Geography Chapter 8

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Describe the Climate System E

Polar Climates -Receive little insolation - Less than 10% of the earth -Average temperature is below freezing -No vegetation

Describe the Climate System D

Severe Midlatitude Climates -Between 40-70 degrees North -Long, cold winter -Short, warmish hot summer -Fall and spring as transition periods -Moderate precipitation

Dfa Humid continental

Severe midlatitude climate characterized by hot summers, cold winters, and precipitation throughout the year

Dfc Subarctic

Severe midlatitude climate found in high latitude continental interiors, characterized by very cold winter and an extreme annual temperature range

What are the main differences on controls of subtropical desert and midaltitude desert climates?

Subtropical desert: Subsidence from the STH is stronger and where cool ocean currents provide added stability Midaltitude desert: Develop in the band of the westerlies in locations far removed geographical or blocked oceanic influence by mountain ranges

Why do subarctic climates have such a wide annual temperature range?

Their continental locations remove them from both moisture and temperature moderating effects of the ocean

Why do tropical wet climates receive rain all year, whereas tropical savanna climates receive rain only in the summer?

They are influenced by thermal convection and onshore winds associated with the ITCZ

Describe the Climate System A

Tropical Humid Climates -Winterless -High rainfall -Equatorial region

Af Tropical wet

Tropical humid climate that is wet all year; usually under the influence on the ITCZ all year

Aw Tropical Savanna

Tropical humid climate with a dry winter season and a moderately wet summer season; associated with the seasonal migration of the ITCZ

Am Tropical Monsoon

Tropical humid climate with a pronounced winter dry season and a very wet summer rainy season; associated with monsoon wind pattern

Koppen climate classification system

a climatic classification of the world devised by Wladimir Koppen

BWh Subtropical desert

A hot desert climate; generally found in subtropical latitudes, especially on the western side of continents

What causes the relatively mild temperature of marine west coast climates?

Brought by the onshore flow of the westerlies leads to frequent cloudiness and high proportions of precipitation


Chart showing the average monthly temperature and precipitation for a weather station

BWh Midlatitude desert

Desert climate characterized by warm summers but cold winters

What is the general difference between a desert climate and a steppe climate?

Deserts are extremely arid, while steppes are semiarid

Describe the Climate System B

Dry Climates -30% of the land area -Rare moisture - Subtropical regions -High temperatures

Why do Mediterranean climates have dry summers and wet winters?

Dry summers: subsiding air from the eastern portions of subtropical highs Wet winters: Westerlies with their migratory midlatitude cyclones and associated fronts

In the Koppen climate classification letter code system, what information is given by the first letter, the second letter, and the third letter?

First letter= major climate group Second letter= precipitation patterns Third letter= Temperature patterns

Describe the Climate System H

Highland Climates -Conditions very from different mountainous areas (complex variation) -Seasonality precipitation

Describe the Climate System C

Mild Midlatitudes -Equatorward midlatitude -Not harsh mostly all year -Summers are long and sometimes hot - Winters are short and mild

Cs Mediterranean

Mild midlatitude climate characterized by dry summers and wet winters

Cfa Humid subtropical

Mild midlatitude climate characterized by hot summers and precipitation throughout the year

Marine west coast

Mild midlatitude climate characterized by mild temperatures and precipitation throughout the year

What is meant by the phrase "continentality is a keynote in D climates"?

The remoteness from oceans really affects the severe midlatitude climate

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