them b. insoluble fiber traps sugars and cholesterol c. both trap sugar and cholesterol


If Carl is running in the 100 metre dash in the 2018 Olympics, which fuel will he be relying on during the event? a. glucose b. fat c. amino acids


If your "Biggie" chocolate bar has 40 grams of sugar, how many teaspoons of sugar is that equivalent to? a. 10 b. 40 c. 8 d. 4


Saturation of glycogen stores works best if you start when glycogen stores are depleted. Select one: a. false b. true


The breakdown products of fat are called a. glycerol and fatty acids b. monosaccharides c. bile d. small peptides


What should you do if you suspect that your friend Chantal has alcohol poisoning?​ a. get medical help immediately b. let her sleep it off c. try to get her to drink some coffee d. keep an eye on her to see if you need to take her


Which nutrient is often deficient in the diets of heavy drinkers?​ a. thiamin b. riboflavin c. vitamin D d. vitamin A e. niacin


Which of the following attitudes will make it more difficult to make a dietary change? a. that the barriers to the change are greater than the benefits b. that making the change will make you less susceptible to diet related health problems c. that a healthy diet can improve your health


Which of the following is FALSE about Canada's Food Guide servings? a. they are the amount you should consume at a meal b. they are to help you compare how much you eat to what is recommended in Canada's Food Guide c. they are a reference amount; some people need to consume more than one


Which of the following is FALSE about energy balance? a. A person in energy balance always has a healthy weight status b. A person who is losing weight is in negative energy balance c. If one is maintaining their weight over time, one is in energy balance d. A pregnant woman is in positive energy balance


Which of the following is NOT an important function of vitamins? a. provide us with a source of energy b. prevent deficiencies c. are a source of antioxidants d. build and maintain body tissues


Which of the following is NOT broken down into smaller components through the digestion process? a. vitamin C in apple juice b. protein in a poached egg c. fat in French fries d. sugar in apple pie


Which of the following is NOT likely to contain trans fats in Canada? _____. a. soft margarines (in tubs) b. commercial baked products like cookies and doughnuts c. cupcakes with icing from a local bakery d. hard margarines (sold in blocks)


Which of the following is the most valid reason for consuming a vitamin or mineral supplement? a. diagnosed deficiency b. improve your energy levels c. treat cancer d. obesity


Which of the following nutrients should be taken in supplemental form by all adults over 50 in Canada? a. vitamin D b. vitamin B12 c. vitamin E d. vitamin C


Which of the following statements about margarine is TRUE? a. soft unsaturated margarines are recommended as part of a healthy diet b. it is one molecule away from plastic c. it was invented to fatten up turkeys d. it is much lower in kcalories than butter


Which of the following statements about protein needs for athletes is FALSE? a. Athletes should consume a large amount of protein at one meal rather than spreading it through the day b. there needs to be enough carbohydrate and fat consumed to spare protein being used for energy c. Dietitians of Canada recommends 1.2-2.0 g/kg/day of protein for athletes d. Most Canadians are already consuming enough protein to meet any increased needs for sports


Which of the following statements is FALSE? a. The level of parent's nutrition knowledge is not related to the foods their children eat. b. Taste is one of the most important factors influencing which foods we eat c. The more we are exposed to a food, the more likely we will prefer it. d. When income is restricted, we are less likely to buy fresh produce, milk and meat.


____ and ____ are the two main sources of fuel for activity. a. glucose, fat b. glucose, amino acids c. fat, amino acids


Aboriginal communities have a higher risk of: a. Type 1 diabetes b. Type 2 diabetes c. both


According to Canada's Food Guide, adult females 19-50 years should consume _____ ____ servings of Vegetables and Fruit daily: a. 6 b. 7-8 c. 8-10 d. 5


All of the following are associated with higher chronic inflammation and oxidative stress EXCEPT: Select one: a. high fat baked products b. whole grains c. high animal fat intake d. excessive calorie intake


All of the following are correct about β-carotene except: a. it is a pre-cursor of vitamin A b. one can develop a deficiency of β-carotene regardless of vitamin A intake c. good food sources include carrots and broccoli d. it acts as an anti-oxidant in the body


All of the following are true about protein except: a. Its primary role is to provide the building material for body tissues b. Protein cannot be used for energy c. Protein is important in the body's fluid balance d. Proteins are the basic component of hormones and enzymes


All of the following are true about refined carbohydrates EXCEPT a. they include white flour, white pasta and white rice b. they are high in fiber and phytonutrients c. they have been associated with weight gain when consumed with excess calorie intake


All of the following would be recommended to take a dietary supplement EXCEPT: Select one: a. Eileen, who can't absorb vitamin B12 b. Iman, a third year university student who eats fast food several times a week and not many vegetables c. Sam, who is trying to lose 100 pounds and is following a low kcalorie diet d. Renee, a 28 year old pregnant woman


As long as you are active and keep your weight in a healthy range, you can eat all the fat and sugar you want a. True b. False


Essential amino acids _____. a. are needed in larger amounts than nonessential amino acids b. must be obtained from the diet c. can be made from non-essential amino acids d. are also referred to as "dispensable amino acids"


Health and dietary concerns associated with use of cannabis (marijuana) include all of the following EXCEPT: a. increased food intake b. weight loss c. brain development in adolescents d. lung inflammation and bronchitis


If you wanted to consume 2 servings from the Grain Products group, which of the following would you choose? a. 2 bagels b. 2 slices of toast c. 2 cups of rice d. 2 cups pasta


Kaylynne weighs 120 pounds. Approximately how many calories does she need per day for basal metabolic processes? a. 1725 b. 1,200 c. 1320 d. 1560


Kevin is looking to make healthy changes to his diet by modifying his food choices. Which action should he take to help ensure a positive outcome? a. He should attempt drastic changes to his diet in order to lose weight quickly b. He should begin by identifying one food choice that he would like to change c. He should identify the most difficult change and focus on this behavior first when his will power is strong d. He should attempt a change that his Mom wants him to make.


Long term high alcohol intake increases the risk of all of the following EXCEPT: a. fatty liver disease and cirrhosis b. lung cancer c. brain damage and stroke d. hypertension


Older adults and individuals with impaired absorption processes may benefit from _____ supplements. a. calcium b. vitamin B12 c. vitamin C d. vitamin K


People who sit for long periods on their job, or when binge watching Netflix have better _______________if they take short walking breaks. a. blood lipids b. all of these are benefits c. Body Mass Index/weight d. waist circumference e. blood glucose


Protein calorie malnutrition in infants and children which occurs ______can lead to permanent growth retardation and low intelligence that cannot be corrected with nutritional treatment. a. later in childhood b. early in infancy c. after age two


Sally's waist measurement is 32 inches (80 cm). Which statement concerning Sally's health risk is accurate? a. she is at greater health risk based on her waist measurement. b. she is not at increased health risk based on her waist measurement


The current high rates of chronic disease in North America may be traced to changes since the time of our ancestors except for: a. Our "feasts" are no longer followed by famines b. Changes to our genetic makeup c. Our food supply has changed, e.g. more large portions of processed foods high in fat and sugar d. We do not engage in strenuous activity to obtain food


Which of the following ingredient on a packaged product would indicate that trans fats are present in the food? a. cholesterol b. hydrogenated palm oil c. canola oil d. coconut oil


Which of the following is FALSE about recommended fibre intakes? a. Women need about 25 grams of fiber or 7 servings of high fibre foods daily b. Women need about 25 grams of fiber or 5 servings of high fibre foods daily c. Men need about 38 grams of fiber or 12 servings of high fibre foods daily


Which of the following is NOT an excellent food source of folate/folic acid: a. oranges b. iceberg/light coloured lettuce c. fortified pasta d. bananas e. romaine lettuce


Which of the following is NOT included in Health Canada's Guiding Principles and Recommendations? a. include foods that contain mostly unsaturated rather than saturated fats b. regular intake of protein rich foods such as red meats c. share meals with family and friends d. avoid processed beverages that are high in sugar


Which of the following is TRUE about Canada's Food Guide? a. Canada's Food Guide recommends that we do not consume any muffins or cookies. b. Canada's Food Guide is currently being revised c. It recommends that we consume all whole grain Grain Products (no white grains)


Which of the following is TRUE about the digestion of fibre? a. Stomach acid partially breaks down fiber b. some fiber is digested by bacteria in the colon or large intestine c. it is broken down in the small intestine


Which of the following is a FALSE statement? a. Most Canadians have more than enough protein in their diet b. Men require more protein per kg body weight than women c. The Dietary Reference Intakes recommend that adults consume 0.8 grams of protein per kg body weight


Which of the following statements about carbohydrates is FALSE? a. They include three categories: sugars, simple carbohydrates and fibre b. They include three categories: sugars, complex carbohydrates and fibre c. Sucrose, fructose and corn syrup indicate that a food has added sugars d. Carbohydrates are a major source of energy in our diets.


Which of the following statements about cholesterol is TRUE? a. It is recommended in Canada that cholesterol in the diet be restricted to a specific level b. is found only in animal products like meat, eggs and butter c. it has been removed from all vegetable oils in the manufacturing process


Which of the following statements about dietary supplements is FALSE? a. they often don't have the same health effects as when the nutrients they contain are consumed as part of food rather than in pill form b. they are effective in making up for a poor diet c. consuming more than the RDA can cause health problems


Which of the following statements is FALSE? a. Higher BMI values are associated with increased risk of death from chronic disease b. higher BMI values are associated with decreased risk of death from chronic disease c. There are health risks associated with overweight and underweight.


Which of the following statements is TRUE? a. PEI is the most inactive province/territory b. most Canadians are not as active as they should be, regardless of age or sex c. females are more likely to be active than males


Which source of protein is considered an incomplete protein? a. fish b. dried beans c. cheese d. milk e. eggs


While Canada's Food Guide is being revised a. Canadians should not make dietary changes until the food guide is revised b. Canadians should continue to use Canada's Food Guide c. Canadians should use the American recommendations Feedback


_________ is a good example of a plant based food which contains complete protein. a. lentils b. soy c. chick peas d. quinoa


"Smart" pasta a. is made with special whole wheat flour that is white in colour b. provides the same health benefits of whole wheat pasta c. contains more fibre than white pasta


According to your text, which of the following is considered a dietary supplement? a. fats such as lecithin b. plant extracts such as garlic c. all of these are considered types of dietary supplements d. hormones e. amino acids f. vitamins


After eating a typical fast food meal, you feel very full for several hours. This is most likely due to: a. Fat carrying vitamins A, D, E, and K into the body b. Fat being a main component of cell membranes c. Fat taking longer to digest d. Fat having 4 calories per gram


Calculate the calories in a "Lean Mean Cuisine" frozen dinner that has 15 grams of fat, 20 grams of protein and 60 grams of carbohydrate. a. 27 b. 123 c. 455 d. 380 e. 100 HINT: Fat: 1gram= 9 calories Protein: 1g= 4 calories Carbohydrates: 1g= 4 calories Alcohol: 1 g= 7 calories


Cannabis (marijuana) is thought to increase the 'munchies' or food intake because of all of the following EXCEPT: a. it increases ghrelin, a hormone that is involved in hunger b. it effects parts of the brain that influences the pleasure we get from food c. it increases peptides in small intestine d. it activates nerve cells to release appetite stimulating chemicals


Hilda is active 30 year old woman who weighs 70 kg. How much protein should she consume, according to the Dietary Reference Intakes? a 70 grams per day b. 30 % of her calorie intake c. 56 grams per day HINT: male=68 kg X 0.8=54.5 g female=61.4 kg X0.8=49 g


Hydrogenation converts some unsaturated fats into _____. a. saturated fats b. glycogen c. trans fats d. monoglycerides


If Linda has a BMI of 27, she would be classified as a. obese b. underweight c. overweight d. normal weight


If one is experiencing sore red tongue, you may be deficient in a. thiamin or riboflavin b. niacin or vitamin A c. vitamin B12 or folate d. vitamin A or thiamin


Iron deficiency in children leads to all of the following EXCEPT: a. impaired learning ability b. impaired problem solving skills c. aggressive behaviour d. impaired social skills


Jack goes to Montana's after lifting weights and orders a 10 oz steak (300 g) to 'build his muscles up again'. His work out buddy Eliot orders steak fajitas, which contains 3 oz of steak (90 g). Which of the following is FALSE? a. There is not likely to be any difference in muscle protein synthesis between Jack and Eliot because muscles reach a 'muscle full' level after consuming some protein and additional protein won't make a difference b. The 3 oz steak is sufficient to support muscle protein synthesis, and any more protein has no additional effect c. The 10 oz steak will result in more muscle protein synthesis and strength


Jamie wants to change her diet to reduce her risk of heart disease,. Which of the following dietary changes would you NOT recommend? a. low trans fat b. high vegetables and fruit c. high added sugar d. high whole grains


Jillian has taken Fn 101 and knows how to choose a healthy diet. However, she eats a lot of high fat snack foods (e.g. cheesies and chips) and does not eat enough fruits and vegetables. This may be due to all of the following EXCEPT: a. low availability of fruits and vegetables b. lots of high fat snack foods in campus vending machines c. low cost of fresh fruits and vegetables d. the fact that knowledge alone is not sufficient for behavior change e. a lack of time to cook


North American diets tend to be high in _________ which increases risk of obesity and chronic disease. a. fruit b. fiber c. saturated fat, sugar d. milk


Nutrient deficiencies develop in stages. After the first stage, having an inadequate nutrient intake, the next stage is a. decreased blood levels of the nutrient b. physical signs and symptoms of deficiency c. depletion of tissue stores d. long term impairment of health


Palm and coconut oils are examples of: a. polyunsaturated fats b. monounsaturated fats c. saturated fats d. trans fats


Provisional RDAs developed when there is insufficient evidence to support a specific level of intake is called a. Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI) b. Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) c. Adequate Intake (AI)


Regular physical activity reduces the risk of all of the following diseases/conditions EXCEPT a. Type 2 diabetes b. stroke and heart disease c. digestive issues d. depression


Sucrose = _____ a. glucose + galactose b. fructose + galactose c. fructose + glucose d. glucose+glucose


The digestion of the protein in a hamburger occurs primarily in: a. the mouth and stomach b. the small and large intestine c. the stomach and the small intestine


The food components that are partially digested by enzymes in the mouth are a. fat and protein b. there is no digestion by enzymes in the mouth c. carbohydrates and fat d. carbohydrates and protein


The process by which nutrients and other substances are transferred from the digestive system into body fluids for transport throughout the body is called a. digestion b. circulation c. absorption


There are a number of health claims associated with coconut oil that remain unproven. One reason for this is that coconut oil a. contains a low level of essential fatty acids b. is high in triglycerides c. is different structurally from the medium chain triglycerides that do have health benefits d. is high in cholesterol


When consumed in adequate amounts before and early in pregnancy, folate prevents: a. Beri-beri b. Rickets c. Neural tube defects in newborns (spina bifida) d. Morning sickness


Which of the following are sources of simple sugars in our diets? a. Soft drinks b. Fruits and some vegetables c. all of these are sources of simple sugars d. Breakfast cereals


Which of the following dietary factors leads to reduced late morning problem solving performance of children? a. ingestion of colour additives b. lead toxicity c. breakfast skipping d. zinc deficiency


Which of the following diseases are NOT linked to low fruit and vegetable intakes? a. Diabetes b. Cancer c. Cirrhosis of the liver d. Heart disease


Which of the following diseases have been found to be higher in PEI compared to Canada? a. heart disease b. diabetes c. all of these are higher in PEI d. hypertension e. mood and anxiety disorders


Which of the following is FALSE about dietary supplement regulation in Canada? a. are classified as a natural health product b. are included as a subset of drugs c. as long as the supplement is considered 'low risk', manufacturers can include disease treatments or prevention claims on their labels d. any claims on a label must have a disclaimer included that it is not Health Canada approved


Which of the following is TRUE about Vitamin D? a. it is considered a 'conditional' vitamin because it can be manufactured in the body from sunlight b. it is an essential vitamin and is not considered a 'conditional' vitamin c. it is considered a 'conditional' vitamin since it is was only recently discovered to be essential


Which of the following is a FALSE statement? a. Protein requirements are increased in infancy and pregnancy b. Most Canadians have more than enough protein in their diet c. The Dietary Reference Intakes recommend that adults undergoing resistance or endurance exercise should increase their protein intake d. Men and women need the same amount of protein per kg body weight


Which of the following is a good dietary source of riboflavin? a. Vegetable oil b. Fresh fruit c. Milk products d. Pork


Which of the following is an example of an energy-requiring processes of basal metabolism include _____.​ a. energy required when walking b. energy expended during the digestion of food c. energy required to maintain body temperature


Which of the following statements about trans fats is FALSE? a. Since the trans fat content of foods is changing, reading labels is the best way to monitor trans fat intake b. They are made by adding hydrogen to vegetable oils which increases shelf life and improves texture of baked products c. Trans fats are currently banned in Canada


Which of the following statements is TRUE? a. companies that produce supplements have to show proof that they are effective b. all vitamin and mineral supplements are safe since they are natural c. supplement labels often do not have warnings of side effects or toxicity d. there are restrictions on the amount of some supplements that you can buy


______ factors have the greatest impact on our health and longevity. a. health care b. environmental exposures c. lifestyle d. genetic


______ occurs when cells are exposed to more oxidizing agents than antioxidants. a. inflammation b. anti-oxidants c. oxidative stress


_____________ is the energy expended during the digestion of food and the absorption, utilization, storage, and transport of nutrients a. thermodynamics b. basal metabolism c. thermogenesis d. indirect calorimetry


A relationship exists between _____. a. excessive exposure to lead in children and heart problems b. sugar intake in children and hyperactivity c. vitamin and mineral supplements and reduced anti-social behaviour in children d. some food dyes and hyperactivity in children


Alcohol is absorbed in the ______ and ______. a. large intestine b. small intestine only c. stomach only d. stomach, small intestine


All of the following can occur with a protein deficiency except: a. Bloated abdomen b. Anemia c. Loss of muscle tissue d. Increased resistance to disease


Canada's Food Guide recommends that we limit all of the following foods EXCEPT: a. sports and energy drinks b. chocolate and candy c. nacho chips d. low fat muffins


Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines recommends that Canadian adults 18-64 years a. get 150 minutes per week of any kind of exercise b. get 150 minutes per day of moderate to vigorous intensity exercise c. should add bone and muscle strengthening activities daily d. get 150 minutes per week of moderate to vigorous intensity exercise


Determine the grams of carbohydrate day for a 2000 kcal diet where 55% of kcalories are obtained from carbohydrate. a. 250 b. 300 c. 110 d. 275 HINT: Fat: 1gram= 9 calories Protein: 1g= 4 calories Carbohydrates: 1g= 4 calories Alcohol: 1 g= 7 calories


Fat _____. a. provides 10 calories per gram b. intake that exceeds calorie need is stored as glycogen c. forms antibodies d. serves as a component of cell membranes e. carries water-soluble vitamins


Individuals vary in the rate at which blood alcohol levels can be reduced due to differences in _____. ​ a. time of day that alcohol is consumed b. blood pressure c. the type of alcohol consumed d. genetic factors


Some of the beneficial effects of alcohol on health are related to the _____ content of the food fermented to produce it.​ a. sugar b. amino acid c. fiber d. phytochemical


The acceptable macronutrient distribution range (AMDR) for protein for adults 19 years and older is: a. 5-20% of kcalories b. 10-30% of kcalories c. 30% of kcalories d. 10-35% of kcalories


The broken-down products of fat digestion are largely absorbed into the _____ system, whereas carbohydrate and protein broken down products enter the _____ system.​ a. circulatory; skeletal b. lymphatic; nervous c. circulatory; lymphatic d. lymphatic; circulatory


The water-soluble vitamins include: Select one: a. A, D, E, and K b. all vitamins are water soluble c. A and C d. B and C


Which of the following are sources of simple sugars in our diets? a. Fruits and some vegetables b. Soft drinks c. Breakfast cereals d. all of these are sources of simple sugars


Which of the following groups have the highest supplement use in Canada? a. adolescents 14-18 years b. adults 19-30 years c. children 4-8 years d. adults over 70 years e. children 1-3 years


Which of the following is FALSE about comfort foods? a. they tend to be familiar simple foods b. they include foods like ice cream, macaroni & cheese or chocolate c. they are foods which we habitually turn to because they make us feel better d. they tend to be high in protein


Which of the following is NOT a function of gut microbes in the intestine? a. they can help fight infection by signaling the presence of harmful microbes so they can be targeted by the body's infection-fighting immune system b. they excrete fatty acids as an end product of fiber digestion c. they consume and break down fiber and other undigested food residues d. they produce biotin, vitamin B6, and vitamin E


Which of the following is NOT a key nutrient provided by the Meat & Alternatives group in Canada's Food Guide? a. Protein b. Iron c. Vitamin B12 d. Calcium


Which of the following nutrients should be taken in supplemental form by all women of child bearing age in Canada? a. vitamin D b. a multivitamin c. calcium d. folic acid e. vitamin B12


Which of the following statement about Vitamin D is FALSE? a. Deficiency in children can lead to rickets b. primary sources of are vitamin D fortified beverages such as milk c. the RDA for vitamin D is set assuming minimal sun exposure d. children in Canada are more likely to have inadequate intakes than adults aged 20-39


Which of the following statements about sugar in our diet is FALSE? a. Most sugar that we consume is added sugars b. Diets high in sugar are often low in essential nutrients and high in fat c. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that we consume no more than 5-10% of our calories from added sugars d. Sugar intakes have decreased in the past several decades


Which of the following substances has been shown through research to have a positive effect on athletic performance? a. protein powders b. amino acid supplements c. vitamin supplements d. water: adequate hydration


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