Forearm, hand, wrist

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Transverse bundle

- little support - originates & inserts on the Ulna

Hook test

- patient actively supinates the flexed elbow; - intact hook test permits the examiner to hook his or her index finger under the intact biceps tendon from the lateral side; - w/ an abnormal hook test (distal avulsion), there is no cord-like structure to palpate or hook; tests for distal biceps tendon rupture

Moberg pick up test

-An assortment of 9 or 10 objects (bolts, nuts, screws, button, coins, pens) -Timed for the following tests: 1. Putting objects in a box with the affected hand 2. Putting objects in a box with the unaffected hand 3. Putting objects in a box with the affected hand with eyes closed -Examiner notes which digits are used for pretension. -Digits with altered sensation are less likely to be used. - The test is used for median or combined median and ulnar nerve lesions

Box and block test

-Test is for gross dexterity in which 150 blocks, each measuring 1 in on a side, are used -Patient has 1 min. to individually transfer the blocks from one side of a divided box to the other. The number of blocks transferred is given as the score. Patients are given a 15 sec practice trial before the test.

Nine-Hole Peg test

-Test is used to assess finger dexterity. -Patient placed nine 1.3 in. pegs in a 5 by 5 in. board and then removes them. -The score is the time taken to do this task, each hand is tested separately.

Jebson-Taylor Test of Hand Function

1. Writing 2. Card turning 3. Picking up small objects 4. Simulated feeding 5. Stacking 6. Picking up large, light objects 7. Picking up large, heavy objects; primarily measures gross coordination, assessing pre-tension and manipulative skills with functional tests.

Minnesota Rate of Manipulation Test

1. placing 2. turning 3. displacing 4. One-hand turning and placing 5. Two-hand turning and placing; primarily measures gross coordination and dexterity


1st metacarpal joint makes a saddle joint, palpate by flex and extend thumb


2nd metacarpal - not easy to palpate


3rd metacarpal joint = largest and most prominent - neutral feel the curve of bone, when in flexion comes out from under the lunate


3rd metacarpal line = most frequently dislocated, 2nd most fractured = covered by ext. carpi radialis brevis

Boxer's fracture

5th metacarpal fracture

Chair sign

A classic complaint of patients with an insufficiency of the LUCL is an ability or reluctance to push out of a chair and fully extend the elbow with the forearms supinated and the arms abducted greater than shoulder width

Triangular fibrocartilaginous complex (TFCC)

A small, fibrocartilaginous structure in the wrist located between the distal end of the ulna and the carpals.

Flex MCP joints and extend PIP and DIP joints

Action: - Lumbricals 1 and 2 - Lumbricals 3 and 4

pseudoboutonniere deformity

An avulsion of the volar plate from the proximal phalanx (mimics boutonniere deformity)

Kienbock disease

Avascular necrosis of the lunate, often seen in young athletes and thought to be caused by repetitive trauma or an unrecognized lunate fracture.


Bony stability formed by the relationship between the olecranon and the olecranon fossa is greatest between __________ degrees and ______________ degrees


C5 reflexes


C6 reflex

Cold urticaria or Raynaud's

Cold areas of skin = ?

Cruciate pulleys

Collapse to allow full digital flexion

Radioscaphoid ligament

Connects radius to scaphoid

deeper creases (increased musculature), more prominent calluses, appears larger in size

Dominant hands tend to have what?

Biceps brachii, brachialis, brachioradialis, supinator

Elbow flexor and supinator group

Boutonniere deformity

Extension of the MCP and DIP joints and flexion of the PIP joint. Rupture of the extensor tendon

Arcade of Struthers

Fibrous band about 8 cm proximal to the medial epicondyle related to the medial head of the triceps and medial intermuscular septum. The ulnar nerve passes beneath.

Purdue Pegboard Test

Fine coordination: 1. Right hand 2. Left hand 3. Both hands 4. Right, left, both 5. Assembly; compared based on gender and occupation

Long finger flexor test

Flexor digitorum superficialis: Hold fingers in extension except suspect and have them flex suspect at PIP Flexor digitorum profundus: DIP isolation by extending PIP and MCP and have them flex suspect DIP

Bunnel-Littler test

For lumbricals and interossei; Hold MCP in extension and try to move PIP into flexion

finkelstein Test

For stenosing tenosynovitis (Dequervain's disease); Thumb tucked in a fist and stabilize forearm and ulnar deviate (pain=positive)


Hand, finger, and wrist injuries account for ______ of sports related injuries

Retinacular test

Hold PIP in neutral and move DIP into flexion

loosening extension slightly

How is capsular tension/tightness ruled out in Bunnel-Littler test

1 (flexion/extension)

How many degrees of freedom does IP joints have?

2 (flexion/extension and abduction/adduction)

How many degrees of freedom does the CMC joint of 5 have?

1 (flexion/extension)

How many degrees of freedom does the CMC joints 2, 3, and 4 have?

2 (flexion/extension and abduction/adduction)

How many degrees of freedom does the condyloid MCP joints have?

2 Flexion/extension Radial/Ulnar Deviation

How many degrees of freedom of movement does radiocarpal joint provide?


In the anterior bundle, the anterior band resists valgus stress until about ____ degrees of flexion; the posterior band is the primary restraint when the elbow is flexed beyond ______ degrees and is primarily stressed in overhead-throwing athletes

DeQuervain's Disease

Inflammation of the synovial sheath surrounding the extensor pollicis brevis and abductor pollicis longus tendons

Gait with arm swing, upper body exam, count fingers, relaxed state is slight flexion, palmar surface, Dorsal surface, skin, Bony palpation, soft tissue palpation, muscle testing, sensation, special tests,

Inspection of the hand, fingers and wrist

annular pulleys

Keep flexor tendons and sheath closely applied to phalanges

Claw fingers

MCP joints are hyperextended, and the PIP and DIP are flexed

Ulnar deviation

Movement of the hand toward the ulnar side of the forearm

Thumb flexion

Muscle testing of Flexor pollicis brevis (MCP) and flexor pollicis longus (MCP)

Thumb abduction

Muscle testing of abductor pollicis brevis and longus

extension finger/wrist

Muscle testing of extensor carpi radialis brevis and longus and ulnaris

Finger extension

Muscle testing of extensor digitorum communis, extensor indicis, extensor digiti minimi

Finger flexion

Muscle testing of flexor digitorum profundis (DIP), flexor digitorum superficialis (PIP), and Lumbricals (MC-P)

Supination/pronation of wrist

Muscle testing of rotation of forearm

Allen Test

Open and close fist rapidly and then squeeze tight with thumb over radial artery, index and middle over ulnar; press against bone to shut down; Hold artery and have open hand, watch blood flow as release one artery at time

Radial collateral ligament

Originates off styloid process of radius and inserts on scaphoid and trapezium

Tight retinacular test

PIP is held in a neutral while the examiner flexes the DIP. If the DIP does not flex, the retinacular (collateral) ligaments or capsule are tight. If the PIP is flexed and the DIP flexes easily, the retinacular ligaments are tight and the capsule is normal.

push-up sign

Patients with insufficiency of the LUCL will be unable to fully extend or be apprehensive in performing a push-up from the floor with the forearms supinated and the arms abducted greater than shoulder width

Raynaud's phenomenon

Periodic ischemic attacks affecting the extremities of the body, especially the fingers, toes, ears, and nose. The affected extremities become cyanotic and very painful. These attacks are brought on by arterial constriction due to extreme cold or emotional stress.

Extensor carpi radialis longus/brevis and extensor carpi ulnaris

Primary wrist extensors?

DIP flexes then retinaculum

Retinacular tension ruled out from joint capsule if?

Extensor retinaculum

Secures the extensor tendons in the wrist so they don't "bow out" when muscles contract

Baby Bennett Fracture

Seen in the 5th metacarpal, becomes displaced by the pull of the extensor carpi ulnaris tendon

Stimulated Activities of Daily Living Examination

Test consists of 19 subtests, including standing, walking, putting on a shirt, buttoning, zipping, putting on gloves, dialing a phone, tying a bow, manipulating safety pins, manipulating coins, threading a needle, unwrapping a Band-Aid, squeezing toothpaste, and using a knife and fork

Posterolateral rotatory instability test (pivot shift)

Test for posterolateral instability of the elbow

Crawford Small Parts Dexterity Test

Test measures fine coordination, including the use of tools such as tweezers and screwdrivers to assemble things, to adjust equipment, and to do engraving

"safe" position

The MCP joints flexed to 50-70 degrees and the IP joints extended

Palmar ligament (volar plate)

The palmar aspect of the MCP joints is reinforced by a thick fibrocartilaginous ________?

Froment's sign

The subject is instructed to hold a piece of paper between the thumb and index finger. The examiner then tries to pull the paper out. (ulnar nerve)

Murphy's sign

The subject is instructed to make a fist. The examiner notes the position of 3 MC (dislocation lunate)

Tinel's sign

The subject is seated with the elbow in slight flexion, and the examiner is standing with the distal hand grasping the subject's wrist (laterally). With the wrist stabilized, tap the ulnar nerve in the ulnar notch with 1 or 2 fingers. Tingling indicative of ulnar nerve compromise.

Pinch Grip test

The subject may sit or stand. The examiner stands next to the subject. The subject is instructed to pinch the tips of the thumb and index finger together. Cannot pinch = anterior interosseous nerve entrapment

Finkelstein test

The subject sits or stands and forms a fist around the thumb. The examiner stands with the proximal hand grasping the subject's forearm and the distal hand grasping the subject's fist. While stabilizing the subject's forearm with the proximal hand, ulnarly deviate the subject's wrist with the distal hand. Pain over the abductor pollicis longus and extensor pollicis brevis tendons distally is indicative of tenosynovitis in these tendons (de Quervain's disease)

Golfer's elbow test

The subject sits or stands and makes a fist on the involved side. The examiner faces the subject and palpates along the medial epicondyle. The examiner's other hand grasps the subject's wrist. The examiner passively supinates the forearm and extends the elbow and wrist. Complaints of discomfort along the medial aspect of the elbow may be indicative of medial epicondylitis.

Hyperextension test

The subject sits or stands with the elbow fully extended and the forearm supinated. The examiner grasps the distal humerus at the areas of the medial and lateral epicondyles with one hand while the other hand grasps the distal forearm of the subject. The examiner passively extends the elbow until no further motion is available. Hyperextension if beyond 0 degrees.

Passive Tennis Elbow Test

The subject sits with the involved elbow in full extensioin. The examiner passively pronates the forearm and flexes the subject's wrist. May indicate lateral epicondylitis.

Valgus Stress Test

The subject sits with the test elbow flexed from 20 to 30 degrees. the examiner stands with the distal hand around the subject's wrist (medially) and the proximal hand over the subject's elbow joint (laterally). with the wrist stabilized, the examiner applies a valgus stress to the elbow with the proximal hand. (UCL)

Resistive Tennis Elbow Test (Cozen's Test)

The subject sits. The examiner stabilizes the involved elbow while palpating along the lateral epicondyle. With a closed fist, the subject pronates and radially deviates the forearm and extends the wrist against the examiner's resistance. May indicate lateral epicondylitis.

Resistive Tennis Elbow Test

The subject sits. The examiner stabilizes the involved elbow with one hand and places the palm of the other hand on the dorsal aspect of the subject's hand just distal to the PIP of third digit. The subject extends the third digit against the examiner's resistance. May indicate lateral epicondylitis.

Watson test

The subject sits. The examiner uses one hand to stabilize the distal forearm at the distal radial ulnar joint while grasping the scaphoid bone of the subject with the other hand. Mobilize the scaphoid anteriorly and posteriorly while ulnarly and radially deviating the subjects's wrist. (sublexing=carpal ligament tear)

Ballottement test

The subject stands or sits. The examiner uses his or her thumb and index finger to stabilize the lunate bone of the subjects involved hand. While stabilizing the lunate bone, the examiner uses his or her other hand to gently move the pisotriquetral complex up and down against lunate bone. Indicative of lunotriquetral dissociation or ligament damage or laxity.

Wrinkle test

The subject's fingers are placed in warm water for approximately 10 minutes. On removal, the examiner assesses the skin around the pulp area for any wrinkling. (denervation of tissue if no wrinkle)

Varus Stress Test

The subkect sits with the test elbow flexed from 20 to 30 degrees. the examiner stands with the distal hand around the subject's wrist (laterally) and the proximal hand over the subject's elbow joint (medially). with the wrist stabilized, the examiner applies a varus stress to the elbow with the proximal hand. (RCL)

central compartment

The tendons of FDS and FDP pass through the ______________?

170-180; 90

The total ROM in pronation and supination is _________ degrees, with approximately ____ degrees of motion in each direction

Trigger finger

Thickening of the flexor tendon sheath, tendon sticks during flexion (audible snap)


Thumbs UCL is injured ____ more than RCL

Ape hand deformity

Wasting of the thenar eminence as a result of median nerve palsy. The thumb lines up with the fingers. Cannot oppose or flex thumb.

innervates muscle of the hypothenar

What does deep branch do?

limit wrist flexion

What does dorsal radiocarpal ligament do?

stops rotary movement of skin during grasping

What does septa and ligaments prevent

dissipates stresses imposed on the forearm during loading by extending the radiocarpal articulation, stabilizes the distal radioulnar joint, and provides stability during pronation and supination

What does the TFCC do?

limit hyperextension of the wrist

What does the palmar radiocarpal ligament do?

Checks radial deviation (taut at end of flexion/extension)

What does ulnar collateral ligament do?

medial to carpal tunnel and through Guyon's canal

What does ulnar nerve travel through?

adductor pollicis muscle

What fills the web space of index and thumb


What is an accessory component of the thumb?

abductor pollicis brevis, opponens pollicis, flexor pollicis brevis

What is located in the thenar eminence?

lunate exerts a flexion force though scapholunate and extension force through lunotriquetral

What is the relationship of the lunate b/n the scaphoid and traquetrum?

aductor pollicis brevis, flexor pollicis brevis, opponens pollicis

What muscles form the thenar eminence?

ellipsoid joint

What type of joint is the radiocarpal joint?

Cascade sign

When the MCP joints and the PIP joints of the fingers are flexed the converge toward the scaphoid tubercle

Radial portion of palm, palmar side of thumb, index, and middle fingers

Where is the medial nerve

Dorsum of hand radial side of 3rd MC, dorsal side of thumb, index, and middle finger to DIP; also dorsal thumb and index web space

Where is the radial nerve?

ulnar side of ring and pinky fingers dorsal and palmar

Where is the ulnar nerve


Which are stronger, the palmar or dorsal interosseous ligaments?

Scapholunate ligament

Which ligament directly attaches the lunate to the scaphoid?

Lunotriquetral ligament

Which ligament directly attaches the lunate to the triquetrum?


_____ of hand fractures involve the metacarpal, most commonly the neck or shaft

Sports related

__________ injuries are the most common cause of phalangeal fx in athletes aged 10-39

pronator teres syndrome

a branch of the median nerve, the anterior interosseous nerve, can become compressed by the pronator teres, causing? (inability to pinch thumb and index finger)

Third degree jersey finger

a fragment of bone is avulsed with the tendon's insertion and retracts to the PIP joint

osteophyte formation or a loose body

a had end-feel in passive flexion of elbow is indicative of what?

Second degree Jersey finger

a portion of the bony attachment is avulsed, and the tendon retracts to the palm


abnormal extension of web space that restricts movement

Carrying angle

angle between the midline and humerus (cubitus varus and cubitus valgus)

Ligament of Struthers

anomalous structure found in about 1% of the population

cubital tunnel

area between olecranon process and medial humeral epicondyle. the ulnar nerve runs through it "funny bone"

ulnar nerve compression

atrophy in hypothenar eminence could be the result of what?

median nerve compression

atrophy in the thenar eminence could be the result of what?

Volar dislocation

avulsion of central slip of extensor tendon which can lead to Boutonniere deformity

Jersey finger

avulsion of flexor digitorum profundus (no flexion of DIP)

Scaphoid compression test

axial load is placed on the first metacarpal toward the scaphoid

Dorsal dislocation

axial load with the digit flexed, most common ring finger PIP, injures volar plate

proximal palmar crease

base of fingers also close to "no man's land" and marks location of proximal pulley

subtendinous olecranon bursa

between olecranon and triceps tendon

clubbed nails

broader and larger = domed = hypertrophy of tissue = respiratory or congenital heart problems


c7 reflex

Cubitus valgus

carrying angle >15 degrees

Cubitus varus

carrying angle is less than 5-10 degrees

Valgus Extension Overload

collection of tensile, shear, and compressive forces that result from mild UCL laxity

Rolando fracture

comminuted intra-articular fracture of the base of the 1st metacarpal (Y or T)

humerus supracondylar process syndrome

compression of the brachial artery by ligament of struthers; weakness in pronator muscles

Radiocapitate ligament

connects radius to capitate

Radiotriquetral ligament

connects radius to triquetrum

ulnar crease

crease between the 4th and 5th metacarpal


crescent moon nail base

Distal interphalangeal crease

crosses fingers at distal interphalangeal joint

Proximal interphalangeal crease

crosses fingers, proximal interphalangeal joint, defines distal border of "no man's land"

Russell's sign

cuts, abrasions on MCP or IP joint can indicate bulimia = self induced vomiting


degrees of abduction and adduction of fingers


degrees of abduction in the thumb


degrees of extension for MCP


degrees of extension in wrist


degrees of flexion and extension in DIP


degrees of flexion and extension in PIP


degrees of flexion and extension in thumb IP


degrees of flexion for MCP


degrees of flexion in CMC of thumb


degrees of flexion in wrist

Tardy ulnar palsy

delayed onset (years). is caused by the "double crush" phenomena of a cubital tunnel problem and a cervical spine problem

anatomical snuffbox

depression on the radial side, distal and dorsal to radial styloid

Gamekeeper's thumb

described as stretch of UCL resulting decrease grip and pain

Wartenberg's sign

deviation of hand radially during flexion and results in the inability to maintain adduction of the little finger, leaving it resting in an abducted position


distal and radial to pisiform = hook forms the lateral/radial border of the tunnel of Guyon (transports ulnar nerve and artery to hand)


distal to the ulnar styloid - radial deviation for palpation (lies under styloid and pisiform) - 3rd most fractured

Humpback deformity

dorsal and radial angulation of the scaphoid fragments

Phalen test

dorsal aspect hands together for 1 min

Perilunate dislocation

dorsal displacement of all carpel bones except lunate


dry areas of skin

may indicate nerve damage

dry areas of skin = ?

triceps brachii, anoconeus, pronator teres, pronator quadratus

elbow extensor and pronator group

cubital fossa

elbow pit

cup shape of hand

eminences = bulge = ?


end-feel in distal radioulnar pronation


end-feel in distal radioulnar supination


end-feel in elbow extension


end-feel in elbow flexion


end-feel in superior radialulnar pronation


end-feel in superior radioulnar joint supination

Radial tunnel syndrome

entrapment of the radial nerve that mimics tennis elbow

Tap or percussion test

examiner applies a firm tap to the end of the finger being tested. Pain at the site of injury is indicative of a fracture.

Compression test

examiner applies compression along the long axis of the bone of the finger being tested. Pain at the site of injury is indicative of a fracture.

Cubital Recurvatum

extension beyond 0 degrees in the elbow

Smith's fracture (reverse Colles' fracture)

fall on excessively flexed wrist; forward displacement of of lower fragment


fall on outstretched hand

Arcade (canal) of frohse

fibrous arch in supinator muscle occurring in 30% of population

Dupuytren's contracture

fixed flexion of the MCP and PIP joints, ususally in the ring finger and pinky finger


fleshy mounds = neurovascular bundles

Zigzag deformity

flexion at the CMC joint and hyperextended at the MCP joint

Volkmann's ischemic contracture

flexion contraction of the wrist and fingers (claw fingers) resulting in limited extension at these joints (after forearm fracture or decreased blood flow)


flexor tendons require almost _________ as much excursion as the extensor tendons


floor of anatomical snuffbox, largest of proximal row, palpate by ulnar deviation, does NOT have a good blood supply

subungual hematoma

formation of a hematoma below the nail due to pressure and causes purple coloration

Bennett's fracture

fracture of first metacarpal/thumb that extend into articular surface; requires a external or internal fixator to stabalize

Colles fracture

fracture of radius approximately 1.5 inches from radiocarpal joint, backward displacement of lower fragment and radial deviation of the hand - sometimes misused to describe any distal radial fracture (extended wrist)

Ulnar collateral ligament

from ulna's styloid process and attaches on the medial aspect of the triquetrum dorsally and on the pisiform palmarly


grip strength increases until age ____ and then __________ as aging continues


growth plate of fingernail

Bouchard's nodes

hard, bony outgrowths or gelatinous cysts on the proximal interphalangeal joints; They are seen in osteoarthritis, where they are caused by formation of calcific spurs of the articular (joint) cartilage.

forceful eccentric contraction

how can the distal biceps brachii tendon be ruptured

2 (flexion/extension and abduction/adduction)

how many degrees of freedom of movement does the saddle joint of the thumb have?


how many degrees of radial deviation?


how many degrees of ulnar devation


if no flexion in retinacular test means?

fixed to underlying tissue

immobile scar = ?

subcutaneous olecranon bursa

in subcutaneous tissue over olecranon

Varus stress test

in wrist looking at radial collateral ligament and in hand LCL or MCL (gap the joint)

Valgus stress test

in wrist looking at ulnar collateral ligaments and in hand LCL or MCL (gap the joint)

Extensor plus deformity

inability of the finger to simultaneously flex metacarpophalnageal and PIP joints

Myelopathy hand

inability to extend and adduct ring and little finger


increases risk of carpal tunnel syndrome?

"Hex" sign

independent movement of extensor indicis and extensor digiti minimi


infection around periphery of fingernail

lateral ulnar collateral ligament

inferior to radial collateral; provides lateral support of the ulna; disruption results in rotatory instability of the elbow joint

Palmar aponeurosis

insertion of palmaris longus

Wrist Glide Test

involves radial, ulnar, superior, and inferior glide

Ganglion cyst

jelly like pea-sized swelling on wrist - not fixed to connective tissue or extremely tender


lateral process of radius

Dissociative carpal instability

laxity of the interosseous ligaments alters the synchronous motion of the lunate, scaphoid, and triquetrum

cleland's and Grayson's ligaments

ligaments that attach skin to bone of hand


localized infection in fascial spaces of finger pad

palmar aponeurosis pulley

located on the distal aspect of the metacarpal, is the most proximal meber of the pully system

volar dislocation

lunate dislocation

Gun stock deformity

medial deviation of the carrying angle


medial/posterior process of ulna = no wrist articulation with proximal carpal row - ext. carpi ulnaris runs through the groove longitudinally

Carpal tunnel syndrome

median nerve compressed as it passes through the carpal tunnel, affecting motor and sensory distribution in the hand and fingers

wrist crease

meeting of hand and wrist

distal palmar crease

metacarpal-phalange joint (knuckles), surgical "no man's land" (where 2 flexor tendons are in one sheath)

median crease

middle of hand just medial of the thenar crease


more than the normal number of digits


most of the elbow's ROM is composed of flexion, ranging between __________ degrees from the neutral position.


movement at the radioulnar joints allowing for the palm to be turned down


movement at the radioulnar joints allowing for the palm to turn upward

Radial deviation

movement of the hand toward the radial side

Thenar eminence

muscle bell of motor of thumb

hypothenar eminence

muscle belly of motor of little finger

Thumb adduction

muscle testing of adductor pollicis (obliques and transversus)

Finger abduction

muscle testing of dorsal interossei and abductor digiti minimi

Thumb extension

muscle testing of extensor pollicis brevis (MC-P) and extensor pollicis longus (IP)

flexion finger/wrist

muscle testing of flexor carpi radialis and ulnaris

Pinch thumb and index

muscle testing of long flexors and extensors, lumbricals and interossei

Opposition of thumb and pinky

muscle testing of opponens pollicis and digiti minimi

Finger adduction

muscle testing of palmar interossei

wrist slightly extended and fingers/hand in slight flexion

natural, relaxed position?

Heberden's nodes

nodes on dorsal and lateral on DIP (osteoarthritis)

palmar radiocarpal ligament

origin on anterior surface of the distal radius inserts obliquely and medially to 3 individual segments

Preiser's disease

osteoporosis of scaphoid


palmar surface is fixed by what?


paths = flexor tendons intersection with joints

Extensor digitorum communis

primary extensor of the IP joints (assists wrist extension)

Moving Valgus Stress Test

pt arm is abducted to 90 and elbow fully flexed. PT maintain valgus force and quickly extend pt's elbow. (+) reproduction of pain between 120-70 of flexion (partial tear of MCL


result of radial nerve palsy; the wrist and fingers cannot be actively extended by the pt.

extensor tendons

rheumatoid arthritis can displace what to ulnar side of MC-P joint

Swan neck deformity

rheumatoid arthritis; PIP joint hyper exteded and DIP joint flexed

Mallet finger

rupture or avulsion of extensor tendon at its insertion into distal phalanx flexion of DIP joint usually occurs from trauma, forcing distal phalanx into flexed position


scaphoid fracture is most prevalent in what ages? (young and old have weaker radius)


sesmoid bone - it is within the flexor carpi ulnaris (forms the medial border to tunnel of guyon)

septa & ligaments

skin is attached to bone by what?

Tinel test

tap the volar aspect of the subject's wrist over the area of the carpal tunnel

Buddy tape

tape injured finger to neighboring finger for non and minimally displaced fx (above and below PIP)

Posterior bundle

taut in flexion beyond 90 degrees and is subject to stress only if the anterior bundle is completely disrupted

Anterior bundle

taut throughout the elbow's range of motion; primary restraint against valgus forces

Elbow Posterolateral Rotary Instability

tears of the LUCL permit a transient rotational subluxation of the radius and ulna relative to the humerus causing external rotation of the radius and ulna, and valgus opening of the elbow

first degree jersey finger

the bony attachment is left intact, and the ruptured tendon retracts to the PIP joint

Palmar digital crease

the crease marking the distal metacarpal-phalange joint (5)

2 (flexion and extension; rotation)

the humeroradial joint permits ____ degrees of freedom of movement.

1 (flexion and extension)

the humeroulnar articulation allows for _________ degree of freedom of movement


the majority, over _____, of all carpal fractures involve the scaphoid bone because of its function as a bony block limiting wrist extension

thenar crease

the outline for the thenar eminence

Stener lesions

the proximal end of the UCL of thumb dislocates from under the adductor aponeurosis

1 (pronation and supination)

the radioulnar joints have ___ degree of freedom of movement.

Elbow flexion test

the subject may sit or stand. The examiner stands next to the subject. The subject is instructed to maximally flex the elbow and hold this position for 3-5 minutes. Median nerve distribution pain = cubital fossa syndrome


this dorsal passageway can have some rheumatoid arthritis (the tendon turns around radial tubercle = friction if problems around this area)


three phalanges in the thumb


triangular fibrocartilage complex

Lister's tubercle

tubercle of radius = 1/3 of the way from the radial styloid lines up with 3rd metacarpal - capitate - lunate

ulnar variance

ulna is longer than the radius

Ulnar drift

ulnar deviation of the digits

Guyon's canal

ulnar nerve can become compressed as it passes though the guyon's or pisohamate canal

possible infection

warm areas of skin = ?

Bishop's hand

wasting of hypothenar muscles, interossei muscle, and two medial lumbrical muscles. Fourth and fith fingers are flexed.

spoon nails

weak structurally and concave = fungal infection

condition and color

what are you looking at with finger nails?


what creates peaks and valleys on dorsal surface?

three arches: 1 carpal level, 1 metacarpal head and neck level, 1 on longitudinal center

what creates the cup shape of the hand?

sensory input to palmar surface of little finger and medial 1/2 ring finger

what does superficial ulnar nerve branch do?

Flexor digitorum profundus

what flexes both IP joints?

flexor digitorum superficialis

what flexes the PIP?

abductor digiti minimi, flexor digiti minimi brevis, opponens digiti minimi

what forms the hypothenar eminence?


what happens to 3rd dorsal passageways in colles' fracture

flexor carpi ulnaris, tunnel of guyon, ulnar artery and nerve

what is in zone 1 of palmar tunnels

abductor digiti minimi, opponens digiti, flexor digiti minimi

what is located in the hypothenar eminence?

extensor indicis

what is sometimes used to replace the ext. pollicis longus

abductor pollicis and extensor pollicis brevis

what is transported in 1st dorsal passageway on radial border of anatomic snuffbox (site for stenosing tenosynovitis or the inflammation of the synovial lining of the tunnel)

extensor carpi radialis longus and breves

what is transported in 2nd dorsal passageway, radial side of tubercle (clench fist to palpate) - these are tenons used for transplants

extensor pollicis longus

what is transported in 3rd dorsal passageway on ulnar side of radial tubercle (ulnar border of snuffbox)

extensor digitorum communis and extensor indicis

what is transported in 4th dorsal passageway (radial to the radioulnar articulation)

extensor carpi ulnaris

what is transported in 6th dorsal passageway (groove between apex ulnar styloid and ulnar head)

extensor digit minimi

what is transported in the 5th dorsal passageway (overlies distal ends of radioulnar articulation on dorsum) indentation on radial side of ulnar styloid

extensor carpi ulnaris

what may tear in colles fracture, can be a dislocating tendon

median nerve, flexor pollicis longus tendon, FDS tendons, FDP tendons

what passes through carpal tunnel?

ganglion cyst

what sometimes forms here in the 4th dorsal passageway

plane synovial joint

what type of joint are the CMC joints 2, 3, and 4?

Capsular and interosseous

what type of ligaments bind the carpal bones tightly together?

palmaris longus, carpal tunnel, flexor carpi radialis

whats in zone 2 of palmar tunnels

palmar tip of index

where is median nerve the purest

volar surface of tip of pinky

where is the ulnar nerve purest

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