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direct ancestor of the orangutan


early ancestors to us (which one evolved 1st and later)

Acheulean tools

flaked bifacial hand axes, cleavers


genus of early primates


genus of extinct apes


new world monkeys (the males know the women are menstruating)- can make the babies

In-------- have sexual skins or swellings, which are nearly hairless large swollen patches of skin around the genital area that become very prominent when female are in ------------

old world monkeys -------- estrus

Early apes traveled along tree branches __________ whereas modern African Ape adaptations to ___________

on all fours ---------- on the ground—knuckle walking

Pan troglodytes

scientific name for the chimpanzee (how is it related to humans)

Laetoli footprints

site in Tanzania known for its hominid footprints preserved in volcanic ash


suborder of primates including monkeys, humans, and apes

Foramen magnum

the hole in the base of the skull through which the spinal cord passes


type of primate (southeast asia- look like a muppet), nocturnal- early form of primate evolution

Give an example of an extinct Sivapithecus that lived only 300,000 years before present.

Moved into europe and asia- 14 million years ago left africa, Orangutan, inspired the bigfoot legend

What is natural selection and how can it be a mechanism for evolutionary change? Discuss the idea of descent with modification. (You will get this question)

Natural selection is the driving force for evolution because these are the traits that are carried on and all traits are just little differences of the same structure

The earliest known death from a sharp stone point occurred between 45,000 and 35,000 years old ago. What Hominid died from spear attacks


What specific morphological differences are there between Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons(Homo Sapiens)? Where and when might have these two had opportunity to interbreed? Contrast their culture and tool making.

Neanderthals are broad chest/short and stocky and built for cold weather, homo sapiens are built for warm climate and have larger frontal lobes (were neanderthals have larger eyes and and occipital lobes and they also had large noses) when they homo sapiens started to spread out and inhabit their land they likely interbred, they had similar cultures but the homo sapiens were superior tool makers and better at communication and complex thoughts

Idenify this Primate. Note the location of the nostrils.

Old world monkey

Which group New World Monkeys or Old World Monkey more closely resembles the earliest Anthropoids?

Old world monkey

Why did Neanderthals go extinct?

There was a giant volcanic eruption that wilted down both populations, were not as smart as humans, not able to have complex thought 40 thousands years ago- went extinct

What is the relationship between Tree Shrews, Primates, and Dermoptera(Flying Lemurs)?

They all have a common ancestor, purgatorius, found in asia and africa

Which of the following happened to prosimians during the Oligocene Epoch?

They became scarce in most regions.

What are the evidence and the importance of an upright stance in Hominid

They change in the foramen magnum placement and the changes in their pelvis shape, importance is that it reduces heat stress, energy efficient, allows for better vision, frees hands for carrying

What is the relationship between Old World and New World Monkey?

They come from a common ancestor, eosimias, over time they split, New world, south america, parts of asia live in trees, thick tails- act as a 5th arm. Old world, southern europe, africa, asia, found on ground.

When and where did Homo sapiens evolve?

They evolved about 800,000 years ago in Africa

Where and when did the Anthropoids first appear?

They first appeared about 45 million years ago in southeast Africa, higher version of an ape, artopicics

What was the diet of Ardipithecus ramidus -what's the evidence?

They had a mixed diet but ate mostly fruits because they still had large molars, but smaller canines indicate that they now favored less aggressive males

Compare and contrast the teeth and mouth of early horses with Equus.

They had low crowned teeth was a u-shaped muzzle, their teeth were really soft

What is the evidence that Ardipithecus ramidus walked upright and climbed trees?

They had small fingers and thumbs that were chimp like, but their foot was flat which is good walking, their foramen magnum was moving underneath their skull, they had mixed characteristics that were good for both environments

Describe some basic trends in horse evolution (legs, size, mouth, and teeth).

They went from four toed animals that were small with u-shaped mouths and soft teeth/low crowns to slowly standing on one toe, larger and high crowned/hard teeth with a linear muzzle

What is the importance of sea level change and Native Americans?

They were able to travel from Asia to the America because sea level was lower and there was a land bridge between the two continents

What was the role of dogs in the extinction of animals like the Mammoth?

They were our hunting partners and helped us carell the big animals

What were the robust Australopithecines? What was their diet? Did they coexist with H. habilis? Why did they go extinct?

They were plant eaters that coexisted with homo habilis, they were out competed because they had such a narrow diet, 2.6 million years ago, "handyman", did coexist, omnivores, climate change, habilis was not oldest, used tools to kill animals, eating meat has the ability to increase brain size

Examine these feet. What is true about this animal?

This animal could climb trees, and it could walk up right

Describe an early horse like Sifrhippus

This horse was small, like the size of a dog, stood on four toes, browsed, weak teeth and a u-shaped muzzle, could not hide, but due to less forestation they were able to run fast

What is Ardipithecus ramidus? List some of the new discoveries about Ardipithecus ramidus.

This is an animal that is linked to human evolution, indicated a close link to both chimps and humans, indicates bipedality and arboreal living, they also have smaller canines which indicate a movement towards less aggressive males

What is Australopithecus afarensis? Where did they originate?

This was a close link to hominins, it originated in Africa, they were short with long guts indicating a more herbivorous diet

Early Homomids should signs of injuries and disease.


Is this statement true or false. The survival conditions of human evolution werecontinually revised as climate oscillated between arid and moist and between cold and warm


The key feature that distinguishes Homo sapiens from other primates is our __________ whereas Ar. ramidus had a ___________

Unusually large brain ---------- a small brain similar in size to chimpanzees

What would the world be like if this mass extinction did not occur?

Vastly different, reptiles and dinosaurs would still be the dominant group, mammals would not have been able to become the dominant animal on Earth

What were some of the consequences of humans from Asia migrating into North America?

We killed off all the megafauna in North America

Discuss those characteristics that mark the genus Homo. What makes our species predominate force on Earth?

We were tall with short guts, social cooperation, running (hunting and tool makers), big thumb, big butts and long legs, arched foot, hips grew wider and gave us a narrow waist. We could hunt and travel long distances, this was possible because we had strong social cooperation (we were also hairless!)

Does teeth size (canine) and diet affect human evolution?

When we eat high energy foods our brain size was bigger canine size decreased overtime, it shows that we now favored less aggressive males

What is a Glacier?

A huge piece of frozen water

What was different about Ar. ramidus compared to earlier hominids?

Ability to walk upright AND absence of the large projecting canine tooth in males

How did Oldowan and Acheulean tools and tool use differ?

Acheulean: they were used for more complex things Oldowan: these were strictly practical

Ardipithecus lived in ________ and based on their teeth their they had __________________ .

Woodlands -------- an omnivore diet.

When did Homo sapiens first appeared?

about 200,000 years ago.

When and where was Equus domesticated?

about 6000 years ago in central Asia

Which of the following developed some of the characteristics found in early primates, but is not a true primate but a close relation, the Plesiadapids?


Why did Equus become extinct in North America about 10,000 years ago?

Climate change AND hunting by humans

What is the relationship between climate change and evolution?

Climate change is one of the driving forces in evolution, it is because of these changes that natural selection picks specific animals to survive and others to not

What caused the extinction of most the Miocene Apes?

Climate change led to the replacement of forests with woodlands and grasslands

How has life altered the Earth? In other words, what would this world look like if life never evolved?

Completely untouched

Homo sapiens migrated into Neanderthals' territory in Europe when the climate was ___________________.

Cooling. Glaciers were advancing and there was climate instability.

A. afarensis, Lucy's 3.18-million-year-old skeleton has a humanlike hip bone and knee joints coupled with long apelike arms, longer grasping fingers than in humans, and flexible feet. This mixture of skeletal features means that "Lucy" ___________

Could Walk and climb AND Adapted to different environments

What is the relationship between skin color, sun exposure, and vitamin-D uptake?

Dark skin: they needed protection against strong sun (they had a lot of sun exposure meaning they got enough vitamin D) Light Skin: they needed more vitamin D because they lived in climates where there was not a lot of sun exposure, they did not need as much protection against the sun

Of the following which one is not a benefit of Hominins making stone tools?

Decreased the diversity of the diet by increasing the size of the animals killed


any mammal of the group that includes lemurs, lorises, tarsiers, monkeys, apes, humans


archaic humans that became extinct about 40,000 years ago

How many genera of horses exist today?


Sivapithecus used to be considered as early hominids, but have more recently been considered more closely related to what living hominoid?


The only living descendent of the Sivapithecus lineage is ___________.


What is the source of the record of global climate change over the last 6 million years?

Oxygen isotope measurements in foraminifera.

This animal lived about 2.3 to 1.2 million years ago and it grass, tough leaves and stems.


A sharp increase in Hominin brain size over the last 800,000 years, coincided with __________________.

Period of the great worldwide climate fluctuation when planning and problem solving were increasingly important

The earliest hominin species had ______________ diet and they had ______________________.

Plant-based ---- short bodies and long guts

What is albedo?

Earth's reflectivity

It has been hypothesized that Ardipithecus ramidus displayed reproductive crypsis unlike chimpanzees. What is reproductive crypsis, and why is it important for our evolution?

Females did not advertise ovulation and therefore males needed to maintain a pair bond to successfully reproduce.

Adaptations emerge as organisms face the ongoing tests of survival such as:

Finding food, AND avoiding predators, AND attracting mates, AND locating shelter

What is the Przewalski's wild horse?

First domesticated horse, E. caballus.

What characteristics are common to all chordates?

Gill slits, dorsal cord, notochord, tailbone

What happened to the grasses around 7 million years ago?

Grasses changed from a C3 photosynthetic pathway to grasslands consist mostly of C4 photosynthetic pathway.

When and why did horses develop high crowned teeth?

Grazing on the extensive grasslands of during the Miocene (25 to 15 Ma)

What is the Greenhouse effect?

Greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere, heating up Earth's temperatures

What is the current opinion about whether Neanderthals might have interbred with Homosapiens

Highly likely, we all have between 1-4% neanderthal DNA in us

What is the earliest member of the genus Homo? How did this organism differ from its australopithecine ancestors?

Homo Habilis- they had increased brain size this animal used stone tools, they had reduced jaw size and molar size indicating they were omnivorous, strong cognition and were very handy 2.4 billion years ago

This species lived between about 1.89 million and 70,000 years ago. Who is this long-lived species?

Homo erectus

What are the primary differences between H.erectus and H.sapiens?

Homo erectus grew really fast and matured quickly

This species, one of the earliest members of the genus Homo, has a slightly larger braincase and smaller face and teeth than in Australopithecus. This species was thought to represent the first stone-tool maker.

Homo habilis

What is the first hominid that relied on stone tools to obtain food and butcher meat?

Homo habilis

It used fire and used wooden spears, and it was the first early human species to routinely hunt large animals. Who is it?

Homo heidelbergensis

Of the following which species was the best hunter?

Homo heidelbergensis

Which of the follow are considered the most adaptable mammalian species ever to evolve on Earth?

Homo sapiens

Who used these 30,000 - 23,000 years old needles to make cloths?

Homo sapiens

What a primitive Miocene ape, is thought to have been the last common ancestor of the living hominoids?


The Order Primates is divided into which of the following suborders?

Prosimii and Anthropoidea

Describe the ancestor of Primates.

Purgatorius- ancestor to primate, rat looking thing 1st Primates: evolved to live in trees, they were small but ate high energy foods Old World Monkey

What is the Milankovitch theory?

Reasons for the natural change in climate that happen as scheduled periods (Changes Earth's rotation/tilt/wiggle)

What gave the Homo sapiens the edge over Neanderthals?

Homo sapiens lived longer AND Homo sapiens had more reproductive years, thus increasing their fertility potential AND Homo sapiens had more time to acquire specialized knowledge and pass it on to the next generation

How did Neanderthals and modern humans different in the ways they dealt with environmental fluctuation and the survival challenges it poses?

Homo sapiens made specialized tools AND Homo sapiens exchanged goods over a long distance.

Provide a brief history of Equus in North America. Forest and grasslands and changes in the type of grasses.

Horses originated in North America, then went extinct only being reintroduced when Columbus came They moved from forest to grasslands as they started to become bigger and faster, when they moved from more browsing to grazing, during grasslands there was the highest horse diversity, then a decline in Co2 happens and a new form of grass comes which is tougher and has more silica, horses with weak teeth could not grind this type of grass and they died off

What was the cause the extinction of the North American megafauna?


How has mass extinction events influenced the evolutionary path to humans?

If dinos did not become extinct, mammals could not have become the primary land animals

Of the following which one is not a consequence of having a large brain?

Requires a diet of plants

What is the importance of the Fayum Formation?

Largest compilation of human like ancestors ever found, Northeastern europe, obtain a lot of rocks-found entirely in the oilgionce

Idenify this Primate. Note the prominent snout and very large eyes.


Earth's tilt is slowly decreasing today. As it does so, are the polar regions receiving more or less solar radiation in summer? In winter?

Less solar radiate

Describe a typical 100,000 year glacial cycle.

Low levels of CO2, high albedo, high mountain building, cold and dry weather

What conditions led to the ice ages?

Lower CO2 levels and really high albedo and high mt building and changes in the distribution of water currents

What are some of the characteristics that you share with Tiktaalik?

Lungs, hand bones, neck

How did the males of this species interact?

Male fought for access to ovulating female AND Male cooperated AND Female selected their mates

By the end of the Eocene Epoch, cooler climate lead to the extinction of ____________________.

Many prosimian species

Homo erectus grew really fast and matured quickly What event nearly lead to the extinction of Humans?

Massive volcanic eruption in indonesia

As early as 32,000 years ago, our species demonstrate all but the following

Metal working

What can explain the rapid adaptive radiation of mammals at the beginning of the Paleogene?

Right after the cretaceous extinction, There were a bunch of new niches to occupy due to the extinction of the dinosaurs, more mammal diversity

What is the significance of the shape of the pelvic canal in comparison of a modern woman and "Lucy" (Australopithecus afarensis)?

Modern woman have a rounded pelvis and it is very wide to help with the birth of a baby with a large head (brain), shows increase in brain size

What primate features had profound consequences on human evolution?

More muscle activity (needed to eat more) we were naked, we had increased sweat glands and lost a lot of water, we require a lot of resources!

Which of the following statements is true about the New World monkeys?

Most have perhensil tails AND Most live in the forests of Central and South America

What species show the oldest evidence for walking upright, on two legs?


This animal lived 6-7 million years ago. Who is this? Could it walk up-right?

Sahelanthropus ----- Yes

The earliest known hominid is

Sahelanthropus tchadensis

How did sea level change over the last 18,000 years? What caused these changes in sea level?

Sea level has risen due to the melting of the glaciers

What is natural selection and Descent with Modification?

Selecting for traits that are most reproductively successful, caused by small changes in pre existing traits

A Homo erectus adult female died by a disease associated with an overdose of vitamin A. What is the importance of this find?

She ate the livers of large carnivorous animals that concentrate toxic levels of vitamin A AND Homo erectus hunted and ate large carnivorous animals

Compare the two lineages of Miocene Apes represented by Sivapithecus and Dryopithecus?

Sivapithecus: ancestor to the modern orangutan originated in Asia Dryopithecus: origin of gorillas, chimps and us, they originated in Europe

Describe a horse that feeds by browsing?

Small size AND lived in forests AND short crowned teeth

Members of the Lorisoidea (i.e., loris superfamily of prosimians) live in which of the following areas?

Southeast Asia and tropical, central Africa

Under What Climatic Conditions Do Glaciers Advance? Hint-Summer And Winter Conditions.


Idenify this Primate. Which of the following is a large rat-size Southeast Asian Island primate that has enormous eyes and can rotate its head nearly 180°? It is also carnivorous.


Genetic data confirms that our closest living relative is _____________ and that we shared a common ancestor about ____________ .

The Chimpanzee ------------ 6 million years ago.

What are causes of the long term (millions of years) swings between hothouse and icehouse conditions?

The constant shift of life on Earth causes the CO2 levels and methane levels to constantly be different, as well as Earth's track around the sun will cause many changes in CO2 levels Ice house- lots of albedo (dryer climates)

Describe the changes to horses legs over last 55 million years of evolution.

The legs became longer and they moved from standing on four toes like a dog to one toe, legs moved to under the body Sifrhippus- small Mesohippus- larger Parahippus- moves to standing on one toe Pliohippus- faster Equus- modern horse

How do we know Sahelanthropus walked upright?

The poisition of the foramen magnum on the underside of the cranium which indicates that the head was held upright.

When were horses reintroduced to North America?


Oldowan tool

2.6 million years ago up until 1.7 million years ago, used by ancient hominids across much of Africa, South Asia, the Middle East and Europe

The earliest primates evolved about _____________ years ago.

50-55 million

The first ape, Proconsul, evolved in ______________, but _____________ was the birthplace of the apes that gave rise to the great ape and human clade.

Africa .......... Europe

What are the benefits of social hunting, with tools, and scavenging efforts of later hominins like Homo erectus?

All are benefits

What earlier hominins adaptions helped in the survival of Homo sapiens?

An appetite for a varied diet

Idenify this Primate. Hint: it is closley related to humans.

Ape - Chimpanzee

Of the following who was the best tree climber?

Ardipithecus ramidus

This animal combine tree-climbing and bipedal activity, and lived about 4.4 million years ago. Who is this?

Ardipithecus ramidus

Why does Darwinian evolution alone no longer govern human development and survival?

Because we have culture and learning, we are able to share information, fighting natural selection

This animal lived between 3.85 and 2.95 million years ago in Eastern Africa. This animal had a powerful chest and strong upper arm muscles necessary for tree climbing and an upright body and stride for walking.

Australopithecus afarensis

What is this animal? And what was their diet?

Australopithecus afarensis ---- plant-based diet, including leaves, fruit, seeds, roots, nuts.

Early Hominins such as ________________ lived in _______ environments.

Australopithecus and Ardipithecus ----- diverse

What South African species is the closest ancestor to the genus Homo?

Australopithecus sediba

Why does Earth have seasons?

Because Earth is on an axis

Can you speculate why the dog the is most similar to the native Carolina Dog is found in Asia on a small island off the west coast of Korea?

Because the continents were once all attached

Why did C4 grasses replace C3 grasses? What was the effect of this change on the evolution of horses?

Because there was a rapid decrease in CO2 and the grass adapted to a drier and colder environment, this caused on the genus equus to survive, C4- hot, dry environment, C3 better in open grassland environment- changes in horses teeth, horses that did not have enamel died off due to tooth decay and inability to eat C4 grasses

Why did more North American megafauna go extinction compared to animals living in Asia and Africa?

Because they were not use to humans therefore they were not scared of us and they were easily hunted this way

Why did mammal survive the Cretaceous Extinction?

Because they were small and able to burrow and able to survive the extreme climatic shifts, their small size made it easier for them to survive on the food that was left

What is the relationship between Proconsul and Humans?

Because this animal survived we were able to evolve, type of primate, miocene, common ancestors- great apes, humans, gibbons. Ancestor to chimpanzees

Charles Darwin

English naturalist, geologist and biologist, best known for his contributions to the science of evolution

Both Dryopithecus and Sivapithecus lineages are rooted in ______________, but ___________ migrated to Africa and ____________ migrated to Asia.

Europe --------- Dryopithecus -------Sivapithecus

Be able to describe the general characteristics of Australopithecines, when they lived, and their place in the evolution of humans?

Found about 4 mya, this was a mixture of chimp and human characteristics, but there was sexual dimorphism, shorter legs that were not well suited for long travel, expanding world though she had human-like hips and was fully upright, she was able to move around in a diverse environment because she still had long arms with flexible feet but trackways show that they walked like modern human Brain size of a chimp but the bipedality of a human

Like modern apes, Dryopithecus and Sivapithecus ate

Fruits and nuts

What in the relationship of CO2 and global atmospheric temperatures?

In times where there are higher CO2 levels the Earth is warmer and vise versa

What was the diet of this animal?

It ate plants and nuts

How did climate change affect the evolution of horses?

It changed the grass from C3 to C4 and this made many horses go extinct because they did not have the right teeth to grind this tougher grass

Why is the reduction in the size of canine teeth significant in Ardipithecus ramidus ?

It indicates that females preferred less-aggressive male behavior.

How did tectonic plate movement cause the isolation of Antarctica? What were the climatic consequences of the isolation of Antarctica?

It separated Antarctica from the other continents and changed the flow of the ocean currents, causing the earth to drastically cool

What is so special about the Laetoli trackway?

It showed that A. afarnesis walked up-right.

Idenify this Primate.

New World Monkey

Idenify this Primate. HINT: note the size of the animals.

New world monkey

Contrast the notions of ecological replacement and displacement. Did mammals outcompete the dinosaurs?

No, they were simply able to survive and then replaced them as the dominant force on Earth (mammals were very small), more diversity after time

If Ardipithecus ramidus females were to place in an ad in females would say that they preferred

Nonaggressive and cooperative males AND males that provide food (vested provisioning) in exchange for sex

On what continent did Equus evolve?

North America


a primate of a group that includes humans, their fossil ancestors, and the anthropoid apes

What was the diet of primitive Eocene through early Miocene (between 55 and 20 My) horses?

browsing on soft, leafy vegetation

Ischial callosities are ___________ and they are found in ___________________

callous pads on the buttocks +++++++++ male and female old world monkey

Ischial callosities

callous pads on the buttocks that are found in old world monkeys

C3 and C4 grasses

classifications of how plants capture carbon dioxide during photosynthesis, all have c3, c4 is for species in the wet and dry tropics

La Brea Tar Pits

huge oil pits that turn into tarr (see the disappearance of the megafauna through the time scale)

The sifakas of Madagascar are known for their unusual ability to:

jump more than 30 feet (9 m.) from tree to tree

Dryopithecus skull resembles that of a __________ chimpanzee and they are ancestor to _______________.

juvenile ------ African apes and humans.

Rift valley

linear shaped lowland between mountain ranges, on divergent plate boundary

Primates have:

long gestation periods for animals of their size

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