Geo exam 3 study guide

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South region of brazil

located well south of the Tropic of Capricorn and extend south to the border with Uruguay. This extrusion is often called South Brazil

Southern chile

lots of rainfall, rural, isolated islands, and mountains

Compare the three main countries in the Andean West region of South America and understand how they gained their wealth and who has benefited the most over the years from that wealth.

The Andean countries of Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia share similar developmental dynamics, including a large percentage of Amerindian people and reliance on the export of natural resources to gain national wealth. The wealth gained from exports is concentrated in the hands of elites rather than filtering down to most of the people.

Describe the ethnic consistency of each country. Explain the pattern of immigration that created the region's heritage.

The Southern Cone is a European commercial area, and more than 85 percent of the population is of European ancestry. There are few Amerindian minorities or immigrants from Africa or Asia in the Southern Cone.

Identify and locate the urban centers and understand the pattern of population distribution in the three countries of the region.

The Southern Cone is an urban realm with high percentages of the population living in large cities. Primate cities dominate each country. Large sections of each country's interior make up the extensive rural periphery with activities based on natural resources.

Summarize the main physical features and regions of the Southern Cone.

The Southern Cone possesses large, diverse physical landscapes. Variations in terrain include tall Andean mountain peaks, desert conditions, prairie grasslands, and semitropical regions to the north.

Explain how European colonialism dominated the realm and divided up the continent.

The Spanish and the Portuguese were the two main colonial powers that dominated South America. The Guianas were the only part of the continent not dominated by these two European powers.

Summarize the production of the three main export products of Colombia and explain the US role in their export.

The United States is the largest consumer of products exported from Colombia. Illegal drugs, oil, and coffee and are the three main export products of Colombia. The United States directly or indirectly supports the three main factions vying for power within Colombia.


Was Brazil's first capital

Mount Anconcagua

highest mountain in the Western Hemisphere at 22,841 feet in elevation


in eastern Argentina, Uruguay, and southernmost Brazil is another excellent agricultural region with good soils and adequate rainfall.

Mato Grosso Plateau,

includes a portion of the great cerrado agricultural region of central Brazil


local language spoken by the people of paraguay

Outline the general pattern of HIV infections in the realm. Understand why it is difficult to contain and prevent the spread of AIDS.

A high percentage of people in Subsaharan Africa are infected with HIV—up to one-fourth of the population of some countries. Health care, education, and cultural forces are important factors in combating AIDS and the tropical diseases common in the realm.

Explain why Argentina has great potential for economic growth.

Argentina is a large country in physical area and has a number of important regions that provide opportunities for economic prosperity. The country, however, has lacked a stable government and a consistent business climate to take advantage of Argentina's favorable geographic situation.

Summarize the ethnic composition of Brazil and learn why the population is so diverse.

Brazil was a Portuguese colony during the colonial era. This is why the Portuguese language and the Catholic religion are dominant components of the Brazilian culture. The strong African heritage comes from the many African slaves brought in during the colonial era to work the plantations. Immigrants from many other countries have settled in Brazil as well.

Describe the ethnic, economic, and political patterns in the Guianas.

Britain, Holland, and France formed colonies in the Guianas. The slave trade brought many people of African descent to the Guiana colonies. After slavery was abolished, indentured servants from Asia were brought to the Guianas to support the labor base.

Outline how Chile has emerged as a strong and stable country and discuss its human and natural resources.

Chile has emerged on the global stage as a model for economic growth and stability. Its people have a higher standard of living, and the country has abundant natural resources. Chile has been a trading partner with NAFTA countries.

FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia),

Controls entire regions the size of many US states. FARC is a recognized political entity by neighboring countries but is not given the same recognition by the United States and many external countries of the region. Figure 6.19 Colombian Exports

Summarize how the South American countries are attempting to integrate their economies.

Globalization and the creation of economic or political units such as the European Union and NAFTA have prompted the South American countries to work together to implement cooperative trade agreements and create the Union of South American Nations.

Buenos Aires

Home to a 1/3 of Argentina's populaton

Outline the main cultural realms of South America. Describe each realm's main ethnic majority and explain how colonialism impacted each region.

Identifying the majority ethnic groups in South America can be helpful in classifying the various cultural regions of the realm. Colonial activities and ethnic backgrounds are consistent enough to formulate regions with similar characteristics.

Explain how countries fit into the index of economic development model and the relationship between family size, urbanization rates and income levels.

Most countries in this realm are in the earlier stages of the index of economic development. The integration into global markets has brought urbanization and development to many of the major core cities.

Understand the dynamics of Venezuela's urban society and why Venezuela has not experienced a robust rural-to-urban shift to the extent that other countries have.

Most of the people in Venezuela live in cities along the Caribbean coast. The country has always been urban and has not developed its agricultural production. Venezuela depends on oil exports to gain most of its national wealth.

Outline the main characteristics and economic activities of the main regions of Brazil.

Other regions of Brazil include the west central, with extensive agricultural activities; the northeast, heavily populated with serious poverty; and the south in the protruded area bordering Uruguay, which is an affluent region with high standards of living.

Outline how Paraguay's geographical setting has allowed it to gain wealth and provide opportunities for its people.

Paraguay is a landlocked country between the Andes and the Atlantic coast. It is a poor nation with few opportunities to advance its standard of living. The country has been a main staging ground for unregulated goods to be redistributed throughout the region.

Identify the various areas in Subsaharan Africa that have experienced devastating civil wars or political conflict in recent years.

Parts of Subsaharan Africa continue to experience social unrest and civil war. Armed conflicts in Rwanda and The Congo (Zaire) have either killed or affected millions of people.

general juan peron

President of Argentina from 1946 to 1955

Hugo Chavez

President of venezuela political unrest over holding continuous terms in office without term limits. President Chavez has held close ties with socialist Cuba and with the Castro regime and has made somewhat antagonistic statements about the world's core economic countries.

Understand the diversity of languages and religions in the realm. Develop a theory about why, with the increasing population, the number of languages spoken decreases. Explain why many former European colonies still retain the language of their colonizer as their lingua franca, or official language.

Subsaharan Africa is realm with a high diversity of languages and religions. In an attempt to provide an equal footing for all languages, many countries have chosen their colonial language as their official language to avoid giving speakers of one language any political advantage over another.

Explain why Subsaharan Africa has such great potential for economic development through tourism. Articulate the difficulties in creating a tourism market.

Subsaharan Africa has enormous potential to exploit their physical features and cultural heritage to expand their tourism market. It is often difficult to balance the investments for adequate infrastructure and services required for tourism with other needs, such as education and health care.

Summarize how the core-periphery spatial relationship applies to Subsaharan Africa. Analyze how the concept of rural-to-urban shift applies to the development pattern.

Subsaharan Africa's many core cities and peripheral regions create a high rural-to-urban shift. Much of the realm's economic activity is conducted in the informal sector.

Summarize the main physical features and characteristics of South America.

The extensive Andes Mountain chain and the massive Amazon River dominate the realm's physical geography.

Distinguish between the formal and informal sectors of the economy and understand how each would apply to the various core and peripheral regions of the realm.

The informal sector dominates many of the economic activities in Subsaharan Africa. The emergence of stable governments and economic structures usually results in a stronger formal sector of the economy, which in turn provides improved national infrastructure.

Describe the main activities that are involved in the development and exploitation of the Amazon Basin. Learn how deforestation affects the tropical rain forest and environmental conditions.

The northern regions of the Amazon Basin represent the periphery of the country. The north is being exploited for its natural resources. Development patterns have caused extensive deforestation of the tropical rain forest of the region. The main causes are agriculture, logging, and mining.

Explain how the core-periphery spatial relationship applies to the country. Be able to clarify how the dynamics of the country shape the core and the periphery.

The urban southeast, with its large cities of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, represents the core economic area of the country. The large cities of Brazil continue to expand to accommodate the influx of new immigrants. The outer edges of the cities expand through self-construction in slums called favelas.

Guiana Highlands

a grassland region with scrub forests called

Lake Maracaibo

a large inland lake open to the Caribbean Sea.

Central Chile

a mild type C climate, adequate rainfall, and good farmland

Northeast Brazil

anchored along the coast, where plantation agriculture thrived during the colonial era. African slaves became the main labor base, and once freed, they made up most of the population.


covers the southern portion of Argentina east of the Andes. Patagonia is a prairie grassland region that does not receive a very much rainfall because of the rain shadow effect of the Andes to the west.

middle passage

from africa to the western hemisphere

Atlantic trade triangle

functioned as a transportation conveyor, moving goods and people around the regions bordering the Atlantic Ocean.


has made extensive inroads into the US gas station market.

Sao Pualo

heart of the core region in Brazil


port city that has rubber plantions for automobile tires

Tordesillas Line

was drawn on a map to divide South America into the Spanish west and the Portuguese east

Laguna del carbon

the lowest point in the Western Hemisphere at −344 feet below sea level.


the stewardship of place and the preservation of its essential character

Angel falls

the tallest waterfall in the world

Union of South American Nations (UNASUR)

to oversee the customs unions and trade agreements within the realm

Devil's Island

where France used to secure its most undesirable prisoners.

Northern Chile

with the dry Atacama Desert

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