Geography 101 Exam 2 Review

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what is the average environmental lapse rate?

6.5 degrees c/1000m

T or F: air moves from low pressure to high pressure

F high to low

why does the adiabatic rate of cooling change when condensation begins? why is the adiabatic rate not a constant figure?

because the amount of latent heat released depends on the quantity of moisture in the air and....

what precipitation takes place in warm clouds


what are four ways that humans have attempted to alter precipitation patterns?

cloud seeding, fog dispersal, hail suppression, and frost prevention

which air parcel will hold more water vapor, cold or warm?


explain why a cold, dry air mass produces a higher surface pressure than a warm, humid air mass

cold air has a higher pressure than warm air and dry air is heavier than moist air. Moist air has a lower pressure.

absolute stability occurs when a parcel of air is warmer or colder than the environment?


what precipitation takes place in cool clouds


what is the level at which clouds form called?

condensation level


conditional instability

compare convergence and divergence

convergence is winds blowing into a region, air piles up and rises, surface pressure increases. divergence is wind blowing out of a region and pressure decreases

does collusion coalescence occur in warm clouds or cool clouds?


what type of cloud is associated with thunderstorms


what type of clouds is associated with an anvil top that is composed of cirrus clouds?


what would a highly vertically developed rain producing cloud called


absolute instability produces what type of clouds?


the increase in temperature with height is called________

decrease lapse rate

if air is converging at the surface, what is doing aloft?


at what rate does unsaturated air cool when it rises through the atmosphere?

dry adiabatic lapse rate 10C/1000m

clouds are typically seeded with what type of substance?

dry ice and silver iodide

what types of fog is common in early fall, and can commonly be seen in or around pools and lakes?

evaporation (steam) fog

clouds are named based on what two criteria?

form and height

what are the units for the mixing ratio calculation?


where and why do we change form the DALR to WALF

goes from being unsaturated to saturated

what are the units of absolute humidity?



high clouds

what type of weather is associated with high pressure and low pressure?

high pressure is nice weather and low pressure is rainy or snowy weather

cold air=_______pressure



horizontal, may be layered (stable) low

does pressure increase or decrease with altitude?


why is the mixing ratio rarely used in forecasting?

it is very hard to calculate by direct sampling

the decrease in temperature with height is called ________

lapse rate

when the atmosphere is stable it will resist vertical movement, sometimes these parcels are forced aloft, what causes this?

lifting mechanisms

what is the difference between low pressure and high pressure?

low pressure air is left behind when air rises and upward moving air doesn't press down hard on the surface, and high pressure air is sinking down air and pushing hard on the surface

warm air=_______pressure




what are the three units used to measure atmospheric pressure?

millibars, inches of mercury, and hectopascals (hPa)

________ and ________ cause the relative humidity to change

moisture content and temperature

what is graupel?

occurs when ice crystals and supercooled cloud droplets bang into each other becoming a spongy mass of frozen water. contains air packets

what are the 4 mechanisms that cause air to rise?

orographic lifting, frontal wedging, convergence, convection

wind speed and direction are controlled by what three factors

pressure gradient force, coriolis force, and friction

what type of fog is produced for the cooling of land after sunset?

radiation fog (ground fog)


rain producing clouds

absolute instability occurs when a parcel of air is warmer or colder than the environment at all levels


absolute instability occurs when a parcel of air is warmer or colder than the environment?


what are the main two factors that affect atmospheric pressure?

water vapor content and temperature

why is moist air less dense than dry air?

water vapor is a lighter gas

T or F: the mixing ratio is affected by temp. and pressure


T or F: there is a greater evaporation over continents than oceans


how do updrafts help in the formation of precipitation?

-carries smaller cloud droplets up into the cloud while larger droplets stay suspended within the cloud -some of the droplets collide with one another

what are the two precipitation formation processes? which is associated with rainfall and warm air? which is associated with snowfall and cold air?

-collision and coalescense warm air and rainfall -bergeron cold air and snowfall

what are the three types of lapse rates associated with adiabatic temperature change?

-environmental lapse rate, dry adiabatic lapse rate, and wet adiabatic lapse rate

describe each of the four uplift mechanisms

-orographic lifting- air is forced to rise over a mountainous barrier -frontal wedging- warm air is less dense and rides up over cold air, cold air is more dense and wedges underneath warm air -convergence-a pile up of horizontal air flow results in upward movement -convection- unequal surface heating causes localized pockets of air to rise because of their buoyancy

name and describe the six types of fog

-radiation fog- ground starts to get cold and in the morning cools the air touching the ground -valley fog- the valleys slopes are more exposed getting colder faster at night and cold air drainage into the base of the valley -upslope fog- when relatively humid air moves up a gradual slope and with upward movement air expands and cools to dew point -advection fog- warm moist air is sliding horizontally over a cold surface cooling it to dew point. -evaporation (steam) fog- cold air cant hold excess moisture because water is evaporated but then condenses in the cold -precipitation fog-rain falls through air, continuous misting of air that evaporates into air before reaching ground adding moisture to the air and cooling down the air.

understand the temperature profiles for the following types of precipitation: rain, snow, sleet, and freezing rain.

-rain- snow falls into warm air, melts into rain -freezing rain- snow melts, hits the cold air, freezes when it hits something -sleet- snow melts refreezes into sleet as it travels through cold air -snow-falling into cold air, it never melts on way down

the dry adiabatic lapse rate is constant, at ____ degrees c/1000m

10 degrees c/1000m

how big are rain drops relative to cloud drops

100 times

what is the relative humidity when the air is saturated?


what is the standard sea level pressure?

1013.25 mb=1013.25hPa=29.92 in Hg

what causes water to change state? keep in mind the kinetic energy and molecular structure

As water is boiled, kinetic energy causes the hydrogen bonds to break completely and allows water molecules to escape into the air as gas (steam or water vapor). When water freezes, water molecules form a crystalline structure maintained by hydrogen bonding. Solid water, or ice, is less dense than liquid water.

T or F: absolute humidity is commonly used in forecasting




T or F: Relative humidity is a measure of how near the air is to being saturated


T or F: the atmosphere is stable when the environmental lapse rate is less than the wet adiabatic lapse rate.


T or F: the dew point temperature will never be greater than the air temperature


T or F: the majority of freshwater on the planet is found in ice


T or F: the total water vapor in the atmosphere remains constant



vertically developed (unstable)

cirrostratus clouds cause a unique feature around the sun and moon, what is this feature?

a broad layer of air is lifted by convergence

if a raindrop becomes two large, what will occur?

a droplet can become too large and push others out of the way and cause it to break apart again and have to start the process over

why is absolute humidity not used in forecasting?

absolute humidity depends on volume and volume varies from place to place so it is hard to use

what name is given to the process whereby the temperature changes without the addition or subtraction of heat?

adiabatic temperature changes

what kind of fog is formed when warm air moves horizontally over a colder surface

advection fog

what type of fog is associated with horizontal movement of warm moist air across a colder surface?

advection fog- fog in san francisco

what are the two ways that fog can form?

air cooled to dew point or moisture added

how are winds formed?

air moves from high to low pressure

what is virga?

any form of precipitation that does not reach the ground

at what point of the day is relative humidity highest, when is it lowest?

at night it is highest and at midday 2 it is lowest

when is relative humidity highest during a tropical day? When is it lowest?

at night when temps are lowest, it is lowest in mid day when the temp is highest

why is the mixing ratio calculation not affected by changes to pressure and temperature?

because it is measured in units of mass

what type of clouds and precipitation is associated with a stable atmosphere?


the shape of a snowflake is dependent of ________ and ________.

temperature and vapor pressure

what occurs when the air temperature and dew point temperature are equal?

the air is saturated



how is hail formed?

updrafts carry a particle into the colder reaches of a cloud, and the liquid water coats the particle -changes from freezing to melting until it gets big enough to fall out of cloud

why is the wet adiabatic lapse rate highly variable?

varies depending on moisture

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