Get enterprise features with analytics 360
When to use roll up properties
Combine products, brands, or regions - Roll-up properties provide a broad view of your business across products, brands, or regions by combining data from multiple source properties into a single roll-up property. For example, if you have separate properties for multiple brands that your company owns, you can roll those up to a single property that provides an aggregate look at how those brands perform.
In this module:
Use subproperties and roll-up properties Set up user roles to control feature access for your property Find the differences between standard and Analytics 360 properties
Roll up property
contains data from two or more source properties. It can include source data from ordinary properties, but not other roll up properties
When to use subproperties
data governance - One of the biggest use cases for subproperties is data governance -- controlling what data is included or excluded from a property. Subproperties let you filter data in or out to create the data set needed for a specific audience or use case. This allows for better organization of data, making it more easily accessible to certain audiences. user governance - Another use case for subproperties is for user governance needs. Here's an example: You have strict company policies stating that one region (North America) can see a certain subset of data related to their region, but another region (South America) shouldn't have any access to the data. This is a great use case for a subproperty to restrict data for each region within its own property so there's no access outside the appropriate region.
gets its data from one other property called the source property. The data in the subproperty is typically a subset of the data in its source property
What is analytics 360?
the paid enterprise version of Google Analytics. Let's look at some features that come with Analytics 360 and the key differences between standard properties and 360 properties in Google Analytics 4 (GA4). More flexible account structure - subproperties and roll up properties