Fundamentals of Management 230.70 Chapter 7

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The lengthy process by which a job is examined in detail in order to identify the skills, knowledge and behaviors necessary to perform the job is known as a ________.

. job analysis

realistic job preview (RJP)

A preview of a job that provides both positive and negative information about the job and the company

how and why are organizations controlling HR costs

HR costs are skyrocketing, especially those associated with employee healthcare and employee pension.

what is the legal environment of HRM?

HRM practices are governed by laws, which vary from country to country

the eight important HRM activities and resposibilities

Safety and health; compensation and benefits; performance management; strategic human resource planning; recruitment and downsizing; selection; orientation; training and development

Which of the following is the best way to evaluate a training program?

Select one: c. how much information trainees retain=? d. actual job performance of trainees=?

what is the Human Resource Management Process and what influences it?

The management function concerned with getting training, motivating, and keeping competent employees. Staffing people and HRM decisions and actions are critical to ensuring that the organization hires and keeps the right people

employee training

a learning ecpericence that seeks a relatively permanent change in employees by improving their ability to perform on the job

variable pay

a pay system in which an individual's compnsation us contigent on performance

skill-based pay

a pay systme that rewards employees for the job skills they demonstrate

employee counseling

a process designed to help employees overvcome performance-related probles

human resources inventory

a report listing important information about employees such as name, education, training skills, languages spoken, and so forth

layoff-survivor sickness

a set of attitudes, perceptions, and behaviours of employees who survive layoffs

performance management system

a system that establishses performance standarts tha tre used to evaluate employee perfromance

job specification

a written of the minimum qualifications that a person must possess to perform a given job successfuly

job edescription

a written statement that describes a job

What do the written essay, critical incidents, graphic rating scales, and BARS evaluation methods have in common?

a. They compare individuals against standards. Correct

The difference between firing and layoffs is that ________.

a. layoffs are not permanent Correct

The last steps of the HRM process deal with ________

a. performance and compensation Correct


actions taken by a manager to enforce an organization's standarts and regulations

360 degree appraisal

an appraisal device that seeks feedback from a variety of sources for the person being rated

job analysis

an assessment that defines jobs and the behaviors necessary to perform them

sexual haeassment

any unwanted action or activity of a sexal nature that explicitly or implicitly affects an individual's employment, performance, or work environment

While ________ can reach the greatest number of applicants for a job, many of those candidates may be unqualified for the job itself.

b. advertising Correct

Today, selection techniques that result in reject errors can open the organization to

b. charges of employee discrimination Correct

A major criticism of workplace spirituality is whether ________.

b. organizations have the right to impose spiritual values on employees Correct

Organizational orientation informs a new employee about ________.

b. the history and philosophy of the organization Correct

how are employees provided with needed skills and knowleadge?

but successful performance requires more than possessing certain skills. New hires must be acclimated to the organization's culture and be trained and given the knowlege to do the job in a manner consistent with the organization's goals.

During an interview, an applicant for a managerial job is confronted with role players who make the claim that they have been "harassed on the job." The applicant is then asked to deal with the complaints. What kind of selection device is being used?

c. behavioral interview Correct

A wheelchair-bound applicant may be denied a job ________.

c. if the job requires complete physical mobility Correct

This is a key disadvantage to recruiting through employee referrals.

c. no diversity increase Correct

Interviews are valid predictors of success in the workplace if ________.

c. questions are structured Correct

The most important environmental factor in the HRM process is _____

c. the legal environment Correct

This is the most important factor in determining how much pay an employee receives.

c. the type of job the employee has Correct

Why do managers often offer counseling to underperforming employees rather than just fire them?

c. to avoid the cost of replacing the employee Correct

According to the EEOC, sexual harassment is ________ that creates a hostile environment, interferes with a person's work or diminishes the person's employment opportunities.

d. any speech or physical conduct of a sexual nature

To find out more about a job with a title of "assistant media buyer," you would find this to be most helpful.

d. job description

A(n) ________ selection device shows a clear link between test performance and job performance.

d. valid

classroom lectures

employees attend lectures designed to convey specific information

videoconferencing/teleconferencing/satelitte TV

employees listen to or participate as information is convaeyed or thecniques demonstrated


employees listen to or watch selected media that convey infromation or demonstrate certain techiques


employees participate in internet-based learning, including simulations or other interactive modules

mobile learning

employees partiipate in learning activities delivered via mobile devices

experiential exersices

employees pracitipate in role-playing, simualtions, or other face-to-face types of training


employees refer to training workboodks and manuals for infromation

board representatives

employees who sit on a company's board of direcrtors and represent theinberest of employees

mentoring and couaching

employees work with an experienced worker who provides information, support and encouragement; also called apprenticeships in certain industries

job rotation

employees work with at diferent jobs in a prarticular area, getting exposure to a variety of tasks.

how do managers identify and select competent employees

employement planning; recruitment and downsizing , and selection

job orientation

expands on the infromation the employee obtained during the recruitment and selection stages; clarifieds the new employee's specific duties and responsivilities as well as how his or her performance will be evaluated; and corrcts any unrealistic expectations new employees might hold about the job.

work unit orientation

familiariezes and employee with the goals of the work unit; clarifies how his or her job contributes to the unit's goals; and provides an intrductin to his or her coworker

downsizing options

firing; layoffs; attrition; transfers; reduced workweeks; early retirements; job sharing

how are future employee needs determined?

future human resource needs are determnied by the organization's strategic goals and direction

three approaches to multiperson comprarison

group-order ranking; individual ranking approach; paired comparison approach

work councils

groups of nominated or elected employees who must be consulted whe management makes decisions involving personnel

organization orientation

informs the new employee avout the organization's goals, hystory, philosophy, procedures, and rules; clarifies relevant HR policies such as work hours, pay procedures, overtime requirements, and benefits; and may include a tour of the organization's physical facilities

recruiting sorces

internet; employee referrals; company Web site; college recruting; professional recruiting organizations


introducing a new employee to the job and the organization

employment planning

is the process by which managers ensure that they have the right number and kinds of people in the right places at athe right times, people who are capable of effectivly and efficiently completing those tasks that will helpthe organization acheve its goals.


locating, indentifying, and attracting capable applicants

how does an organization do a current HR assessment

managers begin by reviewing the current human resources status

employee benefits

membership-based rewards designed to enrich employees' lives

traditional training methods

on-the-job-employee learn how to do tasks simply by performing them, usually after an initial introduction to the task

The first three activities of the human resource management (HRM) process are about ________.


alternative action programs

programs that ensure that decisions and practices enhance the employment, upgrading, and retention of members of protected groups

selection process

screening job applicants to ensure that the most appropriate candidates are hierd

performance-simulation tests

selection devices based on actual job behaviours

what is reliability

the degree to which a selection device measures the same thing consistently

Drawing on Taylor's works, Munsterberg stressed

the importance of efficiently using workers to achieve economic production. his researches and work are showing organizations ways to improve the performance and well-being of workers were fundamental to the emerging field of management in the early 1990s.

where does a manager recruit applicants

the internet has become a popular approach for recruiting job applicants, although there are other sources to find them

what is validity

the proven relationship between a selection device and some relevant criterion


the sequesnce of work positions held by a person during his or her lifetime

Managers don't need to know about human resources because that's the job of HR department

the truth is that all managers will have some responsibilities for stuffing, appraising, and training people in their work unit.

training methods

traditional training methods; thechnology-based training methods

boundaryless carrer

when an individual takes persnoal responsibility for his or her own carrer

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